HRESULT CIGFrameControl::OnDraw(ATL_DRAWINFO& di) { if (!m_spFrame) return S_OK; m_spFrame->Render (di.hdcDraw); RECT& rc = *(RECT*)di.prcBounds; Graphics graphics (di.hdcDraw); int nFramePosX = 0; int nFramePosY = 0; int nFramePosWidth = 0; int nFramePosHeight = 0; m_spFrame->GetFramePos (nFramePosX, nFramePosY, nFramePosWidth, nFramePosHeight); SolidBrush brushFrameOut (m_spFrame->GetSelected() ? IGFRAME_FRAMEOUT_SELECTED : IGFRAME_FRAMEOUT); graphics.FillRectangle (&brushFrameOut, Rect (2, 2, rc.right - rc.left - 4, nFramePosY - 2)); graphics.FillRectangle (&brushFrameOut, Rect (2, nFramePosY, nFramePosX - 2, rc.bottom - - nFramePosY - 2)); graphics.FillRectangle (&brushFrameOut, Rect (nFramePosX, nFramePosY + nFramePosHeight, nFramePosWidth, rc.bottom - - (nFramePosY + nFramePosHeight) - 2)); graphics.FillRectangle (&brushFrameOut, Rect (nFramePosX + nFramePosWidth, nFramePosY, rc.right - rc.left - (nFramePosX + nFramePosWidth) - 2, rc.bottom - - nFramePosY - 2)); Pen penFrameBorder (IGFRAME_FRAMEBORDER, 1); graphics.DrawRectangle (&penFrameBorder, Rect (nFramePosX - 1, nFramePosY - 1, nFramePosWidth + 1, nFramePosHeight + 1)); Pen penIn (m_spFrame->GetSelected() ? IGFRAME_BORDER_SELECTED : IGFRAME_BORDER_INCOLOR, 1); Pen penOut (m_spFrame->GetSelected() ? IGFRAME_BORDER_SELECTED : IGFRAME_BORDER_OUTCOLOR, 1); graphics.DrawRectangle (&penOut, Rect (0, 0, rc.right - rc.left - 1, rc.bottom - - 1)); graphics.DrawRectangle (&penIn, Rect (1, 1, rc.right - rc.left - 3, rc.bottom - - 3)); return S_OK; }
void CIGWorkspaceButtonPanel::drawButton (HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, IGLibrary::IGFrame *pCxButtonIcon) { if (pCxButtonIcon) { pCxButtonIcon->LayerDrawAllInClearedCache (hDC, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, false, false, false, RGB (0, 0, 0)); // test if mouse is over the current button if ((m_eButtonState == IGBUTTON_MOUSEOVER) && (hWnd == m_hOverButton)) { Graphics graphics (hDC); int nButtonSize = pCxButtonIcon->GetWidth(); Rect rcGdiButton = Rect (0, 0, nButtonSize - 1, nButtonSize - 1); // draw blue square in mouseover mode SolidBrush solBrushButton (IGWORKSPACE_COLOR_BUTTON); graphics.FillRectangle (&solBrushButton, rcGdiButton); Pen penButtonBorder (IGWORKSPACE_COLOR_BUTTONBORDER); graphics.DrawRectangle (&penButtonBorder, rcGdiButton); } // draw button icon if (m_eButtonState == IGBUTTON_MOUSEOVER) pCxButtonIcon->LayerDrawAllFromCache (hDC, 0, 0, IGWORKSPACEBUTTONPANEL_ALPHAOVER, RGB (0, 0, 0)); else pCxButtonIcon->LayerDrawAllFromCache (hDC, 0, 0, IGWORKSPACEBUTTONPANEL_ALPHANORMAL, RGB (0, 0, 0)); } }
static void DrawFrame2(Graphics &g, RectI r) { g.SetCompositingQuality(CompositingQualityHighQuality); g.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeAntiAlias); g.SetPageUnit(UnitPixel); Font f(L"Impact", 40, FontStyleRegular); CalcLettersLayout(g, &f, r.dx); SolidBrush bgBrush(Color(0xff, 0xf2, 0)); Rect r2(r.ToGdipRect()); r2.Inflate(1, 1); g.FillRectangle(&bgBrush, r2); Font f2(L"Impact", 16, FontStyleRegular); DrawSumatraLetters(g, &f, &f2, 18.f); if (gShowOptions) return; REAL msgY = (REAL)(r.dy / 2); if (gMsg) msgY += DrawMessage(g, gMsg, msgY, (REAL)r.dx, gMsgColor) + 5; if (gMsgError) DrawMessage(g, gMsgError, msgY, (REAL)r.dx, COLOR_MSG_FAILED); }
void CAguraDlgBlue::gradationCenter(Graphics& g, CRect rt, Color& color1, Color& color2, BOOL bLine, Color& color3) { GraphicsPath gPath; int iHeight = rt.Width() / 4; int iWidth = rt.Width() / 4; RectF rtF((REAL)rt.left - iWidth, (REAL) - iHeight, (REAL)rt.Width() + iWidth * 2, (REAL)rt.Height() + iHeight * 2); gPath.AddEllipse(rtF); gPath.CloseFigure(); PathGradientBrush PGB(&gPath); PGB.SetCenterColor(color1); //would be some shade of blue, following your example int colCount = 1; PGB.SetSurroundColors(&color2, &colCount); //same as your center color, but with the alpha channel set to 0 //play with these numbers to get the glow effect you want REAL blendFactors[] = {0.0f, 0.1f, 0.3f, 1.0f}; REAL blendPos[] = {0.0f, 0.4f, 0.6f, 1.0f}; //sets how transition toward the center is shaped PGB.SetBlend(blendFactors, blendPos, 4); //sets the scaling on the center. you may want to have it elongated in the x-direction PGB.SetFocusScales(0.2f, 0.2f); RectF rtDraw((REAL)rt.left, (REAL), (REAL)rt.Width(), (REAL)rt.Height()); g.FillRectangle(&PGB, rtDraw); if (bLine == TRUE) { Pen pen(color3, 1); g.DrawRectangle(&pen, rtDraw); } }
