void CreateCamera(int width, int height, vector3df position, vector3df target) { //Build camera ISceneManager* sm = g_GameGraph->GetSceneManager(); WorldState* worldState = static_cast<WorldState*> (g_GameGraph->GetWorldState()); HexMap* hm = worldState->GetCurrentMap(); if (NULL != sm) { if (NULL != hm) { ICameraSceneNode* orthoCam = sm->addCameraSceneNode( sm->getRootSceneNode(), position, target); matrix4 projMat; projMat.buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH(width, height, -5, 5); orthoCam->setProjectionMatrix(projMat, true); orthoCam->bindTargetAndRotation(true); if (orthoCam->isOrthogonal()) { CameraAnimator* cameraAnim = new CameraAnimator(position, width, height, hm->GetMapDimensions().Height, hm->GetMapDimensions().Width, worldState->GetHero(), hm->GetCoordinateTranslator()); orthoCam->addAnimator(cameraAnim); cameraAnim->drop(); cameraAnim = NULL; if (width > height) { LOGI("Creating a landscape camera."); landscapeCamera = orthoCam; } else { LOGI("Creating a portrait camera"); portraitCamera = orthoCam; } } else { LOGE("The created camera is not orthoganol, something is wrong with the perspective matrix."); } } else { LOGE("The hex map created in the WorldState is NULL."); } } else { LOGE("The scene manager cannot be loaded from the device."); } }
void loop(s4 &game_state) { ICameraSceneNode* camera = irrlicht->smgr->addCameraSceneNode(); matrix4 ortho; ortho.buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH( irrlicht->driver->getScreenSize().Width/ortho_scale, irrlicht->driver->getScreenSize().Height/ortho_scale,-1.0,1000.0); camera->setProjectionMatrix(ortho); camera->setPosition({0,0,-100}); camera->setTarget({0,0,0}); irrlicht->hud->setActiveCamera(camera); IBillboardSceneNode* qnode = irrlicht->smgr->addBillboardSceneNode(); qnode->setMaterialFlag(EMF_WIREFRAME,true); // -------------------------------------- p("---- Game loop start ----"); d32 dt = 0.0f; const d32 maxDelta = 1.0f/60.0f * 5.0f; const d32 tick_ms = 0.01666f; // TODO: change this back to 30ms? d32 render_dt = 0.0f; const d32 render_ms = RENDER_TIME_STEP; uint32 time_physics_prev = btclock->getTimeMicroseconds(); while(irrlicht->device->run() && game_state == GAME_STATE_PLAY) { const uint32 time_physics_curr = btclock->getTimeMicroseconds(); const d32 frameTime = ((d32)(time_physics_curr - time_physics_prev)) / 1000000.0; // todo: is this truncated correctly? time_physics_prev = time_physics_curr; d32 capped_dt = frameTime; if (capped_dt > maxDelta) { capped_dt = maxDelta; } render_dt += capped_dt; if ( render_dt >= render_ms ) { render_dt = 0.0f; update_player(); update_enemies(); update_missiles(ply->missiles,ply->num_missile); irrlicht->hud->getRootSceneNode()->setPosition(camera->getPosition() + vector3df(0,0,100)); irrlicht->driver->beginScene(true, true, SColor(255,59,120,140)); irrlicht->smgr->drawAll(); irrlicht->driver->clearZBuffer(); irrlicht->hud->drawAll(); irrlicht->driver->endScene(); } dt += capped_dt; while( dt >= tick_ms ) { dt -= tick_ms; receiver->input(); clear_quads(quadtree); step_player(); step_enemies(); step_missiles(ply->missiles, ply->num_missile); QuadTree::Quad* fq = get_quad_from_pos(quadtree,ply->curr_pos); qnode->setSize(dimension2d<f32>(1,1)); qnode->setPosition(fq->pos.irr()); qnode->setSize(dimension2d<f32>(fq->width,fq->width)); if (receiver->debug_key.state) { for (s4 i = 0; i < fleet->num_squad; i++) { if (fleet->squads[i].mode != scatter) fleet->squads[i].mode = scatter; else fleet->squads[i].mode = to_positions; } } if (receiver->restart.state) { game_state = GAME_STATE_RESET; return; } if (receiver->QUIT) { game_state = GAME_STATE_QUIT; return; } empty_transient_soft(memory); } alpha = dt / tick_ms; core::stringw str = L"Coquelicot // score: "; str += score; str += L" // FPS: "; str += (s32)irrlicht->driver->getFPS(); irrlicht->device->setWindowCaption(str.c_str()); } }