예제 #1
void GW_Mesh::CheckIntegrity()
	for( GW_U32 i=0; i<this->GetNbrVertex(); ++i ) 
		GW_Vertex* pVert = this->GetVertex(i); GW_ASSERT( pVert!=NULL );
		GW_Face* pFace = pVert->GetFace();	GW_ASSERT( pFace!=NULL );
		if( pFace!=NULL && pFace->GetVertex(0)!=pVert &&
			pFace->GetVertex(1)!=pVert &&
			pFace->GetVertex(2)!=pVert )
			GW_ASSERT( GW_False );
	for( GW_U32 i=0; i<this->GetNbrFace(); ++i )
		GW_Face* pFace = this->GetFace(i);	GW_ASSERT( pFace!=NULL );
		for( GW_U32 k=0; k<3; ++k )
			GW_U32 k1 = (k+1)%3;
			GW_U32 k2 = (k+2)%3;
			GW_Face* pNeighFace = pFace->GetFaceNeighbor(k);
			GW_Vertex* pV1 = pFace->GetVertex(k1);	GW_ASSERT( pV1!=NULL );
			GW_Vertex* pV2 = pFace->GetVertex(k2);	GW_ASSERT( pV2!=NULL );
			if( pNeighFace!=NULL )
				GW_ASSERT( pNeighFace->GetFaceNeighbor(*pV1, *pV2)==pFace );
				GW_ASSERT( pFace->GetFaceNeighbor(*pV1, *pV2)==pNeighFace);
예제 #2
void GW_Mesh::FlipOrientation()
	for( GW_U32 i=0; i<this->GetNbrFace(); ++i )
		GW_Face* pFace = this->GetFace(i);	GW_ASSERT( pFace!=NULL );
		pFace->SetVertex( *pFace->GetVertex(1), *pFace->GetVertex(0), *pFace->GetVertex(2) );
		pFace->SetFaceNeighbor( pFace->GetFaceNeighbor(1), pFace->GetFaceNeighbor(0), pFace->GetFaceNeighbor(2) );
예제 #3
void GW_Mesh::ReOrientMesh( GW_Face& start_face )
	/* march on the voronoi diagram */
	T_FaceList FaceToProceed;
	FaceToProceed.push_back( &start_face );
	T_FaceMap FaceDone;
	FaceDone[ start_face.GetID() ] = &start_face;

	while( !FaceToProceed.empty() )
		GW_Face* pFace = FaceToProceed.front();
		GW_ASSERT( pFace!=NULL );

		/* add neighbors */
		for( GW_U32 i=0; i<3; ++i )
			GW_Vertex* pVertDir = pFace->GetVertex(i);	GW_ASSERT( pVertDir!=NULL );
			GW_Face* pNewFace = pFace->GetFaceNeighbor(*pVertDir);
			if( pNewFace!=NULL && FaceDone.find(pNewFace->GetID())==FaceDone.end() )
				/* find the two other vertices */
				GW_U32 i1 = (i+1)%3;
				GW_U32 i2 = (i+2)%3;
				GW_Vertex* pNewVert[3];
				pNewVert[0] = pFace->GetVertex(i2);						GW_ASSERT( pNewVert[0]!=NULL );
				pNewVert[1] = pFace->GetVertex(i1);						GW_ASSERT( pNewVert[1]!=NULL );
				pNewVert[2] = pNewFace->GetVertex(*pNewVert[0], *pNewVert[1]);	GW_ASSERT( pNewVert[2]!=NULL );
				GW_Face* pNeigh[3];
				pNeigh[0] = pNewFace->GetFaceNeighbor( *pNewVert[0] );
				pNeigh[1] = pNewFace->GetFaceNeighbor( *pNewVert[1] );
				pNeigh[2] = pNewFace->GetFaceNeighbor( *pNewVert[2] );
				/* reorient the face */
				pNewFace->SetVertex( *pNewVert[0], *pNewVert[1], *pNewVert[2] );
				pNewFace->SetFaceNeighbor( pNeigh[0], pNeigh[1], pNeigh[2] );
				FaceToProceed.push_back( pNewFace );
				FaceDone[ pNewFace->GetID() ] = pNewFace;	// so that it won't be added anymore

	/* check for global orientation (just an heuristic) */
	GW_Face* pFace = this->GetFace(0);	GW_ASSERT( pFace!=NULL );
	GW_Vector3D v = pFace->GetVertex(0)->GetPosition() +
					pFace->GetVertex(1)->GetPosition() +
	GW_Vector3D n = pFace->ComputeNormal();
	if( n*v<0 )
예제 #4
void GW_Mesh::IterateConnectedComponent_Face( GW_Face& start_face, FaceIterate_Callback pCallback )
	/* march on the voronoi diagram */
	T_FaceList FaceToProceed;
	FaceToProceed.push_back( &start_face );
	T_FaceMap FaceDone;
	FaceDone[ start_face.GetID() ] = &start_face;

	while( !FaceToProceed.empty() )
		GW_Face* pFace = FaceToProceed.front();
		GW_ASSERT( pFace!=NULL );

