bool ArxToolBar::GetAcadToolBar( IAcadToolbar** pVal, LPCTSTR menuname ) { // 获取主菜单组 IAcadMenuGroup* mnuGrp = NULL; if ( !GetAcadMenuGroup( &mnuGrp ) ) return false; //得到所有工具栏 HRESULT hr = S_OK; IAcadToolbars* acToolbars = NULL; hr = mnuGrp->get_Toolbars( &acToolbars ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { mnuGrp->Release(); return false; } long cnt = 0; hr = acToolbars->get_Count( &cnt ); //得到菜单组 IAcadToolbar* acToolbar = NULL; VARIANT vtName; vtName.vt = VT_I4; BSTR toolBarName; bool found = false ; for ( long i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { vtName.lVal = i; hr = acToolbars->Item( vtName, &acToolbar ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { acToolbars->Release(); return false; } acToolbar->get_Name( &toolBarName ); acToolbar->Release(); CString sToolBarName( toolBarName ); SysFreeString( toolBarName ); if( sToolBarName.CompareNoCase( menuname ) == 0 ) { found = true; *pVal = acToolbar; break; } } acToolbars->Release(); mnuGrp->Release(); return found; }
void AppMenu::CleanUpMenus() { IAcadMenuGroup* mnuGrp = NULL; for( int i = 0; i < stcMyTopMenuNames.GetSize(); i++ ) { CString sMenu = stcMyTopMenuNames.GetAt( i ); sMenu.Replace( _T( "&" ), _T( "" ) ); if ( !GetAcadMenuGroup( &mnuGrp, sMenu ) ) { #ifdef _DEBUG acutPrintf( _T( "没有找到 %s 所属的菜单组,无法卸载。 " ), sMenu ); #endif // mnuGrp->Release(); continue; } //得到所有菜单组 IAcadPopupMenus* mnus = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = mnuGrp->get_Menus( &mnus ); ClearMenu( mnus, sMenu ); mnus->Release(); mnuGrp->Release(); } stcMyTopMenuNames.RemoveAll(); }
bool ArxToolBar::GetAcadMenuGroup( IAcadMenuGroup** pVal ) { IAcadApplication* acadApp = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; if( !GetAcadApplication( acadApp ) ) return false; LPDISPATCH pTempDisp = NULL; IAcadMenuGroups* mnuGrps = NULL; long cnt = 0; //得到菜单组集 hr = acadApp->get_MenuGroups( &mnuGrps ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { acadApp->Release(); return false; } acadApp->Release(); mnuGrps->get_Count( &cnt ); //得到菜单组 IAcadMenuGroup* mnuGrp = NULL; VARIANT vtName; vtName.vt = VT_I4; BSTR grpName; bool found = false ; for ( long i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { vtName.lVal = i; hr = mnuGrps->Item( vtName, &mnuGrp ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) continue; hr = mnuGrp->get_Name( &grpName ); CString cgrpName( grpName ); SysFreeString( grpName ); if ( cgrpName.CompareNoCase( _T( "ACAD" ) ) == 0 ) { found = true; *pVal = mnuGrp; break; } else { mnuGrp->Release(); } } mnuGrps->Release(); return found; }
void CreateToolbars() { IAcadMenuGroup *mnuGrp = NULL; if (!getAcadMenuGroup(&mnuGrp)) return ; //now get all the popup menus IAcadToolbars *tlbrs = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = mnuGrp->get_Toolbars(&tlbrs); mnuGrp->Release(); //let us create toolbars for polysamp IAcadToolbar *tlbr = NULL; hr = tlbrs->Add(L"POLYSAMP APPLICATION", &tlbr); if FAILED(hr) return; tlbrs->Release(); //now add toolbar buttons IAcadToolbarItem *button1 = NULL; IAcadToolbarItem *button2 = NULL; IAcadToolbarItem *button3 = NULL; IAcadToolbarItem *button4, *button5, *button6, *button7, *button8 = NULL; VARIANT index; index.vt = VT_I4; index.lVal = 100l; VARIANT vtFalse; vtFalse.vt = VT_BOOL; vtFalse.boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"POLY", L"Creates poly entity", L"_poly ", vtFalse, &button1); button1->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"DRAGPOLY", L"Creates poly entity