예제 #1
bool DragController::startDrag(Frame* src, const DragState& state, DragOperation srcOp, const PlatformMouseEvent& dragEvent, const IntPoint& dragOrigin)

    if (!src->view() || !src->contentRenderer())
        return false;

    HitTestResult hitTestResult = src->eventHandler()->hitTestResultAtPoint(dragOrigin, true);
    if (!state.m_dragSrc->contains(hitTestResult.innerNode()))
        // The original node being dragged isn't under the drag origin anymore... maybe it was
        // hidden or moved out from under the cursor. Regardless, we don't want to start a drag on
        // something that's not actually under the drag origin.
        return false;
    KURL linkURL = hitTestResult.absoluteLinkURL();
    KURL imageURL = hitTestResult.absoluteImageURL();

    IntPoint mouseDraggedPoint = src->view()->windowToContents(dragEvent.position());

    m_draggingImageURL = KURL();
    m_sourceDragOperation = srcOp;

    DragImageRef dragImage = 0;
    IntPoint dragLoc(0, 0);
    IntPoint dragImageOffset(0, 0);

    Clipboard* clipboard = state.m_dragClipboard.get();
    if (state.m_dragType == DragSourceActionDHTML)
        dragImage = clipboard->createDragImage(dragImageOffset);
    if (state.m_dragType == DragSourceActionSelection || !imageURL.isEmpty() || !linkURL.isEmpty())
        // Selection, image, and link drags receive a default set of allowed drag operations that
        // follows from:
        // http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/WebKit/mac/WebView/WebHTMLView.mm?rev=48526#L3430
        m_sourceDragOperation = static_cast<DragOperation>(m_sourceDragOperation | DragOperationGeneric | DragOperationCopy);

    // We allow DHTML/JS to set the drag image, even if its a link, image or text we're dragging.
    // This is in the spirit of the IE API, which allows overriding of pasteboard data and DragOp.
    if (dragImage) {
        dragLoc = dragLocForDHTMLDrag(mouseDraggedPoint, dragOrigin, dragImageOffset, !linkURL.isEmpty());
        m_dragOffset = dragImageOffset;

    bool startedDrag = true; // optimism - we almost always manage to start the drag

    Node* node = state.m_dragSrc.get();

    Image* image = getImage(static_cast<Element*>(node));
    if (state.m_dragType == DragSourceActionSelection) {
        if (!clipboard->hasData()) {
            if (enclosingTextFormControl(src->selection()->start()))
            else {
                RefPtr<Range> selectionRange = src->selection()->toNormalizedRange();

                clipboard->writeRange(selectionRange.get(), src);
        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionSelection, dragOrigin, clipboard);
        if (!dragImage) {
            dragImage = createDragImageForSelection(src);
            dragLoc = dragLocForSelectionDrag(src);
            m_dragOffset = IntPoint(dragOrigin.x() - dragLoc.x(), dragOrigin.y() - dragLoc.y());
        doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, dragOrigin, clipboard, src, false);
    } else if (!imageURL.isEmpty() && node && node->isElementNode() && image && !image->isNull()
               && (m_dragSourceAction & DragSourceActionImage)) {
        // We shouldn't be starting a drag for an image that can't provide an extension.
        // This is an early detection for problems encountered later upon drop.
        Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(node);
        if (!clipboard->hasData()) {
            m_draggingImageURL = imageURL;
            prepareClipboardForImageDrag(src, clipboard, element, linkURL, imageURL, hitTestResult.altDisplayString());

        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionImage, dragOrigin, clipboard);

        if (!dragImage) {
            IntRect imageRect = hitTestResult.imageRect();
            doImageDrag(element, dragOrigin, hitTestResult.imageRect(), clipboard, src, m_dragOffset);
        } else
            // DHTML defined drag image
            doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, dragOrigin, clipboard, src, false);

    } else if (!linkURL.isEmpty() && (m_dragSourceAction & DragSourceActionLink)) {
        if (!clipboard->hasData())
            // Simplify whitespace so the title put on the clipboard resembles what the user sees
            // on the web page. This includes replacing newlines with spaces.
            clipboard->writeURL(linkURL, hitTestResult.textContent().simplifyWhiteSpace(), src);

        if (src->selection()->isCaret() && src->selection()->isContentEditable()) {
            // a user can initiate a drag on a link without having any text
            // selected.  In this case, we should expand the selection to
            // the enclosing anchor element
            Position pos = src->selection()->base();
            Node* node = enclosingAnchorElement(pos);
            if (node)