void MFCInstanceView::Draw(Graphics &dc, CRect &clipBox) { // !!!??? need to clip properly for short instances with long names Pen blackPen(AlphaColor(250, rgb_black), 1); Pen redPen(AlphaColor(250, rgb_red), 1); SolidBrush blueBrush(AlphaColor(100, rgb_blue)); SolidBrush blackBrush(AlphaColor(100, rgb_black)); CRect clipBounds = bounds; if (clipBox.left > bounds.left) clipBounds.left = clipBox.left-1; if (clipBox.right < bounds.right) clipBounds.right = clipBox.right+1; cerr << "ondraw instance view " << clipBox.left << ", " << clipBox.right << endl; dc.FillRectangle(&blueBrush, bounds.left,, bounds.right-bounds.left,; dc.DrawRectangle(selected?&redPen:&blackPen, bounds.left,, clipBounds.right-bounds.left,; Font labelFont(L"Arial", 8.0, FontStyleRegular, UnitPoint, NULL); wstring nm; const char *cp = instance->sym->uniqueName(); while (*cp) { nm.push_back(*cp++); } float lbx = bounds.left+2; #define LBLSEP 200 if (clipBox.left > lbx) { int nld = clipBox.left - lbx; nld = nld/LBLSEP; // if (nld > 2) lbx += (nld-2)*LBLSEP; } PointF p(lbx,; do { dc.DrawString(nm.c_str(), -1, &labelFont, p, &blackBrush); p.X += LBLSEP; } while (p.X < clipBounds.right); }
//原生GDI+ 绘制 void converDemo::drawOnNativeGdi(Graphics &graphics) { GraphicsPath path; path.AddEllipse(10, 10, 100, 100); path.AddRectangle(RectF(100, 100, 200, 250)); PathGradientBrush* brush = new PathGradientBrush(&path); Color colors[] = { Color(0, 0, 255), Color(0, 0, 0), Color(0, 255, 0), Color(255, 0, 0) }; REAL reals[] = { 0, 0.5, 0.8, 1 }; brush->SetInterpolationColors(colors, reals, 4); Matrix matrix; matrix.Translate(100, 0); matrix.Shear(0.15, 0.3); matrix.Scale(0.4, 0.2); matrix.Rotate(0.5); // brush->MultiplyTransform(&matrix, MatrixOrderAppend); RectF rect(convertQRectF2GpRectF(QRectF(100.0f, 100.0f, 200.0f, 400.0f))); graphics.FillRectangle(brush, rect); delete brush; }
Gridlay::Gridlay(ChildCore *core) : Layer(core,NULL) { this->image = NULL; this->gridblock = NULL; this->pattern = NULL; this->x = 0; this->y = 0; this->oldx = 0; this->oldy = 0; this->width = 0; this->height = 0; this->rendered = false; SolidBrush *b = new SolidBrush(CLR_FRAME_LIGHT); this->image = new Bitmap(2 * GRDBGBLOCK,2 * GRDBGBLOCK,Core::getPixelFormat()); Graphics *g = Graphics::FromImage(this->image); g->SetInterpolationMode(InterpolationModeNearestNeighbor); g->Clear(CLR_WHITE); g->FillRectangle(b,GRDBGBLOCK,0,GRDBGBLOCK,GRDBGBLOCK); g->FillRectangle(b,0,GRDBGBLOCK,GRDBGBLOCK,GRDBGBLOCK); delete b; delete g; g = Graphics::FromHWND(this->core->getWindowHandle()); this->pattern = new CachedBitmap((Bitmap *)this->image,g); delete g; }
void DrawItemManagement::OnPaint(Graphics& g) { //»±³¾°É« g.FillRectangle(&SolidBrush(m_backgroundColor),getDrawRectF()); m_strategy->OnPaint(g,m_allDrawItemList); }
void PlayControlWnd::OnPaint() { CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting // TODO: Add your message handler code here // Do not call CWnd::OnPaint() for painting messages Graphics graphics(dc.m_hDC); CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); Bitmap bmp(rect.right,rect.bottom); Graphics* memGraph = Graphics::FromImage(&bmp); SolidBrush brushBg(Color::Black); memGraph->FillRectangle( &brushBg, rect.left,, rect.Width(), rect.Height() ); graphics.DrawImage(&bmp,rect.left,,rect.right,rect.bottom); delete memGraph; }
