int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { OptArgs opts; string position_file; string h5file_in; string source; string h5file_out; string destination; string positions_file; bool help; string flowlimit_arg; unsigned int flowlimit; vector<string>otherArgs; DumpStartingStateOfExtractWells (argc,argv); opts.ParseCmdLine(argc, argv); opts.GetOption(h5file_in, "", 'i', "input"); opts.GetOption(source, "", 's', "source"); opts.GetOption(h5file_out, "", 'o', "output"); opts.GetOption(destination, "", 'd', "destination"); opts.GetOption(flowlimit_arg, "", 'f', "flowlimit"); opts.GetOption(positions_file, "", 'p', "positions"); opts.GetOption(help, "false", 'h', "help"); opts.GetLeftoverArguments(otherArgs); // input data processing string line; vector<size_t> row_val; vector<size_t> col_val; ifstream filestream; if ( ! positions_file.empty() ); istream &input = ( filestream.is_open() ) ? filestream : cin; while ( getline(input, line) ) { int num = -1; vector<size_t> ints; istringstream ss(line); while ( ss >> num && ints.size() < 2 ) { if (num < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Found negative integer %d\n", num); exit(-1); } else ints.push_back((size_t)num); } if (ints.size() != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Found %d integers in %s, expected 2\n", (int)ints.size(), &line[0]); continue; } row_val.push_back(; col_val.push_back(; } if (row_val.size() == 0 ) { fprintf(stdout, "No positions to extract, check input\n"); exit(0); } vector<size_t>input_positions(row_val.size(), 0); int numCPU = (int)sysconf( _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN ); int numThreads = MAXTHREADS < numCPU ? MAXTHREADS : numCPU; fprintf(stdout, "Using %d threads of %d cores\n", numThreads, numCPU); if (source.empty()) source = source + SIGNAL_IN; H5ReplayReader reader = H5ReplayReader(h5file_in, &source[0]); if ( h5file_out.empty() ) h5file_out = h5file_out + H5FILE_OUT; if ( destination.empty() ) destination = destination + SIGNAL_OUT; reader.Open(); int rank = reader.GetRank(); vector<hsize_t>dims(rank); vector<hsize_t>chunks(rank); reader.GetDims(dims); reader.GetChunkSize(chunks); reader.Close(); // convert input row, col positions to indices for (hsize_t i=0; i<input_positions.size(); i++) input_positions.At(i) = RowColToIndex(row_val.At(i), col_val.At(i), dims.At(0), dims.At(1)); sort(input_positions.begin(), input_positions.end()); fprintf(stdout, "Opened for read %s:%s with rank %d, row x col x flow dims=[ ", &h5file_in[0], &source[0], rank); for (int i=0; i<rank; i++) fprintf(stdout, "%d ", (int)dims.At(i)); fprintf(stdout, "], chunksize=[ "); for (int i=0; i<rank; i++) fprintf(stdout, "%d ", (int)chunks.At(i)); fprintf(stdout, "]\n"); H5ReplayRecorder recorder = H5ReplayRecorder(h5file_out, &destination[0],reader.GetType(),2); recorder.CreateFile(); { vector<hsize_t> dims_pos(1, input_positions.size()); string pos_name = "position"; H5ReplayRecorder recorder_pos = H5ReplayRecorder(h5file_out, &pos_name[0],H5T_NATIVE_ULONG,1); recorder_pos.CreateDataset(dims_pos); } { string chip_dims = "chip_dims"; H5ReplayRecorder recorder_chip_dims = H5ReplayRecorder(h5file_out, &chip_dims[0],H5T_NATIVE_ULLONG,1); vector<hsize_t> offset_dims(1,0); vector<hsize_t> count_dims(1,3); recorder_chip_dims.CreateDataset(count_dims); recorder_chip_dims.Write(offset_dims, count_dims, offset_dims, count_dims, &dims[0]); } if (flowlimit_arg.empty()) flowlimit = dims.At(2); else flowlimit = atoi(flowlimit_arg.c_str()); flowlimit = (flowlimit < dims.At(2)) ? flowlimit : dims.At(2); fprintf(stdout, "Using %u