        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionLink, dragOrigin, clipboard);
        if (!dragImage) {
            dragImage = createDragImageForLink(linkURL, hitTestResult.textContent(), src);
            IntSize size = dragImageSize(dragImage);
            m_dragOffset = IntPoint(-size.width() / 2, -LinkDragBorderInset);
            dragLoc = IntPoint(mouseDraggedPoint.x() + m_dragOffset.x(), mouseDraggedPoint.y() + m_dragOffset.y());
        doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, mouseDraggedPoint, clipboard, src, true);
    } else if (state.m_dragType == DragSourceActionDHTML) {
        ASSERT(m_dragSourceAction & DragSourceActionDHTML);
        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionDHTML, dragOrigin, clipboard);
        doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, dragOrigin, clipboard, src, false);
    } else {
        // draggableNode() determined an image or link node was draggable, but it turns out the
        // image or link had no URL, so there is nothing to drag.
        startedDrag = false;

    if (dragImage)
    return startedDrag;
예제 #2
bool DragController::startDrag(Frame* src, Clipboard* clipboard, DragOperation srcOp, const PlatformMouseEvent& dragEvent, const IntPoint& dragOrigin, bool isDHTMLDrag)
    if (!src->view() || !src->renderer())
        return false;
    HitTestResult dragSource = HitTestResult(dragOrigin);
    dragSource = src->eventHandler()->hitTestResultAtPoint(dragOrigin, true);
    KURL linkURL = dragSource.absoluteLinkURL();
    KURL imageURL = dragSource.absoluteImageURL();
    bool isSelected = dragSource.isSelected();
    IntPoint mouseDraggedPoint = src->view()->windowToContents(dragEvent.pos());
    m_draggingImageURL = KURL();
    m_dragOperation = srcOp;
    DragImageRef dragImage = 0;
    IntPoint dragLoc(0, 0);
    IntPoint dragImageOffset(0, 0);
    if (isDHTMLDrag) 
        dragImage = clipboard->createDragImage(dragImageOffset);
    // We allow DHTML/JS to set the drag image, even if its a link, image or text we're dragging.
    // This is in the spirit of the IE API, which allows overriding of pasteboard data and DragOp.
    if (dragImage) {
        dragLoc = dragLocForDHTMLDrag(mouseDraggedPoint, dragOrigin, dragImageOffset, !linkURL.isEmpty());
        m_dragOffset = dragImageOffset;
    bool startedDrag = true; // optimism - we almost always manage to start the drag
    Node* node = dragSource.innerNonSharedNode();
    if (!imageURL.isEmpty() && node && node->isElementNode()
            && getImage(static_cast<Element*>(node)) 
            && (m_dragSourceAction & DragSourceActionImage)) {
        Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(node);
        if (!clipboard->hasData()) {
            m_draggingImageURL = imageURL; 
            prepareClipboardForImageDrag(src, clipboard, element, linkURL, imageURL, dragSource.altDisplayString());
        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionImage, dragOrigin, clipboard);
        if (!dragImage) {
            IntRect imageRect = dragSource.imageRect();
            doImageDrag(element, dragOrigin, dragSource.imageRect(), clipboard, src, m_dragOffset);
        } else 
            // DHTML defined drag image
            doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, dragOrigin, clipboard, src, false);

    } else if (!linkURL.isEmpty() && (m_dragSourceAction & DragSourceActionLink)) {
        if (!clipboard->hasData())
            // Simplify whitespace so the title put on the clipboard resembles what the user sees
            // on the web page. This includes replacing newlines with spaces.
            clipboard->writeURL(linkURL, dragSource.textContent().simplifyWhiteSpace(), src);
        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionLink, dragOrigin, clipboard);
        if (!dragImage) {
            dragImage = m_client->createDragImageForLink(linkURL, dragSource.textContent(), src);
            IntSize size = dragImageSize(dragImage);
            m_dragOffset = IntPoint(-size.width() / 2, -LinkDragBorderInset);
            dragLoc = IntPoint(mouseDraggedPoint.x() + m_dragOffset.x(), mouseDraggedPoint.y() + m_dragOffset.y());
        doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, mouseDraggedPoint, clipboard, src, true);
    } else if (isSelected && (m_dragSourceAction & DragSourceActionSelection)) {
        RefPtr<Range> selectionRange = src->selectionController()->toRange();
        if (!clipboard->hasData()) 
            clipboard->writeRange(selectionRange.get(), src);
        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionSelection, dragOrigin, clipboard);
        if (!dragImage) {
            dragImage = createDragImageForSelection(src);
            dragLoc = dragLocForSelectionDrag(src);
            m_dragOffset = IntPoint((int)(dragOrigin.x() - dragLoc.x()), (int)(dragOrigin.y() - dragLoc.y()));
        doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, dragOrigin, clipboard, src, false);
    } else if (isDHTMLDrag) {
        ASSERT(m_dragSourceAction & DragSourceActionDHTML);
        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionDHTML, dragOrigin, clipboard);
        doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, dragOrigin, clipboard, src, false);
    } else {
        // Only way I know to get here is if to get here is if the original element clicked on in the mousedown is no longer
        // under the mousedown point, so linkURL, imageURL and isSelected are all false/empty.
        startedDrag = false;
    if (dragImage)
    return startedDrag;
예제 #3
bool DragController::startDrag(Frame* src, Clipboard* clipboard, DragOperation srcOp, const PlatformMouseEvent& dragEvent, const IntPoint& dragOrigin, bool isDHTMLDrag)

    if (!src->view() || !src->contentRenderer())
        return false;