//QT转成GDI+绘制 void converDemo::drawOnTranslateQT(Graphics &graphics) { Color color; QColor qcolor(100, 210, 207.5, 100); convertQColor2GpColor(qcolor, &color); RectF rect(convertQRectF2GpRectF(QRectF(0.0f, 0.0f, 200.0f, 400.0f))); Brush* brush = convertQBrush2GpBrush(newPathGradientBrush()); graphics.FillRectangle(brush, rect); delete brush; brush = convertQBrush2GpBrush(creatQTextureBrush()); // Image* image = ((TextureBrush*)brush)->GetImage(); // graphics.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image->GetWidth(), image->GetHeight()); graphics.FillRectangle(brush, RectF(0, 200, 100, 400)); delete brush; }
void CIGPropertyManager::DrawBackground (const RECT& rcWnd, Graphics& graphics) { static SolidBrush backgroundBrush (IGPROPERTYMANAGER_COLOR_BACKGROUND); Rect rectBackgroundItem (0, 0, rcWnd.right - rcWnd.left - 1, rcWnd.bottom - - 1); graphics.FillRectangle (&backgroundBrush, rectBackgroundItem); Pen penBorder (IGPROPERTYMANAGER_COLOR_BORDER); graphics.DrawRectangle (&penBorder, rectBackgroundItem); }
void CRectView::Draw(CDC* pDC, const std::vector<CElement*>& selection, CElement* highlight) { Pen pen(ColorToDraw(selection, highlight), penWidth); SolidBrush brush(fillColor); Graphics g = pDC->GetSafeHdc(); g.FillRectangle(&brush, *this); g.DrawRectangle(&pen, *this); }
void CMainDlg::DoPaint(Graphics& g) { CRect rcClient; GetClientRect(&rcClient); Rect rc(rcClient.left,, rcClient.Width(), rcClient.Height()); SolidBrush br(Color::WhiteSmoke); g.FillRectangle(&br, rc); }
void CZoneView::DrawZone(CDC* pDC, const std::vector<CElement*>& selection, CElement* highlight) const { Graphics g = pDC->GetSafeHdc(); Pen pen(ColorToDraw(selection, highlight), 1); //Arrondir les angles avec GDI+, possible ? SolidBrush brush(Color::MakeARGB(100, fillColor.GetR(), fillColor.GetG(), fillColor.GetB())); Rect visibleRect(*this); visibleRect.Inflate(-3, -3); g.FillRectangle(&brush, visibleRect); g.DrawRectangle(&pen, visibleRect); }
/** * Draws a gradient filling the rectangle specified by r * in direction of nAngle (which is specified in tenth of degrees) * using a linear shading from color crStart to crEnd */ void CGradientRenderer::DrawGradient(CDC* pDC, HANDLE hndPrinter, CRect r, int nAngle, COLORREF crStart, COLORREF crEnd, CPreviewDC* pDCPreview) { Graphics graphics (pDC->GetSafeHdc (), hndPrinter); graphics.SetPageUnit (UnitPixel); graphics.SetSmoothingMode (SmoothingModeHighQuality); graphics.SetInterpolationMode (InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic); graphics.SetPixelOffsetMode (PixelOffsetModeHighQuality); Brush* pBrush = CGradient::CreateLinearGradientBrush (r, deg2rad (nAngle), crStart, crEnd); graphics.FillRectangle (pBrush, r.left,, r.Width (), r.Height ()); }
void CIGPropertyManager::DrawProperty (const pair<wstring,wstring>& prop, const RectF& rcfNameProp, const RectF& rcfValueProp, Graphics& graphics) { static FontFamily fontFamily (L"Times New Roman"); static Font fontRegular (&fontFamily, 12, FontStyleRegular, UnitPixel); static Font fontItalic (&fontFamily, 12, FontStyleItalic, UnitPixel); static SolidBrush backgroundBrush (IGPROPERTYMANAGER_COLOR_BACKGROUND); static SolidBrush solidFontBrush (IGPROPERTYMANAGER_COLOR_FONT); static StringFormat format (StringFormat::GenericDefault()); graphics.FillRectangle (&backgroundBrush, Rect (Point ((int)rcfNameProp.X, (int)rcfNameProp.Y), Size ((int)(rcfNameProp.Width + rcfValueProp.Width), (int)rcfNameProp.Height))); graphics.DrawString (prop.first.c_str(), -1, &fontItalic, rcfNameProp, &format, &solidFontBrush); graphics.DrawString (prop.second.c_str(), -1, &fontRegular, rcfValueProp, &format, &solidFontBrush); }
void MFCEditorItemView::Draw(Graphics &dc, CRect &clipBox) { // !!!??? need to clip properly for short instances with long names Pen blackPen(Color(250, 0,0,0), 1); Pen redPen(Color(250, 160, 10, 10), 1); SolidBrush blueBrush(Color(100, 10, 10, 160)); SolidBrush blackBrush(Color(100, 0,0,0)); // fprintf(stderr, "drawing instance view %d\n", bounds.right-bounds.left); dc.FillRectangle(&blueBrush, bounds.left,, bounds.right-bounds.left,; dc.DrawRectangle(selected?&redPen:&blackPen, bounds.left,, bounds.right-bounds.left,; }
