예제 #1
bool PlayerLureFX::Reset( )
	// Get the client player object.
	HOBJECT hObj = g_pMoveMgr->GetObject( );
	if( !hObj )
		ASSERT( !"PlayerLureFX::GetOffsetTransform:  Missing client-side player object." );
		return false;

	// Get the client player's position.
	LTransform playerTransform;
	g_pLTClient->GetObjectPos( hObj, &playerTransform.m_Pos );
	g_pLTClient->GetObjectRotation( hObj, &playerTransform.m_Rot );
	playerTransform.m_Scale.Init( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );

	// Get the playerlure's transform.
	LTransform playerLureTransform;
	g_pLTClient->GetObjectPos( GetServerObj( ), &playerLureTransform.m_Pos );
	g_pLTClient->GetObjectRotation( GetServerObj( ), &playerLureTransform.m_Rot );
	playerLureTransform.m_Scale.Init( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );

	// Find the offset transform.
	ILTTransform *pTransformLT = g_pLTClient->GetTransformLT();
	pTransformLT->Difference( m_offsetTransform, playerTransform, playerLureTransform );
	m_offsetTransform.m_Scale.Init( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );

	return true;
예제 #2
bool WorldModel::AttachServerMark( CServerMark& mark, CLIENTWEAPONFX & theStruct)
	LTransform globalTransform, parentTransform, localTransform;
    ILTTransform *pTransformLT;
    LTVector vParentPos, vOffset;
    LTRotation rParentRot, rRot;
    LTRotation rOffset;

	pTransformLT = g_pLTServer->GetTransformLT();

	// Attach the mark to the parent object...

	// Figure out what the rotation we want is.
	rRot = LTRotation(theStruct.vSurfaceNormal, LTVector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));

	// MD
	// Ok, now we have the transform in global space but attachments are specified in
	// local space (so they can move as the object moves and rotates).

	// Set the global LTransform.
	pTransformLT->Set(globalTransform, theStruct.vPos, rRot);

	// Get the object's transform.
	g_pLTServer->GetObjectPos( m_hObject, &vParentPos);
	g_pLTServer->GetObjectRotation( m_hObject, &rParentRot);
	parentTransform.m_Pos = vParentPos;
	parentTransform.m_Rot = rParentRot;

	// Get the offset.
	pTransformLT->Difference(localTransform, globalTransform, parentTransform);
	vOffset = localTransform.m_Pos;
	rOffset = localTransform.m_Rot;

	HATTACHMENT hAttachment = NULL;
    LTRESULT dRes = g_pLTServer->CreateAttachment( m_hObject, mark.m_hObject, LTNULL,
											     &vOffset, &rOffset, &hAttachment);
    if (dRes != LT_OK)
		return false;

	// Add to the attachment list.
	LTObjRefNotifier ref( *this );
	ref = mark.m_hObject;
	m_AttachmentList.push_back( ref );

	return true;
예제 #3
void CNodeController::HandleNodeControlRecoilMessage(HMESSAGEREAD hMessage)
	if ( m_cRecoils >= MAX_RECOILS )

	m_fRecoilTimers[m_cRecoils++] = 0.50f;

	ModelNode eModelNode;
    eModelNode = (ModelNode)g_pLTClient->ReadFromMessageByte(hMessage);

    LTVector vRecoilDir;
    g_pLTClient->ReadFromMessageCompVector(hMessage, &vRecoilDir);

	// Get the magnitude of the recoil vector

    LTFLOAT fRecoilMag = VEC_MAGSQR(vRecoilDir);

	// Get the unit impact/recoil vector

	vRecoilDir /= (float)sqrt(fRecoilMag);

	// Cap it if necessary

	if ( fRecoilMag > 100.0f )
		fRecoilMag = 100.0f;

	// Get the position of the impact

	NSTRUCT* pNode = &m_aNodes[eModelNode];
    ILTModel* pModelLT = g_pLTClient->GetModelLT();
	LTransform transform;
    pModelLT->GetNodeTransform(GetCFX()->GetServerObj(), pNode->hModelNode, transform, LTTRUE);

