void GW_VoronoiMesh::PerformLocalFastMarching( GW_GeodesicMesh& Mesh, GW_VoronoiVertex& Vert )
	/* set up a boundary to stop the front propagation */
	for( GW_FaceIterator it=Vert.BeginFaceIterator(); it!=Vert.EndFaceIterator(); ++it )
		GW_Face* pFace = *it;
		GW_ASSERT( pFace!=NULL );
		GW_VoronoiVertex* pVert1 = (GW_VoronoiVertex*) pFace->GetNextVertex( Vert );
		GW_VoronoiVertex* pVert2 = (GW_VoronoiVertex*) pFace->GetNextVertex( *pVert1 );
		GW_ASSERT( pVert1!=NULL );
		GW_ASSERT( pVert2!=NULL );
		GW_U32 nID = GW_Vertex::ComputeUniqueId( *pVert1, *pVert2 );
		/* get the geodesic edge */
		GW_ASSERT( VertexPathMap_.find(nID)!=VertexPathMap_.end() );
		T_GeodesicVertexList* pVertexGeodesicEdge = VertexPathMap_[nID];
		GW_ASSERT( pVertexGeodesicEdge!=NULL );
		if( pVertexGeodesicEdge!=NULL )
		for( IT_GeodesicVertexList VertIt = pVertexGeodesicEdge->begin(); VertIt!=pVertexGeodesicEdge->end(); ++VertIt )
			GW_GeodesicVertex* pGeodesicVert = *VertIt;
			pGeodesicVert->SetStoppingVertex( GW_True );
	/* now compute the fast marching */
	GW_ASSERT( Vert.GetBaseVertex()!=NULL );
	Mesh.PerformFastMarching( Vert.GetBaseVertex() );
GW_Face* GW_VoronoiMesh::FindMaxFace( GW_GeodesicVertex& Vert )
	GW_Float rBestDistance = -GW_INFINITE;
	GW_Face* pCurFace_ = NULL;
	for( GW_VertexIterator it = Vert.BeginVertexIterator(); it!=Vert.EndVertexIterator(); ++it )
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert = (GW_GeodesicVertex*)  *it;
		if( pVert->GetDistance()>rBestDistance )
			rBestDistance = pVert->GetDistance();
			GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert1 = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) it.GetLeftVertex();
			GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert2 = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) it.GetRightVertex();
			if( pVert1!=NULL && pVert2!=NULL )
				if( pVert1->GetDistance()<pVert2->GetDistance() )
					pCurFace_ = it.GetLeftFace();
					pCurFace_ = it.GetRightFace();
			else if( pVert1!=NULL )
				pCurFace_ = it.GetLeftFace();
				GW_ASSERT( pVert2!=NULL );
				pCurFace_ = it.GetRightFace();
	return pCurFace_;
GW_Float GW_TriangularInterpolation_Cubic::ComputeValue( GW_GeodesicVertex& v0, GW_GeodesicVertex& v1, GW_GeodesicVertex& v2, GW_Float x, GW_Float y )
    /* compute local basis */
    GW_Vector3D& e = v2.GetPosition();            // origin
    GW_Vector3D e0 = v0.GetPosition() - e;
    GW_Vector3D e1 = v1.GetPosition() - e;

    /* compute (s,t) the parameter of the point M in basis (w;u,v). We use equality :
        M = w + s u + t v = e + x e0 + y e1     so :
        s = x <e0,u> + y <e1,u> + <e-w,u>
        t = x <e0,v> + y <e1,v> + <e-w,v>
    i.e. :
        |s|   |<e0,u> <e1,u>| |x|   |<e-w,u>|
        |t| = |<e0,v> <e1,v>|*|y| + |<e-w,v>|
    GW_Vector3D trans = e-w;
    /* compute passage matrix */
    GW_Float p00 = e0*u;
    GW_Float p01 = e1*u;
    GW_Float p10 = e0*v;
    GW_Float p11 = e1*v;
    GW_Float s = x*p00 + y*p01 + (trans*u);
    GW_Float t = x*p10 + y*p11 + (trans*v);

