예제 #1
int NASReader::IsAttributeElement( const char *pszElement )

    if( m_poState->m_poFeature == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    GMLFeatureClass *poClass = m_poState->m_poFeature->GetClass();

    // If the schema is not yet locked, then any simple element
    // is potentially an attribute.
    if( !poClass->IsSchemaLocked() )
        return TRUE;

    // Otherwise build the path to this element into a single string
    // and compare against known attributes.
    CPLString osElemPath;

    if( m_poState->m_nPathLength == 0 )
        osElemPath = pszElement;
        osElemPath = m_poState->m_pszPath;
        osElemPath += "|";
        osElemPath += pszElement;

    for( int i = 0; i < poClass->GetPropertyCount(); i++ )
        if( EQUAL(poClass->GetProperty(i)->GetSrcElement(),osElemPath) )
            return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
예제 #2
int GMLReader::SaveClasses( const char *pszFile )

    // Add logic later to determine reasonable default schema file. 
    if( pszFile == NULL )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create in memory schema tree.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psRoot;

    psRoot = CPLCreateXMLNode( NULL, CXT_Element, "GMLFeatureClassList" );

    for( int iClass = 0; iClass < GetClassCount(); iClass++ )
        GMLFeatureClass *poClass = GetClass( iClass );
        CPLAddXMLChild( psRoot, poClass->SerializeToXML() );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Serialize to disk.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    FILE        *fp;
    int         bSuccess = TRUE;
    char        *pszWholeText = CPLSerializeXMLTree( psRoot );
    CPLDestroyXMLNode( psRoot );
    fp = VSIFOpen( pszFile, "wb" );
    if( fp == NULL )
        bSuccess = FALSE;
    else if( VSIFWrite( pszWholeText, strlen(pszWholeText), 1, fp ) != 1 )
        bSuccess = FALSE;
        VSIFClose( fp );

    CPLFree( pszWholeText );

    return bSuccess;
예제 #3
int GMLReader::IsAttributeElement( const char *pszElement )

    if( m_poState->m_poFeature == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    if( m_poState->m_nPathLength > 0 )
        return FALSE;

    GMLFeatureClass *poClass = m_poState->m_poFeature->GetClass();

    if( !poClass->IsSchemaLocked() )
        return TRUE;

    for( int i = 0; i < poClass->GetPropertyCount(); i++ )
        if( EQUAL(poClass->GetProperty(i)->GetSrcElement(),pszElement) )
            return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
예제 #4
void GMLReader::SetFeatureProperty( const char *pszElement, 
                                    const char *pszValue )

    GMLFeature *poFeature = GetState()->m_poFeature;

    CPLAssert( poFeature  != NULL );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Does this property exist in the feature class?  If not, add     */
/*      it.                                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GMLFeatureClass *poClass = poFeature->GetClass();
    int      iProperty;

    for( iProperty=0; iProperty < poClass->GetPropertyCount(); iProperty++ )
        if( EQUAL(poClass->GetProperty( iProperty )->GetSrcElement(),
                  pszElement ) )
    if( iProperty == poClass->GetPropertyCount() )
        if( poClass->IsSchemaLocked() )
            CPLDebug("GML","Encountered property missing from class schema.");

        GMLPropertyDefn *poPDefn = new GMLPropertyDefn(pszElement,pszElement);

        if( EQUAL(CPLGetConfigOption( "GML_FIELDTYPES", ""), "ALWAYS_STRING") )
            poPDefn->SetType( GMLPT_String );

        poClass->AddProperty( poPDefn );


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set the property                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFeature->SetProperty( iProperty, pszValue );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we need to update the property type?                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !poClass->IsSchemaLocked() )
        poClass->GetProperty( iProperty )->AnalysePropertyValue(pszValue);
예제 #5
 void gmlUpdateFeatureClasses ( GFSTemplateList *pCC,
                                GMLReader *pReader,
                                int *pbSequentialLayers )
/* updating the FeatureClass list */
    int clIdx;
    for (clIdx = 0; clIdx < pReader->GetClassCount(); clIdx++)
        GMLFeatureClass* poClass = pReader->GetClass( clIdx );
        if (poClass != NULL)
            poClass->SetFeatureCount( 0 );
    int m_bValid = FALSE;
    GFSTemplateItem *pItem = pCC->GetFirst();
    while ( pItem != NULL )
    /* updating Classes */
        GMLFeatureClass* poClass = pReader->GetClass( pItem->GetName() );
        if (poClass != NULL)
            poClass->SetFeatureCount( pItem->GetCount() );
            if ( pItem->GetGeomCount() != 0 && poClass->GetGeometryPropertyCount() == 0 )
                poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn( "", "", wkbUnknown ) );
            m_bValid = TRUE;
        pItem = pItem->GetNext();
    if ( m_bValid == TRUE && pCC->HaveSequentialLayers() == TRUE )
        *pbSequentialLayers = TRUE;
예제 #6
int GMLReader::PrescanForTemplate ()
    int iCount = 0;
    GMLFeature      *poFeature;
    //int bSequentialLayers = TRUE;
    GFSTemplateList *pCC = new GFSTemplateList();

    /* processing GML features */
    while( (poFeature = NextFeature()) != NULL )
        GMLFeatureClass *poClass = poFeature->GetClass();
        const CPLXMLNode* const * papsGeomList = poFeature->GetGeometryList();
        int b_has_geom = FALSE;

        if( papsGeomList != NULL )
            int i = 0;
            const CPLXMLNode *psNode = papsGeomList[i];
            while( psNode != NULL )
                b_has_geom = TRUE;
                psNode = papsGeomList[i];
        pCC->Update( poClass->GetElementName(), b_has_geom );

        delete poFeature;

    gmlUpdateFeatureClasses( pCC, this, &m_bSequentialLayers );
    if ( m_bSequentialLayers == TRUE )
        ReArrangeTemplateClasses( pCC );
    iCount = pCC->GetClassCount();
    delete pCC;
    return iCount > 0;
예제 #7
int GMLReader::PrescanForSchema( int bGetExtents )

