bool EventManager::QueueEvent(const IEventPtr& pEvent)
	CB_ASSERT(m_ActiveQueue >= 0);

	if (!pEvent)
		CB_ERROR("Invalid Event");
		return false;
	CB_LOG("Events", "Attempting to queue event: " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()));

	// make sure there are listeners for this event
	auto findIt = m_EventListeners.find(pEvent->GetEventType());
	if (findIt != m_EventListeners.end())
		CB_LOG("Events", "Successfully queued event: " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()));
		return true;
		CB_LOG("Events", "No listeners for event: " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()));
		return false;
bool EventManager::TriggerEvent(const IEventPtr& pEvent) const
	CB_LOG("Events", "Attempting to trigger event " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()));
	bool processed = false;

	// iterate the map looking for this event type
	auto findIt = m_EventListeners.find(pEvent->GetEventType());
	if (findIt != m_EventListeners.end())
		// iterate the listener list and send the event to each listener
		const EventListenerList& listeners = findIt->second;
		for (EventListenerList::const_iterator it = listeners.begin(); it != listeners.end(); ++it)
			EventListenerDelegate listener = (*it);
			CB_LOG("Events", "Sending event " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()) + " to delegate listener."); 
			processed = true;

	return processed;
bool EventManager::Update(unsigned long maxMillis)
	unsigned long currMS = GetTickCount();
	// set the max milliseconds to process events
	unsigned long maxMS = (maxMillis == IEventManager::kINFINITE) ? IEventManager::kINFINITE : currMS + maxMillis;

	// handle events from other threads
	IEventPtr pRealtimeEvent;
	while (m_RealTimeEventQueue.try_pop(pRealtimeEvent))
		currMS = GetTickCount();

		if (maxMillis != IEventManager::kINFINITE)
			if (currMS >= maxMS)
				CB_ERROR("Too many real time processes hitting the event manager");

	// swap active queues and clear the new active after the swap
	int queueToProcess = m_ActiveQueue;
	m_ActiveQueue = (m_ActiveQueue + 1) % EVENTMANAGER_NUM_QUEUES;

	CB_LOG("EventLoop", "Processing Event Queue " + ToStr(queueToProcess) + "; " + ToStr((unsigned long)m_Queues[queueToProcess].size()) + " events to process");

	// process the queue of events
	while (!m_Queues[queueToProcess].empty())
		// process the first event and pop it
		IEventPtr pEvent = m_Queues[queueToProcess].front();
		CB_LOG("EventLoop", "\t\tProcessing Event " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()));

		const EventType& eventType = pEvent->GetEventType();

		// find all the listeners registered for this event in the map
		auto findIt = m_EventListeners.find(eventType);
		if (findIt != m_EventListeners.end())
			// get the list of listeners
			const EventListenerList& listeners = findIt->second;
			CB_LOG("Event Loop", "\t\tFound " + ToStr((unsigned long)listeners.size()) + " listeners");

			// call each listener for this event type
			for (auto it = listeners.begin(); it != listeners.end(); ++it)
				EventListenerDelegate listener = *it;
				CB_LOG("EventLoop", "\t\tSending event " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()) + " to listener");

		// check to see if time ran out
		currMS = GetTickCount();
		if (maxMillis != IEventManager::kINFINITE && currMS >= maxMS)
			CB_LOG("EventLoop", "Aborting event processing, time ran out");
	bool queueFlushed = m_Queues[queueToProcess].empty();
	// if we couldn't process all events, push remaining events on the new active queue
	if (!queueFlushed)
		while (!m_Queues[queueToProcess].empty())
			IEventPtr pEvent = m_Queues[queueToProcess].back();

	return queueFlushed;