int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  int nt;
  Digraph g;  // graph declaration
  string digraph_steiner_filename;
  DiNodeName vname(g);  // name of graph nodes
  Digraph::NodeMap<double> px(g),py(g);  // xy-coodinates for each node
  Digraph::NodeMap<int> vcolor(g);// color of nodes
  Digraph::ArcMap<int> ecolor(g); // color of edges
  ArcWeight lpvar(g);    // used to obtain the contents of the LP variables
  ArcWeight weight(g);   // edge weights
  Digraph::ArcMap<GRBVar> x(g); // binary variables for each arc
  vector <DiNode> V;
  int seed=0;

  // uncomment one of these lines to change default pdf reader, or insert new one
  //set_pdfreader("open");    // pdf reader for Mac OS X
  //set_pdfreader("xpdf");    // pdf reader for Linux
  //set_pdfreader("evince");  // pdf reader for Linux

  // double cutoff;   // used to prune non promissing branches (of the B&B tree)
  if (argc!=2) {cout<< endl << "Usage: "<< argv[0]<<"  <digraph_steiner_filename>"<< endl << endl;
    cout << "Examples:      " << argv[0] << " gr_berlin52.steiner" << endl;
    cout << "               " << argv[0] << " gr_usa48.steiner" << endl << endl;

  digraph_steiner_filename = argv[1];

  //int time_limit = 3600; // solution must be obtained within time_limit seconds
  GRBEnv env = GRBEnv();
  GRBModel model = GRBModel(env);
  model.getEnv().set(GRB_IntParam_LazyConstraints, 1);
  model.getEnv().set(GRB_IntParam_Seed, seed);
  model.set(GRB_StringAttr_ModelName, "Oriented Steiner Tree with GUROBI"); // prob. name
  model.set(GRB_IntAttr_ModelSense, GRB_MINIMIZE); // is a minimization problem

  Steiner_Instance T(g,vname,px,py,weight,nt,V);
  //for (DiNodeIt v(g);v!=INVALID;++v){ if(v==T.V[0])vcolor[v]=RED; else vcolor[v]=BLUE;}
  //for (int i=1;i<T.nt;i++) vcolor[T.V[i]] = MAGENTA;
  //for (ArcIt e(g); e != INVALID; ++e) ecolor[e] = BLUE;
  //ViewListDigraph(g,vname,px,py,vcolor,ecolor,"Triangulated graph");
  // Generate the binary variables and the objective function
  // Add one binary variable for each edge and set its cost in the objective function
  for (Digraph::ArcIt e(g); e != INVALID; ++e) {
    char name[100];
    x[e] = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, weight[e],GRB_BINARY,name); }
  model.update(); // run update to use model inserted variables
  try {
    //if (time_limit >= 0) model.getEnv().set(GRB_DoubleParam_TimeLimit,time_limit);
    //model.getEnv().set(GRB_DoubleParam_ImproveStartTime,10); //try better sol. aft. 10s
    // if (cutoff > 0) model.getEnv().set(GRB_DoubleParam_Cutoff, cutoff );

    ConnectivityCuts cb = ConnectivityCuts(T , x);
    //model.write("model.lp"); system("cat model.lp");

    double soma=0.0;
    for (DiNodeIt v(g);v!=INVALID;++v) vcolor[v]=BLUE; // all nodes BLUE
    for (int i=0;i<T.nt;i++) vcolor[T.V[i]]=MAGENTA; // change terminals to MAGENTA
    vcolor[T.V[0]]=RED; // change root to RED
    for (Digraph::ArcIt e(g); e!=INVALID; ++e) {
      lpvar[e] = x[e].get(GRB_DoubleAttr_X);
      if (lpvar[e] > 1.0 - EPS) { soma += weight[e]; ecolor[e] = RED; }
      else ecolor[e] = NOCOLOR; }
    cout << "Steiner Tree Value = " << soma << endl;
	"Steiner Tree cost in graph with "+IntToString(T.nnodes)+
	" nodes and "+IntToString(T.nt)+" terminals: "+DoubleToString(soma));
  } catch (...) {cout << "Error during callback..." << endl; }
  return 0;
예제 #2
// ATENÇÃO: Não modifique a assinatura deste método.
bool brach_and_bound999999(TSP_Data_R &tsp, const vector<DNode> &terminais, const vector<DNode> &postos,
                           const DNode source,
                           int delta, int maxTime, vector<DNode> &sol, double &lbound){
    // Converte o TSP direcionado para um nao direcionado com duas arestas
    ListGraph graph;
    EdgeValueMap weights(graph);

