예제 #1
bool CPlayerTextureProxy::Init( IMaterial *pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues )
	return false;

	m_pMaterial = pMaterial;

	// Check for $basetexture variable
	m_pBaseTextureVar = pMaterial->FindVar( "$basetexture", NULL );

	if ( !m_pBaseTextureVar )
		return false;

	// Set default texture and make sure its not an error texture
	m_pTexture = m_pBaseTextureVar->GetTextureValue();

	if ( IsErrorTexture( m_pTexture ) )
		return false;
	Q_strncpy(m_szTextureType, pKeyValues->GetString("type"), sizeof(m_szTextureType));

	if (!Q_strcmp(m_szTextureType, "shirt") || !Q_strcmp(m_szTextureType, "keepershirt"))
		m_pDetailTextureVar = pMaterial->FindVar("$detail", NULL);
		//m_pTextureRegen = new CProceduralRegenerator();

	return true;
예제 #2
bool CCamoMaterialProxy::Init( IMaterial *pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues )
	return false; // hack!  Need to make sure that the TGA loader has a valid filesystem before trying
			// to load the camo pattern.

#if 0
	// set how big our instance data is.
	SetInstanceDataSize( sizeof( CamoInstanceData_t ) );
	// remember what material we belong to.
	m_pMaterial = pMaterial;
	// get pointers to material vars.
	bool found;
	m_pCamoTextureVar = m_pMaterial->FindVar( "$baseTexture", &found );
	if( !found )
		m_pCamoTextureVar = NULL;
		return false;
	ITexture *pCamoTexture = m_pCamoTextureVar->GetTextureValue();
	if (pCamoTexture)
		pCamoTexture->SetTextureRegenerator( &m_TextureRegen );
	// Need to get the palettized texture to create the procedural texture from
	// somewhere.
	m_pCamoPatternTextureVar = m_pMaterial->FindVar( "$camoPatternTexture", &found );
	if( !found )
		m_pCamoTextureVar = NULL;
		return false;
	IMaterialVar *subBoundingBoxMinVar, *subBoundingBoxMaxVar;

	subBoundingBoxMinVar = m_pMaterial->FindVar( "$camoBoundingBoxMin", &found, false );
	if( !found )
		m_SubBoundingBoxMin = Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
		subBoundingBoxMinVar->GetVecValue( m_SubBoundingBoxMin.Base(), 3 );

	subBoundingBoxMaxVar = m_pMaterial->FindVar( "$camoBoundingBoxMax", &found, false );
	if( !found )
		m_SubBoundingBoxMax = Vector( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
		subBoundingBoxMaxVar->GetVecValue( m_SubBoundingBoxMax.Base(), 3 );

	return true;
예제 #3
void CBaseShader::BindVertexTexture( VertexTextureSampler_t vtSampler, int nTextureVar, int nFrame /* = 0  */)
	Assert( !IsSnapshotting() );

	IMaterialVar* pTextureVar = s_ppParams[nTextureVar];
	if ( !pTextureVar )

	GetShaderSystem()->BindVertexTexture( vtSampler, pTextureVar->GetTextureValue() );
예제 #4
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t CBaseShader::GetShaderAPITextureBindHandle( int nTextureVar, int nFrameVar, int nTextureChannel )
	Assert( !IsSnapshotting() );
	Assert( nTextureVar != -1 );
	Assert ( s_ppParams );

	IMaterialVar* pTextureVar = s_ppParams[nTextureVar];
	IMaterialVar* pFrameVar = (nFrameVar != -1) ? s_ppParams[nFrameVar] : NULL;
	int nFrame = pFrameVar ? pFrameVar->GetIntValue() : 0;
	return GetShaderSystem()->GetShaderAPITextureBindHandle( pTextureVar->GetTextureValue(), nFrame, nTextureChannel );
예제 #5
// Purpose: 
// Input  : filter - 
//			delay - 
//			pos - 
//			player - 
//			entity - 
void TE_PlayerDecal( IRecipientFilter& filter, float delay,
	const Vector* pos, int player, int entity  )
	if ( cl_playerspraydisable.GetBool() )

	// No valid target?
	C_BaseEntity *ent = cl_entitylist->GetEnt( entity );
	if ( !ent )

	// Find player logo for shooter
	player_info_t info;
	engine->GetPlayerInfo( player, &info );

