예제 #1
파일: PatchMgr.C 프로젝트: Zirkon/dyninst
void PatchMgr::getExitSites(Scope &scope, ExitSites &sites) {
   // All sites in whatever functions we want
   Functions funcs;
   getFuncs(scope, funcs);
   for (Functions::iterator iter = funcs.begin(); iter != funcs.end(); ++iter) {
      const PatchFunction::Blockset &e = (*iter)->exitBlocks();
      for (PatchFunction::Blockset::const_iterator iter2 = e.begin(); iter2 != e.end(); ++iter2) {
         if (!scope.block || (scope.block == *iter2))
            sites.push_back(ExitSite_t(*iter, *iter2));
예제 #2
파일: PatchMgr.C 프로젝트: Zirkon/dyninst
void PatchMgr::getFuncCandidates(Scope &scope, Point::Type types, Candidates &ret) {
   // We can either have a scope of PatchObject and be looking for all
   // the functions it contains, a scope of a Function, or be looking
   // for every single function we know about.
   Functions funcs;
   getFuncs(scope, funcs);

   for (Functions::iterator iter = funcs.begin(); iter != funcs.end(); ++iter) {
      if (types & Point::FuncDuring) ret.push_back(Candidate(Location::Function(*iter), Point::FuncDuring));
      if (types & Point::FuncEntry) ret.push_back(Candidate(Location::EntrySite(*iter, (*iter)->entry(), true), Point::FuncEntry));
예제 #3
파일: PatchMgr.C 프로젝트: Zirkon/dyninst
void PatchMgr::getBlockInstances(Scope &scope, BlockInstances &blocks) {
   Functions funcs;
   getFuncs(scope, funcs);

   for (Functions::iterator iter = funcs.begin(); iter != funcs.end(); ++iter) {
      const PatchFunction::Blockset &b = (*iter)->blocks();
      for (PatchFunction::Blockset::const_iterator iter2 = b.begin(); iter2 != b.end(); ++iter2) {
         // TODO FIXME: make this more efficient to avoid iunnecessary iteration
         if (scope.block && scope.block != *iter2) continue;
         blocks.push_back(BlockInstance(*iter, *iter2));
예제 #4
    // Detect functions that are semantically similar by running multiple iterations of partition_functions().
    void analyze() {
        RTS_Message *m = thread->tracing(TRACE_MISC);
        Functions functions = find_functions(m, thread->get_process());
        PointerDetectors pointers = detect_pointers(m, thread, functions);
        PartitionForest partition;
        while (partition.nlevels()<MAX_ITERATIONS) {
            InputValues inputs = choose_inputs(3, 3);
            size_t level = partition.new_level(inputs);
            m->mesg("%s: fuzz testing %zu function%s at level %zu", name, functions.size(), 1==functions.size()?"":"s", level);
            m->mesg("%s: using these input values:\n%s", name, inputs.toString().c_str());

            if (0==level) {
                partition_functions(m, partition, functions, pointers, inputs, NULL);
            } else {
                const PartitionForest::Vertices &parent_vertices = partition.vertices_at_level(level-1);
                for (PartitionForest::Vertices::const_iterator pvi=parent_vertices.begin(); pvi!=parent_vertices.end(); ++pvi) {
                    PartitionForest::Vertex *parent_vertex = *pvi;
                    if (parent_vertex->functions.size()>MAX_SIMSET_SIZE)
                        partition_functions(m, partition, parent_vertex->functions, pointers, inputs, parent_vertex);

            // If the new level doesn't contain any vertices then we must not have needed to repartition anything and we're all
            // done.
            if (partition.vertices_at_level(level).empty())

        m->mesg("%s: The entire partition forest follows...", name);
        m->mesg("%s", StringUtility::prefixLines(partition.toString(), std::string(name)+": ").c_str());

        m->mesg("%s: Final function similarity sets are:", name);
        PartitionForest::Vertices leaves = partition.get_leaves();
        size_t setno=0;
        for (PartitionForest::Vertices::iterator vi=leaves.begin(); vi!=leaves.end(); ++vi, ++setno) {
            PartitionForest::Vertex *leaf = *vi;
            const Functions &functions = leaf->get_functions();
            m->mesg("%s:   set #%zu at level %zu has %zu function%s:",
                    name, setno, leaf->get_level(), functions.size(), 1==functions.size()?"":"s");
            for (Functions::const_iterator fi=functions.begin(); fi!=functions.end(); ++fi)
                m->mesg("%s:     0x%08"PRIx64" <%s>", name, (*fi)->get_entry_va(), (*fi)->get_name().c_str());

