예제 #1
    void CsvFile::write(const HeaderList& header, const  DataMap& data)  throw (FileException)
        std::ofstream file(filename.c_str()); 
        if (!file)  throw FileException("Cannot open file", filename, __FUNCTION_NAME__);
        // Print raw  of headers 
        for (HeaderList::const_iterator it = header.begin(); it != header.end(); ++it)
                file << separator << *it;
        // End of line
        file << std::endl;	
        // Print all data raws
        for (DataMap::const_iterator rawit = data.begin() ; rawit != data.end(); ++rawit)
                file<< rawit->first;
                for (DataRaw::const_iterator it = rawit->second.begin(); it != rawit->second.end(); ++it)
                        if (*it > 0) 
                            file << separator << *it;
                            file << separator;

                // End of line
                file << std::endl;
예제 #2
void CHttpServer::call_ruby_proc( rho::String const &query, String const &body )
    unsigned long valProc = 0;
    convertFromStringA( query.c_str(), valProc );

    HeaderList headers;
    VALUE req = create_request_hash("", "", "", "", "POST", "", String(), headers, body);

    VALUE data = callFramework(req);
    String strReply = String(getStringFromValue(data), getStringLenFromValue(data));

예제 #3
unsigned int khrn_hw_addr(const void *addr)
	ghw_error_e result;
#ifdef FILE_DUMP
	fprintf(fp_dump, "khrn_hwaddr %x\n", addr);
	u32 phys;
	unsigned int virt = (unsigned int) addr;
	HeaderNode* head = mem_list.getHead();

	while (head != NULL) {
		MemHeader* header = head->get();
		unsigned int va = (unsigned int)header->getVirt();
		if ( (va <= virt) && (virt <= va + header->getSize()) ) {
				unsigned int out = header->getPhys() + (virt-va);

				if (out == 0)
					printf("input of %p out of ZERO!\n", addr);

				return out;
		head = head->getNext();

	result = mem_allocator->virt2phys(phys, (void*)virt);
	if (result != GHW_ERROR_NONE) {
		result = mem_allocator1->virt2phys(phys, (void*)virt);

	if (phys == 0)
		printf("input of %p out of ZERO!\n", addr);

	return phys;
예제 #4
void *khrn_hw_unaddr(uint32_t addr)
	ghw_error_e result;
#ifdef FILE_DUMP
	fprintf(fp_dump, "khrn_hw_unaddr %x\n", addr);
	void* virt;
	unsigned int phys = (unsigned int) addr;
	HeaderNode* head = mem_list.getHead();

	while (head != NULL) {
		MemHeader* header = head->get();
		unsigned int pa = (unsigned int)header->getPhys();
		if ( (pa <= phys) && (phys <= pa + header->getSize()) ) {
				return ((unsigned char*)header->getVirt()) + (phys-pa);
		head = head->getNext();

	result = mem_allocator->phys2virt(phys, (void*&)virt);
	if (result != GHW_ERROR_NONE) {
		mem_allocator1->phys2virt(phys, (void*&)virt);
	return virt;
예제 #5
bool CHttpServer::call_ruby_method(String const &uri, String const &body, String& strReply)
    Route route;
    if (!dispatch(uri, route)) 
        return false;

    HeaderList headers;
    VALUE req = create_request_hash(route.application, route.model, route.action, route.id,
                                    "POST", uri, String(), headers, body);
    VALUE data = callFramework(req);
    strReply = String(getStringFromValue(data), getStringLenFromValue(data));

    return true;
예제 #6
	virtual ~MemHeader() {
		if(mNode) mem_list.removeNode(mNode);
		mSize = 0;
		mAlign =0;
		mFlags =MEM_FLAG_NONE;
		mTerm = NULL;
		mHandle = NULL;
		ref_count =0;
		lock_count =0;
		mNode = NULL;
예제 #7
void *mem_alloc_legacy_ex(MEM_FLAG_T flags)
#ifdef FILE_DUMP
	fprintf(fp_dump, "mem_alloc_legacy_ex %x\n", flags);