		/* cut the face */
		pCallback( *pFace );

		/* add neighbors */
		for( GW_U32 i=0; i<3; ++i )
			GW_Face* pNewFace = pFace->GetFaceNeighbor(i);
			if( pNewFace!=NULL && FaceDone.find(pNewFace->GetID())==FaceDone.end() )
				FaceToProceed.push_back( pNewFace );
				FaceDone[ pNewFace->GetID() ] = pNewFace;	// so that it won't be added anymore
예제 #5
void GW_Mesh::BuildConnectivity()
	T_FaceList* VertexToFaceMap = new T_FaceList[this->GetNbrVertex()];

	/* build the inverse map vertex->face */
	for( IT_FaceVector it = FaceVector_.begin(); it!=FaceVector_.end(); ++it )
		GW_Face* pFace = *it;
		GW_ASSERT( pFace!=NULL );
		for( GW_U32 i=0; i<3; ++i )
			GW_Vertex* pVert = pFace->GetVertex(i);
			GW_ASSERT( pVert->GetID() <= this->GetNbrVertex() ); 
			VertexToFaceMap[pVert->GetID()].push_back( pFace );
	/* now we can set up connectivity */
	for( IT_FaceVector it=FaceVector_.begin(); it!=FaceVector_.end(); ++it )
		GW_Face* pFace = *it;
		GW_ASSERT( pFace!=NULL );

		/* set up the neigbooring faces of the 3 vertices */
		T_FaceList* pFaceLists[3];
		for( GW_U32 i=0; i<3; ++i )
			GW_Vertex* pVert = pFace->GetVertex(i);
			pFaceLists[i] = &VertexToFaceMap[pVert->GetID()];

		/* compute neighbor in the 3 directions */
		for( GW_U32 i=0; i<3; ++i )
			GW_Face* pNeighbor = NULL;
			GW_U32 i1 = (i+1)%3;
			GW_U32 i2 = (i+2)%3;
			/* we must find the intersection of the surrounding faces of these 2 vertex */
			GW_Bool bFind = GW_False;
			for( IT_FaceList it1 = pFaceLists[i1]->begin(); it1!=pFaceLists[i1]->end() && bFind!=GW_True; ++it1 )
				GW_Face* pFace1 = *it1;
				for( IT_FaceList it2 = pFaceLists[i2]->begin(); it2!=pFaceLists[i2]->end() && bFind!=GW_True; ++it2 )
					GW_Face* pFace2 = *it2;
					if( pFace1==pFace2 && pFace1!=pFace )
						pNeighbor = pFace1;
			//			GW_ASSERT( pNeighbor!=NULL );
			/* assign the face */
/*			if( pFace->GetFaceNeighbor(i)!=NULL )
				GW_ASSERT( pFace->GetFaceNeighbor(i)==pNeighbor );	*/
			pFace->SetFaceNeighbor( pNeighbor, i );
			/* make some test on the neighbor to assure symetry
			   in the connectivity relationship */
			if( pNeighbor!=NULL )
				GW_I32 nEdgeNumber = pNeighbor->GetEdgeNumber( *pFace->GetVertex(i1),*pFace->GetVertex(i2) );
				GW_ASSERT( nEdgeNumber>=0 );
#if 0
				if( pNeighbor->GetFaceNeighbor( nEdgeNumber )!=NULL )
				pNeighbor->SetFaceNeighbor( pFace, nEdgeNumber );

	GW_DELETEARRAY( VertexToFaceMap );
예제 #6
/* progression : \todo take in acount NULL pointer */
void GW_FaceIterator::operator++()
    if( nNbrIncrement_>100 )
        GW_ASSERT( GW_False );
        (*this) = GW_FaceIterator(NULL,NULL,NULL);

    if( pFace_!=NULL && pDirection_!=NULL && pOrigin_!=NULL )
        GW_Face* pNextFace = pFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pDirection_ );
        /* check for end() */
        if(  pNextFace==pOrigin_->GetFace() )
            (*this) = GW_FaceIterator(NULL,NULL,NULL);
            if( pNextFace==NULL )
                /* we are on a border face : Rewind on the first face */
                GW_Face* pPrevFace = pFace_;
                pDirection_ = pFace_->GetVertex( *pDirection_, *pOrigin_ );    // get rewind direction
                GW_ASSERT( pDirection_!=NULL );