    GMLFeature  *poFeature;

    if( m_pszFilename == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    SetClassListLocked( FALSE );

    if( !SetupParser() )
        return FALSE;

    while( (poFeature = NextFeature()) != NULL )
        GMLFeatureClass *poClass = poFeature->GetClass();

        if( poClass->GetFeatureCount() == -1 )
            poClass->SetFeatureCount( 1 );
            poClass->SetFeatureCount( poClass->GetFeatureCount() + 1 );

        if( bGetExtents )
            OGRGeometry *poGeometry = NULL;

            if( poFeature->GetGeometry() != NULL 
                && strlen(poFeature->GetGeometry()) != 0 )
                poGeometry = OGRGeometryFactory::createFromGML( 
                    poFeature->GetGeometry() );

            if( poGeometry != NULL )
                double  dfXMin, dfXMax, dfYMin, dfYMax;
                OGREnvelope sEnvelope;

                poGeometry->getEnvelope( &sEnvelope );
                delete poGeometry;
                if( poClass->GetExtents(&dfXMin, &dfXMax, &dfYMin, &dfYMax) )
                    dfXMin = MIN(dfXMin,sEnvelope.MinX);
                    dfXMax = MAX(dfXMax,sEnvelope.MaxX);
                    dfYMin = MIN(dfYMin,sEnvelope.MinY);
                    dfYMax = MAX(dfYMax,sEnvelope.MaxY);
                    dfXMin = sEnvelope.MinX;
                    dfXMax = sEnvelope.MaxX;
                    dfYMin = sEnvelope.MinY;
                    dfYMax = sEnvelope.MaxY;

                poClass->SetExtents( dfXMin, dfXMax, dfYMin, dfYMax );
#endif /* def SUPPORT_GEOMETRY */
        delete poFeature;


    return GetClassCount() > 0;
예제 #8
int GMLReader::LoadClasses( const char *pszFile )

    // Add logic later to determine reasonable default schema file. 
    if( pszFile == NULL )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Load the raw XML file.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    FILE       *fp;
    int         nLength;
    char        *pszWholeText;

    fp = VSIFOpen( pszFile, "rb" );

    if( fp == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, 
                  "Failed to open file %s.", pszFile );
        return FALSE;

    VSIFSeek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
    nLength = VSIFTell( fp );
    VSIFSeek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET );

    pszWholeText = (char *) VSIMalloc(nLength+1);
    if( pszWholeText == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "Failed to allocate %d byte buffer for %s,\n"
                  "is this really a GMLFeatureClassList file?",
                  nLength, pszFile );
        VSIFClose( fp );
        return FALSE;
    if( VSIFRead( pszWholeText, nLength, 1, fp ) != 1 )
        VSIFree( pszWholeText );
        VSIFClose( fp );
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "Read failed on %s.", pszFile );
        return FALSE;
    pszWholeText[nLength] = '\0';

    VSIFClose( fp );

    if( strstr( pszWholeText, "<GMLFeatureClassList>" ) == NULL )
        VSIFree( pszWholeText );
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "File %s does not contain a GMLFeatureClassList tree.",
                  pszFile );
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Convert to XML parse tree.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psRoot;

    psRoot = CPLParseXMLString( pszWholeText );
    VSIFree( pszWholeText );

    // We assume parser will report errors via CPL.
    if( psRoot == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    if( psRoot->eType != CXT_Element 
        || !EQUAL(psRoot->pszValue,"GMLFeatureClassList") )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "File %s is not a GMLFeatureClassList document.",
                  pszFile );
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Extract feature classes for all definitions found.              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psThis;

    for( psThis = psRoot->psChild; psThis != NULL; psThis = psThis->psNext )
        if( psThis->eType == CXT_Element 
            && EQUAL(psThis->pszValue,"GMLFeatureClass") )
            GMLFeatureClass   *poClass;

            poClass = new GMLFeatureClass();

            if( !poClass->InitializeFromXML( psThis ) )
                delete poClass;
                CPLDestroyXMLNode( psRoot );
                return FALSE;

            poClass->SetSchemaLocked( TRUE );

            AddClass( poClass );

    CPLDestroyXMLNode( psRoot );
    SetClassListLocked( TRUE );

    return TRUE;
예제 #9
GMLFeatureClass* GMLParseFeatureType(CPLXMLNode *psSchemaNode,
                                     const char* pszName,
                                     CPLXMLNode *psComplexType)

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Grab the sequence of extensions greatgrandchild.                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psAttrSeq =
        CPLGetXMLNode( psComplexType,
                        "complexContent.extension.sequence" );

    if( psAttrSeq == NULL )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We are pretty sure this going to be a valid Feature class       */
/*      now, so create it.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GMLFeatureClass *poClass = new GMLFeatureClass( pszName );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Loop over each of the attribute elements being defined for      */
/*      this feature class.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psAttrDef;
    int nAttributeIndex = 0;

    int bGotUnrecognizedType = FALSE;

    for( psAttrDef = psAttrSeq->psChild;
            psAttrDef != NULL;
            psAttrDef = psAttrDef->psNext )
        if( strcmp(psAttrDef->pszValue,"group") == 0 )
            /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */
            delete poClass;
            return NULL;

        if( !EQUAL(psAttrDef->pszValue,"element") )

        /* MapServer WFS writes element type as an attribute of element */
        /* not as a simpleType definition */
        const char* pszType = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "type", NULL );
        const char* pszElementName = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "name", NULL );
        if (pszType != NULL)
            const char* pszStrippedNSType = StripNS(pszType);
            int nWidth = 0, nPrecision = 0;

