예제 #1
writePlotFile (const std::string& dir,
               const MultiFab&    mf,
               const Geometry&    geom)
    // Only let 64 CPUs be writing at any one time.
    // Only the I/O processor makes the directory if it doesn't already exist.
    if (ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor())
        if (!BoxLib::UtilCreateDirectory(dir, 0755))
    // Force other processors to wait till directory is built.

    std::string HeaderFileName = dir + "/Header";

    VisMF::IO_Buffer io_buffer(VisMF::IO_Buffer_Size);

    std::ofstream HeaderFile;

    HeaderFile.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(io_buffer.dataPtr(), io_buffer.size());

    if (ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor())
        // Only the IOProcessor() writes to the header file.
        HeaderFile.open(HeaderFileName.c_str(), std::ios::out|std::ios::trunc|std::ios::binary);
        if (!HeaderFile.good())
        HeaderFile << "NavierStokes-V1.1\n";

        HeaderFile << mf.nComp() << '\n';

        for (int ivar = 1; ivar <= mf.nComp(); ivar++) {
          HeaderFile << "Variable " << ivar << "\n";

        HeaderFile << BL_SPACEDIM << '\n';
        HeaderFile << 0 << '\n';
        HeaderFile << 0 << '\n';
        for (int i = 0; i < BL_SPACEDIM; i++)
            HeaderFile << geom.ProbLo(i) << ' ';
        HeaderFile << '\n';
        for (int i = 0; i < BL_SPACEDIM; i++)
            HeaderFile << geom.ProbHi(i) << ' ';
        HeaderFile << '\n';
        HeaderFile << '\n';
        HeaderFile << geom.Domain() << ' ';
        HeaderFile << '\n';
        HeaderFile << 0 << ' ';
        HeaderFile << '\n';
        for (int k = 0; k < BL_SPACEDIM; k++)
            HeaderFile << geom.CellSize()[k] << ' ';
        HeaderFile << '\n';
        HeaderFile << geom.Coord() << '\n';
        HeaderFile << "0\n";
    // Build the directory to hold the MultiFab at this level.
    // The name is relative to the directory containing the Header file.
    static const std::string BaseName = "/Cell";

    std::string Level = BoxLib::Concatenate("Level_", 0, 1);
    // Now for the full pathname of that directory.
    std::string FullPath = dir;
    if (!FullPath.empty() && FullPath[FullPath.length()-1] != '/')
        FullPath += '/';
    FullPath += Level;
    // Only the I/O processor makes the directory if it doesn't already exist.
    if (ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor())
        if (!BoxLib::UtilCreateDirectory(FullPath, 0755))
    // Force other processors to wait till directory is built.

    if (ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor())
        HeaderFile << 0 << ' ' << mf.boxArray().size() << ' ' << 0 << '\n';
        HeaderFile << 0 << '\n';

        for (int i = 0; i < mf.boxArray().size(); ++i)
            RealBox loc = RealBox(mf.boxArray()[i],geom.CellSize(),geom.ProbLo());
            for (int n = 0; n < BL_SPACEDIM; n++)
                HeaderFile << loc.lo(n) << ' ' << loc.hi(n) << '\n';

        std::string PathNameInHeader = Level;
        PathNameInHeader += BaseName;
        HeaderFile << PathNameInHeader << '\n';
    // Use the Full pathname when naming the MultiFab.
    std::string TheFullPath = FullPath;
    TheFullPath += BaseName;

예제 #2
void main_main ()
  // What time is it now?  We'll use this to compute total run time.
  Real strt_time = ParallelDescriptor::second();

  std::cout << std::setprecision(15);

  int n_cell, max_grid_size, nsteps, plot_int, is_periodic[BL_SPACEDIM];

  // Boundary conditions
  Array<int> lo_bc(BL_SPACEDIM), hi_bc(BL_SPACEDIM);

  // inputs parameters
    // ParmParse is way of reading inputs from the inputs file
    ParmParse pp;

    // We need to get n_cell from the inputs file - this is the number of cells on each side of 
    //   a square (or cubic) domain.

