예제 #1
      static void traverse(scheduler::statement const & statement, scheduler::statement_node const & root_node, Fun const & fun, bool recurse_structurewise_function /* see forwards.h for default argument */){
        bool recurse = recurse_structurewise_function || root_node.op.type_subfamily!=scheduler::OPERATION_FUNCTION_TYPE_SUBFAMILY;


            traverse(statement, statement.array()[root_node.lhs.node_index], fun, recurse_structurewise_function);
          if(root_node.lhs.type_family != scheduler::INVALID_TYPE_FAMILY)
            fun(&statement, &root_node, LHS_NODE_TYPE);

        fun(&statement, &root_node, PARENT_NODE_TYPE);

            traverse(statement, statement.array()[root_node.rhs.node_index], fun, recurse_structurewise_function);
          if(root_node.rhs.type_family != scheduler::INVALID_TYPE_FAMILY)
            fun(&statement, &root_node, RHS_NODE_TYPE);


예제 #2
파일: 2_1_4.cpp 프로젝트: klasdfiz/leetcode
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
	/* code */
	int A[] = {1, 3, 1, 1, 1};
	Fun test;
	cout << test.mySolution(A, 5, 0) << endl;
	return 0;
예제 #3
파일: LSN.cpp 프로젝트: mebrooks/mews
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
	Type sigma=exp(log_sigma);
	Type theta=exp(log_theta);
	Type R0=exp(log_R0);
	Type a=exp(log_a)+Type(1e-4);
	int n1=times.size();
	int n2=2;//mean and variance
	matrix<Type> xdist(n1,n2); //Ex and Vx
	Type m=(a-Type(1))*R0/times(n1-1);
	Type pen; 

	Type nll=0;       
	Fun<Type> F;
	F.setpars(R0, m, theta, sigma);

    CppAD::vector<Type> xi(n2);
	xi[1]=Type(0); //Bottinger's code started variance at 0 for all lsoda calls
	Type ti;
	Type tf;
	for(int i=0; i<n1-1; i++)
		xi[0] = Type(obs[i]);
		xdist.row(i+1) = vector<Type>(CppAD::Runge45(F, 1, ti, tf, xi));
		xdist(i+1,1)=posfun(xdist(i+1,1), Type(1e-3), pen);//to keep the variance positive
		nll-= dnorm(obs[i+1], xdist(i+1,0), sqrt(xdist(i+1,1)), true);
	nll+=pen; //penalty if the variance is near eps
	return nll;
예제 #4
int opt_val_hes(
	const BaseVector&   x     , 
	const BaseVector&   y     , 
	Fun                 fun   , 
	BaseVector&         jac   ,
	BaseVector&         hes   )
{	// determine the base type
	typedef typename BaseVector::value_type Base;

	// check that BaseVector is a SimpleVector class with Base elements
	CheckSimpleVector<Base, BaseVector>();

	// determine the AD vector type
	typedef typename Fun::ad_vector ad_vector;

	// check that ad_vector is a SimpleVector class with AD<Base> elements
	CheckSimpleVector< AD<Base> , ad_vector >();

	// size of the x and y spaces
	size_t n = size_t(x.size());
	size_t m = size_t(y.size());

	// number of terms in the summation
	size_t ell = fun.ell();

	// check size of return values
		size_t(jac.size()) == n || jac.size() == 0,
		"opt_val_hes: size of the vector jac is not equal to n or zero"
		size_t(hes.size()) == n * n || hes.size() == 0,
		"opt_val_hes: size of the vector hes is not equal to n * n or zero"

	// some temporary indices
	size_t i, j, k;

	// AD version of S_k(x, y)
	ad_vector s_k(1);

	// ADFun version of S_k(x, y)
	ADFun<Base> S_k;

	// AD version of x 
	ad_vector a_x(n);

	// AD version of y
	ad_vector a_y(n);

	if( jac.size() > 0  )
	{	// this is the easy part, computing the V^{(1)} (x) which is equal 
		// to \partial_x F (x, y) (see Thoerem 2 of the reference).