    /* now we can compute the value in orthogonal basis (w;u,v) */
    return Coeffs[0] + Coeffs[1]*s + Coeffs[2]*t + Coeffs[3]*s*t + Coeffs[4]*s*s + Coeffs[5]*t*t;
void GW_GeodesicMesh::ResetParametrizationData()
	//!!for( IT_VertexVector it=VertexVector_.begin(); it!=VertexVector_.end(); ++it )
	for(GW_Vertex** it = VertexVector_; it-VertexVector_<VertexVector_size; ++it)
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) *it;
void GW_VoronoiMesh::ResetOnlyVertexState( GW_GeodesicMesh& Mesh )
	for( GW_U32 i = 0; i<Mesh.GetNbrVertex(); ++i  )
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) Mesh.GetVertex(i);
		GW_ASSERT( pVert!=NULL );
		pVert->SetState( GW_GeodesicVertex::kFar );
예제 #6
void GW_VoronoiVertex::SetBaseVertex( GW_GeodesicVertex& BaseVertex )
    GW_SmartCounter::CheckAndDelete( pBaseVertex_ );
    pBaseVertex_ = &BaseVertex;
    /* copy the parameters of the base mesh */
    this->SetPosition(    BaseVertex.GetPosition() );
    this->SetNormal(    BaseVertex.GetNormal() );
void GW_GeodesicMesh::ResetGeodesicMesh()
	//!!for( IT_VertexVector it=VertexVector_.begin(); it!=VertexVector_.end(); ++it )
	for(GW_Vertex** it = VertexVector_; it-VertexVector_<VertexVector_size; ++it)
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) *it;
GW_Bool StopMarchingCallback( GW_GeodesicVertex& Vert )
	// check if the end point has been reached
	GW_U32 i = Vert.GetID();
//	display_message("ind %d",i );
//	display_message("dist %f",Vert.GetDistance() );
	if( Vert.GetDistance()>dmax )
		return true;
	for( int k=0; k<nend; ++k )
		if( end_points[k]==i )
			return true;
	return false;
GW_GeodesicVertex* GW_VoronoiMesh::FindMaxVertex( GW_GeodesicMesh& Mesh )
	GW_GeodesicVertex* pSelectedVert = NULL;
	GW_Float rMaxDist = -GW_INFINITE;
	for( GW_U32 i=0; i<Mesh.GetNbrVertex(); ++i )
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) Mesh.GetVertex( i );
		GW_ASSERT( pVert!=NULL );
		if( pVert->GetFace()!=NULL && pVert->GetDistance()>rMaxDist )
			rMaxDist = pVert->GetDistance();
			pSelectedVert = pVert;
	return pSelectedVert;
GW_Bool GW_VoronoiMesh::FastMarchingCallbackFunction_Boundaries( GW_GeodesicVertex& CurVert )
	// \todo for the moment propagate on the full neighborhood
//	for( IT_VoronoiVertexList it=CurrentTargetVertex_.begin(); it!=CurrentTargetVertex_.end(); ++it )
//	{
	GW_ASSERT( pCurrentVoronoiVertex_!=NULL );
	for( GW_VertexIterator it=pCurrentVoronoiVertex_->BeginVertexIterator(); it!=pCurrentVoronoiVertex_->EndVertexIterator(); ++it )
		GW_VoronoiVertex* pVornoiVert = (GW_VoronoiVertex*) *it;
		GW_ASSERT( pVornoiVert!=NULL );
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert = pVornoiVert->GetBaseVertex();
		GW_ASSERT( pVert!=NULL );
		if( pVert->GetState()!=GW_GeodesicVertex::kDead )
			return GW_False;
	return GW_True;
GW_Vertex* GW_GeodesicMesh::GetRandomVertex(GW_Bool bForceFar)
	GW_U32 nNumber = 0;
	GW_GeodesicVertex* pStartVertex = NULL;
	while( pStartVertex==NULL )
		if( nNumber>=this->GetNbrVertex()/10 )
			return NULL;
		GW_U32 nNumVert = (GW_U32) floor(GW_RAND*this->GetNbrVertex());
		pStartVertex = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) this->GetVertex( nNumVert );
		if( bForceFar==GW_True && pStartVertex->GetState()!=GW_GeodesicVertex::kFar )
			pStartVertex = NULL;
		if( pStartVertex!=NULL && pStartVertex->GetFace()==NULL )
			pStartVertex = NULL;
	return pStartVertex;
GW_Bool GW_VoronoiMesh::FastMarchingCallbackFunction_VertexInsersionRD1( GW_GeodesicVertex& CurVert, GW_Float rNewDist )
	GW_ASSERT( pCurWeights_!=NULL );
	GW_GeodesicInformationDuplicata* pDuplicata = (GW_GeodesicInformationDuplicata*) CurVert.GetUserData();
	GW_ASSERT( pDuplicata!=NULL );
	GW_U32 nId = pDuplicata->pFront_->GetID();
	(*pCurWeights_)[ nId ] = -1;	// this is one of our natural neighbor, yeah.
	return pDuplicata->rDistance_+GW_EPSILON >= rNewDist;
void GW_TriangularInterpolation_Quadratic::ComputeGradient( GW_GeodesicVertex& v0, GW_GeodesicVertex& v1, GW_GeodesicVertex& v2, GW_Float x, GW_Float y, GW_Float& dx, GW_Float& dy )
	/* compute local basis */
	GW_Vector3D& e = v2.GetPosition();			// origin
	GW_Vector3D e0 = v0.GetPosition() - e;
	GW_Vector3D e1 = v1.GetPosition() - e;
	/* compute (s,t) the parameter of the point M in basis (w;u,v). We use equality : 
		M = w + s u + t v = e + x e0 + y e1     so :
		s = x <e0,u> + y <e1,u> + <e-w,u>
		t = x <e0,v> + y <e1,v> + <e-w,v>
	i.e. : 
		|s|   |<e0,u> <e1,u>| |x|   |<e-w,u>|
		|t| = |<e0,v> <e1,v>|*|y| + |<e-w,v>|
	GW_Vector3D trans = e-w;
	/* compute passage matrix */
	GW_Float p00 = e0*u;
	GW_Float p01 = e1*u;
	GW_Float p10 = e0*v;
	GW_Float p11 = e1*v;
	GW_Float s = x*p00 + y*p01 + (trans*u);
	GW_Float t = x*p10 + y*p11 + (trans*v);

	/* now we can compute the gradient in orthogonal basis (w;u,v) */
	GW_Float gu = Coeffs[1] + Coeffs[3]*t + Coeffs[4]*2*s;
	GW_Float gv = Coeffs[2] + Coeffs[3]*s + Coeffs[5]*2*t;

	/* convert from orthogonal basis to local basis :
		|<e0,u> <e1,u>| |dx|   |gu|
		|<e0,v> <e1,v>|*|dy| = |gv|    
	ie : 
		|dx|           | p11 -p01| |gu|
		|dy| = 1/det * |-p10  p00|*|gv|	*/
	GW_Float rDet = p00*p11 - p01*p10;
	GW_ASSERT( rDet!=0 );
	if( GW_ABS(rDet)>GW_EPSILON )
		dx = 1/rDet * ( p11*gu - p01*gv ) * ~e0;
		dy = 1/rDet * (-p10*gu + p00*gv ) * ~e1;
		dx = dy = 0;
예제 #14
void GW_GeodesicPath::AddVertexToPath( GW_GeodesicVertex& Vert )
	pPrevFace_ = pCurFace_;
	GW_Float rBestDistance = GW_INFINITE;
	pCurFace_ = NULL;
	GW_GeodesicVertex* pSelectedVert = NULL;
	for( GW_VertexIterator it = Vert.BeginVertexIterator(); it!=Vert.EndVertexIterator(); ++it )
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert = (GW_GeodesicVertex*)  *it;
		if( pVert->GetDistance()<rBestDistance )
			rBestDistance = pVert->GetDistance();
			pSelectedVert = pVert;
			GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert1 = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) it.GetLeftVertex();
			GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert2 = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) it.GetRightVertex();
			if( pVert1!=NULL && pVert2!=NULL )
				if( pVert1->GetDistance()<pVert2->GetDistance() )
					pCurFace_ = (GW_GeodesicFace*) it.GetLeftFace();
					pCurFace_ = (GW_GeodesicFace*) it.GetRightFace();
			else if( pVert1!=NULL )
				pCurFace_ = (GW_GeodesicFace*) it.GetLeftFace();
				GW_ASSERT( pVert2!=NULL );
				pCurFace_ = (GW_GeodesicFace*) it.GetRightFace();
	GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
	GW_ASSERT( pSelectedVert!=NULL );