	GhwMemHandle *handle;
	MemHeader *header = NULL;

	handle = mem_allocator->alloc(LEGACY_BLOCK_SIZE, 12);
	header = new MemHeader(handle,LEGACY_BLOCK_SIZE,12,flags);	


	return header->getVirt();
예제 #8
MEM_HANDLE_T mem_wrap(void *p, uint32_t phys,uint32_t size, uint32_t align, MEM_FLAG_T flags, const char *desc)
#ifdef FILE_DUMP
	fprintf(fp_dump, "mem_wrap %x %x %x %x %x %x\n", p, phys, size, align, flags, desc);
	GhwMemHandle* handle;
	MemHeader* header;

	if((p == NULL) || (phys == NULL)) {
	handle = (GhwMemHandle*) new GhwMemHandleWrap(size, phys, p);
	header = new MemHeader(handle,size,align,flags);	

	header->setNode(mem_list.addElement(header, 0));
	return (void*)header;
예제 #9
void mem_free_legacy(void *ptr)
#ifdef FILE_DUMP
	fprintf(fp_dump, "mem_free_legacy %x\n", ptr);
	u32 phys;
	unsigned int virt = (unsigned int) ptr;
	HeaderNode* head = mem_list.getHead();
	while (head != NULL) {
		MemHeader* header = head->get();
		unsigned int va = (unsigned int)header->getVirt();
		if ( (va <= virt) && (virt <= va + header->getSize()) ) {
		head = head->getNext();
예제 #10
bool CHttpServer::parse_request(String &method, String &uri, String &query, HeaderList &headers, String &body )

    size_t s = 0;
    ByteVector request;

    bool parsing_headers = true;
    size_t content_length = 0;

    for (;;) {
        if (!receive_request(request))
            return false;

        size_t lim = request.size();
        while (parsing_headers) {
            size_t e;
            for(e = s; e < lim && request[e] != '\r'; ++e);
            if (e >= lim - 1) {
                // Incomplete line, will read further
            if (request[e + 1] != '\n') {
                if (verbose) RAWLOG_ERROR("Wrong request syntax, line should ends by '\\r\\n'");
                return false;
            String line(&request[s], e - s);
            s = e + 2;
            if (line.empty()) {
                parsing_headers = false;
            if (uri.empty()) {
                // Parse start line
                if (!parse_startline(line, method, uri, query) || uri.empty())
                    return false;
            else {
                Header hdr;
                if (!parse_header(line, hdr) || hdr.name.empty())
                    return false;
                String low;
                std::transform(hdr.name.begin(), hdr.name.end(), std::back_inserter(low), &::tolower);
                if (low == "content-length") {
                    content_length = ::atoi(hdr.value.c_str());

        if (!parsing_headers) {
            if (content_length == 0)
                return true;

            if (lim - s < content_length)

            body.assign(&request[s], &request[s] + content_length);
            return true;
예제 #11
bool CHttpServer::receive_request(ByteVector &request)
	if (verbose) RAWTRACE("Receiving request...");

	ByteVector r;
    char buf[BUF_SIZE];
    int attempts = 0;
    for(;;) {
        if (verbose) RAWTRACE("Read portion of data from socket...");
        int n = recv(m_sock, &buf[0], sizeof(buf), 0);
        //RAWTRACE1("RECV: %d", n);
        if (n == -1) {
            int e = RHO_NET_ERROR_CODE;
            if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("RECV ERROR: %d", e);
#if !defined(WINDOWS_PLATFORM)
            if (e == EINTR)
			if (e == WSAEINTR)

#if defined(OS_WP8) || (defined(RHODES_QT_PLATFORM) && defined(OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP)) || defined(OS_WINCE)
            if (e == EAGAIN || e == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
            if (e == EAGAIN) {
                if (!r.empty())
                if(++attempts > (HTTP_EAGAIN_TIMEOUT*10))
                    if (verbose) RAWLOG_ERROR("Error when receiving data from socket. Client does not send data for " HTTP_EAGAIN_TIMEOUT_STR " sec. Cancel recieve.");
                    return false;

                fd_set fds;
                FD_SET(m_sock, &fds);
                timeval tv = {0};
				tv.tv_usec = 100000;//100 MS
                select(m_sock + 1, &fds, 0, 0, &tv);
            if (verbose) RAWLOG_ERROR1("Error when receiving data from socket: %d", e);
            return false;
        if (n == 0) {
            if(!r.empty()) {
                if (verbose) RAWTRACE("Client closed connection gracefully");
            } else {
                if (verbose) RAWLOG_ERROR("Connection gracefully closed before we receive any data");
                return false;
        } else {
            if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Actually read %d bytes", n);
            r.insert(r.end(), &buf[0], &buf[0] + n);
    if (!r.empty()) {
        request.insert(request.end(), r.begin(), r.end());
        if ( !rho_conf_getBool("log_skip_post") ) {
            String strRequest(request.begin(),request.end());
            if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Received request:\n%s", strRequest.c_str());
    return true;

