void GPSImageDetails::slotApply() { GPSDataContainer newData; if (d->cbCoordinates->isChecked()) { const double lat = d->leLatitude->text().toDouble(); const double lon = d->leLongitude->text().toDouble(); newData.setCoordinates(GeoIface::GeoCoordinates(lat, lon)); if (d->cbAltitude->isChecked()) { const qreal alt = static_cast<qreal>(d->leAltitude->text().toDouble()); newData.setAltitude(alt); } if (d->cbSpeed->isChecked()) { const qreal speed = static_cast<qreal>(d->leSpeed->text().toDouble()); newData.setSpeed(speed); } if (d->cbNSatellites->isChecked()) { const int nSatellites = d->leNSatellites->text().toInt(); newData.setNSatellites(nSatellites); } if (d->cbFixType->isChecked()) { const int fixType = d->comboFixType->itemData(d->comboFixType->currentIndex()).toInt(); newData.setFixType(fixType); } if (d->cbDop->isChecked()) { const qreal dop = static_cast<qreal>(d->leDop->text().toDouble()); newData.setDop(dop); } } GPSImageItem* const gpsItem = d->imageModel->itemFromIndex(d->imageIndex); GPSUndoCommand* const undoCommand = new GPSUndoCommand(); GPSUndoCommand::UndoInfo undoInfo(d->imageIndex); undoInfo.readOldDataFromItem(gpsItem); gpsItem->setGPSData(newData); undoInfo.readNewDataFromItem(gpsItem); undoCommand->addUndoInfo(undoInfo); undoCommand->setText(i18n("Details changed")); emit(signalUndoCommand(undoCommand)); }
bool GPSDataParser::matchDate(const QDateTime& photoDateTime, int maxGapTime, int timeZone, bool interpolate, int interpolationDstTime, GPSDataContainer& gpsData) { // GPS device are sync in time by satelite using GMT time. // If the camera time is different than GMT time, we need to convert it to GMT time // Using the time zone. QDateTime cameraGMTDateTime = photoDateTime.addSecs(timeZone*(-1)); kDebug( 51000 ) << "cameraGMTDateTime: " << cameraGMTDateTime << endl; // We trying to find the right date in the GPS points list. bool findItem = false; int nbSecItem = maxGapTime; int nbSecs; for (GPSDataMap::ConstIterator it = m_GPSDataMap.constBegin(); it != m_GPSDataMap.constEnd(); ++it ) { // Here we check a possible accuracy in seconds between the // Camera GMT time and the GPS device GMT time. nbSecs = abs(cameraGMTDateTime.secsTo( it.key() )); // We tring to find the minimal accuracy. if( nbSecs < maxGapTime && nbSecs < nbSecItem) { gpsData = m_GPSDataMap[it.key()]; findItem = true; nbSecItem = nbSecs; } } if (findItem) return true; // If we can't find it, we will trying to interpolate the GPS point. if (interpolate) { // The interpolate GPS point will be separate by at the maximum of 'interpolationDstTime' // seconds before and after the next and previous real GPS point found. QDateTime prevDateTime = findPrevDate(cameraGMTDateTime, interpolationDstTime); QDateTime nextDateTime = findNextDate(cameraGMTDateTime, interpolationDstTime); if (!nextDateTime.isNull() && !prevDateTime.isNull()) { GPSDataContainer prevGPSPoint = m_GPSDataMap[prevDateTime]; GPSDataContainer nextGPSPoint = m_GPSDataMap[nextDateTime]; double alt1 = prevGPSPoint.altitude(); double lon1 = prevGPSPoint.longitude(); double lat1 = prevGPSPoint.latitude(); uint t1 = prevDateTime.toTime_t(); double alt2 = nextGPSPoint.altitude(); double lon2 = nextGPSPoint.longitude(); double lat2 = nextGPSPoint.latitude(); uint t2 = nextDateTime.toTime_t(); uint tCor = cameraGMTDateTime.toTime_t(); if (tCor-t1 != 0) { gpsData.setAltitude(alt1 + (alt2-alt1) * (tCor-t1)/(t2-t1)); gpsData.setLatitude(lat1 + (lat2-lat1) * (tCor-t1)/(t2-t1)); gpsData.setLongitude(lon1 + (lon2-lon1) * (tCor-t1)/(t2-t1)); gpsData.setInterpolated(true); return true; } } } return false; }