	GW_GeodesicPoint* pPoint = new GW_GeodesicPoint;
	Path_.push_back( pPoint );
	pPoint->SetVertex1( Vert );
	pPoint->SetVertex2( *pSelectedVert );
	pPoint->SetCurFace( *pCurFace_ );
GW_Bool InsersionCallback( GW_GeodesicVertex& Vert, GW_Float rNewDist )
	// check if the distance of the new point is less than the given distance
	GW_U32 i = Vert.GetID();
	bool doinsersion = nbr_iter<=niter_max;
	if( L!=NULL )
		doinsersion = doinsersion && (rNewDist<L[i]);
	return doinsersion;
void GW_VoronoiMesh::CreateVoronoiVertex()
	/* Create Vornoi vertex and make the inverse map GeodesicVertex->VoronoiVertex */
	this->SetNbrVertex( (GW_U32) BaseVertexList_.size() );
	GW_U32 nNum = 0;
	for( IT_GeodesicVertexList it = BaseVertexList_.begin(); it!=BaseVertexList_.end(); ++it )
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert = *it;
		GW_ASSERT( pVert!=NULL );
		/* create a new voronoi vertex */
		GW_VoronoiVertex* pVornoiVert = new GW_VoronoiVertex;
		pVornoiVert->SetBaseVertex( *pVert );
		this->SetVertex( nNum, pVornoiVert );
		/* build the inverse map */
		GW_ASSERT( VoronoiVertexMap_.find( pVert->GetID() )==VoronoiVertexMap_.end() );
		VoronoiVertexMap_[ pVert->GetID() ] = pVornoiVert;
void GW_GeodesicDisplayer::DisplayVoronoiPoints( GW_VoronoiMesh& VoronoiMesh, GW_Vector3D& Color, GW_Float rPointSize )
	GW_Bool bIsTextureOn = glIsEnabled( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
	glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );

	T_GeodesicVertexList BaseVertexList = VoronoiMesh.GetBaseVertexList();
	glPointSize( (GLfloat) rPointSize );
	glColor( Color );
	glDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
	glBegin( GL_POINTS );
	for( IT_GeodesicVertexList it = BaseVertexList.begin(); it!=BaseVertexList.end(); ++it )
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert = *it;
		glVertex( pVert->GetPosition() );
	glEnable( GL_LIGHTING );

	if( bIsTextureOn )
		glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
void GW_TriangularInterpolation_Linear::ComputeGradient( GW_GeodesicVertex& v0, GW_GeodesicVertex& v1, GW_GeodesicVertex& v2, GW_Float x, GW_Float y, GW_Float& dx, GW_Float& dy )
    (void) x;
    (void) y;

    GW_Float d0 = v0.GetDistance();
    GW_Float d1 = v1.GetDistance();
    GW_Float d2 = v2.GetDistance();

    /* compute gradient */
    GW_Vector3D e0 = v0.GetPosition() - v2.GetPosition();
    GW_Vector3D e1 = v1.GetPosition() - v2.GetPosition();
    GW_Float l0 = e0.Norm();
    GW_Float l1 = e1.Norm();
    e0 /= l0;
    e1 /= l1;
    GW_Float dot = e0*e1;
    /* The gradient in direction (e1,e2) is:
            |<grad(d),e0>|   |(d0-d2)/l0|   |gu|
        D = |<grad(d),e1>| = |(d1-d2)/l1| = |gv|
    We are searching for grad(d) = dx e0 + dy e1 wich gives rise to the system :
        | 1  dot|   |dx|
        |dot  1 | * |dy| = D            where dot=<e0,e2>
    ie it is:
        1/det    *    |  1 -dot|*|gu|
                    |-dot  1 | |gv|
    GW_Float det = 1-dot*dot;
    GW_ASSERT( det!=0 );
    GW_Float gu = (d0-d2)/l0;
    GW_Float gv = (d1-d2)/l1;
    dx = 1/det * (     gu - dot*gv  );
    dy = 1/det * (-dot*gu +     gv  );
void GW_VoronoiMesh::BuildGeodesicParametrization( GW_GeodesicMesh& Mesh )
	Mesh.RegisterForceStopCallbackFunction( FastMarchingCallbackFunction_Parametrization );
	/* for each base vertex, perform front propagation on the surrounding faces */
	for( GW_U32 i=0; i<this->GetNbrVertex(); ++i )
		pCurrentVoronoiVertex_ = (GW_VoronoiVertex*) this->GetVertex(i);	// set up global data for callback function
		GW_ASSERT( pCurrentVoronoiVertex_!=NULL );

		GW_OutputComment("Performing local fast marching.");
		this->PerformLocalFastMarching( Mesh, *pCurrentVoronoiVertex_ );

