void sendUpdate(){ StaticJsonBuffer<300> sendJsonBuffer; JsonObject &json = sendJsonBuffer.createObject(); json["type"] = "state"; json["count"] = totalActiveSockets; json["time"] = SystemClock.now().toUnixTime();; json["mute"] = mute; json["source"] = source; json["mixing"] = mixing; json["enhance"] = enhance; json["volumeFR"] = 74-volumeFR; json["volumeFL"] = 74-volumeFL; json["volumeRR"] = 74-volumeRR; json["volumeRL"] = 74-volumeRL; json["volumeCEN"] = 74-volumeCEN; json["volumeSW"] = 74-volumeSW; json["frequency"] = frequency; json["volumeALLCH"] = 74-volumeALLCH; json["power"] = power; String jsonString; json.printTo(jsonString); WebSocketsList &clients = server.getActiveWebSockets(); for (int i = 0; i < clients.count(); i++){ clients[i].sendString(jsonString); } }
void wsDisconnected(WebSocket& socket) { totalActiveSockets--; // Notify everybody about lost connection WebSocketsList &clients = server.getActiveWebSockets(); for (int i = 0; i < clients.count(); i++) clients[i].sendString("We lost our friend :( Total: " + String(totalActiveSockets)); }
void wsConnected(WebSocket& socket) { totalActiveSockets++; // Notify everybody about new connection WebSocketsList &clients = server.getActiveWebSockets(); for (int i = 0; i < clients.count(); i++) clients[i].sendString("New friend arrived! Total: " + String(totalActiveSockets)); }
void readPeriodically() { Wire.beginTransmission(0x48); //talking to chip Wire.write(byte(0x00)); //status register address Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(0x48, 1); //request status register data int readycap; //Serial.println(" Trying read..."); //try read readycap = Wire.read(); if ((readycap & 0x1) == 0) { // ready? //Serial.print(system_get_time()); //Serial.println(" Data Ready"); //delay(10); Wire.beginTransmission(0x48); //arduino asks for data from ad7747 Wire.write(0x01); //set address point to capacitive DAC register 1 Wire.endTransmission(); //pointer is set so now we can read the //Serial.print(system_get_time()); //Serial.println(" Data Incoming"); //delay(10); Wire.requestFrom(0x48, 3,false); //reads data from cap DAC registers 1-3 while (Wire.available()) { //Serial.print(system_get_time()); //Serial.println(" Wire available."); unsigned char hi, mid, lo; //1 byte numbers long capacitance; //will be a 3byte number hi = Wire.read(); //delay(3); mid = Wire.read(); //delay(3); lo = Wire.read(); capacitance = (hi << 16) + (mid << 8) + lo - 0x800000; pf = (float) capacitance * -1 / (float) 0x800000 * 8.192f; //Serial.print(system_get_time()); //Serial.print(" "); //Serial.println(pf, DEC); //prints the capacitance data in decimal through serial port } //Serial.println(); } system_soft_wdt_feed(); char buf[22]; dtostrf(pf, 10, 8, buf); WebSocketsList &clients = server.getActiveWebSockets(); for (int i = 0; i < clients.count(); i++) { clients[i].sendString(buf); } procTimer.initializeMs(150, readPeriodically).startOnce(); }
void reportEncoderPosition() { char buf[60]; char buf1[12]; floatEncoder = encoder0Pos * (2.4 / 160.0); dtostrf(floatEncoder, 4, 2, buf1); sprintf(buf, "Encoder: %s", deblank(buf1)); String message1 = String(buf); if (!message1.equals(lastPositionMessage)) { WebSocketsList &clients = server.getActiveWebSockets(); for (int i = 0; i < clients.count(); i++) { clients[i].sendString(message1); } } //printf(" * zmtp_msg: "); //zmtp_msg_t *msg = zmtp_msg_from_const_data(0, "hello", 6); //zmtp_msg_destroy(&msg); //zmtp_msg_test (false); //zmtp_channel_test (false); /* pb::Container container, got; pb::Pin *pin; pb::Value *value; // type-tag the container: container.set_type(pb::ContainerType::MT_HALUPDATE); container.set_serial(56789); container.set_rsvp(pb::ReplyType::NONE); // add repeated submessage(s) pin = container.add_pin(); pin->set_type(pb::ValueType::HAL_S32); pin->set_name("foo.1.bar"); pin->set_hals32(4711); value = container.add_value(); value->set_type(pb::ValueType::DOUBLE); value->set_v_double(3.14159); //std::string json = pb2json(container); */ }