flows\n", flowlimit); // chunks no bigger than 100000 vector<hsize_t>chunks_out(2); chunks_out.At(0) = (input_positions.size() < 10000) ? input_positions.size() : 100000; chunks_out.At(1) = chunks.At(2); recorder.CreateDataset(chunks_out); vector<hsize_t> extension(2); extension.At(0) = input_positions.size(); extension.At(1) = dims.At(2); recorder.ExtendDataSet(extension); // extend if necessary fprintf(stdout, "Opening for write %s:%s with rank %d, position x flow chunks=[ ", &h5file_out[0], &destination[0], (int)chunks_out.size()); for (int i=0; i<(int)chunks_out.size(); i++) fprintf(stdout, "%d ", (int)chunks_out.At(i)); fprintf(stdout, "]\n"); int max_threads_ever = (dims.At(0)/chunks.At(0) +1)*(dims.At(1)/chunks.At(1) +1); thread_flags.resize (max_threads_ever, 0); // fprintf(stdout, "max_threads_ever = %d\n", max_threads_ever); unsigned int thread_id = 0; vector<thread_args> my_args( max_threads_ever ); size_t runningCount = 0; // layout is rows x cols x flows for (size_t row=0; row<dims.At(0); ) { for (size_t col=0; col<dims.At(1); ) { size_t ix = 0; hsize_t offset_out = 0; hsize_t count_out = 0; vector<size_t> limit(2); limit.At(0) = ( row+chunks.At(0) < dims.At(0) ) ? row+chunks.At(0) : dims.At(0); limit.At(1) = ( col+chunks.At(1) < dims.At(1) ) ? col+chunks.At(1) : dims.At(1); // fprintf(stdout, "Block row=%lu, col=%lu, count=[%lu %lu]\n", row, col, limit.At(0), limit.At(1)); // bool first_time=true; for (size_t rr=row; rr<limit.At(0) && ix < input_positions.size(); rr++) { for (size_t cc=col; cc<limit.At(1) && ix < input_positions.size(); cc++) { size_t pos = input_positions.At(ix); size_t chp_indx = RowColToIndex(rr,cc, dims.At(0), dims.At(1)); // if (first_time) // fprintf(stdout, "Entering loop with pos=%lu, ix=%lu, chp_indx=%lu\n", pos, ix, chp_indx); // first_time = false; if ( chp_indx < pos) continue; while ( chp_indx > pos){ // fprintf(stdout, "chp_indx=%lu > pos=%lu, incrementing ix=%lu\n", chp_indx, pos, ix); ix++; if (ix == input_positions.size()){ break; } pos = input_positions.At(ix); // first_time = true; } if( chp_indx == pos){ if ( count_out == 0) offset_out = runningCount; count_out++; runningCount++; // fprintf(stdout, "found: rr=%d, cc=%d, pos=%d, index=%d, ix=%lu, runningCount=%lu\n", (int)rr, (int)cc, (int)pos, (int)chp_indx, ix, runningCount); ix++; continue; } } } assert (ix <= input_positions.size() ); assert (runningCount <= input_positions.size() ); if (count_out > 0) { pthread_t thread; int thread_status = 0; assert( thread_id < thread_flags.size() ); = row; = col; = &chunks; = &chunks_out; = &dims; = &h5file_in; = &source; = &h5file_out; = &destination; = offset_out; = count_out; = &input_positions; = thread_id; = flowlimit; // fprintf(stdout, "creating thread %d from row=%d (max %d), column=%d (max %d), offset_out=%llu, count_out=%llu\n", thread_id, (int)row, (int)dims.At(0), (int)col, (int)dims.At(1), offset_out, count_out); while (accumulate(thread_flags.begin(), thread_flags.end(), 0) > numThreads) { // only have to be approximate, don't worry about races fprintf(stdout, "Sleeping before creating thread %d from row=%d (max %d), column=%d (max %d), offset_out=%llu, count_out=%llu ...\n", thread_id, (int)row, (int)dims.At(0), (int)col, (int)dims.At(1), offset_out, count_out); sleep(1); } thread_flags.At(thread_id) = 1; thread_status = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, do_subset, (void *)&my_args[thread_id]); // do_subset((void *)&my_args[thread_id]); assert (thread_status >= 0); thread_id++; } col += chunks.At(1); //fflush(stdout); } row += chunks.At(0); } while (accumulate(thread_flags.begin(), thread_flags.end(), 0) > 0) { // wait for the threads to finish // fprintf(stdout, "Waiting ...