예제 #1
파일: join.cpp 프로젝트: mourisl/Rascaf
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    Alignments alignments ;
    Genome genome ;
    std::vector<int> rascafFileId ;

    char line[2048] ;
    char prefix[512] = "rascaf_scaffold" ;
    int rawAssemblyInd = 1 ;
    FILE *rascafFile ;
    bool contigLevel = false ;
    int i ;
    FILE *outputFile ;
    FILE *infoFile ;

    breakN = 1 ;

    if ( argc < 2 )
        fprintf( stderr, "%s", usage ) ;
        exit( 1 ) ;
    for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; ++i )
        if ( !strcmp( "-o", argv[i] ) )
            strcpy( prefix, argv[i + 1 ] ) ;
            ++i ;
        else if ( !strcmp( "-ms", argv[i] ) )
            minSupport = atoi( argv[i + 1] ) ;
            ++i ;
        else if ( !strcmp( "-ignoreGap", argv[i] ) )
            ignoreGap = true ;
        else if ( !strcmp( "-r", argv[i] ) )
            rascafFileId.push_back( i + 1 ) ;
            ++i ;
            fprintf( stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i] ) ;
            exit( EXIT_FAILURE ) ;


    if ( rascafFileId.size() == 0 )
        fprintf( stderr, "Must use -r to specify rascaf output file.\n" ) ;
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE ) ;

    MAX_NEIGHBOR = 1 + rascafFileId.size() ;

    // Get the bam file.
    rascafFile = fopen( argv[ rascafFileId[0] ], "r" ) ;
    while ( fgets( line, sizeof( line ), rascafFile ) != NULL )
        if ( strstr( line, "command line:" ) )
            char *p ;
            char buffer[512] ;

            p = strstr( line, "-breakN" ) ;
            if ( p != NULL )
                p += 7 ;
                while ( *p == ' ' )
                    ++p ;
                for ( i = 0 ; *p && *p != ' ' ; ++p, ++i )
                    buffer[i] = *p ;
                buffer[i] = '\0' ;
                breakN = atoi( buffer ) ;

            p = strstr( line, "-b" ) ;
            if ( p == NULL )
                fprintf( stderr, "Could not find the bam file specified by -b in Rascaf.\n" ) ;
                exit( 1 ) ;
            p += 2 ;
            while ( *p == ' ' )
                ++p ;
            for ( i = 0 ; *p && *p != ' ' ; ++p, ++i )
                buffer[i] = *p ;
            buffer[i] = '\0' ;
            alignments.Open( buffer ) ;

            p = strstr( line, "-f") ;
            if ( p == NULL )
                fprintf( stderr, "Could not find the raw assembly file specified by -f in Rascaf.\n" ) ;
                exit( 1 ) ;
            p += 2 ;
            while ( *p == ' ' )
                ++p ;
            for ( i = 0 ; *p && *p != ' ' && *p != '\n' ; ++p, ++i )
                buffer[i] = *p ;
            buffer[i] = '\0' ;
            fprintf( stderr, "Found raw assembly file: %s\n", buffer ) ;
            genome.Open( alignments, buffer ) ;

            break ;
    fclose( rascafFile ) ;
    // Parse the input.
    for ( unsigned int fid = 0 ; fid < rascafFileId.size() ; ++fid )
        rascafFile = fopen( argv[ rascafFileId[fid] ], "r" ) ;
        bool start = false ;
        int tag ;
        while ( fgets( line, sizeof( line ), rascafFile ) != NULL )
            if ( strstr( line, "command line:" ) )
                start = true ;
                if ( strstr( line, "-f" ) )
                    contigLevel = true ;

                continue ;

            if ( !start )
                continue ;

            if ( !strcmp( line, "WARNINGS:\n" ) )
                break ;

            std::vector<struct _part> nparts  ;
            if ( line[0] >= '0' && line[0] <= '9' )
                AddConnection( line, alignments, nparts ) ;
                connects.push_back( nparts ) ;
                tag = 0 ;
            else if ( line[0] == '\t' || line[0] == ' ' )
                // Break the nparts if the support is too low.
                int num = 0 ;
                for ( i = 0 ; line[i] < '0' || line[i] > '9' ; ++i )
                for ( ; line[i] >= '0' && line[i] <= '9' ; ++i )
                    num = num * 10 + line[i] - '0' ;
                ++tag ;
                if ( num < minSupport )
                    nparts = connects.back() ;
                    connects.pop_back() ;
                    int size = nparts.size() ;