	// Decompose the transform into the position and rotation

    LTVector vPos;
    ILTTransform* pTransformLT = g_pLTClient->GetTransformLT();
	pTransformLT->GetPos(transform, vPos);

    LTVector vRecoilPos = vPos;

	// Add angular rotations up the recoil parent chain

	ModelNode eModelNodeCurrent = g_pModelButeMgr->GetSkeletonNodeRecoilParent(GetCFX()->GetModelSkeleton(), eModelNode);

	while ( eModelNodeCurrent != eModelNodeInvalid )
		// Get the rotation of the node

		NSTRUCT* pNode = &m_aNodes[eModelNodeCurrent];

		LTransform transform;
        ILTModel* pModelLT = g_pLTClient->GetModelLT();

		// Get the transform of the node we're controlling

        pModelLT->GetNodeTransform(GetCFX()->GetServerObj(), pNode->hModelNode, transform, LTTRUE);

        ILTTransform* pTransformLT = g_pLTClient->GetTransformLT();

		// Decompose the transform into the position and rotation

        LTVector vPos;
        LTRotation rRot;
		pTransformLT->Get(transform, vPos, rRot);

		// Get the rotation vectors of the transform

        LTVector vRight, vUp, vForward;
        g_pLTClient->GetRotationVectors(&rRot, &vUp, &vRight, &vForward);

		// Cross the right vector with the impact vector to get swing

        LTVector vRotationAxis = vRight.Cross(vRecoilDir);

		// Add the timed rotation control for the swing

		// !!! HACK
		// !!! Do not add swing if this is a leg node

		if ( !strstr(g_pModelButeMgr->GetSkeletonNodeName(GetCFX()->GetModelSkeleton(), eModelNodeCurrent), "leg") )
		AddNodeControlRotationTimed(eModelNodeCurrent, vRotationAxis, MATH_PI/1000.0f*fRecoilMag, 0.50f);

		// Use the right vector to get twist, but make sure the sign is correct based on location
		// of impact and whether we're getting shot at from behind/front etc

		vRotationAxis = vRight;

		// Get the twist

        LTVector vSideDir = vRecoilPos-vPos;

        LTFLOAT fSign = vUp.Dot(vRecoilDir);
		fSign *= vForward.Dot(vSideDir);

		if ( fSign > 0.0f )
			vRotationAxis = -vRotationAxis;

		// Add the timed rotation control for the twist

	//	AddNodeControlRotationTimed(eModelNodeCurrent, vRotationAxis, MATH_PI/1000.0f*fRecoilMag, 0.50f);

		// Decrease the magnitude

		fRecoilMag /= 2.0f;

		eModelNodeCurrent = g_pModelButeMgr->GetSkeletonNodeRecoilParent(GetCFX()->GetModelSkeleton(), eModelNodeCurrent);
예제 #4
void CNodeController::UpdateHeadFollowPosControl(NCSTRUCT *pNodeControl)
    LTVector vPos;
    LTRotation rRot;
	LTransform transform;
    LTVector vU, vR, vF;

	// Get information about the control node...
	// *** NOTE: On the head node... vU faces forward, vR faces down, vF faces right ***

	// Get access to the controls...
    ILTMath *pMathLT = g_pLTClient->GetMathLT();
    ILTModel *pModelLT = g_pLTClient->GetModelLT();
    ILTTransform *pTransformLT = g_pLTClient->GetTransformLT();

	// Get the transform of the node we're controlling
    pModelLT->GetNodeTransform(GetCFX()->GetServerObj(), m_aNodes[pNodeControl->eModelNode].hModelNode, transform, LTTRUE);

	// Decompose the transform into the position and rotation
	pTransformLT->Get(transform, vPos, rRot);
	pMathLT->GetRotationVectors(rRot, vR, vU, vF);

	// Get information about the follow position...
    LTVector vObjPos = pNodeControl->vFollowPos;

	// Turn the follow control off if the expire time has past
	if(pNodeControl->fFollowExpireTime <= 0.0f)
		pNodeControl->fFollowExpireTime = 0.0f;
        pNodeControl->bFollowOn = LTFALSE;
        pNodeControl->fFollowExpireTime -= g_pGameClientShell->GetFrameTime();

