예제 #1
    static float getAverageY (const Font& font, const char* chars, bool getTop)
        GlyphArrangement ga;
        ga.addLineOfText (font, chars, 0, 0);

        Array<float> y;
        DefaultElementComparator<float> sorter;

        for (int i = 0; i < ga.getNumGlyphs(); ++i)
            Path p;
            ga.getGlyph (i).createPath (p);
            Rectangle<float> bounds (p.getBounds());

            if (! p.isEmpty())
                y.addSorted (sorter, getTop ? bounds.getY() : bounds.getBottom());

        float median = y[y.size() / 2];

        float total = 0;
        int num = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < y.size(); ++i)
            if (std::abs (median - y.getUnchecked(i)) < 0.05f * (float) standardHeight)
                total += y.getUnchecked(i);

        return num < 4 ? 0.0f : total / (num * (float) standardHeight);
예제 #2
    void paint (Graphics& g) override
        double startTime = 0.0;

            // A ScopedSaveState will return the Graphics context to the state it was at the time of
            // construction when it goes out of scope. We use it here to avoid clipping the fps text
            const Graphics::ScopedSaveState state (g);

            if (controls.clipToRectangle.getToggleState())  clipToRectangle (g);
            if (controls.clipToPath     .getToggleState())  clipToPath (g);
            if (controls.clipToImage    .getToggleState())  clipToImage (g);

            g.setImageResamplingQuality (controls.quality.getToggleState() ? Graphics::highResamplingQuality
                                                                           : Graphics::mediumResamplingQuality);

            // take a note of the time before the render
            startTime = Time::getMillisecondCounterHiRes();

            // then let the demo draw itself..
            drawDemo (g);

        double now = Time::getMillisecondCounterHiRes();
        double filtering = 0.08;

        const double elapsedMs = now - startTime;
        averageTimeMs += (elapsedMs - averageTimeMs) * filtering;

        const double sinceLastRender = now - lastRenderStartTime;
        lastRenderStartTime = now;

        const double effectiveFPS = 1000.0 / averageTimeMs;
        const double actualFPS = sinceLastRender > 0 ? (1000.0 / sinceLastRender) : 0;
        averageActualFPS += (actualFPS - averageActualFPS) * filtering;

        GlyphArrangement ga;
        ga.addFittedText (displayFont,
                          "Time: " + String (averageTimeMs, 2)
                            + " ms\nEffective FPS: " + String (effectiveFPS, 1)
                            + "\nActual FPS: " + String (averageActualFPS, 1),
                          0, 10.0f, getWidth() - 10.0f, (float) getHeight(), Justification::topRight, 3);

        g.setColour (Colours::white.withAlpha (0.5f));
        g.fillRect (ga.getBoundingBox (0, ga.getNumGlyphs(), true).getSmallestIntegerContainer().expanded (4));

        g.setColour (Colours::black);
        ga.draw (g);
void Graphics::drawText (const String& text, const Rectangle<float>& area,
                         Justification justificationType, bool useEllipsesIfTooBig) const
    if (text.isNotEmpty() && context.clipRegionIntersects (area.getSmallestIntegerContainer()))
        GlyphArrangement arr;
        arr.addCurtailedLineOfText (context.getFont(), text, 0.0f, 0.0f,
                                    area.getWidth(), useEllipsesIfTooBig);

        arr.justifyGlyphs (0, arr.getNumGlyphs(),
                           area.getX(), area.getY(), area.getWidth(), area.getHeight(),
        arr.draw (*this);
예제 #4
void Graphics::drawText (const String& text,
                         const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height,
                         const Justification& justificationType,
                         const bool useEllipsesIfTooBig) const
    if (text.isNotEmpty() && context->clipRegionIntersects (Rectangle<int> (x, y, width, height)))
        GlyphArrangement arr;

        arr.addCurtailedLineOfText (context->getFont(), text,
                                    0.0f, 0.0f, (float) width,

        arr.justifyGlyphs (0, arr.getNumGlyphs(),
                           (float) x, (float) y, (float) width, (float) height,
        arr.draw (*this);