bool CHttpServer::send_response_impl(String const &data, bool continuation)
#ifdef OS_MACOSX
    if ( m_localResponseWriter != 0 ) {
      m_localResponseWriter->writeResponse( data );
      return true;

    if (verbose) {
        if (continuation)
            if (verbose) RAWTRACE("Send continuation data...");
            if (verbose) RAWTRACE("Sending response...");
    // First of all, make socket blocking
    unsigned long optval = 0;
        if(::ioctlsocket(m_sock, FIONBIO, &optval) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        RAWLOG_ERROR1("Can not set blocking socket mode: %d", RHO_NET_ERROR_CODE);
        return false;
    int flags = fcntl(m_sock, F_GETFL);
    if (flags == -1) {
        if (verbose) RAWLOG_ERROR1("Can not get current socket mode: %d", errno);
        return false;
    if (fcntl(m_sock, F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK) == -1) {
        if (verbose) RAWLOG_ERROR1("Can not set blocking socket mode: %d", errno);
        return false;
    size_t pos = 0;
    for(; pos < data.size();) {
        int n = send(m_sock, data.c_str() + pos, data.size() - pos, 0);
        if (n == -1) {
            int e = RHO_NET_ERROR_CODE;
#if !defined(WINDOWS_PLATFORM)
            if (e == EINTR)
            if (verbose) RAWLOG_ERROR1("Can not send response data: %d", e);
            return false;
        if (n == 0)
        pos += n;
    //String dbg_response = response.size() > 100 ? response.substr(0, 100) : response;
    //RAWTRACE2("Sent response:\n%s%s", dbg_response.c_str(), response.size() > 100 ? "..." : "   ");
    if (continuation) {
        if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Sent response body: %d bytes", data.size());
    else if ( !rho_conf_getBool("log_skip_post") ) {
        if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Sent response (only headers displayed):\n%s", data.c_str());

    return true;

bool CHttpServer::send_response(String const &response, bool redirect)
    if (redirect) {
        CAutoPtr<IRhoThreadImpl> ptrThread = rho_get_RhoClassFactory()->createThreadImpl();
    return send_response_impl(response, false);

String CHttpServer::create_response(String const &reason)
    return create_response(reason, "");

String CHttpServer::create_response(String const &reason, HeaderList const &headers)
    return create_response(reason, headers, "");

String CHttpServer::create_response(String const &reason, String const &body)
    return create_response(reason, HeaderList(), body);

String CHttpServer::create_response(String const &reason, HeaderList const &hdrs, String const &body)
    String response = "HTTP/1.1 ";
    response += reason;
    response += "\r\n";
    char buf[50];
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", m_port);
    HeaderList headers;
    headers.push_back(Header("Host", String("") + buf));
    headers.push_back(Header("Connection", "close"));
    headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"));
    std::copy(hdrs.begin(), hdrs.end(), std::back_inserter(headers));
    for(HeaderList::const_iterator it = headers.begin(), lim = headers.end();
        it != lim; ++it) {
        response += it->name;
        response += ": ";
        response += it->value;
        response += "\r\n";
    response += "\r\n";
    response += body;
    return response;
예제 #12
bool CHttpServer::decide(String const &method, String const &arg_uri, String const &query,
                         HeaderList const &headers, String const &body/*, IResponseSender& respSender*/ )
    if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Decide what to do with uri %s", arg_uri.c_str());
    callback_t callback = registered(arg_uri);
    if (callback) {
        if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is registered callback, so handle it appropriately", arg_uri.c_str());

        if ( callback == rho_http_ruby_proc_callback )
            call_ruby_proc( query, body );
            callback(this, query.length() ? query : body);

        return false;

    String uri = arg_uri;

    String fullPath = CFilePath::join(m_root, uri);
#ifndef RHO_NO_RUBY_API    
    if (rho_ruby_is_started())
        Route route;
        if (dispatch(uri, route)) {
            if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is correct route, so enable MVC logic", uri.c_str());
            VALUE req = create_request_hash(route.application, route.model, route.action, route.id,
                                            method, uri, query, headers, body);
            VALUE data = callFramework(req);
            String reply(getStringFromValue(data), getStringLenFromValue(data));

            bool isRedirect = String_startsWith(reply, "HTTP/1.1 301") ||
                              String_startsWith(reply, "HTTP/1.1 302");

            if (!send_response(reply, isRedirect))
                return false;

            if (method == "GET")

