예제 #1
void MixedModelLayout::doCall(
	PlanRep &PG,
	adjEntry adjExternal,
	GridLayout &gridLayout,
	IPoint &boundingBox,
	bool fixEmbedding)
	// handle graphs with less than 3 nodes
	node v1, v2;
	switch (PG.numberOfNodes()) {
	case 0:
		boundingBox = IPoint(0,0);

	case 1:
		v1 = PG.firstNode();
		gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = 0;
		boundingBox = IPoint(0,0);

	case 2:
		v1 = PG.firstNode();
		v2 = v1->succ();
		gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = gridLayout.y(v2) = 0;
		gridLayout.x(v2) = 1;
		boundingBox = IPoint(1,0);

	MixedModelBase mm(PG,gridLayout);

	if(fixEmbedding) {
		PlanarAugmentationFix fixAugmenter;
		mm.computeOrder(fixAugmenter, 0, adjExternal, m_compOrder.get());
	} else



	int xmin, ymin;
예제 #2
void SchnyderLayout::doCall(
	const Graph &G,
	adjEntry adjExternal,
	GridLayout &gridLayout,
	IPoint &boundingBox,
	bool fixEmbedding)
	// check for double edges & self loops

	// handle special case of graphs with less than 3 nodes
	if (G.numberOfNodes() < 3) {
		node v1, v2;
		switch (G.numberOfNodes()) {
		case 0:
			boundingBox = IPoint(0, 0);

		case 1:
			v1 = G.firstNode();
			gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = 0;
			boundingBox = IPoint(0, 0);

		case 2:
			v1 = G.firstNode();
			v2 = G.lastNode();
			gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = gridLayout.y(v2) = 0;
			gridLayout.x(v2) = 1;
			boundingBox = IPoint(1, 0);

	// make a copy for triangulation
	GraphCopy GC(G);

	// embed
	if (!fixEmbedding) {
		if (planarEmbed(GC) == false) {
			OGDF_THROW_PARAM(PreconditionViolatedException, pvcPlanar);


	schnyderEmbedding(GC, gridLayout, adjExternal);
예제 #3
void GridLayoutModule::mapGridLayout(const Graph &G,
	GridLayout &gridLayout,
	GraphAttributes &AG)
	// maximum width of columns and rows
	double maxWidth = 0;
	double yMax = 0;

	for(node v : G.nodes) {
		Math::updateMax<double>(maxWidth, AG.width(v));
		Math::updateMax<double>(maxWidth, AG.height(v));
		Math::updateMax<double>(yMax, gridLayout.y(v));

	maxWidth += m_separation;

	// set position of nodes
	for(node v : G.nodes) {
		AG.x(v) = gridLayout.x(v) * maxWidth;
		AG.y(v) = (yMax - gridLayout.y(v)) * maxWidth;

	// transform bend points of edges
	for(edge e : G.edges) {
		IPolyline ipl = gridLayout.polyline(e);

		// Remove superfluous bendpoints
		node v = e->source();
		while(!ipl.empty() && ipl.front() == IPoint(gridLayout.x(v), gridLayout.y(v))) {
		v = e->target();
		while(!ipl.empty() && ipl.back() == IPoint(gridLayout.x(v), gridLayout.y(v))) {

		DPolyline &dpl = AG.bends(e);

		for (const IPoint &ip : ipl) {
			dpl.pushBack(DPoint(ip.m_x*maxWidth, (yMax-ip.m_y)*maxWidth));