LRESULT CIGMultiFrame::OnEraseBkgnd(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { if (m_spFrameMgr->GetNbVisibleFrames() <= 0) { RECT rc; GetWindowRect (&rc); int nRcWidth = rc.right - rc.left; int nRcHeight = rc.bottom -; int nLogoWidth = m_cxLogo.GetWidth (); int nLogoHeight = m_cxLogo.GetHeight (); int nLogoPosX = nRcWidth / 2 - nLogoWidth / 2; int nLogoPosY = nRcHeight / 2 - nLogoHeight / 2; Graphics graphics ((HDC)wParam); SolidBrush solBrush (IGMULTIFRAME_COLOR_BACKGROUND); graphics.FillRectangle (&solBrush, Rect (0, 0, nRcWidth, nLogoPosY)); graphics.FillRectangle (&solBrush, Rect (0, nLogoPosY, nLogoPosX, nRcHeight - nLogoPosY)); graphics.FillRectangle (&solBrush, Rect (nLogoPosX, nLogoPosY + nLogoHeight, nLogoWidth, nRcHeight - (nLogoPosY + nLogoHeight))); graphics.FillRectangle (&solBrush, Rect (nLogoPosX + nLogoWidth, nLogoPosY, nRcWidth - (nLogoPosX + nLogoWidth), nRcHeight - nLogoPosY)); m_cxLogo.LayerDrawAllFromCache ((HDC)wParam, nLogoPosX, nLogoPosY); } bHandled = TRUE; return TRUE; }
void CGradientRenderer::DrawGradient (CDC* pDC, HANDLE hndPrinter, CRect r, LINEARGRADIENTDATA* pLgd, CPreviewDC* pDCPreview) { // normalize angle pLgd->dAngle = normalize_rad (pLgd->dAngle); Graphics graphics (pDC->GetSafeHdc (), hndPrinter); graphics.SetPageUnit (UnitPixel); graphics.SetSmoothingMode (SmoothingModeHighQuality); graphics.SetInterpolationMode (InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic); graphics.SetPixelOffsetMode (PixelOffsetModeHighQuality); if ((pLgd->type != Linear) && (pLgd->type != Rectangular) && (pLgd->type != Radial_TopLeft)) { Color color; color.SetFromCOLORREF (pLgd->colors[0]); Rect rect (r.left,, r.Width (), r.Height ()); LinearGradientBrush brush (rect, color, color, 0.0f); graphics.FillRectangle (&brush, rect); } GraphicsPath* pPath = NULL; Brush* pBrush = CGradient::CreateGradientBrush (r, *pLgd, &pPath); if (pPath == NULL) graphics.FillRectangle (pBrush, r.left,, r.Width (), r.Height ()); else { if (pLgd->type == Radial_TopLeft) graphics.FillRectangle (pBrush, r.left,, r.Width (), r.Height ()); else graphics.FillPath (pBrush, pPath); delete pPath; } delete pBrush; }
void UIButton::onPaintBkg(Graphics& graphics, Rect rect) { SolidBrush brush(m_color); switch (m_buttonType) { case UITYPE_BUTTON_RECTANGLE: graphics.FillRectangle(&brush, rect); break; case UITYPE_BUTTON_CIRCLE: graphics.FillEllipse(&brush, rect); break; default: break; } }
void CIGImageLibrary::drawListBoxItem (HDC hDC, int nItemId) { RECT rcItem; ::ZeroMemory (&rcItem, sizeof (RECT)); ::SendMessageW (m_hListBox, (UINT)LB_GETITEMRECT, (WPARAM)nItemId, (LPARAM)&rcItem); if ((rcItem.right > 0) && (rcItem.left < IGIMAGELIBRARY_LISTBOXWIDTH)) { HBITMAP hBmp = (HBITMAP)::SendMessageW (m_hListBox, (UINT)LB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)nItemId, 0); if (!hBmp) return; BITMAP bitmapInfo; ::ZeroMemory (&bitmapInfo, sizeof (BITMAP)); ::GetObject (hBmp, sizeof (BITMAP), &bitmapInfo); HBITMAP hBmpItem = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap (hDC, bitmapInfo.bmWidth, bitmapInfo.bmHeight); HBITMAP hOldBmp = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject (hDC, hBmpItem); HDC hdcCompatible = ::CreateCompatibleDC (hDC); ::SelectObject (hdcCompatible, hBmp); int nItemPosX = (IGIMAGELIBRARY_ITEMWIDTH - bitmapInfo.bmWidth) / 2; int nItemPosY = (IGIMAGELIBRARY_ITEMHEIGHT - bitmapInfo.bmHeight) / 2; ::BitBlt (hDC, rcItem.left + nItemPosX, + nItemPosY, bitmapInfo.bmWidth, bitmapInfo.bmHeight, hdcCompatible, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); ::SelectObject (hDC, hOldBmp); ::DeleteDC (hdcCompatible); ::DeleteObject (hBmpItem); int nIsSelected = (int)::SendMessageW (m_hListBox, (UINT)LB_GETSEL, (WPARAM)nItemId, 0); if (nIsSelected > 0) { Graphics graphics (hDC); SolidBrush selectItemBrush (IGIMAGELIBRARY_COLOR_SELECTITEM); int nBmpMaxSize = bitmapInfo.bmWidth > bitmapInfo.bmHeight ? bitmapInfo.bmWidth : bitmapInfo.bmHeight; Rect rectItem (rcItem.left + (IGIMAGELIBRARY_ITEMHEIGHTSEPARATOR) / 2 , + (IGIMAGELIBRARY_ITEMHEIGHTSEPARATOR) / 2 , nBmpMaxSize, nBmpMaxSize); graphics.FillRectangle (&selectItemBrush, rectItem); Pen penBorder (IGIMAGELIBRARY_COLOR_BORDERSELECTITEM); graphics.DrawRectangle (&penBorder, rectItem); } } }