		// copy x and y to AD version
		for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
			a_x[j] = x[j];
		for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
			a_y[j] = y[j];

		// initialize summation
		for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
			jac[j] = Base(0.);

		// add in \partial_x S_k (x, y)
		for(k = 0; k < ell; k++)
		{	// start recording
			// record
			s_k[0] = fun.s(k, a_x, a_y);
			// stop recording and store in S_k
			S_k.Dependent(a_x, s_k);
			// compute partial of S_k with respect to x
			BaseVector jac_k = S_k.Jacobian(x);
			// add \partial_x S_k (x, y) to jac
			for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
				jac[j] += jac_k[j];			 
	// check if we are done
	if( hes.size() == 0 )
		return 0;

	In this case, we need to compute the Hessian. Using Theorem 1 of the
		Y^{(1)}(x) = - F_yy (x, y)^{-1} F_yx (x, y)
	Using Theorem 2 of the reference:
		V^{(2)}(x) = F_xx (x, y) + F_xy (x, y)  Y^{(1)}(x) 
	// Base and AD version of xy
	BaseVector xy(n + m);
	ad_vector a_xy(n + m);
	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
		a_xy[j] = xy[j] = x[j]; 
	for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
		a_xy[n+j] = xy[n+j] = y[j]; 

	// Initialization summation for Hessian of F
	size_t nm_sq = (n + m) * (n + m);
	BaseVector F_hes(nm_sq);
	for(j = 0; j < nm_sq; j++)
		F_hes[j] = Base(0.);
	BaseVector hes_k(nm_sq); 

	// add in Hessian of S_k to hes
	for(k = 0; k < ell; k++)
	{	// start recording
		// split out x
		for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
			a_x[j] = a_xy[j];
		// split out y
		for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
			a_y[j] = a_xy[n+j];
		// record
		s_k[0] = fun.s(k, a_x, a_y);
		// stop recording and store in S_k
		S_k.Dependent(a_xy, s_k);
		// when computing the Hessian it pays to optimize the tape
		// compute Hessian of S_k 
		hes_k = S_k.Hessian(xy, 0);
		// add \partial_x S_k (x, y) to jac
		for(j = 0; j < nm_sq; j++)
			F_hes[j] += hes_k[j];			 
	// Extract F_yx
	BaseVector F_yx(m * n);
	for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
	{	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
			F_yx[i * n + j] = F_hes[ (i+n)*(n+m) + j ];
	// Extract F_yy
	BaseVector F_yy(n * m);
	for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
	{	for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
			F_yy[i * m + j] = F_hes[ (i+n)*(n+m) + j + n ];

	// compute - Y^{(1)}(x) = F_yy (x, y)^{-1} F_yx (x, y)
	BaseVector neg_Y_x(m * n);
	Base logdet;
	int signdet = CppAD::LuSolve(m, n, F_yy, F_yx, neg_Y_x, logdet);
	if( signdet == 0 )
		return signdet;

	// compute hes = F_xx (x, y) + F_xy (x, y)  Y^{(1)}(x) 
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	{	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
		{	hes[i * n + j] = F_hes[ i*(n+m) + j ];
			for(k = 0; k < m; k++)
				hes[i*n+j] -= F_hes[i*(n+m) + k+n] * neg_Y_x[k*n+j];
	return signdet;
예제 #5
Vector Rosen34(
	Fun           &F , 
	size_t         M , 
	const Scalar &ti , 
	const Scalar &tf , 
	const Vector &xi ,
	Vector       &e )

	// check numeric type specifications

	// check simple vector class specifications
	CheckSimpleVector<Scalar, Vector>();