예제 #4
파일: PlanRep.cpp 프로젝트: lncosie/ogdf
void PlanRep::collapseVertices(const OrthoRep &OR, GridLayout &drawing)
	for (node v : nodes) {
		const OrthoRep::VertexInfoUML *vi = OR.cageInfo(v);

		if(vi == nullptr ||
			(typeOf(v) != Graph::highDegreeExpander &&
			typeOf(v) != Graph::lowDegreeExpander))

		node vOrig = original(v);
		OGDF_ASSERT(vOrig != 0);

		node vCenter = newNode();
		m_vOrig[vCenter] = vOrig;
		m_vCopy[vOrig] = vCenter;
		m_vOrig[v] = nullptr;

		node lowerLeft  = vi->m_corner[odNorth]->theNode();
		node lowerRight = vi->m_corner[odWest ]->theNode();
		node upperLeft  = vi->m_corner[odEast ]->theNode();
		drawing.x(vCenter) = (drawing.x(lowerLeft)+drawing.x(lowerRight)) >> 1;
		drawing.y(vCenter) = (drawing.y(lowerLeft)+drawing.y(upperLeft )) >> 1;

		edge eOrig;
		forall_adj_edges(eOrig,vOrig) {
			if(eOrig->target() == vOrig) {
				node connect = m_eCopy[eOrig].back()->target();
				edge eNew = newEdge(connect,vCenter);
				m_eOrig[eNew] = eOrig;
				m_eIterator[eNew] = m_eCopy[eOrig].pushBack(eNew);

			} else {
				node connect = m_eCopy[eOrig].front()->source();
				edge eNew = newEdge(vCenter,connect);
				m_eOrig[eNew] = eOrig;
				m_eIterator[eNew] = m_eCopy[eOrig].pushFront(eNew);
예제 #5
bool PlanarGridLayoutModule::handleTrivial(const Graph &G, GridLayout &gridLayout, IPoint &boundingBox)
	// handle special case of graphs with less than 3 nodes
	node v1, v2;
	switch (G.numberOfNodes()) {
	case 0:
		boundingBox = IPoint(0, 0);
		return true;
	case 1:
		v1 = G.firstNode();
		gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = 0;
		boundingBox = IPoint(0, 0);
		return true;
	case 2:
		v1 = G.firstNode();
		v2 = G.lastNode();
		gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = gridLayout.y(v2) = 0;
		gridLayout.x(v2) = 1;
		boundingBox = IPoint(1, 0);
		return true;
	return false;
예제 #6
void FPPLayout::computeCoordinates(const GraphCopy &G, IPoint &boundingBox, GridLayout &gridLayout, NodeArray<int> &num,
									NodeArray<adjEntry> &e_wp, NodeArray<adjEntry> &e_wq) {
	NodeArray<int> &x = gridLayout.x();
	NodeArray<int> &y = gridLayout.y();

	const int n = G.numberOfNodes();
	NodeArray<int>  x_rel(G);
	NodeArray<node> upper(G);
	NodeArray<node> next(G);
	Array<node, int> v(1, n);
	node w, vk, wp, wq;
	int k, xq, dx;

	forall_nodes(w, G) {
		v[num[w]] = (node) w;
예제 #7
void GridLayoutModule::mapGridLayout(const Graph &G,
	GridLayout &gridLayout,
	GraphAttributes &AG)
	double maxWidth = 0; // maximum width of columns and rows;
	double yMax = 0;

	node v;
	forall_nodes(v,G) {
		if (AG.width (v) > maxWidth) maxWidth = AG.width (v);
		if (AG.height(v) > maxWidth) maxWidth = AG.height(v);
		if (gridLayout.y(v) > yMax) yMax = gridLayout.y(v);

	maxWidth += m_separation;

	// set position of nodes
	forall_nodes(v,G) {
		AG.x(v) = gridLayout.x(v) * maxWidth;
		AG.y(v) = (yMax - gridLayout.y(v)) * maxWidth;
예제 #8
void GridLayoutPlanRepModule::doCall(
	const Graph &G,
	adjEntry adjExternal,
	GridLayout &gridLayout,
	IPoint &boundingBox,
	bool fixEmbedding)
	// create temporary graph copy and grid layout
	PlanRep PG(G);
	PG.initCC(0); // currently only for a single component!
	GridLayout glPG(PG);

