HRESULT SetCaptureSize(IPin* capPreviewOutputPin, int width, int height, int avgTimePerFrame) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IAMStreamConfig *streamConfig; hr = capPreviewOutputPin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&streamConfig); if(FAILED(hr)) { ErrorPrint("Get stream config interface error", hr); return hr; } AM_MEDIA_TYPE *mediaType; VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS configCaps; hr = streamConfig->GetStreamCaps(0, &mediaType, (BYTE*)&configCaps); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorPrint("Get stream caps error"); return hr; } VIDEOINFOHEADER* videoHeader = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*)mediaType->pbFormat; videoHeader->bmiHeader.biWidth = width; videoHeader->bmiHeader.biHeight = height; videoHeader->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = DIBSIZE(videoHeader->bmiHeader); videoHeader->AvgTimePerFrame = avgTimePerFrame; streamConfig->SetFormat(mediaType); DeleteMediaType(mediaType); return S_OK; }
void VideoCapture::EnumResolutions() { int iCount, iSize, iChosen=-1; IBaseFilter *pSource; CComPtr <ICaptureGraphBuilder2> pCaptB; VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS caps; HRESULT hr; bool response; IAMStreamConfig *pConfig; devices_resolutions = new DeviceResolutions[nDevices]; pCaptB.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2); for (unsigned int iDevice=0; iDevice<nDevices; iDevice++) { response = BindFilter(iDevice, &pSource); hr = pCaptB->FindInterface( &PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Video, pSource, IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&pConfig); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pSource->Release(); devices_resolutions[iDevice].nResolutions = 0; continue; } pConfig->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&iCount, &iSize); devices_resolutions[iDevice].SetNResolutions(iCount); for(int i=0; i < iCount; i++) { AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt; if( pConfig->GetStreamCaps(i, &pmt, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(&caps)) == S_OK ) { VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVih = reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER*>(pmt->pbFormat); devices_resolutions[iDevice].x[i] =; devices_resolutions[iDevice].y[i] =; devices_resolutions[iDevice].color_space[i] = pmt->subtype; devices_resolutions[iDevice].compression[i] = pVih->bmiHeader.biCompression; DeleteMediaType(pmt); } } pSource->Release(); pConfig->Release(); pSource = 0; } }
HRESULT recChannel_t::set_rate(float FR) { __CONTEXT("recChannel_t::set_rate"); if (FR<1) { return S_OK; } float factorRate = FR/30; int hr = 0; if (factorRate<0.1) factorRate = 0.1; frameRate = factorRate; IAMStreamConfig *pConfig = NULL; if ((camInfo->getKind() == SHARED || camInfo->getKind() == CAM) && actualFormat.pbFormat != NULL) { VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*) actualFormat.pbFormat; double newFR = 10000000.0/FR; pVih->AvgTimePerFrame = newFR; camInfo->setRate(pVih->AvgTimePerFrame); if (camInfo->getKind() == CAM) { IPin * pInput = NULL; get_camInfo()->output->ConnectedTo(&pInput); if (mapping) { pControl->Stop(); } if (pInput) { get_camInfo()->output->Disconnect(); pInput->Disconnect(); } hr = get_camInfo()->output->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&pConfig); if (pConfig) { int hr = pConfig->SetFormat(&actualFormat); errorCheck(hr); pConfig->Release(); } if (pInput) { hr = pGraph->Connect(get_camInfo()->output,pInput); errorCheck(hr); } errorCheck(hr); if (mapping) { pControl->Run(); } } } return hr; }
bool MIPDirectShowCapture::listGUIDS(std::list<GUID> &guids) { guids.clear(); HRESULT hr; IAMStreamConfig *pConfig = 0; hr = m_pBuilder->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, 0, m_pCaptDevice, IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&pConfig); if (HR_FAILED(hr)) { setErrorString(MIPDIRECTSHOWCAPTURE_ERRSTR_CANTGETDEVICECONFIG); return false; } int count = 0; int s = 0; hr = pConfig->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&count, &s); if (HR_FAILED(hr)) { pConfig->Release(); setErrorString(MIPDIRECTSHOWCAPTURE_ERRSTR_CANTGETDEVICECAPS); return false; } if (s != sizeof(VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS)) { pConfig->Release(); setErrorString(MIPDIRECTSHOWCAPTURE_ERRSTR_INVALIDCAPS); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS caps; AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pMediaType; hr = pConfig->GetStreamCaps(i, &pMediaType, (BYTE*)&caps); if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pMediaType->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Video) { GUID subType = pMediaType->subtype; guids.push_back(subType); // uint8_t *pSubType = (uint8_t *)&subType; // // printf("0x%02x%02x%02x%02x %c%c%c%c\n",(int)pSubType[0],(int)pSubType[1],(int)pSubType[2],(int)pSubType[3], // (char)pSubType[0],(char)pSubType[1],(char)pSubType[2],(char)pSubType[3]); } } } return true; }
void CCaptureDevice::SetCaptureBufferSize(void) { IPin * pCapturePin = GetPin(); if (pCapturePin) { DWORD dwBytesPerSec = 0; AM_MEDIA_TYPE * pmt = {0}; IAMStreamConfig * pCfg = NULL; HRESULT hr = pCapturePin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void **)&pCfg); if ( hr==S_OK ) { hr = pCfg->GetFormat(&pmt); if ( hr==S_OK ) { WAVEFORMATEX *pWF = (WAVEFORMATEX *) pmt->pbFormat; dwBytesPerSec = pWF->nAvgBytesPerSec; pWF->nChannels = 1; pWF->wBitsPerSample = 8; pWF->nSamplesPerSec = 11025; pWF->nAvgBytesPerSec = pWF->nSamplesPerSec * pWF->nChannels * pWF->wBitsPerSample / 8; pWF->nBlockAlign = 1; /* info.cbSize = sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX); info.wFormatTag = 1; info.nChannels = 2; info.nSamplesPerSec = 44100; //info.nSamplesPerSec = 22050; 11025 info.wBitsPerSample = 16; info.nAvgBytesPerSec = info.nSamplesPerSec * info.nChannels * info.wBitsPerSample / 8; info.nBlockAlign = 4; */ pCfg->SetFormat( pmt ); DeleteMediaType(pmt); } pCfg->Release(); } /* if (dwBytesPerSec) { IAMBufferNegotiation * pNeg = NULL; hr = pCapturePin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMBufferNegotiation, (void **)&pNeg); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES AllocProp; AllocProp.cbAlign = -1; // -1 means no preference. AllocProp.cbBuffer = dwBytesPerSec * dwLatencyInMilliseconds / 1000; AllocProp.cbPrefix = -1; AllocProp.cBuffers = -1; hr = pNeg->SuggestAllocatorProperties(&AllocProp); pNeg->Release(); } }*/ } }
HRESULT Captura::IniciarVentanaVideo(HWND hWnd,int width, int height) { HRESULT hr; RECT rcDest; // CComPtr<IAMStreamConfig> pConfig; IAMStreamConfig * pConfig; IEnumMediaTypes *pMedia; AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt = NULL, *pfnt = NULL; hr = m_pCamOutPin->EnumMediaTypes( &pMedia ); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { while(pMedia->Next(1, &pmt, 0) == S_OK) { if( pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo ) { VIDEOINFOHEADER *vih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER *)pmt->pbFormat; if( vih->bmiHeader.biWidth == width && vih->bmiHeader.biHeight == height ) { pfnt = pmt; break; } BorrarTipoMedio( pmt ); } } pMedia->Release(); } hr = m_pCamOutPin->QueryInterface( IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void **) &pConfig ); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if( pfnt != NULL ) { hr=pConfig->SetFormat( pfnt ); BorrarTipoMedio( pfnt ); } hr = pConfig->GetFormat( &pfnt ); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_nAncho = ((VIDEOINFOHEADER *)pfnt->pbFormat)->bmiHeader.biWidth; m_nAlto = ((VIDEOINFOHEADER *)pfnt->pbFormat)->bmiHeader.biHeight; BorrarTipoMedio( pfnt ); } } ::GetClientRect (hWnd,&rcDest); hr = m_pWC->SetVideoPosition(NULL, &rcDest); return hr; }
/* 设置捕获图像帧的格式,遍历所有格式是否有预定格式,若没有则以默认格式捕获 */ HRESULT CVMR_Capture::InitVideoWindow(HWND hWnd,int width, int height) { HRESULT hr; RECT rcDest; IAMStreamConfig *pConfig; IEnumMediaTypes *pMedia; AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt = NULL, *pfnt = NULL; hr = m_pCamOutPin->EnumMediaTypes( &pMedia ); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //把所有视频的所有格式遍历一遍,看是否有预定的格式 while(pMedia->Next(1, &pmt, 0) == S_OK) { if( pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo ) { VIDEOINFOHEADER *vih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER *)pmt->pbFormat; // 当前的格式是否与预定格式相同,即宽和高相同 if( vih->bmiHeader.biWidth == width && vih->bmiHeader.biHeight == height ) { pfnt = pmt; break; } DeleteMediaType( pmt ); } } pMedia->Release(); } hr = m_pCamOutPin->QueryInterface( IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void **) &pConfig ); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // 有预定的格式 if( pfnt != NULL ) { hr=pConfig->SetFormat( pfnt ); DeleteMediaType( pfnt ); } // 没有预定的格式,读取缺省媒体格式 hr = pConfig->GetFormat( &pfnt ); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_nWidth = ((VIDEOINFOHEADER *)pfnt->pbFormat)->bmiHeader.biWidth; //读取高 m_nHeight = ((VIDEOINFOHEADER *)pfnt->pbFormat)->bmiHeader.biHeight; //读取宽 DeleteMediaType( pfnt ); } } // 获取传入窗口的区域,以设置显示窗口 ::GetClientRect (hWnd,&rcDest); hr = m_pWC->SetVideoPosition(NULL, &rcDest); return hr; }
IAMStreamConfig * CCaptureDevice::GetStreamConfig(void) { IAMStreamConfig * pConfig = NULL; if (m_pBaseFilter) { // Get the capture output pin first IPin * pCapture = GetPin(); if (pCapture) { pCapture->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void **)&pConfig); } if (pConfig) { pConfig->Release(); } } return pConfig; }
void DSCaptureDevice::initSupportedFormats() { HRESULT ret; IAMStreamConfig* streamConfig = NULL; AM_MEDIA_TYPE* mediaType = NULL; ret = m_captureGraphBuilder->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Video, m_srcFilter, IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&streamConfig); /* get to find all supported formats */ if(!FAILED(ret)) { int nb = 0; int size = 0; BYTE* allocBytes = NULL; streamConfig->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&nb, &size); allocBytes = new BYTE[size]; for(int i = 0 ; i < nb ; i++) { if(streamConfig->GetStreamCaps(i, &mediaType, allocBytes) == S_OK) { struct DSFormat format; VIDEOINFOHEADER* hdr = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*)mediaType->pbFormat; if(hdr) { format.height = hdr->bmiHeader.biHeight; format.width = hdr->bmiHeader.biWidth; format.pixelFormat = mediaType->subtype.Data1; format.mediaType = mediaType->subtype; m_formats.push_back(format); } } } delete allocBytes; } }
void CCaptureDevice::AdjustOutput(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; AM_MEDIA_TYPE * pmt = NULL; LONGLONG avgTimePerFrame = 2000000; // 20fps pmt = SelectMediaType(); if (pmt) { if (pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) { VIDEOINFOHEADER *pvi = (VIDEOINFOHEADER *) pmt->pbFormat; pvi->AvgTimePerFrame = avgTimePerFrame; pvi->bmiHeader.biWidth = Preferred_Width; pvi->bmiHeader.biHeight = Preferred_Height; pvi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = Preferred_Width * Preferred_Height * pvi->bmiHeader.biBitCount / 8; IAMStreamConfig * pCfg = GetStreamConfig(); hr = pCfg->SetFormat(pmt); } DeleteMediaType(pmt); } }
bool VideoCaptureDirectShow2::setDeviceFilterMediaType(ICaptureGraphBuilder2* captureBuilder, IBaseFilter* deviceFilter, AVCapability cap) { if(!captureBuilder) { RX_ERROR("Cannot set device filter media type because the given ICaptureGraphBuilder* is invalid"); return false; } if(!deviceFilter) { RX_ERROR("Cannot set the media type for the device filter because the device filter is invalid"); return false; } if(cap.index < 0) { RX_ERROR("Cannot set the media type for the device filter because the given AVCapability has not index. Iterate over the stream caps to retrieve the caps index that we need"); return false; } IAMStreamConfig* conf = NULL; HRESULT hr = captureBuilder->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Video, deviceFilter, IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&conf); if(FAILED(hr)) { RX_ERROR("Failed to retrieve a IAMStreamConfig to set the device filter media type"); return false; } bool result = true; AM_MEDIA_TYPE* mt; VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS caps; hr = conf->GetStreamCaps(cap.index, &mt, (BYTE*)&caps); if(FAILED(hr)) { RX_ERROR("Failed to retrieve the AM_MEDIA_TYPE for the AVCapabiltiy with stream caps index: %d", cap.index); result = false; goto done; } if(mt->majortype != MEDIATYPE_Video) { RX_ERROR("The AM_MEDIA_TYPE we found is not an Video type so we cannot use it to set the media format of the device filter"); result = false; goto done; } if(mt->formattype != FORMAT_VideoInfo) { RX_ERROR("The AM_MEDIA_TYPE we found is not a Format_VideoInfo, so cannot set media type of device filter"); result = false; goto done; } if(mt->cbFormat < sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER)) { RX_ERROR("The AMD_MEDIA_TYPE has an invalid cbFormat size"); result = false; goto done; } if(mt->pbFormat == NULL) { RX_ERROR("The AM_MEDIA_TYPE.pbFormat is NULL; cannot set type of device filter"); result = false; goto done; } GUID guid_pixfmt = libavPixelFormatToMediaSubTypeGUID(cap.pixel_format); if(mt->subtype != guid_pixfmt) { RX_ERROR("The AM_MEDIA_TYPE.subtype is not the same as the one we want.."); result = false; goto done; } hr = conf->SetFormat(mt); if(FAILED(hr)) { RX_ERROR("Failed to set the AM_MEDIA_TYPE for the device filter"); result = false; goto done; } done: deleteMediaType(mt); safeReleaseDirectShow(&conf); return result; }