	// Make sure we've got the material for this player's logo
	char texname[ 512 ];
	IMaterial *logo = CreateTempMaterialForPlayerLogo( player, &info, texname, 512 );
	if ( !logo )

	ITexture *texture = materials->FindTexture( texname, TEXTURE_GROUP_DECAL );
	if ( IsErrorTexture( texture ) ) 
		return; // not found 

	// Update the texture used by the material if need be.
	bool bFound = false;
	IMaterialVar *pMatVar = logo->FindVar( "$basetexture", &bFound );
	if ( bFound && pMatVar )
		if ( pMatVar->GetTextureValue() != texture )
			pMatVar->SetTextureValue( texture );

	color32 rgbaColor = { 255, 255, 255, 255 };
		(void *)player,
		rgbaColor );
예제 #6
void CBaseShader::BindTexture( Sampler_t sampler1, Sampler_t sampler2, int nTextureVar, int nFrameVar /* = -1 */ )
	Assert( !IsSnapshotting() );
	Assert( nTextureVar != -1 );
	Assert ( s_ppParams );

	IMaterialVar* pTextureVar = s_ppParams[nTextureVar];
	IMaterialVar* pFrameVar = (nFrameVar != -1) ? s_ppParams[nFrameVar] : NULL;
	if (pTextureVar)
		int nFrame = pFrameVar ? pFrameVar->GetIntValue() : 0;

		if ( sampler2 == -1 )
			GetShaderSystem()->BindTexture( sampler1, pTextureVar->GetTextureValue(), nFrame );
			GetShaderSystem()->BindTexture( sampler1, sampler2, pTextureVar->GetTextureValue(), nFrame );
예제 #7
// Called when the texture is bound...
void CCamoMaterialProxy::OnBind( C_BaseEntity *pEntity )
	if( !m_pCamoTextureVar )
	m_pEnt = pEntity;	
	ITexture *pCamoTexture = m_pCamoTextureVar->GetTextureValue();

	// Mark it so it doesn't get regenerated on task switch
	m_pEnt = NULL;
예제 #8
// Binds a texture
void CBaseShader::BindTexture( TextureStage_t stage, int nTextureVar, int nFrameVar )
	Assert( !IsSnapshotting() );
	Assert( nTextureVar != -1 );
	Assert ( s_ppParams );

	IMaterialVar* pTextureVar = s_ppParams[nTextureVar];
	IMaterialVar* pFrameVar = (nFrameVar != -1) ? s_ppParams[nFrameVar] : NULL;
	if (pTextureVar)
		int nFrame = pFrameVar ? pFrameVar->GetIntValue() : 0;
		GetShaderSystem()->BindTexture( stage, pTextureVar->GetTextureValue(), nFrame );
예제 #9
void CPupilProxy::OnBind( C_BaseEntity *pBaseEntity )
	if (!pBaseEntity || !m_pAnimatedTextureVar )

	if( m_pAnimatedTextureVar->GetType() != MATERIAL_VAR_TYPE_TEXTURE )

	ITexture *pTexture = m_pAnimatedTextureVar->GetTextureValue();
	int nFrameCount = pTexture->GetNumAnimationFrames();

	// Compute the lighting at the eye position of the entity; use it to dialate the pupil
	Vector forward;
	pBaseEntity->GetVectors( &forward, NULL, NULL );

	Vector eyePt = pBaseEntity->EyePosition();
	Vector color;
	engine->ComputeLighting( eyePt, &forward, false, color );

	// Compute the intensity...
	float flIntensity = ( 0.299f * color[0] + 0.587f * color[1] + 0.114f * color[2] ) * 0.5;
	flIntensity = clamp( flIntensity, 0, 1 );
	float flLastIntensity = m_pLightingVar->GetFloatValue( );
	if ( flIntensity > flLastIntensity )
		float flMaxChange = m_flPupilCloseRate.GetFloat() * gpGlobals->frametime;
		if ( flIntensity > (flMaxChange + flLastIntensity) )
			flIntensity = flLastIntensity + flMaxChange;
		float flMaxChange = m_flPupilOpenRate.GetFloat() * gpGlobals->frametime;
		if ( flIntensity < (flLastIntensity - flMaxChange) )
			flIntensity = flLastIntensity - flMaxChange;

	int nFrame = nFrameCount * flIntensity;
	nFrame = clamp( nFrame, 0, nFrameCount - 1 );

	m_pAnimatedTextureFrameNumVar->SetIntValue( nFrame );
	m_pLightingVar->SetFloatValue( flIntensity );
예제 #10
bool CTextureProxy::Init( IMaterial *pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues )
	return false;
	// Check for $basetexture variable
	m_pBaseTextureVar = pMaterial->FindVar( "$basetexture", NULL );

	if ( !m_pBaseTextureVar )
		return false;