	// determine adjacency entry on external face of PG (if required)
	if(adjExternal != nullptr) {
		edge eG  = adjExternal->theEdge();
		edge ePG = PG.copy(eG);
		adjExternal = (adjExternal == eG->adjSource()) ? ePG->adjSource() : ePG->adjTarget();

	// call algorithm for copy

	// extract layout for original graph
	for(node v : G.nodes) {
		node vPG = PG.copy(v);
		gridLayout.x(v) = glPG.x(vPG);
		gridLayout.y(v) = glPG.y(vPG);

	for(edge e : G.edges) {
		IPolyline &ipl = gridLayout.bends(e);

		for(edge ec : PG.chain(e))
예제 #9
	void PlanarizationGridLayout::doCall(
		const Graph &G,
		GridLayout &gridLayout,
		IPoint &bb)
		m_nCrossings = 0;
		if(G.empty()) return;

		PlanRep pr(G);

		const int numCC = pr.numberOfCCs();
		// (width,height) of the layout of each connected component
		Array<IPoint> boundingBox(numCC);

		for(int cc = 0; cc < numCC; ++cc)
			// 1. crossing minimization
			int cr;
			m_crossMin.get().call(pr, cc, cr);
			m_nCrossings += cr;

			GridLayout gridLayoutPG(pr);

			// copy grid layout of PG into grid layout of G
			for(int j = pr.startNode(); j < pr.stopNode(); ++j)
				node vG = pr.v(j);

				gridLayout.x(vG) = gridLayoutPG.x(pr.copy(vG));
				gridLayout.y(vG) = gridLayoutPG.y(pr.copy(vG));

				adjEntry adj;
				forall_adj(adj,vG) {
					if ((adj->index() & 1) == 0) continue;
					edge eG = adj->theEdge();
					IPolyline &ipl = gridLayout.bends(eG);

					bool firstTime = true;
					ListConstIterator<edge> itE;
					for(itE = pr.chain(eG).begin(); itE.valid(); ++itE) {
						if(!firstTime) {
							node v = (*itE)->source();
						} else
							firstTime = false;

			boundingBox[cc] = m_planarLayouter.get().gridBoundingBox();
			boundingBox[cc].m_x += 1; // one row/column space between components
			boundingBox[cc].m_y += 1;

		Array<IPoint> offset(numCC);

		bb.m_x = bb.m_y = 0;
		for(int cc = 0; cc < numCC; ++cc)
			const int dx = offset[cc].m_x;
			const int dy = offset[cc].m_y;

			if(boundingBox[cc].m_x + dx > bb.m_x)
				bb.m_x = boundingBox[cc].m_x + dx;
			if(boundingBox[cc].m_y + dy > bb.m_y)
				bb.m_y = boundingBox[cc].m_y + dy;

			// iterate over all nodes in i-th cc
			for(int j = pr.startNode(cc); j < pr.stopNode(cc); ++j)
				node vG = pr.v(j);

				gridLayout.x(vG) += dx;
				gridLayout.y(vG) += dy;

				adjEntry adj;
				forall_adj(adj,vG) {
					if ((adj->index() & 1) == 0) continue;
					edge eG = adj->theEdge();

					ListIterator<IPoint> it;
					for(it = gridLayout.bends(eG).begin(); it.valid(); ++it) {
						(*it).m_x += dx;
						(*it).m_y += dy;

		bb.m_x -= 1; // remove margin of topmost/rightmost box
		bb.m_y -= 1;
예제 #10
void PlanarDrawLayout::doCall(
	const Graph &G,
	adjEntry adjExternal,
	GridLayout &gridLayout,
	IPoint &boundingBox,
	bool fixEmbedding)
	// require to have a planar graph without multi-edges and self-loops;
	// planarity is checked below
	OGDF_ASSERT(isSimple(G) && isLoopFree(G));