using dragging", L"_dragpoly ", vtFalse, &button2); button1->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"POLYEDIT", L"Edits poly entity", L"_POLYEDIT ", vtFalse, &button3); button1->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"TRANSACT", L"Test Transaction on poly entity", L"_TRANSACT ", vtFalse, &button4); button1->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"HILITPOLY", L"Hilight poly entity", L"_HILITPOLY ", vtFalse, &button5); button1->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"HILITSOLID", L"Hilight solid entity", L"_HILITSOLID ", vtFalse, &button1); button1->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"CREATEINSERT", L"Creates inserted entity", L"_CREATEINSERT ", vtFalse, &button6); button1->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"HILITINSERT", L"Highlight inserted entity", L"_HILITINSERT ", vtFalse, &button7); button1->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"USEDRAGDATA", L"Test user dragging mechanism", L"_USEDRAGDATA ", vtFalse, &button8); button1->Release(); tlbr->Dock(acToolbarDockLeft); tlbr->Release(); return; }
void CleanToolbars() { IAcadMenuGroup *mnuGrp = NULL; if (!getAcadMenuGroup(&mnuGrp)) return ; IAcadToolbars *tlbrs = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = mnuGrp->get_Toolbars(&tlbrs); mnuGrp->Release(); long cnt = 0; hr = tlbrs->get_Count(&cnt); IAcadToolbar *polyTlbr = NULL; BSTR tempName; VARIANT vtName; for (long i = cnt-1; i >0 ; i--) { vtName.vt = VT_I4; vtName.lVal = i; hr = tlbrs->Item(vtName, &polyTlbr); hr = polyTlbr->get_Name(&tempName); CString tlbrName(tempName); SysFreeString(tempName); OutputDebugString(tlbrName); BOOL bFind = FALSE; for (int j = 0; j < Glb_toolbarArray.GetSize(); j++) { if (tlbrName.CompareNoCase(Glb_toolbarArray.GetAt(j))==0) { bFind = TRUE; polyTlbr->Delete(); break; } } if (!bFind) polyTlbr->Release(); } tlbrs->Release(); Glb_toolbarArray.RemoveAll(); return; }
void CleanUpToolbars() { IAcadMenuGroup *mnuGrp = NULL; if (!getAcadMenuGroup(&mnuGrp)) return ; IAcadToolbars *tlbrs = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = mnuGrp->get_Toolbars(&tlbrs); mnuGrp->Release(); long cnt = 0; hr = tlbrs->get_Count(&cnt); IAcadToolbar *polyTlbr = NULL; BSTR tempName; VARIANT vtName; for ( long i=0; i < cnt; i++) { vtName.vt = VT_I4; vtName.lVal = i; hr = tlbrs->Item(vtName, &polyTlbr); hr = polyTlbr->get_Name(&tempName); CString tlbrName(tempName); SysFreeString(tempName); if(tlbrName.CompareNoCase("POLYSAMP APPLICATION")==0) { polyTlbr->Delete(); //can not call following because delete has already removed it. // polyTlbr->Release(); break; } else polyTlbr->Release(); } tlbrs->Release(); return; }
void CreateToolbars() { if (Glb_toolbarArray.GetCount() > 0) return; IAcadMenuGroup *mnuGrp = NULL; if (!getAcadMenuGroup(&mnuGrp)) return ; IAcadToolbars *tlbrs = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = mnuGrp->get_Toolbars(&tlbrs); mnuGrp->Release(); // 得到arx所在路径 TCHAR lpPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle("DistToolBar.arx"), lpPath, MAX_PATH); PathRemoveFileSpec(lpPath); PathAddBackslash(lpPath); CString strXmlFile = lpPath; strXmlFile += "toolbar.xml"; // 得到icon路径 PathAppend(lpPath, "icon"); PathAddBackslash(lpPath); MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr lpDocument; hr = lpDocument.CreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument)); if ( FAILED(hr) ) _com_raise_error(hr); VARIANT_BOOL isSuccessful; // 装载XML字符串 if (!lpDocument->load(_variant_t(strXmlFile))) { OutputDebugString("LoadXML failed!"); return; } MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr lpDocElement = NULL; lpDocument->get_documentElement(&lpDocElement); // toolbar list MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr lpToolbarList = lpDocElement->getElementsByTagName(_bstr_t("toolbar")); MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr lpToolbar = NULL; for ( ; (lpToolbar = lpToolbarList->nextNode()) != NULL ; ) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr lpCaptionNode = lpToolbar->attributes->getNamedItem("caption"); CString strCaption = (char*)lpCaptionNode->text; OutputDebugString(strCaption); // 添加工具条 IAcadToolbar *tlbr = NULL; hr = tlbrs->Add(CComBSTR(strCaption), &tlbr); if FAILED(hr) continue; Glb_toolbarArray.Add(strCaption); // button list MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr lpButtonList = lpToolbar->GetchildNodes(); MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr lpButton = NULL; for ( ; (lpButton = lpButtonList->nextNode()) != NULL ; ) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr lpToolTipNode = lpButton->attributes->getNamedItem("tooltip"); CString strToolTip = (char*)lpToolTipNode->text; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr lpCommandNode = lpButton->attributes->getNamedItem("command"); CString strCommand = (char*)lpCommandNode->text; strCommand += " "; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr lpIconNode = lpButton->attributes->getNamedItem("icon"); CString strIcon = (char*)lpIconNode->text; OutputDebugStringX("tooltip=%s, command=%s, icon=%s", strToolTip, strCommand, strIcon); // 添加工具按钮 IAcadToolbarItem *button=NULL; VARIANT index; index.vt = VT_I4; index.lVal = 100l; VARIANT vtFalse; vtFalse.vt = VT_BOOL; vtFalse.boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; CString strIconFile = lpPath; strIconFile += strIcon; if (!PathFileExists(strIconFile)) { strIconFile = lpPath; strIconFile += "dist.ico"; } if (!PathFileExists(strIconFile)) continue; hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, CComBSTR(strToolTip), CComBSTR(strToolTip), CComBSTR(strCommand), vtFalse, &button); hr = button->SetBitmaps(CComBSTR(strIconFile), CComBSTR(strIconFile)); button->Release(); } tlbr->Dock(acToolbarDockRight);//acToolbarFloating tlbr->Release(); } tlbrs->Release(); return; }
void CleanUpMenus() { IAcadMenuGroup *mnuGrp = NULL; if (!getAcadMenuGroup(&mnuGrp)) return ; //now get all the popup menus IAcadPopupMenus *mnus = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = mnuGrp->get_Menus(&mnus); long cnt = 0l; hr = mnus->get_Count(&cnt); mnuGrp->Release(); //now get Tools menu IAcadPopupMenu *toolsMenu = NULL; BSTR tempName; VARIANT vtName; bool found = false; for (long i=0; i < cnt; i++) { vtName.vt = VT_I4; vtName.lVal = i; hr = mnus->Item(vtName, &toolsMenu); if (FAILED(hr)) return ; hr = toolsMenu->get_NameNoMnemonic(&tempName); CString mnuName(tempName); SysFreeString(tempName); if(mnuName.CompareNoCase("Tools")==0) { found = true; break; } } mnus->Release(); if (!found) { acutPrintf("Could not found tools menu\n"); return; } hr = toolsMenu->get_Count(&cnt); VARIANT vIndex; vIndex.vt = VT_I4; vIndex.lVal = cnt; IAcadPopupMenu *polySampCmds = NULL; IAcadPopupMenuItem *cmd1 = NULL; long index = 0l; for ( i=0; i < cnt; i++) { vtName.vt = VT_I4; vtName.lVal = i; hr = toolsMenu->Item(vtName, &cmd1); hr = cmd1->get_Label(&tempName); CString mnuName(tempName); SysFreeString(tempName); if(mnuName.CompareNoCase("PolySamp Application")==0) { index = i-1; break; } } vIndex.vt = VT_I4; vIndex.lVal = index; //Remove all the menus loaded by this program IAcadPopupMenuItem *tempItem = NULL; hr = toolsMenu->Item(vIndex, &tempItem); hr = tempItem->Delete(); tempItem->Release(); hr = toolsMenu->Item(vIndex, &tempItem); hr = tempItem->Delete(); tempItem->Release(); toolsMenu->Release(); return; }