        m->mesg("%s: dumping final similarity sets to clones.sql", name);
        partition.dump("clones.sql", "NO_USER", "NO_PASSWD");
예제 #5
파일: PatchMgr.C 프로젝트: Zirkon/dyninst
void PatchMgr::getInsnInstances(Scope &scope, InsnInstances &insns) {
   Functions funcs;
   getFuncs(scope, funcs);

   for (Functions::iterator iter = funcs.begin(); iter != funcs.end(); ++iter) {
      const PatchFunction::Blockset &b = (*iter)->blocks();
      for (PatchFunction::Blockset::const_iterator iter2 = b.begin(); iter2 != b.end(); ++iter2) {
         // TODO FIXME: make this more efficient to avoid iunnecessary iteration
         if (scope.block && scope.block != *iter2) continue;
         PatchBlock::Insns i;
         for (PatchBlock::Insns::iterator iter3 = i.begin(); iter3 != i.end(); ++iter3) {
            insns.push_back(InsnInstance(*iter, InsnLoc_t(*iter2, iter3->first, iter3->second)));
예제 #6
    // Run each function from the specified set of functions in order to produce an output set for each function.  Then insert
    // the functions into the bottom of the specified PartitionForest.  This runs one iteration of partitioning.
    void partition_functions(RTS_Message *m, PartitionForest &partition,
                             const Functions &functions, PointerDetectors &pointers,
                             InputValues &inputs, PartitionForest::Vertex *parent) {
        for (Functions::const_iterator fi=functions.begin(); fi!=functions.end(); ++fi) {
            PointerDetectors::iterator ip = pointers.find(*fi);
            CloneDetection::Outputs<RSIM_SEMANTICS_VTYPE> *outputs = fuzz_test(*fi, inputs, ip->second);
#if 1 /*DEBUGGING [Robb Matzke 2013-01-14]*/
            std::ostringstream output_values_str;
            OutputValues output_values = outputs->get_values();
            for (OutputValues::iterator ovi=output_values.begin(); ovi!=output_values.end(); ++ovi)
                output_values_str <<" " <<*ovi;
            m->mesg("%s: function output values are {%s }", name, output_values_str.str().c_str());
            partition.insert(*fi, output_values, parent);
예제 #7
    ScriptingService::Functions  ScriptingService::loadFunctions( const string& code, const string& filename, bool mrethrow )

      Logger::In in("ScriptingService::loadFunctions");
      Parser p;
      Functions exec;
      Functions ret;
      try {
          Logger::log() << Logger::Info << "Parsing file "<<filename << Logger::endl;
          ret = p.parseFunction(code, mowner, filename);
      catch( const file_parse_exception& exc )
              Logger::log() << Logger::Error << filename<<" :"<< exc.what() << Logger::endl;
              if ( mrethrow )
              return Functions();
      if ( ret.empty() )
              Logger::log() << Logger::Debug << "No Functions executed from "<< filename << Logger::endl;
              Logger::log() << Logger::Info << filename <<" : Successfully parsed." << Logger::endl;
              return Functions();
          } else {
              // Load all listed functions in the TaskContext's Processor:
              for( Parser::ParsedFunctions::iterator it = ret.begin(); it != ret.end(); ++it) {
                  Logger::log() << "Queueing Function "<< (*it)->getName() << Logger::endl;
                  if ( mowner->engine()->runFunction( it->get() ) == false) {
                      Logger::log() << Logger::Error << "Could not run Function '"<< (*it)->getName() <<"' :" << Logger::nl;
                      Logger::log() << "Processor not accepting or function queue is full." << Logger::endl;
                  } else
                      exec.push_back( *it ); // is being executed.
      return exec;