		/* register geodesic boundaries length */
		for( GW_VertexIterator it=pCurrentVoronoiVertex_->BeginVertexIterator(); it!=pCurrentVoronoiVertex_->EndVertexIterator(); ++it )
			GW_VoronoiVertex* pNeighbor = (GW_VoronoiVertex*) *it;
			GW_ASSERT( pNeighbor!=NULL );
			GW_GeodesicVertex* pGeodesicVert = pNeighbor->GetBaseVertex();
			GW_ASSERT( pGeodesicVert!=NULL );
			GW_U32 nID = GW_Vertex::ComputeUniqueId( *pCurrentVoronoiVertex_, *pNeighbor );
			if( GeodesicDistanceMap_.find(nID)==GeodesicDistanceMap_.end() )
				GW_ASSERT( pGeodesicVert->GetState()==GW_GeodesicVertex::kDead );
				/* this is the first time the distance is computed */
				if( pGeodesicVert->GetState()==GW_GeodesicVertex::kDead )
					GeodesicDistanceMap_[nID]	 = pGeodesicVert->GetDistance();
				GW_ASSERT( pGeodesicVert->GetState()==GW_GeodesicVertex::kDead );
				if( pGeodesicVert->GetState()==GW_GeodesicVertex::kDead )
					/* distance alreay computed in the reverse direction : take the average */
					GW_Float rPrevDist = GeodesicDistanceMap_[nID];
					GW_Float rNewDist = pGeodesicVert->GetDistance();
					GeodesicDistanceMap_[nID] = GW_MIN(rPrevDist, rNewDist); //(rPrevDist+rNewDist)*0.5;


	/* now really compute the 3 parameters for each vertex */
	GW_OutputComment("Computing geodesic parametrisation.");
	this->ComputeVertexParameters( Mesh );

	pCurrentVoronoiVertex_ = NULL;
	Mesh.RegisterForceStopCallbackFunction( NULL );

GW_U32 GW_VoronoiMesh::AddFurthestPoint( T_GeodesicVertexList& VertList,GW_GeodesicMesh& Mesh, GW_Bool bUseRandomStartVertex )
	if( VertList.empty() )
		/* choose 1 point at random */
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pStartVertex = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) Mesh.GetRandomVertex();
		GW_ASSERT( pStartVertex!=NULL );
		if( pStartVertex==NULL )
			return 0;		
		VertList.push_back( pStartVertex );
		if( !bUseRandomStartVertex )
			/* find furthest point from this one */
			GW_VoronoiMesh::PerformFastMarching( Mesh, VertList );
			GW_GeodesicVertex* pSelectedVert = GW_VoronoiMesh::FindMaxVertex( Mesh );
			GW_ASSERT( pSelectedVert!=NULL );
			VertList.push_back( pSelectedVert );
			VertList.pop_front();	// remove random choosen vertex
		Mesh.RegisterVertexInsersionCallbackFunction( GW_VoronoiMesh::FastMarchingCallbackFunction_VertexInsersion );

		/* perform marching */
		GW_VoronoiMesh::ResetOnlyVertexState( Mesh );
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pStartVert = VertList.back();
		GW_ASSERT( pStartVert!=NULL );
		Mesh.PerformFastMarching( pStartVert  );

		/* find intersection points */
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pSelectedVert = GW_VoronoiMesh::FindMaxVertex( Mesh );
		GW_ASSERT( pSelectedVert!=NULL );
		/* find the triangle where the maximum occurs */
#if 0
		GW_Face* pMaxFace = GW_VoronoiMesh::FindMaxFace( *pSelectedVert );
		GW_ASSERT( pMaxFace!=NULL );
		/* this is a critical point */
		GW_Float x=1.0f/3, y=1.0f/3, z=1.0f/3;
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pNewVert = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) Mesh.InsertVertexInFace( *pMaxFace, x,y,z );
		pNewVert->SetFront( pSelectedVert->GetFront() );
		pNewVert->SetDistance( pSelectedVert->GetDistance() );
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pNewVert = pSelectedVert;
		/* compute the real point */
		VertList.push_back( pNewVert );

		Mesh.RegisterVertexInsersionCallbackFunction( NULL );

	return 1;
GW_Bool GW_VoronoiMesh::FastMarchingCallbackFunction_Parametrization( GW_GeodesicVertex& CurVert )
	GW_ASSERT( pCurrentVoronoiVertex_!=NULL );

	if( !CurVert.GetIsStoppingVertex() || !CurVert.GetBoundaryReached() )
		/* add the parameter value */
		CurVert.AddParameterVertex( *pCurrentVoronoiVertex_, CurVert.GetDistance() );
		if( CurVert.GetIsStoppingVertex() )
			CurVert.SetBoundaryReached( GW_True );
	/* always continue the computations */
	return GW_False;
GW_Bool GW_VoronoiMesh::FastMarchingCallbackFunction_VertexInsersionRD2( GW_GeodesicVertex& CurVert, GW_Float rNewDist )
	GW_ASSERT( pCurWeights_!=NULL );
	GW_U32 nId = CurVert.GetID();
	if( pCurWeights_->find(nId)!=pCurWeights_->end() )	// this is one of our natural neighbor, yeah.
		if( (*pCurWeights_)[nId]<0 )
			/* first time we encounter this vertex, sounds good */
			if( rNewDist>0 )
				(*pCurWeights_)[nId] = 1.0/(rNewDist);
				(*pCurWeights_)[nId] = GW_INFINITE;
			GW_ASSERT( GW_False );
	return GW_True;
void GW_GeodesicDisplayer::SetUpDraw(GW_Mesh& Mesh)
	GW_BasicDisplayer::SetUpDraw( Mesh );
	GW_ASSERT( strcmp(Mesh.GetClassName().c_str(), "GW_GeodesicMesh")==0 );
	aMinValue_[kGeodesicDistance] = GW_INFINITE;
	aMaxValue_[kGeodesicDistance] = -GW_INFINITE;
	for( GW_U32 i = 0; i<Mesh.GetNbrVertex(); ++i )
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) Mesh.GetVertex(i);
		if( pVert->GetDistance()<GW_INFINITE*0.5 )
			if( pVert->GetDistance()<aMinValue_[kGeodesicDistance] )
				aMinValue_[kGeodesicDistance] = pVert->GetDistance();
			if( pVert->GetDistance()>aMaxValue_[kGeodesicDistance] )
				aMaxValue_[kGeodesicDistance] = pVert->GetDistance();	
예제 #24
GW_I32 GW_GeodesicPath::AddNewPoint()
//	rStepSize_ = 1000;
	GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
	GW_ASSERT( !Path_.empty() );
	GW_GeodesicPoint* pPoint = Path_.back();
	GW_ASSERT( pPoint!=NULL );
	GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert1 = pPoint->GetVertex1();
	GW_ASSERT( pVert1!=NULL );
	GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert2 = pPoint->GetVertex2();
	GW_ASSERT( pVert2!=NULL );
	GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert3 = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) pCurFace_->GetVertex( *pVert1, *pVert2 );
	GW_ASSERT( pVert3!=NULL );

