예제 #1
  /** Execute the algorithm.
  void LoadCalFile::exec()
    std::string CalFilename = getPropertyValue("CalFilename");
    std::string WorkspaceName = getPropertyValue("WorkspaceName");
    bool MakeGroupingWorkspace = getProperty("MakeGroupingWorkspace");
    bool MakeOffsetsWorkspace = getProperty("MakeOffsetsWorkspace");
    bool MakeMaskWorkspace = getProperty("MakeMaskWorkspace");

    if (WorkspaceName.empty())
      throw std::invalid_argument("Must specify WorkspaceName.");

    Instrument_const_sptr inst = LoadCalFile::getInstrument3Ways(this);

    GroupingWorkspace_sptr groupWS;
    OffsetsWorkspace_sptr offsetsWS;
    MaskWorkspace_sptr maskWS;

    // Title of all workspaces = the file without path
    std::string title = Poco::Path(CalFilename).getFileName();

    // Initialize all required workspaces.
    if (MakeGroupingWorkspace)
      groupWS = GroupingWorkspace_sptr(new GroupingWorkspace(inst));
      declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<GroupingWorkspace>("OutputGroupingWorkspace", WorkspaceName + "_group", Direction::Output),
              "Set the the output GroupingWorkspace, if any.");
      setProperty("OutputGroupingWorkspace", groupWS);

    if (MakeOffsetsWorkspace)
      offsetsWS = OffsetsWorkspace_sptr(new OffsetsWorkspace(inst));
      declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<OffsetsWorkspace>("OutputOffsetsWorkspace", WorkspaceName + "_offsets", Direction::Output),
              "Set the the output OffsetsWorkspace, if any.");
      setProperty("OutputOffsetsWorkspace", offsetsWS);

    if (MakeMaskWorkspace)
      maskWS = MaskWorkspace_sptr(new MaskWorkspace(inst));
      declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<MatrixWorkspace>("OutputMaskWorkspace", WorkspaceName + "_mask", Direction::Output),
              "Set the the output MaskWorkspace, if any.");
      setProperty("OutputMaskWorkspace", maskWS);

    LoadCalFile::readCalFile(CalFilename, groupWS, offsetsWS, maskWS);
예제 #2
    /** Execute the ghost correction on all events in the input workspace **/
    void GhostCorrection::exec()

      // Get the input workspace
      this->inputW = getProperty("InputWorkspace");

      //Load the grouping
      GroupingWorkspace_sptr groupWS = getProperty("GroupingWorkspace");
      groupWS->makeDetectorIDToGroupMap(detId_to_group, nGroups);
      if (this->nGroups <= 0)
        throw std::runtime_error("The # of groups found in the Grouping file is 0.");

      // Now the offsets
      OffsetsWorkspace_sptr offsetsWS = getProperty("OffsetsWorkspace");

      //Make the X axis to bin to.
      MantidVecPtr XValues_new;
      const int64_t numbins = VectorHelper::createAxisFromRebinParams(getProperty("BinParams"), XValues_new.access());

      //Prepare the binfinder class
      BinFinder binner( getProperty("BinParams") );
      if (binner.lastBinIndex() != static_cast<int>(XValues_new.access().size()-1))
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "GhostCorrection: The binner found " << binner.lastBinIndex()+1 << " bins, but the X axis has "
            << XValues_new.access().size() << ". Try different binning parameters.";
        throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());

      //Create an output Workspace2D with group # of output spectra
      MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputW = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create("Workspace2D", this->nGroups-1, numbins, numbins-1);
      WorkspaceFactory::Instance().initializeFromParent(inputW, outputW,  true);

      //Set the X bins in the output WS.
      Workspace2D_sptr outputWS2D = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Workspace2D>(outputW);
      for (std::size_t i=0; i < outputWS2D->getNumberHistograms(); i++)
        outputWS2D->setX(i, XValues_new);