	// Set default texture and make sure its not an error texture
	m_pDefaultTexture = m_pBaseTextureVar->GetTextureValue();

	if ( IsErrorTexture( m_pDefaultTexture ) )
		return false;
	Q_strncpy(m_szTextureType, pKeyValues->GetString("type"), sizeof(m_szTextureType));

	return true;
예제 #11
bool CZZMaterialProxy::Init( IMaterial *pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues )
	// ZZ return false; // hack!  Need to make sure that the TGA loader has a valid filesystem before trying
			// to load the camo pattern.

	m_pMaterial = pMaterial;

	// get pointers to material vars.
	bool found;
	m_pTextureVar = pMaterial->FindVar( "$baseTexture", &found );
	if( !found )
		m_pTextureVar = NULL;
		return false;

	m_pTexture = m_pTextureVar->GetTextureValue();
	if (m_pTexture)
		m_pTexture->SetTextureRegenerator( &m_TextureRegen );
	return true;
예제 #12
void CASWViewRender::DoMotionBlur( const CViewSetup &view )
	if ( asw_motionblur.GetInt() == 0 && g_fMarinePoisonDuration <= 0)
		g_bBlurredLastTime = false;

	static float fNextDrawTime = 0.0f;

	bool found;
	IMaterialVar* mv = NULL;
	IMaterial *pMatScreen = NULL;
	ITexture *pMotionBlur = NULL;
	ITexture *pOriginalTexture = NULL; 

	// Get the front buffer material
	pMatScreen = materials->FindMaterial( "swarm/effects/frontbuffer", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true );
	// Get our custom render target
	pMotionBlur = g_pASWRenderTargets->GetASWMotionBlurTexture();
	// Store the current render target
	CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
	ITexture *pOriginalRenderTarget = pRenderContext->GetRenderTarget();

	// Set the camera up so we can draw the overlay
	int oldX, oldY, oldW, oldH;
	pRenderContext->GetViewport( oldX, oldY, oldW, oldH );

	pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION );

	pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW );

	// set our blur parameters, based on convars or the poison duration
	float add_alpha = asw_motionblur_addalpha.GetFloat();
	float blur_time = asw_motionblur_time.GetFloat();
	float draw_alpha = asw_motionblur_drawalpha.GetFloat();
	if (g_fMarinePoisonDuration > 0)
		if (g_fMarinePoisonDuration < 1.0f)
			draw_alpha = g_fMarinePoisonDuration;
			add_alpha = 0.3f;
			draw_alpha = 1.0f;
			float over_time = g_fMarinePoisonDuration - 1.0f;
			over_time = -MIN(4.0f, over_time);
			// map 0 to -4, to 0.3 to 0.05
			add_alpha = (over_time + 4) * 0.0625 + 0.05f;
		blur_time = 0.05f;
	if (!g_bBlurredLastTime)
		add_alpha = 1.0f;	// add the whole buffer if this is the first time we're blurring after a while, so we don't end up with images from ages ago

	if ( fNextDrawTime - gpGlobals->curtime > 1.0f)
		fNextDrawTime = 0.0f;

	if( gpGlobals->curtime >= fNextDrawTime ) 
		UpdateScreenEffectTexture( 0, view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height );

		// Set the alpha to whatever our console variable is
		mv = pMatScreen->FindVar( "$alpha", &found, false );
		if (found)
			if ( fNextDrawTime == 0 )
				mv->SetFloatValue( 1.0f );
				mv->SetFloatValue( add_alpha );

		pRenderContext->SetRenderTarget( pMotionBlur );
		pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceQuad( pMatScreen );

		// Set the next draw time according to the convar
		fNextDrawTime = gpGlobals->curtime + blur_time;

	// Set the alpha
	mv = pMatScreen->FindVar( "$alpha", &found, false );
	if (found)
		mv->SetFloatValue( draw_alpha );

	// Set the texture to our buffer
	mv = pMatScreen->FindVar( "$basetexture", &found, false );
	if (found)
		pOriginalTexture = mv->GetTextureValue();
		mv->SetTextureValue( pMotionBlur );

