bool IlwisObjectModel::isProjectedCoordinateSystem() const { try { ICoordinateSystem csy; if ( hasType(_ilwisobject->ilwisType(), itCOVERAGE | itCOORDSYSTEM)){ csy = hasType(_ilwisobject->ilwisType(), itCOVERAGE) ?<Coverage>()->coordinateSystem() :<CoordinateSystem>(); } if ( hasType(_ilwisobject->ilwisType(), itGEOREF)){ csy =<GeoReference>()->coordinateSystem(); } if ( csy.isValid()){ if ( csy->isLatLon()) return false; if (csy->ilwisType() != itCONVENTIONALCOORDSYSTEM) return false; return true; } return false; }catch(const ErrorObject& ){ // no exceptions may escape here } return ""; }
Envelope RootDrawer::envelope2RootEnvelope(const ICoordinateSystem &csSource, const Envelope &env) { Envelope envelope = (!_coordinateSystem.isValid() || !csSource.isValid() || _coordinateSystem->isEqual(csSource.ptr()) || _coordinateSystem->isUnknown() || csSource->isUnknown()) ? env : _coordinateSystem->convertEnvelope(csSource, env); return envelope; }
QString Ilwis3Connector::writeCsy(IlwisObject *obj, const ICoordinateSystem & csy) const { QString csyName; if ( csy->code() != "unknown"){ if ( csy->code() != "epsg:4326"){ csyName = Resource::toLocalFile(csy->resource().url(true),true, "csy"); if ( csy->isInternalObject()){ QString csyFile = Resource::toLocalFile(sourceRef().url(),false, "csy"); QString name = csy->name().trimmed(); if (name.size() > 3 && !csy->isAnonymous()) { // threshold of min 4 chars for a credible csy name name = name.replace(QRegExp("[/ .'\"]"),"_"); csyName = QFileInfo(csyFile).absolutePath() + "/" + name + ".csy"; } else csyName = csyFile; } else if ( csyName == sUNDEF || csyName == "") { QString path = context()->workingCatalog()->filesystemLocation().toLocalFile() + "/"; QString name = csy->name(); if ( !csy->isAnonymous()) { name = name.replace(QRegExp("[/ .'\"]"),"_"); } csyName = path + name; if ( !csyName.endsWith(".csy")) csyName += ".csy"; //return ERROR2(ERR_NO_INITIALIZED_2, "CoordinateSystem", coverage->name()); } int index = _odf->url().lastIndexOf("/"); QString csyurl = _odf->url().left(index) + "/" + csyName; QFileInfo csyinf(QUrl(csyurl).toLocalFile()); if ( !csyinf.exists()) { // if filepath doesnt exist we create if from scratch bool mustWriteCsyFile = csy.isValid(); if (mustWriteCsyFile) { QUrl url = csyurl; // new attempt to create a suitable path; csy->connectTo(url,"coordsystem","ilwis3", IlwisObject::cmOUTPUT); if(!csy->store({"storemode",Ilwis::IlwisObject::smMETADATA})){ // fail, we default to unknown csyName = "Unknown.csy"; WARN2(ERR_NO_INITIALIZED_2,"CoordinateSystem",obj->name()); } else { csyName = url.toLocalFile(); } }else csyName = "Unknown.csy"; } }else csyName = "LatLonWGS84.csy"; }else csyName = "unknown.csy"; return QFileInfo(csyName).fileName(); }
void SubGridLayer::calcEnvelope(Coordinate& cmin, Coordinate& cmax) const { cmin = layerManager()->rootLayer()->zoomEnvelope().min_corner(); cmax = layerManager()->rootLayer()->zoomEnvelope().max_corner(); if (!cmin.isValid() || !cmax.isValid()) return; ICoordinateSystem screenCsy = layerManager()->rootLayer()->screenCsy(); if (!screenCsy.isValid()) return; if (screenCsy->isUnknown()) // cant do any extra calcs with unknown return; bool isLatLon = screenCsy->isLatLon(); if (isLatLon) { if (cmin.y <= -89) cmin.y = -89; if (cmin.x < -180) cmin.x = -180; if (cmax.y >= 89) cmax.y = 89; if (cmax.x > 180) cmax.x = 180; } else { LatLon llmin = screenCsy->coord2latlon(cmin); LatLon llmax = screenCsy->coord2latlon(cmax); if (llmin.isValid() && llmax.isValid()) { if (llmin.Lat() <= -85) cmin.y = screenCsy->latlon2coord(LatLon(-85, llmin.Lon())).y; if (llmin.Lon() < -180) cmin.x = screenCsy->latlon2coord(LatLon(llmin.Lat(), -180)).x; if (llmax.Lat() > 85) cmax.y = screenCsy->latlon2coord(LatLon(85, llmax.Lon())).y; if (llmax.Lon() > 180) cmax.x = screenCsy->latlon2coord(LatLon(llmax.Lat(), 180)).x; } } }