      //Prepare the maps you need
      input_detectorIDToWorkspaceIndexMap = inputW->getDetectorIDToWorkspaceIndexMap(true);

      //Load the ghostmapping file
      this->loadGhostMap( getProperty("GhostCorrectionFilename") );

      //Initialize progress reporting.
      int64_t numsteps = 0; //count how many steps
      for (int64_t gr=1; gr < this->nGroups; ++gr)
        numsteps += this->groupedGhostMaps[gr]->size();
      Progress prog(this, 0.0, 1.0, numsteps);

      //Set up the tof-to-d_spacing map for all pixel ids.
      this->tof_to_d = Mantid::Algorithms::AlignDetectors::calcTofToD_ConversionMap(inputW, offsetsWS);

      // Set the final unit that our output workspace will have
      outputW->getAxis(0)->unit() = UnitFactory::Instance().create("dSpacing");

      //Go through the groups, starting at #1!
      PARALLEL_FOR2(inputW, outputW)
      for (int64_t gr=1; gr < this->nGroups; ++gr)

        //TODO: Convert between group # and workspace index. Sigh.
        //Groups normally start at 1 and so the workspace index will be one below that.
        int64_t outputWorkspaceIndex = gr-1;

        //Start by making sure the Y and E values are 0.
        MantidVec& Y = outputW->dataY(outputWorkspaceIndex);
        MantidVec& E = outputW->dataE(outputWorkspaceIndex);
        Y.assign(Y.size(), 0.0);
        E.assign(E.size(), 0.0);

        //Perform the GhostCorrection

        //Ok, this map has as keys the source workspace indices
        GhostSourcesMap * thisGroupsGhostMap = this->groupedGhostMaps[gr];
        GhostSourcesMap::iterator it;
        for (it = thisGroupsGhostMap->begin(); it != thisGroupsGhostMap->end(); ++it)
          //This workspace index is causing 16 ghosts in this group.
          int64_t inputWorkspaceIndex = it->first;
          int64_t inputDetectorID = it->second;

          //This is the events in the pixel CAUSING the ghost.
          const EventList & sourceEventList = inputW->getEventList(inputWorkspaceIndex);

          //Now get the actual vector of tofevents
          const std::vector<TofEvent>& events = sourceEventList.getEvents();
          size_t numEvents = events.size();

          //Go through all events.
          for (size_t i=0; i < numEvents; i++)
            const TofEvent& event = events[i];

            for (int64_t g=0; g < NUM_GHOSTS; g++)
              //Find the ghost correction
              int64_t fileIndex = inputDetectorID * NUM_GHOSTS + g;
              GhostDestinationValue ghostVal = (*rawGhostMap)[fileIndex];

              //Convert to d-spacing using the factor of the GHOST pixel id
              double d_spacing = event.tof() * (*tof_to_d)[ghostVal.pixelId];

              //Find the bin for this d-spacing
              int64_t binIndex = binner.bin(d_spacing);

              if (binIndex >= 0)
                //Slap it in the Y array for this group; use the weight.
                Y[binIndex] += ghostVal.weight;

            } //for each ghost

          } //for each event

          //Report progress



      // Assign the workspace to the output workspace property
      setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputW);

예제 #3
/** Reads the calibration file.
 * @param calFileName :: path to the old .cal file
 * @param groupWS :: optional, GroupingWorkspace to save. Will be 0 if not specified.
 * @param offsetsWS :: optional, OffsetsWorkspace to save. Will be 0.0 if not specified.
 * @param maskWS :: optional, masking-type workspace to save. Will be 1 (selected) if not specified.
void SaveCalFile::saveCalFile(const std::string& calFileName,
                              GroupingWorkspace_sptr groupWS, OffsetsWorkspace_sptr offsetsWS, MaskWorkspace_sptr maskWS)
    Instrument_const_sptr inst;

    bool doGroup = false;
    if (groupWS)
        doGroup = true;
        inst = groupWS->getInstrument();

    bool doOffsets = false;
    if (offsetsWS) {
        doOffsets = true;
        inst = offsetsWS->getInstrument();

    bool doMask = false;
    if (maskWS)
        doMask = true;
        inst = maskWS->getInstrument();
        if (!inst)
            g_log.warning() << "Mask workspace " << maskWS->name() << " has no instrument associated with." << "\n";

    g_log.information() << "Status: doGroup = " << doGroup << " doOffsets = " << doOffsets
                        << " doMask = " << doMask << "\n";

    if (!inst)
        throw std::invalid_argument("You must give at least one of the grouping, offsets or masking workspaces.");

