// ######################################################################
void CenterSurroundHistogramSegmenter::csTemplateSalientRegion
(Point2D<int> pt)
  Point2D<int> gpt(pt.i/GRID_SIZE, pt.j/GRID_SIZE);

  Rectangle intRect = itsIntegralHistogram.getBounds();

  Timer tim(1000000); tim.reset();

  // try the various center surround combination
  for(uint i = 0; i < itsCStemplates.size(); i++)
      Rectangle cR = itsCStemplates[i].first;
      Rectangle sR = itsCStemplates[i].second;

      // only use the rectangle part that overlaps the image
      Rectangle grC = intRect.getOverlap(cR+gpt);
      Rectangle grS = intRect.getOverlap(sR+gpt);
      // get the center and surround histograms
      rutz::shared_ptr<Histogram> hC  = getGridHistogramDistribution(grC);
      rutz::shared_ptr<Histogram> hCS = getGridHistogramDistribution(grS);
      Histogram hS = (*hCS) - (*hC);

      // smooth and normalize
      int npointC = grC.area()*GRID_SIZE*GRID_SIZE;
      int npointS = grS.area()*GRID_SIZE*GRID_SIZE - npointC;
      Histogram shC = smoothAndNormalize(*hC, npointC);
      Histogram shS = smoothAndNormalize( hS, npointS);

      // get the difference
      float diff = shS.getChiSqDiff(shC);      

      // update the center surround belief estimation
      // we store the max as the best estimation of belief
      for(int ii = grS.left(); ii <= grS.rightI(); ii++)
        for(int jj = grS.top(); jj <= grS.bottomI(); jj++)
            Point2D<int> pt(ii,jj);

            // if point is in center 
                float prevC = itsGridCenterBelief.getVal(ii,jj);
                if(prevC < diff) itsGridCenterBelief.setVal(ii,jj, diff);
            // or surround
                float prevS = itsGridSurroundBelief.getVal(ii,jj);
                if(prevS < diff) itsGridSurroundBelief.setVal(ii,jj, diff);

  LINFO("time: %f", tim.get()/1000.0F);
// ######################################################################
void CenterSurroundHistogramSegmenter::ptsSalientRegion(Point2D<int> pt)
  Timer tim(1000000); tim.reset();

  // // display window
  // uint width  = itsImage.getWidth();
  // uint height = itsImage.getHeight();
  // if(itsWin.is_invalid())
  //   itsWin.reset(new XWinManaged(Dims(width, height), 0, 0, "CSHse"));
  // else itsWin->setDims(Dims(width, height));

  Point2D<int> gpt(pt.i/GRID_SIZE, pt.j/GRID_SIZE);

  // try various center surround combination
  for(uint i = 0; i < itsCSpoints.size(); i++)
      Timer tim(1000000); tim.reset();
      std::vector<Point2D<int> > cPoints = itsCSpoints[i].first;
      std::vector<Point2D<int> > sPoints = itsCSpoints[i].second;

      // create center histogram from the center points
      // make sure the points are in bounds
      Histogram hC; bool cinit = false; 
      std::vector<Point2D<int> > cAPoints;
      for(uint j = 0; j < cPoints.size(); j++)
          Point2D<int> pt = gpt + cPoints[j];
          if(!itsGridHistogram.coordsOk(pt)) continue;
            { hC = *itsGridHistogram.getVal(pt); cinit = true; }
            hC = hC + *itsGridHistogram.getVal(pt);  

      // create surround histogram from the surround points
      // make sure the points are in bounds
      Histogram hS; bool sinit = false; 
      std::vector<Point2D<int> > sAPoints;
      for(uint j = 0; j < sPoints.size(); j++)
          Point2D<int> pt = gpt + sPoints[j];
          if(!itsGridHistogram.coordsOk(pt)) continue;
            { hS = *itsGridHistogram.getVal(pt); sinit = true; }
            hS = hS + *itsGridHistogram.getVal(pt);  
      // smooth and normalize the resulting histogram
      int npointC = cAPoints.size()*GRID_SIZE*GRID_SIZE;
      int npointS = sAPoints.size()*GRID_SIZE*GRID_SIZE;
      Histogram shC = smoothAndNormalize(hC, npointC);
      Histogram shS = smoothAndNormalize(hS, npointS);

      // print the difference
      float diff = shS.getChiSqDiff(shC);

      // update the center belief estimation
      // we store the max as the best estimation of belief
      for(uint cc = 0; cc < cAPoints.size(); cc++)
          Point2D<int> pt = cAPoints[cc];
          float prevC = itsGridCenterBelief.getVal(pt);
          if(prevC < diff) itsGridCenterBelief.setVal(pt, diff);

      // update the surround belief estimation
      for(uint ss = 0; ss < sAPoints.size(); ss++)
          Point2D<int> pt = sAPoints[ss];
          float prevS = itsGridSurroundBelief.getVal(pt);
          if(prevS < diff) itsGridSurroundBelief.setVal(pt, diff);

      // // display the window      
      // Image<PixRGB<byte> > disp(width, height, ZEROS); 

      // float mVal = 127;
      // float bVal = 255 - mVal;
      // Image<byte> dImaR, dImaG, dImaB;
      // getComponents(itsImage, dImaR, dImaG, dImaB);
      // inplaceNormalize(dImaR, byte(0), byte(mVal));
      // inplaceNormalize(dImaG, byte(0), byte(mVal));
      // inplaceNormalize(dImaB, byte(0), byte(mVal));
      // Image<PixRGB<byte> > dIma  = makeRGB(dImaR,dImaG,dImaB);      
      // //inplacePaste (disp, dIma, Point2D<int>(0,0));
      // Image<PixRGB<byte> > dImaCS(width,height, ZEROS);
      // for(uint j = 0; j < cAPoints.size(); j++)
      //   drawFilledRect(dImaCS, Rectangle(cAPoints[j],Dims(1,1))*GRID_SIZE, 
      //                  PixRGB<byte>(byte(bVal),0,0));

      // for(uint j = 0; j < sAPoints.size(); j++)
      //   drawFilledRect(dImaCS, Rectangle(sAPoints[j],Dims(1,1))*GRID_SIZE, 
      //                  PixRGB<byte>(0, byte(bVal),0));
      // Image<PixRGB<byte> > tdIma(dIma+dImaCS);
      // inplacePaste (disp, tdIma, Point2D<int>(0,0));

      // drawCross(disp, pt, PixRGB<byte>(255,0,0), 10, 1);

      // itsWin->drawImage(disp,0,0);
      // Raster::waitForKey();

  LINFO("time: %f", tim.get()/1000.0F);