void CreateMenus() { IAcadMenuGroup *mnuGrp = NULL; if (!getAcadMenuGroup(&mnuGrp)) return ; //now get all the popup menus IAcadPopupMenus *mnus = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = mnuGrp->get_Menus(&mnus); long cnt = 0l; hr = mnus->get_Count(&cnt); mnuGrp->Release(); //now get Tools menu IAcadPopupMenu *toolsMenu = NULL; BSTR tempName; VARIANT vtName; bool found = false; for (long i=0; i < cnt; i++) { vtName.vt = VT_I4; vtName.lVal = i; hr = mnus->Item(vtName, &toolsMenu); if (FAILED(hr)) return ; hr = toolsMenu->get_NameNoMnemonic(&tempName); CString mnuName(tempName); if(mnuName.CompareNoCase("Tools")==0) { found = true; break; } } mnus->Release(); if (!found) { acutPrintf("Could not found tools menu\n"); return; } hr = toolsMenu->get_Count(&cnt); VARIANT vtIndex; vtIndex.vt = VT_I4; vtIndex.lVal = cnt + 1; IAcadPopupMenuItem *item1 = NULL; hr = toolsMenu->AddSeparator(vtIndex, &item1); item1->Release(); vtIndex.lVal = cnt + 2; IAcadPopupMenu *polyMnu = NULL; hr = toolsMenu->AddSubMenu(vtIndex, L"Polysamp Application", &polyMnu); toolsMenu->Release(); IAcadPopupMenuItem *polycmds = NULL; vtIndex.lVal = 0; hr = polyMnu->AddMenuItem(vtIndex, L"POLY", L"_poly ", &polycmds); vtIndex.lVal = 1; hr = polyMnu->AddMenuItem(vtIndex, L"POLYEDIT", L"_polyedit ", &polycmds); vtIndex.lVal = 2; hr = polyMnu->AddMenuItem(vtIndex, L"TRANSACT", L"_TRANSACT ", &polycmds); vtIndex.lVal = 3; hr = polyMnu->AddMenuItem(vtIndex, L"HILITPOLY", L"_HILITPOLY ", &polycmds); vtIndex.lVal = 4; hr = polyMnu->AddMenuItem(vtIndex, L"CREATEINSERT", L"_CREATEINSERT ", &polycmds); vtIndex.lVal = 5; hr = polyMnu->AddMenuItem(vtIndex, L"HILITINSERT", L"_HILITINSERT ", &polycmds); vtIndex.lVal = 6; hr = polyMnu->AddMenuItem(vtIndex, L"USEDRAGDATA", L"_USEDRAGDATA ", &polycmds); vtIndex.lVal = 7; hr = polyMnu->AddMenuItem(vtIndex, L"HILITINSERT", L"_HILITINSERT ", &polycmds); vtIndex.lVal = 8; hr = polyMnu->AddMenuItem(vtIndex, L"HILITINSERT", L"_HILITINSERT ", &polycmds); // polycmds->Release(); polyMnu->Release(); return; }
void ArxToolBar::CreateToolBars( const TCHAR* bmpDir ) { CMDIFrameWnd* pMainFrame = acedGetAcadFrame(); pMainFrame->LockWindowUpdate(); // 获取主菜单组 IAcadMenuGroup* mnuGrp = NULL; if ( !GetAcadMenuGroup( &mnuGrp ) ) return ; //得到所有菜单组 HRESULT hr = S_OK; IAcadToolbars* acToolbars = NULL; hr = mnuGrp->get_Toolbars( &acToolbars ); // 如果bmpDir路径没有反斜杠(\),则添加一个反斜杠 CString path( bmpDir ); // 取最后一个字符 if( path.Right( 1 ) != _T( "\\" ) ) { path.Format( _T( "%s\\" ), bmpDir ); } VARIANT index; VariantInit( &index ); V_VT( &index ) = VT_I4; TCHAR MenuName[256]; int delta = 30; // 工具栏间距 int top = 200, left = 200; for ( int i = 0; i < m_menuCount; i++ ) { IAcadToolbar* acToolbar = NULL; _tcscpy( MenuName, m_TopMenuNames[i] ); hr = acToolbars->Add( MenuName, &acToolbar ); acToolbar->put_Visible( true ); acToolbar->Dock( acToolbarFloating ); acToolbar->Float( top + i * delta, left, 1 ); CCADToolButtonArray* Menus = m_menus[i]; COleVariant flyOutButton; for ( int j = 0; j < Menus->GetSize(); j++ ) { // 添加按钮 V_I4( &index ) = ( long )j; CADToolButton* btn = Menus->GetAt( j ); IAcadToolbarItem* acToolbarItem = NULL; if( _tcscmp( _T( "--" ), btn->name ) == 0 ) { hr = acToolbar->AddSeparator( index, &acToolbarItem ); } else { hr = acToolbar->AddToolbarButton( index, btn->name, btn->help, btn->order, flyOutButton, &acToolbarItem ); TCHAR szBmpFile[256]; _stprintf( szBmpFile, _T( "%s%s" ), path, btn->bmp ); //acutPrintf(_T("\n路径:%s"), szBmpFile); hr = acToolbarItem->SetBitmaps( szBmpFile, szBmpFile ); } } //acToolbarItem->Release(); acToolbar->Release(); } acToolbars->Release(); mnuGrp->Release(); pMainFrame->UnlockWindowUpdate(); //stcMyToolBarNames.Copy(m_TopMenuNames); //将工具栏名称存入静态数组中,卸载时使用 }
void CreateToolbars() { IAcadMenuGroup *mnuGrp = NULL; if (!getAcadMenuGroup(&mnuGrp)) return ; //now get all the popup menus IAcadToolbars *tlbrs = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = mnuGrp->get_Toolbars(&tlbrs); mnuGrp->Release(); //let us create toolbars for polysamp IAcadToolbar *tlbr = NULL; hr = tlbrs->Add(L"POLYSAMP APPLICATION", &tlbr); if FAILED(hr) return; tlbrs->Release(); //now add toolbar buttons IAcadToolbarItem *button=NULL; VARIANT index; index.vt = VT_I4; index.lVal = 100l; VARIANT vtFalse; vtFalse.vt = VT_BOOL; vtFalse.boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(_T("asdkPolyUi.arx")),szFileName,MAX_PATH); CString csPath(szFileName); csPath=csPath.Left(csPath.ReverseFind(_T('\\'))); //x64 binaries are created within x64\ folder #if defined(_WIN64) || defined(_AC64) csPath=csPath.Left(csPath.ReverseFind(_T('\\'))); #endif csPath=csPath.Left(csPath.ReverseFind(_T('\\'))+1); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"POLY", L"Creates poly entity", L"_poly ", vtFalse, &button); hr=button->SetBitmaps(CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly1.ico")),CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly1.ico"))); button->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"DRAGPOLY", L"Creates poly entity using dragging", L"_dragpoly ", vtFalse, &button); hr=button->SetBitmaps(CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly2.ico")),CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly2.ico"))); button->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"POLYEDIT", L"Edits poly entity", L"_POLYEDIT ", vtFalse, &button); hr=button->SetBitmaps(CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly3.ico")),CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly3.ico"))); button->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"TRANSACT", L"Test Transaction on poly entity", L"_TRANSACT ", vtFalse, &button); hr=button->SetBitmaps(CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly4.ico")),CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly4.ico"))); button->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"HILITPOLY", L"Hilight poly entity", L"_HILITPOLY ", vtFalse, &button); hr=button->SetBitmaps(CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly5.ico")),CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly5.ico"))); button->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"HILITSOLID", L"Hilight solid entity", L"_HILITSOLID ", vtFalse, &button); hr=button->SetBitmaps(CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly6.ico")),CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly6.ico"))); button->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"CREATEINSERT", L"Creates inserted entity", L"_CREATEINSERT ", vtFalse, &button); hr=button->SetBitmaps(CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly7.ico")),CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly7.ico"))); button->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"HILITINSERT", L"Highlight inserted entity", L"_HILITINSERT ", vtFalse, &button); hr=button->SetBitmaps(CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly8.ico")),CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly8.ico"))); button->Release(); hr = tlbr->AddToolbarButton(index, L"USEDRAGDATA", L"Test user dragging mechanism", L"_USEDRAGDATA ", vtFalse, &button); hr=button->SetBitmaps(CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly1.ico")),CComBSTR(csPath+_T("1_Poly1.ico"))); button->Release(); tlbr->Dock(acToolbarDockLeft); tlbr->Release(); return; }
void AppMenu::CreateMenus() { CMDIFrameWnd* pMainFrame = acedGetAcadFrame(); pMainFrame->LockWindowUpdate(); //得到菜单栏上面的最后一个菜单 CString sName; if( !GetLastMenuFromMenubar( sName ) ) return; sName.Replace( _T( "&" ), _T( "" ) ); //debug IAcadMenuGroup* mnuGrp = NULL; if ( !GetAcadMenuGroup( &mnuGrp, sName ) ) return ; //得到所有菜单组 IAcadPopupMenus* mnus = NULL; IAcadPopupMenu* mnu = NULL; IAcadPopupMenuItem* mnuitem = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = mnuGrp->get_Menus( &mnus ); long cnt = 0l; hr = mnus->get_Count( &cnt ); int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; VARIANT index; VariantInit( &index ); V_VT( &index ) = VT_I4; CArray<IAcadPopupMenu*, IAcadPopupMenu*> MnuAdrs; long lIndex = 0; TCHAR MenuName[256]; for ( i = 0; i < m_menuCount; i++ ) { CString tmpMenu = m_TopMenuNames[i]; tmpMenu.Replace( _T( "&" ), _T( "" ) ); if( IsMenuExist( mnu, lIndex, tmpMenu, mnus ) ) //处理二次加载 { V_I4( &index ) = lIndex; } else { // MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)m_TopMenuNames[i], -1, MenuName, 256); _tcscpy( MenuName, m_TopMenuNames[i] ); mnus->Add( MenuName, &mnu ); V_I4( &index ) = cnt++; } MnuAdrs.Add( mnu ); mnu->InsertInMenuBar( index ); } IAcadPopupMenu* MenuItem = NULL; int subMenuNum = 0; CCADMenuArray* Menus; TCHAR szSubMenu[256]; TCHAR szSubMenuMacro[256]; CString MenusName; CString Menusorder; for ( j = 0; j < m_menuCount; j++ ) { Menus = m_menus.GetAt( j ); subMenuNum = Menus->GetSize(); for ( k = 0; k < subMenuNum; k++ ) { mnu = MnuAdrs.GetAt( j ); if ( !_tcscmp( _T( "--" ), Menus->GetAt( k )->name ) ) { V_I4( &index ) = k; mnu->AddSeparator( index, &mnuitem ); } else { V_I4( &index ) = k; MenusName = Menus->GetAt( k )->name; Menusorder = Menus->GetAt( k )->order; _tcscpy( szSubMenu, MenusName ); _tcscpy( szSubMenuMacro, Menusorder ); //MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)MenusName, -1, szSubMenu, 256); //MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)Menusorder, -1, szSubMenuMacro, 256); if ( _tcscspn( Menus->GetAt( k )->name, _T( "*" ) ) < ( size_t )MenusName.GetLength() ) { MenusName.TrimLeft( _T( '*' ) ); // MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)MenusName, -1, szSubMenu, 256); _tcscpy( szSubMenu, MenusName ); hr = mnu->AddSubMenu( index, szSubMenu, &MenuItem ); } else if ( _tcscspn( Menus->GetAt( k )->name, _T( "$" ) ) < ( size_t )MenusName.GetLength() ) { MenusName.TrimLeft( _T( '$' ) ); if( MenusName.Compare( _T( "--" ) ) == 0 ) //添加子菜单的分隔符 { hr = MenuItem->AddSeparator( index, &mnuitem ); } else { //MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)MenusName, -1, szSubMenu, 256); _tcscpy( szSubMenu, MenusName ); hr = MenuItem->AddMenuItem( index, szSubMenu, szSubMenuMacro, &mnuitem ); } } else { hr = mnu->AddMenuItem( index, szSubMenu, szSubMenuMacro, &mnuitem ); } } } } for ( i = 0; i < MnuAdrs.GetSize(); i++ ) { MnuAdrs[i]->Release(); } mnuitem->Release(); mnus->Release(); mnuGrp->Release(); pMainFrame->UnlockWindowUpdate(); stcMyTopMenuNames.Copy( m_TopMenuNames ); //将顶级菜单名存入静态数组中,卸载时使用 //return ; }