		    if ( sync::RhoconnectClientManager::haveRhoconnectClientImpl() ) {

			    if (!route.id.empty()) {
				    sync::RhoconnectClientManager::rho_sync_addobjectnotify_bysrcname(route.model.c_str(), route.id.c_str());
            return true;
        if (isdir(fullPath)) {
            if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is directory, redirecting to index", uri.c_str());
            String q = query.empty() ? "" : "?" + query;
            HeaderList headers;
            headers.push_back(Header("Location", CFilePath::join( uri, "index" RHO_ERB_EXT) + q));
            send_response(create_response("301 Moved Permanently", headers), true);
            return false;

        if (isindex(uri)) {
            if (!isfile(fullPath)) {
                if (verbose) RAWLOG_ERROR1("The file %s was not found", fullPath.c_str());
                String error = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><font size=\"+4\"><h2>404 Not Found.</h2> The file " + uri + " was not found.</font></html>";
                send_response(create_response("404 Not Found",error));
                return false;
            if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is index file, call serveIndex", uri.c_str());

            VALUE req = create_request_hash(route.application, route.model, route.action, route.id,
                                            method, uri, query, headers, body);

            VALUE data = callServeIndex((char *)fullPath.c_str(), req);
            String reply(getStringFromValue(data), getStringLenFromValue(data));

            if (!send_response(reply))
                return false;

            if (method == "GET")

            return true;
    // Try to send requested file
    if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Uri %s should be regular file, trying to send it", uri.c_str());

    bool bRes = send_file(uri, headers);

    return bRes;
예제 #13
bool CHttpServer::send_file(String const &path, HeaderList const &hdrs)
    String fullPath = CFilePath::normalizePath(path);

    if (String_startsWith(fullPath,"/app/db/db-files") )
        fullPath = CFilePath::join( rho_native_rhodbpath(), path.substr(4) );
    else if (fullPath.find(m_root) != 0 && fullPath.find(m_strRhoRoot) != 0 && fullPath.find(m_strRuntimeRoot) != 0 && fullPath.find(m_userroot) != 0 && fullPath.find(m_strRhoUserRoot) != 0)
        fullPath = CFilePath::join( m_root, path );
    struct stat st;
    bool bCheckExist = true;
    String strPlatform = RHOSIMCONF().getString("platform");
    if ( strPlatform.length() > 0 )
        String fullPath1 = fullPath;
        int nDot = fullPath1.rfind('.');
        if ( nDot >= 0 )
            fullPath1.insert(nDot, String(".") + strPlatform);
            fullPath1 += String(".") + strPlatform;

        if (stat(fullPath1.c_str(), &st) == 0 && S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
            fullPath = fullPath1;
            bCheckExist = false;


    bool doesNotExists = bCheckExist && (stat(fullPath.c_str(), &st) != 0 || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode));
    if ( doesNotExists ) {
        // looking for files at 'rho/apps' at runtime folder
        fullPath = CFilePath::join( m_strRuntimeRoot, path );

    if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Sending file %s...", fullPath.c_str());

    if ( doesNotExists ) {
        if ( stat(fullPath.c_str(), &st) != 0 || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode) ) {
            doesNotExists = true;
            doesNotExists = false;

    if ( doesNotExists )
        CTokenizer oTokenizer( RHOSIMCONF().getString("ext_path"), ";" );
	    while (oTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) 
		    String tok = oTokenizer.nextToken();
		    tok = String_trim(tok);
            String fullPath1 = CFilePath::join( tok, path );
            if (stat(fullPath1.c_str(), &st) == 0 && S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
                fullPath = fullPath1;
                doesNotExists = false;


    if ( doesNotExists ) {
        if (verbose) RAWLOG_ERROR1("The file %s was not found", path.c_str());
        String error = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><font size=\"+4\"><h2>404 Not Found.</h2> The file " + path + " was not found.</font></html>";
        send_response(create_response("404 Not Found",error));
        return false;

    FILE *fp = fopen(fullPath.c_str(), "rb");
    if (!fp) {
        if (verbose) RAWLOG_ERROR1("The file %s could not be opened", path.c_str());
        String error = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><font size=\"+4\"><h2>404 Not Found.</h2> The file " + path + " could not be opened.</font></html";
        send_response(create_response("404 Not Found",error));
        return false;
    HeaderList headers;
    // Detect mime type
    headers.push_back(Header("Content-Type", get_mime_type(path)));
    if ( String_startsWith(path, "/public") )
        headers.push_back(Header("Expires", "Thu, 15 Apr 2020 20:00:00 GMT") );
        headers.push_back(Header("Cache-Control", "max-age=2592000") );