                    std::vector<struct _part> newNParts ;
                    for ( i = 0 ; i < tag ; ++i )
                        newNParts.push_back( nparts[i] ) ;
                    if ( newNParts.size() > 1 )
                        connects.push_back( newNParts ) ;

                    newNParts.clear() ;
                    for ( ; i < size ; ++i  )
                        newNParts.push_back( nparts[i] ) ;
                    if ( newNParts.size() > 1 )
                        connects.push_back( newNParts ) ;

                    tag = 0 ;
        fclose( rascafFile ) ;
    if ( contigLevel == false )
        genome.SetIsOpen( contigLevel ) ;

    // Build the graph
    int contigCnt = genome.GetContigCount() ;
    int edgeCnt = 0 ;
    int csize = connects.size() ;

    for ( i = 0 ; i < csize ; ++i )
        edgeCnt += connects[i].size() ;

    ContigGraph contigGraph( contigCnt, contigCnt + edgeCnt ) ;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt - 1 ; ++i )
        if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i + 1 ) )
            contigGraph.AddEdge( i, 1, i + 1, 0 ) ;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < csize ; ++i )
        std::vector<struct _part> &parts = connects[i] ;
        int size = parts.size() ;
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < size - 1 ; ++j )
            struct _part &a = parts[j] ;
            struct _part &b = parts[j + 1] ;

            // Two dummy nodes for each contig. Left is 0, right is 1
            int dummyU = 0 ;
            int dummyV = 0 ;
            if ( a.strand == '+' )
                dummyU = 1 ;
            if ( b.strand == '-' )
                dummyV = 1 ;
            contigGraph.AddEdge( a.contigId, dummyU, b.contigId, dummyV, true ) ;

    // Check the cycles in the contig graph. This may introduces when combining different rascaf outputs.
    int *visitTime = new int[contigCnt] ;
    struct _pair *neighbors = new struct _pair[ MAX_NEIGHBOR ] ;

    bool *isInCycle = new bool[contigCnt] ;
    std::vector<int> cycleNodes ;
    memset( visitTime, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ;
    memset( isInCycle, false, sizeof( bool ) * contigCnt ) ;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt ; ++i )
        if ( isInCycle[i] )
            continue ;
        if ( contigGraph.IsInCycle( i, cycleNodes, visitTime ) )
            int cnt = cycleNodes.size() ;
            //printf( "===\n") ;
            for ( int j = 0 ; j < cnt ; ++j )
                //printf( "In cycle %d\n", cycleNodes[j] ) ;
                isInCycle[ cycleNodes[j] ] = true ;
    //exit( 1 ) ;
    // Remove the connected edges involving the nodes in the cycle
    for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt ; ++i )
        if ( isInCycle[i] )
            for ( int dummy = 0 ; dummy <= 1 ; ++dummy )
                int ncnt = contigGraph.GetNeighbors( i, dummy, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ;
                for ( int j = 0 ; j < ncnt ; ++j )
                    if ( neighbors[j].a == i + 2 * dummy - 1 && neighbors[j].b != dummy
                            && genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( neighbors[j].a ) )
                        continue ; // the connection created by the raw assembly
                        contigGraph.RemoveEdge( i, dummy, neighbors[j].a, neighbors[j].b ) ;
    //delete[] isInCycle ;
    //printf( "hi: %d %d\n", __LINE__, contigCnt ) ;
    //printf( "%d %d\n", contigGraph.GetNeighbors( 0, 0, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ), contigGraph.GetNeighbors( 0, 1, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ) ;
    // Sort the scaffolds from fasta file, so that longer scaffold come first
    int scafCnt = genome.GetChrCount() ;
    struct _pair *scafInfo = new struct _pair[scafCnt] ;
    memset( scafInfo, -1, sizeof( struct _pair) * scafCnt ) ;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt ; ++i )
        int chrId = genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i ) ;
        if ( scafInfo[chrId].a == -1 )
            scafInfo[ chrId ].a = i ;
            scafInfo[ chrId ].b = genome.GetChrLength( chrId ) ;
    qsort( scafInfo, scafCnt, sizeof( struct _pair ), CompScaffold ) ;