	// Setup the rotation matrix to directly follow the destination position

	// Get the direction that we're going to face...
    LTVector vDir = vObjPos - vPos;

	// Setup some temp vectors that are on the x/z plane...
    LTVector vTempU, vTempF, vTempDir;
	vTempU = vU; vTempU.y = 0.0f;
	vTempF = vF; vTempF.y = 0.0f;
	vTempDir = vDir; vTempDir.y = 0.0f;


	// Get the dot products between the dir vector and the up and forward to determine the rotation angles
    LTFLOAT fDotUDir = VEC_DOT(vTempU, vTempDir);
    LTFLOAT fDotFDir = VEC_DOT(vTempF, vTempDir);
    LTFLOAT fDotRDir = 0.0f;

	// Init the vectors to get a rotation matrix from...
    LTVector vRotAxisR(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	// Get the first rotation angle
    LTFLOAT fAngle1 = pNodeControl->bFollowOn ? fDotUDir : 1.0f;
	if(fAngle1 < -0.1f) fAngle1 = -0.1f;		// HACK! Limit the head rotation
	fAngle1 = (1.0f - fAngle1) * MATH_HALFPI;
	if(fDotFDir < 0.0f) fAngle1 *= -1.0f;

	// Do a full rotation around the first axis so we can get an angle for the second axis
    LTFLOAT fTempAngle = pNodeControl->bFollowOn ? ((1.0f - fDotUDir) * MATH_HALFPI) : 0.0f;
	pMathLT->RotateAroundAxis(rRot, vR, (fDotFDir < 0.0f) ? -fTempAngle : fTempAngle);
	pMathLT->GetRotationVectors(rRot, vR, vU, vF);

	fDotUDir = VEC_DOT(vU, vDir);
	fDotRDir = VEC_DOT(vR, vDir);

	// Get the second rotation angle
    LTFLOAT fAngle2 = pNodeControl->bFollowOn ? fDotUDir : 1.0f;
	if(fAngle2 < 0.25f) fAngle2 = 0.25f;		// HACK! Limit the head rotation
	fAngle2 = (1.0f - fAngle2) * MATH_HALFPI;
	if(fDotRDir > 0.0f) fAngle2 *= -1.0f;

	// Calculate a max rotation value
    LTFLOAT fRotMax = (pNodeControl->fFollowRate * g_pGameClientShell->GetFrameTime() / 180.0f) * MATH_PI;

	// Interpolate the angles based off the previous angle
	if(fAngle1 > pNodeControl->vFollowAngles.y + fRotMax) fAngle1 = pNodeControl->vFollowAngles.y + fRotMax;
	else if(fAngle1 < pNodeControl->vFollowAngles.y - fRotMax) fAngle1 = pNodeControl->vFollowAngles.y - fRotMax;

	if(fAngle2 > pNodeControl->vFollowAngles.x + fRotMax) fAngle2 = pNodeControl->vFollowAngles.x + fRotMax;
	else if(fAngle2 < pNodeControl->vFollowAngles.x - fRotMax) fAngle2 = pNodeControl->vFollowAngles.x - fRotMax;

	// Create a new rotation and rotate around each controlled axis
    LTRotation rNewRot;

	pMathLT->RotateAroundAxis(rNewRot, vRotAxisR, fAngle1);
	pNodeControl->vFollowAngles.y = fAngle1;

	pMathLT->GetRotationVectors(rNewRot, vR, vU, vF);

	pMathLT->RotateAroundAxis(rNewRot, vF, fAngle2);
	pNodeControl->vFollowAngles.x = fAngle2;

	// If we're turned off and back at the start rotation... make the control invalid
	if(!pNodeControl->bFollowOn && pNodeControl->vFollowAngles.x == 0.0f && pNodeControl->vFollowAngles.y == 0.0f)
        pNodeControl->bValid = LTFALSE;

	// Create a rotation matrix and apply it to the current offset matrix
    LTMatrix m1;
	pMathLT->SetupRotationMatrix(m1, rNewRot);
	m_aNodes[pNodeControl->eModelNode].matTransform = m_aNodes[pNodeControl->eModelNode].matTransform * m1;