/// 设置音频信息 BOOL CAudioCapture::SetAudioFormat(ENUM_FREQUENCY_TYPE enFrequency, ENUM_CHANNEL_TYPE enChannel, ENUM_SAMPLE_TYPE enSample) { if(NULL != m_pCaptureFilter) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; do { IPin* pOutPin = GetOutputPin(m_pCaptureFilter, (uint16_t)0); if(NULL != pOutPin) { IAMBufferNegotiation *pNeg = NULL; IAMStreamConfig *pCfg = NULL; // Get buffer negotiation interface HRESULT hr = pOutPin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMBufferNegotiation, (void **)&pNeg); if (FAILED(hr)) { pOutPin->Release(); break; } // Find number of bytes in one second long lBytesPerSecond = (long) (enSample * enFrequency * enChannel); // 针对FAAC编码器 做出的调整 long lBufferSize = 1024 * enSample * enChannel; // Set the buffer size based on selected settings ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES prop={0}; prop.cbBuffer = lBufferSize; prop.cBuffers = 6; prop.cbAlign = enSample * enChannel; hr = pNeg->SuggestAllocatorProperties(&prop); pNeg->Release(); // Now set the actual format of the audio data hr = pOutPin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void **)&pCfg); if (FAILED(hr)) { pOutPin->Release(); break; } // Read current media type/format AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt={0}; hr = pCfg->GetFormat(&pmt); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Fill in values for the new format WAVEFORMATEX *pWF = (WAVEFORMATEX *) pmt->pbFormat; pWF->nChannels = (WORD) enChannel; pWF->nSamplesPerSec = enFrequency; pWF->nAvgBytesPerSec = lBytesPerSecond; pWF->wBitsPerSample = (WORD) (enSample * 8); pWF->nBlockAlign = (WORD) (enSample * enChannel); // Set the new formattype for the output pin hr = pCfg->SetFormat(pmt); UtilDeleteMediaType(pmt); } // Release interfaces pCfg->Release(); pOutPin->Release(); bResult = TRUE; } }while(FALSE); return bResult; } else { m_enFrequency = enFrequency; m_enChannel = enChannel; m_enSample = enSample; return TRUE; } }
bool CaptureDShow::init() { // Create the pipeline. if (FAILED(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IGraphBuilder, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&this->m_graph)))) return false; // Create the webcam filter. IBaseFilter *webcamFilter = this->findFilterP(this->m_device); if (!webcamFilter) { this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } if (FAILED(this->m_graph->AddFilter(webcamFilter, SOURCE_FILTER_NAME))) { this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } // Create the Sample Grabber filter. IBaseFilter *grabberFilter = NULL; if (FAILED(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SampleGrabber, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&grabberFilter)))) { this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } if (FAILED(this->m_graph->AddFilter(grabberFilter, L"Grabber"))) { this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } ISampleGrabber *grabberPtr = NULL; if (FAILED(grabberFilter->QueryInterface(IID_ISampleGrabber, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&grabberPtr)))) { this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } if (FAILED(grabberPtr->SetOneShot(FALSE))) { this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } HRESULT hr = grabberPtr->SetBufferSamples(TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) { this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } if (this->m_ioMethod != IoMethodDirectRead) { int type = this->m_ioMethod == IoMethodGrabSample? 0: 1; hr = grabberPtr->SetCallback(&this->m_frameGrabber, type); } this->m_grabber = SampleGrabberPtr(grabberPtr, this->deleteUnknown); if (!this->connectFilters(this->m_graph, webcamFilter, grabberFilter)) { this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } // Create null filter. IBaseFilter *nullFilter = NULL; if (FAILED(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_NullRenderer, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&nullFilter)))) { this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } if (FAILED(this->m_graph->AddFilter(nullFilter, L"NullFilter"))) { this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } if (!this->connectFilters(this->m_graph, grabberFilter, nullFilter)) { this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } // Set capture format QList<int> streams = this->streams(); if (streams.isEmpty()) { this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } MediaTypesList mediaTypes = this->listMediaTypes(webcamFilter); if (mediaTypes.isEmpty()) { this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } MediaTypePtr mediaType = streams[0] < mediaTypes.size()? mediaTypes[streams[0]]: mediaTypes.first(); if (FAILED(grabberPtr->SetMediaType( { this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } PinList pins = this->enumPins(webcamFilter, PINDIR_OUTPUT); for (const PinPtr &pin: pins) { IAMStreamConfig *pStreamConfig = NULL; HRESULT hr = pin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pStreamConfig)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) pStreamConfig->SetFormat(; if (pStreamConfig) pStreamConfig->Release(); } // Run the pipeline IMediaControl *control = NULL; if (FAILED(this->m_graph->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&control)))) { this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } this->m_id = Ak::id(); AkCaps caps = this->capsFromMediaType(mediaType); this->m_timeBase = AkFrac("fps").toString()).invert(); if (FAILED(control->Run())) { control->Release(); this->m_graph->Release(); this->m_graph = NULL; return false; } control->Release(); this->m_localImageControls.clear(); this->m_localImageControls.clear(); return true; }
AM_MEDIA_TYPE * CCaptureDevice::SelectMediaType(void) { // Preferred sequence: UYVY, YUY2, RGB565, RGB555, RGB24, RGB32 VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS pSCC; AM_MEDIA_TYPE * pmt = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; int nCounts=0, nSize=0; int preferredIndex = -1; enum { UYVY = 0, YUY2, RGB565, RGB555, RGB24, RGB32, Unknown } currentPreferred, temp; currentPreferred = Unknown; IAMStreamConfig * pCfg = GetStreamConfig(); pCfg->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&nCounts, &nSize); for (int i = 0; i < nCounts; i++) { if (pCfg->GetStreamCaps(i, &pmt, (BYTE *)&pSCC) == S_OK) { if (pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32) { temp = RGB32; } else if (pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24) { temp = RGB24; } else if (pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB565) { temp = RGB565; } else if (pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB555) { temp = RGB555; } else if (pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2) { temp = YUY2; } else if (pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_UYVY) { temp = UYVY; } else { temp = Unknown; } if (temp < currentPreferred) { currentPreferred = temp; preferredIndex = i; } DeleteMediaType(pmt); } } // Get the preferred media type if (preferredIndex != -1) { hr = pCfg->GetStreamCaps(preferredIndex, &pmt, (BYTE *)&pSCC); } else { hr = pCfg->GetFormat(&pmt); } return pmt; }
bool CCameraDS::OpenCamera(int nCamID, bool bDisplayProperties, int nWidth, int nHeight) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CoInitialize(NULL); // Create the Filter Graph Manager. hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IGraphBuilder, (void **)&m_pGraph); hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SampleGrabber, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, (LPVOID *)&m_pSampleGrabberFilter); hr = m_pGraph->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, (void **) &m_pMediaControl); hr = m_pGraph->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaEvent, (void **) &m_pMediaEvent); hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_NullRenderer, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, (LPVOID*) &m_pNullFilter); hr = m_pGraph->AddFilter(m_pNullFilter, L"NullRenderer"); hr = m_pSampleGrabberFilter->QueryInterface(IID_ISampleGrabber, (void**)&m_pSampleGrabber); AM_MEDIA_TYPE mt; ZeroMemory(&mt, sizeof(AM_MEDIA_TYPE)); mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Video; mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24; mt.formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo; hr = m_pSampleGrabber->SetMediaType(&mt); MYFREEMEDIATYPE(mt); m_pGraph->AddFilter(m_pSampleGrabberFilter, L"Grabber"); // Bind Device Filter. We know the device because the id was passed in BindFilter(nCamID, &m_pDeviceFilter); m_pGraph->AddFilter(m_pDeviceFilter, NULL); CComPtr<IEnumPins> pEnum; m_pDeviceFilter->EnumPins(&pEnum); hr = pEnum->Reset(); hr = pEnum->Next(1, &m_pCameraOutput, NULL); pEnum = NULL; m_pSampleGrabberFilter->EnumPins(&pEnum); pEnum->Reset(); hr = pEnum->Next(1, &m_pGrabberInput, NULL); pEnum = NULL; m_pSampleGrabberFilter->EnumPins(&pEnum); pEnum->Reset(); pEnum->Skip(1); hr = pEnum->Next(1, &m_pGrabberOutput, NULL); pEnum = NULL; m_pNullFilter->EnumPins(&pEnum); pEnum->Reset(); hr = pEnum->Next(1, &m_pNullInputPin, NULL); //SetCrossBar(); if (bDisplayProperties) { CComPtr<ISpecifyPropertyPages> pPages; HRESULT hr = m_pCameraOutput->QueryInterface(IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages, (void**)&pPages); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { PIN_INFO PinInfo; m_pCameraOutput->QueryPinInfo(&PinInfo); CAUUID caGUID; pPages->GetPages(&caGUID); OleCreatePropertyFrame(NULL, 0, 0, L"Property Sheet", 1, (IUnknown **)&(m_pCameraOutput.p), caGUID.cElems, caGUID.pElems, 0, 0, NULL); CoTaskMemFree(caGUID.pElems); PinInfo.pFilter->Release(); } pPages = NULL; } else { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 加入由 lWidth和lHeight设置的摄像头的宽和高 的功能,默认320*240 // by flymanbox @2009-01-24 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int _Width = nWidth, _Height = nHeight; IAMStreamConfig* iconfig; iconfig = NULL; hr = m_pCameraOutput->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&iconfig); AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt; if(iconfig->GetFormat(&pmt) !=S_OK) { //printf("GetFormat Failed ! \n"); return false; } VIDEOINFOHEADER* phead; if ( pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) { phead=( VIDEOINFOHEADER*)pmt->pbFormat; phead->bmiHeader.biWidth = _Width; phead->bmiHeader.biHeight = _Height; if(( hr=iconfig->SetFormat(pmt)) != S_OK ) { return false; } } iconfig->Release(); iconfig=NULL; MYFREEMEDIATYPE(*pmt); } hr = m_pGraph->Connect(m_pCameraOutput, m_pGrabberInput); hr = m_pGraph->Connect(m_pGrabberOutput, m_pNullInputPin); if (FAILED(hr)) { switch(hr) { case VFW_S_NOPREVIEWPIN : break; case E_FAIL : break; case E_INVALIDARG : break; case E_POINTER : break; } } m_pSampleGrabber->SetBufferSamples(TRUE); m_pSampleGrabber->SetOneShot(TRUE); hr = m_pSampleGrabber->GetConnectedMediaType(&mt); if(FAILED(hr)) return false; VIDEOINFOHEADER *videoHeader; videoHeader = reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER*>(mt.pbFormat); m_nWidth = videoHeader->bmiHeader.biWidth; m_nHeight = videoHeader->bmiHeader.biHeight; m_bConnected = true; pEnum = NULL; return true; }