            GMLPropertyType gmlType = GMLPT_Untyped;
            if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "string") ||
                EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "Character"))
                gmlType = GMLPT_String;
            /* TODO: Would be nice to have a proper date type */
            else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "date") ||
                     EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "dateTime"))
                gmlType = GMLPT_String;
            else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "real") ||
                     EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "double") ||
                     EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "float") ||
                     EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "decimal"))
                gmlType = GMLPT_Real;
            else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "short") ||
                     EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "int") ||
                     EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "integer") ||
                     EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "long"))
                gmlType = GMLPT_Integer;
            else if (strncmp(pszType, "gml:", 4) == 0)
                const AssocNameType* psIter = apsPropertyTypes;
                    if (strncmp(pszType + 4, psIter->pszName, strlen(psIter->pszName)) == 0)
                        if (poClass->GetGeometryAttributeIndex() != -1)
                            CPLDebug("GML", "Geometry field already found ! Ignoring the following ones");
                            poClass->SetGeometryAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex );

                            nAttributeIndex ++;

                    psIter ++;

                if (psIter->pszName == NULL)
                    /* Can be a non geometry gml type */
                    /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */
                    delete poClass;
                    return NULL;

                if (poClass->GetGeometryAttributeIndex() == -1)
                    bGotUnrecognizedType = TRUE;


            /* Integraph stuff */
            else if (strcmp(pszType, "G:Point_MultiPointPropertyType") == 0 ||
                     strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:Point_MultiPointPropertyType") == 0)
                poClass->SetGeometryAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex );

                nAttributeIndex ++;
            else if (strcmp(pszType, "G:LineString_MultiLineStringPropertyType") == 0 ||
                     strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:LineString_MultiLineStringPropertyType") == 0)
                poClass->SetGeometryAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex );

                nAttributeIndex ++;
            else if (strcmp(pszType, "G:Polygon_MultiPolygonPropertyType") == 0 ||
                     strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:Polygon_MultiPolygonPropertyType") == 0 ||
                     strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:Polygon_Surface_MultiSurface_CompositeSurfacePropertyType") == 0)
                poClass->SetGeometryAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex );

                nAttributeIndex ++;

            /* ERDAS Apollo stuff (like in http://apollo.erdas.com/erdas-apollo/vector/WORLDWIDE?SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=DescribeFeatureType&TYPENAME=wfs:cntry98) */
            else if (strcmp(pszType, "wfs:MixedPolygonPropertyType") == 0)
                poClass->SetGeometryAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex );

                nAttributeIndex ++;

                gmlType = GMLPT_Untyped;
                if ( ! LookForSimpleType(psSchemaNode, pszStrippedNSType,
                                         &gmlType, &nWidth, &nPrecision) )
                    /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */
                    delete poClass;
                    return NULL;

            if (pszElementName == NULL)
                pszElementName = "unnamed";
            GMLPropertyDefn *poProp = new GMLPropertyDefn(
                pszElementName, pszElementName );

            poProp->SetType( gmlType );
            poProp->SetAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex );
            poProp->SetWidth( nWidth );
            poProp->SetPrecision( nPrecision );

            if (poClass->AddProperty( poProp ) < 0)
                delete poProp;
                nAttributeIndex ++;


        // For now we skip geometries .. fixup later.
        CPLXMLNode* psSimpleType = CPLGetXMLNode( psAttrDef, "simpleType" );
        if( psSimpleType == NULL )
            const char* pszRef = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "ref", NULL );

            /* FME .xsd */
            if (pszRef != NULL && strncmp(pszRef, "gml:", 4) == 0)
                const AssocNameType* psIter = apsRefTypes;
                    if (strncmp(pszRef + 4, psIter->pszName, strlen(psIter->pszName)) == 0)
                        if (poClass->GetGeometryAttributeIndex() != -1)
                            OGRwkbGeometryType eNewType = psIter->eType;
                            OGRwkbGeometryType eOldType = (OGRwkbGeometryType)poClass->GetGeometryType();
                            if ((eNewType == wkbMultiPoint && eOldType == wkbPoint) ||
                                (eNewType == wkbMultiLineString && eOldType == wkbLineString) ||
                                (eNewType == wkbMultiPolygon && eOldType == wkbPolygon))
                                CPLDebug("GML", "Geometry field already found ! Ignoring the following ones");
                            poClass->SetGeometryAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex );

                            nAttributeIndex ++;


                    psIter ++;

                if (psIter->pszName == NULL)
                    /* Can be a non geometry gml type */
                    /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */
                    delete poClass;
                    return NULL;

                if (poClass->GetGeometryAttributeIndex() == -1)
                    bGotUnrecognizedType = TRUE;


            /* Parse stuff like the following found in :
            <xs:element name="Obj" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
                        <xs:element ref="gml:_Geometry"/>
            CPLXMLNode* psComplexType = GetSingleChildElement( psAttrDef, "complexType" );
            CPLXMLNode* psComplexTypeSequence = GetSingleChildElement( psComplexType, "sequence" );
            CPLXMLNode* psComplexTypeSequenceElement = GetSingleChildElement( psComplexTypeSequence, "element" );

            if( pszElementName != NULL &&
                CheckMinMaxOccursCardinality(psAttrDef) &&
                psComplexTypeSequenceElement != NULL &&
                CheckMinMaxOccursCardinality(psComplexTypeSequence) &&
                strcmp(CPLGetXMLValue( psComplexTypeSequenceElement, "ref", "" ), "gml:_Geometry") == 0 )
                poClass->SetGeometryAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex );

                nAttributeIndex ++;

                /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */
                delete poClass;
                return NULL;

        if (pszElementName == NULL)
            pszElementName = "unnamed";
        GMLPropertyDefn *poProp = new GMLPropertyDefn(
            pszElementName, pszElementName );