	// Parameters for Shampine's Rosenbrock method
	// are static to avoid recalculation on each call and 
	// do not use Vector to avoid possible memory leak
	static Scalar a[3] = {
		Scalar(3)   / Scalar(5)
	static Scalar b[2 * 2] = {
		Scalar(24)  / Scalar(25),
		Scalar(3)   / Scalar(25)
	static Scalar ct[4] = {
		Scalar(1)   / Scalar(2),
		- Scalar(3) / Scalar(2),
		Scalar(121) / Scalar(50),
		Scalar(29)  / Scalar(250)
	static Scalar cg[3 * 3] = {
		- Scalar(4),
		Scalar(186) / Scalar(25),
		Scalar(6)   / Scalar(5),
		- Scalar(56) / Scalar(125),
		- Scalar(27) / Scalar(125),
		- Scalar(1)  / Scalar(5)
	static Scalar d3[3] = {
		Scalar(97) / Scalar(108),
		Scalar(11) / Scalar(72),
		Scalar(25) / Scalar(216)
	static Scalar d4[4] = {
		Scalar(19)  / Scalar(18),
		Scalar(1)   / Scalar(4),
		Scalar(25)  / Scalar(216),
		Scalar(125) / Scalar(216)
		M >= 1,
		"Error in Rosen34: the number of steps is less than one"
		e.size() == xi.size(),
		"Error in Rosen34: size of e not equal to size of xi"
	size_t i, j, k, l, m;             // indices

	size_t  n    = xi.size();         // number of components in X(t)
	Scalar  ns   = Scalar(double(M)); // number of steps as Scalar object
	Scalar  h    = (tf - ti) / ns;    // step size 
	Scalar  zero = Scalar(0);         // some constants
	Scalar  one  = Scalar(1);
	Scalar  two  = Scalar(2);

	// permutation vectors needed for LU factorization routine
	CppAD::vector<size_t> ip(n), jp(n);

	// vectors used to store values returned by F
	Vector E(n * n), Eg(n), f_t(n);
	Vector g(n * 3), x3(n), x4(n), xf(n), ftmp(n), xtmp(n), nan_vec(n);

	// initialize e = 0, nan_vec = nan
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	{	e[i]       = zero;
		nan_vec[i] = nan(zero);

	xf = xi;           // initialize solution
	for(m = 0; m < M; m++)
	{	// time at beginning of this interval
		Scalar t = ti * (Scalar(int(M - m)) / ns) 
		         + tf * (Scalar(int(m)) / ns);

		// value of x at beginning of this interval
		x3 = x4 = xf;

		// evaluate partial derivatives at beginning of this interval
		F.Ode_ind(t, xf, f_t);
		F.Ode_dep(t, xf, E);    // E = f_x
		if( hasnan(f_t) || hasnan(E) )
		{	e = nan_vec;
			return nan_vec;

		// E = I - f_x * h / 2
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		{	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
				E[i * n + j] = - E[i * n + j] * h / two;
			E[i * n + i] += one;

		// LU factor the matrix E
# ifndef NDEBUG
		int sign = LuFactor(ip, jp, E);
# else
		LuFactor(ip, jp, E);
# endif
			sign != 0,
			"Error in Rosen34: I - f_x * h / 2 not invertible"

		// loop over integration steps
		for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
		{	// set location for next function evaluation
			xtmp = xf; 
			for(l = 0; l < k; l++)
			{	// loop over previous function evaluations
				Scalar bkl = b[(k-1)*2 + l];
				for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
				{	// loop over elements of x
					xtmp[i] += bkl * g[i*3 + l] * h;
			// ftmp = F(t + a[k] * h, xtmp)
			F.Ode(t + a[k] * h, xtmp, ftmp); 
			if( hasnan(ftmp) )
			{	e = nan_vec;
				return nan_vec;

			// Form Eg for this integration step
			for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
				Eg[i] = ftmp[i] + ct[k] * f_t[i] * h;
			for(l = 0; l < k; l++)
			{	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
					Eg[i] += cg[(k-1)*3 + l] * g[i*3 + l];