bool DeviceSource::LoadFilters() { if(bCapturing || bFiltersLoaded) return false; bool bSucceeded = false; List<MediaOutputInfo> outputList; IAMStreamConfig *config = NULL; bool bAddedVideoCapture = false, bAddedAudioCapture = false, bAddedDevice = false; GUID expectedMediaType; IPin *devicePin = NULL, *audioPin = NULL; HRESULT err; String strShader; bUseThreadedConversion = API->UseMultithreadedOptimizations() && (OSGetTotalCores() > 1); //------------------------------------------------ // basic initialization vars bool bCheckForceAudio = data->GetInt(TEXT("forceCustomAudioDevice")) != 0; bUseCustomResolution = data->GetInt(TEXT("customResolution")); strDevice = data->GetString(TEXT("device")); strDeviceName = data->GetString(TEXT("deviceName")); strDeviceID = data->GetString(TEXT("deviceID")); strAudioDevice = data->GetString(TEXT("audioDevice")); strAudioName = data->GetString(TEXT("audioDeviceName")); strAudioID = data->GetString(TEXT("audioDeviceID")); strAudioGUID = data->GetString(TEXT("audioDeviceCLSID")); if(strAudioGUID.Compare(TEXT("CLSID_AudioInputDeviceCategory"))) matchGUID = CLSID_AudioInputDeviceCategory; if(strAudioGUID.Compare(TEXT("CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory"))) matchGUID = CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory; if(strAudioGUID.Compare(TEXT("CLSID_AudioRendererCategory"))) { //Log(TEXT("Dese are spekers.\n")); matchGUID = CLSID_AudioRendererCategory; } bFlipVertical = data->GetInt(TEXT("flipImage")) != 0; bFlipHorizontal = data->GetInt(TEXT("flipImageHorizontal")) != 0; opacity = data->GetInt(TEXT("opacity"), 100); float volume = data->GetFloat(TEXT("volume"), 1.0f); //------------------------------------------------ // chrom key stuff bUseChromaKey = data->GetInt(TEXT("useChromaKey")) != 0; keyColor = data->GetInt(TEXT("keyColor"), 0xFFFFFFFF); keySimilarity = data->GetInt(TEXT("keySimilarity")); keyBlend = data->GetInt(TEXT("keyBlend"), 80); keySpillReduction = data->GetInt(TEXT("keySpillReduction"), 50); if(keyBaseColor.x < keyBaseColor.y && keyBaseColor.x < keyBaseColor.z) keyBaseColor -= keyBaseColor.x; else if(keyBaseColor.y < keyBaseColor.x && keyBaseColor.y < keyBaseColor.z) keyBaseColor -= keyBaseColor.y; else if(keyBaseColor.z < keyBaseColor.x && keyBaseColor.z < keyBaseColor.y) keyBaseColor -= keyBaseColor.z; //------------------------------------------------ // get the device filter and pins if(strAudioDevice.IsValid()) { audioDeviceFilter = GetDeviceByValue(matchGUID, L"FriendlyName", strAudioName, L"DevicePath", strAudioID); if(!audioDeviceFilter) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowAudioPlugin: Invalid audio device: name '%s', path '%s'"), strAudioName.Array(), strAudioID.Array()); } } soundOutputType = data->GetInt(TEXT("soundOutputType")); if(soundOutputType != 0) { if(matchGUID == CLSID_AudioRendererCategory) { err = capture->FindPin(audioDeviceFilter, PINDIR_OUTPUT, &PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Audio, FALSE, 0, &audioPin); } else { err = capture->FindPin(audioDeviceFilter, PINDIR_OUTPUT, &PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Audio, FALSE, 0, &audioPin); } if(FAILED(err)) { Log(TEXT("DShowAudioPlugin: No audio pin, result = %lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } } int soundTimeOffset = data->GetInt(TEXT("soundTimeOffset")); //GetOutputList(devicePin, outputList); //------------------------------------------------ // initialize the basic video variables and data //------------------------------------------------ // log audio info { String strTest; strTest = FormattedString(TEXT(" audio device: %s,\r\n audio device id %s,\r\n"), strAudioDevice.Array(), strAudioID.Array()); Log(TEXT("------------------------------------------")); Log(strTest.Array()); } //------------------------------------------------ // get audio pin configuration, optionally configure audio pin to 44100 GUID expectedAudioType; if(soundOutputType == 1) { IAMStreamConfig *audioConfig; if(SUCCEEDED(audioPin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&audioConfig))) { AM_MEDIA_TYPE *audioMediaType; if(SUCCEEDED(err = audioConfig->GetFormat(&audioMediaType))) { SetAudioInfo(audioMediaType, expectedAudioType); //Log(TEXT("Fixed size samples: %s\r\n"), (audioMediaType->bFixedSizeSamples) ? "Yes" : "No"); //Log(TEXT("Temporal Compression: %s\r\n"), (audioMediaType->bTemporalCompression) ? "Yes" : "No"); //Log(TEXT("cbFormat: %.16X\r\n"), audioMediaType->cbFormat); //Log(TEXT("Sample size: %u\r\n"), audioMediaType->lSampleSize); } else if(err == E_NOTIMPL) //elgato probably { IEnumMediaTypes *audioMediaTypes; if(SUCCEEDED(err = audioPin->EnumMediaTypes(&audioMediaTypes))) { ULONG i = 0; if((err = audioMediaTypes->Next(1, &audioMediaType, &i)) == S_OK) SetAudioInfo(audioMediaType, expectedAudioType); else { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowAudioPlugin: audioMediaTypes->Next failed, result = %08lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } audioMediaTypes->Release(); } else { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowAudioPlugin: audioMediaTypes->Next failed, result = %08lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } } else { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowAudioPlugin: Could not get audio format, result = %08lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } audioConfig->Release(); } else { soundOutputType = 0; } } //------------------------------------------------ // add video capture filter if any captureFilter = new CaptureFilter(this, MEDIATYPE_Video, expectedMediaType); if(FAILED(err = graph->AddFilter(captureFilter, NULL))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowAudioPlugin: Failed to add video capture filter to graph, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } bAddedVideoCapture = true; //------------------------------------------------ // add audio capture filter if any if(soundOutputType == 1) { audioFilter = new CaptureFilter(this, MEDIATYPE_Audio, expectedAudioType); if(!audioFilter) { AppWarning(TEXT("Failed to create audio capture filter")); soundOutputType = 0; } } else if(soundOutputType == 2) { if(FAILED(err = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DSoundRender, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&audioFilter))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: failed to create audio renderer, result = %08lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } IBasicAudio *basicAudio; if(SUCCEEDED(audioFilter->QueryInterface(IID_IBasicAudio, (void**)&basicAudio))) { long lVol = long((double(volume)*NEAR_SILENTf)-NEAR_SILENTf); if(lVol <= -NEAR_SILENT) lVol = -10000; basicAudio->put_Volume(lVol); basicAudio->Release(); } } if(soundOutputType != 0) { if(FAILED(err = graph->AddFilter(audioFilter, NULL))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowAudioPlugin: Failed to add audio capture filter to graph, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } bAddedAudioCapture = true; } //------------------------------------------------ // add primary device filter if(FAILED(err = graph->AddFilter(audioDeviceFilter, NULL))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowAudioPlugin: Failed to add audio device filter to graph, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } bAddedDevice = true; //------------------------------------------------ // connect all pins and set up the whole capture thing bool bConnected; if(soundOutputType != 0) { bConnected = SUCCEEDED(err = capture->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Audio, audioDeviceFilter, NULL, audioFilter)); if(!bConnected) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowAudioPlugin: Failed to connect the audio device pin to the audio capture pin, result = %08lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } } if(FAILED(err = graph->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, (void**)&control))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowAudioPlugin: Failed to get IMediaControl, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } if(soundOutputType == 1) { audioOut = new DeviceAudioSource; audioOut->Initialize(this); API->AddAudioSource(audioOut); audioOut->SetAudioOffset(soundTimeOffset); audioOut->SetVolume(volume); } bSucceeded = true; cleanFinish: SafeRelease(config); SafeRelease(devicePin); SafeRelease(audioPin); for(UINT i=0; i<outputList.Num(); i++) outputList[i].FreeData(); if(!bSucceeded) { bCapturing = false; if(bAddedVideoCapture) graph->RemoveFilter(captureFilter); if(bAddedAudioCapture) graph->RemoveFilter(audioFilter); if(bAddedDevice) { graph->RemoveFilter(audioDeviceFilter); graph->RemoveFilter(deviceFilter); } SafeRelease(audioDeviceFilter); SafeRelease(deviceFilter); SafeRelease(captureFilter); SafeRelease(audioFilter); SafeRelease(control); if(colorConvertShader) { delete colorConvertShader; colorConvertShader = NULL; } if(audioOut) { delete audioOut; audioOut = NULL; } if(lpImageBuffer) { Free(lpImageBuffer); lpImageBuffer = NULL; } bReadyToDraw = true; } else bReadyToDraw = false; if(!renderCX) renderCX = 32; if(!renderCY) renderCY = 32; //----------------------------------------------------- // create the texture regardless, will just show up as red to indicate failure BYTE *textureData = (BYTE*)Allocate(renderCX*renderCY*4); if(colorType == DeviceOutputType_RGB) //you may be confused, but when directshow outputs RGB, it's actually outputting BGR { msetd(textureData, 0xFFFF0000, renderCX*renderCY*4); texture = CreateTexture(renderCX, renderCY, GS_BGR, textureData, FALSE, FALSE); } else //if we're working with planar YUV, we can just use regular RGB textures instead { msetd(textureData, 0xFF0000FF, renderCX*renderCY*4); texture = CreateTexture(renderCX, renderCY, GS_RGB, textureData, FALSE, FALSE); } if(bSucceeded && bUseThreadedConversion) { if(colorType == DeviceOutputType_I420 || colorType == DeviceOutputType_YV12) { LPBYTE lpData; if(texture->Map(lpData, texturePitch)) texture->Unmap(); else texturePitch = renderCX*4; lpImageBuffer = (LPBYTE)Allocate(texturePitch*renderCY); } } Free(textureData); bFiltersLoaded = bSucceeded; return bSucceeded; }
static int v4w_open_videodevice(V4wState *s) { // Initialize COM CoInitialize(NULL); // get a Graph HRESULT hr= CoCreateInstance (CLSID_FilterGraph, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IGraphBuilder, //IID_IBaseFilter, (void **)&s->m_pGraph); if(FAILED(hr)) { return -1; } // get a CaptureGraphBuilder2 hr= CoCreateInstance (CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICaptureGraphBuilder2, //IID_IBaseFilter, (void **)&s->m_pBuilder); if(FAILED(hr)) { return -2; } // connect capture graph builder with the graph s->m_pBuilder->SetFiltergraph(s->m_pGraph); // get mediacontrol so we can start and stop the filter graph hr=s->m_pGraph->QueryInterface (IID_IMediaControl, (void **)&s->m_pControl); if(FAILED(hr)) { return -3; } ICreateDevEnum *pCreateDevEnum = NULL; IEnumMoniker *pEnumMoniker = NULL; IMoniker *pMoniker = NULL; ULONG nFetched = 0; hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICreateDevEnum, (PVOID *)&pCreateDevEnum); if(FAILED(hr)) { return -4; } hr = pCreateDevEnum->CreateClassEnumerator(CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, &pEnumMoniker, 0); if (FAILED(hr) || pEnumMoniker == NULL) { //printf("no device\n"); return -5; } pEnumMoniker->Reset(); int pos=0; while(S_OK == pEnumMoniker->Next(1, &pMoniker, &nFetched) ) { IPropertyBag *pBag; hr = pMoniker->BindToStorage( 0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, (void**) &pBag ); if( hr != S_OK ) continue; if (s->dev[0]=='\0') break; VARIANT var; VariantInit(&var); hr = pBag->Read( L"FriendlyName", &var, NULL ); if( hr != S_OK ) { pMoniker->Release(); continue; } //USES_CONVERSION; char szName[256]; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,0,var.bstrVal,-1,szName,256,0,0); VariantClear(&var); if (strcmp(szName, s->dev)==0) break; pMoniker->Release(); pBag->Release(); pMoniker=NULL; pBag=NULL; } if(pMoniker==NULL) { return -6; } hr = pMoniker->BindToObject(0, 0, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&s->m_pDeviceFilter ); if(FAILED(hr)) { return -7; } s->m_pGraph->AddFilter(s->m_pDeviceFilter, L"Device Filter"); pMoniker->Release(); pEnumMoniker->Release(); pCreateDevEnum->Release(); GUID pPinCategory; if (try_format(s->m_pDeviceFilter, s->pix_fmt, &pPinCategory)==0) s->pix_fmt = s->pix_fmt; else if (try_format(s->m_pDeviceFilter,MS_YUV420P, &pPinCategory)==0) s->pix_fmt = MS_YUV420P; else if (try_format(s->m_pDeviceFilter,MS_YUY2, &pPinCategory)==0) s->pix_fmt = MS_YUY2; else if (try_format(s->m_pDeviceFilter,MS_YUYV, &pPinCategory)==0) s->pix_fmt = MS_YUYV; else if (try_format(s->m_pDeviceFilter,MS_UYVY, &pPinCategory)==0) s->pix_fmt = MS_UYVY; else if (try_format(s->m_pDeviceFilter,MS_RGB24, &pPinCategory)==0) s->pix_fmt = MS_RGB24; else { ms_error("Unsupported video pixel format."); return -8; } if (s->pix_fmt == MS_YUV420P) ms_message("Driver supports YUV420P, using that format."); else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_YUY2) ms_message("Driver supports YUY2 (YUYV), using that