STDMETHODIMP CSimplePointDatasetHelper::get_Fields(long ClassIndex, IFields **FieldSet)
	if (! FieldSet) return E_POINTER;
	// First get the standard fields for an feature class
	IObjectClassDescriptionPtr ipOCDesc;
	hr = ipOCDesc.CreateInstance(CLSID_FeatureClassDescription);
	if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;

	IFieldsPtr ipFields;
	hr = ipOCDesc->get_RequiredFields(&ipFields);
	if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;

  IFieldPtr ipField;

  // We will have: a shape field name of "shape"
  // an UnknownCoordinateSystem
  // Just need to change the geometry type to Point
	long i;
	long lNumFields;
	esriFieldType eFieldType;
	hr = ipFields->get_FieldCount(&lNumFields);
	if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;

	for (i=0; i < lNumFields; i++)
    hr = ipFields->get_Field(i, &ipField);
		if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;

		hr = ipField->get_Type(&eFieldType);
		if (eFieldType == esriFieldTypeGeometry)
			IGeometryDefPtr ipGeomDef;
			hr = ipField->get_GeometryDef(&ipGeomDef);
			if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;

  		IGeometryDefEditPtr ipGeomDefEdit = ipGeomDef;
			if (ipGeomDefEdit == NULL) return E_FAIL;

			hr = ipGeomDefEdit->put_GeometryType(esriGeometryPoint);
			if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;

		// Add the extra text field
	IFieldEditPtr ipFieldEdit;
	hr = ipFieldEdit.CreateInstance(CLSID_Field);
  if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;

	hr = ipFieldEdit->put_Name(L"Column1");
	if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
	hr = ipFieldEdit->put_Type(esriFieldTypeString);
	if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;

	hr = ipFieldEdit->put_Length(1);
	if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;

  IFieldsEditPtr ipFieldsEdit = ipFields;
  if (ipFieldsEdit == NULL) return E_FAIL;

	ipField = ipFieldEdit;
	if (ipField == NULL) return E_FAIL;

  hr = ipFieldsEdit->AddField(ipField);
	if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;

  *FieldSet = ipFields.Detach(); // pass ownership of object to client 

	return S_OK;
예제 #2
파일: aolayer.cpp 프로젝트: 0004c/node-gdal
bool AOLayer::Initialize(ITable* pTable)

  m_ipTable = pTable;

  CComBSTR temp;

  IDatasetPtr ipDataset = m_ipTable;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipDataset->get_Name(&temp)))
    return false;

  m_pFeatureDefn = new OGRFeatureDefn(CW2A(temp)); //Should I "new" an OGR smart pointer - sample says so, but it doesn't seem right
                                                   //as long as we use the same compiler & settings in both the ogr build and this
                                                   //driver, we should be OK

  IFeatureClassPtr ipFC = m_ipTable;


  if (hasOID == VARIANT_TRUE)
    m_strOIDFieldName = CW2A(temp);

  if (FAILED(hr = ipFC->get_ShapeFieldName(&temp)))
    return AOErr(hr, "No shape field found!");

  m_strShapeFieldName = CW2A(temp);

  IFieldsPtr ipFields;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipFC->get_Fields(&ipFields)))
    return AOErr(hr, "Fields not found!");

  long shapeIndex = -1;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipFields->FindField(temp, &shapeIndex)))
    return AOErr(hr, "Shape field not found!");

  IFieldPtr ipShapeField;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipFields->get_Field(shapeIndex, &ipShapeField)))
    return false;
  // Use GeometryDef to set OGR shapetype and Spatial Reference information

  IGeometryDefPtr ipGeoDef;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipShapeField->get_GeometryDef(&ipGeoDef)))
    return false;

  OGRwkbGeometryType ogrGeoType;
  if (!AOToOGRGeometry(ipGeoDef, &ogrGeoType))
    return false;


  if (wkbFlatten(ogrGeoType) == wkbMultiLineString || wkbFlatten(ogrGeoType) == wkbMultiPoint)
    m_forceMulti = true;

  // Mapping of Spatial Reference will be passive about errors
  // (it is possible we won't be able to map some ESRI-specific projections)

  esriGeometry::ISpatialReferencePtr ipSR = NULL;

  if (FAILED(hr = ipGeoDef->get_SpatialReference(&ipSR)))
    AOErr(hr, "Failed Fetching ESRI spatial reference");
    if (!AOToOGRSpatialReference(ipSR, &m_pSRS))
      //report error, but be passive about it
      CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "Failed Mapping ESRI Spatial Reference");

  // Map fields
  return AOToOGRFields(ipFields, m_pFeatureDefn, m_OGRFieldToESRIField);