예제 #1
파일: IOKitDebug.cpp 프로젝트: SbIm/xnu-env
void IOPrintPlane( const IORegistryPlane * plane )
    IORegistryEntry *		next;
    IORegistryIterator * 	iter;
    OSOrderedSet *		all;
    char			format[] = "%xxxs";
    IOService *			service;

    iter = IORegistryIterator::iterateOver( plane );
    assert( iter );
    all = iter->iterateAll();
    if( all) {
        DEBG("Count %d\n", all->getCount() );
    } else

    while( (next = iter->getNextObjectRecursive())) {
	snprintf(format + 1, sizeof(format) - 1, "%ds", 2 * next->getDepth( plane ));
	DEBG( format, "");
	DEBG( "\033[33m%s", next->getName( plane ));
	if( (next->getLocation( plane )))
            DEBG("@%s", next->getLocation( plane ));
	DEBG("\033[0m <class %s", next->getMetaClass()->getClassName());
        if( (service = OSDynamicCast(IOService, next)))
            DEBG(", busy %ld", (long) service->getBusyState());
	DEBG( ">\n");
//	IOSleep(250);
예제 #2
// ======================================================================
void ListHookedDevice::Item::setDeviceIdentifier(void) {
  if (!device_) return;

  IORegistryEntry* dev = device_;

  while (dev) {
    const OSNumber* vid = nullptr;
    vid = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, dev->getProperty(kIOHIDVendorIDKey));

    const OSNumber* pid = nullptr;
    pid = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, dev->getProperty(kIOHIDProductIDKey));

    if (vid && pid) {

      goto finish;

    } else {
      // ApplePS2Keyboard does not have ProductID,
      // so we check for Manufacturer and Product strings
      const char* name = dev->getName();

      if (name && strcmp(name, "ApplePS2Keyboard") == 0) {
        // kIOHIDManufacturerKey == "Manufacturer"
        // kIOHIDProductKey == "Product"
        const OSString* manufacturer = OSDynamicCast(OSString, dev->getProperty(kIOHIDManufacturerKey));
        const OSString* product = OSDynamicCast(OSString, dev->getProperty(kIOHIDProductKey));

        if (manufacturer && product) {
          if (manufacturer->isEqualTo("Apple") &&
              product->isEqualTo("Keyboard")) {
            goto finish;

    // check parent property.
    dev = dev->getParentEntry(IORegistryEntry::getPlane(kIOServicePlane));

  // Set LocationID
  if (dev) {
    const OSNumber* locationid = nullptr;
    locationid = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, dev->getProperty(kIOHIDLocationIDKey));
    if (locationid) {

  IOLOG_DEBUG("HookedDevice::setVendorProductLocation device_:%p, vendor:0x%04x, product:0x%04x location:0x%04x\n",
예제 #3
파일: IOKitDebug.cpp 프로젝트: SbIm/xnu-env
void db_dumpiojunk( const IORegistryPlane * plane )
    IORegistryEntry *		next;
    IORegistryIterator * 	iter;
    OSOrderedSet *		all;
    char			format[] = "%xxxs";
    IOService *			service;

    iter = IORegistryIterator::iterateOver( plane );

    all = iter->iterateAll();
    if( all) {
        dbugprintf("Count %d\n", all->getCount() );
    } else dbugprintf("Empty\n");

    while( (next = iter->getNextObjectRecursive())) {
		snprintf(format + 1, sizeof(format) - 1, "%ds", 2 * next->getDepth( plane ));
		dbugprintf( format, "");
		dbugprintf( "%s", next->getName( plane ));
		if( (next->getLocation( plane )))
				dbugprintf("@%s", next->getLocation( plane ));
		dbugprintf(" <class %s", next->getMetaClass()->getClassName());
			if( (service = OSDynamicCast(IOService, next)))
				dbugprintf(", busy %ld", service->getBusyState());
		dbugprintf( ">\n");
	IORegistryEntry *findEntryByPrefix(IORegistryEntry *entry, const char *prefix, const IORegistryPlane *plane, bool (*proc)(void *, IORegistryEntry *), bool brute, void *user) {
		bool found {false};
		IORegistryEntry *res {nullptr};
		size_t bruteCount {0};
		do {
			auto iterator = entry->getChildIterator(plane);
			if (iterator) {
				size_t len = strlen(prefix);
				while ((res = OSDynamicCast(IORegistryEntry, iterator->getNextObject())) != nullptr) {
					const char *resname = res->getName();
					//DBGLOG("iokit @ iterating over %s", resname);
					if (!strncmp(prefix, resname, len)) {
						found = proc ? proc(user, res) : true;
						if (found) {
							if (bruteCount > 1)
								DBGLOG("iokit @ bruted %s value in %zu attempts", prefix, bruteCount);
							if (!proc) {
			} else {
				SYSLOG("iokit @ failed to iterate over entry");
				return nullptr;
		} while (brute && bruteCount < bruteMax && !found);
		if (!found)
			DBGLOG("iokit @ failed to find %s", prefix);
		return proc ? nullptr : res;
 * Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <IOKit/IODeviceTreeSupport.h>
#include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IOPartitionScheme.h>

#define super IOStorage
OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOPartitionScheme, IOStorage)

#ifndef __LP64__
extern IOStorageAttributes gIOStorageAttributesUnsupported;
#endif /* !__LP64__ */

static SInt32 partitionComparison( const OSMetaClassBase * object1,
                                   const OSMetaClassBase * object2,
                                   void *                  context )
    // Internal comparison routine for sorting partitions in an ordered set.