	/* compute coords of the last point */
	T_SubPointVector& SubPointVector = pPoint->GetSubPointVector();
	GW_Float x,y,z;	// barycentric coords of the point
	/* the sub-points should be empty */
	GW_ASSERT( SubPointVector.empty() );
	/* we begin on an edge */
	x = pPoint->GetCoord();
	y = 1-x;
	z = 0;

	GW_Float l1 = ~( pVert1->GetPosition() - pVert3->GetPosition() );
	GW_Float l2 = ~( pVert2->GetPosition() - pVert3->GetPosition() );


	GW_U32 nNum = 0;
	while( nNum<1000 )	// never stop, this is just to avoid infinite loop
		GW_Float dx, dy;

		pCurFace_->ComputeGradient( *pVert1, *pVert2, *pVert3, x, y, dx, dy );

		GW_Float l, a;
		/* Try each kind of possible crossing. 
		   The barycentric coords of the point is (x-l*dx/l1,y-l*dy/l2,z+l*(dx/l1+dy/l2)) */
		if( GW_ABS(dx)>GW_EPSILON )
			l = l1*x/dx;		// position along the line
			a = y-l*dy/l2;		// coordonate with respect to v2
			if( l>0 && l<=rStepSize_ && 0<=a && a<=1 )
				/* the crossing occurs on [v2,v3] */
				GW_GeodesicPoint* pNewPoint = new GW_GeodesicPoint;
				Path_.push_back( pNewPoint );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex1( *pVert2 );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex2( *pVert3 );
				pNewPoint->SetCoord( a );
				pPrevFace_ = pCurFace_;
				if( pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert2, *pVert3 )==NULL )
					pNewPoint->SetCurFace( *pCurFace_ );
					/* check if we are *really* on a boundarie of the mesh */
					GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_->GetEdgeNumber( *pVert2, *pVert3 )>=0 );
					/* we should stay on the same face */
					return 0;
				pCurFace_ = (GW_GeodesicFace*) pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert2, *pVert3 );
				GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
				pNewPoint->SetCurFace( *pCurFace_ );
				/* test for ending */
				if( a<0.01 && pVert2->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
					return -1;
				if( a>0.99 && pVert3->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
					return -1;
				return 0;
		if( GW_ABS(dy)>GW_EPSILON!=0 )
			l = l2*y/dy;	  // position along the line
			a = x-l*dx/l1;	  // coordonate with respect to v1
			if( l>0 && l<=rStepSize_ && 0<=a && a<=1 )
				/* the crossing occurs on [v1,v3] */
				GW_GeodesicPoint* pNewPoint = new GW_GeodesicPoint;
				Path_.push_back( pNewPoint );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex1( *pVert1 );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex2( *pVert3 );
				pNewPoint->SetCoord( a );
				pPrevFace_ = pCurFace_;
				if( pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert1, *pVert3 )==NULL )
					pNewPoint->SetCurFace( *pCurFace_ );
					/* check if we are *really* on a boundarie of the mesh */
					GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_->GetEdgeNumber( *pVert1, *pVert3 )>=0 );
					/* we should stay on the same face, the fact that pPrevFace_==pCurFace_
					   will force to go on an edge */
					return 0;
				pCurFace_ = (GW_GeodesicFace*) pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert1, *pVert3 );
				GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
				pNewPoint->SetCurFace( *pCurFace_ );
				/* test for ending */
				if( a<0.01 && pVert1->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
					return -1;
				if( a>0.99 && pVert3->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
					return -1;
				return 0;
		if( GW_ABS(dx/l1+dy/l2)>GW_EPSILON )
			l = -z/(dx/l1+dy/l2);	  // position along the line
			a = x-l*dx/l1;	  // coordonate with respect to v1
			if( l>0 && l<=rStepSize_ && 0<=a && a<=1 )
				/* the crossing occurs on [v1,v2] */
				GW_GeodesicPoint* pNewPoint = new GW_GeodesicPoint;
				Path_.push_back( pNewPoint );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex1( *pVert1 );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex2( *pVert2 );
				pNewPoint->SetCoord( a );
				pPrevFace_ = pCurFace_;
				if( pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert1, *pVert2 )==NULL )
					pNewPoint->SetCurFace( *pCurFace_ );
					/* check if we are *really* on a boundarie of the mesh */
					GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_->GetEdgeNumber( *pVert1, *pVert2 )>=0 );
					/* we should stay on the same face */
					return 0;
				pCurFace_ = (GW_GeodesicFace*) pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert1, *pVert2 );
				GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
				pNewPoint->SetCurFace( *pCurFace_ );
				/* test for ending */
				if( a<0.01 && pVert1->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
					return -1;
				if( a>0.99 && pVert2->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
					return -1;
				return 0;