        GMLPropertyType eType = GMLPT_Untyped;
        int nWidth = 0, nPrecision = 0;
        GetSimpleTypeProperties(psSimpleType, &eType, &nWidth, &nPrecision);
        poProp->SetType( eType );
        poProp->SetWidth( nWidth );
        poProp->SetPrecision( nPrecision );
        poProp->SetAttributeIndex( nAttributeIndex );

        if (poClass->AddProperty( poProp ) < 0)
            delete poProp;
            nAttributeIndex ++;

    /* Only report wkbNone if we didn't find a known geometry type */
    /* and there were not any unknown types (in case this unknown type */
    /* would be a geometry type) */
    if (poClass->GetGeometryAttributeIndex() == -1 &&

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Class complete, add to reader class list.                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poClass->SetSchemaLocked( TRUE );

    return poClass;
예제 #10
int GMLReader::ReArrangeTemplateClasses ( GFSTemplateList *pCC )
/* rearranging the final FeatureClass list [SEQUENTIAL] */
    int m_nSavedClassCount = GetClassCount();

/* saving the previous FeatureClass list */
    GMLFeatureClass **m_papoSavedClass = (GMLFeatureClass **)
                    CPLMalloc( sizeof(void*) * m_nSavedClassCount );
    int clIdx;
    for (clIdx = 0; clIdx < GetClassCount(); clIdx++)
    /* tranferring any previous FeatureClass */
        m_papoSavedClass[clIdx] = m_papoClass[clIdx];

/* cleaning the previous FeatureClass list */
    SetClassListLocked( FALSE );
    CPLFree( m_papoClass );
    m_nClassCount = 0;
    m_papoClass = NULL;

    GFSTemplateItem *pItem = pCC->GetFirst();
    while ( pItem != NULL )
    * re-inserting any required FeatureClassup
    * accordingly to actual SEQUENTIAL layout
        GMLFeatureClass* poClass = NULL;
        for( int iClass = 0; iClass < m_nSavedClassCount; iClass++ )
            GMLFeatureClass* poItem = m_papoSavedClass[iClass];
            if( EQUAL(poItem->GetName(), pItem->GetName() ))
                poClass = poItem;
        if (poClass != NULL)
            if (poClass->GetFeatureCount() > 0)
                AddClass( poClass );
        pItem = pItem->GetNext();
    SetClassListLocked( TRUE );

/* destroying the saved List and any unused FeatureClass */
    for( int iClass = 0; iClass < m_nSavedClassCount; iClass++ )
        int bUnused = TRUE;
        GMLFeatureClass* poClass = m_papoSavedClass[iClass];
        for( int iClass2 = 0; iClass2 < m_nClassCount; iClass2++ )
            if (m_papoClass[iClass2] == poClass)
                bUnused = FALSE;
        if ( bUnused == TRUE )
            delete poClass;
    CPLFree( m_papoSavedClass );
    return 1;
예제 #11
int GMLReader::ParseXSD( const char *pszFile )

    if( pszFile == NULL )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Load the raw XML file.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psXSDTree = CPLParseXMLFile( pszFile );
    if( psXSDTree == NULL )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Strip off any namespace qualifiers.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLStripXMLNamespace( psXSDTree, NULL, TRUE );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Find <schema> root element.                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psSchemaNode = CPLGetXMLNode( psXSDTree, "=schema" );
    if( psSchemaNode == NULL )
        CPLDestroyXMLNode( psXSDTree );
        return FALSE;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Process each feature class definition.                          */
/* ==================================================================== */
    CPLXMLNode *psThis;
    int         bIsLevel0 = TRUE;

    for( psThis = psSchemaNode->psChild; 
         psThis != NULL; psThis = psThis->psNext )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for <xs:element> node.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( psThis->eType != CXT_Element 
            || !EQUAL(psThis->pszValue,"element") )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check the substitution group.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        const char *pszSubGroup = 

        // Old OGR produced elements for the feature collection.
        if( EQUAL(pszSubGroup, "_FeatureCollection") )

        if( !EQUAL(pszSubGroup, "_Feature") )
            bIsLevel0 = FALSE;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get name                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        const char *pszName;

        pszName = CPLGetXMLValue( psThis, "name", NULL );
        if( pszName == NULL )
            bIsLevel0 = FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get type and verify relationship with name.                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        const char *pszType;

        pszType = CPLGetXMLValue( psThis, "type", NULL );
        if( strstr( pszType, ":" ) != NULL )
            pszType = strstr( pszType, ":" ) + 1; 
        if( pszType == NULL || !EQUALN(pszType,pszName,strlen(pszName)) 
            || !(EQUAL(pszType+strlen(pszName),"_Type") ||
                    EQUAL(pszType+strlen(pszName),"Type")) )
            bIsLevel0 = FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      The very next element should be the corresponding               */
/*      complexType declaration for the element.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        psThis = psThis->psNext;
        while( psThis != NULL && psThis->eType == CXT_Comment )
            psThis = psThis->psNext;

        if( psThis == NULL 
            || psThis->eType != CXT_Element
            || !EQUAL(psThis->pszValue,"complexType") 
            || !EQUAL(CPLGetXMLValue(psThis,"name",""),pszType) )
            bIsLevel0 = FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Grab the sequence of extensions greatgrandchild.                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        CPLXMLNode *psAttrSeq = 
            CPLGetXMLNode( psThis, 
                           "complexContent.extension.sequence" );

        if( psAttrSeq == NULL )
            bIsLevel0 = FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We are pretty sure this going to be a valid Feature class       */
/*      now, so create it.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        GMLFeatureClass *poClass = new GMLFeatureClass( pszName );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Loop over each of the attribute elements being defined for      */
/*      this feature class.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        CPLXMLNode *psAttrDef;

        for( psAttrDef = psAttrSeq->psChild; 
             psAttrDef != NULL; 
             psAttrDef = psAttrDef->psNext )
            if( !EQUAL(psAttrDef->pszValue,"element") )