	// handle special case of graphs with less than 3 nodes
	if(G.numberOfNodes() < 3)
		node v1, v2;
		case 0:
			boundingBox = IPoint(0,0);

		case 1:
			v1 = G.firstNode();
			gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = 0;
			boundingBox = IPoint(0,0);

		case 2:
			v1 = G.firstNode();
			v2 = G.lastNode ();
			gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = gridLayout.y(v2) = 0;
			gridLayout.x(v2) = 1;
			boundingBox = IPoint(1,0);

	// we make a copy of G since we use planar biconnected augmentation
	GraphCopySimple GC(G);

	if(fixEmbedding) {
		PlanarAugmentationFix augmenter;

	} else {
		// augment graph planar biconnected

		// embed augmented graph
		PlanarModule pm;
		bool isPlanar = pm.planarEmbed(GC);
		if(isPlanar == false)
			OGDF_THROW_PARAM(PreconditionViolatedException, pvcPlanar);

	// compute shelling order

	ShellingOrder order;

	// compute grid coordinates for GC
	NodeArray<int> x(GC), y(GC);

	boundingBox.m_x = x[order(1,order.len(1))];
	boundingBox.m_y = 0;
	node v;
		if(y[v] > boundingBox.m_y) boundingBox.m_y = y[v];

	// copy coordinates from GC to G
	forall_nodes(v,G) {
		node vCopy = GC.copy(v);
		gridLayout.x(v) = x[vCopy];
		gridLayout.y(v) = y[vCopy];
void PlanarizationGridLayout::doCall(
	const Graph &G,
	GridLayout &gridLayout,
	IPoint &bb)
	m_nCrossings = 0;
	if(G.empty()) return;

	PlanRep PG(G);
	const int numCC = PG.numberOfCCs();
	// (width,height) of the layout of each connected component
	Array<IPoint> boundingBox(numCC);

	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < numCC; ++i)
		const int nOrigVerticesPG = PG.numberOfNodes();

		List<edge> deletedEdges;
		m_subgraph.get().callAndDelete(PG, deletedEdges);


		m_nCrossings += PG.numberOfNodes() - nOrigVerticesPG;

		GridLayout gridLayoutPG(PG);

		// copy grid layout of PG into grid layout of G
		ListConstIterator<node> itV;
		for(itV = PG.nodesInCC(i).begin(); itV.valid(); ++itV)
			node vG = *itV;

			gridLayout.x(vG) = gridLayoutPG.x(PG.copy(vG));
			gridLayout.y(vG) = gridLayoutPG.y(PG.copy(vG));

			adjEntry adj;
			forall_adj(adj,vG) {
				if ((adj->index() & 1) == 0) continue;
				edge eG = adj->theEdge();
				IPolyline &ipl = gridLayout.bends(eG);

				bool firstTime = true;
				ListConstIterator<edge> itE;
				for(itE = PG.chain(eG).begin(); itE.valid(); ++itE) {
					if(!firstTime) {
						node v = (*itE)->source();
					} else
						firstTime = false;

		boundingBox[i] = m_planarLayouter.get().gridBoundingBox();
		boundingBox[i].m_x += 1; // one row/column space between components
		boundingBox[i].m_y += 1;

	Array<IPoint> offset(numCC);

	bb.m_x = bb.m_y = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < numCC; ++i)
		const List<node> &nodes = PG.nodesInCC(i);

		const int dx = offset[i].m_x;
		const int dy = offset[i].m_y;

		if(boundingBox[i].m_x + dx > bb.m_x)
			bb.m_x = boundingBox[i].m_x + dx;
		if(boundingBox[i].m_y + dy > bb.m_y)
			bb.m_y = boundingBox[i].m_y + dy;