format."); else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_YUYV) ms_message("Driver supports YUV422, using that format."); else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_UYVY) ms_message("Driver supports UYVY, using that format."); else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_RGB24) ms_message("Driver supports RGB24, using that format."); if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, s->vsize.width, s->vsize.height, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", s->vsize.width, s->vsize.height); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QCIF_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QCIF_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QCIF_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QCIF_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_CIF_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_CIF_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_CIF_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_CIF_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_4CIF_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_4CIF_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_4CIF_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_4CIF_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QVGA_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QVGA_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QVGA_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QVGA_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QQVGA_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QQVGA_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QQVGA_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QQVGA_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_NS1_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_NS1_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_NS1_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_NS1_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QSIF_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QSIF_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QSIF_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QSIF_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_SIF_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_SIF_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_SIF_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_SIF_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_VGA_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_VGA_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_VGA_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_VGA_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_SDTV_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_SDTV_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_SDTV_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_SDTV_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_288P_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_288P_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_288P_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_288P_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_448P_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_448P_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_448P_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_448P_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_576P_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_576P_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_576P_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_576P_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_720P_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_720P_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_720P_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_720P_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_1080P_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_1080P_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_1080P_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_1080P_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_4SIF_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_4SIF_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_4SIF_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_4SIF_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_SVGA_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_SVGA_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_SVGA_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_SVGA_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_XGA_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_XGA_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_XGA_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_XGA_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_WXGA_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_WXGA_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_WXGA_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_WXGA_H); else if (try_format_size(s, s->pix_fmt, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_HDTVP_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_HDTVP_H, &pPinCategory)==0) ms_message("Selected Size: %ix%i.", MS_VIDEO_SIZE_HDTVP_W, MS_VIDEO_SIZE_HDTVP_H); else { ms_error("No supported size found for format."); /* size not supported? */ return -9; } // get DXFilter s->m_pDXFilter = new CDXFilter(NULL, &hr, FALSE); if(s->m_pDXFilter==NULL) { return -10; } s->m_pDXFilter->AddRef(); CMediaType mt; mt.SetType(&MEDIATYPE_Video); GUID m = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24; if (s->pix_fmt == MS_YUV420P) m = (GUID)FOURCCMap(MAKEFOURCC('I','4','2','0')); else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_YUY2) m = MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2; else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_YUYV) m = MEDIASUBTYPE_YUYV; else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_UYVY) m = MEDIASUBTYPE_UYVY; else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_RGB24) m = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24; mt.SetSubtype(&m); mt.formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo; mt.SetTemporalCompression(FALSE); VIDEOINFO *pvi = (VIDEOINFO *) mt.AllocFormatBuffer(sizeof(VIDEOINFO)); if (NULL == pvi) return -11; ZeroMemory(pvi, sizeof(VIDEOINFO)); if (s->pix_fmt == MS_YUV420P) pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression = MAKEFOURCC('I','4','2','0'); else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_YUY2) pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression = MAKEFOURCC('Y','U','Y','2'); else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_YUYV) pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression = MAKEFOURCC('Y','U','Y','V'); else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_UYVY) pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression = MAKEFOURCC('U','Y','V','Y'); else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_RGB24) pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; if (s->pix_fmt == MS_YUV420P) pvi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 12; else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_YUY2) pvi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 16; else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_YUYV) pvi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 16; else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_UYVY) pvi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 16; else if (s->pix_fmt == MS_RGB24) pvi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24; pvi->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); pvi->bmiHeader.biWidth = s->vsize.width; pvi->bmiHeader.biHeight = s->vsize.height; pvi->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; pvi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = GetBitmapSize(&pvi->bmiHeader); pvi->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; mt.SetSampleSize(pvi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage); mt.SetFormat((BYTE*)pvi, sizeof(VIDEOINFO)); hr = s->m_pDXFilter->SetAcceptedMediaType(&mt); if(FAILED(hr)) { return -12; } hr = s->m_pDXFilter->SetCallback(Callback); if(FAILED(hr)) { return -13; } hr = s->m_pDXFilter->QueryInterface(IID_IBaseFilter, (LPVOID *)&s->m_pIDXFilter); if(FAILED(hr)) { return -14; } hr = s->m_pGraph->AddFilter(s->m_pIDXFilter, L"DXFilter Filter"); if(FAILED(hr)) { return -15; } // get null renderer hr=CoCreateInstance (CLSID_NullRenderer, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, (void **)&s->m_pNullRenderer); if(FAILED(hr)) { return -16; } if (s->m_pNullRenderer!=NULL) { s->m_pGraph->AddFilter(s->m_pNullRenderer, L"Null Renderer"); } hr = s->m_pBuilder->RenderStream(&pPinCategory, &MEDIATYPE_Video, s->m_pDeviceFilter, s->m_pIDXFilter, s->m_pNullRenderer); if (FAILED(hr)) { return -17; } IAMStreamConfig *pConfig = NULL; hr = s->m_pBuilder->FindInterface( &pPinCategory, // Preview pin. &MEDIATYPE_Video, // Any media type. s->m_pDeviceFilter, // Pointer to the capture filter. IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&pConfig); if (pConfig!=NULL) { AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pType = NULL; int iCount, iSize; pConfig->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&iCount, &iSize); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS scc; pType = NULL; pConfig->GetStreamCaps(i, &pType, (BYTE *)&scc); if (!((pType->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) && (pType->cbFormat >= sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER)) && (pType->pbFormat != NULL))) continue; VIDEOINFOHEADER & videoInfo = *(VIDEOINFOHEADER *)pType->pbFormat; if (m != pType->subtype) continue; if (videoInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth != s->vsize.width) continue; if (videoInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight != s->vsize.height) continue; if (videoInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount != pvi->bmiHeader.biBitCount) continue; if (videoInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression != pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression) continue; videoInfo.AvgTimePerFrame = UNITS / (LONGLONG)s->fps; pConfig->SetFormat(pType); } pConfig->GetFormat(&pType); if (pType!=NULL) { VIDEOINFO *pvi; pvi = (VIDEOINFO *)pType->pbFormat; ms_message("v4w: camera asked fps=%.2f // real fps=%.2f", s->fps, ((float)UNITS / (float)pvi->AvgTimePerFrame)); } pConfig->Release(); } //m_pDXFilter->SetBufferSamples(TRUE); s_callback = s; hr = s->m_pControl->Run(); if(FAILED(hr)) { return -18; } s->rotregvalue=1; return 0; }
bool MIPDirectShowCapture::setFormat(int w, int h, real_t rate) { HRESULT hr; IAMStreamConfig *pConfig = 0; hr = m_pBuilder->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, 0, m_pCaptDevice, IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&pConfig); if (HR_FAILED(hr)) { setErrorString(MIPDIRECTSHOWCAPTURE_ERRSTR_CANTGETDEVICECONFIG); return false; } int count = 0; int s = 0; hr = pConfig->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&count, &s); if (HR_FAILED(hr)) { pConfig->Release(); setErrorString(MIPDIRECTSHOWCAPTURE_ERRSTR_CANTGETDEVICECAPS); return false; } if (s != sizeof(VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS)) { pConfig->Release(); setErrorString(MIPDIRECTSHOWCAPTURE_ERRSTR_INVALIDCAPS); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS caps; AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pMediaType; hr = pConfig->GetStreamCaps(i, &pMediaType, (BYTE*)&caps); if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if ((pMediaType->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Video) && (pMediaType->subtype == m_selectedGuid) && (pMediaType->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) && (pMediaType->cbFormat >= sizeof (VIDEOINFOHEADER)) && (pMediaType->pbFormat != 0)) { VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*)pMediaType->pbFormat; pVih->bmiHeader.biWidth = w; pVih->bmiHeader.biHeight = h; pVih->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = DIBSIZE(pVih->bmiHeader); pVih->AvgTimePerFrame = (REFERENCE_TIME)(10000000.0/rate); hr = pConfig->SetFormat(pMediaType); if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CoTaskMemFree(pMediaType->pbFormat); pConfig->Release(); return true; } } if (pMediaType->pbFormat != 0) CoTaskMemFree(pMediaType->pbFormat); } } pConfig->Release(); setErrorString(MIPDIRECTSHOWCAPTURE_ERRSTR_CANTSETCAPS); return false; }