    // Content length
    char* buf = new char[FILE_BUF_SIZE];
    String start_line;
    size_t file_size = st.st_size;
    size_t range_begin = 0, range_end = file_size - 1;
    size_t content_size = file_size;
    if (parse_range(hdrs, &range_begin, &range_end))
        if (range_end >= file_size)
            range_end = file_size - 1;
        if (range_begin >= range_end)
            range_begin = range_end - 1;
        content_size = range_end - range_begin + 1;
        if (fseek(fp, range_begin, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
            RAWLOG_ERROR1("Can not seek to specified range start: %lu", (unsigned long)range_begin);
			snprintf(buf, FILE_BUF_SIZE, "bytes */%lu", (unsigned long)file_size);
			headers.push_back(Header("Content-Range", buf));
			send_response(create_response("416 Request Range Not Satisfiable",headers));
            delete[] buf;
            return false;
		snprintf(buf, FILE_BUF_SIZE, "bytes %lu-%lu/%lu", (unsigned long)range_begin,
                 (unsigned long)range_end, (unsigned long)file_size);
        headers.push_back(Header("Content-Range", buf));
        start_line = "206 Partial Content";
    else {
        start_line = "200 OK";

    snprintf(buf, FILE_BUF_SIZE, "%lu", (unsigned long)content_size);
    headers.push_back(Header("Content-Length", buf));
    // Send headers
    if (!send_response(create_response(start_line, headers))) {
        if (verbose) RAWLOG_ERROR1("Can not send headers while sending file %s", path.c_str());
        delete[] buf;
        return false;
    // Send body
    for (size_t start = range_begin; start < range_end + 1;) {
        size_t need_to_read = range_end - start + 1;
        if (need_to_read == 0)
        if (need_to_read > FILE_BUF_SIZE)
            need_to_read = FILE_BUF_SIZE;

        size_t n = fread(buf, 1, need_to_read, fp);//fread(buf, 1, need_to_read, fp);
        if (n < need_to_read) {
			if (ferror(fp) ) {
				if (verbose) RAWLOG_ERROR2("Can not read part of file (at position %lu): %s", (unsigned long)start, strerror(errno));
			} else if ( feof(fp) ) {
				if (verbose) RAWLOG_ERROR1("End of file reached, but we expect data (%lu bytes)", (unsigned long)need_to_read);
            delete[] buf;
            return false;
        start += n;
        if (!send_response_body(String(buf, n))) {
            if (verbose) RAWLOG_ERROR1("Can not send part of data while sending file %s", path.c_str());
            delete[] buf;
            return false;

    delete[] buf;
    if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("File %s was sent successfully", path.c_str());
    return false;
예제 #14
    void CsvFile::read(HeaderList& header, DataMap& data) const  throw (FileException, CustomException)
        std::ifstream file(filename.c_str()); 
        if (!file)  throw FileException("Cannot open file", filename, __FUNCTION_NAME__);
        // a buffer to store the line read
        std::string line;
        if ( ! std::getline(file, line))
            throw FileException("Cannot get the first line of file", filename, __FUNCTION_NAME__);

        unsigned int pointer = 0;
        unsigned int rawnb = 0;
        std::string word ="";
        int localHostColNumber = -1, tmp=0;
        bool uselocalhost=false;
        bool useotherthanlocalhost=false;
        // Parse the first line (header line)
        while(pointer < line.size())
                while( pointer < line.size() && line[pointer] != separator)
                        //remove white spaces
                        if (line[pointer] != ' ')
                if( !word.empty())
                        // warning      if id    already in
                        if (std::find(header.begin(), header.end(), word) != header.end() )  
                                // Was error before, now just a warning: may be convenient  to have several time the same name in a header
                                Msg::warning("Duplicate header element '"+ word+"' in file "+filename, __FUNCTION_NAME__);
                                // throw FileException("Duplicate header elements'"+ word+"'",filename, __FUNCTION_NAME__);
                // if we have "localhost" in csv file, note the column number.
                if(word == "localhost" || word == "Localhost" || word == "")
                	localHostColNumber = tmp;

        // Parse the lines
        while (std::getline(file, line))
                pointer = 0;
                bool firstWord = true; // Are we parsing the first column
                unsigned int column = 0; // Which column is being scanned?
                std::string id;
                while(line.size() > pointer)
                        // get word
                        while(line.size() > pointer && line[pointer] != separator)
                                if (line[pointer] != ' ')

                        if (firstWord)
                                // it's the map  id 
                                if ( word.empty() )  break; // forget about this line and go to parse next line
                                id = word;

                                if(data.find(id) != data.end())
                                	throw CustomException("Component : " + id + " is specified twice in CSV file.", __FUNCTION_NAME__ );

