int GitHubApiHelper::sendRequestAndProcess(HTTPClientSession &session, Poco::URI &uri, std::ostream &responseStream) { // create a request this->createRequest(uri); session.sendRequest(*m_request) << m_body; std::istream &rs = session.receiveResponse(*m_response); int retStatus = m_response->getStatus(); g_log.debug() << "Answer from web: " << retStatus << " " << m_response->getReason() << "\n"; if (retStatus == HTTP_OK || (retStatus == HTTP_CREATED && m_method == HTTPRequest::HTTP_POST)) { Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(rs, responseStream); processResponseHeaders(*m_response); return retStatus; } else if ((retStatus == HTTP_FORBIDDEN && isAuthenticated()) || (retStatus == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) || (retStatus == HTTP_NOT_FOUND)) { // If authentication fails you can get HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED or HTTP_NOT_FOUND // If the limit runs out you can get HTTP_FORBIDDEN return this->processAnonymousRequest(*m_response, uri, responseStream); } else if (isRelocated(retStatus)) { return this->processRelocation(*m_response, responseStream); } else { Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(rs, responseStream); return processErrorStates(*m_response, rs, uri.toString()); } }
ofHttpResponse ofURLFileLoader::handleRequest(ofHttpRequest request) { try { URI uri(request.url); std::string path(uri.getPathAndQuery()); if (path.empty()) path = "/"; HTTPRequest req(HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, path, HTTPMessage::HTTP_1_1); HTTPResponse res; ofPtr<HTTPSession> session; istream * rs; if(uri.getScheme()=="https"){ //const Poco::Net::Context::Ptr context( new Poco::Net::Context( Poco::Net::Context::CLIENT_USE, "", "", "rootcert.pem" ) ); HTTPSClientSession * httpsSession = new HTTPSClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort());//,context); httpsSession->setTimeout(Poco::Timespan(20,0)); httpsSession->sendRequest(req); rs = &httpsSession->receiveResponse(res); session = ofPtr<HTTPSession>(httpsSession); }else{ HTTPClientSession * httpSession = new HTTPClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); httpSession->setTimeout(Poco::Timespan(20,0)); httpSession->sendRequest(req); rs = &httpSession->receiveResponse(res); session = ofPtr<HTTPSession>(httpSession); } if(!request.saveTo){ return ofHttpResponse(request,*rs,res.getStatus(),res.getReason()); }else{ ofFile saveTo(,ofFile::WriteOnly,true); char aux_buffer[1024]; rs->read(aux_buffer, 1024); std::streamsize n = rs->gcount(); while (n > 0){ // we resize to size+1 initialized to 0 to have a 0 at the end for strings saveTo.write(aux_buffer,n); if (rs->good()){ rs->read(aux_buffer, 1024); n = rs->gcount(); } else n = 0; } return ofHttpResponse(request,res.getStatus(),res.getReason()); } } catch (const Exception& exc) { ofLogError("ofURLFileLoader") << "handleRequest(): "+ exc.displayText(); return ofHttpResponse(request,-1,exc.displayText()); } catch (...) { return ofHttpResponse(request,-1,"ofURLFileLoader: fatal error, couldn't catch Exception"); } return ofHttpResponse(request,-1,"ofURLFileLoader: fatal error, couldn't catch Exception"); }
int InternetHelper::sendRequestAndProcess(HTTPClientSession &session, Poco::URI &uri, std::ostream &responseStream) { // create a request this->createRequest(uri); session.sendRequest(*m_request) << m_body; std::istream &rs = session.receiveResponse(*m_response); int retStatus = m_response->getStatus(); g_log.debug() << "Answer from web: " << retStatus << " " << m_response->getReason() << std::endl; if (retStatus == HTTP_OK || (retStatus == HTTP_CREATED && m_method == HTTPRequest::HTTP_POST)) { Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(rs, responseStream); return retStatus; } else if (isRelocated(retStatus)) { return this->processRelocation(*m_response, responseStream); } else { Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(rs, responseStream); return processErrorStates(*m_response, rs, uri.toString()); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { string sha256("SHA256"); Poco::Crypto::DigestEngine