예제 #1
// GaGameComponent
void GaGameComponent::update( BcReal Tick )
	BcU32 Param = FontMaterial_->findParameter( "aAlphaTestStep" );
	FontMaterial_->setParameter( Param, BcVec2d( 0.4f, 0.5f ) );

	if( GameState_ == GS_PLAYING )
		pSimulator_->tick( Tick );

		if( pSimulator_->getTimeOut() > 5.0f )
			GameState_ = GS_TIMEOUT;

		if( pSimulator_->getUnitCount( TeamID_ ) == 0 ||
			pSimulator_->getUnitCount( 1 - TeamID_ ) == 0 )
			GameState_ = GS_OVER;

		if( !Networked_ )
			AITickTime_ -= Tick;

			if( AITickTime_ < 0.0f )
				pSimulator_->runAI( 1 - TeamID_ );
				AITickTime_ = AITickMaxTime_;
	//if( TeamID_ == 0 )
		if( CanvasComponent_.isValid() )
			OsClient* pClient = OsCore::pImpl()->getClient( 0 );
			BcReal HW = static_cast< BcReal >( pClient->getWidth() ) / 2.0f;
			BcReal HH = static_cast< BcReal >( pClient->getHeight() ) / 2.0f;
			BcReal AspectRatio = HW / HH;

			BcMat4d Ortho;
			Ortho.orthoProjection( -HW, HW, HH, -HH, -1.0f, 1.0f );

			// Clear canvas and push projection matrix.

			CanvasComponent_->pushMatrix( Ortho );

			CanvasComponent_->setMaterialComponent( BackgroundMaterial_ );
			CanvasComponent_->drawSpriteCentered( BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), BcVec2d( 1280.0f, 720.0f ), 0, RsColour( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ), 0 );

			CanvasComponent_->setMaterialComponent( SpriteSheetMaterials_[ 0 ] );
			pSimulator_->render( CanvasComponent_, 0 );
			CanvasComponent_->setMaterialComponent( SpriteSheetMaterials_[ 1 ] );
			pSimulator_->render( CanvasComponent_, 1 );

			// Find unit over mouse.
			GaGameUnitIDList SelectionList;
			if( MouseDown_ )
				if( BoxSelection_ )
					pSimulator_->findUnits( SelectionList, StartGameCursorPosition_, EndGameCursorPosition_, BcErrorCode, BcErrorCode );
				pSimulator_->findUnits( SelectionList, GameCursorPosition_, 0.8f, BcErrorCode, BcErrorCode );
				while( SelectionList.size() > 1 )

			for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < UnitSelection_.size(); ++Idx )
				SelectionList.push_back( UnitSelection_[ Idx ] );

			CanvasComponent_->setMaterialComponent( HUDMaterial_ );
			pSimulator_->renderHUD( CanvasComponent_, SelectionList, TeamID_ );

		switch( GameState_ )
		case GS_PLAYING:
				// Draw cursor.
				CanvasComponent_->setMaterialComponent( HUDMaterial_ );
				CanvasComponent_->drawSpriteCentered( BcVec2d( CursorPosition_.x(), CursorPosition_.y() ), BcVec2d( 64.0f, 64.0f ), 1, AttackMove_ ? RsColour::RED : RsColour::WHITE, 10 );

				// Draw selection box.
				if( MouseDown_ && BoxSelection_ ) 
					BcVec2d Min = BcVec2d( StartGameCursorPosition_.x(), StartGameCursorPosition_.y() ) * 32.0f;
					BcVec2d Max = BcVec2d( GameCursorPosition_.x(), GameCursorPosition_.y() ) * 32.0f;
					CanvasComponent_->drawSprite( Min, Max - Min, 0, RsColour::GREEN * RsColour( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f ), 11 );

				std::string Text0 = TeamID_ == 0 ? "YOU ARE RED!" : "YOU ARE BLUE!";
				BcVec2d TextSize0 = Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Text0, RsColour::WHITE, BcTrue );
				Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, ( -TextSize0 / 2.0f ) + BcVec2d( 0.0f, -350.0f ), Text0, TeamID_ == 0 ? RsColour::RED : RsColour::BLUE, BcFalse );


		case GS_TIMEOUT:
				std::string Text0 = "Connection timed out :(";
				std::string Text1 = "Press ESC to Quit.";
				BcVec2d TextSize0 = Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Text0, RsColour::WHITE, BcTrue );
				Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, ( -TextSize0 / 2.0f ) + BcVec2d( 0.0f, -64.0f ), Text0, RsColour::WHITE, BcFalse );
				BcVec2d TextSize1 = Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Text1, RsColour::WHITE, BcTrue );
				Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, ( -TextSize1 / 2.0f ) + BcVec2d( 0.0f, 64.0f ), Text1, RsColour::WHITE, BcFalse );

		case GS_OVER:
				if( pSimulator_->getUnitCount( TeamID_ ) > 0 )
					std::string Text0 = "You Won! :D";
					std::string Text1 = "Press ESC to Quit.";
					BcVec2d TextSize0 = Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Text0, RsColour::WHITE, BcTrue );
					Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, ( -TextSize0 / 2.0f ) + BcVec2d( 0.0f, -64.0f ), Text0, RsColour::WHITE, BcFalse );
					BcVec2d TextSize1 = Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Text1, RsColour::WHITE, BcTrue );
					Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, ( -TextSize1 / 2.0f ) + BcVec2d( 0.0f, 64.0f ), Text1, RsColour::WHITE, BcFalse );
					std::string Text0 = "You Lost! :<";
					std::string Text1 = "Press ESC to Quit.";
					BcVec2d TextSize0 = Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Text0, RsColour::WHITE, BcTrue );
					Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, ( -TextSize0 / 2.0f ) + BcVec2d( 0.0f, -64.0f ), Text0, RsColour::WHITE, BcFalse );
					BcVec2d TextSize1 = Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Text1, RsColour::WHITE, BcTrue );
					Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, ( -TextSize1 / 2.0f ) + BcVec2d( 0.0f, 64.0f ), Text1, RsColour::WHITE, BcFalse );