    // Adiciona os nos
    for (ListDigraph::NodeIt u(tsp.g); u!=INVALID; ++u)
        Node v = graph.addNode();

    // Adiciona as arestas
    for (ListDigraph::ArcIt ait(tsp.g); ait!=INVALID; ++ait)
        // pega os dois nos incidentes
        Arc a(ait);
        DNode u = tsp.g.source(a);
        DNode v =;

        // cria a mesma aresta no grafo não direcionado
        Node gu = graph.nodeFromId(;
        Node gv = graph.nodeFromId(;

        // insere a aresta no grafo nao direcionado
        Edge e = graph.addEdge(gu, gv);
        // Atribui pesos as arestas
        weights[e] = tsp.weight[a];

    NodeStringMap nodename(graph);
    NodePosMap posicaox(graph);
    NodePosMap posicaoy(graph);

    TSP_Data utsp(graph, nodename, posicaox, posicaoy, weights);

    // utiliza o convertido
    ListGraph::EdgeMap<GRBVar> x(graph);
    GRBEnv env = GRBEnv();
    GRBModel model = GRBModel(env);

    // TODO: [Opcional] Comente a linha abaixo caso não queira inserir cortes durante a execução do B&B
    model.getEnv().set(GRB_IntParam_LazyConstraints, 1);

    model.getEnv().set(GRB_IntParam_Seed, 0);
    model.set(GRB_StringAttr_ModelName, "TSPR - TSP with Refueling"); // name to the problem
    model.set(GRB_IntAttr_ModelSense, GRB_MINIMIZE); // is a minimization problem

    // Add one binary variable for each arc and also sets its cost in the objective function
    for (EdgeIt e(utsp.g); e!=INVALID; ++e) {
        char name[100];
        Edge edge(e);
        unsigned uid =;
        unsigned vid =;

        x[e] = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, utsp.weight[e],GRB_BINARY,name);
    model.update(); // run update to use model inserted variables

    // converte os terminais e os postos
    vector<Node> uterminais;
    for (auto t : terminais)
        unsigned tid =;

    NodeBoolMap upostos(utsp.g, false);
    for (auto p: postos)
        unsigned pid =;
        // upostos.push_back(utsp.g.nodeFromId(pid));
        upostos[utsp.g.nodeFromId(pid)] = true;

    // Adicione restrições abaixo

    // (1) Nós terminais devem ser visitados exatamente uma vez
    for (auto v : uterminais) {
        GRBLinExpr expr = 0;
        for (IncEdgeIt e(utsp.g,v); e!=INVALID; ++e){
            expr += x[e];
        model.addConstr(expr == 2 );

    // (3) Nó source sempre presente no início do caminho
    Node usource = utsp.g.nodeFromId(;
    GRBLinExpr expr = 0;
    for (IncEdgeIt e(utsp.g,usource); e!=INVALID; ++e){
        expr += x[e];
    model.addConstr(expr >= 1 );

    try {
        model.update(); // Process any pending model modifications.
        //if (maxTime >= 0) model.getEnv().set(GRB_DoubleParam_TimeLimit,maxTime);

        subtourelim cb = subtourelim(utsp , x, usource, upostos, delta);

        // TODO: [Opcional] Pode-se utilizar o valor de uma solução heurística p/ acelerar o algoritmo B&B (cutoff value).
        //cutoff = tsp.BestCircuitValue-MY_EPS;
        double cutoff = 0.0;
        if (cutoff > MY_EPS) model.getEnv().set(GRB_DoubleParam_Cutoff, cutoff );
        model.update(); // Process any pending model modifications.