		// iterate over all nodes in i-th cc
		ListConstIterator<node> it;
		for(it = nodes.begin(); it.valid(); ++it)
			node vG = *it;

			gridLayout.x(vG) += dx;
			gridLayout.y(vG) += dy;

			adjEntry adj;
			forall_adj(adj,vG) {
				if ((adj->index() & 1) == 0) continue;
				edge eG = adj->theEdge();

				ListIterator<IPoint> it;
				for(it = gridLayout.bends(eG).begin(); it.valid(); ++it) {
					(*it).m_x += dx;
					(*it).m_y += dy;

	bb.m_x -= 1; // remove margin of topmost/rightmost box
	bb.m_y -= 1;
예제 #12
void PlanarStraightLayout::doCall(
	const Graph &G,
	adjEntry adjExternal,
	GridLayout &gridLayout,
	IPoint &boundingBox,
	bool fixEmbedding)
	// require to have a planar graph without multi-edges and self-loops;
	// planarity is checked below
	OGDF_ASSERT(isSimple(G) && isLoopFree(G));

	// handle special case of graphs with less than 3 nodes
	if(G.numberOfNodes() < 3)
		node v1, v2;
		case 0:
			boundingBox = IPoint(0,0);

		case 1:
			v1 = G.firstNode();
			gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = 0;
			boundingBox = IPoint(0,0);

		case 2:
			v1 = G.firstNode();
			v2 = G.lastNode ();
			gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = gridLayout.y(v2) = 0;
			gridLayout.x(v2) = 1;
			boundingBox = IPoint(1,0);

	// we make a copy of G since we use planar biconnected augmentation
	GraphCopySimple GC(G);

	if(fixEmbedding) {
		// determine adjacency entry on external face of GC (if required)
		if(adjExternal != 0) {
			edge eG  = adjExternal->theEdge();
			edge eGC = GC.copy(eG);
			adjExternal = (adjExternal == eG->adjSource()) ? eGC->adjSource() : eGC->adjTarget();

		PlanarAugmentationFix augmenter;

	} else {
		adjExternal = 0;

		// augment graph planar biconnected

		// embed augmented graph

	// compute shelling order with shelling order module

	ShellingOrder order;

	// compute grid coordinates for GC
	NodeArray<int> x(GC), y(GC);

	boundingBox.m_x = x[order(1,order.len(1))];
	boundingBox.m_y = 0;
	node v;
		if(y[v] > boundingBox.m_y) boundingBox.m_y = y[v];

	// copy coordinates from GC to G
	forall_nodes(v,G) {
		node vCopy = GC.copy(v);
		gridLayout.x(v) = x[vCopy];
		gridLayout.y(v) = y[vCopy];
예제 #13
void SchnyderLayout::schnyderEmbedding(
	GraphCopy& GC,
	GridLayout &gridLayout,
	adjEntry adjExternal)
	NodeArray<int> &xcoord = gridLayout.x();
	NodeArray<int> &ycoord = gridLayout.y();

	node v;
	List<node> L;						// (un)contraction order
	GraphCopy T = GraphCopy(GC);		// the realizer tree (reverse direction of edges!!!)
	EdgeArray<int> rValues(T);			// the realizer values

	// choose outer face a,b,c
	adjEntry adja;
	if (adjExternal != 0) {
		edge eG  = adjExternal->theEdge();
		edge eGC = GC.copy(eG);
		adja = (adjExternal == eG->adjSource()) ? eGC->adjSource() : eGC->adjTarget();
	else {
		adja = GC.firstEdge()->adjSource();
	adjEntry adjb = adja->faceCyclePred();
	adjEntry adjc = adjb->faceCyclePred();

	node a = adja->theNode();
	node b = adjb->theNode();
	node c = adjc->theNode();

	node a_in_T = T.copy(GC.original(a));
	node b_in_T = T.copy(GC.original(b));
	node c_in_T = T.copy(GC.original(c));

	contract(GC, a, b, c, L);

	realizer(GC, L, a, b, c, rValues, T);

