예제 #1
void find_cblob_limits(                  //get y limits
                       C_BLOB *blob,     //blob to search
                       float leftx,      //x limits
                       float rightx,
                       FCOORD rotation,  //for landscape
                       float &ymin,      //output y limits
                       float &ymax) {
  inT16 stepindex;               //current point
  ICOORD pos;                    //current coords
  ICOORD vec;                    //rotated step
  C_OUTLINE *outline;            //current outline
  C_OUTLINE_IT out_it = blob->out_list ();

  ymin = (float) MAX_INT32;
  ymax = (float) -MAX_INT32;
  for (out_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !out_it.cycled_list (); out_it.forward ()) {
    outline = out_it.data ();
    pos = outline->start_pos (); //get coords
    pos.rotate (rotation);
    for (stepindex = 0; stepindex < outline->pathlength (); stepindex++) {
      if (pos.x () >= leftx && pos.x () <= rightx) {
        UpdateRange(pos.y(), &ymin, &ymax);
      vec = outline->step (stepindex);
      vec.rotate (rotation);
      pos += vec;                //move to next
예제 #2
C_OUTLINE::C_OUTLINE(                     //constructor
                     C_OUTLINE *srcline,  //outline to
                     FCOORD rotation      //rotate
                    ) : offsets(NULL) {
  TBOX new_box;                   //easy bounding
  inT16 stepindex;               //index to step
  inT16 dirdiff;                 //direction change
  ICOORD pos;                    //current position
  ICOORD prevpos;                //previous dest point

  ICOORD destpos;                //destination point
  inT16 destindex;               //index to step
  DIR128 dir;                    //coded direction
  uinT8 new_step;

  stepcount = srcline->stepcount * 2;
  if (stepcount == 0) {
    steps = NULL;
    box = srcline->box;
                                 //get memory
  steps = (uinT8 *) alloc_mem (step_mem());
  memset(steps, 0, step_mem());

  for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 2; ++iteration) {
    DIR128 round1 = iteration == 0 ? 32 : 0;
    DIR128 round2 = iteration != 0 ? 32 : 0;
    pos = srcline->start;
    prevpos = pos;
    prevpos.rotate (rotation);
    start = prevpos;
    box = TBOX (start, start);
    destindex = 0;
    for (stepindex = 0; stepindex < srcline->stepcount; stepindex++) {
      pos += srcline->step (stepindex);
      destpos = pos;
      destpos.rotate (rotation);
      //  tprintf("%i %i %i %i ", destpos.x(), destpos.y(), pos.x(), pos.y());
      while (destpos.x () != prevpos.x () || destpos.y () != prevpos.y ()) {
        dir = DIR128 (FCOORD (destpos - prevpos));
        dir += 64;                 //turn to step style
        new_step = dir.get_dir ();
        //  tprintf(" %i\n", new_step);
        if (new_step & 31) {
          set_step(destindex++, dir + round1);
          prevpos += step(destindex - 1);
          if (destindex < 2
            || ((dirdiff =
            step_dir (destindex - 1) - step_dir (destindex - 2)) !=
            -64 && dirdiff != 64)) {
            set_step(destindex++, dir + round2);
            prevpos += step(destindex - 1);
          } else {
            prevpos -= step(destindex - 1);
            prevpos -= step(destindex - 1);
            set_step(destindex - 1, dir + round2);
            prevpos += step(destindex - 1);
        else {
          set_step(destindex++, dir);
          prevpos += step(destindex - 1);
        while (destindex >= 2 &&
               ((dirdiff =
                 step_dir (destindex - 1) - step_dir (destindex - 2)) == -64 ||
                dirdiff == 64)) {
          prevpos -= step(destindex - 1);
          prevpos -= step(destindex - 2);
          destindex -= 2;        // Forget u turn
        //ASSERT_HOST(prevpos.x() == destpos.x() && prevpos.y() == destpos.y());
        new_box = TBOX (destpos, destpos);
        box += new_box;
    ASSERT_HOST (destpos.x () == start.x () && destpos.y () == start.y ());
    dirdiff = step_dir (destindex - 1) - step_dir (0);
    while ((dirdiff == 64 || dirdiff == -64) && destindex > 1) {
      start += step (0);
      destindex -= 2;
      for (int i = 0; i < destindex; ++i)
        set_step(i, step_dir(i + 1));
      dirdiff = step_dir (destindex - 1) - step_dir (0);
    if (destindex >= 4)
  ASSERT_HOST(destindex <= stepcount);
  stepcount = destindex;
  destpos = start;
  for (stepindex = 0; stepindex < stepcount; stepindex++) {
    destpos += step (stepindex);
  ASSERT_HOST (destpos.x () == start.x () && destpos.y () == start.y ());