bool AppMenu::GetAcadMenuGroup( IAcadMenuGroup** pVal, LPCTSTR menuname ) { IAcadApplication* acadApp = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; if( !GetAcadApplication( acadApp ) ) return false; LPDISPATCH pTempDisp = NULL; IAcadMenuGroups* mnuGrps = NULL; long cnt = 0, cntmnu = 0; //得到菜单组集 hr = acadApp->get_MenuGroups( &mnuGrps ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { acadApp->Release(); return false; } acadApp->Release(); mnuGrps->get_Count( &cnt ); //得到菜单组 IAcadMenuGroup* mnuGrp = NULL; IAcadPopupMenus* mnus = NULL; IAcadPopupMenu* pPopUpMenu = NULL; VARIANT vtName, vtMenu; vtName.vt = VT_I4; vtMenu.vt = VT_I4; BSTR mnuName; bool found = false ; for ( long i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { vtName.lVal = i; hr = mnuGrps->Item( vtName, &mnuGrp ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return false; } mnuGrp->get_Menus( &mnus ); mnus->get_Count( &cntmnu ); for( long j = 0; j < cntmnu; j++ ) { vtMenu.lVal = j; hr = mnus->Item( vtMenu, &pPopUpMenu ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) continue; pPopUpMenu->get_Name( &mnuName ); pPopUpMenu->Release(); CString sMenuName( mnuName ); SysFreeString( mnuName ); sMenuName.Replace( _T( "&" ), _T( "" ) ); //debug if( sMenuName.CompareNoCase( menuname ) == 0 ) { found = true; *pVal = mnuGrp; break; } } mnus->Release(); if( found ) { break; } else { mnuGrp->Release(); } } mnuGrps->Release(); return found; }
void AppToolBar::CreateToolBars() { CMDIFrameWnd* pMainFrame = acedGetAcadFrame(); pMainFrame->LockWindowUpdate(); // 获取主菜单组 IAcadMenuGroup* mnuGrp = NULL; if ( !GetAcadMenuGroup( &mnuGrp ) ) return ; //得到所有菜单组 HRESULT hr = S_OK; IAcadToolbars* acToolbars = NULL; hr = mnuGrp->get_Toolbars( &acToolbars ); CString appFileName = acedGetAppName(); //取出完整的应用程序名称,含路径 TCHAR dir[_MAX_DIR], drive[_MAX_DRIVE], path[_MAX_PATH]; _tsplitpath( appFileName, drive, dir, NULL, NULL ); _tmakepath( path, drive, dir, NULL, NULL ); VARIANT index; VariantInit( &index ); V_VT( &index ) = VT_I4; TCHAR MenuName[256]; int delta = 30; // 工具栏间距 int top = 200, left = 200; for ( int i = 0; i < m_menuCount; i++ ) { IAcadToolbar* acToolbar = NULL; _tcscpy( MenuName, m_TopMenuNames[i] ); hr = acToolbars->Add( MenuName, &acToolbar ); acToolbar->put_Visible( true ); acToolbar->Dock( acToolbarFloating ); acToolbar->Float( top + i * delta, left, 1 ); CCADToolButtonArray* Menus = m_menus[i]; COleVariant flyOutButton; for ( int j = 0; j < Menus->GetSize(); j++ ) { // 添加按钮 V_I4( &index ) = ( long )j; CADToolButton* btn = Menus->GetAt( j ); IAcadToolbarItem* acToolbarItem = NULL; if( _tcscmp( _T( "--" ), btn->name ) == 0 ) { hr = acToolbar->AddSeparator( index, &acToolbarItem ); } else { hr = acToolbar->AddToolbarButton( index, btn->name, btn->help, btn->order, flyOutButton, &acToolbarItem ); CString bmpFile; bmpFile.Format( _T( "%s%s\\%s" ), path, BMP_DIR, btn->bmp ); TCHAR szBmpFile[256]; _tcscpy( szBmpFile, bmpFile ); //acutPrintf(_T("\n路径:%s"), szBmpFile); hr = acToolbarItem->SetBitmaps( szBmpFile, szBmpFile ); } } //acToolbarItem->Release(); acToolbar->Release(); } acToolbars->Release(); mnuGrp->Release(); pMainFrame->UnlockWindowUpdate(); stcMyToolBarNames.Copy( m_TopMenuNames ); //将工具栏名称存入静态数组中,卸载时使用 }