                                // init the raw of this id with zeros.
                                data[id].insert(data[id].begin(), header.size(),0);
                                firstWord = false;
                                if (!word.empty())
                                	// store data
                                		data[id].at(column) = convertTo<int>(word);

                                		if (data[id].at(column) > 0)// one component instance at least mapped
                                			if(column == localHostColNumber-1)   // we are reading in a locahost column
                                				// Remember that we have one component mapped on a localHost.
                                				// Remember that we have one component mapped on an host different  from  localHost.
                                			if(uselocalhost && useotherthanlocalhost)
                                				throw FileException("Host name 'localhost' is used in CSV file in conjunction with other host names or IP address. Replace 'localhost' by IP address or machine name to avoid problems", filename,  __FUNCTION_NAME__);
                                	}//end try
                                       catch(const BadConversion& e)
                                                throw FileException("Raw="+toString<unsigned int>(rawnb+1)+", col="+toString<unsigned int>(column+2)+") contains non integer value="+word,filename, __FUNCTION_NAME__);
                                                //			      std::cerr << "ERROR: Csv File "<<fileName<<", element (raw="<<rawnb+1<<", col="<<column+2<<") contains non integer value="<<word<< std::endl;
                                        catch(const std::out_of_range& e)
                                                throw FileException("Element (raw="+toString<unsigned int>(rawnb+1)+", col="+toString<unsigned int>(column+2)+")  out of column  (value="+word+", ignored)",filename, __FUNCTION_NAME__);
                                                //			      std::cerr << "WARNING : Csv File "<<fileName<<", element (raw="<<rawnb+1<<", col="<<column+2<<")  out of column  (value="<<word<<", ignored)"<< std::endl;

예제 #15
bool CHttpServer::decide(String const &method, String const &arg_uri, String const &query,
                         HeaderList const &headers, String const &body)
    RAWTRACE1("Decide what to do with uri %s", arg_uri.c_str());
    callback_t callback = registered(arg_uri);
    if (callback) {
        RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is registered callback, so handle it appropriately", arg_uri.c_str());

        if ( callback == rho_http_ruby_proc_callback )
            call_ruby_proc( query, body );
            callback(this, query.length() ? query : body);

        return false;

    String uri = arg_uri;

//#ifdef OS_ANDROID
//    //Work around malformed Android WebView URLs
//    if (!String_startsWith(uri, "/app") &&
//        !String_startsWith(uri, "/public") &&
//        !String_startsWith(uri, "/data")) 
//    {
//        RAWTRACE1("Malformed URL: '%s', adding '/app' prefix.", uri.c_str());
//        uri = CFilePath::join("/app", uri);
//    }

    String fullPath = CFilePath::join(m_root, uri);
    Route route;
    if (dispatch(uri, route)) {
        RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is correct route, so enable MVC logic", uri.c_str());
        VALUE req = create_request_hash(route.application, route.model, route.action, route.id,
                                        method, uri, query, headers, body);
        VALUE data = callFramework(req);
        String reply(getStringFromValue(data), getStringLenFromValue(data));

        bool isRedirect = String_startsWith(reply, "HTTP/1.1 301") ||
                          String_startsWith(reply, "HTTP/1.1 302");

        if (!send_response(reply, isRedirect))
            return false;

        if (method == "GET")

		if ( sync::RhoconnectClientManager::haveRhoconnectClientImpl() ) {

			if (!route.id.empty()) {
				sync::RhoconnectClientManager::rho_sync_addobjectnotify_bysrcname(route.model.c_str(), route.id.c_str());
        return true;
//#ifndef OS_ANDROID
    if (isdir(fullPath)) {
        RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is directory, redirecting to index", uri.c_str());
        String q = query.empty() ? "" : "?" + query;
        HeaderList headers;
        headers.push_back(Header("Location", CFilePath::join( uri, "index"RHO_ERB_EXT) + q));
        send_response(create_response("301 Moved Permanently", headers), true);
        return false;
//    //Work around this Android redirect bug:
//    //http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?can=2&q=11583&id=11583
//    if (isdir(fullPath)) {
//        RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is directory, override with index", uri.c_str());
//        return decide(method, CFilePath::join( uri, "index"RHO_ERB_EXT), query, headers, body);
//    }
    if (isindex(uri)) {
        if (!isfile(fullPath)) {
            RAWLOG_ERROR1("The file %s was not found", fullPath.c_str());
            String error = "<html><font size=\"+4\"><h2>404 Not Found.</h2> The file " + uri + " was not found.</font></html>";
            send_response(create_response("404 Not Found",error));
            return false;
        RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is index file, call serveIndex", uri.c_str());