void CGIFControl::DrawBorder(Graphics& g) { if(!m_bBorderEnable) { return; } CRect rcClient; GetClientRect(&rcClient); //准备绘制 Rect rcDraw(rcClient.left,,rcClient.Width(),rcClient.Height()); SolidBrush bs(m_cBorder); g.FillRectangle(&bs,rcDraw); }
LRESULT CIGHistoryManager::OnBackgroundPaint (UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { RECT rcWnd; GetWindowRect (&rcWnd); PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hDC = ::BeginPaint (m_hWnd, &ps); Graphics graphics (hDC); static SolidBrush backgroundBrush (IGHISTORYMANAGER_COLOR_BACKGROUND); Rect rectBackgroundItem (0, 0, rcWnd.right - rcWnd.left - 1, rcWnd.bottom - - 1); graphics.FillRectangle (&backgroundBrush, rectBackgroundItem); static Pen penBorder (IGHISTORYMANAGER_COLOR_BORDER); graphics.DrawRectangle (&penBorder, rectBackgroundItem); ::EndPaint (m_hWnd, &ps); bHandled = TRUE; return 0L; }
void IGTabBar::drawTab (HDC hdc, UINT nSize, bool bSelected, bool bOver, const wchar_t *pcwTitle) { Graphics graphics (hdc); Color colBackground (Color (GetRValue (m_cBackGround), GetGValue (m_cBackGround), GetBValue (m_cBackGround))); SolidBrush solBrushBackground (colBackground); graphics.FillRectangle (&solBrushBackground, Rect (0, 0, nSize, BUTTON_HEIGHT - 1)); SolidBrush solBrushTab (bSelected ? IGTAB_COLORBACKGND : IGTAB_COLOR_UNSELECTED); GraphicsPath pathBorder; pathBorder.StartFigure(); pathBorder.AddArc (Rect (0, 0, IGTAB_CORNERDIAM, IGTAB_CORNERDIAM), 180.0f, 90.0f); pathBorder.AddArc (Rect (nSize - IGTAB_CORNERDIAM, 0, IGTAB_CORNERDIAM, IGTAB_CORNERDIAM), -90.0f, 90.0f); pathBorder.AddLine (Point (nSize, BUTTON_HEIGHT + (bSelected ? 1 : 0)), Point (0, BUTTON_HEIGHT + (bSelected ? 1 : 0))); graphics.FillPath (&solBrushTab, &pathBorder); if (bOver) { PathGradientBrush pthGrBrush (&pathBorder); pthGrBrush.SetCenterPoint (PointF (0.7f * (float)nSize, 0.3f * (float)BUTTON_HEIGHT)); pthGrBrush.SetCenterColor (IGTAB_COLOR_FRAMEIN); Color colors[] = {IGTAB_COLOR_FRAMEOUT}; int count = 1; pthGrBrush.SetSurroundColors (colors, &count); graphics.FillPath (&pthGrBrush, &pathBorder); } FontFamily fontFamily(L"Times New Roman"); Font font(&fontFamily, 16, FontStyleRegular, UnitPixel); PointF pointF(20.0f, 5.0f); SolidBrush solidFontBrush (bSelected ? IGTAB_COLOR_FONTENABLED : IGTAB_COLOR_FONTDISABLED); StringFormat format(StringFormat::GenericDefault()); format.SetAlignment (StringAlignmentCenter); graphics.DrawString (pcwTitle, -1, &font, RectF (0.0f, 0.0f, (float)nSize, (float)BUTTON_HEIGHT), &format, &solidFontBrush); Pen penBorder (IGTAB_COLORBORDER, 1); GraphicsPath pathBorderOut; pathBorderOut.StartFigure(); pathBorderOut.AddArc (Rect (0, 0, IGTAB_CORNERDIAM + 1, IGTAB_CORNERDIAM + 1), 180.0f, 90.0f); pathBorderOut.AddArc (Rect (nSize - IGTAB_CORNERDIAM - 2, 0, IGTAB_CORNERDIAM + 1, IGTAB_CORNERDIAM + 1), -90.0f, 90.0f); pathBorderOut.AddLine (Point (nSize - 1, BUTTON_HEIGHT + (bSelected ? 1 : 0)), Point (0, BUTTON_HEIGHT + (bSelected ? 1 : 0))); pathBorderOut.CloseFigure(); graphics.DrawPath (&penBorder, &pathBorderOut); }
HRESULT CMainWindow::DrawBackground( Graphics &graphics, const RectF &rectPaint ) { // Get the RGB animation variable values INT32 red; HRESULT hr = m_pAnimationVariableRed->GetIntegerValue( &red ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INT32 green; hr = m_pAnimationVariableGreen->GetIntegerValue( &green ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INT32 blue; hr = m_pAnimationVariableBlue->GetIntegerValue( &blue ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Set the RGB of the background brush to the new animated value SolidBrush brushBackground(Color( static_cast<BYTE>(red), static_cast<BYTE>(green), static_cast<BYTE>(blue) )); // Paint the background hr = HrFromStatus(graphics.FillRectangle( &brushBackground, rectPaint )); } } } return hr; }