    // Merge the branches and build the scaffold
    ContigGraph scaffold( contigCnt, 2 * contigCnt ) ;

    // Use a method similar to topological sort
    bool *used = new bool[contigCnt] ;
    int *degree = new int[2 *contigCnt] ;
    int *danglingVisitTime = new int[contigCnt] ;
    int *counter = new int[contigCnt] ;
    int *visitDummy = new int[ contigCnt ] ;
    int *buffer = new int[contigCnt] ;
    int *buffer2 = new int[contigCnt] ;
    bool *isInQueue = new bool[ contigCnt ] ;
    int *chosen = new int[contigCnt] ;
    int chosenCnt ;

    memset( isInCycle, false, sizeof( bool ) * contigCnt ) ;
    memset( visitTime, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ;
    memset( visitDummy, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ;
    memset( counter, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ;

    // Use those memory to remove triangular cycles
    for ( i = 0 ; i < scafCnt ; ++i )
        int from, to ;
        if ( scafInfo[i].a == -1 )
            continue ;
        genome.GetChrContigRange( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( scafInfo[i].a ), from, to ) ;
        ForwardSearch( from, 0, i, visitTime, counter, visitDummy, contigGraph ) ;
        chosenCnt = 0 ;
        BackwardSearchForTriangularCycle( to, 1, i, visitTime, counter, visitDummy, contigGraph, chosen, chosenCnt ) ;

        for ( int j = 0 ; j < chosenCnt ; ++j )
            //printf( "%d\n", chosen[j] ) ;
            isInCycle[ chosen[j] ] = true ;

    for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt ; ++i )
        if ( isInCycle[i] )
            for ( int dummy = 0 ; dummy <= 1 ; ++dummy )
                int ncnt = contigGraph.GetNeighbors( i, dummy, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ;
                for ( int j = 0 ; j < ncnt ; ++j )
                    if ( neighbors[j].a == i + 2 * dummy - 1 && neighbors[j].b != dummy
                            && genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( neighbors[j].a ) )
                        continue ; // the connection created by the raw assembly
                        contigGraph.RemoveEdge( i, dummy, neighbors[j].a, neighbors[j].b ) ;

    memset( used, false, sizeof( bool ) * contigCnt ) ;
    memset( visitTime, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ;
    memset( visitDummy, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ;
    memset( danglingVisitTime, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ;
    memset( counter, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ;
    memset( isInQueue, false, sizeof( bool ) * contigCnt ) ;
    ContigGraph newGraph( contigCnt, edgeCnt ) ;

    // Compute the gap size
    int *gapSize = new int[contigCnt] ;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt - 1 ; ++i )
        if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i + 1 ) )
            struct _contig c1 = genome.GetContigInfo( i ) ;
            struct _contig c2 = genome.GetContigInfo( i + 1 ) ;
            gapSize[i] = c2.start - c1.end - 1 ;
            gapSize[i] = -1 ;

    // Start search
    int ncnt ;
    struct _pair *queue = new struct _pair[ contigCnt ] ;
    int head = 0, tail ;
    int danglingTime = 0 ;

    // Pre-allocate the subgraph.
    ContigGraph subgraph( contigCnt, 3 * contigCnt ) ;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < scafCnt ; ++i )
        //if ( used[144281] == true )
        //	printf( "changed %d %d\n", i, scafInfo[i - 1].a ) ;
        if ( scafInfo[i].a == -1 )
            continue ;
        int from, to ;
        genome.GetChrContigRange( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( scafInfo[i].a ), from, to ) ;
        //printf( "%d: %d %d %d\n", i, scafInfo[i].b, from, to ) ;
        ForwardSearch( from, 0, i, visitTime, counter, visitDummy, contigGraph ) ;
        chosenCnt = 0 ;
        BackwardSearch( to, 1, i, visitTime, counter, contigGraph, chosen, chosenCnt ) ;