void wsMessageReceived(WebSocket& socket, const String& message) { WebSocketsList &clients = server.getActiveWebSockets(); StaticJsonBuffer<200> jsonBuffer; JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(message); String actionName = root["name"].asString(); if(actionName=="enhance"){ setEnhance(!enhance); }else if(actionName=="power"){ setPower(!power); }else if(actionName=="mute"){ setMmute(!mute); }else if(actionName=="mixing"){ setMixing(!mixing); }else if(actionName=="frequency"){ setFrequency(root["val"]); }else if(actionName=="source"){ setSource(root["val"]); }else if (actionName == "volumeFR") { setVolume(CHAN_FR, root["val"]); } else if (actionName == "volumeFL") { setVolume(CHAN_FL, root["val"]); } else if (actionName == "volumeRR") { setVolume(CHAN_RR, root["val"]); } else if (actionName == "volumeRL") { setVolume(CHAN_RL, root["val"]); } else if (actionName == "volumeCEN") { setVolume(CHAN_CEN, root["val"]); } else if (actionName == "volumeSW") { setVolume(CHAN_SW, root["val"]); } else if (actionName == "volumeALLCH") { setVolume(CHAN_ALL, root["val"]); } else if (actionName == "volumeSW") { setVolume(CHAN_SW, root["val"]); } else if (actionName == "lcdText") { setLcd(root["line"], root["val"]); } sendUpdate(); Serial.printf("WebSocket message received:\r\n%s\r\n", actionName); }
void wsConnected(WebSocket& socket) { totalActiveSockets++; lastPositionMessage = ""; // Notify everybody about new connection uint8 slotNo = rboot_get_current_rom(); String slotNoStr = String(slotNo); uint32 heapSize = system_get_free_heap_size(); String heapSizeStr = String(heapSize); WebSocketsList &clients = server.getActiveWebSockets(); for (int i = 0; i < clients.count(); i++) { clients[i].sendString( "Connected to station: " + wifi_sid.get(currWifiIndex) + ", ROM:" + slotNoStr + ", heapSize: " + heapSizeStr + ", appVer:1.22, SDK version: " + system_get_sdk_version()); } }
void reportAnalogue() { char buf[60]; char buf1[10]; char data[4]; /* 1 ... BROWN ... 12V ... 24V + 2 ... WHITE ... RXD 3 ... BLUE ... GND 4... BLACK ... not used 5... YELOW/GREEN ... TXD */ floatAnalog = atof(analogResult.c_str()) / 10.0; dtostrf(floatAnalog, 7, 4, buf1); sprintf(buf, "Analogue: %s", deblank(buf1)); String message = String(buf); if (!message.equals(lastPositionMessage)) { WebSocketsList &clients = server.getActiveWebSockets(); for (int i = 0; i < clients.count(); i++) { clients[i].sendString(message); } lastPositionMessage = message; /* union u { float f; char s[sizeof(float)]; }; union u foo; foo.f = floatAnalog; */ //udp.sendStringTo(IPAddress(""), (uint16_t)1234, foo.s); udp.sendStringTo(IPAddress(udpServerIP), udpServerPort, analogResult); //Serial.printf("Analogue: %f", analogResult.c_str()); } }
void sendToClients(String message) { WebSocketsList &clients = server.getActiveWebSockets(); for (int i = 0; i < clients.count(); i++) { clients[i].sendString(message); } }
void readFromLTC2400() { float volt; float v_ref = 4.096; // Reference Voltage, 5.0 Volt for LT1021 or 3.0 for LP2950-3, 4.096Vs for REF3040 long int ltw = 0; // ADC Data ling int BYTE sig; // sign bit flag BYTE b0; // char buf1[10]; char buf[60]; digitalWrite(PIN_SS, 0); delayMicroseconds(1); if (digitalRead(PIN_DO) == 0) { // ADC Converter ready ? ltw = 0; sig = 0; b0 = Ltc2400Spi->transfer(1); // read 4 bytes adc raw data with SPI if ((b0 & 0x20) == 0) sig = 1; // is input negative ? b0 &= 0x1F; // discard bit 25..31 ltw |= b0; ltw <<= 8; b0 = Ltc2400Spi->transfer(1); ltw |= b0; ltw <<= 8; b0 = Ltc2400Spi->transfer(1); ltw |= b0; ltw <<= 8; b0 = Ltc2400Spi->transfer(1); ltw |= b0; delayMicroseconds(1); digitalWrite(PIN_SS, HIGH); // LTC2400 CS HIGH delay(200); if (sig) ltw |= 0xf0000000; // if input negative insert sign bit ltw = ltw / 16; // scale result down , last 4 bits have no information volt = ltw * v_ref / 16777216; // max scale //Serial.printf("%d",cnt++); //Serial.printf("; "); dtostrf(volt, 6, 6, buf1); //Serial.printf("%s",buf1); // print voltage as floating number //Serial.println(" "); sprintf(buf, "Analogue: %s", buf1); String message = String(buf); if (!message.equals(lastPositionMessage)) { WebSocketsList &clients = server.getActiveWebSockets(); for (int i = 0; i < clients.count(); i++) { clients[i].sendString(message); } lastPositionMessage = message; } } digitalWrite(PIN_SS, HIGH); // LTC2400 CS hi delay(5); reportTimer.startOnce(); }