bool DeviceSource::LoadFilters() { if(bCapturing || bFiltersLoaded) return false; bool bSucceeded = false; List<MediaOutputInfo> outputList; IAMStreamConfig *config = NULL; bool bAddedVideoCapture = false, bAddedAudioCapture = false, bAddedDevice = false; GUID expectedMediaType; IPin *devicePin = NULL, *audioPin = NULL; HRESULT err; String strShader; bUseThreadedConversion = API->UseMultithreadedOptimizations() && (OSGetTotalCores() > 1); //------------------------------------------------ // basic initialization vars bool bForceCustomAudio = data->GetInt(TEXT("forceCustomAudioDevice")) != 0; bUseCustomResolution = data->GetInt(TEXT("customResolution")); strDevice = data->GetString(TEXT("device")); strDeviceName = data->GetString(TEXT("deviceName")); strDeviceID = data->GetString(TEXT("deviceID")); strAudioDevice = data->GetString(TEXT("audioDevice")); strAudioName = data->GetString(TEXT("audioDeviceName")); strAudioID = data->GetString(TEXT("audioDeviceID")); bFlipVertical = data->GetInt(TEXT("flipImage")) != 0; bFlipHorizontal = data->GetInt(TEXT("flipImageHorizontal")) != 0; bUsePointFiltering = data->GetInt(TEXT("usePointFiltering")) != 0; opacity = data->GetInt(TEXT("opacity"), 100); float volume = data->GetFloat(TEXT("volume"), 1.0f); bUseBuffering = data->GetInt(TEXT("useBuffering")) != 0; bufferTime = data->GetInt(TEXT("bufferTime"))*10000; //------------------------------------------------ // chrom key stuff bUseChromaKey = data->GetInt(TEXT("useChromaKey")) != 0; keyColor = data->GetInt(TEXT("keyColor"), 0xFFFFFFFF); keySimilarity = data->GetInt(TEXT("keySimilarity")); keyBlend = data->GetInt(TEXT("keyBlend"), 80); keySpillReduction = data->GetInt(TEXT("keySpillReduction"), 50); if(keyBaseColor.x < keyBaseColor.y && keyBaseColor.x < keyBaseColor.z) keyBaseColor -= keyBaseColor.x; else if(keyBaseColor.y < keyBaseColor.x && keyBaseColor.y < keyBaseColor.z) keyBaseColor -= keyBaseColor.y; else if(keyBaseColor.z < keyBaseColor.x && keyBaseColor.z < keyBaseColor.y) keyBaseColor -= keyBaseColor.z; //------------------------------------------------ // get the device filter and pins if(strDeviceName.IsValid()) deviceFilter = GetDeviceByValue(CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, L"FriendlyName", strDeviceName, L"DevicePath", strDeviceID); else { if(!strDevice.IsValid()) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Invalid device specified")); goto cleanFinish; } deviceFilter = GetDeviceByValue(CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, L"FriendlyName", strDevice); } if(!deviceFilter) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Could not create device filter")); goto cleanFinish; } devicePin = GetOutputPin(deviceFilter, &MEDIATYPE_Video); if(!devicePin) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Could not get device video pin")); goto cleanFinish; } soundOutputType = data->GetInt(TEXT("soundOutputType")); //0 is for backward-compatibility if (strAudioID.CompareI(TEXT("Disabled"))) soundOutputType = 0; if(soundOutputType != 0) { if(!bForceCustomAudio) { err = capture->FindPin(deviceFilter, PINDIR_OUTPUT, &PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Audio, FALSE, 0, &audioPin); bDeviceHasAudio = SUCCEEDED(err); } else bDeviceHasAudio = false; if(!bDeviceHasAudio) { if(strDeviceName.IsValid()) { audioDeviceFilter = GetDeviceByValue(CLSID_AudioInputDeviceCategory, L"FriendlyName", strAudioName, L"DevicePath", strAudioID); if(!audioDeviceFilter) AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Invalid audio device: name '%s', path '%s'"), strAudioName.Array(), strAudioID.Array()); } else if(strAudioDevice.IsValid()) { audioDeviceFilter = GetDeviceByValue(CLSID_AudioInputDeviceCategory, L"FriendlyName", strAudioDevice); if(!audioDeviceFilter) AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Could not create audio device filter")); } if(audioDeviceFilter) err = capture->FindPin(audioDeviceFilter, PINDIR_OUTPUT, &PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Audio, FALSE, 0, &audioPin); else err = E_FAIL; } if(FAILED(err) || !audioPin) { Log(TEXT("DShowPlugin: No audio pin, result = %lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } } else bDeviceHasAudio = bForceCustomAudio = false; int soundTimeOffset = data->GetInt(TEXT("soundTimeOffset")); GetOutputList(devicePin, outputList); //------------------------------------------------ // initialize the basic video variables and data renderCX = renderCY = 0; frameInterval = 0; if(bUseCustomResolution) { renderCX = data->GetInt(TEXT("resolutionWidth")); renderCY = data->GetInt(TEXT("resolutionHeight")); frameInterval = data->GetInt(TEXT("frameInterval")); } else { SIZE size; if (!GetClosestResolution(outputList, size, frameInterval)) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Unable to find appropriate resolution")); renderCX = renderCY = 64; goto cleanFinish; } renderCX =; renderCY =; } if(!renderCX || !renderCY || !frameInterval) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Invalid size/fps specified")); goto cleanFinish; } preferredOutputType = (data->GetInt(TEXT("usePreferredType")) != 0) ? data->GetInt(TEXT("preferredType")) : -1; int numThreads = MAX(OSGetTotalCores()-2, 1); for(int i=0; i<numThreads; i++) { convertData[i].width = renderCX; convertData[i].height = renderCY; convertData[i].sample = NULL; convertData[i].hSignalConvert = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); convertData[i].hSignalComplete = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if(i == 0) convertData[i].startY = 0; else convertData[i].startY = convertData[i-1].endY; if(i == (numThreads-1)) convertData[i].endY = renderCY; else convertData[i].endY = ((renderCY/numThreads)*(i+1)) & 0xFFFFFFFE; } bFirstFrame = true; //------------------------------------------------ // get the closest media output for the settings used MediaOutputInfo *bestOutput = GetBestMediaOutput(outputList, renderCX, renderCY, preferredOutputType, frameInterval); if(!bestOutput) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Could not find appropriate resolution to create device image source")); goto cleanFinish; } //------------------------------------------------ // log video info { String strTest = FormattedString(TEXT(" device: %s,\r\n device id %s,\r\n chosen type: %s, usingFourCC: %s, res: %ux%u - %ux%u, frameIntervals: %llu-%llu"), strDevice.Array(), strDeviceID.Array(), EnumToName[(int)bestOutput->videoType], bestOutput->bUsingFourCC ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false"), bestOutput->minCX, bestOutput->minCY, bestOutput->maxCX, bestOutput->maxCY, bestOutput->minFrameInterval, bestOutput->maxFrameInterval); BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmiHeader = GetVideoBMIHeader(bestOutput->mediaType); char fourcc[5]; mcpy(fourcc, &bmiHeader->biCompression, 4); fourcc[4] = 0; if(bmiHeader->biCompression > 1000) strTest << FormattedString(TEXT(", fourCC: '%S'\r\n"), fourcc); else strTest << FormattedString(TEXT(", fourCC: %08lX\r\n"), bmiHeader->biCompression); if(!bDeviceHasAudio) strTest << FormattedString(TEXT(" audio device: %s,\r\n audio device id %s,\r\n"), strAudioDevice.Array(), strAudioID.Array()); Log(TEXT("------------------------------------------")); Log(strTest.Array()); } //------------------------------------------------ // set up shaders and video output data expectedMediaType = bestOutput->mediaType->subtype; colorType = DeviceOutputType_RGB; if(bestOutput->videoType == VideoOutputType_I420) colorType = DeviceOutputType_I420; else if(bestOutput->videoType == VideoOutputType_YV12) colorType = DeviceOutputType_YV12; else if(bestOutput->videoType == VideoOutputType_YVYU) colorType = DeviceOutputType_YVYU; else if(bestOutput->videoType == VideoOutputType_YUY2) colorType = DeviceOutputType_YUY2; else if(bestOutput->videoType == VideoOutputType_UYVY) colorType = DeviceOutputType_UYVY; else if(bestOutput->videoType == VideoOutputType_HDYC) colorType = DeviceOutputType_HDYC; else { colorType = DeviceOutputType_RGB; expectedMediaType = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32; } strShader = ChooseShader(); if(strShader.IsValid()) colorConvertShader = CreatePixelShaderFromFile(strShader); if(colorType != DeviceOutputType_RGB && !colorConvertShader) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Could not create color space conversion pixel shader")); goto cleanFinish; } if(colorType == DeviceOutputType_YV12 || colorType == DeviceOutputType_I420) { for(int i=0; i<numThreads; i++) hConvertThreads[i] = OSCreateThread((XTHREAD)PackPlanarThread, convertData+i); } //------------------------------------------------ // set chroma details keyBaseColor = Color4().MakeFromRGBA(keyColor); Matrix4x4TransformVect(keyChroma, (colorType == DeviceOutputType_HDYC) ? (float*)yuv709Mat : (float*)yuvMat, keyBaseColor); keyChroma *= 2.0f; //------------------------------------------------ // configure video pin if(FAILED(err = devicePin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&config))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Could not get IAMStreamConfig for device pin, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } AM_MEDIA_TYPE outputMediaType; CopyMediaType(&outputMediaType, bestOutput->mediaType); VIDEOINFOHEADER *vih = reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER*>(outputMediaType.pbFormat); BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmi = GetVideoBMIHeader(&outputMediaType); vih->AvgTimePerFrame = frameInterval; bmi->biWidth = renderCX; bmi->biHeight = renderCY; bmi->biSizeImage = renderCX*renderCY*(bmi->biBitCount>>3); if(FAILED(err = config->SetFormat(&outputMediaType))) { if(err != E_NOTIMPL) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: SetFormat on device pin failed, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } } FreeMediaType(outputMediaType); //------------------------------------------------ // get audio pin configuration, optionally configure audio pin to 44100 GUID expectedAudioType; if(soundOutputType == 1) { IAMStreamConfig *audioConfig; if(SUCCEEDED(audioPin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&audioConfig))) { AM_MEDIA_TYPE *audioMediaType; if(SUCCEEDED(err = audioConfig->GetFormat(&audioMediaType))) { SetAudioInfo(audioMediaType, expectedAudioType); } else if(err == E_NOTIMPL) //elgato probably { IEnumMediaTypes *audioMediaTypes; if(SUCCEEDED(err = audioPin->EnumMediaTypes(&audioMediaTypes))) { ULONG i = 0; if((err = audioMediaTypes->Next(1, &audioMediaType, &i)) == S_OK) SetAudioInfo(audioMediaType, expectedAudioType); else { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: audioMediaTypes->Next failed, result = %08lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } audioMediaTypes->Release(); } else { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: audioMediaTypes->Next failed, result = %08lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } } else { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Could not get audio format, result = %08lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } audioConfig->Release(); } else { soundOutputType = 0; } } //------------------------------------------------ // add video capture filter if any captureFilter = new CaptureFilter(this, MEDIATYPE_Video, expectedMediaType); if(FAILED(err = graph->AddFilter(captureFilter, NULL))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to add video capture filter to graph, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } bAddedVideoCapture = true; //------------------------------------------------ // add audio capture filter if any if(soundOutputType == 1) { audioFilter = new CaptureFilter(this, MEDIATYPE_Audio, expectedAudioType); if(!audioFilter) { AppWarning(TEXT("Failed to create audio capture filter")); soundOutputType = 0; } } else if(soundOutputType == 2) { if(FAILED(err = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AudioRender, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&audioFilter))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: failed to create audio renderer, result = %08lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } IBasicAudio *basicAudio; if(SUCCEEDED(audioFilter->QueryInterface(IID_IBasicAudio, (void**)&basicAudio))) { long lVol = long((double(volume)*NEAR_SILENTf)-NEAR_SILENTf); if(lVol <= -NEAR_SILENT) lVol = -10000; basicAudio->put_Volume(lVol); basicAudio->Release(); } } if(soundOutputType != 0) { if(FAILED(err = graph->AddFilter(audioFilter, NULL))) AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to add audio capture filter to graph, result = %08lX"), err); bAddedAudioCapture = true; } //------------------------------------------------ // add primary device filter if(FAILED(err = graph->AddFilter(deviceFilter, NULL))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to add device filter to graph, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } if(soundOutputType != 0 && !bDeviceHasAudio) { if(FAILED(err = graph->AddFilter(audioDeviceFilter, NULL))) AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to add audio device filter to graph, result = %08lX"), err); } bAddedDevice = true; //------------------------------------------------ // connect all pins and set up the whole capture thing //THANK THE NINE DIVINES I FINALLY GOT IT WORKING bool bConnected = SUCCEEDED(err = capture->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Video, deviceFilter, NULL, captureFilter)); if(!bConnected) { if(FAILED(err = graph->Connect(devicePin, captureFilter->GetCapturePin()))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to connect the video device pin to the video capture pin, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } } if(soundOutputType != 0) { if(!bDeviceHasAudio) bConnected = SUCCEEDED(err = capture->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Audio, audioDeviceFilter, NULL, audioFilter)); else bConnected = SUCCEEDED(err = capture->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Audio, deviceFilter, NULL, audioFilter)); if(!bConnected) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to connect the audio device pin to the audio capture pin, result = %08lX"), err); soundOutputType = 0; } } if(FAILED(err = graph->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, (void**)&control))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to get IMediaControl, result = %08lX"), err); goto cleanFinish; } if (bUseBuffering) { if (!(hStopSampleEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to create stop event"), err); goto cleanFinish; } if (!(hSampleThread = OSCreateThread((XTHREAD)SampleThread, this))) { AppWarning(TEXT("DShowPlugin: Failed to create sample thread"), err); goto cleanFinish; } } if(soundOutputType == 1) { audioOut = new DeviceAudioSource; audioOut->Initialize(this); API->AddAudioSource(audioOut); audioOut->SetAudioOffset(soundTimeOffset); audioOut->SetVolume(volume); } bSucceeded = true; cleanFinish: SafeRelease(config); SafeRelease(devicePin); SafeRelease(audioPin); for(UINT i=0; i<outputList.Num(); i++) outputList[i].FreeData(); if(!bSucceeded) { bCapturing = false; if(bAddedVideoCapture) graph->RemoveFilter(captureFilter); if(bAddedAudioCapture) graph->RemoveFilter(audioFilter); if(bAddedDevice) { if(!bDeviceHasAudio && audioDeviceFilter) graph->RemoveFilter(audioDeviceFilter); graph->RemoveFilter(deviceFilter); } SafeRelease(audioDeviceFilter); SafeRelease(deviceFilter); SafeRelease(captureFilter); SafeRelease(audioFilter); SafeRelease(control); if (hSampleThread) { SetEvent(hStopSampleEvent); WaitForSingleObject(hSampleThread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(hSampleThread); hSampleThread = NULL; } if (hStopSampleEvent) { CloseHandle(hStopSampleEvent); hStopSampleEvent = NULL; } if(colorConvertShader) { delete colorConvertShader; colorConvertShader = NULL; } if(audioOut) { delete audioOut; audioOut = NULL; } if(lpImageBuffer) { Free(lpImageBuffer); lpImageBuffer = NULL; } bReadyToDraw = true; } else bReadyToDraw = false; if(!renderCX) renderCX = 32; if(!renderCY) renderCY = 32; //----------------------------------------------------- // create the texture regardless, will just show up as red to indicate failure BYTE *textureData = (BYTE*)Allocate(renderCX*renderCY*4); if(colorType == DeviceOutputType_RGB) //you may be confused, but when directshow outputs RGB, it's actually outputting BGR { msetd(textureData, 0xFFFF0000, renderCX*renderCY*4); texture = CreateTexture(renderCX, renderCY, GS_BGR, textureData, FALSE, FALSE); } else //if we're working with planar YUV, we can just use regular RGB textures instead { msetd(textureData, 0xFF0000FF, renderCX*renderCY*4); texture = CreateTexture(renderCX, renderCY, GS_RGB, textureData, FALSE, FALSE); } if(bSucceeded && bUseThreadedConversion) { if(colorType == DeviceOutputType_I420 || colorType == DeviceOutputType_YV12) { LPBYTE lpData; if(texture->Map(lpData, texturePitch)) texture->Unmap(); else texturePitch = renderCX*4; lpImageBuffer = (LPBYTE)Allocate(texturePitch*renderCY); } } Free(textureData); bFiltersLoaded = bSucceeded; return bSucceeded; }
HRESULT DSCaptureDevice::setFormat(const DSFormat& format) { HRESULT hr; IAMStreamConfig* streamConfig = NULL; /* get the right interface to change capture settings */ hr = m_captureGraphBuilder->FindInterface( &PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Video, m_srcFilter, IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**) &streamConfig); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { int nb = 0; int size = 0; AM_MEDIA_TYPE* mediaType = NULL; size_t bitCount = 0; hr = streamConfig->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&nb, &size); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && nb) { BYTE* scc = new BYTE[size]; if (scc) { DWORD pixfmt = format.pixelFormat; for (int i = 0 ; i < nb ; i++) { AM_MEDIA_TYPE* mt; if (streamConfig->GetStreamCaps(i, &mt, scc) == S_OK) { VIDEOINFOHEADER* hdr = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*) mt->pbFormat; if (hdr && (mt->subtype.Data1 == pixfmt) && ((long) format.height == hdr->bmiHeader.biHeight) && ((long) format.width == hdr->bmiHeader.biWidth)) { mediaType = mt; if ((pixfmt == MEDIASUBTYPE_ARGB32.Data1) || (pixfmt == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32.Data1)) bitCount = 32; else if (pixfmt == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24.Data1) bitCount = 24; else bitCount = hdr->bmiHeader.biBitCount; break; } else _DeleteMediaType(mt); } } delete[] scc; } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (mediaType) { hr = streamConfig->SetFormat(mediaType); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_bitPerPixel = bitCount; m_format = format; m_format.mediaType = mediaType->subtype; } _DeleteMediaType(mediaType); } else if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = E_FAIL; streamConfig->Release(); } return hr; }
int recChannel_t::source_format(char* newFormat) { __CONTEXT("recChannel_t::source_format"); int hr = 0; bool formatFound = false; IAMStreamConfig *pConfig = NULL; AM_MEDIA_TYPE * format = NULL; pControl->StopWhenReady(); ql_t<AM_MEDIA_TYPE *> auxFormats = camInfo->getFormatList(); for(int i = 0; i<auxFormats.len() ; i++) { AM_MEDIA_TYPE format = *(auxFormats.nth(i)); IAMStreamConfig *pConfig = NULL; IVideoWindow * pWindow = NULL; char subtypeName [100]; memset(subtypeName,0,100); GetGUIDString(subtypeName,&format.subtype); VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*) format.pbFormat; if((pVih==NULL && strcmp(newFormat,sourceFormat)==0 )|| (pVih->bmiHeader.biHeight == capInfo.heigth && pVih->bmiHeader.biWidth == capInfo.width && strcmp(subtypeName,newFormat)==0) || camInfo->getKind() == SHARED ) { if (strcmp(sourceFormat,newFormat)) { memset(sourceFormat,0,100); strcpy(sourceFormat,newFormat); } if (!hr && (camInfo->getKind() == CAM || camInfo->getKind() == SHARED)){ camInfo->output->Disconnect(); hr = camInfo->output->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&pConfig); //pVih->AvgTimePerFrame = 666666;// pVih->AvgTimePerFrame = 333333/(frameRate); int hr = pConfig->SetFormat(&format); actualFormat = format; pConfig->Release(); } formatFound = true; break; } } if (!formatFound) { IAMStreamConfig *pConfig = NULL; if (camInfo->getKind() == CAM || camInfo->getKind() == SHARED) { VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*) actualFormat.pbFormat; camInfo->output->Disconnect(); hr = camInfo->output->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&pConfig); //pVih->AvgTimePerFrame = 666666; if (pConfig) { int hr = pConfig->SetFormat(&actualFormat); pConfig->Release(); } } } NOTIFY("reChannel_t" "\r\n=========================================\r\n" "Channel %d : Source Description...\r\n" "- sourceName: %s\r\n" "- capture Size: %dx%d\r\n" "- supported Formats: %s\r\n" "- Window Info: (%d,%d,%d,%d)\r\n" "- Title: %s\r\n" "=========================================\r\n", getId(), camInfo->getCamName(), capInfo.width, capInfo.heigth, camInfo->getSupportedFormats(),, windowInfo.left, windowInfo.width, windowInfo.heigth, title); remap(); if (mapping){ map(); } return 0; }
BOOL CBoxView::APlaying() { if (m_pGraph == NULL) { return FALSE; } CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pAudioInputFilter; HRESULT hr = S_OK; //查找audio filter并加入graph hr = FindInputFilters((void**)&pAudioInputFilter, CLSID_AudioInputDeviceCategory); if (NULL == pAudioInputFilter) { TRACE(L"[SVC] CBoxView:: Could not create the Filter AudioInputFilter"); return FALSE; } CComPtr<IPin> pinIn; CComPtr<IAMAudioInputMixer> pPinMixer; GetUnconnectedPin(pAudioInputFilter, PINDIR_INPUT, &pinIn); hr = pinIn->QueryInterface(IID_IAMAudioInputMixer, (void **)&pPinMixer); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pPinMixer->put_Enable(TRUE); } hr = m_pGraph->AddFilter(pAudioInputFilter, L"ACapture"); //创建render filter并加入graph CComPtr <IBaseFilter> pAudioRenderer = NULL; hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AudioRender, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, (void **)&pAudioRenderer); hr = m_pGraph->AddFilter(pAudioRenderer, L"Audio Renderer"); if (pAudioRenderer == NULL) { TRACE(L"[SVC] CBoxView:: Could not create the Filter AudioRenderer"); return FALSE; } //获取麦克风输出脚 CComPtr<IPin> pAudioOutput; CComPtr<IEnumPins> pEnum; pAudioInputFilter->EnumPins(&pEnum); hr = pEnum->Reset(); hr = pEnum->Next(1, &pAudioOutput, NULL); //设置麦克风输出脚 IAMStreamConfig *pCfg = NULL; hr = pAudioOutput->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void **)&pCfg); // Read current media type/format AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt = { 0 }; hr = pCfg->GetFormat(&pmt); WAVEFORMATEX *pWF = (WAVEFORMATEX *)pmt->pbFormat; // Release interfaces pCfg->Release(); //设置麦克风输出脚缓冲 IAMBufferNegotiation *pNeg; pAudioOutput->QueryInterface(IID_IAMBufferNegotiation, (void **)&pNeg); ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES prop = { 0 }; prop.cbBuffer = pWF->nAvgBytesPerSec * 50 / 1000; prop.cBuffers = -1; prop.cbAlign = -1; prop.cbPrefix = -1; hr = pNeg->SuggestAllocatorProperties(&prop); pNeg->Release(); #if 0 //method 1:Render RUN hr = m_pCGB->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, &MEDIATYPE_Audio, pAudioInputFilter, NULL, NULL); #else //method 2:Connect RUN hr = ConnectFilters(m_pGraph, pAudioOutput, pAudioRenderer); #endif return FAILED(hr); }
static GstCaps * gst_dshowvideosrc_getcaps_from_streamcaps (GstDshowVideoSrc * src, IPin * pin) { GstCaps *caps = NULL; HRESULT hres = S_OK; int icount = 0; int isize = 0; VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS vscc; int i = 0; IAMStreamConfig *streamcaps = NULL; hres = pin->QueryInterface (IID_IAMStreamConfig, (LPVOID *) & streamcaps); if (FAILED (hres)) { GST_ERROR ("Failed to retrieve IAMStreamConfig (error=0x%x)", hres); return NULL; } streamcaps->GetNumberOfCapabilities (&icount, &isize); if (isize != sizeof (vscc)) { streamcaps->Release (); return NULL; } caps = gst_caps_new_empty (); for (i = 0; i < icount; i++) { GstCapturePinMediaType *pin_mediatype = gst_dshow_new_pin_mediatype_from_streamcaps (pin, i, streamcaps); if (pin_mediatype) { GstCaps *mediacaps = NULL; GstVideoFormat video_format = gst_dshow_guid_to_gst_video_format (pin_mediatype->mediatype); if (video_format != GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { mediacaps = gst_dshow_new_video_caps (video_format, NULL, pin_mediatype); } else if (gst_dshow_check_mediatype (pin_mediatype->mediatype, MEDIASUBTYPE_dvsd, FORMAT_VideoInfo)) { mediacaps = gst_dshow_new_video_caps (GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, "video/x-dv, systemstream=FALSE", pin_mediatype); } else if (gst_dshow_check_mediatype (pin_mediatype->mediatype, MEDIASUBTYPE_dvsd, FORMAT_DvInfo)) { mediacaps = gst_dshow_new_video_caps (GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, "video/x-dv, systemstream=TRUE", pin_mediatype); pin_mediatype->granularityWidth = 0; pin_mediatype->granularityHeight = 0; } else if(gst_dshow_check_mediatype(pin_mediatype->mediatype, MEDIASUBTYPE_MJPG, FORMAT_VideoInfo)) { mediacaps = gst_dshow_new_video_caps(GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, "image/jpeg", pin_mediatype); } if (mediacaps) { src->pins_mediatypes = g_list_append (src->pins_mediatypes, pin_mediatype); gst_caps_append (caps, mediacaps); } else { /* failed to convert dshow caps */ gst_dshow_free_pin_mediatype (pin_mediatype); } } } streamcaps->Release (); if (caps && gst_caps_is_empty (caps)) { gst_caps_unref (caps); caps = NULL; } return caps; }
int main() { // for playing IGraphBuilder *pGraphBuilder; ICaptureGraphBuilder2 *pCaptureGraphBuilder2; IMediaControl *pMediaControl; IBaseFilter *pDeviceFilter = NULL; // to select a video input device ICreateDevEnum *pCreateDevEnum = NULL; IEnumMoniker *pEnumMoniker = NULL; IMoniker *pMoniker = NULL; ULONG nFetched = 0; // initialize COM CoInitialize(NULL); // // selecting a device // // Create CreateDevEnum to list device CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICreateDevEnum, (PVOID *)&pCreateDevEnum); // Create EnumMoniker to list VideoInputDevice pCreateDevEnum->CreateClassEnumerator(CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, &pEnumMoniker, 0); if (pEnumMoniker == NULL) { // this will be shown if there is no capture device printf("no device\n"); return 0; } // reset EnumMoniker pEnumMoniker->Reset(); // get each Moniker while (pEnumMoniker->Next(1, &pMoniker, &nFetched) == S_OK) { IPropertyBag *pPropertyBag; TCHAR devname[256]; // bind to IPropertyBag pMoniker->BindToStorage(0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, (void **)&pPropertyBag); VARIANT var; // get FriendlyName var.vt = VT_BSTR; pPropertyBag->Read(L"FriendlyName", &var, 0); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, var.bstrVal, -1, devname, sizeof(devname), 0, 0); VariantClear(&var); printf("%s\r\n", devname); printf(" select this device ? [y] or [n]\r\n"); int ch = getchar(); // you can start playing by 'y' + return key // if you press the other key, it will not be played. if (ch == 'y') { // Bind Monkier to Filter pMoniker->BindToObject(0, 0, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&pDeviceFilter ); } else { getchar(); } // release pMoniker->Release(); pPropertyBag->Release(); if (pDeviceFilter != NULL) { // go out of loop if getchar() returns 'y' break; } } if (pDeviceFilter != NULL) { // // PLAY // // create FilterGraph CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IGraphBuilder, (LPVOID *)&pGraphBuilder); // create CaptureGraphBuilder2 CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_ICaptureGraphBuilder2, (LPVOID *)&pCaptureGraphBuilder2); //============================================================ //=========== MY CODE ====================================== //============================================================= HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(0); IAMStreamConfig *pConfig = NULL; hr = pCaptureGraphBuilder2->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, 0, pDeviceFilter, IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&pConfig); int iCount = 0, iSize = 0; hr = pConfig->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&iCount, &iSize); // Check the size to make sure we pass in the correct structure. if (iSize == sizeof(VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS)) { // Use the video capabilities structure. for (int iFormat = 0; iFormat < iCount; iFormat++) { VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS scc; AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmtConfig; hr = pConfig->GetStreamCaps(iFormat, &pmtConfig, (BYTE*)&scc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { /* Examine the format, and possibly use it. */ if ((pmtConfig->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Video) && (pmtConfig->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24) && (pmtConfig->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) && (pmtConfig->cbFormat >= sizeof (VIDEOINFOHEADER)) && (pmtConfig->pbFormat != NULL)) { VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*)pmtConfig->pbFormat; // pVih contains the detailed format information. LONG lWidth = pVih->bmiHeader.biWidth; LONG lHeight = pVih->bmiHeader.biHeight; if( lWidth == 1280 ) // if (iFormat == 26) { //2 = '1280x720YUV' YUV, 22 = '1280x800YUV', 26 = '1280x720RGB' hr = pConfig->SetFormat(pmtConfig); } } // Delete the media type when you are done. DeleteMediaType(pmtConfig); } } } // Query the capture filter for the IAMCameraControl interface. IAMCameraControl *pCameraControl = 0; hr = pDeviceFilter->QueryInterface(IID_IAMCameraControl, (void**)&pCameraControl); if (FAILED(hr)) { // The device does not support IAMCameraControl } else { long Min, Max, Step, Default, Flags, Val; // Get the range and default values hr = pCameraControl->GetRange(CameraControl_Exposure, &Min, &Max, &Step, &Default, &Flags); hr = pCameraControl->GetRange(CameraControl_Focus, &Min, &Max, &Step, &Default, &Flags); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pCameraControl->Set(CameraControl_Exposure, -11, CameraControl_Flags_Manual ); // Min = -11, Max = 1, Step = 1 hr = pCameraControl->Set(CameraControl_Focus, 12, CameraControl_Flags_Manual ); } } // Query the capture filter for the IAMVideoProcAmp interface. IAMVideoProcAmp *pProcAmp = 0; hr = pDeviceFilter->QueryInterface(IID_IAMVideoProcAmp, (void**)&pProcAmp); if (FAILED(hr)) { // The device does not support IAMVideoProcAmp } else { long Min, Max, Step, Default, Flags, Val; // Get the range and default values hr = pProcAmp->GetRange(VideoProcAmp_Brightness, &Min, &Max, &Step, &Default, &Flags); hr = pProcAmp->GetRange(VideoProcAmp_BacklightCompensation, &Min, &Max, &Step, &Default, &Flags); hr = pProcAmp->GetRange(VideoProcAmp_Contrast, &Min, &Max, &Step, &Default, &Flags); hr = pProcAmp->GetRange(VideoProcAmp_Saturation, &Min, &Max, &Step, &Default, &Flags); hr = pProcAmp->GetRange(VideoProcAmp_Sharpness, &Min, &Max, &Step, &Default, &Flags); hr = pProcAmp->GetRange(VideoProcAmp_WhiteBalance, &Min, &Max, &Step, &Default, &Flags); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pProcAmp->Set(VideoProcAmp_Brightness, 142, VideoProcAmp_Flags_Manual); hr = pProcAmp->Set(VideoProcAmp_BacklightCompensation, 0, VideoProcAmp_Flags_Manual); hr = pProcAmp->Set(VideoProcAmp_Contrast, 4, VideoProcAmp_Flags_Manual); hr = pProcAmp->Set(VideoProcAmp_Saturation, 100, VideoProcAmp_Flags_Manual); hr = pProcAmp->Set(VideoProcAmp_Sharpness, 0, VideoProcAmp_Flags_Manual); hr = pProcAmp->Set(VideoProcAmp_WhiteBalance, 2800, VideoProcAmp_Flags_Manual); } } //============================================================ //=========== END MY CODE ====================================== //============================================================= hr = S_OK; CTransformer* trans = new CTransformer( "Dif trans", 0, CLSID_DIFFilter, &hr ); IBaseFilter * ttt = 0; trans->QueryInterface(IID_IBaseFilter, (LPVOID *)&ttt); // set FilterGraph hr = pCaptureGraphBuilder2->SetFiltergraph(pGraphBuilder); // get MediaControl interface hr = pGraphBuilder->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, (LPVOID *)&pMediaControl); // add device filter to FilterGraph hr = pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(ttt, L"Dif trans"); hr = pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(pDeviceFilter, L"Device Filter"); // create Graph hr = pCaptureGraphBuilder2->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, NULL, pDeviceFilter, NULL, NULL); // start playing hr = pMediaControl->Run(); // to block execution // without this messagebox, the graph will be stopped immediately MessageBox(NULL, "Block Execution", "Block", MB_OK); // release pMediaControl->Release(); pCaptureGraphBuilder2->Release(); pGraphBuilder->Release(); } // release pEnumMoniker->Release(); pCreateDevEnum->Release(); // finalize COM CoUninitialize(); return 0; }
static GstCaps * gst_dshowaudiosrc_get_caps (GstBaseSrc * basesrc) { HRESULT hres = S_OK; IBindCtx *lpbc = NULL; IMoniker *audiom = NULL; DWORD dwEaten; GstDshowAudioSrc *src = GST_DSHOWAUDIOSRC (basesrc); gunichar2 *unidevice = NULL; if (src->device) { g_free (src->device); src->device = NULL; } src->device = gst_dshow_getdevice_from_devicename (&CLSID_AudioInputDeviceCategory, &src->device_name); if (!src->device) { GST_ERROR ("No audio device found."); return NULL; } unidevice = g_utf8_to_utf16 (src->device, strlen (src->device), NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!src->audio_cap_filter) { hres = CreateBindCtx (0, &lpbc); if (SUCCEEDED (hres)) { hres = MkParseDisplayName (lpbc, (LPCOLESTR) unidevice, &dwEaten, &audiom); if (SUCCEEDED (hres)) { hres = audiom->BindToObject (lpbc, NULL, IID_IBaseFilter, (LPVOID *) & src->audio_cap_filter); audiom->Release (); } lpbc->Release (); } } if (src->audio_cap_filter && !src->caps) { /* get the capture pins supported types */ IPin *capture_pin = NULL; IEnumPins *enumpins = NULL; HRESULT hres; hres = src->audio_cap_filter->EnumPins (&enumpins); if (SUCCEEDED (hres)) { while (enumpins->Next (1, &capture_pin, NULL) == S_OK) { IKsPropertySet *pKs = NULL; hres = capture_pin->QueryInterface (IID_IKsPropertySet, (LPVOID *) & pKs); if (SUCCEEDED (hres) && pKs) { DWORD cbReturned; GUID pin_category; RPC_STATUS rpcstatus; hres = pKs->Get (AMPROPSETID_Pin, AMPROPERTY_PIN_CATEGORY, NULL, 0, &pin_category, sizeof (GUID), &cbReturned); /* we only want capture pins */ if (UuidCompare (&pin_category, (UUID *) & PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &rpcstatus) == 0) { IAMStreamConfig *streamcaps = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED (capture_pin->QueryInterface (IID_IAMStreamConfig, (LPVOID *) & streamcaps))) { src->caps = gst_dshowaudiosrc_getcaps_from_streamcaps (src, capture_pin, streamcaps); streamcaps->Release (); } } pKs->Release (); } capture_pin->Release (); } enumpins->Release (); } } if (unidevice) { g_free (unidevice); } if (src->caps) { return gst_caps_ref (src->caps); } return NULL; }
HRESULT CAudioCompressorFormats::GetSupportedFormats(std::vector<WAVEFORMATEX*>& listFormats) { CStringW swDeviceName(m_sAudComp); HRESULT hr = m_pSysDevEnum->CreateClassEnumerator(CLSID_AudioCompressorCategory, &m_pEnumCat, 0); if(NULL == m_pEnumCat) return E_POINTER; if(S_OK == hr) { ULONG cFetched; while(m_pEnumCat->Next(1, &m_pMoniker, &cFetched) == S_OK) { IPropertyBag *pPropBag; hr = m_pMoniker->BindToStorage(0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, (void **)&pPropBag); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { VARIANT varName; VariantInit(&varName); hr = pPropBag->Read(L"FriendlyName", &varName, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(wcscmp((WCHAR*)varName.pbstrVal, swDeviceName.GetBuffer()) == 0) { m_pMoniker->AddRef(); break; } } VariantClear(&varName); pPropBag->Release(); } m_pMoniker->Release(); } } if(m_pMoniker) { IBaseFilter *pFilter = 0; hr = m_pMoniker->BindToObject(0, 0, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&pFilter); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IEnumPins *pEnum = NULL; hr = pFilter->EnumPins(&pEnum); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IPin *pPin = NULL; while(S_OK == pEnum->Next(1, &pPin, NULL)) { IAMStreamConfig *pConf; hr = pPin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&pConf); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CString sFormat; int iCount, iSize; BYTE *pSCC = NULL; AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt; float fSample; hr = pConf->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&iCount, &iSize); pSCC = new BYTE[iSize]; if (pSCC == NULL) { return E_POINTER; } if (iSize == sizeof(AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS)) { // Use the audio capabilities structure. for (int iFormat = 0; iFormat < iCount; iFormat++) { AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS scc; AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmtConfig; hr = pConf->GetStreamCaps(iFormat, &pmtConfig, (BYTE*)&scc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(pmtConfig->formattype == FORMAT_WaveFormatEx) { WAVEFORMATEX *pFormat = new WAVEFORMATEX(*(reinterpret_cast<WAVEFORMATEX*>(pmtConfig->pbFormat))); if(pFormat) { listFormats.push_back(pFormat); } FreeMediaType(*pmtConfig); CoTaskMemFree(pmtConfig); } } } delete pSCC; } pConf->Release(); } pPin->Release(); } pEnum->Release(); } pFilter->Release(); } } }
QVector<VideoMode> DirectShow::getDeviceModes(QString devName) { QVector<VideoMode> modes; IBaseFilter* devFilter = getDevFilter(devName); if (!devFilter) return modes; // The outter loop tries to find a valid output pin GUID category; DWORD r2; IEnumPins *pins = nullptr; IPin *pin; if (devFilter->EnumPins(&pins) != S_OK) return modes; while (pins->Next(1, &pin, nullptr) == S_OK) { IKsPropertySet *p = nullptr; PIN_INFO info; pin->QueryPinInfo(&info); info.pFilter->Release(); if (info.dir != PINDIR_OUTPUT) goto next; if (pin->QueryInterface(IID_IKsPropertySet, (void**)&p) != S_OK) goto next; if (p->Get(AMPROPSETID_Pin, AMPROPERTY_PIN_CATEGORY, nullptr, 0, &category, sizeof(GUID), &r2) != S_OK) goto next; if (!IsEqualGUID(category, PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE)) goto next; // Now we can list the video modes for the current pin // Prepare for another wall of spaghetti DIRECT SHOW QUALITY code { IAMStreamConfig *config = nullptr; VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS *vcaps = nullptr; int size, n; if (pin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&config) != S_OK) goto next; if (config->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&n, &size) != S_OK) goto pinend; assert(size == sizeof(VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS)); vcaps = new VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS; for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) { AM_MEDIA_TYPE* type = nullptr; if (config->GetStreamCaps(i, &type, (BYTE*)vcaps) != S_OK) goto nextformat; if (!IsEqualGUID(type->formattype, FORMAT_VideoInfo) && !IsEqualGUID(type->formattype, FORMAT_VideoInfo2)) goto nextformat; VideoMode mode; mode.width = vcaps->; mode.height = vcaps->; mode.FPS = 1e7 / vcaps->MinFrameInterval; if (!modes.contains(mode)) modes.append(std::move(mode)); nextformat: if (type->pbFormat) CoTaskMemFree(type->pbFormat); CoTaskMemFree(type); } pinend: config->Release(); delete vcaps; } next: if (p) p->Release(); pin->Release(); } return modes; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ICaptureGraphBuilder2 *pCaptureGraphBuilder = NULL; IGraphBuilder *pGraphBuilder = NULL; IBaseFilter *pSource = NULL; IBaseFilter *pMux = NULL; IBaseFilter *pVideoCompressor = NULL; IBaseFilter *pAudioCompressor = NULL; IAMStreamConfig *pAMStreamConfig = NULL; IAMVideoCompression *pAMVideoCompression = NULL; IMediaControl *pControl = NULL; IMediaSeeking *pSeek = NULL; IMediaEvent *pEvent = NULL; HRESULT hr; DWORD pdwRegister=0; CoInitialize(NULL); // Create the capture graph builder. CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_ICaptureGraphBuilder2, (void **)&pCaptureGraphBuilder); // Make the rendering section of the graph. pCaptureGraphBuilder->SetOutputFileName( &MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi, // File type. L"C:\\STDIUE1.avi", // File name. &pMux, // pointer to the multiplexer. NULL); // pointer to the file writer. // Load the source file. pCaptureGraphBuilder->GetFiltergraph(&pGraphBuilder); pGraphBuilder->AddSourceFilter(L"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Money\\Media\\STDIUE1.avi", L"Source Filter", &pSource); // Add the compressor filter. CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AVICo, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IBaseFilter, (void **)&pVideoCompressor); pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(pVideoCompressor, L"Video Compressor"); // Render the video stream, through the compressor. pCaptureGraphBuilder->RenderStream( NULL, // Output pin category NULL, // Media type pSource, // Source filter pVideoCompressor, // Compressor filter pMux); // Sink filter (the AVI Mux) /* CoCreateInstance(CLSID_GSM, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IBaseFilter, (void **)&pAudioCompressor); pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(pAudioCompressor, L"Audio Compressor");*/ // Render the audio stream. pCaptureGraphBuilder->RenderStream( NULL, NULL, pSource, pAudioCompressor, pMux); // Compress at 100k/second data rate. AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt; pCaptureGraphBuilder->FindInterface(NULL, NULL, pVideoCompressor, IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void **)&pAMStreamConfig); pAMStreamConfig->GetFormat(&pmt); if (pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) { ((VIDEOINFOHEADER *)(pmt->pbFormat))->dwBitRate = 100000; pAMStreamConfig->SetFormat(pmt); } // Request key frames every four frames. pAMStreamConfig->QueryInterface(IID_IAMVideoCompression, (void **)&pAMVideoCompression); pAMVideoCompression->put_KeyFrameRate(4); pAMVideoCompression->Release(); pAMStreamConfig->Release(); // Run the graph. pGraphBuilder->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, (void **)&pControl); pGraphBuilder->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaEvent, (void **)&pEvent); hr = pMux->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaSeeking, (void**)&pSeek); pControl->Run(); printf("Recompressing... \n"); long evCode; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { REFERENCE_TIME rtTotal, rtNow = 0; pSeek->GetDuration(&rtTotal); while ((pEvent->WaitForCompletion(1000, &evCode)) == E_ABORT) { pSeek->GetCurrentPosition(&rtNow); printf("%d%%\n", (rtNow * 100)/rtTotal); } pSeek->Release(); } else // Cannot update the progress. { pEvent->WaitForCompletion(INFINITE, &evCode); } pControl->Stop(); printf("All done\n"); pSource->Release(); pMux->Release(); pVideoCompressor->Release(); pAudioCompressor->Release (); pControl->Release(); pEvent->Release(); pCaptureGraphBuilder->Release(); pGraphBuilder->Release(); CoUninitialize(); return 0; }
/******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * BuildAndRender * * 采集卡源 \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CVMR9Subgraph::BuildAndRender(IBaseFilter* pCap , GUID VidType ,UINT Width,UINT Height,int nFPS,IMultiVMR9Wizard* pWizard ,BOOL bUsingColorSpace,SourceConnectProc ConnectProc) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if(!pWizard)return E_FAIL; if(!pCap)return E_FAIL; if(m_pGraph) return E_FAIL; IVMRFilterConfig9 * pConfig = NULL; IGraphBuilder * pGb= NULL; IBaseFilter * pColorSpace = 0; IBaseFilter * pVMR9 = 0; ICaptureGraphBuilder2 * pBuild = NULL; //IBaseFilter* pCap = NULL; IPin * pPin = NULL; IAMStreamConfig *pStrCfig = 0; AM_MEDIA_TYPE * mmt = 0; //m_DeviceId = DeviceId; m_GraphType = Capture_Device; m_ConnectProc = ConnectProc; CMediaHelper Helper; // create graph try { hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_FilterGraph, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IFilterGraph, (void**)&(m_pGraph) ); if( FAILED(hr))throw hr;if(!m_pGraph)throw E_OUTOFMEMORY; //-- hr = m_pGraph->QueryInterface( IID_IGraphBuilder, (void**)&(pGb) ); if( FAILED(hr))throw hr;if(!pGb)throw E_OUTOFMEMORY; //-- hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_ICaptureGraphBuilder2, (void **)&pBuild); if( FAILED(hr))throw hr;if(!pBuild)throw E_OUTOFMEMORY; //-- hr =pBuild->SetFiltergraph(pGb); if( FAILED(hr))throw hr; //-- // create and add VMR9 hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_VideoMixingRenderer9, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&(pVMR9) ); if( FAILED(hr))throw hr;if(! pVMR9)throw E_OUTOFMEMORY; //-- hr = m_pGraph->AddFilter( pVMR9, L"VMR9"); if( FAILED(hr))throw hr; //-- hr = pVMR9->QueryInterface( IID_IVMRFilterConfig9, (void**)&(pConfig) ); if( FAILED(hr))throw hr; //-- // set VMR to the renderless mode hr = pConfig->SetRenderingMode( VMR9Mode_Renderless ); //-- hr = pWizard->Attach( pVMR9,D3DFMT_UNKNOWN, &m_dwID ); if( FAILED(hr))throw hr; if(bUsingColorSpace){ hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_Colour, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&(pColorSpace) ); if( FAILED(hr))throw hr;if( !pColorSpace)throw E_OUTOFMEMORY; //-- hr = m_pGraph->AddFilter( pColorSpace, L"ColorSpace"); if( FAILED(hr))throw hr; } ////连接采集卡 //hr = Helper.GetVidCapDevice(DeviceId,&pCap); //if( FAILED(hr))throw hr; //if(!pCap)throw E_OUTOFMEMORY; hr = m_pGraph->AddFilter(pCap,L"Capture"); if( FAILED(hr))throw hr; if(m_ConnectProc) { hr = m_ConnectProc(m_dwID,m_pGraph,pCap,pVMR9); } else{//使用默认连接方法 hr = pBuild->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE,&MEDIATYPE_Interleaved,pCap,IID_IAMStreamConfig,(void **)&pStrCfig); if( FAILED( hr) ){ hr = pBuild->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE,&MEDIATYPE_Video,pCap,IID_IAMStreamConfig,(void **)&pStrCfig); if (FAILED(hr ))throw hr; } hr = pStrCfig->GetFormat(&mmt); if(mmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo){ if (FAILED(hr ))throw hr; if(!mmt) throw E_OUTOFMEMORY; VIDEOINFO *pvi = (VIDEOINFO *) mmt->pbFormat; pvi->AvgTimePerFrame = UNITS/nFPS; pvi->bmiHeader.biWidth = Width; pvi->bmiHeader.biHeight = Height; mmt->subtype = VidType; // hr=pStrCfig->SetFormat(mmt); //重新设置参数 if( FAILED(hr))throw hr; } /*hr = pBuild->FindPin( pCap, PINDIR_OUTPUT, &PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE,&MEDIATYPE_Interleaved, TRUE, 0, &pPin); if( FAILED(hr)){ hr = pBuild->FindPin( pCap, PINDIR_OUTPUT, &PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE,&MEDIATYPE_Video, TRUE, 0, &pPin); if (FAILED(hr ))throw hr; } if(!pPin) throw E_OUTOFMEMORY;*/ hr = pBuild->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Interleaved,pCap,pColorSpace,pVMR9); if( FAILED(hr)){ hr = pBuild->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Video,pCap,pColorSpace,pVMR9); if (FAILED(hr ))throw hr; } } if( FAILED(hr))throw hr; // ok, all is rendered, now get MediaControl, MediaSeeking and continue hr = m_pGraph->QueryInterface( IID_IMediaControl, (void**)&(m_pMc) ); if( FAILED(hr))throw hr; hr = m_pGraph->QueryInterface( IID_IMediaSeeking, (void**)&(m_pMs) ); if( FAILED(hr))throw hr; } catch(HRESULT hr1) { pWizard->Detach( m_dwID ); hr = hr1; } RELEASE( pConfig ); RELEASE( pGb ); RELEASE( pColorSpace ); RELEASE( pBuild ); RELEASE( pStrCfig ); RELEASE( pVMR9); Helper.DeleteMediaType(mmt); return hr; }
void DirectShowGrabber::setCaptureOutputFormat() { IAMStreamConfig *pConfig; int iCount; int iSize; VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVih; VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS scc; AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmtConfig; int formatSet; HRESULT hr; // Reference debug_msg("DirectShowGrabber::setCaptureOutputFormat(): enter...\n"); formatSet = 0; pConfig = NULL; hr = pBuild_->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Video, pCaptureFilter_, IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&pConfig); if (FAILED(hr)) { Grabber::status_=-1; return; } debug_msg("DirectShowGrabber::setCaptureOutputFormat(): IAMStreamConfig interface acquired\n"); iCount = iSize = 0; hr = pConfig->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&iCount, &iSize); // Check the size to make sure we pass in the correct structure. // The alternative output of iSize is AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS, btw. if ( iSize == sizeof(VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS) ) { for (int iFormat = 0; iFormat < iCount; iFormat++) { hr = pConfig->GetStreamCaps(iFormat, &pmtConfig, (BYTE *)&scc); //showErrorMessage(hr); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ((pmtConfig->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Video) && (pmtConfig->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24) && (pmtConfig->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) && (pmtConfig->cbFormat >= sizeof (VIDEOINFOHEADER)) && (pmtConfig->pbFormat != NULL)) { pVih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER *)pmtConfig->pbFormat; pVih->bmiHeader.biWidth = 320; pVih->bmiHeader.biHeight = 240; pVih->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = DIBSIZE(pVih->bmiHeader); debug_msg("Windows GDI BITMAPINFOHEADER follows:\n"); debug_msg("biWidth= %d\n", pVih->bmiHeader.biWidth); debug_msg("biHeight= %d\n", pVih->bmiHeader.biHeight); debug_msg("biSize= %d\n", pVih->bmiHeader.biSize); debug_msg("biPlanes= %d\n", pVih->bmiHeader.biPlanes); debug_msg("biBitCount= %d\n", pVih->bmiHeader.biBitCount); debug_msg("biCompression= %d\n", pVih->bmiHeader.biCompression); debug_msg("biSizeImage= %d\n", pVih->bmiHeader.biSizeImage); debug_msg("biXPelsPerMeter=%d\n", pVih->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter); debug_msg("biYPelsPerMeter=%d\n", pVih->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter); debug_msg("biClrUsed= %d\n", pVih->bmiHeader.biClrUsed); debug_msg("biClrImportant= %d\n", pVih->bmiHeader.biClrImportant); hr = pConfig->SetFormat(pmtConfig); //showErrorMessage(hr); // XXX: leak. need to deal with this - msp //DeleteMediaType(pmtConfig); formatSet = 1; break; } } } } pConfig->Release(); if( formatSet ) debug_msg("DirectShowGrabber::setCaptureOutputFormat: format set\n"); else debug_msg("DirectShowGrabber::setCaptureOutputFormat: format not set\n"); }