        /*printf( "%s %d (%d %d) %d\n", alignments.GetChromName( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( scafInfo[i].a ) ), i, from, to, chosenCnt ) ;
        if ( chosenCnt > 1 )
        	printf( "=== " ) ;
        	for ( int j = 0 ; j < chosenCnt ; ++j )
        		printf( "%d ", chosen[j] ) ;
        	printf( "\n" ) ;

        for ( int j = 0 ; j < chosenCnt ; ++j )
            ncnt = contigGraph.GetNeighbors( chosen[j], 0, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ;
            //printf( "%d %d %d: %d %d %d\n", j, chosen[j], ncnt, neighbors[0].a, visitTime[ neighbors[0].a ],
            //	counter[neighbors[0].a ] ) ;
            for ( int k = 0 ; k < ncnt ; ++k )
                //if ( i == 639 )
                //	printf( "Neighbor from 0 %d: %d %d\n", k, neighbors[k].a, neighbors[k].b ) ;
                if ( visitTime[ neighbors[k].a ] == 2 * i + 1 && counter[neighbors[k].a ] == 2 )
                    subgraph.AddEdge( chosen[j], 0, neighbors[k].a, neighbors[k].b, true ) ;
                    //printf( "subgraph: (%d %d)=>(%d %d)\n", chosen[j], 0, neighbors[k].a, neighbors[k].b ) ;

            ncnt = contigGraph.GetNeighbors( chosen[j], 1, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ;
            for ( int k = 0 ; k < ncnt ; ++k )
                //if ( i == 639 )
                //	printf( "Neighbor from 1 %d: %d %d\n", k, neighbors[k].a, neighbors[k].b ) ;
                if ( visitTime[ neighbors[k].a ] == 2 * i + 1 && counter[neighbors[k].a ] == 2 )
                    subgraph.AddEdge( chosen[j], 1, neighbors[k].a, neighbors[k].b, true ) ;
                    //printf( "subgraph: (%d %d)=>(%d %d)\n", chosen[j], 1, neighbors[k].a, neighbors[k].b ) ;

        // Initialize the degree counter
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < chosenCnt ; ++j )
            for ( int l = 0 ; l < 2 ; ++l )
                /*if ( i == 6145 )
                	std::vector<struct _pair> neighbors ;
                	ncnt = subgraph.GetNeighbors( chosen[j], l, neighbors ) ;
                	printf( "%d ncnt=%d\n", l, ncnt ) ;

                ncnt = subgraph.GetNeighbors( chosen[j], l, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ;
                degree[ 2 * chosen[j] + l ] = ncnt ;

        // "topological" sort
        head = 0 ;
        isInQueue[from] = true ;
        queue[0].a = from ;
        queue[0].b = 0 ;
        tail = 1 ;
        int prevTag = -1 ;
        int *prevAdd = buffer ; // reuse counter to save some memory.
        int *nextAdd = buffer2 ;
        int firstAdd = -1 ;

        while ( head < tail )
            int tailTag = tail ;
            for ( int j = head ; j < tailTag ; ++j )
                nextAdd[j] = -1 ;
                if ( !used[ queue[j].a ] )
                    used[ queue[j].a ] = true ;
                    if ( prevTag != -1 )
                        scaffold.AddEdge( queue[ prevTag].a, 1 - queue[prevTag].b, queue[j].a, queue[j].b ) ;
                        nextAdd[ prevTag ] = j ;

                        /*if ( i == 639 )
                        	printf( "(%lld %lld)=>(%lld %lld)\n", queue[ prevTag].a, 1 - queue[prevTag].b, queue[j].a, queue[j].b ) ;*/
                        firstAdd = j ;

                    prevTag = j ;
                prevAdd[j] = prevTag ; // the most recent(<=) queue id when added to scaffold.

                ncnt = subgraph.GetNeighbors( queue[j].a, 1 - queue[j].b, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ;
                for ( int k = 0 ; k < ncnt ; ++k )
                    --degree[ 2 * neighbors[k].a + neighbors[k].b ] ;
                    if ( degree[ 2 * neighbors[k].a + neighbors[k].b ] == 0 && !isInQueue[neighbors[k].a] )
                        isInQueue[ neighbors[k].a ] = true ;
                        queue[ tail ] = neighbors[k] ; // Interesting assignment, I think.
                        ++tail ;
                        /*if ( i == 639 )
                        	printf( "pushed in queue: %d\n", neighbors[k].a ) ;*/
                        // Put the consecutive contigs together.
                        struct _pair testNeighbors[ MAX_NEIGHBOR ] ;
                        struct _pair tag ;
                        tag = neighbors[k] ;
                        while ( 1 )
                            if ( contigGraph.GetNeighbors( tag.a, 1 - tag.b, testNeighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) != 1 )
                                break ;
                            int n = subgraph.GetNeighbors( tag.a, 1 - tag.b, testNeighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ;
                            if ( n != 1 )
                                break ;
                            //printf( "%d %d\n", n, testNeighbors[0].a ) ;