			// Solve the equation E * g = Eg
			LuInvert(ip, jp, E, Eg);

			// save solution and advance x3, x4
			for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
			{	g[i*3 + k]  = Eg[i];
				x3[i]      += h * d3[k] * Eg[i];
				x4[i]      += h * d4[k] * Eg[i];
		// Form Eg for last update to x4 only
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
			Eg[i] = ftmp[i] + ct[3] * f_t[i] * h;
		for(l = 0; l < 3; l++)
		{	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
				Eg[i] += cg[2*3 + l] * g[i*3 + l];

		// Solve the equation E * g = Eg
		LuInvert(ip, jp, E, Eg);

		// advance x4 and accumulate error bound
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		{	x4[i] += h * d4[3] * Eg[i];

			// cant use abs because cppad.hpp may not be included
			Scalar diff = x4[i] - x3[i];
			if( diff < zero )
				e[i] -= diff;
			else	e[i] += diff;

		// advance xf for this step using x4
		xf = x4;
	return xf;
예제 #6
void BenderQuad(
	const BAvector   &x     , 
	const BAvector   &y     , 
	Fun               fun   , 
	BAvector         &g     ,
	BAvector         &gx    ,
	BAvector         &gxx   )
{	// determine the base type
	typedef typename BAvector::value_type Base;

	// check that BAvector is a SimpleVector class
	CheckSimpleVector<Base, BAvector>();

	// declare the ADvector type
	typedef CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(AD<Base>) ADvector;

	// size of the x and y spaces
	size_t n = size_t(x.size());
	size_t m = size_t(y.size());

	// check the size of gx and gxx
		g.size() == 1,
		"BenderQuad: size of the vector g is not equal to 1"
		size_t(gx.size()) == n,
		"BenderQuad: size of the vector gx is not equal to n"
		size_t(gxx.size()) == n * n,
		"BenderQuad: size of the vector gxx is not equal to n * n"

	// some temporary indices
	size_t i, j;

	// variable versions x
	ADvector vx(n);
	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
		vx[j] = x[j];
	// declare the independent variables

	// evaluate h = H(x, y) 
	ADvector h(m);
	h = fun.h(vx, y);

	// evaluate dy (x) = Newton step as a function of x through h only
	ADvector dy(m);
	dy = fun.dy(x, y, h);

	// variable version of y
	ADvector vy(m);
	for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
		vy[j] = y[j] + dy[j];

	// evaluate G~ (x) = F [ x , y + dy(x) ] 
	ADvector gtilde(1);
	gtilde = fun.f(vx, vy);

	// AD function object that corresponds to G~ (x)
	// We will make heavy use of this tape, so optimize it
	ADFun<Base> Gtilde;
	Gtilde.Dependent(vx, gtilde); 

	// value of G(x)
	g = Gtilde.Forward(0, x);

	// initial forward direction vector as zero
	BAvector dx(n);
	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
		dx[j] = Base(0);

	// weight, first and second order derivative values
	BAvector dg(1), w(1), ddw(2 * n);
	w[0] = 1.;

	// Jacobian and Hessian of G(x) is equal Jacobian and Hessian of Gtilde
	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
	{	// compute partials in x[j] direction
		dx[j] = Base(1);
		dg    = Gtilde.Forward(1, dx);
		gx[j] = dg[0];

		// restore the dx vector to zero
		dx[j] = Base(0);

		// compute second partials w.r.t x[j] and x[l]  for l = 1, n
		ddw = Gtilde.Reverse(2, w);
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
			gxx[ i * n + j ] = ddw[ i * 2 + 1 ];

예제 #7
파일: runge_45.hpp 프로젝트: barak/CppAD-1
Vector Runge45(
	Fun           &F ,
	size_t         M ,
	const Scalar &ti ,
	const Scalar &tf ,
	const Vector &xi ,
	Vector       &e )