    // Header of the file
    std::ofstream fout(calFileName.c_str());
    fout <<"# Calibration file for instrument " << inst->getName() << " written on "
         << DateAndTime::getCurrentTime().toISO8601String() << ".\n";
    fout <<"# Format: number    UDET         offset    select    group\n";

    // Get all the detectors
    detid2det_map allDetectors;
    int64_t number=0;

    detid2det_map::const_iterator it;
    for (it = allDetectors.begin(); it != allDetectors.end(); ++it)
        detid_t detectorID = it->first;
        // Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr det = it->second;

        //Find the offset, if any
        double offset = 0.0;
        if (doOffsets)
            offset = offsetsWS->getValue(detectorID, 0.0);

        //Find the group, if any
        int64_t group = 1;
        if (doGroup)
            group = static_cast<int64_t>(groupWS->getValue(detectorID, 0.0));

        // Find the selection, if any
        int selected = 1;
        if (doMask && (maskWS->isMasked(detectorID)))
            selected = 0;

        //if(group > 0)
        fout << std::fixed << std::setw(9) << number <<
             std::fixed << std::setw(15) << detectorID <<
             std::fixed << std::setprecision(7) << std::setw(15)<< offset <<
             std::fixed << std::setw(8) << selected <<
             std::fixed << std::setw(8) << group  << "\n";


예제 #4
  /** Reads the calibration file.
   * @param calFileName :: path to the old .cal file
   * @param groupWS :: optional, GroupingWorkspace to fill. Must be initialized to the right instrument.
   * @param offsetsWS :: optional, OffsetsWorkspace to fill. Must be initialized to the right instrument.
   * @param maskWS :: optional, masking-type workspace to fill. Must be initialized to the right instrument.
  void LoadCalFile::readCalFile(const std::string& calFileName,
      GroupingWorkspace_sptr groupWS, OffsetsWorkspace_sptr offsetsWS, MaskWorkspace_sptr maskWS)
    bool doGroup = bool(groupWS);
    bool doOffsets = bool(offsetsWS);
    bool doMask = bool(maskWS);

    bool hasUnmasked(false);
    bool hasGrouped(false);

    if (!doOffsets && !doGroup && !doMask)
      throw std::invalid_argument("You must give at least one of the grouping, offsets or masking workspaces.");

    std::ifstream grFile(calFileName.c_str());
    if (!grFile)
      throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open calibration file " + calFileName);

    size_t numErrors = 0;

    detid2index_map detID_to_wi;
    if (doMask)
      detID_to_wi = maskWS->getDetectorIDToWorkspaceIndexMap();

    // not all of these should be doubles, but to make reading work read as double then recast to int
    int n,udet,select,group;
    double n_d, udet_d, offset, select_d, group_d;

    std::string str;
      if (str.empty() || str[0] == '#') continue;
      std::istringstream istr(str);