	// Pretend we were never here, set everything back
	pRenderContext->SetRenderTarget( pOriginalRenderTarget );
	pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceQuad( pMatScreen );

	// Set our texture back to _rt_FullFrameFB
	if (found)
		mv->SetTextureValue( pOriginalTexture );

	pRenderContext->DepthRange( 0.0f, 1.0f );
	pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION );
	pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW );

	g_bBlurredLastTime = true;
예제 #13
IMaterial* CStudioRender::R_StudioSetupSkinAndLighting( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, int index, IMaterial **ppMaterials, int materialFlags,  
	void /*IClientRenderable*/ *pClientRenderable, ColorMeshInfo_t *pColorMeshes, StudioModelLighting_t &lighting )
	VPROF( "R_StudioSetupSkin" );
	IMaterial *pMaterial = NULL;
	bool bCheckForConVarDrawTranslucentSubModels = false;
	if( m_pRC->m_Config.bWireframe && !m_pRC->m_pForcedMaterial )
		if ( m_pRC->m_Config.bDrawZBufferedWireframe )
			pMaterial = m_pMaterialMRMWireframeZBuffer;
			pMaterial = m_pMaterialMRMWireframe;
	else if( m_pRC->m_Config.bShowEnvCubemapOnly )
		pMaterial = m_pMaterialModelEnvCubemap;
		if ( !m_pRC->m_pForcedMaterial && ( m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType != OVERRIDE_DEPTH_WRITE ) )
			pMaterial = ppMaterials[index];
			if ( !pMaterial )
				Assert( 0 );
				return 0;
			materialFlags = 0;
			pMaterial = m_pRC->m_pForcedMaterial;
			if (m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType == OVERRIDE_BUILD_SHADOWS)
				// Connect the original material up to the shadow building material
				// Also bind the original material so its proxies are in the correct state
				static unsigned int translucentCache = 0;
				IMaterialVar* pOriginalMaterialVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$translucent_material", &translucentCache );
				Assert( pOriginalMaterialVar );
				IMaterial *pOriginalMaterial = ppMaterials[index];
				if ( pOriginalMaterial )
					// Disable any alpha modulation on the original material that was left over from when it was last rendered
					pOriginalMaterial->AlphaModulate( 1.0f );
					pRenderContext->Bind( pOriginalMaterial, pClientRenderable );
					if ( pOriginalMaterial->IsTranslucent() || pOriginalMaterial->IsAlphaTested() )
						pOriginalMaterialVar->SetMaterialValue( pOriginalMaterial );
						pOriginalMaterialVar->SetMaterialValue( NULL );
					pOriginalMaterialVar->SetMaterialValue( NULL );
			else if( m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType == OVERRIDE_DEPTH_WRITE )
				// Disable any alpha modulation on the original material that was left over from when it was last rendered
				ppMaterials[index]->AlphaModulate( 1.0f );

				// Bail if the material is still considered translucent after setting the AlphaModulate to 1.0
				if ( ppMaterials[index]->IsTranslucent() )
					return NULL;

				static unsigned int originalTextureVarCache = 0;
				IMaterialVar *pOriginalTextureVar = ppMaterials[index]->FindVarFast( "$basetexture", &originalTextureVarCache );

				// Select proper override material
				int nAlphaTest = (int) ( ppMaterials[index]->IsAlphaTested() && pOriginalTextureVar->IsTexture() ); // alpha tested base texture
				int nNoCull = (int) ppMaterials[index]->IsTwoSided();
				pMaterial = m_pDepthWrite[nAlphaTest][nNoCull];

				// If we're alpha tested, we should set up the texture variables from the original material
				if ( nAlphaTest != 0 )
					static unsigned int originalTextureFrameVarCache = 0;
					IMaterialVar *pOriginalTextureFrameVar = ppMaterials[index]->FindVarFast( "$frame", &originalTextureFrameVarCache );
					static unsigned int originalAlphaRefCache = 0;
					IMaterialVar *pOriginalAlphaRefVar = ppMaterials[index]->FindVarFast( "$AlphaTestReference", &originalAlphaRefCache );

					static unsigned int textureVarCache = 0;
					IMaterialVar *pTextureVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$basetexture", &textureVarCache );
					static unsigned int textureFrameVarCache = 0;
					IMaterialVar *pTextureFrameVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$frame", &textureFrameVarCache );
					static unsigned int alphaRefCache = 0;
					IMaterialVar *pAlphaRefVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$AlphaTestReference", &alphaRefCache );