                GW_U32 nIter = 0;
                    pFace_ = pPrevFace;
                    pPrevFace = pPrevFace->GetFaceNeighbor( *pDirection_ );
                    pDirection_ = pFace_->GetVertex( *pOrigin_, *pDirection_ ); // next direction
                    GW_ASSERT( nIter<20 );
                    if( nIter>=20 )
                        // this is on non-manifold ...
                        (*this) = GW_FaceIterator(NULL,NULL,NULL);

                while( pPrevFace!=NULL );

                if( pFace_==pOrigin_->GetFace() )
                    // we are on End.
                    (*this) = GW_FaceIterator(NULL,NULL,NULL);
                    GW_ASSERT( pDirection_!=NULL );
                    (*this) = GW_FaceIterator( pFace_, pOrigin_, pDirection_, nNbrIncrement_+1 );
            GW_Vertex* pNextDirection = pFace_->GetVertex( *pOrigin_, *pDirection_ );
            GW_ASSERT( pNextDirection!=NULL );
            (*this) = GW_FaceIterator( pNextFace, pOrigin_, pNextDirection, nNbrIncrement_+1 );
        (*this) = GW_FaceIterator(NULL,NULL,NULL);
void GW_VoronoiMesh::FixHole()
	typedef std::pair<GW_VoronoiVertex*, GW_VoronoiVertex*> T_VertexPair;
	typedef std::list<T_VertexPair>	T_VertexPairList;
	typedef T_VertexPairList::iterator	IT_VertexPairList;
	T_VertexPairList VertexPairList;
	for( GW_U32 i=0; i<this->GetNbrFace(); ++i )
		GW_Face* pFace = this->GetFace(i);
		GW_ASSERT( pFace!=NULL );
		for( GW_U32 nV = 0; nV<3; ++nV )
			if( pFace->GetFaceNeighbor(nV)==NULL )
				GW_VoronoiVertex* pVert1 = (GW_VoronoiVertex*) pFace->GetVertex( (nV+1)%3 );
				GW_VoronoiVertex* pVert2 = (GW_VoronoiVertex*) pFace->GetVertex( (nV+2)%3 );
				VertexPairList.push_back( T_VertexPair(pVert1,pVert2) );
	char str[50];
	sprintf( str, "%d boundary edges detected.", VertexPairList.size() );
	GW_OutputComment( str );
	while( !VertexPairList.empty() )
		T_VertexPairList HoleBorder;
		T_VertexPair StartEdge = VertexPairList.front();
		T_VertexPair CurEdge = StartEdge;
		HoleBorder.push_back( CurEdge );
		/* try to find the hole border */
		GW_Bool bNextEdgeFound = GW_False;
		while( true )
			bNextEdgeFound = GW_False;
			for( IT_VertexPairList it = VertexPairList.begin(); it!=VertexPairList.end(); ++it )
				T_VertexPair NewEdge = *it;
				if( (NewEdge.first==CurEdge.second) && (NewEdge.second!=CurEdge.first) )
					CurEdge = NewEdge;
					HoleBorder.push_back( CurEdge );
					bNextEdgeFound = GW_True;
					VertexPairList.erase( it );
				if( (NewEdge.second==CurEdge.second)  && (NewEdge.first!=CurEdge.first) )
					CurEdge = T_VertexPair( NewEdge.second, NewEdge.first);
					HoleBorder.push_back( CurEdge );
					bNextEdgeFound = GW_True;
					VertexPairList.erase( it );
			if( !bNextEdgeFound )
				break;		// the hole cannot be completed
			if( StartEdge.first == CurEdge.second )
				break;		// the hole is completed
		if( bNextEdgeFound && HoleBorder.size()>2 )	// that means we have a full hole
			char str[50];
			sprintf( str, "Filing a hole of %d vertex.", HoleBorder.size() );
			GW_OutputComment( str );
			IT_VertexPairList it = HoleBorder.begin();
			GW_VoronoiVertex* pVert0 = it->first;		GW_ASSERT( pVert0!=NULL );
			GW_VoronoiVertex* pVert1 = it->first;		GW_ASSERT( pVert1!=NULL );
			for( ; it!=HoleBorder.end(); ++it )
				GW_VoronoiVertex* pVert2 = it->first;	GW_ASSERT( pVert2!=NULL );
				/* test for manifold structure before creating a new edge [v0,v2] */
				GW_Bool bManifold = GW_True;
				GW_Face* pFace1, *pFace2;
				pVert0->GetFaces( *pVert1, pFace1, pFace2 );
				if( pFace1!=NULL && pFace2!=NULL )
					bManifold = GW_False;
				pVert1->GetFaces( *pVert2, pFace1, pFace2 );
				if( pFace1!=NULL && pFace2!=NULL )
					bManifold = GW_False;
				pVert0->GetFaces( *pVert2, pFace1, pFace2 );
				if( pFace1!=NULL && pFace2!=NULL )
					bManifold = GW_False;
				if( bManifold )
					GW_Face& Face = this->CreateNewFace();
					Face.SetVertex( *pVert0, *pVert1, *pVert2 );
					this->AddFace( Face );
				pVert1 = pVert2;