	NodeArray<int>  t1(T);
	NodeArray<int>  t2(T);
	NodeArray<int>  val(T, 1);

	NodeArray<int>  P1(T);
	NodeArray<int>  P3(T);
	NodeArray<int>  v1(T);
	NodeArray<int>  v2(T);

	subtreeSizes(rValues, 1, a_in_T, t1);
	subtreeSizes(rValues, 2, b_in_T, t2);

	prefixSum(rValues, 1, a_in_T, val, P1);
	prefixSum(rValues, 3, c_in_T, val, P3);
	// now Pi  =  depth of all nodes in Tree T(i) (depth[root] = 1)

	prefixSum(rValues, 2, b_in_T, t1, v1);
	// special treatment for a
	v1[a_in_T] = t1[a_in_T];

	 * v1[v] now is the sum of the
	 * "count of nodes in t1" minus the "subtree size for node x"
	 * for every node x on a path from b to v in t2

	prefixSum(rValues, 3, c_in_T, t1, val);
	// special treatment for a
	val[a_in_T] = t1[a_in_T];

	 * val[v] now is the sum of the
	 * "count of nodes in t1" minus the "subtree size for node x"
	 * for every node x on a path from c to v in t3

	// r1[v]=v1[v]+val[v]-t1[v] is the number of nodes in region 1 from v
	forall_nodes(v, T) {
		// calc v1'
		v1[v] += val[v] - t1[v] - P3[v];
예제 #14
void FPPLayout::doCall(
	const Graph &G,
	adjEntry adjExternal,
	GridLayout &gridLayout,
	IPoint &boundingBox,
	bool fixEmbedding)
	// check for double edges & self loops

	// handle special case of graphs with less than 3 nodes
	if (G.numberOfNodes() < 3) {
		node v1, v2;
		switch (G.numberOfNodes()) {
		case 0:
			boundingBox = IPoint(0, 0);

		case 1:
			v1 = G.firstNode();
			gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = 0;
			boundingBox = IPoint(0, 0);

		case 2:
			v1 = G.firstNode();
			v2 = G.lastNode();
			gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = gridLayout.y(v2) = 0;
			gridLayout.x(v2) = 1;
			boundingBox = IPoint(1, 0);

	// make a copy for triangulation
	GraphCopy GC(G);

	// embed
	if (!fixEmbedding) {
		if (planarEmbed(GC) == false) {
			OGDF_THROW_PARAM(PreconditionViolatedException, pvcPlanar);


	// get edges for outer face (triangle)
	adjEntry e_12;
	if (adjExternal != 0) {
		edge eG  = adjExternal->theEdge();
		edge eGC = GC.copy(eG);
		e_12 = (adjExternal == eG->adjSource()) ? eGC->adjSource() : eGC->adjTarget();
	else {
		e_12 = GC.firstEdge()->adjSource();
	adjEntry e_2n = e_12->faceCycleSucc();

	NodeArray<int>  num(GC);

	NodeArray<adjEntry> e_wp(GC);					// List of predecessors on circle C_k
	NodeArray<adjEntry> e_wq(GC);					// List of successors on circle  C_k

	computeOrder(GC, num , e_wp, e_wq, e_12, e_2n, e_2n->faceCycleSucc());
	computeCoordinates(GC, boundingBox, gridLayout, num, e_wp, e_wq);
예제 #15
파일: PlanRep.cpp 프로젝트: lncosie/ogdf
void PlanRep::writeGML(ostream &os, const OrthoRep &OR, const GridLayout &drawing)
	const Graph &G = *this;