            // For now we skip geometries .. fixup later.
            if( CPLGetXMLNode( psAttrDef, "simpleType" ) == NULL )

            GMLPropertyDefn *poProp = new GMLPropertyDefn( 
                CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "name", "unnamed" ),
                CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "name", "unnamed" ) );

            const char *pszBase = 
                StripNS( CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, 
                                         "simpleType.restriction.base", "" ));

            if( EQUAL(pszBase,"decimal") )
                poProp->SetType( GMLPT_Real );
                const char *pszWidth = 
                    CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, 
                              "simpleType.restriction.totalDigits.value", "0" );
                const char *pszPrecision = 
                    CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, 
                              "simpleType.restriction.fractionDigits.value", "0" );
                poProp->SetWidth( atoi(pszWidth) );
                poProp->SetPrecision( atoi(pszPrecision) );
            else if( EQUAL(pszBase,"float") 
                     || EQUAL(pszBase,"double") )
                poProp->SetType( GMLPT_Real );

            else if( EQUAL(pszBase,"integer") )
                poProp->SetType( GMLPT_Integer );
                const char *pszWidth = 
                    CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, 
                              "simpleType.restriction.totalDigits.value", "0" );
                poProp->SetWidth( atoi(pszWidth) );

            else if( EQUAL(pszBase,"string") )
                poProp->SetType( GMLPT_String );
                const char *pszWidth = 
                    CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, 
                              "simpleType.restriction.maxLength.value", "0" );
                poProp->SetWidth( atoi(pszWidth) );

                poProp->SetType( GMLPT_Untyped );

            poClass->AddProperty( poProp );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Class complete, add to reader class list.                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        poClass->SetSchemaLocked( TRUE );

        AddClass( poClass );

    CPLDestroyXMLNode( psXSDTree );

    if( m_nClassCount > 0 )
        SetClassListLocked( TRUE );
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;
예제 #12
int NASReader::PrescanForSchema( int bGetExtents )

    GMLFeature  *poFeature;

    if( m_pszFilename == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    SetClassListLocked( FALSE );

    if( !SetupParser() )
        return FALSE;

    while( (poFeature = NextFeature()) != NULL )
        GMLFeatureClass *poClass = poFeature->GetClass();

        if( poClass->GetFeatureCount() == -1 )
            poClass->SetFeatureCount( 1 );
            poClass->SetFeatureCount( poClass->GetFeatureCount() + 1 );

        if( bGetExtents )
            OGRGeometry *poGeometry = NULL;

            if( poFeature->GetGeometry() != NULL 
                && strlen(poFeature->GetGeometry()) != 0 )
                poGeometry = (OGRGeometry *) OGR_G_CreateFromGML( 
                    poFeature->GetGeometry() );

            if( poGeometry != NULL )
                double  dfXMin, dfXMax, dfYMin, dfYMax;
                OGREnvelope sEnvelope;
                OGRwkbGeometryType eGType = (OGRwkbGeometryType) 

                // Merge geometry type into layer.
                if( poClass->GetFeatureCount() == 1 && eGType == wkbUnknown )
                    eGType = wkbNone;

                    (int) OGRMergeGeometryTypes(
                        eGType, poGeometry->getGeometryType() ) );

                // merge extents.
                poGeometry->getEnvelope( &sEnvelope );
                delete poGeometry;
                if( poClass->GetExtents(&dfXMin, &dfXMax, &dfYMin, &dfYMax) )
                    dfXMin = MIN(dfXMin,sEnvelope.MinX);
                    dfXMax = MAX(dfXMax,sEnvelope.MaxX);
                    dfYMin = MIN(dfYMin,sEnvelope.MinY);
                    dfYMax = MAX(dfYMax,sEnvelope.MaxY);
                    dfXMin = sEnvelope.MinX;
                    dfXMax = sEnvelope.MaxX;
                    dfYMin = sEnvelope.MinY;
                    dfYMax = sEnvelope.MaxY;

                poClass->SetExtents( dfXMin, dfXMax, dfYMin, dfYMax );
                if( poClass->GetGeometryType() == (int) wkbUnknown 
                    && poClass->GetFeatureCount() == 1 )
                    poClass->SetGeometryType( wkbNone );
#endif /* def SUPPORT_GEOMETRY */
        delete poFeature;


    return GetClassCount() > 0;
예제 #13
void NASReader::SetFeatureProperty( const char *pszElement, 
                                    const char *pszValue )

    GMLFeature *poFeature = GetState()->m_poFeature;

    CPLAssert( poFeature  != NULL );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Does this property exist in the feature class?  If not, add     */
/*      it.                                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GMLFeatureClass *poClass = poFeature->GetClass();
    int      iProperty;

    for( iProperty=0; iProperty < poClass->GetPropertyCount(); iProperty++ )
        if( EQUAL(poClass->GetProperty( iProperty )->GetSrcElement(),
                  pszElement ) )
    if( iProperty == poClass->GetPropertyCount() )
        if( poClass->IsSchemaLocked() )
            CPLDebug("GML","Encountered property missing from class schema.");

        CPLString osFieldName;
        if( strchr(pszElement,'|') == NULL )
            osFieldName = pszElement;
            osFieldName = strrchr(pszElement,'|') + 1;
            if( poClass->GetPropertyIndex(osFieldName) != -1 )
                osFieldName = pszElement;

        // Does this conflict with an existing property name? 
        while( poClass->GetProperty(osFieldName) != NULL )
            osFieldName += "_";

        GMLPropertyDefn *poPDefn = new GMLPropertyDefn(osFieldName,pszElement);

        if( EQUAL(CPLGetConfigOption( "GML_FIELDTYPES", ""), "ALWAYS_STRING") )
            poPDefn->SetType( GMLPT_String );

        poClass->AddProperty( poPDefn );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set the property                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFeature->SetProperty( iProperty, pszValue );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we need to update the property type?                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !poClass->IsSchemaLocked() )
예제 #14
파일: nasreader.cpp 프로젝트: afarnham/gdal
int NASReader::PrescanForSchema( int bGetExtents )