engine(sha256); engine.update("test"); //string paylod_hash(engine.digest()); Poco::DigestEngine::Digest paylod_hash = engine.digest(); string payload((Poco::Crypto::DigestEngine::digestToHex(paylod_hash))); cout << payload << endl; //cout << paylod_hash << endl; Document doc; doc.SetObject(); Document::AllocatorType & allocator = doc.GetAllocator(); doc.AddMember("TableName", "patent", allocator); doc.AddMember("ProjectionExpression", "patent_id", allocator); // doc.AddMember("") string body = doc2str(doc); string key_id("AKIAIDN3KXQXTMEGVLXA"); string secret("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"); { string method("POST"); string service("dynamodb"); string host(""); string uri("/"); string region("us-east-1"); string content_type("application/x-amz-json-1.0"); string amz_target("DynamoDB_20120810.Scan"); string query_string(""); string amz_date = getAmzDate(); string amz_stamp = getDateStamp(amz_date); string cannocial_header(""); cannocial_header += "content-type:" + content_type + "\n" + \ "host:" + host + "\n" + \ "x-amz-date:" + amz_date + "\n" + \ "x-amz-target:" + amz_target + "\n"; string signed_headers("content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target"); } //cout << body << endl; //doc.AddMember("Limit", 1000, allocator); string dbHost(""); Poco::UInt16 dbPort(8000); HTTPClientSession session; setSession(session, dbHost, dbPort); HTTPRequest request; setRequestHeader(request); request.setContentLength(body.length()); ostream & os = session.sendRequest(request); os << body; HTTPResponse res; istream &is = session.receiveResponse(res); int statusCode = (int)res.getStatus(); string status = res.getReason(); // cout << status << endl; // cout << statusCode << endl; string uuid_str; is >> uuid_str; // cout << uuid_str << endl; //parse return Document uuid_doc; uuid_doc.Parse<0>(uuid_str.c_str()); Value& uuids = uuid_doc["Items"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < uuids.Size();++i) { string id = uuids[i]["patent_id"]["S"].GetString(); //cout << id << endl; } // BSONBuilder buildObj; // string requestHeader = string("host:") + dbHost + '\n'; // requestHeader += string("x-amz-date:") + getAmzDate() +'\n'; // requestHeader += string("x-amz-target:") + "DynamoDB_20120810.CreateTable" +"\n"; // string requestStr = string("AWS4-HMAC-SHA256") + string("GET") + //HTTPRequest request(HTTPRequest::HTTP_POST, url.getPath(), HTTPRequest::HTTP_1_1); }
bool ofxSimpleHttp::downloadURL(ofxSimpleHttpResponse* resp, bool sendResultThroughEvents, bool beingCalledFromMainThread, bool saveToDisk){ bool ok; ofstream myfile; bool fileIsAlreadyHere = false; //create a file to save the stream to if(saveToDisk){ if (resp->expectedChecksum.length()){ //if user provided a checksum ofFile f;>absolutePath); if (f.exists()){ fileIsAlreadyHere = ofxChecksum::sha1(resp->absolutePath, resp->expectedChecksum); if(fileIsAlreadyHere){ resp->checksumOK = true; resp->status = 0; resp->ok = true; resp->fileWasHere = true; ofLogVerbose() << "ofxSimpleHttp: about to download "<< resp->url << " but a file with same name and correct checksum is already here!"; ofLogVerbose() << "ofxSimpleHttp: skipping download (" << resp->expectedChecksum << ")"; } } f.close(); }else{ if (!onlySkipDownloadIfChecksumMatches){ ofFile f;>absolutePath); if (f.exists() && f.getSize() > 0){ resp->checksumOK = false; resp->status = 0; resp->ok = true; resp->fileWasHere = true; fileIsAlreadyHere = true; ofLogVerbose() << "ofxSimpleHttp: about to download "<< resp->url << " but a file with same name and (size > 0) is already here!"; ofLogVerbose() << "ofxSimpleHttp: skipping download (missing checksum)"; } f.close(); } } } if (!fileIsAlreadyHere){ //if file is not here, download it! resp->absolutePath.c_str(), ios_base::binary ); //; //for not binary? try { ofHttpRequest request(resp->url, resp->url); URI uri(request.url); std::string path(uri.getPathAndQuery()); if (path.empty()) path = "/"; HTTPClientSession * session; if(uri.getScheme()=="https"){ session = new HTTPSClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort());//,context); }else{ session = new HTTPClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); } //resp->session = &session; HTTPRequest req(HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, path, HTTPMessage::HTTP_1_1); req.set( "User-Agent", userAgent.c_str() ); session->setTimeout( Poco::Timespan(timeOut,0) ); session->sendRequest(req); HTTPResponse res; istream& rs = session->receiveResponse(res); resp->status = res.getStatus(); try { resp->timestamp = res.getDate(); } catch (Exception& exc) { resp->timestamp = 0; } resp->reasonForStatus = res.getReasonForStatus( res.getStatus() ); resp->contentType = res.getContentType(); resp->serverReportedSize = res.getContentLength(); resp->timeTakenToDownload = ofGetElapsedTimef(); if (resp->serverReportedSize == -1) ofLogWarning("ofxSimpleHttp", "downloadURL(%s) >> Server doesn't report download size...", resp->fileName.c_str() ); ofLogVerbose("ofxSimpleHttp", "downloadURL() >> about to start download (%s, %d bytes)", resp->fileName.c_str(), res.getContentLength() ); ofLogVerbose("ofxSimpleHttp", "downloadURL() >> server reports request status: (%d-%s)", resp->status, resp->reasonForStatus.c_str() ); //StreamCopier::copyStream(rs, myfile); //write to file here! if(saveToDisk){ streamCopyWithProgress(rs, myfile, resp->serverReportedSize, resp->downloadProgress, resp->downloadSpeed, resp->downloadCanceled); }else{ copyToStringWithProgress(rs, resp->responseBody, resp->serverReportedSize, resp->downloadProgress, resp->downloadSpeed, resp->downloadCanceled); } resp->timeTakenToDownload = ofGetElapsedTimef() - resp->timeTakenToDownload; if (resp->expectedChecksum.length() > 0){ resp->checksumOK = ofxChecksum::sha1(resp->absolutePath, resp->expectedChecksum); if(!resp->checksumOK){ ofLogVerbose() << "ofxSimpleHttp: downloaded OK but Checksum FAILED"; ofLogVerbose() << "ofxSimpleHttp: SHA1 was meant to be: " << resp->expectedChecksum; } } resp->downloadSpeed = 0; resp->avgDownloadSpeed = 0; resp->downloadedBytes = 0; //resp->session = NULL; delete session; session = NULL; if(saveToDisk){ myfile.close(); } if (resp->downloadCanceled){ //delete half-baked download file if (resp->downloadToDisk){ ofFile f; if(>absolutePath)){ if (f.isFile()){ f.remove(); } } } }else{ if(saveToDisk){ ofLogNotice("ofxSimpleHttp", "downloadURL() downloaded to %s", resp->fileName.c_str() ); } if( saveToDisk ){ //ask the filesystem what is the real size of the file ofFile file; try{>absolutePath.c_str()); resp->downloadedBytes = file.getSize(); file.close(); }catch(Exception& exc){ ofLogError("ofxSimpleHttp", "downloadURL(%s) >> Exception at %s", resp->fileName.c_str(), exc.displayText().c_str() ); } }else{ resp->downloadedBytes = resp->responseBody.size(); } resp->avgDownloadSpeed = (resp->downloadedBytes / 1024.) / resp->timeTakenToDownload; //kb/sec //check download file size missmatch if ( resp->serverReportedSize > 0 && resp->serverReportedSize != resp->downloadedBytes) { ofLogWarning("ofxSimpleHttp", "downloadURLtoDiskBlocking() >> Download size mismatch (%s) >> Server: %d Downloaded: %d", resp->fileName.c_str(), resp->serverReportedSize, resp->downloadedBytes ); resp->reasonForStatus = "Download size mismatch!"; resp->status = -1; resp->ok = false; }else{ if (resp->status == 200){ resp->ok = true; }else{ resp->ok = false; } } ofLogVerbose() << "ofxSimpleHttp: download finished! " << resp->url << " !"; ok = TRUE; } }catch(Exception& exc){ myfile.close(); ofLogError("ofxSimpleHttp", "downloadURL(%s) >> Exception: %s", resp->fileName.c_str(), exc.displayText().c_str() ); resp->reasonForStatus = exc.displayText(); resp->ok = false; resp->status = -1; ok = false; ofLogError() << "ofxSimpleHttp: failed to download " << resp->url << " !"; } } //enqueue the operation result! if (sendResultThroughEvents ){ if ( resp->notifyOnSuccess ){ if(idleTimeAfterEachDownload > 0.0){ ofSleepMillis(idleTimeAfterEachDownload * 1000); } if (beingCalledFromMainThread){ //we running on main thread, we can just snd the notif from here ofNotifyEvent( httpResponse, *resp, this ); }else{ //we are running from a bg thread if (notifyFromMainThread){ //user wants