                            struct _pair backNeighbors[ MAX_NEIGHBOR ] ;
                            if ( contigGraph.GetNeighbors( testNeighbors[0].a, testNeighbors[0].b, backNeighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) != 1 )
                                break ;
                            n = subgraph.GetNeighbors( testNeighbors[0].a, testNeighbors[0].b, backNeighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ;
                            if ( n != 1 )
                                break ;
                            isInQueue[ testNeighbors[0].a ] = true ;
                            queue[tail] = testNeighbors[0] ;
                            ++tail ;
                            /*if ( i == 639 )
                            	printf( "pushed in queue: %d\n", testNeighbors[0].a ) ;*/
                            tag = testNeighbors[0] ;

            head = tailTag ;
        // Remove the effect on the subgraph.
        /*if ( tail != chosenCnt )
        	printf( "WARNING: not matched\n" ) ;
        	exit( 1 ) ;
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < tail ; ++j )
            visitDummy[ queue[j].a ] = -1 ;
            counter[ queue[j].a ] = -1 ;
            subgraph.RemoveAdjacentEdges( queue[j].a ) ;
            isInQueue[ queue[j].a ] = false ;
        subgraph.ResetEdgeUsed() ;

        // no point is picked
        if ( prevTag == -1 )
            continue ;

        // Update the gap size
        prevTag = -1 ;
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < tail - 1 ; ++j )
            if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( queue[j].a ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( from ) )
                prevTag = queue[j].a ;
            else if ( prevTag != -1 )
                struct _contig c = genome.GetContigInfo( queue[j].a ) ;
                gapSize[prevTag] -= ( c.end - c.start + 1) ;
        // Add the dangling contigs. Use the fact that the queue holding the contigs in the same order as in the scaffold.
        // 5'->3' dangling
        int *chosenDummy = degree ;
        for ( int j = tail - 1 ; j >= 0 ; --j )
            //if ( j < tail - 1 )
            //	continue ;
            chosenCnt = 0 ;
            //if ( queue[j].a == 0 )
            //	printf( "Dummy: %d %d %d\n", j, queue[j].b, 1 - queue[j].b ) ;
            SearchDangling( queue[j].a, queue[j].b, used, danglingTime, danglingVisitTime, contigGraph, false, chosen, chosenDummy, chosenCnt, genome ) ;
            ++danglingTime ;
            int prevTag = prevAdd[j] ;
            /*if ( queue[j].a == 0 )
            	struct _pair neighbors[5] ;
            	int ncnt = contigGraph.GetNeighbors( queue[j].a, 1 - queue[j].b, neighbors, 5 ) ;
            	printf( "%d %d %d %d: %d %d\n", queue[j].b, chosenCnt, prevTag, ncnt, neighbors[0].a, used[ neighbors[0].a ] ) ;
            if ( prevTag == -1 )
                break ;

            // Trim the dangling list
            int k = chosenCnt - 1 ;
            if ( j > 0 && j < tail - 1 )
                for ( k = chosenCnt - 1 ; k >= 1 ; --k )
                    if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( chosen[k] ) != genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( chosen[k - 1] ) )
                        break ;

            // Test the gap size
            int len = 0 ;
            for ( int l = 0 ; l <= k ; ++l )
                struct _contig c = genome.GetContigInfo( chosen[k] ) ;
                len += c.end - c.start + 1 ;

            if ( j < tail - 1 )
                int l ;
                for ( l = j ; l >= 0 ; --l )
                    if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( queue[l].a ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( from ) )
                        break ;

                if ( !ignoreGap && len >= gapSize[ queue[l].a ] + 100 )
                    continue ;
                    gapSize[ queue[l].a ] -= len ;

            for ( ; k >= 0 ; --k )
                used[ chosen[k] ] = true ;
                //printf( "Dangling 1: %d=>%d\n", queue[prevTag].a, chosen[k] ) ;
                scaffold.InsertNode( queue[ prevTag ].a, 1 - queue[ prevTag ].b, chosen[k], chosenDummy[k] ) ;