    GMLFeature  *poFeature;

    if( m_pszFilename == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    SetClassListLocked( FALSE );

    if( !SetupParser() )
        return FALSE;

    std::string osWork;

    while( (poFeature = NextFeature()) != NULL )
        GMLFeatureClass *poClass = poFeature->GetClass();

        if( poClass->GetFeatureCount() == -1 )
            poClass->SetFeatureCount( 1 );
            poClass->SetFeatureCount( poClass->GetFeatureCount() + 1 );

        if( bGetExtents )
            OGRGeometry *poGeometry = NULL;

            const CPLXMLNode* const * papsGeometry = poFeature->GetGeometryList();
            if( papsGeometry[0] != NULL )
                poGeometry = (OGRGeometry*) OGR_G_CreateFromGMLTree(papsGeometry[0]);

            if( poGeometry != NULL )
                double  dfXMin, dfXMax, dfYMin, dfYMax;
                OGREnvelope sEnvelope;
                OGRwkbGeometryType eGType = (OGRwkbGeometryType) 

                // Merge SRSName into layer.
                const char* pszSRSName = GML_ExtractSrsNameFromGeometry(papsGeometry, osWork, FALSE);
//                if (pszSRSName != NULL)
//                    m_bCanUseGlobalSRSName = FALSE;

                // Merge geometry type into layer.
                if( poClass->GetFeatureCount() == 1 && eGType == wkbUnknown )
                    eGType = wkbNone;

                    (int) OGRMergeGeometryTypes(
                        eGType, poGeometry->getGeometryType() ) );

                // merge extents.
                poGeometry->getEnvelope( &sEnvelope );
                delete poGeometry;
                if( poClass->GetExtents(&dfXMin, &dfXMax, &dfYMin, &dfYMax) )
                    dfXMin = MIN(dfXMin,sEnvelope.MinX);
                    dfXMax = MAX(dfXMax,sEnvelope.MaxX);
                    dfYMin = MIN(dfYMin,sEnvelope.MinY);
                    dfYMax = MAX(dfYMax,sEnvelope.MaxY);
                    dfXMin = sEnvelope.MinX;
                    dfXMax = sEnvelope.MaxX;
                    dfYMin = sEnvelope.MinY;
                    dfYMax = sEnvelope.MaxY;

                poClass->SetExtents( dfXMin, dfXMax, dfYMin, dfYMax );
                if( poClass->GetGeometryType() == (int) wkbUnknown 
                    && poClass->GetFeatureCount() == 1 )
                    poClass->SetGeometryType( wkbNone );
#endif /* def SUPPORT_GEOMETRY */
        delete poFeature;


    return GetClassCount() > 0;
예제 #15
파일: nasreader.cpp 프로젝트: afarnham/gdal
void NASReader::SetFeaturePropertyDirectly( const char *pszElement,
                                            char *pszValue )

    GMLFeature *poFeature = GetState()->m_poFeature;

    CPLAssert( poFeature  != NULL );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Does this property exist in the feature class?  If not, add     */
/*      it.                                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GMLFeatureClass *poClass = poFeature->GetClass();
    int      iProperty;

    for( iProperty=0; iProperty < poClass->GetPropertyCount(); iProperty++ )
        if( EQUAL(poClass->GetProperty( iProperty )->GetSrcElement(),
                  pszElement ) )
    if( iProperty == poClass->GetPropertyCount() )
        if( poClass->IsSchemaLocked() )
            CPLDebug("NAS","Encountered property missing from class schema.");

        CPLString osFieldName;
        if( strchr(pszElement,'|') == NULL )
            osFieldName = pszElement;
            osFieldName = strrchr(pszElement,'|') + 1;
            if( poClass->GetPropertyIndex(osFieldName) != -1 )
                osFieldName = pszElement;

        // Does this conflict with an existing property name? 
        while( poClass->GetProperty(osFieldName) != NULL )
            osFieldName += "_";

        GMLPropertyDefn *poPDefn = new GMLPropertyDefn(osFieldName,pszElement);

        if( EQUAL(CPLGetConfigOption( "GML_FIELDTYPES", ""), "ALWAYS_STRING") )
            poPDefn->SetType( GMLPT_String );

        poClass->AddProperty( poPDefn );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We want to handle <lage> specially to ensure it is zero         */
/*      filled, and treated as a string depspite the numeric            */
/*      content. https://trac.wheregroup.com/PostNAS/ticket/9           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( strcmp(poClass->GetProperty(iProperty)->GetName(),"lage") == 0 )
        if( strlen(pszValue) < 5 )
            CPLString osValue = "00000";
            osValue += pszValue;
            poFeature->SetPropertyDirectly( iProperty, CPLStrdup(osValue + osValue.size() - 5) );
            poFeature->SetPropertyDirectly( iProperty, pszValue );

        if( !poClass->IsSchemaLocked() )
            poClass->GetProperty(iProperty)->SetWidth( 5 );
            poClass->GetProperty(iProperty)->SetType( GMLPT_String );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set the property                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFeature->SetPropertyDirectly( iProperty, pszValue );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we need to update the property type?                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !poClass->IsSchemaLocked() )
        // Special handling for punktkennung per NAS #12
        if( strcmp(poClass->GetProperty(iProperty)->GetName(),
                   "punktkennung") == 0)
            poClass->GetProperty(iProperty)->SetWidth( 15 );
            poClass->GetProperty(iProperty)->SetType( GMLPT_String );
        // Special handling for artDerFlurstuecksgrenze per http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/4255
        else if( strcmp(poClass->GetProperty(iProperty)->GetName(),
                   "artDerFlurstuecksgrenze") == 0)
            poClass->GetProperty(iProperty)->SetType( GMLPT_IntegerList );
예제 #16
GMLFeatureClass* GMLParseFeatureType(CPLXMLNode *psSchemaNode,
                                     const char* pszName,
                                     CPLXMLNode *psComplexType)