        VALUE req = create_request_hash(route.application, route.model, route.action, route.id,
                                        method, uri, query, headers, body);

        VALUE data = callServeIndex((char *)fullPath.c_str(), req);
        String reply(getStringFromValue(data), getStringLenFromValue(data));

        if (!send_response(reply))
            return false;

        if (method == "GET")

        return true;
    // Try to send requested file
    RAWTRACE1("Uri %s should be regular file, trying to send it", uri.c_str());
    return send_file(uri, headers);
예제 #16
PyObject * PyPreprocessor_scanHeaders( PyPreprocessor * self, PyObject * args, PyObject * kwds )
    static char * kwlist[] = { "pp_ctx", "filename", NULL };

    PyObject * pObject = 0;
    PyObject * filename = 0;

    assert( self->pp );

    if ( !PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords( args, kwds, "OO", kwlist, &pObject, &filename ) )
        return NULL;

    if ( !pObject || ( (PyTypeObject *)PyObject_Type( pObject ) != &PyPreprocessingContextType ) )
        PyErr_SetString( PyExc_Exception, "Invalid preprocessing context parameter." );
        return NULL;

    PyPreprocessingContext const * ppContext( reinterpret_cast<PyPreprocessingContext *>( pObject ) );

    if ( filename && !PyUnicode_Check( filename ) )
        PyErr_SetString( PyExc_Exception, "Expected a string as 'filename' parameter." );
        return NULL;

    Headers headers;
    HeaderList missing;
    PyThreadState * _save;
    bool result;
        result = self->pp->scanHeaders( *ppContext->ppContext, PyUnicode_AsUTF8( filename ), headers, missing );
    catch ( std::runtime_error const & error )
        PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, error.what() );
        return NULL;
    catch ( std::exception const & error )
        PyErr_SetString( PyExc_Exception, error.what() );
        return NULL;
    catch ( ... )
        PyErr_SetString( PyExc_Exception, "Unhandled exception" );
        return NULL;
    if ( !result )
        PyErr_SetString( PyExc_Exception, "Failed to preprocess file." );
        return NULL;

    // Group result by dir.
    typedef std::vector<Header const *> HeaderPtrList;
    typedef std::unordered_map<Dir, HeaderPtrList> DirsAndHeaders;
    DirsAndHeaders dirsAndHeaders;
    for ( Header const & header : headers )
        dirsAndHeaders[ header.dir ].push_back( &header );

    PyObject * dirsTuple = PyTuple_New( dirsAndHeaders.size() );
    std::size_t dirIndex( 0 );
    for ( DirsAndHeaders::value_type const & dirAndHeaders : dirsAndHeaders )
        PyObject * headersInDirTuple = PyTuple_New( dirAndHeaders.second.size() );
        std::size_t headersInDirTupleIndex( 0 );
        for ( Header const * header : dirAndHeaders.second )
            PyObject * headerEntry = PyTuple_New( 3 );
            PyTuple_SET_ITEM( headerEntry, 0, PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize( header->name.get().data(), header->name.get().size() ) );

            PyObject * const isRelative( header->relative ? Py_True : Py_False );
            Py_INCREF( isRelative );
            PyTuple_SET_ITEM( headerEntry, 1, isRelative );
            PyContentEntry * contentEntry( (PyContentEntry *)_PyObject_New( &PyContentEntryType ) );
            contentEntry->ptr = header->contentEntry.get();
            intrusive_ptr_add_ref( contentEntry->ptr );

            PyTuple_SET_ITEM( headerEntry, 2, (PyObject *)contentEntry );
            PyTuple_SET_ITEM( headersInDirTuple, headersInDirTupleIndex++, headerEntry );
        PyObject * dirTuple = PyTuple_New( 2 );
        llvm::StringRef const dirStr( dirAndHeaders.first.get() );
        PyObject * dir = PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize( dirStr.data(), dirStr.size() );
        PyTuple_SET_ITEM( dirTuple, 0, dir );
        PyTuple_SET_ITEM( dirTuple, 1, headersInDirTuple );
        PyTuple_SET_ITEM( dirsTuple, dirIndex++, dirTuple );