        // 3'->5' dangling
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < tail ; ++j )
            //if ( j > 0 )
            //	continue ;
            chosenCnt = 0 ;
            SearchDangling( queue[j].a, 1 - queue[j].b, used, danglingTime, danglingVisitTime, contigGraph, false, chosen, chosenDummy, chosenCnt, genome ) ;
            ++danglingTime ;

            int prevTag = prevAdd[j] ;
            int nextTag ;
            if ( prevTag == -1 || j <= firstAdd )
                nextTag = firstAdd ;
            else if ( j == prevTag )
                nextTag = j ;
                nextTag = nextAdd[ prevTag ] ;
            if ( nextTag == -1 )
                break ;
            /*if ( queue[j].a == 37549 )
            	struct _pair neighbors[5] ;
            	int ncnt = contigGraph.GetNeighbors( queue[j].a, queue[j].b, neighbors, 5 ) ;
            	fprintf( stderr, "%d %d %d: %d %d %d: %d %d %d\n", j, queue[j].a, queue[j].b, chosenCnt, nextTag, ncnt, chosen[0], chosenDummy[0], used[ chosen[0] ] ) ;

            // trim the danling list
            int k = chosenCnt - 1 ;
            if ( j < tail - 1 && j > 0 )
                for ( k = chosenCnt - 1 ; k >= 1 ; --k )
                    if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( chosen[k] ) != genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( chosen[k - 1] ) )
                        break ;

            // Test the gap size
            int len = 0 ;
            for ( int l = 0 ; l <= k ; ++l )
                struct _contig c = genome.GetContigInfo( chosen[k] ) ;
                len += c.end - c.start + 1 ;

            if ( j > 0 )
                int l ;
                for ( l = j - 1 ; l >= 0 ; --l ) // Notice the j-1 here, because we want the gap strictly before current contig
                    if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( queue[l].a ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( from ) )
                        break ;

                if ( !ignoreGap && len >= gapSize[ queue[l].a ] + 100 )
                    continue ;
                    gapSize[ queue[l].a ] -= len ;

            for ( ; k >= 0 ; --k )
                used[ chosen[k] ] = true ;
                scaffold.InsertNode( queue[nextTag].a, queue[nextTag].b, chosen[k], chosenDummy[k] ) ;
                //printf( "Dangling 2: %d<=%d\n", queue[nextTag].a, chosen[k] ) ;
                //if ( chosen[k] == 10246 )
                //	printf( "hi %d %d %d %d\n", j, queue[j].a, k, chosen[k] ) ;
    //return 0 ;

    // Output the scaffold
    int id = 0 ;
    char infoFileName[512] ;
    char outputFileName[512] ;
    sprintf( infoFileName, "%s.info", prefix ) ;
    sprintf( outputFileName, "%s.fa", prefix ) ;

    outputFile = fopen( outputFileName, "w" ) ;
    infoFile = fopen( infoFileName, "w") ;

    memset( used, false, sizeof( bool ) * contigCnt ) ;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt ; ++i )
        //printf( "%d (%s)\n", i, alignments.GetChromName( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i ) )  ) ; fflush( stdout ) ;
        /*if ( i == 10246 )
        	std::vector<struct _pair> neighbors ;
        	scaffold.GetNeighbors( i, 0, neighbors ) ;
        	printf( "%u\n", neighbors.size() ) ;
        if ( used[i] )
            continue ;
        int ncnt1 = scaffold.GetNeighbors( i, 0, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ;
        int ncnt2 = scaffold.GetNeighbors( i, 1, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ;
        if ( ncnt1 == 0 || ncnt2 == 0 ) // The end of a scaffold
            fprintf( outputFile, ">scaffold_%d\n", id) ;
            fprintf( infoFile, ">scaffold_%d", id ) ;
            ++id ;
            int p = i ;
            int dummyP = 1 ;
            if ( ncnt1 == 0 )
                dummyP = 0 ;

            used[i] = true ;
            genome.PrintContig( outputFile, i, dummyP ) ;
            fprintf( infoFile, " (%s %d %c)", alignments.GetChromName( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( p ) ), p, dummyP == 0 ? '+' : '-' ) ;
            while ( 1 )
                ncnt = scaffold.GetNeighbors( p, 1 - dummyP, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ;
                if ( ncnt == 0 )
                    break ;
                // ncnt must be 1
                int insertN = 17 ;

