int IO::getAmountOfFluidcells(GridFunction& geo) { int aof = 0; for (int i = geo.beginwrite[0]; i <= geo.endwrite[0]; i++) { for (int j = geo.beginwrite[1]; j <= geo.endwrite[1]; j++ ) { if(geo.GetGridFunction(i,j) >= 16) aof++; } } return aof; }
RealType Solver::computeResidual(GridFunction& sourcegridfunction, GridFunctionType& rhs, const PointType& h){ //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< // The pre-value to be returned (return sqrt(doubleSum)): RealType doubleSum = 0.0; /* We need to compute the derivatives p_xx and p_yy, therefore the stencil has to be applied. */ MultiIndexType dim = sourcegridfunction.GetGridDimension(); MultiIndexType bread (0,0); MultiIndexType eread (dim[0]-1,dim[1]-1); MultiIndexType bwrite (1,1); MultiIndexType ewrite (dim[0]-2,dim[1]-2); //Compute the needed derivations for the whole (inner?) area Stencil stencil(3,h); // bzw. Kann man einfach const weitergeben? /Wie? //Get the values for derivative in x-direction: GridFunction Fxx(dim); stencil.ApplyFxxStencilOperator(bread, eread, bwrite, ewrite, sourcegridfunction.GetGridFunction(), Fxx); //Get the values for derivative in y-direction: GridFunction Fyy(dim); stencil.ApplyFyyStencilOperator(bread, eread, bwrite, ewrite, sourcegridfunction.GetGridFunction(), Fyy); // Compute the residual: res = sqrt(Sum_i^I(Sum_j^J((p_xx+p_yy-rightHandSide)²/(I*J)))) RealType derivator; for (IndexType i = 1; i <= dim[0]-2; i++) { for (IndexType j = 1; j <= dim[1]-2; j++) { derivator = Fxx.GetGridFunction()[i][j]+ Fyy.GetGridFunction()[i][j] - rhs[i][j]; doubleSum += derivator*derivator / (dim[0]-2) / (dim[1]-2); } } //std::cout<<doubleSum<<std::endl; return sqrt(doubleSum); }
void IO::writeVTKSlavefile(GridFunction& u_gridfunction, GridFunction& v_gridfunction, GridFunction& p_gridfunction, GridFunction& T_gridfunction, GridFunction& Geo_gridfunction, const PointType& delta, int mpiSizeH, int mpiSizeV, int step, int rank){ double deltaX =delta[0]; double deltaY =delta[1]; int ibegin = p_gridfunction.beginwrite[0]; int iend = p_gridfunction.endwrite[0]; int jbegin = p_gridfunction.beginwrite[1]; int jend = p_gridfunction.endwrite[1]; GridFunctionType p = p_gridfunction.GetGridFunction(); GridFunctionType u = u_gridfunction.GetGridFunction(); GridFunctionType v = v_gridfunction.GetGridFunction(); GridFunctionType T = T_gridfunction.GetGridFunction(); GridFunctionType geo = Geo_gridfunction.GetGridFunction(); int localgriddimensionX = iend-ibegin+1; int localgriddimensionY = jend-jbegin+1; int processorgridcoordX = rank % mpiSizeH; int processorgridcoordY = floor(rank / mpiSizeH); int x1=processorgridcoordX *localgriddimensionX-processorgridcoordX; int x2=(processorgridcoordX+1)*localgriddimensionX-processorgridcoordX-1; int x3=processorgridcoordY *localgriddimensionY-processorgridcoordY; int x4=(processorgridcoordY+1)*localgriddimensionY-processorgridcoordY-1; char numstr[21]; sprintf (numstr, "%d", step); std::string filename; filename.append ("./"); filename.append (output); filename.append ("/"); filename.append ("sol_"); filename.append (numstr); filename.append ("_rank"); sprintf (numstr, "%d", rank); filename.append (numstr); filename.append (".vtr"); std::filebuf fb; (const_cast < char *>(filename.c_str ()), std::ios::out); std::ostream os (&fb); os << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << std::endl // << "<VTKFile type=\"RectilinearGrid\">" << std::endl << "<VTKFile type=\"RectilinearGrid\">" << std::endl << "<RectilinearGrid WholeExtent=\"" << x1 << " " << x2 << " " << x3 << " " << x4 << " " << "0" << " " << "0" << " " << "\" GhostLevel=\"" << "0" << "\">" << std::endl << "<Piece Extent=\""<<x1<<" "<<x2<<" "<<x3<<" "<<x4<<" 0 0 \">" <<std::endl << "<Coordinates>"<<std::endl << "<DataArray type=\"Float64\" format=\"ascii\"> " << std::endl; //coordinates for (int i = ibegin; i <= iend; ++i) { os << std::scientific <<(processorgridcoordX*localgriddimensionX)*deltaX-processorgridcoordX*deltaX+ i * deltaX << " "; } os << std::endl; os << "</DataArray>" << std::endl << "<DataArray type=\"Float64\" format=\"ascii\"> " << std::endl; for (int j = jbegin; j <= jend; ++j) { os << std::scientific << (processorgridcoordY*localgriddimensionY)*deltaY-processorgridcoordY*deltaY + j * deltaY << " "; } os << std::endl << "</DataArray>" << std::endl << "<DataArray type=\"Float64\" format=\"ascii\"> " << std::endl << "0 0" << std::endl << "</DataArray>" << std::endl << "</Coordinates>" << std::endl << "<PointData>" << std::endl << "<DataArray Name=\"field\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" type=\"Float64\" >" << std::endl; //velocities for (int j = jbegin; j <= jend; ++j) { RealType y = j * deltaY; for (int i = ibegin; i <= iend; ++i) { RealType x = i * deltaX; os << std::scientific << interpolateVelocityU (x, y, u, delta) << " " << interpolateVelocityV (x, y, v, delta) << " " << 0. << std::endl; } } os << "</DataArray>" << std::endl << "<DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"P\" format=\"ascii\">" << std::endl; //pressure for (int j = jbegin; j <= jend; ++j) { for (int i = ibegin; i <= iend; ++i) { os << std::scientific << p[i][j] << " "; } os << std::endl; } os << "</DataArray>" << std::endl; os << "<DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"T\" format=\"ascii\">" << std::endl; //temperature for (int j = jbegin; j <= jend; ++j) { for (int i = ibegin; i <= iend; ++i) { os << std::scientific << T[i][j] << " "; } os << std::endl; } os << "</DataArray>" << std::endl; os << "<DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"Geometry\" format=\"ascii\">" << std::endl; //Geometry for (int j = jbegin; j <= jend; ++j) { for (int i = ibegin; i <= iend; ++i) { os << std::scientific << geo[i][j] << " "; } os << std::endl; } os << "</DataArray>" << std::endl << "</PointData>" << std::endl << "</Piece>" << std::endl << "</RectilinearGrid>" << std::endl << "</VTKFile>" << std::endl; fb.close (); }