					if ( pOriginalTextureVar->IsTexture() ) // If $basetexture is defined
						if( pTextureVar && pOriginalTextureVar )
							pTextureVar->SetTextureValue( pOriginalTextureVar->GetTextureValue() );

						if( pTextureFrameVar && pOriginalTextureFrameVar )
							pTextureFrameVar->SetIntValue( pOriginalTextureFrameVar->GetIntValue() );

						if( pAlphaRefVar && pOriginalAlphaRefVar )
							pAlphaRefVar->SetFloatValue( pOriginalAlphaRefVar->GetFloatValue() );

		// Set this bool to check after the bind below
		bCheckForConVarDrawTranslucentSubModels = true;

		if ( m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType != OVERRIDE_DEPTH_WRITE )
			// Try to set the alpha based on the blend
			pMaterial->AlphaModulate( m_pRC->m_AlphaMod );

			// Try to set the color based on the colormod
			pMaterial->ColorModulate( m_pRC->m_ColorMod[0], m_pRC->m_ColorMod[1], m_pRC->m_ColorMod[2] );

	lighting = R_StudioComputeLighting( pMaterial, materialFlags, pColorMeshes );
	if ( lighting == LIGHTING_MOUTH )
		if ( !m_pRC->m_Config.bTeeth || !R_TeethAreVisible() )
			return NULL;
		// skin it and light it, but only if we need to.
		if ( m_pRC->m_Config.m_bSupportsVertexAndPixelShaders )
			R_MouthSetupVertexShader( pMaterial );

	pRenderContext->Bind( pMaterial, pClientRenderable );

	if ( bCheckForConVarDrawTranslucentSubModels )
		bool translucent = pMaterial->IsTranslucent();

		if (( m_bDrawTranslucentSubModels && !translucent ) ||
			( !m_bDrawTranslucentSubModels && translucent ))
			m_bSkippedMeshes = true;
			return NULL;

	return pMaterial;
예제 #14
// Purpose: 
// Input  : filter - 
//			delay - 
//			pos - 
//			player - 
//			entity - 
void TE_PlayerDecal( IRecipientFilter& filter, float delay,
	const Vector* pos, int player, int entity  )
	if ( cl_playerspraydisable.GetBool() )

	// No valid target?
	C_BaseEntity *ent = cl_entitylist->GetEnt( entity );
	if ( !ent )

	// Find player logo for shooter
	player_info_t info;
	engine->GetPlayerInfo( player, &info );

	// Doesn't have a logo
	 if ( !info.customFiles[0] )	

	IMaterial *logo = materials->FindMaterial( VarArgs("decals/playerlogo%2.2d", player), TEXTURE_GROUP_DECAL );
	if ( IsErrorMaterial( logo ) )

	char logohex[ 16 ];
	Q_binarytohex( (byte *)&info.customFiles[0], sizeof( info.customFiles[0] ), logohex, sizeof( logohex ) );

	// See if logo has been downloaded.
	char texname[ 512 ];
	Q_snprintf( texname, sizeof( texname ), "temp/%s", logohex );
	char fulltexname[ 512 ];
	Q_snprintf( fulltexname, sizeof( fulltexname ), "materials/temp/%s.vtf", logohex );

	if ( !filesystem->FileExists( fulltexname ) )
		char custname[ 512 ];
		Q_snprintf( custname, sizeof( custname ), "downloads/%s.dat", logohex );
		// it may have been downloaded but not copied under materials folder
		if ( !filesystem->FileExists( custname ) )
			return; // not downloaded yet

		// copy from download folder to materials/temp folder
		// this is done since material system can access only materials/*.vtf files

		if ( !engine->CopyFile( custname, fulltexname) )

	ITexture *texture = materials->FindTexture( texname, TEXTURE_GROUP_DECAL );
	if ( IsErrorTexture( texture ) ) 
		return; // not found 

	// Update the texture used by the material if need be.
	bool bFound = false;
	IMaterialVar *pMatVar = logo->FindVar( "$basetexture", &bFound );
	if ( bFound && pMatVar )
		if ( pMatVar->GetTextureValue() != texture )
			pMatVar->SetTextureValue( texture );

	color32 rgbaColor = { 255, 255, 255, 255 };
		(void *)player,
		rgbaColor );