			/* special case : we must follow the edge. */
			GW_GeodesicVertex* pSelectedVert = pVert1;
			if( pVert2->GetDistance()<pSelectedVert->GetDistance() )
				pSelectedVert = pVert2;
			if( pVert3->GetDistance()<pSelectedVert->GetDistance() )
				pSelectedVert = pVert3;
			// just a check
			this->AddVertexToPath( *pSelectedVert );
			GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
			if( pSelectedVert->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
				return -1;
			if( pCurFace_==pPrevFace_ && pPoint->GetCoord()>1-GW_EPSILON )
				/* hum, problem, we are in a local minimum */
				return -1;
			return 0;

		/* no intersection: we can advance */
		GW_Float xprev = x, yprev = y;
		x = x - rStepSize_*dx/l1;
		y = y - rStepSize_*dy/l2;

		if( x<0 || x>1 || y<0 || y>1 )
			GW_ASSERT( z==0 );
			GW_GeodesicFace* pNextFace = (GW_GeodesicFace*) pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert3 );

			if( pNextFace==pPrevFace_ || pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert3 )==NULL )
				/* special case : we must follow the edge. */
				GW_GeodesicVertex* pSelectedVert = pVert1;
				if( pVert2->GetDistance()<pSelectedVert->GetDistance() )
					pSelectedVert = pVert2;
				if( pVert3->GetDistance()<pSelectedVert->GetDistance() )
					pSelectedVert = pVert3;
				// just a check
				this->AddVertexToPath( *pSelectedVert );
				GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
				if( pSelectedVert->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
					return -1;
				if( pCurFace_==pPrevFace_ && pPoint->GetCoord()>1-GW_EPSILON )
					/* hum, problem, we are in a local minimum */
					return -1;
				//	if( pSelectedVert==pVert3 )
				//		GW_ASSERT( x==0 || y==0 );
				/* we should go on another face */
				pPrevFace_ = pCurFace_;
				pCurFace_ = (GW_GeodesicFace*) pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert3 );
				GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
				GW_GeodesicPoint* pNewPoint = new GW_GeodesicPoint;
				Path_.push_back( pNewPoint );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex1( *pVert1 );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex2( *pVert2 );
				pNewPoint->SetCurFace( *pCurFace_ );
				pNewPoint->SetCoord( xprev );
			return 0;

		SubPointVector.push_back( GW_Vector3D(x,y,1-x-y) );
	GW_ASSERT( GW_False );
	GW_GeodesicVertex* pSelectedVert = pVert1;
	if( pVert2->GetDistance()<pSelectedVert->GetDistance() )
		pSelectedVert = pVert2;
	if( pVert3->GetDistance()<pSelectedVert->GetDistance() )
		pSelectedVert = pVert3;
	// just a check
	this->AddVertexToPath( *pSelectedVert );
	GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
	if( pSelectedVert->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
		return -1;
	if( pCurFace_==pPrevFace_ && pPoint->GetCoord()>1-GW_EPSILON )
		/* hum, problem, we are in a local minimum */
		return -1;
	return 0;
void GW_GeodesicDisplayer::ComputeColor( GW_Vertex& Vert, float* color )
	GW_GeodesicVertex& GeoVert = (GW_GeodesicVertex&) Vert;
	GW_BasicDisplayer::ComputeColor( Vert, color );
	if( bProrieties[kGeodesicDistance] )
		if( GeoVert.GetDistance()<GW_INFINITE/2 )
			float dist = (float) GW_SCALE_01(GeoVert.GetDistance(), aMinValue_[kGeodesicDistance], aMaxValue_[kGeodesicDistance]);
			GW_U32 nID = GeoVert.GetFront()->GetID();
			if( VertexColorMap_.find(nID)!=VertexColorMap_.end() )
				GW_Vector3D colvect = VertexColorMap_[nID];
				color[0] = (GLfloat) colvect[0]*(1-dist);
				color[1] = (GLfloat) colvect[1]*(1-dist);
				color[2] = (GLfloat) colvect[2]*(1-dist);
				/* no colorisation was provided for this front */
				color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 1-dist;
			if( bProrieties[kGeodesicDistanceStreamColor] )
				GW_Float max = aMaxValue_[kGeodesicDistance];
				if( rColorStreamFixedRadius_>0 )
					max = rColorStreamFixedRadius_;
				GW_Vector3D colvect = this->GetStreamColor( GeoVert.GetDistance(), max );
				color[0] = (GLfloat) colvect[0];
				color[1] = (GLfloat) colvect[1];
				color[2] = (GLfloat) colvect[2];
	if( bProrieties[kMarchingState] )

		if( GeoVert.GetState()==GW_GeodesicVertex::kAlive )
			GW_Vector3D TheColor(1,0,0);	// default color = red
			GW_U32 nID = GeoVert.GetFront()->GetID();
			if( VertexColorMap_.find(nID)!=VertexColorMap_.end() )
				TheColor = VertexColorMap_[nID];
			color[0] = (float) TheColor[0]*0.5f;
			color[1] = (float) TheColor[1]*0.5f;
			color[2] = (float) TheColor[2]*0.5f;
		if( GeoVert.GetState()==GW_GeodesicVertex::kDead )
			GW_Vector3D TheColor(1,0,0);	// default color = red
			GW_U32 nID = GeoVert.GetFront()->GetID();
			if( VertexColorMap_.find(nID)!=VertexColorMap_.end() )
				TheColor = VertexColorMap_[nID];
			color[0] = (float) TheColor[0];
			color[1] = (float) TheColor[1];
			color[2] = (float) TheColor[2];
	if( bProrieties[kVertexParametrization] )
#if 1
		GW_U32 nNbrParameter = 0;
		GW_Vector3D Color;
		for( GW_U32 i=0; i<3; ++i )
			GW_Float rParam = 0;
			GW_VoronoiVertex* pParamVert = GeoVert.GetParameterVertex( i, rParam );
			if( pParamVert!=NULL )
				GW_U32 nID = pParamVert->GetBaseVertex()->GetID();
				if( VertexColorMap_.find(nID)!=VertexColorMap_.end() )
					Color += VertexColorMap_[nID]*rParam;
		color[0] = (float) Color[0];
		color[1] = (float) Color[1];
		color[2] = (float) Color[2];
		Color /= nNbrParameter;
		for( GW_U32 i=0; i<3; ++i )
			GW_Float rParam;
			GW_VoronoiVertex* pParamVert = GeoVert.GetParameterVertex( i, rParam );
			if( pParamVert!=NULL )
				color[i] = (float) rParam;
				color[i] = 0;
	if( bProrieties[kStoppingVertex] && GeoVert.GetIsStoppingVertex() )
		color[0] = color[2] = 0;
		color[1] = 1;

