예제 #1
void ForestCell::_updateZoning( const SceneZoneSpaceManager *zoneManager )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( ForestCell_UpdateZoning );

   mZoneOverlap.setSize( zoneManager->getNumZones() );
   mIsInteriorOnly = true;

   if ( isLeaf() )
      // Skip empty cells... they don't have valid bounds.
      if ( mItems.empty() )

      Vector<U32> zones;
      zoneManager->findZones( getBounds(), zones );

      for ( U32 i=0; i < zones.size(); i++ )
         // Set overlap bit for zone except it's the outdoor zone.
         if( zones[ i ] != SceneZoneSpaceManager::RootZoneId )
            mZoneOverlap.set( zones[i] );
            mIsInteriorOnly = false;


   for ( U32 i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
      ForestCell *cell = mSubCells[i];
      cell->_updateZoning( zoneManager );
      mZoneOverlap.combineOR( cell->getZoneOverlap() );
      mIsInteriorOnly &= cell->mIsInteriorOnly;
예제 #2
void Forest::prepRenderImage( SceneRenderState *state )

    // TODO: Fix stats.
    ForestCellVector &theCells = mData->getCells();
    smTotalCells += theCells.size();

    // Don't render if we don't have a grid!
    if ( theCells.empty() )
       return false;

    // Prepare to render.
    GFXTransformSaver saver;

    // Figure out the grid range in the viewing area.
    const bool isReflectPass = state->isReflectPass();

    const F32 cullScale = isReflectPass ? mReflectionLodScalar : 1.0f;

    // If we need to update our cached
    // zone state then do it now.
    if ( mZoningDirty )
        mZoningDirty = false;

        Vector<ForestCell*> cells;
        mData->getCells(  &cells );
        for ( U32 i=0; i < cells.size(); i++ )
            cells[i]->_updateZoning( getSceneManager()->getZoneManager() );

    // TODO: Move these into the TSForestItemData as something we
    // setup once and don't do per-instance.

    // Set up the TS render state.
    TSRenderState rdata;
    rdata.setSceneState( state );

    // Use origin sort on all forest elements as
    // its alot cheaper than the bounds sort.
    rdata.setOriginSort( true );

    // We may have some forward lit materials in
    // the forest, so pass down a LightQuery for it.
    LightQuery lightQuery;
    rdata.setLightQuery( &lightQuery );
    Frustum culler = state->getFrustum();

    // Adjust the far distance if the cull scale has changed.
    if ( !mIsEqual( cullScale, 1.0f ) )
        const F32 visFarDist = culler.getFarDist() * cullScale;
        culler.setFarDist( visFarDist );

    Box3F worldBox;

    // Used for debug drawing.
    GFXDrawUtil* drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

    // Go thru the visible cells.
    const Box3F &cullerBounds = culler.getBounds();
    const Point3F &camPos = state->getDiffuseCameraPosition();

    U32 clipMask;
    smAverageItemsPerCell = 0.0f;
    U32 cellsProcessed = 0;
    ForestCell *cell;

    // First get all the top level cells which
    // intersect the frustum.
    Vector<ForestCell*> cellStack;
    mData->getCells( culler, &cellStack );

    // Get the culling zone state.
    const BitVector &zoneState = state->getCullingState().getZoneVisibilityFlags();

    // Now loop till we run out of cells.
    while ( !cellStack.empty() )
        // Pop off the next cell.
        cell = cellStack.last();

        const Box3F &cellBounds = cell->getBounds();

        // If the cell is empty or its bounds is outside the frustum
        // bounds then we have nothing nothing more to do.
        if ( cell->isEmpty() || !cullerBounds.isOverlapped( cellBounds ) )

        // Can we cull this cell entirely?
        clipMask = culler.testPlanes( cellBounds, Frustum::PlaneMaskAll );
        if ( clipMask == -1 )

        // Test cell visibility for interior zones.
        const bool visibleInside = !cell->getZoneOverlap().empty() ? zoneState.testAny( cell->getZoneOverlap() ) : false;

        // Test cell visibility for outdoor zone, but only
        // if we need to.
        bool visibleOutside = false;
        if( !cell->mIsInteriorOnly && !visibleInside )
            U32 outdoorZone = SceneZoneSpaceManager::RootZoneId;
            visibleOutside = !state->getCullingState().isCulled( cellBounds, &outdoorZone, 1 );

        // Skip cell if neither visible indoors nor outdoors.
        if( !visibleInside && !visibleOutside )

        // Update the stats.
        smAverageItemsPerCell += cell->getItems().size();
        //if ( cell->isLeaf() )

        // Get the distance from the camera to the cell bounds.
        F32 dist = cellBounds.getDistanceToPoint( camPos );

        // If the largest item in the cell can be billboarded
        // at the cell distance to the camera... then the whole
        // cell can be billboarded.
        if (  smForceImposters ||
                ( dist > 0.0f && cell->getLargestItem().canBillboard( state, dist ) ) )
            // If imposters are disabled then skip out.
            if ( smDisableImposters )


            // Keep track of how many cells were batched.

            // Ok... everything in this cell should be batched.  First
            // create the batches if we don't have any.
            if ( !cell->hasBatches() )

            //if ( drawCells )
            //mCellRenderFlag[ cellIter - theCells.begin() ] = 1;

            // TODO: Light queries for batches?

            // Now render the batches... we pass the culler if the
            // cell wasn't fully visible so that each batch can be culled.
            smCellItemsBatched += cell->renderBatches( state, clipMask != 0 ? &culler : NULL );

        // If this isn't a leaf then recurse.
        if ( !cell->isLeaf() )
            cell->getChildren( &cellStack );

        // This cell has mixed billboards and mesh based items.


        //if ( drawCells )
        //mCellRenderFlag[ cellIter - theCells.begin() ] = 2;

        // Use the cell bounds as the light query volume.
        // This means all forward lit items in this cell will
        // get the same lights, but it performs much better.
        lightQuery.init( cellBounds );

        // This cell is visible... have it render its items.
        smCellItemsRendered += cell->render( &rdata, clipMask != 0 ? &culler : NULL );

    // Keep track of the average items per cell.
    if ( cellsProcessed > 0 )
        smAverageItemsPerCell /= (F32)cellsProcessed;

    // Got debug drawing to do?
    if ( smDrawCells && state->isDiffusePass() )
        ObjectRenderInst *ri = state->getRenderPass()->allocInst<ObjectRenderInst>();
        ri->renderDelegate.bind( this, &Forest::_renderCellBounds );
        ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Editor;
        state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri );