예제 #1
void Walker::straightenBack( Hubo_Control &hubo, zmp_traj_element_t &elem,
        nudge_state_t &state, balance_gains_t &gains, double dt )
    if( elem.stance == SINGLE_LEFT )
        state.ankle_pitch_resistance[LEFT] += dt*gains.straightening_pitch_gain[LEFT]
                                                *( hubo.getAngleY() );
        state.ankle_roll_resistance[LEFT]  += dt*gains.straightening_roll_gain[LEFT]
                                                *( hubo.getAngleX() );

    if( elem.stance == SINGLE_RIGHT )
        state.ankle_pitch_resistance[RIGHT] += dt*gains.straightening_pitch_gain[RIGHT]
                                                 *( hubo.getAngleY() );
        state.ankle_roll_resistance[RIGHT]  += dt*gains.straightening_roll_gain[RIGHT]
                                                 *( hubo.getAngleX() );
    elem.angles[RAR] += state.ankle_roll_resistance[RIGHT];
    elem.angles[RAP] += state.ankle_pitch_resistance[RIGHT];
    elem.angles[LAR] += state.ankle_roll_resistance[LEFT];
    elem.angles[LAP] += state.ankle_pitch_resistance[LEFT];

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    Hubo_Control hubo;

    std::vector<Vector6d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Vector6d> > angles(5); // This declares "angles" as a dynamic array of Vector6ds with a starting array length of 5
    angles[0] <<   0.0556916,   0.577126,  0.0816814,  -0.492327, 0, 0;
    angles[1] <<  -1.07878,  0.408266, -0.477742, -0.665062, 0, 0;
    angles[2] <<   -1.17367, -0.0540511,  -0.772141,  -0.503859, 0, 0;
    angles[3] <<  -0.518417,   0.172191,  -0.566084, -0.0727671, 0, 0;
    angles[4] << 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;
    // Obviously we could easily set up some code which reads in these values out of a pre-recorded file
    Vector6d currentPosition;  // This Vector6d will be used to track our current angle configuration
    double tol = 0.075; // This will be the allowed tolerance before moving to the next point
    int traj = 0; // This will keep track of our current target on the trajectory
    while( true )
        hubo.update(); // This grabs the latest state information
        hubo.getLeftArmAngleStates( currentPosition ); // This will fill in the values of "currentPosition" by passing it in by reference
        // If you are unfamiliar with "passing by reference", let me know and I can explain the concept. It's a feature of C++ but not C
        if( ( currentPosition-angles[traj] ).norm() < tol ) // The class function .norm() is a feature of the Eigen libraries. Eigen has many other extremely useful functions like this.
            if( traj > 4 )
                traj = 0;
        hubo.setLeftArmAngles( angles[traj] ); // Notice that the second argument is not passed in, making it default to "false"
        hubo.sendControls(); // This will send off all the latest control commands over ACH
void gotoFirstPosition(double referenceData[], Hubo_Control &hubo){
    double tol = 0.075; // This will be the allowed tolerance before moving to the next point
    ArmVector  left_arm_angles; // This declares "angles" as a dynamic array of ArmVectors with a starting array length of 5 
    ArmVector  right_arm_angles; // This declares "angles" as a dynamic array of ArmVectors with a starting array length of 5 
    ArmVector  left_leg_angles; // This declares "angles" as a dynamic array of ArmVectors with a starting array length of 5 
    ArmVector  right_leg_angles; // This declares "angles" as a dynamic array of ArmVectors with a starting array length of 5 

    left_arm_angles<< referenceData[LSP], referenceData[LSR], referenceData[LSY], referenceData[LEB], referenceData[LWY], referenceData[LWP], referenceData[LWR], 0,0,0;
    right_arm_angles<< referenceData[RSP], referenceData[RSR], referenceData[RSY], referenceData[REB], referenceData[RWY], referenceData[RWP], referenceData[RWR],0,0,0;
    right_leg_angles<< referenceData[RHY], referenceData[RHR], referenceData[RHP], referenceData[RKN], referenceData[RAP], referenceData[RAR],0,0,0,0;
    left_leg_angles<< referenceData[LHY], referenceData[LHR], referenceData[LHP], referenceData[LKN], referenceData[LAP], referenceData[LAR],0,0,0,0;

    bool left_arm_in_limit=false;
    bool right_arm_in_limit=false;
    bool left_leg_in_limit=false;
    bool right_leg_in_limit=false;
    ArmVector currentPosition;  // This ArmVector will be used to track our current angle configuration
    while( left_arm_in_limit && right_arm_in_limit && left_leg_in_limit && right_leg_in_limit )
        hubo.update(true); // This grabs the latest state information
        hubo.getLeftArmAngleStates( currentPosition ); // This will fill in the values of "currentPosition" by passing it in by reference
        // If you are unfamiliar with "passing by reference", let me know and I can explain the concept. It's a feature of C++ but not C
        if( ( currentPosition-left_arm_angles ).norm() < tol ) // The class function .norm() is a feature of the Eigen libraries. Eigen has many other extremely useful functions like this.

        hubo.getRightArmAngleStates( currentPosition ); // This will fill in the values of "currentPosition" by passing it in by reference
        if( ( currentPosition-right_arm_angles).norm() < tol ) // The class function .norm() is a feature of the Eigen libraries. Eigen has many other extremely useful functions like this.

        hubo.getLeftLegAngleStates( currentPosition ); // This will fill in the values of "currentPosition" by passing it in by reference
        if( ( currentPosition-left_leg_angles ).norm() < tol ) // The class function .norm() is a feature of the Eigen libraries. Eigen has many other extremely useful functions like this.

        hubo.getRightLegAngleStates( currentPosition ); // This will fill in the values of "currentPosition" by passing it in by reference
        if( ( currentPosition-right_leg_angles ).norm() < tol ) // The class function .norm() is a feature of the Eigen libraries. Eigen has many other extremely useful functions like this.

        hubo.setLeftArmAngles( left_arm_angles); // Notice that the second argument is not passed in, making it default to "false"
        hubo.setRightArmAngles( right_arm_angles); // Notice that the second argument is not passed in, making it default to "false"
        hubo.setLeftLegAngles( left_leg_angles); // Notice that the second argument is not passed in, making it default to "false"
        hubo.setRightLegAngles( right_leg_angles); // Notice that the second argument is not passed in, making it default to "false"
        hubo.sendControls(); // This will send off all the latest control commands over ACH
예제 #4
파일: test.cpp 프로젝트: rowoflo/hubo
int main( int argc, char ** argv) {
  Hubo_Control hubo;
  Vector6d q;

  q << -20.0/180.0*M_PI, 0, 0, -M_PI/2+20.0/180.0*M_PI, -0.3, 0;

  hubo.setRightArmAngles( q, true);
예제 #5
void Walker::flattenFoot( Hubo_Control &hubo, zmp_traj_element_t &elem,
			nudge_state_t &state, balance_gains_t &gains, double dt )
    state.ankle_roll_compliance[LEFT] -= gains.decay_gain[LEFT]*state.ankle_roll_compliance[LEFT];
    state.ankle_roll_compliance[RIGHT] -= gains.decay_gain[RIGHT]*state.ankle_roll_compliance[RIGHT];

    state.ankle_pitch_compliance[LEFT] -= gains.decay_gain[LEFT]*state.ankle_pitch_compliance[LEFT];
    state.ankle_pitch_compliance[RIGHT] -= gains.decay_gain[RIGHT]*state.ankle_pitch_compliance[RIGHT];

    if( gains.force_min_threshold[RIGHT] < hubo.getRightFootFz() 
     && hubo.getRightFootFz() < gains.force_max_threshold[RIGHT] )
        state.ankle_roll_compliance[RIGHT] += dt*gains.flattening_gain[RIGHT]
                                                *( hubo.getRightFootMx() );
        state.ankle_pitch_compliance[RIGHT] += dt*gains.flattening_gain[RIGHT]
                                                 *( hubo.getRightFootMy() );

    if( gains.force_min_threshold[LEFT] < hubo.getLeftFootFz()
     && hubo.getLeftFootFz() < gains.force_max_threshold[LEFT] )
        state.ankle_roll_compliance[LEFT] += dt*gains.flattening_gain[LEFT]
                                               *( hubo.getLeftFootMx() );
        state.ankle_pitch_compliance[LEFT] += dt*gains.flattening_gain[LEFT]
                                                *( hubo.getLeftFootMy() );

    elem.angles[RAR] += state.ankle_roll_compliance[RIGHT];
    elem.angles[RAP] += state.ankle_pitch_compliance[RIGHT];
    elem.angles[LAR] += state.ankle_roll_compliance[LEFT];
    elem.angles[LAP] += state.ankle_pitch_compliance[LEFT];

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    Hubo_Control hubo;
    // Vector6d is derived from the Matrix template in the Eigen C++ library
    // Vector6d is conveniently used for operations related to the arms and legs of Hubo because they are 6 DOF
    Vector6d q;
    // The left shift operator is a convenient way of setting the values of a Vector6d:
    q << -20.0/180.0*M_PI, 0, 0, -M_PI/2+20.0/180.0*M_PI, -0.3, 0;
    // This will tell the control daemon that you want the right arm joints to move to the positions specified by q:
    hubo.setRightArmAngles( q, true );
    // Setting the second argument to "true" makes it so the command is sent immediately instead of waiting until the end of a loop
    // Alternatively, you can say hubo.setRightArmAngles( q ) and it will assume "false" for the second argument as we will see in a later example
예제 #7
void Walker::executeTimeStep( Hubo_Control &hubo, zmp_traj_element_t &prevElem,
            zmp_traj_element_t &currentElem, zmp_traj_element &nextElem,
            nudge_state_t &state, balance_gains_t &gains, double dt )
    // Make copy of zmp_traj_element so we don't effect the trajectory that's
    // being recycled or it will be like recycling a changing trajectory. Not Good!
    zmp_traj_element_t tempNextElem;
    memcpy(&tempNextElem, &nextElem, sizeof(zmp_traj_element_t));

//    int legidx[6] = { LHY, LHR, LHP, LKN, LAP, LAR };
//    std::cout << "before: ";
//    for (int i=0; i<6; ++i) { std::cout << tempNextElem.angles[legidx[i]] << " "; }
//    std::cout << "\n";

    //flattenFoot( hubo, nextElem, state, gains, dt );
    //straightenBack( hubo, nextElem, state, gains, dt );
    //complyKnee( hubo, tempNextElem, state, gains, dt );
    //nudgeRefs( hubo, nextElem, state, dt, hkin ); //vprev, verr, dt );

//    std::cout << "after: ";
//    for (int i=0; i<6; ++i) { std::cout << tempNextElem.angles[legidx[i]] << " "; }
//    std::cout << "\n";

    // For each joint set it's position to that in the trajectory for the
    // current timestep, which has been adjusted based on feedback.
    for(int i=0; i<HUBO_JOINT_COUNT; i++)
        hubo.passJointAngle( i, tempNextElem.angles[i] );


    hubo.setJointAngleMin( LHR, currentElem.angles[RHR]-M_PI/2.0 );
    hubo.setJointAngleMax( RHR, currentElem.angles[LHR]+M_PI/2.0 );

예제 #8
 * @function: main(int argc, char **argv)
 * @brief: Main function that loops reading the sensors and commanding
 * Hubo's arm joints based on the poses of the foots
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    // check if no arguments given, if not report usage
    if (argc < 2)
        return 1;

    // command line argument variables
    bool left = false; // whether to set left arm angles
    bool right = false; // whether to set right arm angles
    bool print = false; // whether to print output or not
    bool send = true; // whether to send commands or not
    int leftSensorNumberDefault = 3; // default left foot sensor number
    int rightSensorNumberDefault = 4; // default right foot sensor number
    int leftSensorNumber = leftSensorNumberDefault; // left foot sensor number
    int rightSensorNumber = rightSensorNumberDefault; // right foot sensor number
    const char *teleopDeviceName = "liberty"; // name of teleop device

    // local variables
    LegVector lActualAngles, lLegAnglesNext, lLegAnglesCurrent;
    LegVector rActualAngles, rLegAnglesNext, rLegAnglesCurrent;
    Vector3d lFootOrigin, lSensorChange, lSensorOrigin, lSensorPos;
    Vector3d rFootOrigin, rSensorChange, rSensorOrigin, rSensorPos; 
    Eigen::Matrix3d lRotInitial, rRotInitial, lSensorRot, rSensorRot;
    Eigen::Isometry3d lFootInitialPose, lFootPoseCurrent, lFootPoseDesired;
    Eigen::Isometry3d rFootInitialPose, rFootPoseCurrent, rFootPoseDesired;
    LegVector speeds; speeds << 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75;
    LegVector accels; accels << 0.40, 0.40, 0.40, 0.40, 0.40, 0.40;
    double initialFootHeight = 0.1;
    double dt, ptime;
    int counter=0, counterMax=50;
    bool updateRight;

    // command line long options
    const struct option long_options[] = 
        { "left",       optional_argument,  0, 'l' },
        { "right",      optional_argument,  0, 'r' },
        { "nosend",     no_argument,        0, 'n' },
        { "device",     optional_argument,  0, 'd' },
        { "verbose",    no_argument,        0, 'V' },
        { "help",       no_argument,        0, 'H' },
        { 0,            0,                  0,  0  },

    // command line short options
    const char* short_options = "l::r::nd::VH";

    // command line option and option index number
    int opt, option_index;

    // loop through command line options and set values accordingly
    while ( (opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &option_index)) != -1 )
        switch (opt)
            case 'l': left = true; if(NULL != optarg) leftSensorNumber = getSensorNumber(optarg); break;
            case 'r': right = true; if(NULL != optarg) rightSensorNumber = getSensorNumber(optarg); break;
            case 'n': send = false; break;
            case 'd': if(NULL != optarg) teleopDeviceName = getDeviceName(optarg); break;
            case 'V': print = true; break;
            case 'H': usage(std::cout); exit(0); break;
            default:  usage(std::cerr); exit(1); break;

    // check to see if there are any invalid arguments on command line
    if (optind < argc)
        std::cerr << "Error: extra arguments on command line.\n\n";

    // make sure the sensor numbers are not the same for both feet
    if(leftSensorNumber == rightSensorNumber)
        if(left == true && right == true)
            std::cerr << "Error!\nSensor #'s are the same.\n"
                      << "Default sensor #'s are \n\tLEFT:  " << leftSensorNumberDefault
                      << "\n\tRIGHT: " << rightSensorNumberDefault
                      << ".\nPlease choose different sensor numbers.\n\n";

    Hubo_Control hubo; // Create Hubo_Control object
//    Hubo_Control hubo("teleop-arms"); // Create Hubo_Control object and daemonize program

    Collision_Checker collisionChecker; // Create Collision_Checker object

    // Create Teleop object
    Teleop teleop(teleopDeviceName); // Create Teleop object

    if (left == true) // if using the left arm
        teleop.getPose( lSensorOrigin, lRotInitial, leftSensorNumber, true ); // get initial sensor pose
        hubo.setLeftLegNomSpeeds( speeds ); // Set left arm nominal joint speeds
        hubo.setLeftLegNomAcc( accels ); // Set left arm nominal joint accelerations

    if (right == true) // if using the right arm
        if(left == true) updateRight = false; else updateRight = true;
        teleop.getPose( rSensorOrigin, rRotInitial, rightSensorNumber, updateRight ); // get initial sensor pose
        hubo.setRightLegNomSpeeds( speeds ); // Set right arm nominal joint speeds
        hubo.setRightLegNomAcc( accels ); // Set right arm nomimal joint accelerations

    if(send == true) // if user wants to send commands
        hubo.sendControls(); // send commands to the control daemon

    if(left == true)
        hubo.huboLegFK(lFootInitialPose, lLegAnglesNext, LEFT); // Get left foot pose
        lFootOrigin = lFootInitialPose.translation(); // Set relative zero for foot location

    if(right == true)
        hubo.huboLegFK(rFootInitialPose, rLegAnglesNext, RIGHT); // Get right foot pose
        rFootOrigin = rFootInitialPose.translation(); // Set relative zero for foot location

    // while the daemon is running
        hubo.update(); // Get latest state info from Hubo

        dt = hubo.getTime() - ptime; // compute change in time
        ptime = hubo.getTime(); // get current time

        if(dt>0 || (send == false && print == true)); // if new data was received over ach
            if(left == true) // if using left arm
                hubo.getLeftLegAngles(lLegAnglesCurrent); // get left arm joint angles
                hubo.huboLegFK(lFootPoseCurrent, lLegAnglesCurrent, LEFT); // get left foot pose
                teleop.getPose(lSensorPos, lSensorRot, leftSensorNumber, true); // get teleop data
                lSensorChange = lSensorPos - lSensorOrigin; // compute teleop relative translation
                lFootPoseDesired = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); // create 4d identity matrix
                lFootPoseDesired.translate(lSensorChange + lFootOrigin); // pretranslate relative translation
                // make sure feet don't cross sagittal plane
                if(lFootPoseDesired(1,3) - FOOT_WIDTH/2 < 0)
                    lFootPoseDesired(1,3) = FOOT_WIDTH/2;

                lFootPoseDesired.rotate(lSensorRot); // add rotation to top-left of TF matrix
                hubo.huboLegIK( lLegAnglesNext, lFootPoseDesired, lLegAnglesCurrent, LEFT ); // get joint angles for desired TF
                hubo.setLeftLegAngles( lLegAnglesNext, false ); // set joint angles
                hubo.getLeftLegAngles( lActualAngles ); // get current joint angles

            if( right==true ) // if using right arm
                if(left == true) updateRight = false; else updateRight = true;
                hubo.getRightLegAngles(rLegAnglesCurrent); // get right arm joint angles
                hubo.huboLegFK(rFootPoseCurrent, rLegAnglesCurrent, RIGHT); // get right foot pose
                teleop.getPose(rSensorPos, rSensorRot, rightSensorNumber, updateRight); // get teleop data
                rSensorChange = rSensorPos - rSensorOrigin; // compute teleop relative translation
                rFootPoseDesired = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); // create 4d identity matrix
                rFootPoseDesired.translate(rSensorChange + rFootOrigin); // pretranslation by relative translation
                // make sure feet don't cross sagittal plane
                if(rFootPoseDesired(1,3) + FOOT_WIDTH/2 > 0)
                    rFootPoseDesired(1,3) = -FOOT_WIDTH/2;
                rFootPoseDesired.rotate(rSensorRot); // add rotation to top-left corner of TF matrix
                hubo.huboLegIK( rLegAnglesNext, rFootPoseDesired, rLegAnglesCurrent, RIGHT ); // get joint angles for desired TF
                hubo.setRightLegAngles( rLegAnglesNext, false ); // set joint angles
                hubo.getRightLegAngles( rActualAngles ); // get current joint angles

            if( send == true ) // if user wants to send commands the control boards
                hubo.sendControls(); // send reference commands set above

            if( counter>=counterMax && print==true ) // if user wants output, print output every imax cycles
                          << "Teleop Position Lt(m): " << lSensorChange.transpose()
                          << "\nTeleop Rotation Lt: \n" << lSensorRot
                          << "\nTeleop Position Rt(m): " << rSensorChange.transpose()
                          << "\nTeleop Rotation Rt: \n" << rSensorRot
                          << "\nLeft  Leg Actual Angles (rad): " << lActualAngles.transpose()
                          << "\nLeft  Leg Desired Angles(rad): " << lLegAnglesNext.transpose()
                          << "\nRight Leg Actual Angles (rad): " << rActualAngles.transpose()
                          << "\nRight Leg Desired Angles(rad): " << rLegAnglesNext.transpose()
                          << "\nRight Foot Desired Pose: \n" << rFootPoseDesired.matrix()
                          << "\nLeft Foot Desired Pose: \n" << lFootPoseDesired.matrix()
                          << "\nRight foot torques(N-m)(Mx,My): " << hubo.getRightFootMx() << ", " << hubo.getRightFootMy()
                          << "\nLeft  foot torques(N-m)(Mx,My): " << hubo.getLeftFootMx() << ", " << hubo.getLeftFootMy()
                          << std::endl;
            if(counter>=counterMax) counter=0; counter++; // reset counter if it reaches counterMax
예제 #9
void Walker::executeTimeStep( Hubo_Control &hubo, zmp_traj_element_t &prevElem,
            zmp_traj_element_t &currentElem, zmp_traj_element &nextElem,
            nudge_state_t &state, balance_gains_t &gains, double dt )
    // Make copy of zmp_traj_element so we don't effect the trajectory that's
    // being recycled or it will be like recycling a changing trajectory. Not Good!
    zmp_traj_element_t tempNextElem;
    memcpy(&tempNextElem, &nextElem, sizeof(zmp_traj_element_t));

//    int legidx[6] = { LHY, LHR, LHP, LKN, LAP, LAR };
//    std::cout << "before: ";
//    for (int i=0; i<6; ++i) { std::cout << tempNextElem.angles[legidx[i]] << " "; }
//    std::cout << "\n";

    //flattenFoot( hubo, nextElem, state, gains, dt );
    //straightenBack( hubo, nextElem, state, gains, dt );
    //complyKnee( hubo, nextElem, state, gains, dt );
    nudgeHips( hubo, tempNextElem, state, gains, dt );
    //nudgeRefs( hubo, nextElem, state, dt, hkin ); //vprev, verr, dt );
//    double vel, accel;

//    std::cout << "after: ";
//    for (int i=0; i<6; ++i) { std::cout << tempNextElem.angles[legidx[i]] << " "; }
//    std::cout << "\n";

    // For each joint set it's position to that in the trajectory for the
    // current timestep, which has been adjusted based on feedback.
    for(int i=0; i<HUBO_JOINT_COUNT; i++)
//        hubo.setJointTraj( i, currentElem.angles[i] );
//        hubo.setJointTraj( i, nextElem.angles[i] );
//        hubo.setJointAngle( i, nextElem.angles[i] );
        hubo.passJointAngle( i, tempNextElem.angles[i] + 0*bal_state.jointOffset[i] );
        // Compute and set joint velocity, used by the control daemon,
        // based on current and next joint angles.
        //FIXME vel = (nextElem.angles[i]-currentElem.angles[i])*ZMP_TRAJ_FREQ_HZ;
        //FIXME FIXME Not storing modified trajectory so this velocity doesn't make sense
        // but it doesn't matter since we're using passJointAngle, which doesn't using the
        // control daemon's velocity.
        //vel = (nextElem.angles[i]-currentElem.angles[i])/dt;
        //hubo.setJointVelocity( i, vel );
//        hubo.setJointNominalSpeed(i, vel);
//        hubo.setJointNominalSpeed( i, 1*
//                (nextElem.angles[i]-currentElem.angles[i])*ZMP_TRAJ_FREQ_HZ/2.0 );
//               (nextElem.angles[i]-currentElem.angles[i])*ZMP_TRAJ_FREQ_HZ );
//               (nextElem.angles[i]-currentElem.angles[i])/dt );

        // Compute and set joint acceleration, used by the control daemon,
        // based on current and next joint velocities. Save new velocity in
        // the state.V0 variable for use on next timestep.
        //FIXME accel = (vel-state.V0[i])*ZMP_TRAJ_FREQ_HZ;
        //accel = (vel-state.V0[i])/dt;
        //state.V0[i] = vel;
        //hubo.setJointNominalAcceleration( i, 2*accel );
//        if( i == RHY || i == RHR || i == RHP || i == RKN || i == RAR || i==RAP )
//            std::cout << "(" << vel << ":" << accel << ")" << "\t";
//    std::cout << std::endl;

//    hubo.setJointAngle( RSR, nextElem.angles[RSR] + hubo.getJointAngleMax(RSR) );
//    hubo.setJointAngle( LSR, nextElem.angles[LSR] + hubo.getJointAngleMin(LSR) );
//    hubo.setJointTraj( RSR, currentElem.angles[RSR] + hubo.getJointAngleMax(RSR) );
//    hubo.setJointTraj( LSR, currentElem.angles[LSR] + hubo.getJointAngleMin(LSR) );

    hubo.setJointAngleMin( LHR, currentElem.angles[RHR]-M_PI/2.0 );
    hubo.setJointAngleMax( RHR, currentElem.angles[LHR]+M_PI/2.0 );

    //LegVector lL, rL;
    // Send all the new commands
    //std::cout << "refL: " << lL.transpose() << "\trefR: " << rL.transpose() << "\n";
예제 #10
void Walker::nudgeHips( Hubo_Control &hubo, zmp_traj_element_t &elem,
            nudge_state_t &state, balance_gains_t &gains, double dt )
    bool debug = false;
    double kP, kD;  //!< Proportional and derivative gains
    int side;    //!< variable for stance leg
    // Figure out if we're in single or double support stance and which leg
        case SINGLE_LEFT:
            side = LEFT;
            kP = gains.single_support_hip_nudge_kp;
            kD = gains.single_support_hip_nudge_kd;
        case SINGLE_RIGHT:
            side = RIGHT;
            kP = gains.single_support_hip_nudge_kp;
            kD = gains.single_support_hip_nudge_kd;
        case DOUBLE_LEFT:
        case DOUBLE_RIGHT:
            side = 100;
            kP = gains.double_support_hip_nudge_kp;
            kD = gains.double_support_hip_nudge_kd;

    // Store leg joint angels for current trajectory timestep
    std::vector<Vector6d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Vector6d> > qPrev(2);
    qPrev[LEFT](HY) = elem.angles[LHY],
    qPrev[LEFT](HR) = elem.angles[LHR],
    qPrev[LEFT](HP) = elem.angles[LHP],
    qPrev[LEFT](KN) = elem.angles[LKN],
    qPrev[LEFT](AP) = elem.angles[LAP],
    qPrev[LEFT](AR) = elem.angles[LAR];

    qPrev[RIGHT](HY) = elem.angles[RHY],
    qPrev[RIGHT](HR) = elem.angles[RHR],
    qPrev[RIGHT](HP) = elem.angles[RHP],
    qPrev[RIGHT](KN) = elem.angles[RKN],
    qPrev[RIGHT](AP) = elem.angles[RAP],
    qPrev[RIGHT](AR) = elem.angles[RAR];

    // Skew matrix for torque reaction logic
    Eigen::Matrix3d skew; 
    skew << 0, 1, 0,
           -1, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0;

    // Proportional gain matrix for ankle roll and pitch
    Eigen::Matrix3d shiftGainsKp;
    shiftGainsKp << kP,  0, 0,
                     0, kP, 0,
                     0,  0, 0;

    // Derivative gain matrix for ankle roll and pitch
    Eigen::Matrix3d shiftGainsKd;
    shiftGainsKd << kD,  0, 0,
                     0, kD, 0,
                     0,  0, 0;

    // Get rotation matrix for each hip yaw
    std::vector< Eigen::Matrix3d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Matrix3d> > yawRot(2);
    yawRot[LEFT] = Eigen::AngleAxisd(hubo.getJointAngle(LHY), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()).toRotationMatrix();
    yawRot[RIGHT]= Eigen::AngleAxisd(hubo.getJointAngle(RHY), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()).toRotationMatrix();

    // TF for body to each foot
    std::vector< Eigen::Isometry3d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Isometry3d> > footTF(2);
    // New joint angles for both legs
    std::vector< Vector6d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Vector6d> > qNew(2);
    // Ankle torque error XYZ (ie. Roll/Pitch/Yaw), but just setting Z to zero.
    Vector3d torqueErr[2];

    // Determine how much we need to nudge to hips over to account for
    // error in ankle torques about the x- and y- axes.
    // If Roll torque is positive (ie. leaning left) we want hips to go right (ie. negative y-direction)
    // If Pitch torque is positive (ie. leaning back) we want hips to go forward (ie. positive x-direction)
    // Get TFs for feet
    hubo.huboLegFK( footTF[LEFT], qPrev[LEFT], LEFT ); 
    hubo.huboLegFK( footTF[RIGHT], qPrev[RIGHT], RIGHT );

    std::cout << "foot is supposedly at " << footTF[LEFT].translation().transpose() << "\n";

    // Averaged torque error in ankles (roll and pitch) (yaw is always zero)
    //FIXME The version below is has elem.torques negative b/c hubomz computes reaction torque at ankle
    // instead of torque at F/T sensor
    torqueErr[LEFT](0) = (-elem.torque[LEFT][0] - hubo.getLeftFootMx());
    torqueErr[LEFT](1) = (-elem.torque[LEFT][1] - hubo.getLeftFootMy());
    torqueErr[LEFT](2) = 0;
    torqueErr[RIGHT](0) = (-elem.torque[RIGHT][0] - hubo.getRightFootMx());
    torqueErr[RIGHT](1) = (-elem.torque[RIGHT][1] - hubo.getRightFootMy());
    torqueErr[RIGHT](2) = 0;

    // Feet position errors (x,y)
    Vector3d instantaneousFeetOffset;

    // Check if we're on the ground, if not set instantaneous feet offset
    // to zero so integrated feet offset doesn't change, but we still apply it.
    const double forceThreshold = 20; // Newtons
    if(hubo.getLeftFootFz() + hubo.getRightFootFz() > forceThreshold)
        std::cout << "Fzs = " << hubo.getLeftFootFz() << ", " << hubo.getRightFootFz() << "\n";
        if (side != LEFT && side != RIGHT)
            instantaneousFeetOffset = (dt*shiftGainsKp * (yawRot[LEFT]*skew*torqueErr[LEFT] + yawRot[RIGHT]*skew*torqueErr[RIGHT])/2)
                                      - (shiftGainsKd * (yawRot[LEFT]*skew*(torqueErr[LEFT] - state.prevTorqueErr[LEFT])
                                         + yawRot[RIGHT]*skew*(torqueErr[RIGHT] - state.prevTorqueErr[RIGHT]))/2);
            instantaneousFeetOffset = (dt*shiftGainsKp * yawRot[side]*skew*torqueErr[side])
                                      - (shiftGainsKd * yawRot[side]*skew*(torqueErr[side] - state.prevTorqueErr[side]));

    // Decay the integratedFeetOffset
    state.integratedFeetOffset -= gains.decay_gain[LEFT]*state.integratedFeetOffset;

    // Add the instantaneous feet offset to the integrator
    state.integratedFeetOffset += instantaneousFeetOffset;

    const double integratedFeetOffsetTol = 0.06;
    double n = state.integratedFeetOffset.norm();
    if (n > integratedFeetOffsetTol) {
      state.integratedFeetOffset *= integratedFeetOffsetTol/n;

    // Pretranslate feet TF by integrated feet error translation vector
    // Run IK on the adjusted feet TF to get new joint angles
    bool ok = true;
    ok = hubo.huboLegIK(qNew[LEFT], footTF[LEFT], qPrev[LEFT], LEFT);
        ok = hubo.huboLegIK(qNew[RIGHT], footTF[RIGHT], qPrev[RIGHT], RIGHT);
    // TODO: FIXME: MZ doesn't like the above code, he will explain

    hubo.huboLegFK( footTF[LEFT], qNew[LEFT], LEFT ); 
    std::cout << "now foot is supposedly at " << footTF[LEFT].translation().transpose() << "\n";

        std::cout //<< " K: " << kP
                  //<< " TdL: " << -elem.torque[LEFT][0] << ", " << -elem.torque[LEFT][1]
                  //<< " TdR: " << -elem.torque[RIGHT][0] << ", " << -elem.torque[RIGHT][1]
                  //<< " MyLR: " << hubo.getLeftFootMy() << ", " << hubo.getRightFootMy()
                  //<< " MxLR: " << hubo.getLeftFootMx() << ", " << hubo.getRightFootMx()
                  //<< " Te: " << torqueErr.transpose()
                  //<< " Fte: " << instantaneousFeetOffset.transpose()
                  //<< " qDfL: " << (qNew[LEFT] - qPrev[LEFT]).transpose()
                  << " FeetE: " << state.integratedFeetOffset.transpose()
                  << "\tqDfR: " << qNew[RIGHT].transpose()
                  << "\n";

    //ok = false;

    // Set leg joint angles for current timestep of trajectory
        elem.angles[LHY] = qNew[LEFT](HY);
        elem.angles[LHR] = qNew[LEFT](HR);
        elem.angles[LHP] = qNew[LEFT](HP);
        elem.angles[LKN] = qNew[LEFT](KN);
        elem.angles[LAP] = qNew[LEFT](AP);
        elem.angles[LAR] = qNew[LEFT](AR);

        elem.angles[RHY] = qNew[RIGHT](HY);
        elem.angles[RHR] = qNew[RIGHT](HR);
        elem.angles[RHP] = qNew[RIGHT](HP);
        elem.angles[RKN] = qNew[RIGHT](KN);
        elem.angles[RAP] = qNew[RIGHT](AP);
        elem.angles[RAR] = qNew[RIGHT](AR);
        std::cout << "IK Invalid\n";

    // Save current force torque readings for next iteration
    for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
        state.prevTorqueErr[i] = torqueErr[i];
예제 #11
int main() {
	printf(" ******************* hubo-tech ***************** \n");
	printf("       Support: Grey ([email protected] \n"         );
	printf(" *********************************************** \n");
    printf(" Note: This is a derived version of Dan Lofaro's\n"
           " hubo-console. It will be replaced in the near\n"
           " future with a GUI." ); fflush(stdout);
    Hubo_Control hubo; printf(" -- Hubo ready!\n"); fflush(stdout);

    hubo_param H_param;
    hubo_state H_state;

    setJointParams( &H_param, &H_state );
    setSensorDefaults( &H_param );

    char *buf;
    rl_attempted_completion_function = my_completion;
    while((buf = readline(">> hubo-ach: "))!=NULL) {
        //enable auto-complete

        printf("   ");

        /* get update after every command */
        int tsleep = 0;
        char* buf0 = getArg(buf, 0);

        if (strcmp(buf0,"update")==0) {
            printf("--->Hubo Information Updated\n");
        else if (strcmp(buf0,"get")==0) {
            int jnt = hubo_set(buf, &H_param);
            char* tmp = getArg(buf,1);
            printf(">> %s = %f rad \n",tmp,hubo.getJointAngle(jnt));
        else if (strcmp(buf0,"goto")==0) {
            int jnt = hubo_set(buf, &H_param);
            float f = 0.0;
            char* str = getArg(buf,2);
            if(sscanf(str, "%f", &f) != 0){  //It's a float.
                hubo.setJointAngle( jnt, f, true );
                printf(">> %s = %f rad \n",getArg(buf,1),f);
            else {
                printf(">> Bad input \n");
        else if (strcmp(buf0,"beep")==0) {
            int jnt = name2mot(getArg(buf, 1), &H_param);
            double etime = atof(getArg(buf,2));
            hubo.jointBeep( jnt, etime, true );
        else if (strcmp(buf0,"home")==0) {
            hubo.homeJoint( hubo_set(buf, &H_param), true );
            printf("%s - Home \n",getArg(buf,1));
        else if (strcmp(buf0,"homeAll")==0) {
            hubo.homeAllJoints( true );
        else if (strcmp(buf0,"reset")==0) {
            int jnt = name2mot(getArg(buf, 1), &H_param);
            hubo.resetJoint( jnt, true );
            printf("%s - Resetting Encoder \n",getArg(buf,1));
        else if (strcmp(buf0,"startup")==0) {
            hubo.startAllSensors( true );
            printf("Starting up Hubo\n");
            tsleep = 2;
        else if (strcmp(buf0,"ctrl")==0) {
            int onOrOff = atof(getArg(buf,2));
            if(onOrOff == 0 | onOrOff == 1) {
                int jnt = name2mot(getArg(buf,1),&H_param);  // set motor num
                if(onOrOff==1)			// 1 = on, 0 = 0ff
                    hubo.motorCtrlOn( jnt, true );
                else if(onOrOff==0)
                    hubo.motorCtrlOff( jnt, true );
                if(onOrOff == 0) {
                    printf("%s - Turning Off CTRL\n",getArg(buf,1));}
                else {
                    printf("%s - Turning On CTRL\n",getArg(buf,1));}
        else if (strcmp(buf0,"fet")==0) {
            int onOrOff = atof(getArg(buf,2));
            if(onOrOff == 0 | onOrOff == 1) {
                int jnt = name2mot(getArg(buf,1),&H_param);  // set motor num
                    hubo.fetOn( jnt, true );
                else if(onOrOff==0)
                    hubo.fetOff( jnt, true );
                if(onOrOff == 0) {
                    printf("%s - Turning Off FET\n",getArg(buf,1));}
                else {
                    printf("%s - Turning On FET\n",getArg(buf,1));}
        else if (strcmp(buf0,"initialize")==0) {
            int jnt = name2mot(getArg(buf,1),&H_param);	// set motor num
            hubo.initializeBoard( jnt, true );
            printf("%s - Initialize \n",getArg(buf,1));
        else if (strcmp(buf0,"initializeAll")==0) {
            printf("%s - Initialize All\n",getArg(buf,1));
            tsleep = 2;
        else if (strcmp(buf0,"zero")==0) {
            int ft = name2sensor(getArg(buf,1), &H_param);
            hubo.startSensor( (hubo_sensor_index_t)ft, true );
        else if (strcmp(buf0,"zeracc")==0) {
            int ft = name2sensor(getArg(buf,1), &H_param);
            hubo.zeroTilt( (hubo_sensor_index_t)ft, true );
        else if (strcmp(buf0,"iniSensors")==0){
            printf("Nulling All Sensors\n");
            hubo.startAllSensors( true );
        /* Quit */
        else if (strcmp(buf0,"quit")==0)
        if (buf[0]!=0)
        sleep(tsleep);	// sleep for tsleep sec
    return 0;
void printFTSensorValues(Hubo_Control &hubo){
	printf("Left Foot fz is %f	 ", hubo.getLeftFootFz());	
	printf("Right Foot fz is %f	 ", hubo.getRightFootFz());	
	printf("Left Hand fz is %f 	", hubo.getLeftHandFz());	
	printf("RightHand fz is %f\n", hubo.getRightHandFz());	
void gotoNewPosition(double referenceData[], double bufferedData[], int resample_ratio, Hubo_Control &hubo, FILE * resultFile, int line_counter, int compliance_mode){
    ArmVector  left_arm_angles; // This declares "angles" as a dynamic array of ArmVectors with a starting array length of 5 
    ArmVector  right_arm_angles; // This declares "angles" as a dynamic array of ArmVectors with a starting array length of 5 
    ArmVector  left_leg_angles; // This declares "angles" as a dynamic array of ArmVectors with a starting array length of 5 
    ArmVector  right_leg_angles; // This declares "angles" as a dynamic array of ArmVectors with a starting array length of 5 
    double* interpolatedData= new double[number_of_joints];

    int* joint_array = new int[number_of_joints];
     checkTrajectory(referenceData, bufferedData, line_counter);
     for (int iterator=1; iterator<=resample_ratio; iterator++){

	    double multiplier = (double)iterator/(double)resample_ratio;
	    interpolatedData = interpolate_linear(referenceData, bufferedData, multiplier); 

	    left_arm_angles<< interpolatedData[LSP], interpolatedData[LSR], interpolatedData[LSY], interpolatedData[LEB], interpolatedData[LWY], interpolatedData[LWP], interpolatedData[LWR],0,0,0;
	    right_arm_angles<< interpolatedData[RSP], interpolatedData[RSR], interpolatedData[RSY], interpolatedData[REB], interpolatedData[RWY], interpolatedData[RWP], interpolatedData[RWR],0,0,0;
	    right_leg_angles<< interpolatedData[RHY], interpolatedData[RHR], interpolatedData[RHP], interpolatedData[RKN], interpolatedData[RAP], interpolatedData[RAR],0,0,0,0;
	    left_leg_angles<< interpolatedData[LHY], interpolatedData[LHR], interpolatedData[LHP], interpolatedData[LKN], interpolatedData[LAP], interpolatedData[LAR],0,0,0,0;


    	for (int joint=0; joint<number_of_joints; joint++){
		if (compliance_mode==0){
			hubo.setJointCompliance(joint_array[joint], false);
 			hubo.setJointAngle(joint_array[joint], interpolatedData[joint]);
			//hubo.setJointCompliance(joint_array[joint], true);

	   		hubo.setArmAntiFriction(LEFT, true);
	    		hubo.setArmAntiFriction(RIGHT, true);
	    		hubo.setArmCompliance(LEFT, true); // These will turn on compliance with the default gains of hubo-ach
	    		hubo.setArmCompliance(RIGHT, true);
	    		//DrcHuboKin kin;

	    		//ArmVector torques; // Vector to hold expected torques due to gravity
	    		double time, dt=0;
	    		time = hubo.getTime();
	    		double qlast[HUBO_JOINT_COUNT]; // Array of the previous reference commands for all the joints (needed to calculate velocity)
	    		for(int i=0; i<HUBO_JOINT_COUNT; i++){
	        		qlast[i] = hubo.getJointAngle(i);
 	    		dt = hubo.getTime() - time;
 	    		time = hubo.getTime();
 	    		//for( int side=0; side<2; side++){
 	        	//	kin.armTorques(side, torques);
 	        	//	hubo.setArmTorques(side, torques);

			hubo.setJointTraj(joint_array[joint], interpolatedData[joint], (interpolatedData[joint]-qlast[joint])/dt);
	    fprintf(resultFile,"%f ",interpolatedData[joint]);
	fprintf(resultFile," \n"); 
 	hubo.sendControls(); // This will send off all the latest control commands over ACH
    }// end of iterator loop
int main( int argc, char **argv )
    Hubo_Control hubo;     // This is the constructor for the hubo object
    hubo.setJointAngle( REB, -M_PI/2, true ); // "true" instructs it to send the command right away. If you don't pass an argument here, the function assumes "false".
예제 #15
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    //=== OBJECTS ===//
    // Create Hubo_Control object
    Hubo_Control hubo;

//    std::cout << "Daemonizing as impedanceCtrl\n";
//    Hubo_Control hubo("impedanceCtrl");

    //=== LOCAL VARIABLES ===//
    int i=0, imax=40;
    double dt, ptime;
    double rHandCurrent=0;
    double lHandCurrent=0;
    double handCurrentStep=0.25;
    bool print=true;
    ptime = hubo.getTime(); // set initial time for dt(0)

    std::cout << "Executing control loop ...\n";


    char c;

        // get latest state info for Hubo

        dt = hubo.getTime() - ptime;
        ptime = hubo.getTime();

        // if new data is available...
        if(dt > 0)
            if ( read(STDIN_FILENO, &c, 1) == 1) {
                switch (c) {
                    case 'a':
                        lHandCurrent += handCurrentStep;
                        if(lHandCurrent > 1.0) lHandCurrent = 1.0;
                    case 'z':
                        lHandCurrent -= handCurrentStep;
                        if (lHandCurrent < -1.0) lHandCurrent = -1.0;
                    case 's':
                        rHandCurrent += handCurrentStep;
                        if(rHandCurrent > 1.0) rHandCurrent = 1.0;
                    case 'x':
                        rHandCurrent -= handCurrentStep;
                        if (rHandCurrent < -1.0) rHandCurrent = -1.0;

            hubo.passJointAngle(LF1, lHandCurrent);
            hubo.passJointAngle(LF2, lHandCurrent);
            hubo.passJointAngle(LF3, lHandCurrent);
            hubo.passJointAngle(LF4, lHandCurrent);
            hubo.passJointAngle(LF5, lHandCurrent);

            hubo.passJointAngle(RF1, rHandCurrent);
            hubo.passJointAngle(RF2, rHandCurrent);
            hubo.passJointAngle(RF3, rHandCurrent);
            hubo.passJointAngle(RF4, rHandCurrent);
            hubo.passJointAngle(RF5, rHandCurrent);


            // print output every imax cycles
            if( i>=imax && print==true )
                std::cout //<< "\033[2J"
                          << "lHandCurrent: " << lHandCurrent
                          << "\nrHandCurrent: " << rHandCurrent
                          << "\nc: " << c
                          << std::endl;
            if(i>=imax) i=0; i++;
    return 0;
예제 #16
void Walker::complyKnee( Hubo_Control &hubo, zmp_traj_element_t &elem,
        nudge_state_t &state, balance_gains_t &gains, double dt )
    //      STANCE TYPE
    // Figure out if we're in single or double support stance and which leg
    int side;    //!< variable for stance leg
    if((unsigned char*)0x8 == elem.supporting)
        side = LEFT;
    else if((unsigned char*)"0100" == elem.supporting)
        side = RIGHT;
        side = 100;

    //          GAINS
    Eigen::Vector3d spring_gain, damping_gain;
    spring_gain.setZero(); damping_gain.setZero();

    spring_gain.z() = gains.spring_gain[LEFT];
    damping_gain.z() = gains.damping_gain[LEFT];

    // Store leg joint angels for current trajectory timestep
    Vector6d qPrev[2];
    qPrev[LEFT](HY) = elem.angles[LHY],
    qPrev[LEFT](HR) = elem.angles[LHR],
    qPrev[LEFT](HP) = elem.angles[LHP],
    qPrev[LEFT](KN) = elem.angles[LKN],
    qPrev[LEFT](AP) = elem.angles[LAP],
    qPrev[LEFT](AR) = elem.angles[LAR];

    qPrev[RIGHT](HY) = elem.angles[RHY],
    qPrev[RIGHT](HR) = elem.angles[RHR],
    qPrev[RIGHT](HP) = elem.angles[RHP],
    qPrev[RIGHT](KN) = elem.angles[RKN],
    qPrev[RIGHT](AP) = elem.angles[RAP],
    qPrev[RIGHT](AR) = elem.angles[RAR];