    PyObject * missingHeadersTuple = PyTuple_New( missing.size() );
    std::size_t missingIndex( 0 );
    for ( HeaderList::value_type const & missingHeader : missing )
        PyObject * val = PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize( missingHeader.data(), missingHeader.size() );
        PyTuple_SET_ITEM( missingHeadersTuple, missingIndex++, val );
    PyObject * resultTuple = PyTuple_New( 2 );
    PyTuple_SET_ITEM( resultTuple, 0, dirsTuple );
    PyTuple_SET_ITEM( resultTuple, 1, missingHeadersTuple );
    return resultTuple;
예제 #17
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_cxxmvc_handler(ngx_http_request_t *r)
	using dragon::kHttp_Method_Get;
	using dragon::kResponseTypeRedirect;
	using dragon::HeaderList;
	using dragon::CookieList;
	using dragon::StringRef;
	using dragon::HttpRequest;
	using dragon::HttpResponse;

	ngx_buf_t *buf = NULL;
	ngx_chain_t out;

	unsigned uriLen = r->uri.len;
	if (r->args.len > 0) 
		uriLen = r->uri.len + r->args.len + 1;
	struct sockaddr_in *sin;
	ngx_addr_t          addr;
	addr.sockaddr = r->connection->sockaddr;
	addr.socklen  = r->connection->socklen;
	sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)addr.sockaddr;
	char *ip = inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr);

	StringRef IP(ip, strlen(ip));
	StringRef routingUrl((const char *)r->uri.data, uriLen);
	StringRef userAgent;
	if (r->headers_in.user_agent)
		userAgent = StringRef((const char *)r->headers_in.user_agent->value.data, r->headers_in.user_agent->value.len);
	std::string userCookie = ngx_http_get_cookie(r);
	std::string lang       = ngx_http_get_language(r);

	HttpRequest  req;
	HttpResponse res;

	//req.SetHost(StringRef(host, strlen(host)));
	req.SetUserCookie(StringRef(userCookie.c_str(), userCookie.length()));
	req.SetAcceptLanguage(StringRef(lang.c_str(), lang.length()));

	DE.ResponseRequest(req, res);

	ngx_str_t k = ngx_string("X-Powered-By");
	ngx_str_t v = ngx_string("cxxmvc/0.1");;
	ngx_http_add_header(r, &v, &k);

	if (res.GetResponseType() == kResponseTypeRedirect)
		ngx_str_t k = ngx_string("location");
		ngx_str_t v = {res.GetContent().length(), (u_char *)res.GetContent().c_str()};
		ngx_http_add_header(r, &v, &k);

	HeaderList headers = res.GetHeaders();
	if (headers.size() > 0) 
		HeaderList::iterator iter;
		HeaderList::iterator end = headers.end();
		for (iter = headers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter)
			ngx_str_t k;
			ngx_str_t v; 

			k.data = (u_char *)ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, iter->first.length()+1);
			k.len  = iter->first.length();
			strcpy((char *)k.data, (const char *)iter->first.c_str());

			v.data = (u_char *)ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, iter->second.length()+1);
			v.len  = iter->second.length();
			strcpy((char *)v.data, (const char *)iter->second.c_str());

		//	std::cout << "key : "<< k.data << std::endl;
		//	std::cout << "value : " << v.data << std::endl;

			ngx_http_add_header(r, &v, &k);

	CookieList cookies = res.GetCookies();
	if (cookies.size() > 0)
		CookieList::iterator iter;
		CookieList::iterator end = cookies.end();
		for (iter = cookies.begin(); iter != end; ++iter)
			ngx_str_t v; 

			v.data = (u_char *)ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, iter->length()+1);
			v.len  = iter->length();
			strcpy((char *)v.data, (const char *)iter->c_str());

			ngx_http_add_cookie(r, v);

	r->headers_out.status             = res.GetStatusCode();
    	r->headers_out.content_type.len   = res.GetContentType().length();
	r->headers_out.content_type.data  = (u_char *)res.GetContentType().c_str();

	if (res.GetDetaRef().length() > 0)
		r->headers_out.content_length_n = res.GetDetaRef().length();
       		r->headers_out.content_length_n = res.GetContent().length();


        buf = (ngx_buf_t *)ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t));

        if (buf == NULL) {
                              "Failed to allocate response buffer.");
                return NGX_ERROR;

	if (res.GetDetaRef().length() > 0) {
		buf->pos = (u_char *)res.GetDetaRef().data();
       		buf->last = buf->pos + res.GetDetaRef().length();
	} else {
       		buf->pos = (u_char *)res.GetContent().c_str();
        	buf->last = buf->pos + res.GetContent().length();
        buf->memory   = 1; /* content is in read-only memory */
        buf->last_buf = 1; /* there will be no more buffers in the request */

	out.buf    = buf;
	out.next   = NULL;

	return ngx_http_output_filter(r, &out);