예제 #1
bool HTMLLexer::ConsumeMultiLineComment( TokenList *ioTokens, sLONG inType )
	// We have to override the default behavior for multiline comment consumption because we define
	// a bunch of "special" comment types for 4D.  So we will let the default consumer do its job, but
	// we will look at the comment that was consumed afterwards to see if we have a special comment
	// type.  If we do, we need only modify the token's type accordingly.
	bool ret = VLexerBase::ConsumeMultiLineComment( ioTokens, inType );

	// Look at the last token in the list (it should be a comment or an open comment), and grab its text
	ILexerToken *token = ioTokens->back();
	xbox_assert( token->GetType() == ILexerToken::TT_COMMENT || token->GetType() == ILexerToken::TT_OPEN_COMMENT );

	// For right now, we only care about finished comments because it makes the logic easier.  We don't have to
	// worry so much about handling the syntax highlighting aspects of things.
	VString tokenText = token->GetText();
	if (token->GetType() == ILexerToken::TT_COMMENT && tokenText.BeginsWith( CVSTR( "<!--#4D" ) )) {
		// We probably have one of the special comment types.  We're going to remove the old token and create a new
		// one with the appropriate information, but only after we've verified that this isn't just garbage!
		if (tokenText.BeginsWith( CVSTR( "<!--#4DVAR" ) ) ||
			tokenText.BeginsWith( CVSTR( "<!--#4DHTMLVAR" ) ) ||
			tokenText.BeginsWith( CVSTR( "<!--#4DINCLUDE" ) ) ||
			tokenText.BeginsWith( CVSTR( "<!--#4DACTION" ) ) ||
			tokenText.BeginsWith( CVSTR( "<!--#4DSCRIPT" ) ) ||
			tokenText.BeginsWith( CVSTR( "<!--#4DMETHOD" ) ) ||
			tokenText.BeginsWith( CVSTR( "<!--#4DIF" ) ) ||
			tokenText.BeginsWith( CVSTR( "<!--#4DELSE" ) ) ||
			tokenText.BeginsWith( CVSTR( "<!--#4DENDIF" ) ) ||
			tokenText.BeginsWith( CVSTR( "<!--#4DLOOP" ) ) ||
			tokenText.BeginsWith( CVSTR( "<!--#4DENDLOOP" ) )) {
				ioTokens->push_back( new HTMLLexerToken( ILexerToken::TT_SPECIAL_4D_COMMENT, token->GetPosition(), token->GetLength(), tokenText, token->GetValue() ) );

	return ret;
예제 #2
bool ScriptDocLexer::ConsumeComment( VString &outComment )
	// We found the start of a comment, so we want to consume it in its entirety.  The
	// only tricky part to comments is that they can span multiple lines, but we don't
	// want to include the starting asterisk as part of the comment itself.
	UniChar szUCharBuffer [ 256 ];
	VIndex nBufferSize = 0;

	while (true) {
		// If we're out of characters, we need to bail out
		if (!fLexerInput->HasMoreChars())	return false;

		// Check the next character -- if it's a line ending, we need to handle it specially,
		// but if it's not, then we can add it to our comment buffer
		UniChar ch = fLexerInput->MoveToNextChar();
		if (IsLineEnding( ch )) {
			ConsumeLineEnding( ch );

			// When we have a line ending, we don't know whether we're dealing with a continuation
			// of the comment, or the start of a tag section, or perhaps even the end of the 
			// ScriptDoc section itself.  So we need to proceed with caution.  For anything other than
			// a continuation of the comment, we want to bail out.
			// Start by skipping any whitespaces we find
			bool toss = false;
			if (!SkipWhitespaces( toss ))	return false;

			// Store the line ending off so we can possibly stuff it into the user's buffer
			UniChar lineEnding = ch;

			// Next, we expect to see the asterisk that is required.  However, it could also be that
			// we have found the end of the script doc itself.
			ch = fLexerInput->HasMoreChars() ? fLexerInput->PeekAtNextChar() : -1;
			if (-1 == ch)	return false;
			if (ch != CHAR_ASTERISK)	return false;
			do {
				ch = fLexerInput->MoveToNextChar();
			} while (ch == CHAR_ASTERISK);
			if (ch == CHAR_SOLIDUS)		{ fLexerInput->MoveToPreviousChar(); fLexerInput->MoveToPreviousChar(); break; }

			// Now we want to skip any whitespaces we find between the asterisk and the rest of the comment.
			TokenList spaces;
			if (!SkipWhitespaces( toss, &spaces ))	return false;

			// The next trick is to see whether we've got a user tag, which follows the asterisk
			ch = fLexerInput->HasMoreChars() ? fLexerInput->PeekAtNextChar() : -1;
			if (-1 == ch)	return false;
			if (IsScriptDocTag( ch )) {
				// In order for this to lex properly on the next pass through AdvanceOneToken, we actually need
				// to put the asterisk back, as well as any of the spaces we've read.
				for (TokenList::iterator iter = spaces.begin(); iter != spaces.end(); ++iter) {
					ILexerToken *token = *iter;
					for (int i = 0; i < token->GetLength(); i++)	fLexerInput->MoveToPreviousChar();

				// Put back the asterisk as well
				// We've processed the end of the comment, so we want to bail out now

			// We are going to preserve the user's formatting by including the newlines they use.
			AppendUniCharWithBuffer( lineEnding, &outComment, szUCharBuffer, nBufferSize, 256 );
		} else {
			AppendUniCharWithBuffer( ch, &outComment, szUCharBuffer, nBufferSize, 256 );
	if (nBufferSize > 0)	outComment.AppendUniChars( szUCharBuffer, nBufferSize );

	return true;