to get notified form main thread, we need to enqueue the notification if (timeToStop == false){ //see if we have been destructed! dont forward events if so lock(); ofxSimpleHttpResponse tempCopy = *resp; responsesPendingNotification.push(tempCopy); unlock(); } }else{ //user doesnt care about main thread, the notificaiton can come from bg thread so we do it from here ofNotifyEvent( httpResponse, *resp, this ); } } } } return ok; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ofxHttpResponse ofxHttpUtils::getUrl(string url){ ofxHttpResponse response; try{ URI uri(url.c_str()); std::string path(uri.getPathAndQuery()); if (path.empty()) path = "/"; HTTPRequest req(HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, path, HTTPMessage::HTTP_1_1); if(auth.getUsername()!="") auth.authenticate(req); if(sendCookies){ for(unsigned i=0; i<cookies.size(); i++){ NameValueCollection reqCookies; reqCookies.add(cookies[i].getName(),cookies[i].getValue()); req.setCookies(reqCookies); } } HTTPResponse res; ofPtr<HTTPSession> session; istream * rs; if(uri.getScheme()=="https"){ HTTPSClientSession * httpsSession = new HTTPSClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort());//,context); httpsSession->setTimeout(Poco::Timespan(timeoutSeconds,0)); httpsSession->sendRequest(req); rs = &httpsSession->receiveResponse(res); session = ofPtr<HTTPSession>(httpsSession); }else{ HTTPClientSession * httpSession = new HTTPClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); httpSession->setTimeout(Poco::Timespan(timeoutSeconds,0)); httpSession->sendRequest(req); rs = &httpSession->receiveResponse(res); session = ofPtr<HTTPSession>(httpSession); } response=ofxHttpResponse(res, *rs, url); if(sendCookies){ cookies.insert(cookies.begin(),response.cookies.begin(),response.cookies.end()); } if(response.status>=300 && response.status<400){ Poco::URI uri(req.getURI()); uri.resolve(res.get("Location")); response.location = uri.toString(); } ofNotifyEvent( newResponseEvent, response, this ); //std::cout << res.getStatus() << " " << res.getReason() << std::endl; //StreamCopier::copyStream(rs, std::cout); }catch (Exception& exc){ ofLogError("ofxHttpUtils") << exc.displayText(); response.status = -1; response.reasonForStatus = exc.displayText(); ofNotifyEvent(newResponseEvent, response, this); } return response; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ofxHttpResponse ofxHttpUtils::doPostForm(ofxHttpForm & form){ ofxHttpResponse response; try{ URI uri( form.action.c_str() ); std::string path(uri.getPathAndQuery()); if (path.empty()) path = "/"; //HTTPClientSession session(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); HTTPRequest req(HTTPRequest::HTTP_POST, path, HTTPMessage::HTTP_1_1); if(auth.getUsername()!="") auth.authenticate(req); if(sendCookies){ for(unsigned i=0; i<cookies.size(); i++){ NameValueCollection reqCookies; reqCookies.add(cookies[i].getName(),cookies[i].getValue()); req.setCookies(reqCookies); } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < form.headerIds.size(); ++i) { const std::string name = form.headerIds[i].c_str(); const std::string val = form.headerValues[i].c_str(); req.set(name, val); } HTTPResponse res; HTMLForm pocoForm; // create the form data to send if(form.formFiles.size()>0) { pocoForm.setEncoding(HTMLForm::ENCODING_MULTIPART); } else { pocoForm.setEncoding(HTMLForm::ENCODING_URL); } // form values for(unsigned i=0; i<form.formIds.size(); i++){ const std::string name = form.formIds[i].c_str(); const std::string val = form.formValues[i].c_str(); pocoForm.set(name, val); } map<string,string>::iterator it; for(it = form.formFiles.begin(); it!