    //        HIP YAWS
    // Get rotation matrix for each hip yaw
    Eigen::Matrix3d yawRot[2];
    yawRot[LEFT] = Eigen::AngleAxisd(hubo.getJointAngle(LHY), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()).toRotationMatrix();
    yawRot[RIGHT]= Eigen::AngleAxisd(hubo.getJointAngle(RHY), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()).toRotationMatrix();

    //        FOOT TFs
    // Determine how much we need to nudge to hips over to account for
    // error in ankle torques about the x- and y- axes.
    // If Roll torque is positive (ie. leaning left) we want hips to go right (ie. negative y-direction)
    // If Pitch torque is positive (ie. leaning back) we want hips to go forward (ie. positive x-direction)
    // Get TFs for feet
    Eigen::Isometry3d footTF[2];
    hubo.huboLegFK( footTF[LEFT], qPrev[LEFT], LEFT ); 
    hubo.huboLegFK( footTF[RIGHT], qPrev[RIGHT], RIGHT );

    if(counter > 40)
        std::cout << " now " << footTF[LEFT](2,3);

    // Averaged torque error in ankles (roll and pitch) (yaw is always zero)
    //FIXME The version below is has elem.torques negative b/c hubomz computes reaction torque at ankle
    // instead of torque at F/T sensor
    Eigen::Vector3d forceTorqueErr[2];

    forceTorqueErr[LEFT](0) = (-elem.torque[LEFT][0] - hubo.getLeftFootMx());
    forceTorqueErr[LEFT](1) = (-elem.torque[LEFT][1] - hubo.getLeftFootMy());
    forceTorqueErr[LEFT](2) = (-elem.forces[LEFT][2] - hubo.getLeftFootFz()); //FIXME should be positive
    forceTorqueErr[RIGHT](0) = (-elem.torque[RIGHT][0] - hubo.getRightFootMx());
    forceTorqueErr[RIGHT](1) = (-elem.torque[RIGHT][1] - hubo.getRightFootMy());
    forceTorqueErr[RIGHT](2) = (-elem.forces[RIGHT][2] - hubo.getRightFootFz()); //FIXME should be positive

    // Skew matrix for torque reaction logic
    Eigen::Matrix3d skew; 
    skew << 0, 1, 0,
           -1, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 1; //FIXME should be negative
    skew(0,1) = 0;
    skew(1,0) = 0;
    // Check if we're on the ground, if not set instantaneous feet offset
    // to zero so integrated feet offset doesn't change, but we still apply it.
    const double forceThreshold = 0;//20; // Newtons
    if(hubo.getLeftFootFz() + hubo.getRightFootFz() > forceThreshold)
        if(LEFT == side || RIGHT == side)
            impCtrl.run(state.dFeetOffset, yawRot[side]*skew*forceTorqueErr[side], dt);
            impCtrl.run(state.dFeetOffset, (yawRot[LEFT]*skew*forceTorqueErr[LEFT] + yawRot[RIGHT]*skew*forceTorqueErr[RIGHT])/2, dt);
        // Don't add to the dFeetOffset

    // Decay the dFeetOffset
//    state.dFeetOffset -= gains.decay_gain[LEFT]*state.dFeetOffset;

    const double dFeetOffsetTol = 0.06;
    double n = state.dFeetOffset.norm();
    if (n > dFeetOffsetTol) {
      state.dFeetOffset *= dFeetOffsetTol/n;

    //    ADJUST FEET TFs
    // Pretranslate feet TF by integrated feet error translation vector
    Eigen::Isometry3d tempFootTF[2];
    tempFootTF[LEFT] = footTF[LEFT].pretranslate(state.dFeetOffset.block<3,1>(0,0));
    tempFootTF[RIGHT] = footTF[RIGHT].pretranslate(state.dFeetOffset.block<3,1>(0,0));

    // Run IK on the adjusted feet TF to get new joint angles
    bool ok = false;
    // Check IK for each new foot TF. If either fails, use previous feet TF
    // New joint angles for both legs
    Vector6d qNew[2];
    ok = hubo.huboLegIK(qNew[LEFT], tempFootTF[LEFT], qPrev[LEFT], LEFT);
        ok = hubo.huboLegIK(qNew[RIGHT], tempFootTF[RIGHT], qPrev[RIGHT], RIGHT);
        state.prevdFeetOffset = state.dFeetOffset;
    else // use previous integrated feet offset to get joint angles
        std::cout << "IK Failed in impedance controller. Using previous feet TF.\n";
        // Pretranslate feet TF by integrated feet error translation vector
        hubo.huboLegIK(qNew[LEFT], footTF[LEFT], qPrev[LEFT], LEFT);
        hubo.huboLegIK(qNew[RIGHT], footTF[RIGHT], qPrev[RIGHT], RIGHT);

    hubo.huboLegFK( footTF[LEFT], qNew[LEFT], LEFT ); 
    if(counter > 40)
        std::cout << " aft " << footTF[LEFT](2,3);

    if(counter > 40)
        std::cout //<< " K: " << kP
                  //<< " TdL: " << -elem.torque[LEFT][0] << ", " << -elem.torque[LEFT][1]
                  //<< " TdR: " << -elem.torque[RIGHT][0] << ", " << -elem.torque[RIGHT][1]
                  //<< " MyLR: " << hubo.getLeftFootMy() << ", " << hubo.getRightFootMy()
                  //<< " MxLR: " << hubo.getLeftFootMx() << ", " << hubo.getRightFootMx()
                  << " mFz: " << hubo.getLeftFootFz()
                  << " dFz: " << -elem.forces[LEFT][2]
                  << " FTe: " << forceTorqueErr[LEFT].z()
                  //<< " Fte: " << instantaneousFeetOffset.transpose()
                  << " FeetE: " << state.dFeetOffset(2)
                  << " qDfL: " << (qNew[LEFT] - qPrev[LEFT]).transpose()
                  << "\n";
    // Set leg joint angles for current timestep of trajectory
        elem.angles[LHY] = qNew[LEFT](HY);
        elem.angles[LHR] = qNew[LEFT](HR);
        elem.angles[LHP] = qNew[LEFT](HP);
        elem.angles[LKN] = qNew[LEFT](KN);
        elem.angles[LAP] = qNew[LEFT](AP);
        elem.angles[LAR] = qNew[LEFT](AR);

        elem.angles[RHY] = qNew[RIGHT](HY);
        elem.angles[RHR] = qNew[RIGHT](HR);
        elem.angles[RHP] = qNew[RIGHT](HP);
        elem.angles[RKN] = qNew[RIGHT](KN);
        elem.angles[RAP] = qNew[RIGHT](AP);
        elem.angles[RAR] = qNew[RIGHT](AR);
    if(counter > 40)
        counter = 0;