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Grab the sequence of extensions greatgrandchild.                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psAttrSeq =
        CPLGetXMLNode( psComplexType,
                        "complexContent.extension.sequence" );

    if( psAttrSeq == NULL )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We are pretty sure this going to be a valid Feature class       */
/*      now, so create it.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GMLFeatureClass *poClass = new GMLFeatureClass( pszName );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Loop over each of the attribute elements being defined for      */
/*      this feature class.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nAttributeIndex = 0;

    bool bGotUnrecognizedType = false;

    CPLXMLNode *psAttrDef = psAttrSeq->psChild;
    for( ; psAttrDef != NULL; psAttrDef = psAttrDef->psNext )
        if( strcmp(psAttrDef->pszValue,"group") == 0 )
            /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */
            delete poClass;
            return NULL;

        /* Parse stuff like :
            <xs:element ref="gml:polygonProperty"/>
            <xs:element ref="gml:multiPolygonProperty"/>
        as found in https://downloadagiv.blob.core.windows.net/overstromingsgebieden-en-oeverzones/2014_01/Overstromingsgebieden_en_oeverzones_2014_01_GML.zip
        if( strcmp(psAttrDef->pszValue,"choice") == 0 )
            CPLXMLNode* psChild = psAttrDef->psChild;
            bool bPolygon = false;
            bool bMultiPolygon = false;
            for( ; psChild; psChild = psChild->psNext )
                if( psChild->eType != CXT_Element )
                if( strcmp(psChild->pszValue,"element") == 0 )
                    const char* pszRef = CPLGetXMLValue( psChild, "ref", NULL );
                    if( pszRef != NULL )
                        if( strcmp(pszRef, "gml:polygonProperty") == 0 )
                            bPolygon = true;
                        else if( strcmp(pszRef, "gml:multiPolygonProperty") == 0 )
                            bMultiPolygon = true;
                            delete poClass;
                            return NULL;
                        delete poClass;
                        return NULL;
            if( bPolygon && bMultiPolygon )
                poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn(
                    "", "", wkbMultiPolygon, nAttributeIndex, true ) );

                nAttributeIndex ++;

        if( !EQUAL(psAttrDef->pszValue,"element") )

        /* MapServer WFS writes element type as an attribute of element */
        /* not as a simpleType definition */
        const char* pszType = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "type", NULL );
        const char* pszElementName = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "name", NULL );
        bool bNullable = EQUAL(CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "minOccurs", "1" ), "0");
        const char* pszMaxOccurs = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "maxOccurs", NULL );
        if (pszType != NULL)
            const char* pszStrippedNSType = StripNS(pszType);
            int nWidth = 0, nPrecision = 0;

            GMLPropertyType gmlType = GMLPT_Untyped;
            if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "string") ||
                EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "Character"))
                gmlType = GMLPT_String;
            /* TODO: Would be nice to have a proper date type */
            else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "date") ||
                     EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "dateTime"))
                gmlType = GMLPT_String;
            else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "real") ||
                     EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "double") ||
                     EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "decimal"))
                gmlType = GMLPT_Real;
            else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "float") )
                gmlType = GMLPT_Float;
            else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "int") ||
                     EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "integer"))
                gmlType = GMLPT_Integer;
            else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "long"))
                gmlType = GMLPT_Integer64;
            else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "short") )
                gmlType = GMLPT_Short;
            else if (EQUAL(pszStrippedNSType, "boolean") )
                gmlType = GMLPT_Boolean;
            else if (strcmp(pszType, "gml:FeaturePropertyType") == 0 )
                gmlType = GMLPT_FeatureProperty;
            else if (STARTS_WITH(pszType, "gml:"))
                const AssocNameType* psIter = apsPropertyTypes;
                    if (strncmp(pszType + 4, psIter->pszName, strlen(psIter->pszName)) == 0)
                        OGRwkbGeometryType eType = psIter->eType;

                        /* Look if there's a comment restricting to subclasses */
                        if( psAttrDef->psNext != NULL && psAttrDef->psNext->eType == CXT_Comment )
                            if( strstr(psAttrDef->psNext->pszValue, "restricted to Polygon") )
                                eType = wkbPolygon;
                            else if( strstr(psAttrDef->psNext->pszValue, "restricted to LineString") )
                                eType = wkbLineString;
                            else if( strstr(psAttrDef->psNext->pszValue, "restricted to MultiPolygon") )
                                eType = wkbMultiPolygon;
                            else if( strstr(psAttrDef->psNext->pszValue, "restricted to MultiLineString") )
                                eType = wkbMultiLineString;

                        poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn(
                            pszElementName, pszElementName, eType, nAttributeIndex, bNullable ) );

                        nAttributeIndex ++;


                    psIter ++;

                if (psIter->pszName == NULL)
                    /* Can be a non geometry gml type */
                    /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */
                    delete poClass;
                    return NULL;

                if (poClass->GetGeometryPropertyCount() == 0)
                    bGotUnrecognizedType = true;


            /* Integraph stuff */
            else if (strcmp(pszType, "G:Point_MultiPointPropertyType") == 0 ||
                     strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:Point_MultiPointPropertyType") == 0)
                poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn(
                    pszElementName, pszElementName, wkbMultiPoint, nAttributeIndex,
                    bNullable ) );

                nAttributeIndex ++;
            else if (strcmp(pszType, "G:LineString_MultiLineStringPropertyType") == 0 ||
                     strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:LineString_MultiLineStringPropertyType") == 0)
                poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn(
                    pszElementName, pszElementName, wkbMultiLineString, nAttributeIndex,
                    bNullable ) );

                nAttributeIndex ++;
            else if (strcmp(pszType, "G:Polygon_MultiPolygonPropertyType") == 0 ||
                     strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:Polygon_MultiPolygonPropertyType") == 0 ||
                     strcmp(pszType, "gmgml:Polygon_Surface_MultiSurface_CompositeSurfacePropertyType") == 0)
                poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn(
                    pszElementName, pszElementName, wkbMultiPolygon, nAttributeIndex,
                    bNullable ) );

                nAttributeIndex ++;