=form.formFiles.end(); it++){ string fileName = it->second.substr(it->second.find_last_of('/')+1); ofLogVerbose("ofxHttpUtils") << "adding file: " << fileName << " path: " << it->second; pocoForm.addPart(it->first,new FilePartSource(it->second)); } pocoForm.prepareSubmit(req); ofPtr<HTTPSession> session; istream * rs; if(uri.getScheme()=="https"){ HTTPSClientSession * httpsSession = new HTTPSClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort());//,context); httpsSession->setTimeout(Poco::Timespan(20,0)); pocoForm.write(httpsSession->sendRequest(req)); rs = &httpsSession->receiveResponse(res); session = ofPtr<HTTPSession>(httpsSession); }else{ HTTPClientSession * httpSession = new HTTPClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); httpSession->setTimeout(Poco::Timespan(20,0)); pocoForm.write(httpSession->sendRequest(req)); rs = &httpSession->receiveResponse(res); session = ofPtr<HTTPSession>(httpSession); } response = ofxHttpResponse(res, *rs, form.action); if(sendCookies){ cookies.insert(cookies.begin(),response.cookies.begin(),response.cookies.end()); } if(response.status>=300 && response.status<400){ Poco::URI uri(req.getURI()); uri.resolve(res.get("Location")); response.location = uri.toString(); } ofNotifyEvent(newResponseEvent, response, this); }catch (Exception& exc){ ofLogError("ofxHttpUtils") << "ofxHttpUtils error doPostForm -- " << form.action.c_str(); //ofNotifyEvent(notifyNewError, "time out", this); // for now print error, need to broadcast a response ofLogError("ofxHttpUtils") << exc.displayText(); response.status = -1; response.reasonForStatus = exc.displayText(); ofNotifyEvent(newResponseEvent, response, this); } return response; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ofxHttpResponse ofxHttpUtils::postData(string url, const ofBuffer & data, string contentType){ ofxHttpResponse response; try{ URI uri( url.c_str() ); std::string path(uri.getPathAndQuery()); if (path.empty()) path = "/"; //HTTPClientSession session(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); HTTPRequest req(HTTPRequest::HTTP_POST, path, HTTPMessage::HTTP_1_1); if(auth.getUsername()!="") auth.authenticate(req); if(sendCookies){ for(unsigned i=0; i<cookies.size(); i++){ NameValueCollection reqCookies; reqCookies.add(cookies[i].getName(),cookies[i].getValue()); req.setCookies(reqCookies); } } if(contentType!=""){ req.setContentType(contentType); } req.setContentLength(data.size()); HTTPResponse res; ofPtr<HTTPSession> session; istream * rs; if(uri.getScheme()=="https"){ HTTPSClientSession * httpsSession = new HTTPSClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort());//,context); httpsSession->setTimeout(Poco::Timespan(20,0)); httpsSession->sendRequest(req) << data; rs = &httpsSession->receiveResponse(res); session = ofPtr<HTTPSession>(httpsSession); }else{ HTTPClientSession * httpSession = new HTTPClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); httpSession->setTimeout(Poco::Timespan(20,0)); httpSession->sendRequest(req) << data; rs = &httpSession->receiveResponse(res); session = ofPtr<HTTPSession>(httpSession); } response = ofxHttpResponse(res, *rs, url); if(sendCookies){ cookies.insert(cookies.begin(),response.cookies.begin(),response.cookies.end()); } if(response.status>=300 && response.status<400){ Poco::URI uri(req.getURI()); uri.resolve(res.get("Location")); response.location = uri.toString(); } ofNotifyEvent(newResponseEvent, response, this); }catch (Exception& exc){ ofLogError("ofxHttpUtils") << "ofxHttpUtils error postData --"; //ofNotifyEvent(notifyNewError, "time out", this); // for now print error, need to broadcast a response ofLogError("ofxHttpUtils") << exc.displayText(); response.status = -1; response.reasonForStatus = exc.displayText(); ofNotifyEvent(newResponseEvent, response, this); } return response; }
SwiftResult<T>* doSwiftTransaction(Account *_account, std::string &_uriPath, const std::string &_method, std::vector<HTTPHeader>* _uriParams, std::vector<HTTPHeader>* _reqMap, std::vector<int> *_httpValidCodes, const char *bodyReqBuffer, ulong size, std::string *contentType) { //Start locking lock_guard<recursive_mutex> guard(transactionMutex); //Start of function if (_account == nullptr) return returnNullError<T>("account"); Endpoint* swiftEndpoint = _account->getSwiftService()->getFirstEndpoint(); if (swiftEndpoint == nullptr) return returnNullError<T>("SWIFT Endpoint"); //Create parameter map vector<HTTPHeader> reqParamMap; //Add authentication token string tokenID = _account->getToken()->getId(); HTTPHeader