\n"); sleep(1); } assert (runningCount == input_positions.size() ); cout << "Done." << endl; pthread_exit(NULL); }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { OptArgs opts; string h5file; string source; string destination; vector<string> infiles; bool help; string flowlimit_arg; unsigned int flowlimit; DumpStartingStateOfNormWells (argc,argv); opts.ParseCmdLine(argc, argv); opts.GetOption(h5file, "", '-', "h5file"); opts.GetOption(source, "", 's', "source"); opts.GetOption(destination, "", 'd', "destination"); opts.GetOption(flowlimit_arg, "", 'f', "flowlimit"); opts.GetOption(help, "false", 'h', "help"); opts.GetLeftoverArguments(infiles); if(help || infiles.empty() || (infiles.size() > 1) ) { usage(); } h5file = infiles.front(); int numCPU = (int)sysconf( _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN ); int numThreads = MAXTHREADS < numCPU ? MAXTHREADS : numCPU; fprintf(stdout, "Using %d threads of %d cores\n", numThreads, numCPU); if (source.empty()) source = source + SIGNAL_IN; H5ReplayReader reader = H5ReplayReader(h5file, &source[0]); if ( destination.empty() ) destination = destination + SIGNAL_OUT; H5ReplayRecorder recorder = ( ? H5ReplayRecorder(h5file, &destination[0]) : H5ReplayRecorder(h5file, &destination[0],reader.GetType(),reader.GetRank()); reader.Open(); int rank = reader.GetRank(); vector<hsize_t>dims(rank,0); vector<hsize_t>chunks(rank,0); reader.GetDims(dims); reader.GetChunkSize(chunks); reader.Close(); fprintf(stdout, "Opening for read %s:%s with rank %d, row x col x flow dims=[ ", &h5file[0], &source[0], rank); for (int i=0; i<rank; i++) fprintf(stdout, "%d ", (int)dims[i]); fprintf(stdout, "], chunksize=[ "); for (int i=0; i<rank; i++) fprintf(stdout, "%d ", (int)chunks[i]); fprintf(stdout, "]\n"); if (flowlimit_arg.empty()) flowlimit = dims[2]; else flowlimit = atoi(flowlimit_arg.c_str()); flowlimit = (flowlimit < dims[2]) ? flowlimit : dims[2]; fprintf(stdout, "Using %u flows\n", flowlimit); // hard code region size to be at least 100x100 chunks[0] = (chunks[0] < 100) ? 100 : chunks[0]; chunks[1] = (chunks[1] < 100) ? 100 : chunks[1]; recorder.CreateDataset(chunks); int max_threads_ever = (dims[0]/chunks[0] +1)*(dims[1]/chunks[1] +1); thread_flags.resize (max_threads_ever, 0); // fprintf(stdout, "max_threads_ever = %d\n", max_threads_ever); unsigned int thread_id = 0; vector<compute_norm_args> my_args( max_threads_ever ); // layout is rows x cols x flows for (hsize_t row=0; row<dims[0]; ) { for (hsize_t col=0; col<dims[1]; ) { pthread_t thread; int thread_status; assert( thread_id < thread_flags.size() ); = row; = col; = &chunks; = &dims; = &h5file; = &source; = &destination; = thread_id; = flowlimit; fprintf(stdout, "creating thread %d from row=%d (max %d), column=%d (max %d)\n", thread_id, (int)row, (int)dims[0], (int)col, (int)dims[1]); while (accumulate(thread_flags.begin(), thread_flags.end(), 0) > numThreads) { // only have to be approximate, don't worry about races // fprintf(stdout, "Sleeping ...\n"); sleep(1); } thread_flags[thread_id] = 1; thread_status = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, compute_norm, (void *)&my_args[thread_id]); // compute_norm((void *)&my_args[thread_id]); assert (thread_status >= 0); thread_id++; col += chunks[1]; //fflush(stdout); } row += chunks[0]; } while (accumulate(thread_flags.begin(), thread_flags.end(), 0) > 0) { // wait for the threads to finish // fprintf(stdout, "Waiting ...\n"); sleep(1); } cout << "Done." << endl; pthread_exit(NULL); }