#if 0	// just for debugging
	T_GeodesicVertexList& VertList = GW_Toolkit::GetStartVertex();
	if( !VertList.empty() )
		GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert = VertList.front();
		GW_Float rDist = ~(pVert->GetPosition() - GeoVert.GetPosition());
		rDist = GW_ABS( rDist - GeoVert.GetDistance() );
		color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = rDist*5;
GW_Float GW_TriangularInterpolation_Linear::ComputeValue( GW_GeodesicVertex& v0, GW_GeodesicVertex& v1, GW_GeodesicVertex& v2, GW_Float x, GW_Float y )
    return v0.GetDistance()*x + v1.GetDistance()*y + v2.GetDistance()*(1-x-y);
void GW_TriangularInterpolation_Cubic::ComputeLocalGradient(  GW_GeodesicVertex& Vert )
    /* compute the total angle */
    GW_Vector3D PrevEdge;
    GW_Float rTotalAngle = 0;
    for( GW_VertexIterator it=Vert.BeginVertexIterator(); it!=Vert.EndVertexIterator(); ++it )
        GW_Vertex* pVert = *it;
        GW_ASSERT( pVert!=NULL );
        if( it==Vert.BeginVertexIterator() )
            PrevEdge = pVert->GetPosition() - Vert.GetPosition();
            GW_Vector3D NextEdge = pVert->GetPosition() - Vert.GetPosition();
            rTotalAngle += acos( NextEdge*PrevEdge );
            PrevEdge = NextEdge;

    /* matrix and RHS for least square minimusation */
    GW_Float M[2][2] = {{0,0},{0,0}};
    GW_Float b[2] = {0,0};

    GW_Float rCurAngle = 0;
    for( GW_VertexIterator it=Vert.BeginVertexIterator(); it!=Vert.EndVertexIterator(); ++it )
        GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) *it;
        GW_ASSERT( pVert!=NULL );

        GW_Vector3D Edge = pVert->GetPosition() - Vert.GetPosition();
        GW_Float a = Edge.Norm();
        Edge /= a;

        if( it!=Vert.BeginVertexIterator() )
            /* update the angle */
            rCurAngle += acos( Edge*PrevEdge );

        /* directional gradient estimation */
        GW_Float delta = (pVert->GetDistance() - Vert.GetDistance())/a;
        /* coordonate of the edge on (u,v) [flatened coords] */
        GW_Float eu = a*cos( rCurAngle/rTotalAngle );
        GW_Float ev = a*sin( rCurAngle/rTotalAngle );
        /* update the matrix */
        M[0][0] += eu*eu;
        M[0][1] += eu*ev;
        M[1][0] += eu*ev;
        M[1][1] += ev*ev;
        b[0] += delta*eu;
        b[1] += delta*ev;

        PrevEdge = Edge;

    /* invert the system */
    GW_Float det = M[0][0]*M[1][1] - M[0][1]*M[1][0];
    GW_ASSERT( det!=0 );
    GW_Float gu = 1/det * ( M[1][1]*b[0] - M[0][1]*b[1] );
    GW_Float gv = 1/det * (-M[1][0]*b[0] + M[0][0]*b[1] );

    /* set the gradient in local coords for each surrounding face */
    rCurAngle = 0;
    for( GW_FaceIterator it = Vert.BeginFaceIterator(); it!=Vert.EndFaceIterator(); ++it )
        GW_GeodesicFace* pFace = (GW_GeodesicFace*) *it;
        GW_ASSERT( pFace!=NULL );
        GW_Vertex* pVert1 = it.GetLeftVertex();        GW_ASSERT( pVert1!=NULL );
        GW_Vertex* pVert2 = it.GetRightVertex();    GW_ASSERT( pVert1!=NULL );
        GW_Vector3D e1 = pVert1->GetPosition() - Vert.GetPosition();
        GW_Vector3D e2 = pVert2->GetPosition() - Vert.GetPosition();
        GW_Float a1 = e1.Norm();
        GW_Float a2 = e2.Norm();
        e1 /= a1;
        e2 /= a2;
        GW_Float rInnerAngle = acos( e1*e2 );
        /* flattened position of the two vertex */
        GW_Float p1[2], p2[2];
        p1[0] = cos( rCurAngle );
        p1[1] = sin( rCurAngle );
        p2[0] = cos( rCurAngle+rInnerAngle );
        p2[1] = sin( rCurAngle+rInnerAngle );

        /* we have                    grad = gu*u + gv*v
           we are searching for        grad = g1*p1 + g2*p2, so:
                gu = g1*<p1,u> + g2*<p2,u>
                gv = g1*<p1,v> + g2*<p2,v>
                |p1[0] p2[0]| |g1|   |gu|
                |p1[1] p2[1]|*|g2| = |gv|
        det = p1[0]*p2[1]-p1[1]*p2[0];
        GW_ASSERT( det!=0 );
        GW_Float g1 = 1/det * ( p2[1]*gu - p2[0]*gv );
        GW_Float g2 = 1/det * (-p1[1]*gu + p1[0]*gv );

        /* now compute the gradient in world coords */
        GW_Vector3D LocGrad = e1*g1 + e2*g2;