SPFeatureI FeatureCoverage::newFeatureFrom(const SPFeatureI& existingFeature, const ICoordinateSystem& csySource) { Locker<> lock(_mutex); auto transform = [&](const UPGeometry& geom)->geos::geom::Geometry * { if ( geom.get() == 0) return 0; geos::geom::Geometry *newgeom = geom->clone(); if ( csySource.isValid() && !csySource->isEqual(coordinateSystem().ptr())){ CsyTransform trans(csySource, coordinateSystem()); newgeom->apply_rw(&trans); newgeom->geometryChangedAction(); } GeometryHelper::setCoordinateSystem(newgeom, coordinateSystem().ptr()); return newgeom; }; if (!connector()->dataIsLoaded()) { connector()->loadData(this); } auto *newfeature = createNewFeature(existingFeature->geometryType()); const UPGeometry& geom = existingFeature->geometry(); newfeature->geometry(transform(geom)) ; auto variantIndexes = _attributeDefinition.indexes(); for(auto index : variantIndexes){ const auto& variant = existingFeature[index]; auto *variantFeature = createNewFeature(variant->geometryType()); const auto& geom = variant->geometry(); variantFeature->geometry(transform(geom)) ; newfeature->setSubFeature(index, variantFeature); } _features.push_back(newfeature); return _features.back(); }
bool CoverageConnector::storeMetaData(IlwisObject *obj, IlwisTypes type, const DataDefinition& datadef) { bool ok = Ilwis3Connector::storeMetaData(obj, type); if ( !ok) return false; Coverage *coverage = static_cast<Coverage *>(obj); const ICoordinateSystem csy = coverage->coordinateSystem(); if (!csy.isValid()) return ERROR2(ERR_NO_INITIALIZED_2, "CoordinateSystem", coverage->name()); QString localName = Resource::toLocalFile(csy->source().url(),true); if ( localName == sUNDEF) { localName = CoordinateSystemConnector::createCsyFromCode(csy->code()); } if ( localName == sUNDEF) { return ERROR2(ERR_NO_INITIALIZED_2, "CoordinateSystem", coverage->name()); } _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","CoordSystem", localName); Box2D<double> bounds = coverage->envelope(); if(!bounds.isValid()) return ERROR2(ERR_NO_INITIALIZED_2, "Bounds", coverage->name()); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","CoordBounds",QString("%1 %2 %3 %4"). arg(bounds.min_corner().x(),10,'f'). arg(bounds.min_corner().y(),10,'f'). arg(bounds.max_corner().x(),10,'f'). arg(bounds.max_corner().y(),10,'f')); const IDomain dom = datadef.domain(); if (!dom.isValid()) return ERROR2(ERR_NO_INITIALIZED_2, "Domain", coverage->name()); calcStatics(obj,NumericStatistics::pBASIC); if ( dom->ilwisType() == itNUMERICDOMAIN) { quint16 digits = coverage->statistics().significantDigits(); qint32 delta = coverage->statistics()[NumericStatistics::pDELTA]; if ( delta >= 0 && delta < 256 && digits == 0){ if ( delta >= 0 && delta < 256 && digits == 0){ if ( datadef.domain()->code() == "boolean"){ QString domInfo = QString("bool.dom;Byte;bool;0;;"); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","DomainInfo",domInfo); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","Range","0:1:offset=-1"); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","Domain","bool.dom"); } else{ QString domInfo = QString("Image.dom;Byte;image;0;;"); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","DomainInfo",domInfo); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","Range","0:255:offset=0"); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","MinMax","0:255"); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","Domain","Image.dom"); } } } else { const NumericStatistics& stats = coverage->statistics(); int digits = stats.significantDigits(); RawConverter conv(stats[NumericStatistics::pMIN], stats[NumericStatistics::pMAX],pow(10, - digits)); QString rangeString = QString("%1:%2:%3:offset=%4").arg(stats[NumericStatistics::pMIN]).arg(stats[NumericStatistics::pMAX]).arg(conv.scale()).arg(conv.offset()); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","Range",rangeString); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","Domain","value.dom"); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","MinMax",QString("%1:%2").arg(stats[NumericStatistics::pMIN]).arg(stats[NumericStatistics::pMAX])); QString domInfo = QString("value.dom;Long;value;0;-9999999.9:9999999.9:0.1:offset=0"); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","DomainInfo",domInfo); } } if ( dom->ilwisType() == itITEMDOMAIN) { QString source = Resource::toLocalFile(dom->source().url(), true); if ( dom->valueType() == itTHEMATICITEM && coverage->ilwisType() == itRASTER) { IThematicDomain themdom = dom.get<ThematicDomain>(); if ( themdom.isValid()) { QString domInfo = QString("%1;Byte;class;%2;;").arg(source).arg(themdom->count()); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","DomainInfo",domInfo); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","Domain",source); } } else if(dom->valueType() == itINDEXEDITEM) { QString domName = _odf->fileinfo().fileName(); QString domInfo = QString("%1;Long;UniqueID;0;;").arg(domName); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","DomainInfo",domInfo); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","Domain",domName); } else if ( dom->valueType() == itNAMEDITEM) { INamedIdDomain iddom = dom.get<NamedIdDomain>(); QString domName = _odf->fileinfo().fileName(); int index; if ( (index=domName.lastIndexOf("."))!= -1) { domName = domName.left(index); } QString domInfo = QString("%1;;Int;id;%2;;").arg(domName).arg(iddom->count()); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","DomainInfo",domInfo); _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","Domain",domName); iddom->connectTo(QUrl(),"domain","ilwis3", IlwisObject::cmOUTPUT); iddom->store(Ilwis::IlwisObject::smMETADATA | Ilwis::IlwisObject::smBINARYDATA); } } ITable attTable = coverage->attributeTable(); if ( attTable.isValid()) { QScopedPointer<TableConnector> conn(createTableConnector(attTable, coverage, type)); conn->storeMetaData(attTable.ptr()); } return true; }
GeoReference *InternalIlwisObjectFactory::createGrfFromCode(const Resource& resource) const{ QString code = resource.code(); // int index = code.indexOf(":"); // if ( index != -1) // code = code.mid(index + 1); QStringList parts = code.split(","); std::map<QString, QString> parameters; for(auto part : parts){ int index = part.indexOf("="); QString key = part.left(index).trimmed(); QString value = part.mid(index + 1).trimmed(); parameters[key] = value; } bool isCorners = parameters["type"] == "corners"; GeoReference *cgrf = 0; ICoordinateSystem csy; Envelope env; Size<> sz; if ( isCorners){ cgrf = createFromResource<GeoReference>(resource, IOOptions()); cgrf->create("corners"); cgrf->name(ANONYMOUS_PREFIX + QString::number(cgrf->id())); } if ( cgrf == 0) return 0; for(auto kvp : parameters){ if ( kvp.first == "csy"){ bool ok; quint64 id = kvp.second.toULongLong(&ok); if ( ok){ csy .prepare(id); }else { QString name = kvp.second; if ( name.left(4) == "epsg" || name.left(5) == "proj4") name = "code=" + name; csy.prepare(kvp.second); } if (!csy.isValid()) return 0; } if ( kvp.first == "envelope"){ QString coordstring = kvp.second; QStringList coords = coordstring.split(" "); if (coords.size()!