        // Obtém o status da otimização
        int status = model.get(GRB_IntAttr_Status);
        if(status == GRB_INFEASIBLE || status == GRB_INF_OR_UNBD){
            cout << "Modelo inviavel ou unbounded." << endl;
            return false;

        // Limitante inferior e superior do modelo
        //lbound = model.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_ObjBoundC);

        if( model.get(GRB_IntAttr_SolCount) <= 0 ){
            cout << "Modelo nao encontrou nenhuma solucao viavel no tempo. LowerBound = " << lbound << endl;
            return false;
        else if (status == GRB_OPTIMAL){
            if(verbose) cout << "O modelo foi resolvido ate a otimalidade." << endl;
        else {
            if(verbose) cout << "O modelo encontrou uma solucao sub-otima (i.e. nao ha garantia de otimalidade)." << endl;

        double custo_solucao = model.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_ObjVal);
        int uncovered=0;
        EdgeBoolMap cover(utsp.g, false);
        for (EdgeIt e(utsp.g); e!=INVALID; ++e)
            if (BinaryIsOne(x[e].get(GRB_DoubleAttr_X)))
                cover[e] = true;
        convertSol(x, sol, tsp, utsp, usource, cover, uncovered);

        // Calculo manual do custo da solução (deve ser igual ao ObjVal do Gurobi).
        double soma=0.0;
        ArcName aname(tsp.g);
        vector<Arc> edgesSol;
        ArcColorMap acolor(tsp.g);
        // if( verbose ) cout << "####### " << endl << "Edges of Solution (B&B):" << endl;
        // for (EdgeIt e(utsp.g); e!=INVALID; ++e){
        //     if (BinaryIsOne(x[e].get(GRB_DoubleAttr_X))){ // Note que se este método serve para variáveis binárias, p/ inteiras terá de usar outro método.
        //         soma += utsp.weight[e];
        //         edgesSol.push_back(tsp.g.arcFromId(;
        //         if( verbose) cout << "(" << tsp.vname[tsp.g.nodeFromId(] << "," << tsp.vname[tsp.g.nodeFromId(] << ")" << endl;
        //         acolor[tsp.g.arcFromId(] = BLUE;
        //     }
        // }
        // if( verbose ) cout << "####### " << endl;
        if( verbose ) cout << "####### " << endl << "Edges of Solution (B&B):" << endl;
        DNode u = sol[0];
        for (int i=1; i<sol.size(); i++) 
            DNode v = sol[i];
            soma += tsp.AdjMatD.Cost(u,v);
            if ( verbose ) cout << "(" << tsp.vname[u] << "," << tsp.vname[v] << ")" << endl;
            u = v;
        if( verbose ) cout << "####### " << endl;

        if( verbose ) cout << "Custo calculado pelo B&B = "<< soma << " / " << custo_solucao << endl;
        if( verbose ){
            cout << "Caminho encontrado a partir do vértice de origem (" << tsp.vname[source] << "): ";
            for(auto node : sol){
                cout << tsp.vname[node] << " ";
            } // Obs: O caminho é gerado a partir do nó source, se o conjunto de arestas retornado pelo B&B for desconexo, o caminho retornado por 'path_search' será incompleto.
            cout << endl << "Custo calculado da solucao (caminho a partir do no origem) = " << solutionCost(tsp, sol) << endl;
            ostringstream out;
            out << "TSP with Refueling B&B, cost= " << custo_solucao;
            ViewListDigraph(tsp.g, tsp.vname, tsp.posx, tsp.posy, tsp.vcolor, acolor, out.str());
        return true;
    catch(GRBException e) {
        cerr << "Gurobi exception has been thrown." << endl;
        cerr << "Error code = " << e.getErrorCode() << endl;
        cerr << e.getMessage();
    catch (...) {
        cout << "Model is infeasible"  << endl;
        return false;
    return false;
예제 #3
파일: tsp_c++.cpp 프로젝트: revisalo/cr2
main(int   argc,
     char *argv[])
  if (argc < 2) {
    cout << "Usage: tsp_c++ filename" << endl;
    return 1;

  int n = atoi(argv[1]);
  double* x = new double[n];
  double* y = new double[n];

  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    x[i] = ((double) rand())/RAND_MAX;
    y[i] = ((double) rand())/RAND_MAX;

  GRBEnv *env = NULL;
  GRBVar **vars = new GRBVar*[n];

  try {
    int i, j;

    env = new GRBEnv();
    GRBModel model = GRBModel(*env);

    // Must disable dual reductions when using lazy constraints

    model.getEnv().set(GRB_IntParam_DualReductions, 0);

    // Create binary decision variables

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      vars[i] = model.addVars(n);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        vars[i][j].set(GRB_CharAttr_VType, GRB_BINARY);
        vars[i][j].set(GRB_DoubleAttr_Obj, distance(x, y, i, j));
        vars[i][j].set(GRB_StringAttr_VarName, "x_"+itos(i)+"_"+itos(j));