	NodeArray<int> id(*this);
	int nextId = 0;


	os << "Creator \"ogdf::GraphAttributes::writeGML\"\n";
	os << "graph [\n";
	os << "  directed 1\n";

	for(node v : G.nodes) {
		os << "  node [\n";

		os << "    id " << (id[v] = nextId++) << "\n";

		os << "    label \"" << v->index() << "\"\n";

		os << "    graphics [\n";
		os << "      x " << ((double) drawing.x(v)) << "\n";
		os << "      y " << ((double) drawing.y(v)) << "\n";
		os << "      w " << 3.0 << "\n";
		os << "      h " << 3.0 << "\n";
		os << "      type \"rectangle\"\n";
		os << "      width 1.0\n";
		if (typeOf(v) == Graph::generalizationMerger) {
			os << "      type \"oval\"\n";
			os << "      fill \"#0000A0\"\n";
		else if (typeOf(v) == Graph::generalizationExpander) {
			os << "      type \"oval\"\n";
			os << "      fill \"#00FF00\"\n";
		else if (typeOf(v) == Graph::highDegreeExpander ||
			typeOf(v) == Graph::lowDegreeExpander)
			os << "      fill \"#FFFF00\"\n";
		else if (typeOf(v) == Graph::dummy)
			os << "      type \"oval\"\n";

		else if (v->degree() > 4)
			os << "      fill \"#FFFF00\"\n";

			os << "      fill \"#000000\"\n";

		os << "    ]\n"; // graphics

		os << "  ]\n"; // node

	for (node v : nodes)
		if (expandAdj(v) != nullptr && (typeOf(v) == Graph::highDegreeExpander ||
			typeOf(v) == Graph::lowDegreeExpander))
			node vOrig = original(v);
			const OrthoRep::VertexInfoUML &vi = *OR.cageInfo(v);
			node ll = vi.m_corner[odNorth]->theNode();
			node ur = vi.m_corner[odSouth]->theNode();

			os << "  node [\n";
			os << "    id " << nextId++ << "\n";

			if (m_pGraphAttributes->attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeLabel) {
				os << "    label \"" << m_pGraphAttributes->label(vOrig) << "\"\n";

			os << "    graphics [\n";
			os << "      x " << 0.5 * (drawing.x(ur) + drawing.x(ll)) << "\n";
			os << "      y " << 0.5 * (drawing.y(ur) + drawing.y(ll)) << "\n";
			os << "      w " << widthOrig(vOrig) << "\n";
			os << "      h " << heightOrig(vOrig) << "\n";
			os << "      type \"rectangle\"\n";
			os << "      width 1.0\n";
			os << "      fill \"#FFFF00\"\n";

			os << "    ]\n"; // graphics
			os << "  ]\n"; // node

	for(edge e : G.edges)
		os << "  edge [\n";

		os << "    source " << id[e->source()] << "\n";
		os << "    target " << id[e->target()] << "\n";

		os << "    generalization " << typeOf(e) << "\n";

		os << "    graphics [\n";

		os << "      type \"line\"\n";

		if (typeOf(e) == Graph::generalization)
			if (typeOf(e->target()) == Graph::generalizationExpander)
				os << "      arrow \"none\"\n";
				os << "      arrow \"last\"\n";

			os << "      fill \"#FF0000\"\n";
			os << "      width 2.0\n";
			if (typeOf(e->source()) == Graph::generalizationExpander ||
			    typeOf(e->source()) == Graph::generalizationMerger ||
			    typeOf(e->target()) == Graph::generalizationExpander ||
			    typeOf(e->target()) == Graph::generalizationMerger)
				os << "      arrow \"none\"\n";
				os << "      fill \"#FF0000\"\n";
			else if (original(e) == nullptr)
				os << "      arrow \"none\"\n";
				os << "      fill \"#AFAFAF\"\n";
				os << "      arrow \"none\"\n";
			if (isBrother(e))
				os << "      fill \"#00AF0F\"\n";
			if (isHalfBrother(e))
				os << "      fill \"#0F00AF\"\n";
			os << "      width 1.0\n";
		}//else generalization

		os << "    ]\n"; // graphics

		os << "  ]\n"; // edge

	os << "]\n"; // graph