        GW_TriangularInterpolation_ABC* pInterp = pFace->GetTriangularInterpolation();
        if( pInterp==NULL )
            pInterp = new GW_TriangularInterpolation_Cubic;
            pFace->SetTriangularInterpolation( *pInterp );
        GW_ASSERT( pInterp->GetType()==kCubicTriangulationInterpolation );

        ((GW_TriangularInterpolation_Cubic*) pInterp)->SetLocalGradient( LocGrad, *pFace, Vert );

        rCurAngle += rInnerAngle;

GW_Float HeuristicCallback( GW_GeodesicVertex& Vert )
	// return the heuristic distance
	GW_U32 i = Vert.GetID();
	return H[i];
void mexFunction(	int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], 
				 int nrhs, const mxArray*prhs[] ) 
	nbr_iter = 0;
	/* retrive arguments */
	if( nrhs<6 ) 
		mexErrMsgTxt("6 or 7 input arguments are required."); 
	if( nlhs<1 ) 
		mexErrMsgTxt("1 or 2 output arguments are required."); 

	// arg1 : vertex
	vertex = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
	nverts = mxGetN(prhs[0]); 
	if( mxGetM(prhs[0])!=3 )
		mexErrMsgTxt("vertex must be of size 3 x nverts."); 
	// arg2 : faces
	faces = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
	nfaces = mxGetN(prhs[1]);
	if( mxGetM(prhs[1])!=3 )
		mexErrMsgTxt("face must be of size 3 x nfaces."); 
	// arg3 : W
	Ww = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);
	int m = mxGetM(prhs[2]);
	if( m!=nverts )
		mexErrMsgTxt("W must be of same size as vertex."); 
	// arg4 : start_points
	start_points = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
	nstart = mxGetM(prhs[3]);
	// arg5 : end_points
	end_points = mxGetPr(prhs[4]);
	nend = mxGetM(prhs[4]);
	// arg6 : niter_max
	niter_max = (int) *mxGetPr(prhs[5]);
	// arg7 : H
	if( nrhs>=7 )
		H = mxGetPr(prhs[6]);
		int m =mxGetM(prhs[6]);
		if( m>0 && m!=nverts )
			mexErrMsgTxt("H must be of size nverts."); 
		if( m==0 )
			H = NULL;
		H = NULL;
	// arg8 : L
	if( nrhs>=8 )
		L = mxGetPr(prhs[7]);
		int m =mxGetM(prhs[7]);
		if( m>0 && mxGetM(prhs[7])!=nverts )
			mexErrMsgTxt("L must be of size nverts."); 
		if( m==0 )
			L = NULL;
		L = NULL;
	// argument 9: value list
	if( nrhs>=9 )
		values = mxGetPr(prhs[8]);
		if( mxGetM(prhs[8])==0 && mxGetN(prhs[8])==0 )
		if( values!=NULL && (mxGetM(prhs[8])!=nstart || mxGetN(prhs[8])!=1) )
			mexErrMsgTxt("values must be of size nb_start_points x 1."); 
		values = NULL;
	// argument 10: dmax
	if( nrhs>=9 )
		dmax = *mxGetPr(prhs[9]);
		dmax = 1e9;

	// first ouput : distance
	plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nverts, 1, mxREAL); 
	D = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
	// second output : state
	plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nverts, 1, mxREAL); 
	S = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
	// second output : segmentation
	plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nverts, 1, mxREAL); 
	Q = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);

	// create the mesh
	GW_GeodesicMesh Mesh;
	for( int i=0; i<nverts; ++i )
		GW_GeodesicVertex& vert = (GW_GeodesicVertex&) Mesh.CreateNewVertex();
		vert.SetPosition( GW_Vector3D(vertex_(0,i),vertex_(1,i),vertex_(2,i)) );
		Mesh.SetVertex(i, &vert);
	for( int i=0; i<nfaces; ++i )
		GW_GeodesicFace& face = (GW_GeodesicFace&) Mesh.CreateNewFace();
		GW_Vertex* v1 = Mesh.GetVertex((int) faces_(0,i)); GW_ASSERT( v1!=NULL );
		GW_Vertex* v2 = Mesh.GetVertex((int) faces_(1,i)); GW_ASSERT( v2!=NULL );
		GW_Vertex* v3 = Mesh.GetVertex((int) faces_(2,i)); GW_ASSERT( v3!=NULL );
		face.SetVertex( *v1,*v2,*v3 );
		Mesh.SetFace(i, &face);

	// set up fast marching	
	for( int i=0; i<nstart; ++i )
		GW_GeodesicVertex* v = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) Mesh.GetVertex((GW_U32) start_points[i]);
		Mesh.AddStartVertex( *v );
	Mesh.RegisterWeightCallbackFunction( WeightCallback );
	Mesh.RegisterForceStopCallbackFunction( StopMarchingCallback );
	Mesh.RegisterVertexInsersionCallbackFunction( InsersionCallback );
	if( H!=NULL )
		Mesh.RegisterHeuristicToGoalCallbackFunction( HeuristicCallback );
	// initialize the distance of the starting points
	if( values!=NULL )
	for( int i=0; i<nstart; ++i )
		GW_GeodesicVertex* v = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) Mesh.GetVertex((GW_U32) start_points[i]);
		v->SetDistance( values[i] );
	// perform fast marching
//	display_message("itermax=%d", niter_max);

	// output result
	for( int i=0; i<nverts; ++i )
		GW_GeodesicVertex* v = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) Mesh.GetVertex((GW_U32) i);
		D[i] = v->GetDistance();
		S[i] = v->GetState();
		GW_GeodesicVertex* v1 = v->GetFront();
		if( v1==NULL )
			Q[i] = -1;
			Q[i] = v1->GetID();

GW_Float WeightCallback(GW_GeodesicVertex& Vert)
	GW_U32 i = Vert.GetID();
	return Ww[i];