    // Integrate new variables


    // Degree-2 constraints

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      GRBLinExpr expr = 0;
      for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
        expr += vars[i][j];
      model.addConstr(expr == 2, "deg2_"+itos(i));

    // Forbid edge from node back to itself

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      vars[i][i].set(GRB_DoubleAttr_UB, 0);

    // Symmetric TSP

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
        model.addConstr(vars[i][j] == vars[j][i]);

    // Set callback function

    subtourelim cb = subtourelim(vars, n);

    // Optimize model


    // Extract solution

    if (model.get(GRB_IntAttr_SolCount) > 0) {
      double **sol = new double*[n];
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        sol[i] = model.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_X, vars[i], n);

      int* tour = new int[n];
      int len;

      findsubtour(n, sol, &len, tour);

      cout << "Tour: ";
      for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
        cout << tour[i] << " ";
      cout << endl;

      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        delete[] sol[i];
      delete[] sol;
      delete[] tour;

  } catch (GRBException e) {
    cout << "Error number: " << e.getErrorCode() << endl;
    cout << e.getMessage() << endl;
  } catch (...) {
    cout << "Error during optimization" << endl;

  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    delete[] vars[i];
  delete[] vars;
  delete[] x;
  delete[] y;
  delete env;
  return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  int time_limit;
  char name[1000];
  double cutoff=0.0;
  ListGraph g;
  EdgeWeight lpvar(g);
  EdgeWeight weight(g);
  NodeName vname(g);
  ListGraph::NodeMap<double> posx(g),posy(g);
  string filename;

  int seed=1;

  // uncomment one of these lines to change default pdf reader, or insert new one
  //set_pdfreader("open");    // pdf reader for Mac OS X
  //set_pdfreader("xpdf");    // pdf reader for Linux
  //set_pdfreader("evince");  // pdf reader for Linux

  time_limit = 3600; // solution must be obtained within time_limit seconds
  if (argc!=2) {cout<< endl << "Usage: "<< argv[0]<<" <graph_filename>"<<endl << endl <<
      "Example: " << argv[0] << " gr_berlin52" << endl <<
      "         " << argv[0] << " gr_att48" << endl << endl; exit(0);}
  else if (!FileExists(argv[1])) {cout<<"File "<<argv[1]<<" does not exist."<<endl; exit(0);}
  filename = argv[1];
  // Read the graph
  if (!ReadListGraph(filename,g,vname,weight,posx,posy)) 
    {cout<<"Error reading graph file "<<argv[1]<<"."<<endl;exit(0);}

  TSP_Data tsp(g,vname,posx,posy,weight); 
  ListGraph::EdgeMap<GRBVar> x(g);
  GRBEnv env = GRBEnv();
  GRBModel model = GRBModel(env);
  model.getEnv().set(GRB_IntParam_LazyConstraints, 1);
  model.getEnv().set(GRB_IntParam_Seed, seed);
  model.getEnv().set(GRB_IntParam_DualReductions, 0); // Dual reductions must be disabled when using lazy constraints
  model.set(GRB_StringAttr_ModelName, "Undirected TSP with GUROBI"); // name to the problem
  model.set(GRB_IntAttr_ModelSense, GRB_MINIMIZE); // is a minimization problem
  // Add one binary variable for each edge and also sets its cost in the objective function
  for (ListGraph::EdgeIt e(g); e!=INVALID; ++e) {
    x[e] = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, weight[e],GRB_BINARY,name);
  model.update(); // run update to use model inserted variables

  // Add degree constraint for each node (sum of solution edges incident to a node is 2)
  for (ListGraph::NodeIt v(g); v!=INVALID; ++v) {
    GRBLinExpr expr;
    for (ListGraph::IncEdgeIt e(g,v); e!=INVALID; ++e) expr += x[e];
    //aqui model.addConstr(expr == 2 ); what? ignorou!
    model.addConstr(expr == 2 );


  try {
    model.update(); // Process any pending model modifications.
    if (time_limit >= 0) model.getEnv().set(GRB_DoubleParam_TimeLimit,time_limit);

    subtourelim cb = subtourelim(tsp , x);
    tsp.max_perturb2opt_it = 200; //1000; // number of iterations used in heuristic TSP_Perturb2OPT
    if (tsp.BestCircuitValue < DBL_MAX) cutoff = tsp.BestCircuitValue-BC_EPS; // 
    // optimum value for gr_a280=2579, gr_xqf131=566.422, gr_drilling198=15808.652
    if (cutoff > 0) model.getEnv().set(GRB_DoubleParam_Cutoff, cutoff );
    model.update(); // Process any pending model modifications.