    HitTestResult dragSource = HitTestResult(dragOrigin);
    dragSource = src->eventHandler()->hitTestResultAtPoint(dragOrigin, true);
    KURL linkURL = dragSource.absoluteLinkURL();
    KURL imageURL = dragSource.absoluteImageURL();
    bool isSelected = dragSource.isSelected();

    IntPoint mouseDraggedPoint = src->view()->windowToContents(dragEvent.pos());

    m_draggingImageURL = KURL();
    m_sourceDragOperation = srcOp;

    DragImageRef dragImage = 0;
    IntPoint dragLoc(0, 0);
    IntPoint dragImageOffset(0, 0);

    if (isDHTMLDrag)
        dragImage = clipboard->createDragImage(dragImageOffset);
    else {
        // This drag operation is not a DHTML drag and may go outside the WebView.
        // We provide a default set of allowed drag operations that follows from:
        // http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/WebKit/mac/WebView/WebHTMLView.mm?rev=48526#L3430
        m_sourceDragOperation = (DragOperation)(DragOperationGeneric | DragOperationCopy);

    // We allow DHTML/JS to set the drag image, even if its a link, image or text we're dragging.
    // This is in the spirit of the IE API, which allows overriding of pasteboard data and DragOp.
    if (dragImage) {
        dragLoc = dragLocForDHTMLDrag(mouseDraggedPoint, dragOrigin, dragImageOffset, !linkURL.isEmpty());
        m_dragOffset = dragImageOffset;

    bool startedDrag = true; // optimism - we almost always manage to start the drag

    Node* node = dragSource.innerNonSharedNode();

    Image* image = getImage(static_cast<Element*>(node));
    if (!imageURL.isEmpty() && node && node->isElementNode() && image
            && (m_dragSourceAction & DragSourceActionImage)) {
        // We shouldn't be starting a drag for an image that can't provide an extension.
        // This is an early detection for problems encountered later upon drop.
        Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(node);
        if (!clipboard->hasData()) {
            m_draggingImageURL = imageURL;
            prepareClipboardForImageDrag(src, clipboard, element, linkURL, imageURL, dragSource.altDisplayString());

        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionImage, dragOrigin, clipboard);

        if (!dragImage) {
            IntRect imageRect = dragSource.imageRect();
            doImageDrag(element, dragOrigin, dragSource.imageRect(), clipboard, src, m_dragOffset);
        } else
            // DHTML defined drag image
            doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, dragOrigin, clipboard, src, false);

    } else if (!linkURL.isEmpty() && (m_dragSourceAction & DragSourceActionLink)) {
        if (!clipboard->hasData())
            // Simplify whitespace so the title put on the clipboard resembles what the user sees
            // on the web page. This includes replacing newlines with spaces.
            clipboard->writeURL(linkURL, dragSource.textContent().simplifyWhiteSpace(), src);

        if (src->selection()->isCaret() && src->selection()->isContentEditable()) {
            // a user can initiate a drag on a link without having any text
            // selected.  In this case, we should expand the selection to
            // the enclosing anchor element
            Position pos = src->selection()->base();
            Node* node = enclosingAnchorElement(pos);
            if (node)

        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionLink, dragOrigin, clipboard);
        if (!dragImage) {
            dragImage = m_client->createDragImageForLink(linkURL, dragSource.textContent(), src);
            IntSize size = dragImageSize(dragImage);
            m_dragOffset = IntPoint(-size.width() / 2, -LinkDragBorderInset);
            dragLoc = IntPoint(mouseDraggedPoint.x() + m_dragOffset.x(), mouseDraggedPoint.y() + m_dragOffset.y());
        doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, mouseDraggedPoint, clipboard, src, true);
    } else if (isSelected && (m_dragSourceAction & DragSourceActionSelection)) {
        RefPtr<Range> selectionRange = src->selection()->toNormalizedRange();
        if (!clipboard->hasData())
            clipboard->writeRange(selectionRange.get(), src);
        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionSelection, dragOrigin, clipboard);
        if (!dragImage) {
            dragImage = createDragImageForSelection(src);
            dragLoc = dragLocForSelectionDrag(src);
            m_dragOffset = IntPoint((int)(dragOrigin.x() - dragLoc.x()), (int)(dragOrigin.y() - dragLoc.y()));
        doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, dragOrigin, clipboard, src, false);
    } else if (isDHTMLDrag) {
        ASSERT(m_dragSourceAction & DragSourceActionDHTML);
        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionDHTML, dragOrigin, clipboard);
        doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, dragOrigin, clipboard, src, false);
    } else {
        // Only way I know to get here is if to get here is if the original element clicked on in the mousedown is no longer
        // under the mousedown point, so linkURL, imageURL and isSelected are all false/empty.
        startedDrag = false;

    if (dragImage)
    return startedDrag;