	// check numeric type specifications

	// check simple vector class specifications
	CheckSimpleVector<Scalar, Vector>();

	// Cash-Karp parameters for embedded Runge-Kutta method
	// are static to avoid recalculation on each call and
	// do not use Vector to avoid possible memory leak
	static Scalar a[6] = {
		Scalar(1) / Scalar(5),
		Scalar(3) / Scalar(10),
		Scalar(3) / Scalar(5),
		Scalar(7) / Scalar(8)
	static Scalar b[5 * 5] = {
		Scalar(1) / Scalar(5),

		Scalar(3) / Scalar(40),
		Scalar(9) / Scalar(40),

		Scalar(3) / Scalar(10),
		-Scalar(9) / Scalar(10),
		Scalar(6) / Scalar(5),

		-Scalar(11) / Scalar(54),
		Scalar(5) / Scalar(2),
		-Scalar(70) / Scalar(27),
		Scalar(35) / Scalar(27),

		Scalar(1631) / Scalar(55296),
		Scalar(175) / Scalar(512),
		Scalar(575) / Scalar(13824),
		Scalar(44275) / Scalar(110592),
		Scalar(253) / Scalar(4096)
	static Scalar c4[6] = {
		Scalar(2825) / Scalar(27648),
		Scalar(18575) / Scalar(48384),
		Scalar(13525) / Scalar(55296),
		Scalar(277) / Scalar(14336),
		Scalar(1) / Scalar(4),
	static Scalar c5[6] = {
		Scalar(37) / Scalar(378),
		Scalar(250) / Scalar(621),
		Scalar(125) / Scalar(594),
		Scalar(512) / Scalar(1771)

		M >= 1,
		"Error in Runge45: the number of steps is less than one"
		e.size() == xi.size(),
		"Error in Runge45: size of e not equal to size of xi"
	size_t i, j, k, m;              // indices

	size_t  n = xi.size();           // number of components in X(t)
	Scalar  ns = Scalar(int(M));     // number of steps as Scalar object
	Scalar  h = (tf - ti) / ns;      // step size
	Scalar  zero_or_nan = Scalar(0); // zero (nan if Ode returns has a nan)
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)           // initialize e = 0
		e[i] = zero_or_nan;

	// vectors used to store values returned by F
	Vector fh(6 * n), xtmp(n), ftmp(n), x4(n), x5(n), xf(n);

	xf = xi;           // initialize solution
	for(m = 0; m < M; m++)
	{	// time at beginning of this interval
		// (convert to int to avoid MS compiler warning)
		Scalar t = ti * (Scalar(int(M - m)) / ns)
		         + tf * (Scalar(int(m)) / ns);

		// loop over integration steps
		x4 = x5 = xf;   // start x4 and x5 at same point for each step
		for(j = 0; j < 6; j++)
		{	// loop over function evaluations for this step
			xtmp = xf;  // location for next function evaluation
			for(k = 0; k < j; k++)
			{	// loop over previous function evaluations
				Scalar bjk = b[ (j-1) * 5 + k ];
				for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
				{	// loop over elements of x
					xtmp[i] += bjk * fh[i * 6 + k];
			// ftmp = F(t + a[j] * h, xtmp)
			F.Ode(t + a[j] * h, xtmp, ftmp);

			// if ftmp has a nan, set zero_or_nan to nan
			for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
				zero_or_nan *= ftmp[i];

			for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
			{	// loop over elements of x
				Scalar fhi    = ftmp[i] * h;
				fh[i * 6 + j] = fhi;
				x4[i]        += c4[j] * fhi;
				x5[i]        += c5[j] * fhi;
				x5[i]        += zero_or_nan;
		// accumulate error bound
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		{	// cant use abs because cppad.hpp may not be included
			Scalar diff = x5[i] - x4[i];
			e[i] += fabs(diff);
			e[i] += zero_or_nan;