    // Default nsteps to 0, allow us to set it to something else in the inputs file

    // Default plot_int to 1, allow us to set it to something else in the inputs file
    //  If plot_int < 0 then no plot files will be written
    plot_int = 1;

    // Default nsteps to 0, allow us to set it to something else in the inputs file
    nsteps = 0;

    // Boundary conditions - default is periodic (INT_DIR)
    for (int i = 0; i < BL_SPACEDIM; ++i)
      lo_bc[i] = hi_bc[i] = INT_DIR;   // periodic boundaries are interior boundaries

  // make BoxArray and Geometry
  BoxArray ba;
  Geometry geom;
    IntVect dom_lo(IntVect(D_DECL(0,0,0)));
    IntVect dom_hi(IntVect(D_DECL(n_cell-1, n_cell-1, n_cell-1)));
    Box domain(dom_lo, dom_hi);

    // Initialize the boxarray "ba" from the single box "bx"
    // Break up boxarray "ba" into chunks no larger than "max_grid_size" along a direction

    // This defines the physical size of the box.  Right now the box is [-1,1] in each direction.
    RealBox real_box;
    for (int n = 0; n < BL_SPACEDIM; n++) {
      real_box.setHi(n, 1.0);

    // This says we are using Cartesian coordinates
    int coord = 0;
    // This sets the boundary conditions to be doubly or triply periodic
    int is_periodic[BL_SPACEDIM];
    for (int i = 0; i < BL_SPACEDIM; i++)
      is_periodic[i] = 0;
      if (lo_bc[i] == 0 && hi_bc[i] == 0) {
	is_periodic[i] = 1;

    // This defines a Geometry object

  // Boundary conditions
  PhysBCFunct physbcf;
  BCRec bcr(&lo_bc[0], &hi_bc[0]);
  physbcf.define(geom, bcr, BndryFunctBase(phifill)); // phifill is a fortran function

  // define dx[]
  const Real* dx = geom.CellSize();

  // Nghost = number of ghost cells for each array 
  int Nghost = 1;

  // Ncomp = number of components for each array
  int Ncomp  = 1;

  // time = starting time in the simulation
  Real time = 0.0;
  // we allocate two phi multifabs; one will store the old state, the other the new
  // we swap the indices each time step to avoid copies of new into old
  PArray<MultiFab> phi(2, PArrayManage);
  phi.set(0, new MultiFab(ba, Ncomp, Nghost));
  phi.set(1, new MultiFab(ba, Ncomp, Nghost));

  // Initialize both to zero (just because)

  // Initialize phi[init_index] by calling a Fortran routine.
  // MFIter = MultiFab Iterator
  int init_index = 0;
  for ( MFIter mfi(phi[init_index]); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi )
    const Box& bx = mfi.validbox();

	     bx.loVect(), bx.hiVect(), &Nghost,
	     geom.CellSize(), geom.ProbLo(), geom.ProbHi());

  // compute the time step
  Real dt = 0.9*dx[0]*dx[0] / (2.0*BL_SPACEDIM);

  // Write a plotfile of the initial data if plot_int > 0 (plot_int was defined in the inputs file)
  if (plot_int > 0)
    int n = 0;
    const std::string& pltfile = BoxLib::Concatenate("plt",n,5);
    writePlotFile(pltfile, phi[init_index], geom, time);

  // build the flux multifabs
  PArray<MultiFab> flux(BL_SPACEDIM, PArrayManage);
  for (int dir = 0; dir < BL_SPACEDIM; dir++)
    // flux(dir) has one component, zero ghost cells, and is nodal in direction dir
    BoxArray edge_ba = ba;
    flux.set(dir, new MultiFab(edge_ba, 1, 0));

  int old_index = init_index;
  for (int n = 1; n <= nsteps; n++, old_index = 1 - old_index)
    int new_index = 1 - old_index;

    // new_phi = old_phi + dt * (something)
    advance(phi[old_index], phi[new_index], flux, time, dt, geom, physbcf, bcr); 
    time = time + dt;

    // Tell the I/O Processor to write out which step we're doing
    if (ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor())
      std::cout << "Advanced step " << n << std::endl;

    // Write a plotfile of the current data (plot_int was defined in the inputs file)
    if (plot_int > 0 && n%plot_int == 0)
      const std::string& pltfile = BoxLib::Concatenate("plt",n,5);
      writePlotFile(pltfile, phi[new_index], geom, time);

  // Call the timer again and compute the maximum difference between the start time and stop time
  //   over all processors
  Real stop_time = ParallelDescriptor::second() - strt_time;
  const int IOProc = ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessorNumber();

  // Tell the I/O Processor to write out the "run time"
  if (ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor()) {
    std::cout << "Run time = " << stop_time << std::endl;