void FillRect(LPRECT prc, HDC hdcPaint, Color clr) { Graphics* myGraphics; SolidBrush *pBrush = new SolidBrush(clr); if(pBrush) { myGraphics = new Graphics(hdcPaint); if(myGraphics) { myGraphics->FillRectangle(pBrush, prc->left, prc->top, prc->right - 1 - prc->left, prc->bottom - 1 - prc->top); delete myGraphics; } delete pBrush; } }
void View::Redraw(ControlPtr c) { if (_hWnd == NULL) return; HDC hdc = GetDC(_hWnd); Graphics g(hdc); Graphics *gg = Graphics::FromImage(_gbuf); SolidBrush b(_backcolor); gg->FillRectangle(&b, c->_dirty_rect); if (_bmp) { gg->DrawImage(_bmp, c->_dirty_rect.X, c->_dirty_rect.Y, c->_dirty_rect.X, c->_dirty_rect.Y, c->_dirty_rect.Width, c->_dirty_rect.Height, UnitPixel); } for (ClstPtr cc = _cl.begin(); cc != _cl.end(); cc++) if ((*cc)->_dirty_rect.IntersectsWith(c->_dirty_rect)) { if (*cc != c) (*cc)->OnDraw(gg); } c->OnDraw(gg); delete gg; g.DrawImage(_gbuf, c->_dirty_rect.X, c->_dirty_rect.Y, c->_dirty_rect.X, c->_dirty_rect.Y, c->_dirty_rect.Width, c->_dirty_rect.Height, UnitPixel ); ReleaseDC(_hWnd, hdc); c->_repaint = false; }
//重绘状态栏 , 状态栏的大小会根据窗体的大小变动; void CMyStatusbarCtrl::DrawStatusBar(HDC my_hdc) { Graphics *mygraphics; mygraphics = new Graphics(status_hMemDC); mygraphics->SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeAntiAlias); Pen *myRectangle_pen; SolidBrush *BlackBrush; SolidBrush *CharacterblkBrush; SolidBrush *ProgressblkBrush; SolidBrush *HealthGreenBrush; SolidBrush *HealthRedBrush; SolidBrush Font_brush(Color(255,0,0,0)); FontFamily StaticfontFamily(_T("Arial")); Gdiplus::Font character_font(&StaticfontFamily, 12, FontStyleRegular, UnitPixel); PointF staticpointF(0, 0); HealthGreenBrush = new SolidBrush(Color(255,38,182,69)); HealthRedBrush = new SolidBrush(Color(255,255,0,0)); ProgressblkBrush = new SolidBrush(Color(255,0,211,39)); CharacterblkBrush =new SolidBrush(Color(255,183,183,183)); BlackBrush =new SolidBrush(Color(255,228,228,228)); mygraphics->FillRectangle(BlackBrush,0,0,status_myRect.right,status_myRect.bottom); myRectangle_pen = new Pen(Color(255,0,0,0),1.0f); mygraphics->DrawRectangle(myRectangle_pen,1,0,add_width,window_height); mygraphics->DrawRectangle(myRectangle_pen,1,0,STATUS_CHARACTER_WIDTH,window_height); mygraphics->FillRectangle(CharacterblkBrush,1,0,STATUS_CHARACTER_WIDTH,window_height); mygraphics->DrawRectangle(myRectangle_pen,tx_start_pos,0,tx_width,window_height); mygraphics->DrawRectangle(myRectangle_pen,tx_start_pos,0,STATUS_CHARACTER_WIDTH,window_height); mygraphics->FillRectangle(CharacterblkBrush,tx_start_pos,0,STATUS_CHARACTER_WIDTH,window_height); mygraphics->DrawRectangle(myRectangle_pen,rx_start_pos,0,rx_width,window_height); mygraphics->DrawRectangle(myRectangle_pen,rx_start_pos,0,STATUS_CHARACTER_WIDTH,window_height); mygraphics->FillRectangle(CharacterblkBrush,rx_start_pos,0,STATUS_CHARACTER_WIDTH,window_height); mygraphics->DrawRectangle(myRectangle_pen,err_start_pos,0,err_width,window_height); mygraphics->DrawRectangle(myRectangle_pen,err_start_pos,0,STATUS_CHARACTER_WIDTH,window_height); mygraphics->FillRectangle(CharacterblkBrush,err_start_pos,0,STATUS_CHARACTER_WIDTH,window_height); mygraphics->DrawRectangle(myRectangle_pen,health_start_pos,0,health_width,window_height); mygraphics->DrawRectangle(myRectangle_pen,health_start_pos,0,STATUS_HEALTH_CHARACTER_WIDTH,window_height); mygraphics->FillRectangle(CharacterblkBrush,health_start_pos,0,STATUS_HEALTH_CHARACTER_WIDTH,window_height); mygraphics->DrawRectangle(myRectangle_pen,progress_start_pos,0,progress_width - STATUS_ALARM_ICON_WIDTH,window_height); CString temp_value; staticpointF.X = 