            /* ERDAS Apollo stuff (like in http://apollo.erdas.com/erdas-apollo/vector/WORLDWIDE?SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=DescribeFeatureType&TYPENAME=wfs:cntry98) */
            else if (strcmp(pszType, "wfs:MixedPolygonPropertyType") == 0)
                poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn(
                    pszElementName, pszElementName, wkbMultiPolygon, nAttributeIndex,
                    bNullable) );

                nAttributeIndex ++;

                gmlType = GMLPT_Untyped;
                if ( ! LookForSimpleType(psSchemaNode, pszStrippedNSType,
                                         &gmlType, &nWidth, &nPrecision) )
                    /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */
                    delete poClass;
                    return NULL;

            if (pszElementName == NULL)
                pszElementName = "unnamed";
            const char* pszPropertyName = pszElementName;
            if( gmlType == GMLPT_FeatureProperty )
                pszPropertyName = CPLSPrintf("%s_href", pszElementName);
            GMLPropertyDefn *poProp = new GMLPropertyDefn(
                pszPropertyName, pszElementName );

            if( pszMaxOccurs != NULL && strcmp(pszMaxOccurs, "1") != 0 )
                gmlType = GetListTypeFromSingleType(gmlType);

            poProp->SetType( gmlType );
            poProp->SetWidth( nWidth );
            poProp->SetPrecision( nPrecision );
            poProp->SetNullable( bNullable );

            if (poClass->AddProperty( poProp ) < 0)
                delete poProp;
                nAttributeIndex ++;


        // For now we skip geometries .. fixup later.
        CPLXMLNode* psSimpleType = CPLGetXMLNode( psAttrDef, "simpleType" );
        if( psSimpleType == NULL )
            const char* pszRef = CPLGetXMLValue( psAttrDef, "ref", NULL );

            /* FME .xsd */
            if (pszRef != NULL && STARTS_WITH(pszRef, "gml:"))
                const AssocNameType* psIter = apsRefTypes;
                    if (strncmp(pszRef + 4, psIter->pszName, strlen(psIter->pszName)) == 0)
                        if (poClass->GetGeometryPropertyCount() > 0)
                            OGRwkbGeometryType eNewType = psIter->eType;
                            OGRwkbGeometryType eOldType = (OGRwkbGeometryType)poClass->GetGeometryProperty(0)->GetType();
                            if ((eNewType == wkbMultiPoint && eOldType == wkbPoint) ||
                                (eNewType == wkbMultiLineString && eOldType == wkbLineString) ||
                                (eNewType == wkbMultiPolygon && eOldType == wkbPolygon))
                                CPLDebug("GML", "Geometry field already found ! Ignoring the following ones");
                            poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn(
                                pszElementName, pszElementName, psIter->eType, nAttributeIndex, true ) );

                            nAttributeIndex ++;


                    psIter ++;

                if (psIter->pszName == NULL)
                    /* Can be a non geometry gml type */
                    /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */
                    delete poClass;
                    return NULL;

                if (poClass->GetGeometryPropertyCount() == 0)
                    bGotUnrecognizedType = true;


            /* Parse stuff like the following found in :
            <xs:element name="Obj" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
                        <xs:element ref="gml:_Geometry"/>
            CPLXMLNode* l_psComplexType = GetSingleChildElement( psAttrDef, "complexType" );
            CPLXMLNode* psComplexTypeSequence = GetSingleChildElement( l_psComplexType, "sequence" );
            CPLXMLNode* psComplexTypeSequenceElement = GetSingleChildElement( psComplexTypeSequence, "element" );

            if( pszElementName != NULL &&
                CheckMinMaxOccursCardinality(psAttrDef) &&
                psComplexTypeSequenceElement != NULL &&
                CheckMinMaxOccursCardinality(psComplexTypeSequence) &&
                strcmp(CPLGetXMLValue( psComplexTypeSequenceElement, "ref", "" ), "gml:_Geometry") == 0 )
                poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn(
                    pszElementName, pszElementName, wkbUnknown, nAttributeIndex, bNullable ) );

                nAttributeIndex ++;

                /* Too complex schema for us. Aborts parsing */
                delete poClass;
                return NULL;

        if (pszElementName == NULL)
            pszElementName = "unnamed";
        GMLPropertyDefn *poProp = new GMLPropertyDefn(
            pszElementName, pszElementName );

        GMLPropertyType eType = GMLPT_Untyped;
        int nWidth = 0, nPrecision = 0;
        GetSimpleTypeProperties(psSimpleType, &eType, &nWidth, &nPrecision);

        if( pszMaxOccurs != NULL && strcmp(pszMaxOccurs, "1") != 0 )
            eType = GetListTypeFromSingleType(eType);

        poProp->SetType( eType );
        poProp->SetWidth( nWidth );
        poProp->SetPrecision( nPrecision );
        poProp->SetNullable( bNullable );

        if (poClass->AddProperty( poProp ) < 0)
            delete poProp;
            nAttributeIndex ++;

    /* If we have found an unknown types, let's be on the side of caution and */
    /* create a geometry field */
    if( poClass->GetGeometryPropertyCount() == 0 &&
        bGotUnrecognizedType )
        poClass->AddGeometryProperty( new GMLGeometryPropertyDefn( "", "", wkbUnknown, -1, true ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Class complete, add to reader class list.                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poClass->SetSchemaLocked( true );

    return poClass;