= 4) return 0; bool ok1, ok2; env += Coordinate(coords[0].toDouble(&ok1), coords[1].toDouble(&ok2)); if (!ok1 || !ok2) return 0; env += Coordinate(coords[2].toDouble(&ok1), coords[3].toDouble(&ok2)); if (!ok1 || !ok2) return 0; } if ( kvp.first == "gridsize"){ QStringList dims = kvp.second.split(" "); sz = Size<>(dims[0].toUInt(), dims[1].toUInt(),1); } if ( kvp.first == "name"){ cgrf->name(kvp.second); } if ( kvp.first == "cornerofcorners") cgrf->centerOfPixel("yes") != 0); } if ( parameters.find("name") == parameters.end()) cgrf->name(ANONYMOUS_PREFIX + QString::number(cgrf->id())); if ( csy.isValid() && env.isValid() && sz.isValid()){ cgrf->coordinateSystem(csy); QSharedPointer< CornersGeoReference> spGrf = cgrf->as< CornersGeoReference>(); spGrf->internalEnvelope(env); cgrf->size(sz); cgrf->compute(); return cgrf; } return 0; }
bool InternalIlwisObjectFactory::createCoverage(const Resource& resource, Coverage *coverage, const IOOptions &options) const { if (!coverage->prepare()) return false; //coverage->setName(QString("%1%2").arg(ANONYMOUS_PREFIX).arg(coverage->id())); ICoordinateSystem csy; QString typnm = resource["coordinatesystem"].typeName(); if (typnm == "Ilwis::ICoordinateSystem") csy = resource["coordinatesystem"].value<Ilwis::ICoordinateSystem>(); else if( typnm == "QString" && resource["coordinatesystem"].toString() != sUNDEF ) { Resource newresource = resource.property2Resource("coordinatesystem", itCOORDSYSTEM); if ( newresource.isValid()) { if (!csy.prepare(newresource,options)) return false; } } else if ( typnm == "qulonglong"){ if(!csy.prepare(resource["coordinatesystem"].value<quint64>())) return 0; } if ( csy.isValid()){ coverage->coordinateSystem(csy); } Envelope bounds; QString envType = resource["envelope"].typeName(); if ( envType == "Ilwis::Box<double>" || envType == "Ilwis::Envelope") { bounds = resource["envelope"].value<Envelope>(); }else if (QString(resource["envelope"].typeName()) == "QString" && resource["envelope"].toString() != sUNDEF) { bounds = Envelope(resource["envelope"].toString()); } if ( bounds.isValid()) { coverage->envelope(bounds); } if ( resource.ilwisType() == itRASTER) { IDomain dom; QString tpname = resource["domain"].typeName(); if (tpname == "Ilwis::IDomain") dom = resource["domain"].value<Ilwis::IDomain>(); else if( tpname == "QString" && resource["domain"].toString() != sUNDEF ) { Resource newresource = resource.property2Resource("domain", itDOMAIN); if ( newresource.isValid()) { if (!dom.prepare(newresource, options)) return false; } } else if ( tpname == "qulonglong"){ if(!dom.prepare(resource["domain"].value<quint64>())) return 0; } if ( dom.isValid()){ RasterCoverage *raster = static_cast<RasterCoverage *>(coverage); raster->datadefRef().domain(dom); } } return true; }
SPFeatureI FeatureCoverage::newFeature(const QString& wkt, const ICoordinateSystem& foreigncsy, bool load){ geos::geom::Geometry *geom = GeometryHelper::fromWKT(wkt, foreigncsy.isValid() ? foreigncsy : coordinateSystem()); if ( !geom) throw FeatureCreationError(TR("failed to create feature, is the wkt valid?")); return newFeature(geom,load); }