1; staticpointF.Y = 1 ; mygraphics->DrawString(_T("Add"), -1, &character_font, staticpointF,&Font_brush); staticpointF.X = add_start_pos + STATUS_CHARACTER_VALUE_OFFSET; mygraphics->DrawString(Statuspanel, -1, &character_font, staticpointF,&Font_brush); staticpointF.X = tx_start_pos + 1; mygraphics->DrawString(_T("Tx"), -1, &character_font, staticpointF,&Font_brush); staticpointF.X = tx_start_pos + STATUS_CHARACTER_VALUE_OFFSET; temp_value.Format(_T("%u"),g_llTxCount); mygraphics->DrawString(temp_value, -1, &character_font, staticpointF,&Font_brush); staticpointF.X = rx_start_pos + 1; mygraphics->DrawString(_T("Rx"), -1, &character_font, staticpointF,&Font_brush); staticpointF.X = rx_start_pos + STATUS_CHARACTER_VALUE_OFFSET; temp_value.Format(_T("%u"),g_llRxCount); mygraphics->DrawString(temp_value, -1, &character_font, staticpointF,&Font_brush); staticpointF.X = err_start_pos + 1; mygraphics->DrawString(_T("Err"), -1, &character_font, staticpointF,&Font_brush); staticpointF.X = err_start_pos + STATUS_CHARACTER_VALUE_OFFSET; //这一段主要是处理有些命令是设备多余回复出来的,例如 发一条,设备回复两条,这样就不太好计算 error 的个数; static int n_err_show_count = 0; if(++n_err_show_count == 50) { n_err_show_count = 0; if(g_llTxCount - g_llRxCount < 0) { g_llRxCount = g_llTxCount; g_llerrCount = 0; } else if(g_llTxCount < g_llerrCount + g_llRxCount) { g_llRxCount = g_llTxCount - g_llerrCount; } else { g_llerrCount = g_llTxCount - g_llRxCount; } } temp_value.Format(_T("%u"),g_llerrCount); mygraphics->DrawString(temp_value, -1, &character_font, staticpointF,&Font_brush); if(bac_select_device_online) { mygraphics->FillRectangle(HealthGreenBrush,health_start_pos + STATUS_HEALTH_CHARACTER_WIDTH + 1,1,health_width - STATUS_HEALTH_CHARACTER_WIDTH - 2,window_height - 2); staticpointF.X = health_start_pos + STATUS_HEALTH_VALUE_OFFSET; mygraphics->DrawString(_T("100%"),-1, &character_font,staticpointF,&Font_brush); } else { mygraphics->FillRectangle(HealthRedBrush,health_start_pos + STATUS_HEALTH_CHARACTER_WIDTH + 1,1,health_width - STATUS_HEALTH_CHARACTER_WIDTH - 2,window_height - 2); staticpointF.X = health_start_pos + STATUS_HEALTH_VALUE_OFFSET; mygraphics->DrawString(_T("0%"),-1, &character_font,staticpointF,&Font_brush); } staticpointF.X = health_start_pos + 1; mygraphics->DrawString(_T("Health"), -1, &character_font, staticpointF,&Font_brush); if(g_progress_persent != 0) { unsigned int temp_width = (progress_width - STATUS_ALARM_ICON_WIDTH) * g_progress_persent / 100 ; CString temp_persent_value; temp_persent_value.Format(_T("%d%%"),g_progress_persent); mygraphics->FillRectangle(ProgressblkBrush,progress_start_pos,0,temp_width,window_height); staticpointF.X = progress_start_pos + progress_width - 60; mygraphics->DrawString(temp_persent_value, -1, &character_font, staticpointF,&Font_brush); if( g_progress_persent >= 98) g_progress_persent = 0; //progress_width } else { mygraphics->DrawRectangle(myRectangle_pen,progress_start_pos,0,progress_width - STATUS_ALARM_ICON_WIDTH,window_height); } if(!cs_show_status_info.IsEmpty()) { staticpointF.X = progress_start_pos + 1; mygraphics->DrawString(cs_show_status_info, -1, &character_font, staticpointF,&Font_brush); } delete mygraphics; delete myRectangle_pen; delete BlackBrush; delete CharacterblkBrush; delete ProgressblkBrush; }
// // 윈도우 프로시져 함수 ( 메시지 큐에서 받아온 메시지를 처리한다 ) // LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc; switch (msg) { case WM_PAINT: // 화면이 갱신될 때 호출된다. { hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); Graphics *graph = Graphics::FromImage(g_bmp); RECT cr; GetClientRect(hWnd, &cr); Rect wndSize(cr.left,, cr.right, cr.bottom); graph->DrawImage(g_image, wndSize); graph->FillRectangle(g_yellowBrush, g_block); graph->FillRectangle(g_yellowBrush, g_block2); graph->DrawImage(g_image2, g_bullet, g_bulletSrc.X, g_bulletSrc.Y, g_bulletSrc.Width, g_bulletSrc.Height, UnitPixel); float fBlend = 1.f; //set the alpha value ColorMatrix BitmapMatrix = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, fBlend, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; ImageAttributes ImgAttr; ImgAttr.SetColorMatrix(&BitmapMatrix, ColorMatrixFlagsDefault, ColorAdjustTypeBitmap); //graph->SetCompositingMode(CompositingModeSourceCopy); if (g_isCollision) { graph->DrawImage(g_image3, g_bullet, g_explosion.X, g_explosion.Y, g_explosion.Width, g_explosion.Height, UnitPixel, &ImgAttr); } // graph->DrawImage(g_image3, g_bullet, // g_explosion.X, g_explosion.Y, g_explosion.Width, g_explosion.Height, // UnitPixel); DrawString(graph, 50, 0, frameStr); g_graphics->DrawImage(g_bmp, wndSize); EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); } break; // case WM_ERASEBKGND: // return 0; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { g_IsClick = true; g_mouseClickPos = Point(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); } break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: { g_IsClick = false; } break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { } break; case WM_KEYDOWN: switch (wParam) { case VK_LEFT: case VK_UP: ++g_hatchStyle; break; case VK_RIGHT: case VK_DOWN: --g_hatchStyle; break; } break; case WM_TIMER: { if (wParam == 1) { int a = 0; } else if (wParam == 2) { int a = 0; } } break; case WM_DESTROY: //윈도우가 파괴된다면.. PostQuitMessage(0); //프로그램 종료 요청 ( 메시지 루프를 빠져나가게 된다 ) break; } return DefWindowProc( hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); // 기본적인 메세지 처리를 담당한다. }
unsigned int tabs_impl_win32::draw_tab(Graphics &g, unsigned int a_X, unsigned int a_Y, unsigned int a_Index){ if(a_X > get_size().m_Width) return a_X; Color c = Color(255, 44, 61, 91); if(m_ActiveTab == a_Index) c = Color(255, 255, 232, 166); else if(m_HoverTab == a_Index) c = Color(255, 100, 110, 117); SolidBrush b(c); SolidBrush t(m_ActiveTab == a_Index ? Color(255, 255, 248, 225) : c); SolidBrush black(Color(255, 0, 0, 0)); SolidBrush white(Color(255, 255, 255, 255)); SolidBrush closeDark(Color(255, 117, 99, 61)); SolidBrush closeLight(Color(255, 206, 212, 221)); Pen p(Color(255, 0, 0, 0)); Font font(L"Tahoma", 10); PointF origin(a_X + 5, a_Y + 3), originX(a_X + 10, a_Y + 5); RectF bb, close; std::string s = this->get_child_name(a_Index); std::wstring w(s.begin(), s.end()); // draw tab g.MeasureString(w.c_str(), w.size(), &font, origin, &bb); bb.Height = 25; originX.X += bb.Width + 5; close = RectF(originX.X, originX.Y, 15.f, 15.f); RectF::Union(bb, bb, close); GraphicsPath gp; // draw header int x = a_X; int y = a_Y; int headerHeight = get_size().m_Height / 2; int arcSize = 10; int width = bb.Width; // top part = arc gp.AddLine(x, y + headerHeight + arcSize / 2, x, y + arcSize / 2); gp.AddArc(x, y, arcSize, arcSize, 180.f, 90.f); gp.AddArc(x + width, y, arcSize, arcSize, 270.f, 90.f); gp.AddLine(x + width + arcSize, y + arcSize / 2, x + width + arcSize, y + headerHeight + arcSize / 2); g.FillPath(&t, &gp); bb.Width += arcSize; // bottom = rect g.FillRectangle(&b, a_X, a_Y + headerHeight, bb.Width, 10.f); g.DrawString(w.c_str(), w.size(), &font, origin, m_ActiveTab == a_Index ? &black : &white); // draw close button if(m_ActiveTab == a_Index || m_HoverTab == a_Index){ SolidBrush closeBrush(Color(190, 40, 30)); Pen hoverPen(Color::White, 2); Pen regularPen(Color(20, 20, 20), 2); Pen *p = ®ularPen; float shrink = 4; RectF lines = close; lines.X += shrink; lines.Y += shrink; lines.Width -= shrink * 2; lines.Height -= shrink * 2; // just get mouse position here instead of passing it through // from wm_mousemove POINT mouse; GetCursorPos(&mouse); ScreenToClient(m_hWndTabs, &mouse); if(close.Contains(mouse.x, mouse.y)) { g.FillEllipse(&closeBrush, close); p = &hoverPen; } g.DrawLine(p, lines.X, lines.Y, lines.X + lines.Width, lines.Y + lines.Height); g.DrawLine(p, lines.X + lines.Width, lines.Y, lines.X, lines.Y + lines.Height); } m_VisibleTabs[a_Index].m_BoundingBox = bb; m_VisibleTabs[a_Index].m_CloseBox = close; return bb.Width; }