예제 #8
    PointerDetectors detect_pointers(RTS_Message *m, RSIM_Thread *thread, const Functions &functions) {
        // Choose an SMT solver. This is completely optional.  Pointer detection still seems to work fairly well (and much,
        // much faster) without an SMT solver.
        SMTSolver *solver = NULL;
#if 0   // optional code
        if (YicesSolver::available_linkage())
            solver = new YicesSolver;
        PointerDetectors retval;
        CloneDetection::InstructionProvidor *insn_providor = new CloneDetection::InstructionProvidor(thread->get_process());
        for (Functions::iterator fi=functions.begin(); fi!=functions.end(); ++fi) {
            m->mesg("%s: performing pointer detection analysis for \"%s\" at 0x%08"PRIx64,
                    name, (*fi)->get_name().c_str(), (*fi)->get_entry_va());
            CloneDetection::PointerDetector pd(insn_providor, solver);
            pd.initial_state().registers.gpr[x86_gpr_sp] = SYMBOLIC_VALUE<32>(thread->policy.INITIAL_STACK);
            pd.initial_state().registers.gpr[x86_gpr_bp] = SYMBOLIC_VALUE<32>(thread->policy.INITIAL_STACK);
            retval.insert(std::make_pair(*fi, pd));
#if 1 /*DEBUGGING [Robb P. Matzke 2013-01-24]*/
            if (m->get_file()) {
                const CloneDetection::PointerDetector::Pointers plist = pd.get_pointers();
                for (CloneDetection::PointerDetector::Pointers::const_iterator pi=plist.begin(); pi!=plist.end(); ++pi) {
                    std::ostringstream ss;
                    if (pi->type & BinaryAnalysis::PointerAnalysis::DATA_PTR)
                        ss <<"data ";
                    if (pi->type & BinaryAnalysis::PointerAnalysis::CODE_PTR)
                        ss <<"code ";
                    ss <<"pointer at " <<pi->address;
                    m->mesg("   %s", ss.str().c_str());
        return retval;
예제 #9
  double kantorovich (const T &densityT,
		      const Functions &densityF,
		      const Matrix &X,
		      const Vector &weights,
		      Vector &g,
		      SparseMatrix &h)
    typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel K;
    typedef CGAL::Polygon_2<K> Polygon;
    typedef K::FT FT;
    typedef CGAL::Regular_triangulation_filtered_traits_2<K> RT_Traits;
    typedef CGAL::Regular_triangulation_vertex_base_2<RT_Traits> Vbase;
    typedef CGAL::Triangulation_vertex_base_with_info_2
      <size_t, RT_Traits, Vbase> Vb;
    typedef CGAL::Regular_triangulation_face_base_2<RT_Traits> Cb;
    typedef CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_2<Vb,Cb> Tds;
    typedef CGAL::Regular_triangulation_2<RT_Traits, Tds> RT;

    typedef RT::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle_RT;
    typedef RT::Weighted_point Weighted_point;
    typedef typename CGAL::Point_2<K> Point;
    size_t N = X.rows();
    assert(weights.rows() == N);
    assert(weights.cols() == 1);
    assert(X.cols() == 2);
    // insert points with indices in the regular triangulation
    std::vector<std::pair<Weighted_point,size_t> > Xw(N);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
      Xw[i] = std::make_pair(Weighted_point(Point(X(i,0), X(i,1)),
					    weights(i)), i);
    RT dt (Xw.begin(), Xw.end());
    dt.infinite_vertex()->info() = -1;
    // compute the quadratic part
    typedef MA::Voronoi_intersection_traits<K> Traits;
    typedef typename MA::Tri_intersector<T,RT,Traits> Tri_isector;  
    typedef typename Tri_isector::Pgon Pgon;
    typedef Eigen::Triplet<FT> Triplet;
    std::vector<Triplet> htri;
    FT total(0), fval(0), total_area(0);
    g = Vector::Zero(N);

       [&] (const Pgon &pgon,
	    typename T::Face_handle f,
	    Vertex_handle_RT v)
	 Tri_isector isector;

	 Polygon p;
	 std::vector<Vertex_handle_RT> adj;
	 for (size_t i = 0; i < pgon.size(); ++i)
             size_t ii = (i==0)?(pgon.size()-1):(i-1);
	     //size_t ii = (i+1)%pgon.size();
	     p.push_back(isector.vertex_to_point(pgon[i], pgon[ii]));
	     adj.push_back((pgon[i].type == Tri_isector::EDGE_DT) ?
			   pgon[i].edge_dt.second : 0);

	 size_t idv = v->info();
	 auto fit = densityF.find(f);
	 assert(fit != densityF.end());
	 auto fv = fit->second; // function to integrate 
	 // compute hessian
	 for (size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i)
	     if (adj[i] == 0)
	     Vertex_handle_RT w = adj[i];
	     size_t idw = w->info();
	     FT r = MA::integrate_1<FT>(p.edge(i), fv);
	     FT d = 2*sqrt(CGAL::squared_distance(v->point(),
	     htri.push_back(Triplet(idv, idw, -r/d));
	     htri.push_back(Triplet(idv, idv, +r/d));
	 // compute value and gradient
	 FT warea = MA::integrate_1<FT>(p, FT(0), fv);
	 FT intg = MA::integrate_3<FT>(p, FT(0), [&](Point p)
					 return fv(p) * 
	 fval = fval + warea * weights[idv] - intg; 
	 g[idv] = g[idv] + warea;
	 total += warea;
         total_area += p.area();
    h = SparseMatrix(N,N);
    h.setFromTriplets(htri.begin(), htri.end());
    return fval;