    double soma=0.0;
    for (ListGraph::EdgeIt e(g); e!=INVALID; ++e) {
      lpvar[e] = x[e].get(GRB_DoubleAttr_X);
      if (lpvar[e] > 1-BC_EPS ) {
	soma += weight[e];
	if (
	    (vname[g.u(e)] == "243")||(vname[g.v(e)] == "243") ||
	    (vname[g.u(e)] == "242")||(vname[g.v(e)] == "242")
	    ) {
	  cout << "Achei, x("<< vname[g.u(e)] << " , " << vname[g.v(e)] << " = " << lpvar[e] <<"\n";

    cout << "Solution cost = "<< soma << endl;
    Update_Circuit(tsp,x); // Update the circuit in x to tsp circuit variable (if better)

  }catch (...) {
    if (tsp.BestCircuitValue < DBL_MAX) {
      cout << "Heuristic obtained optimum solution"  << endl;
      return 0;
    }else {
      cout << "Graph is infeasible"  << endl;
      return 1;
예제 #5
int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {
    chrono :: steady_clock :: time_point tBegin = chrono :: steady_clock :: now();
    string I ("0");
    ulint timeLimit = 10;

    if (argc >= 2) {
        I = string (argv[1]);

    if (argc >= 3) {
        timeLimit = atoi(argv[2]);

    ulint nComplete, k, t, n, m, root;
    double d;

    cin >> nComplete >> d >> k >> t >> n >> m >> root;

    vector <ulint> penalty (nComplete); // vector with de penalties of each vectex
    vector < list < pair <ulint, ulint> > > adj (nComplete); // adjacency lists for the graph

    for (ulint v = 0; v < nComplete; v++) {
        cin >> penalty[v];

    vector <ulint> solutionV (nComplete, 0);

    // reading solution vertices
    for (ulint i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        ulint v;
        cin >> v;
        solutionV[v] = 1;

    vector < pair < pair <ulint, ulint> , ulint> > E (m); // vector of edges with the format ((u, v), w)
    map < pair <ulint, ulint>, ulint> mE; // map an edge to its ID
    vector < vector <ulint> > paths (m);

    // reading graph
    for (ulint e = 0; e < m; e++) {
        ulint u, v, w, pathSize;
        cin >> u >> v >> w >> pathSize;
        adj[u].push_back(make_pair(v, w));
        adj[v].push_back(make_pair(u, w));
        E[e] = make_pair(make_pair(u, v), w);
        mE[make_pair(u, v)] = e;
        mE[make_pair(v, u)] = e;
        paths[e] = vector <ulint> (pathSize);
        for (ulint i = 0; i < pathSize; i++) {
            cin >> paths[e][i];

    try {
        string N = itos(nComplete);
        stringstream ssD;
        ssD << fixed << setprecision(1) << d;
        string D = ssD.str();
        D.erase(remove(D.begin(), D.end(), '.'), D.end());
        string K = itos(k);
        string T = itos(t);

        ifstream remainingTimeFile ("./output/N" + N + "D" + D + "K" + K + "T" + T + "I" + I + "/remainingTime.txt");
        lint remainingTime = 0;
        if (remainingTimeFile.is_open()) {
            remainingTimeFile >> remainingTime;
        if (remainingTime > 0) {
            timeLimit += remainingTime;

        GRBEnv env = GRBEnv();

        env.set(GRB_IntParam_LazyConstraints, 1);
        env.set(GRB_IntParam_LogToConsole, 0);
        env.set(GRB_StringParam_LogFile, "./output/N" + N + "D" + D + "K" + K + "T" + T + "I" + I + "/log2.txt");
        env.set(GRB_DoubleParam_TimeLimit, ((double) timeLimit));

        GRBModel model = GRBModel(env);

        model.getEnv().set(GRB_IntParam_LazyConstraints, 1);
        model.getEnv().set(GRB_IntParam_LogToConsole, 0);
        model.getEnv().set(GRB_StringParam_LogFile, "./output/N" + N + "D" + D + "K" + K + "T" + T + "I" + I + "/log2.txt");
        model.getEnv().set(GRB_DoubleParam_TimeLimit, ((double) timeLimit));

        vector <GRBVar> y (nComplete);