      // read in everything as double then cast as appropriate
      istr >> n_d >> udet_d >> offset >> select_d >> group_d;
      n = static_cast<int>(n_d);
      udet = static_cast<int>(udet_d);
      select = static_cast<int>(select_d);
      group = static_cast<int>(group_d);

      if (doOffsets)
        if (offset <= -1.) // should never happen
          std::stringstream msg;
          msg << "Encountered offset = " << offset << " at index " << n << " for udet = " << udet
              << ". Offsets must be greater than -1.";
          throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());

          offsetsWS->setValue(udet, offset);
        catch (std::invalid_argument &)

      if (doGroup)
          groupWS->setValue(udet, double(group) );
          if ((!hasGrouped) && (group > 0))
            hasGrouped = true;
        catch (std::invalid_argument &)

      if (doMask)
        detid2index_map::const_iterator it = detID_to_wi.find(udet);
        if (it != detID_to_wi.end())
          size_t wi = it->second;

          if (select <= 0)
            // Not selected, then mask this detector
            maskWS->dataY(wi)[0] = 1.0;
            // Selected, set the value to be 0
            maskWS->dataY(wi)[0] = 0.0;
            if (!hasUnmasked)
              hasUnmasked = true;

          // Could not find the UDET.

    // Warn about any errors

    if (numErrors > 0)
      Logger("LoadCalFile").warning() << numErrors << " errors (invalid Detector ID's) found when reading .cal file '" << calFileName << "'.\n";
    if (doGroup && (!hasGrouped))
      Logger("LoadCalFile").warning() << "'" << calFileName << "' has no spectra grouped\n";
    if (doMask && (!hasUnmasked))
      Logger("LoadCalFile").warning() << "'" << calFileName << "' masks all spectra\n";
예제 #5
/** Execute the algorithm.
void LoadCalFile::exec() {
  std::string CalFilename = getPropertyValue("CalFilename");
  std::string WorkspaceName = getPropertyValue("WorkspaceName");
  bool MakeGroupingWorkspace = getProperty("MakeGroupingWorkspace");
  bool MakeOffsetsWorkspace = getProperty("MakeOffsetsWorkspace");
  bool MakeMaskWorkspace = getProperty("MakeMaskWorkspace");

  if (WorkspaceName.empty())
    throw std::invalid_argument("Must specify WorkspaceName.");

  Instrument_const_sptr inst = LoadCalFile::getInstrument3Ways(this);

  GroupingWorkspace_sptr groupWS;
  OffsetsWorkspace_sptr offsetsWS;
  MaskWorkspace_sptr maskWS;

  // Title of all workspaces = the file without path
  std::string title = Poco::Path(CalFilename).getFileName();

  // Initialize all required workspaces.
  if (MakeGroupingWorkspace) {
    groupWS = GroupingWorkspace_sptr(new GroupingWorkspace(inst));
                        "OutputGroupingWorkspace", WorkspaceName + "_group",
                    "Set the the output GroupingWorkspace, if any.");
    groupWS->mutableRun().addProperty("Filename", CalFilename);
    setProperty("OutputGroupingWorkspace", groupWS);

  if (MakeOffsetsWorkspace) {
    offsetsWS = OffsetsWorkspace_sptr(new OffsetsWorkspace(inst));
                        "OutputOffsetsWorkspace", WorkspaceName + "_offsets",
                    "Set the the output OffsetsWorkspace, if any.");
    offsetsWS->mutableRun().addProperty("Filename", CalFilename);
    setProperty("OutputOffsetsWorkspace", offsetsWS);

  if (MakeMaskWorkspace) {
    maskWS = MaskWorkspace_sptr(new MaskWorkspace(inst));
            "OutputMaskWorkspace", WorkspaceName + "_mask", Direction::Output),
        "Set the the output MaskWorkspace, if any.");
    maskWS->mutableRun().addProperty("Filename", CalFilename);
    setProperty("OutputMaskWorkspace", maskWS);

  LoadCalFile::readCalFile(CalFilename, groupWS, offsetsWS, maskWS);

  if (MakeOffsetsWorkspace) {
    auto alg = createChildAlgorithm("ConvertDiffCal");
    alg->setProperty("OffsetsWorkspace", offsetsWS);
    ITableWorkspace_sptr calWS = alg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
            "OutputCalWorkspace", WorkspaceName + "_cal", Direction::Output),
        "Set the output Diffraction Calibration workspace, if any.");
    setProperty("OutputCalWorkspace", calWS);