                if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( p ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( neighbors[0].a ) )
                    struct _contig cp, cna ;
                    cp = genome.GetContigInfo( p ) ;
                    cna = genome.GetContigInfo( neighbors[0].a ) ;
                    if ( p < neighbors[0].a )
                        insertN = cna.start - cp.end - 1 ;
                    else if ( p > neighbors[0].a )
                        insertN = cp.start - cna.end - 1 ;


                p = neighbors[0].a ;
                dummyP = neighbors[0].b ;
                for ( int j = 0 ; j < insertN ; ++j )
                    fprintf( outputFile, "N" ) ;
                used[p] = true ;
                genome.PrintContig( outputFile, p, dummyP ) ;

                fprintf( infoFile, " (%s %d %c)", alignments.GetChromName( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( p ) ), p, dummyP == 0 ? '+' : '-' ) ;
            fprintf( outputFile, "\n" ) ;
            fprintf( infoFile, "\n" ) ;

    for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt ; ++i )
        if ( !used[i] )
            fprintf( stderr, "Unreported contig %d.\n", i ) ;
    fclose( outputFile ) ;
    fclose( infoFile ) ;

    delete[] buffer ;
    delete[] buffer2 ;
    delete[] chosen ;
    delete[] queue ;
    delete[] counter ;
    delete[] visitTime ;
    delete[] used ;
    delete[] scafInfo ;
    delete[] isInQueue ;
    delete[] gapSize ;

    //fclose( rascafFile ) ;
    return 0 ;
예제 #2
파일: join.cpp 프로젝트: mourisl/Rascaf
// Search one dangling paths
void SearchDangling( int u, int inDummy, bool *used, int time, int *visitTime, ContigGraph &contigGraph, bool add, int chosenNodes[], int chosenDummyNodes[], int &chosenCnt, Genome &genome )
    //if ( u == 10 )
    //	printf( "hi\n" ) ;
    if ( visitTime[u] == time )
        return ;
    visitTime[u] = time ;
    if ( add ) // Only one path will be added.
        chosenNodes[ chosenCnt ] = u ;
        chosenDummyNodes[ chosenCnt ] = inDummy ;
        ++chosenCnt ;
    //if ( u == 10246 )
    //	printf( "hi2 %d\n", chosenCnt ) ;
    struct _pair *neighbors = new struct _pair[ MAX_NEIGHBOR ] ;
    int ncnt ;
    int i ;
    ncnt = contigGraph.GetNeighbors( u, 1 - inDummy, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ;
    bool newAdd = true ;
    //if ( u == 10 )
    //	printf( "hi3 %d %d\n", ncnt, 1 - inDummy ) ;

    // Firstly, bias towards a connection onto another scaffold
    for ( i = 0 ; i < ncnt ; ++i )
        if ( used[ neighbors[i].a ] )
            continue ;
        if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( u ) != genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( neighbors[i].a ) )
            SearchDangling( neighbors[i].a, neighbors[i].b, used, time, visitTime,
                            contigGraph, newAdd, chosenNodes, chosenDummyNodes, chosenCnt, genome ) ;
            newAdd = false ;

    // Lastly, bias towards the closest contig in the raw assembly, since we know the connections are on the same scaffold
    int direction ;
    if ( inDummy == 1 )
        direction = -1 ;
        direction = 1 ;

    int min = genome.GetContigCount() + 1 ;
    int mintag = -1 ;

    for ( i = 0 ; i < ncnt ; ++i )
        //if ( u == 10 )
        //	printf( "%d\n", i ) ;
        if ( used[ neighbors[i].a ] )
            continue ;
        //if ( u == 34674 && neighbors[i].a == 144159 )
        //	printf( "hi\n" ) ;
        //SearchDangling( neighbors[i].a, neighbors[i].b, used, time, visitTime, contigGraph, newAdd, chosenNodes, chosenDummyNodes, chosenCnt, genome ) ;
        //newAdd = false ;
        int tmp = direction * ( neighbors[i].a - u ) ;
        if ( tmp < min )
            min = tmp ;
            mintag = i ;

    if ( mintag != -1 )
        SearchDangling( neighbors[ mintag ].a, neighbors[ mintag ].b, used, time, visitTime,
                        contigGraph, newAdd, chosenNodes, chosenDummyNodes, chosenCnt, genome ) ;
        newAdd = false ;
    delete[] neighbors ;