예제 #1
// Parse extension command listing breakpoints.
// Note that not all fields are returned, since file, line, function are encoded
// in the expression (that is in addition deleted on resolving for a bp-type breakpoint).
void parseBreakPoint(const GdbMi &gdbmi, BreakpointResponse *r,
                     QString *expression /*  = 0 */)
    gdbmiChildToBool(gdbmi, "enabled", &(r->enabled));
    gdbmiChildToBool(gdbmi, "deferred", &(r->pending));
    r->id = BreakpointResponseId();
    const GdbMi idG = gdbmi.findChild("id");
    if (idG.isValid()) { // Might not be valid if there is not id
        bool ok;
        const int id = idG.data().toInt(&ok);
        if (ok)
            r->id = BreakpointResponseId(id);
    const GdbMi moduleG = gdbmi.findChild("module");
    if (moduleG.isValid())
        r->module = QString::fromLocal8Bit(moduleG.data());
    if (expression) {
        const GdbMi expressionG = gdbmi.findChild("expression");
        if (expressionG.isValid())
            *expression = QString::fromLocal8Bit(expressionG.data());
    const GdbMi addressG = gdbmi.findChild("address");
    if (addressG.isValid())
        r->address = addressG.data().toULongLong(0, 0);
    if (gdbmiChildToInt(gdbmi, "passcount", &(r->ignoreCount)))
    gdbmiChildToInt(gdbmi, "thread", &(r->threadSpec));
예제 #2
// Helper to retrieve an bool child from GDBMI
static inline bool gdbmiChildToBool(const GdbMi &parent, const char *childName, bool *target)
    const GdbMi childBA = parent.findChild(childName);
    if (childBA.isValid()) {
        *target = childBA.data() == "true";
        return true;
    return false;
예제 #3
// Helper to retrieve an int child from GDBMI
static inline bool gdbmiChildToInt(const GdbMi &parent, const char *childName, int *target)
    const GdbMi childBA = parent.findChild(childName);
    if (childBA.isValid()) {
        bool ok;
        const int v = childBA.data().toInt(&ok);
        if (ok) {
            *target = v;
            return  true;
    return false;
예제 #4
void WinException::fromGdbMI(const GdbMi &gdbmi)
    exceptionCode = gdbmi.findChild("exceptionCode").data().toUInt();
    exceptionFlags = gdbmi.findChild("exceptionFlags").data().toUInt();
    exceptionAddress = gdbmi.findChild("exceptionAddress").data().toULongLong();
    firstChance = gdbmi.findChild("firstChance").data() != "0";
    const GdbMi ginfo1 = gdbmi.findChild("exceptionInformation0");
    if (ginfo1.isValid()) {
        info1 = ginfo1.data().toULongLong();
        const GdbMi ginfo2  = gdbmi.findChild("exceptionInformation1");
        if (ginfo2.isValid())
            info2 = ginfo1.data().toULongLong();
    const GdbMi gLineNumber = gdbmi.findChild("exceptionLine");
    if (gLineNumber.isValid()) {
        lineNumber = gLineNumber.data().toInt();
        file = gdbmi.findChild("exceptionFile").data();
    function = gdbmi.findChild("exceptionFunction").data();
예제 #5
Threads ThreadsHandler::parseGdbmiThreads(const GdbMi &data, int *currentThread)
    // ^done,threads=[{id="1",target-id="Thread 0xb7fdc710 (LWP 4264)",
    // frame={level="0",addr="0x080530bf",func="testQString",args=[],
    // file="/.../app.cpp",fullname="/../app.cpp",line="1175"},
    // state="stopped",core="0"}],current-thread-id="1"
    const QList<GdbMi> items = data.findChild("threads").children();
    const int n = items.size();
    Threads threads;
    for (int index = 0; index != n; ++index) {
        bool ok = false;
        const GdbMi item = items.at(index);
        const GdbMi frame = item.findChild("frame");
        ThreadData thread;
        thread.id = item.findChild("id").data().toInt();
        thread.targetId = QString::fromLatin1(item.findChild("target-id").data());
        thread.core = QString::fromLatin1(item.findChild("core").data());
        thread.state = QString::fromLatin1(item.findChild("state").data());
        thread.address = frame.findChild("addr").data().toULongLong(&ok, 0);
        thread.function = QString::fromLatin1(frame.findChild("func").data());
        thread.fileName = QString::fromLatin1(frame.findChild("fullname").data());
        thread.lineNumber = frame.findChild("line").data().toInt();
        thread.module = QString::fromLocal8Bit(frame.findChild("from").data());
        // Non-GDB (Cdb2) output name here.
        thread.name = QString::fromLatin1(frame.findChild("name").data());
    if (currentThread)
        *currentThread = data.findChild("current-thread-id").data().toInt();
    return threads;