authHeader("X-Auth-Token", tokenID); reqParamMap.push_back(authHeader); //Add rest of request Parameters if (_reqMap != nullptr && _reqMap->size() > 0) { for (uint i = 0; i < _reqMap->size(); i++) { reqParamMap.push_back(_reqMap->at(i)); } } URI uri(swiftEndpoint->getPublicUrl()); string encoded; URI::encode(_uriPath,"",encoded); _uriPath = encoded; if (uri.getPath().size() > 0) uri.setPath(uri.getPath() + "/" + _uriPath); else uri.setPath(_uriPath); if (_uriParams != nullptr && _uriParams->size() > 0) { //Create appropriate URI ostringstream queryStream; //queryStream << "?"; for (uint i = 0; i < _uriParams->size(); i++) { if (i > 0) queryStream << ","; queryStream << _uriParams->at(i).getQueryValue(); } uri.setQuery(queryStream.str()); } //Creating HTTP Session HTTPResponse *httpResponse = new HTTPResponse(); HTTPClientSession *httpSession = nullptr; istream* resultStream = nullptr; try { /** This operation does not accept a request body. **/ if (bodyReqBuffer == nullptr) httpSession = doHTTPIO(uri, _method, &reqParamMap); else { if (contentType != nullptr) httpSession = doHTTPIO(uri, _method, &reqParamMap, bodyReqBuffer, size, *contentType); else httpSession = doHTTPIO(uri, _method, &reqParamMap, bodyReqBuffer, size,""); } //Now we should increase number of calls to SWIFT API _account->increaseCallCounter(); if (std::is_same<T, std::istream*>::value) resultStream = &httpSession->receiveResponse(*httpResponse); else httpSession->receiveResponse(*httpResponse); } catch (Exception &e) { SwiftResult<T> *result = new SwiftResult<T>(); SwiftError error(SwiftError::SWIFT_EXCEPTION, e.displayText()); result->setError(error); //Try to set HTTP Response as the payload result->setSession(httpSession); result->setResponse(httpResponse); result->setPayload(nullptr); return result; } /** * Check HTTP return code */ bool valid = false; for (uint i = 0; i < _httpValidCodes->size(); i++) if (_httpValidCodes->at(i) == httpResponse->getStatus()) { valid = true; break; } if (!valid) { cout<<"Invalid Return code:"; httpResponse->write(cout); if(httpResponse->getStatus() == 200) cerr<<"bullshit"<<endl; if(httpResponse->getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) { if(_account->reAuthenticate()) { delete httpSession;httpSession = nullptr; delete httpResponse;httpResponse = nullptr; return doSwiftTransaction<T>(_account, _uriPath,_method, _uriParams, _reqMap, _httpValidCodes, bodyReqBuffer, size, contentType); } } SwiftResult<T> *result = new SwiftResult<T>(); string errorText = "Code:"; errorText+= httpResponse->getStatus()+"\tReason:"+httpResponse->getReason(); SwiftError error(SwiftError::SWIFT_HTTP_ERROR, errorText); result->setError(error); result->setSession(httpSession); result->setResponse(httpResponse); result->setPayload(nullptr); return result; } //Everything seems fine SwiftResult<T> *result = new SwiftResult<T>(); result->setError(SWIFT_OK); result->setSession(httpSession); result->setResponse(httpResponse); result->setPayload((T)resultStream); //Cleanup return result; }
void ofURLFileLoaderImpl::threadedFunction() { thread.setName("ofURLFileLoader " +; while( isThreadRunning() ){ int cancelled; while(cancelRequestQueue.tryReceive(cancelled)){ cancelledRequests.insert(cancelled); } ofHttpRequest request; if(requests.receive(request)){ if(cancelledRequests.find(request.getID())==cancelledRequests.end()){ ofHttpResponse response(handleRequest(request)); int status = response.status; #if __cplusplus>=201103 if(!responses.send(move(response))){ #else if(!responses.send(response)){ #endif break; } if(status==-1){ // retry requests.send(request); } }else{ cancelledRequests.erase(cancelled); } }else{ break; } } } ofHttpResponse ofURLFileLoaderImpl::handleRequest(ofHttpRequest request) { try { URI uri(request.url); std::string path(uri.getPathAndQuery()); if (path.empty()) path = "/"; HTTPRequest req(HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, path, HTTPMessage::HTTP_1_1); HTTPResponse res; shared_ptr<HTTPSession> session; istream * rs; if(uri.getScheme()=="https"){ //const Poco::Net::Context::Ptr context( new