예제 #1
KML_Placemark::build( const Config& conf, KMLContext& cx )
    Style style;
    if ( conf.hasValue("styleurl") )
        // process a "stylesheet" style
        const Style* ref_style = cx._sheet->getStyle( conf.value("styleurl"), false );
        if ( ref_style )
            style = *ref_style;
    else if ( conf.hasChild("style") )
        // process an "inline" style
        KML_Style kmlStyle;
        kmlStyle.scan( conf.child("style"), cx );
        style = cx._activeStyle;

    // parse the geometry. the placemark must have geometry to be valid. The 
    // geometry parse may optionally specify an altitude mode as well.
    KML_Geometry geometry;
    geometry.build(conf, cx, style);

    // KML's default altitude mode is clampToGround.
    AltitudeMode altMode = ALTMODE_RELATIVE;

    AltitudeSymbol* altSym = style.get<AltitudeSymbol>();
    if ( !altSym )
        altSym = style.getOrCreate<AltitudeSymbol>();
        altSym->clamping() = AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_RELATIVE_TO_TERRAIN;
    else if ( !altSym->clamping().isSetTo(AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_RELATIVE_TO_TERRAIN) )
        altMode = ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE;
    if ( geometry._geom.valid() && geometry._geom->getTotalPointCount() > 0 )
        Geometry* geom = geometry._geom.get();

        GeoPoint position(cx._srs.get(), geom->getBounds().center(), altMode);

        bool isPoly = geom->getComponentType() == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON;
        bool isPoint = geom->getComponentType() == Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET;

        // read in the Marker if there is one.
        URI                      markerURI;
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> markerImage;
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node>  markerModel;

        MarkerSymbol* marker = style.get<MarkerSymbol>();

        if ( marker && marker->url().isSet() )
            if ( marker->isModel() == false )
                markerImage = marker->getImage( *cx._options->iconMaxSize() );
                markerURI = URI( marker->url()->eval(), marker->url()->uriContext() );
                markerModel = markerURI.getNode();

                // We can't leave the marker symbol in the style, or the GeometryCompiler will
                // think we want to do Point-model substitution. So remove it. A bit of a hack
                if ( marker )

        std::string text = conf.hasValue("name") ? conf.value("name") : "";

        AnnotationNode* fNode = 0L;
        AnnotationNode* pNode = 0L;

        // place a 3D model:
        if ( markerModel.valid() )
            LocalGeometryNode* lg = new LocalGeometryNode(cx._mapNode, markerModel.get(), style, false);
            lg->setPosition( position );
            if ( marker )
                if ( marker->scale().isSet() )
                    float scale = marker->scale()->eval();
                    lg->setScale( osg::Vec3f(scale,scale,scale) );
                if ( marker->orientation().isSet() )
                   // lg->setRotation( );

            fNode = lg;
            //Feature* feature = new Feature(geometry._geom.get(), cx._srs.get(), style);
            //fNode = new FeatureNode( cx._mapNode, feature, false );

        // Place node (icon + text) or Label node (text only)
        else if ( marker || geometry._geom->getTotalPointCount() == 1 )
            if ( !markerImage.valid() )
                markerImage = cx._options->defaultIconImage().get();
                if ( !markerImage.valid() )
                    markerImage = cx._options->defaultIconURI()->getImage();
            if ( !style.get<TextSymbol>() && cx._options->defaultTextSymbol().valid() )
                style.addSymbol( cx._options->defaultTextSymbol().get() );

            if ( markerImage.valid() )
                pNode = new PlaceNode( cx._mapNode, position, markerImage.get(), text, style );
                pNode = new LabelNode( cx._mapNode, position, text, style );

        if ( geometry._geom->getTotalPointCount() > 1 )
            const ExtrusionSymbol* ex = style.get<ExtrusionSymbol>();
            const AltitudeSymbol* alt = style.get<AltitudeSymbol>();    

            if ( style.get<MarkerSymbol>() )

            bool draped =
                isPoly   && 
                ex == 0L && 
                (alt == 0L || alt->clamping() == AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN);

            // Make a feature node; drape if we're not extruding.
            GeometryCompilerOptions options;
            options.clustering() = false;            
            Feature* feature = new Feature(geometry._geom.get(), cx._srs.get(), style);
            fNode = new FeatureNode( cx._mapNode, feature, draped, options );

            if ( !ex )
                fNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, 0);
        if ( pNode && fNode )
            osg::Group* group = new osg::Group();
            group->addChild( fNode );
            group->addChild( pNode );
            cx._groupStack.top()->addChild( group );
            if ( cx._options->declutter() == true )
                Decluttering::setEnabled( pNode->getOrCreateStateSet(), true );
            KML_Feature::build( conf, cx, pNode );
            KML_Feature::build( conf, cx, fNode );

        else if ( pNode )
            if ( cx._options->iconAndLabelGroup().valid() )
                cx._options->iconAndLabelGroup()->addChild( pNode );
                cx._groupStack.top()->addChild( pNode );
                if ( cx._options->declutter() == true )
                    Decluttering::setEnabled( pNode->getOrCreateStateSet(), true );
            KML_Feature::build( conf, cx, pNode );

        else if ( fNode )
            cx._groupStack.top()->addChild( fNode );
            KML_Feature::build( conf, cx, fNode );