        // ∀ v ∈ V
        for (ulint v = 0; v < nComplete; v++) {
            // y_v ∈ {0.0, 1.0}
            y[v] = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB_BINARY, "y_" + itos(v));

        vector <GRBVar> x (m);

        // ∀ e ∈ E
        for (ulint e = 0; e < m; e++) {
            ulint u, v;
            u = E[e].first.first;
            v = E[e].first.second;
            // y_e ∈ {0.0, 1.0}
            x[e] = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB_BINARY, "x_" + itos(u) + "_" + itos(v));


        GRBLinExpr obj = 0.0;

        // obj = ∑ ce * xe
        for (ulint e = 0; e < m; e++) {
            ulint w;
            w = E[e].second;
            obj += w * x[e];

        // obj += ∑ πv * (1 - yv)
        for (ulint v = 0; v < nComplete; v++) {
            obj += penalty[v] * (1.0 - y[v]);

        model.setObjective(obj, GRB_MINIMIZE);

        // yu == 1
        model.addConstr(y[root] == 1.0, "c_0");

        // dominance
        // ∀ v ∈ V
        for (ulint v = 0; v < nComplete; v++) {
            if (solutionV[v] == 1) {
                GRBLinExpr constr = 0.0;
                constr += y[v];
                model.addConstr(constr == 1, "c_1_" + itos(v));

        // each vertex must have exactly two edges adjacent to itself
        // ∀ v ∈ V
        for (ulint v = 0; v < nComplete; v++) {
            // ∑ xe == 2 * yv , e ∈ δ({v})
            GRBLinExpr constr = 0.0;
            for (list < pair <ulint, ulint> > :: iterator it = adj[v].begin(); it != adj[v].end(); it++) {
                ulint w = (*it).first; // destination
                ulint e = mE[make_pair(v, w)];
                constr += x[e];
            model.addConstr(constr == 2.0 * y[v], "c_2_" + itos(v));

        subtourelim cb = subtourelim(y, x, nComplete, m, E, mE, root);


        if (model.get(GRB_IntAttr_SolCount) > 0) {
            ulint solutionCost = 0;
            set <ulint> solutionVectices;
            vector < pair <ulint, ulint> > solutionEdges;
            solutionCost = round(model.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_ObjVal));
            for (ulint v = 0; v < nComplete; v++) {
                if (y[v].get(GRB_DoubleAttr_X) >= 0.5) {
            for (ulint e = 0; e < m; e++) {
                if (x[e].get(GRB_DoubleAttr_X) >= 0.5) {
                    for (ulint i = 0; i < paths[e].size() - 1; i++) {
                        pair <ulint, ulint> edge;
                        if (paths[e][i] < paths[e][i + 1]) {
                            edge.first = paths[e][i];
                            edge.second = paths[e][i + 1];
                        } else {
                            edge.first = paths[e][i + 1];
                            edge.second = paths[e][i];
            cout << solutionVectices.size() << ' ' << solutionEdges.size() << ' ' << solutionCost << endl;
            for (set <ulint> :: iterator it = solutionVectices.begin(); it != solutionVectices.end(); it++) {
                ulint v = *it;
                cout << v << endl;
            for (vector < pair <ulint, ulint> > :: iterator it = solutionEdges.begin(); it != solutionEdges.end(); it++) {
                pair <ulint, ulint> e = *it;
                cout << e.first << " " << e.second << endl;
        } else {
            cout << "0 0 0" << endl;

        // exporting model
        model.write("./output/N" + N + "D" + D + "K" + K + "T" + T + "I" + I + "/model2.lp");

        ofstream objValFile ("./output/N" + N + "D" + D + "K" + K + "T" + T + "I" + I + "/objVal2.txt", ofstream :: out);
        objValFile << model.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_ObjVal);

        ofstream gapFile ("./output/N" + N + "D" + D + "K" + K + "T" + T + "I" + I + "/gap2.txt", ofstream :: out);
        gapFile << model.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_MIPGap);

        chrono :: steady_clock :: time_point tEnd = chrono :: steady_clock :: now();
        chrono :: nanoseconds elapsedTime = chrono :: duration_cast <chrono :: nanoseconds> (tEnd - tBegin);
        ofstream elapsedTimeFile ("./output/N" + N + "D" + D + "K" + K + "T" + T + "I" + I + "/elapsedTime2.txt", ofstream :: out);
        elapsedTimeFile << elapsedTime.count();
    } catch (GRBException e) {