Poco::Net::Context( Poco::Net::Context::CLIENT_USE, "", "", "rootcert.pem" ) ); HTTPSClientSession * httpsSession = new HTTPSClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort());//,context); httpsSession->setTimeout(Poco::Timespan(20,0)); httpsSession->sendRequest(req); rs = &httpsSession->receiveResponse(res); session = shared_ptr<HTTPSession>(httpsSession); }else{ HTTPClientSession * httpSession = new HTTPClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); httpSession->setTimeout(Poco::Timespan(20,0)); httpSession->sendRequest(req); rs = &httpSession->receiveResponse(res); session = shared_ptr<HTTPSession>(httpSession); } if(!request.saveTo){ return ofHttpResponse(request,*rs,res.getStatus(),res.getReason()); }else{ ofFile saveTo(,ofFile::WriteOnly,true); char aux_buffer[1024]; rs->read(aux_buffer, 1024); std::streamsize n = rs->gcount(); while (n > 0){ // we resize to size+1 initialized to 0 to have a 0 at the end for strings saveTo.write(aux_buffer,n); if (rs->good()){ rs->read(aux_buffer, 1024); n = rs->gcount(); } else n = 0; } return ofHttpResponse(request,res.getStatus(),res.getReason()); } } catch (const Exception& exc) { ofLogError("ofURLFileLoader") << "handleRequest(): "+ exc.displayText(); return ofHttpResponse(request,-1,exc.displayText()); } catch (...) { return ofHttpResponse(request,-1,"ofURLFileLoader: fatal error, couldn't catch Exception"); } return ofHttpResponse(request,-1,"ofURLFileLoader: fatal error, couldn't catch Exception"); } void ofURLFileLoaderImpl::update(ofEventArgs & args){ ofHttpResponse response; while(responses.tryReceive(response)){ ofNotifyEvent(ofURLResponseEvent(),response); } }
std::istream* HTTPStreamFactory::open(const URI& uri) { poco_assert (uri.getScheme() == "http"); URI resolvedURI(uri); URI proxyUri; HTTPClientSession* pSession = 0; HTTPResponse res; bool retry = false; bool authorize = false; std::string username; std::string password; try { do { if (!pSession) { pSession = new HTTPClientSession(resolvedURI.getHost(), resolvedURI.getPort()); if (proxyUri.empty()) pSession->setProxy(_proxyHost, _proxyPort); else pSession->setProxy(proxyUri.getHost(), proxyUri.getPort()); pSession->setProxyCredentials(_proxyUsername, _proxyPassword); } std::string path = resolvedURI.getPathAndQuery(); if (path.empty()) path = "/"; HTTPRequest req(HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, path, HTTPMessage::HTTP_1_1); if (authorize) { HTTPCredentials::extractCredentials(uri, username, password); HTTPCredentials cred(username, password); cred.authenticate(req, res); } pSession->sendRequest(req); std::istream& rs = pSession->receiveResponse(res); bool moved = (res.getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY || res.getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_FOUND || res.getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_SEE_OTHER || res.getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT); if (moved) { resolvedURI.resolve(res.get("Location")); if (!username.empty()) { resolvedURI.setUserInfo(username + ":" + password); } throw URIRedirection(resolvedURI.toString()); } else if (res.getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_OK) { return new HTTPResponseStream(rs, pSession); } else if (res.getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_USEPROXY && !retry) { // The requested resource MUST be accessed through the proxy // given by the Location field. The Location field gives the // URI of the proxy. The recipient is expected to repeat this // single request via the proxy. 305 responses MUST only be generated by origin servers. // only use for one single request! proxyUri.resolve(res.get("Location")); delete pSession; pSession = 0; retry = true; // only allow useproxy once } else if (res.getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED && !authorize) { authorize = true; retry = true; Poco::NullOutputStream null; Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(rs, null); } else throw HTTPException(res.getReason(), uri.toString()); } while (retry); throw HTTPException("Too many redirects", uri.toString()); } catch (...) { delete pSession; throw; } }