void SetFadeInAndOut() { if( !m_pEffectMgr ) return; m_pEffectMgr->CancelEffect( m_RectFadein ); m_pEffectMgr->CancelEffect( m_TextFadein ); m_pEffectMgr->CancelEffect( m_RectFadeout ); m_pEffectMgr->CancelEffect( m_TextFadeout ); m_pEffectMgr->SetTimeOffset(); if( m_pRect ) { m_RectFadein = m_pEffectMgr->ChangeAlphaTo( m_pRect, 0.0, 0.2, 0, 1.0f, 0 ); // fade in m_RectFadeout = m_pEffectMgr->ChangeAlphaTo( m_pRect, 3.0, 3.2, 0, 0.0f, 0 ); // fade out } if( m_pText ) { m_TextFadein = m_pEffectMgr->ChangeAlphaTo( m_pText, 0.0, 0.2, 0, 1.0f, 0 ); // fade in m_TextFadeout = m_pEffectMgr->ChangeAlphaTo( m_pText, 3.0, 3.2, 0, 0.0f, 0 ); // fade out } }
~CStdInputDeviceStateCallback() { using namespace boost; if( !m_pEffectMgr ) return; shared_ptr<GraphicsElementManager> pElementMgr = m_pEffectMgr->GetGraphicsElementManager(); shared_ptr<GraphicsElement> pElems[] = { m_pRect, m_pText }; pElementMgr->RemoveElement( pElems[0] ); pElementMgr->RemoveElement( pElems[1] ); }
void Init() { using namespace boost; if( !m_pEffectMgr ) return; // create graphics elements for the notification bar that tells // the state of the input device when they are plugged, initialized, etc. shared_ptr<GraphicsElementManager> pElementMgr = m_pEffectMgr->GetGraphicsElementManager(); SRect rect = GraphicsComponent::RectAtCenterBottom( 800, 40, 30 ); int layer = 10; m_pRect = pElementMgr->CreateRect( rect, SFloatRGBAColor( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.7f ), SFloatRGBAColor( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.9f ), 4, layer ); int font_id = 0; m_pText = pElementMgr->CreateText( font_id, "Display input device state here.", rect, TextElement::TAL_CENTER, TextElement::TAL_CENTER, SFloatRGBAColor( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.9f ), 0, 0, // font width & height - set to 0 to use the default font size layer - 3 ); // Hide the elements - show only when input device events are received. m_pRect->SetAlpha( 0, 0.0f ); m_pText->SetAlpha( 0, 0.0f ); }
void LightingAppTask::DisplayEntityPositions( GraphicsElementAnimationManager& animated_graphics_manager ) { AABB3 aabb; aabb.vMin = Vector3(1,1,1) * (-100.0f); aabb.vMax = Vector3(1,1,1) * (100.0f); vector<CCopyEntity *> pEntities; OverlapTestAABB aabb_test( aabb, &pEntities ); m_pStage->GetEntitySet()->GetOverlappingEntities( aabb_test ); shared_ptr<GraphicsElementManager> pElementMgr = animated_graphics_manager.GetGraphicsElementManager(); static vector< shared_ptr<FrameRectElement> > pFrameRects; const size_t num_max_frame_rects = 128; const int frame_width = 4; int rect_edge_length = 50; int layer = 0; if( pFrameRects.empty() ) { pFrameRects.resize( num_max_frame_rects ); for( size_t i=0; i<pFrameRects.size(); i++ ) pFrameRects[i] = pElementMgr->CreateFrameRect( SRect(0,0,rect_edge_length,rect_edge_length), SFloatRGBAColor(0,0,0,0), frame_width, layer ); } for( size_t i=0; i<pFrameRects.size(); i++ ) { pFrameRects[i]->SetLocalTopLeftPos( Vector2(500,20) ); pFrameRects[i]->SetColor( 0, SFloatRGBAColor(0,0,0,0) ); } static int s_layer = 10; for( size_t i=0; i<pFrameRects.size(); i++ ) pFrameRects[i]->SetLayer( s_layer ); size_t num_displayed_entities = 0; const size_t num_entities = pEntities.size(); for( size_t i=0; i<num_entities; i++ ) { if( num_displayed_entities == pFrameRects.size() ) break; if( !pEntities[i] ) continue; bool entity_is_in_camera = GetCamera().ViewFrustumIntersectsWith( Sphere( pEntities[i]->GetWorldPosition(), 0.1f ) ); if( !entity_is_in_camera ) continue; bool is_light_entity = false; const uint archive_id = pEntities[i]->GetBaseEntity()->GetArchiveObjectID(); if( archive_id == BaseEntity::BE_POINTLIGHT || archive_id == BaseEntity::BE_DIRECTIONALLIGHT ) { is_light_entity = true; } else if( pEntities[i]->bNoClip ) continue; else is_light_entity = false; Vector2 pos = CalculateScreenCoordsFromWorldPosition( GetCamera(), pEntities[i]->GetWorldPosition() ); // Vector2 pos = Vector2(0,0); // clamp( pos.x, 0.0f, 800.0f ); // clamp( pos.y, 0.0f, 600.0f ); if( 0 <= pos.x && pos.x <= GraphicsComponent::GetReferenceScreenWidth() && 0 <= pos.y && pos.y <= GraphicsComponent::GetReferenceScreenHeight() ) { // display the entity position Vector2 top_left_pos = pos - Vector2((float)rect_edge_length,(float)rect_edge_length) * 0.5f; pFrameRects[num_displayed_entities]->SetLocalTopLeftPos( top_left_pos ); SFloatRGBAColor color = is_light_entity ? SFloatRGBAColor(1.0f,0.6f,0.6f,0.7f) : SFloatRGBAColor(0.6f,1.0f,0.6f,0.7f); pFrameRects[num_displayed_entities]->SetColor( 0, color ); num_displayed_entities++; } } }