		// advance xf for this step using x5
		xf = x5;
	return xf;
예제 #8
void OdeGear(
	Fun          &F  , 
	size_t        m  ,
	size_t        n  ,
	const Vector &T  , 
	Vector       &X  ,
	Vector       &e  ) 
	// temporary indices
	size_t i, j, k;

	typedef typename Vector::value_type Scalar;

	// check numeric type specifications

	// check simple vector class specifications
	CheckSimpleVector<Scalar, Vector>();

		m >= 1,
		"OdeGear: m is less than one"
		n > 0,
		"OdeGear: n is equal to zero"
		size_t(T.size()) >= (m+1),
		"OdeGear: size of T is not greater than or equal (m+1)"
		size_t(X.size()) >= (m+1) * n,
		"OdeGear: size of X is not greater than or equal (m+1) * n"
	for(j = 0; j < m; j++) CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN(
		T[j] < T[j+1],
		"OdeGear: the array T is not monotone increasing"

	// some constants
	Scalar zero(0);
	Scalar one(1);

	// vectors required by method
	Vector alpha(m + 1);
	Vector beta(m + 1);
	Vector f(n);
	Vector f_x(n * n);
	Vector x_m0(n);
	Vector x_m(n);
	Vector b(n);
	Vector A(n * n);

	// compute alpha[m] 
	alpha[m] = zero;
	for(k = 0; k < m; k++)
		alpha[m] += one / (T[m] - T[k]);

	// compute beta[m-1]
	beta[m-1] = one / (T[m-1] - T[m]);
	for(k = 0; k < m-1; k++)
		beta[m-1] += one / (T[m-1] - T[k]);

	// compute other components of alpha 
	for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
	{	// compute alpha[j]
		alpha[j] = one / (T[j] - T[m]);
		for(k = 0; k < m; k++)
		{	if( k != j )
			{	alpha[j] *= (T[m] - T[k]);
				alpha[j] /= (T[j] - T[k]);

	// compute other components of beta 
	for(j = 0; j <= m; j++)
	{	if( j != m-1 )
		{	// compute beta[j]
			beta[j] = one / (T[j] - T[m-1]);
			for(k = 0; k <= m; k++)
			{	if( k != j && k != m-1 )
				{	beta[j] *= (T[m-1] - T[k]);
					beta[j] /= (T[j] - T[k]);

	// evaluate f(T[m-1], x_{m-1} )
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		x_m[i] = X[(m-1) * n + i];
	F.Ode(T[m-1], x_m, f);

	// solve for x_m^0
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	{	x_m[i] =  f[i];
		for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
			x_m[i] -= beta[j] * X[j * n + i];
		x_m[i] /= beta[m];
	x_m0 = x_m;

	// evaluate partial w.r.t x of f(T[m], x_m^0)
	F.Ode_dep(T[m], x_m, f_x);

	// compute the matrix A = ( alpha[m] * I - f_x )
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	{	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
			A[i * n + j]  = - f_x[i * n + j];
		A[i * n + i] += alpha[m];

	// LU factor (and overwrite) the matrix A
	int sign;
	CppAD::vector<size_t> ip(n) , jp(n);
	sign = LuFactor(ip, jp, A);
		sign != 0,
		"OdeGear: step size is to large"

	// Iterations of Newton's method
	for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
		// only evaluate f( T[m] , x_m ) keep f_x during iteration
		F.Ode(T[m], x_m, f);

		// b = f + f_x x_m - alpha[0] x_0 - ... - alpha[m-1] x_{m-1}
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		{	b[i]         = f[i];
			for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
				b[i]         -= f_x[i * n + j] * x_m[j];
			for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
				b[i] -= alpha[j] * X[ j * n + i ];
		LuInvert(ip, jp, A, b);
		x_m = b;

	// return estimate for x( t[k] ) and the estimated error bound
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	{	X[m * n + i] = x_m[i];
		e[i]         = x_m[i] - x_m0[i];
		if( e[i] < zero )
			e[i] = - e[i];