    UInt64 base1 = ( ( IOMedia * ) object1 )->getBase( );
    UInt64 base2 = ( ( IOMedia * ) object2 )->getBase( );

    OSString * uuid1 = OSDynamicCast( OSString, ( ( IOMedia * ) object1 )->getProperty( kIOMediaUUIDKey ) );
    OSString * uuid2 = OSDynamicCast( OSString, ( ( IOMedia * ) object2 )->getProperty( kIOMediaUUIDKey ) );

    if ( uuid1 || uuid2 )
        if ( uuid1 == 0 ) return -1;
        if ( uuid2 == 0 ) return  1;

        return strcmp( uuid2->getCStringNoCopy( ), uuid1->getCStringNoCopy( ) );

    if ( base1 < base2 ) return  1;
    if ( base1 > base2 ) return -1;

    return 0;

IOMedia * IOPartitionScheme::getProvider() const
    // Obtain this object's provider.  We override the superclass's method
    // to return a more specific subclass of OSObject -- an IOMedia.  This
    // method serves simply as a convenience to subclass developers.

    return (IOMedia *) IOService::getProvider();

bool IOPartitionScheme::init(OSDictionary * properties)
    // Initialize this object's minimal state.

    if (super::init(properties) == false)  return false;

    _openLevel         = kIOStorageAccessNone;
    _openReaders       = OSSet::withCapacity(16);
    _openReaderWriters = OSSet::withCapacity(16);

    if (_openReaders == 0 || _openReaderWriters == 0) return false;

    return true;

void IOPartitionScheme::free()
    // Free all of this object's outstanding resources.

    if (_openReaders)        _openReaders->release();
    if (_openReaderWriters)  _openReaderWriters->release();


bool IOPartitionScheme::handleOpen(IOService *  client,
                                   IOOptionBits options,
                                   void *       argument)
    // The handleOpen method grants or denies permission to access this object
    // to an interested client.  The argument is an IOStorageAccess value that
    // specifies the level of access desired -- reader or reader-writer.
    // This method can be invoked to upgrade or downgrade the access level for
    // an existing client as well.  The previous access level will prevail for
    // upgrades that fail, of course.   A downgrade should never fail.  If the
    // new access level should be the same as the old for a given client, this
    // method will do nothing and return success.  In all cases, one, singular
    // close-per-client is expected for all opens-per-client received.
    // This implementation replaces the IOService definition of handleOpen().
    // We are guaranteed that no other opens or closes will be processed until
    // we make our decision, change our state, and return from this method.

    IOStorageAccess access  = (uintptr_t) argument;
    IOStorageAccess level;

    assert( access == kIOStorageAccessReader       ||
            access == kIOStorageAccessReaderWriter );

    // A partition scheme multiplexes the opens it receives from several clients
    // and sends one open to the level below that satisfies the highest level of
    // access.

    unsigned writers = _openReaderWriters->getCount();

    if (_openReaderWriters->containsObject(client))  writers--;
    if (access == kIOStorageAccessReaderWriter)  writers++;

    level = (writers) ? kIOStorageAccessReaderWriter : kIOStorageAccessReader;

    // Determine whether the levels below us accept this open or not (we avoid
    // the open if the required access is the access we already hold).

    if ( _openLevel != level )
        IOStorage * provider;

        provider = OSDynamicCast( IOStorage, getProvider( ) );

        if ( provider )
            bool success;

            level = ( level | kIOStorageAccessSharedLock );

            success = provider->open( this, options, level );

            level = ( level & kIOStorageAccessReaderWriter );

            if ( success == false )
                return false;

    // Process the open.

    if (access == kIOStorageAccessReader)

        _openReaderWriters->removeObject(client);           // (for a downgrade)
    else // (access == kIOStorageAccessReaderWriter)

        _openReaders->removeObject(client);                  // (for an upgrade)

    _openLevel = level;

    return true;

bool IOPartitionScheme::handleIsOpen(const IOService * client) const
    // The handleIsOpen method determines whether the specified client, or any
    // client if none is specificed, presently has an open on this object.
    // This implementation replaces the IOService definition of handleIsOpen().
    // We are guaranteed that no other opens or closes will be processed until
    // we return from this method.

    if (client == 0)  return (_openLevel != kIOStorageAccessNone);

    return ( _openReaderWriters->containsObject(client) ||
             _openReaders->containsObject(client)       );

void IOPartitionScheme::handleClose(IOService * client, IOOptionBits options)
    // The handleClose method closes the client's access to this object.
    // This implementation replaces the IOService definition of handleClose().
    // We are guaranteed that no other opens or closes will be processed until
    // we change our state and return from this method.


    // Process the close.

    if (_openReaderWriters->containsObject(client))  // (is it a reader-writer?)
    else if (_openReaders->containsObject(client))  // (is the client a reader?)
    else                                      // (is the client is an imposter?)

    // Reevaluate the open we have on the level below us.  If no opens remain,
    // we close, or if no reader-writer remains, but readers do, we downgrade.

    IOStorageAccess level;

    if (_openReaderWriters->getCount())  level = kIOStorageAccessReaderWriter;
    else if (_openReaders->getCount())   level = kIOStorageAccessReader;
    else                                 level = kIOStorageAccessNone;

    if ( _openLevel != level )
        IOStorage * provider;

        provider = OSDynamicCast( IOStorage, getProvider( ) );

        if ( provider )
            if ( level == kIOStorageAccessNone )
                provider->close( this, options );
                bool success;

                level = ( level | kIOStorageAccessSharedLock );

                success = provider->open( this, 0, level );

                level = ( level & kIOStorageAccessReaderWriter );

                assert( success );

         _openLevel = level;

void IOPartitionScheme::read(IOService *           client,
                             UInt64                byteStart,
                             IOMemoryDescriptor *  buffer,
                             IOStorageAttributes * attributes,
                             IOStorageCompletion * completion)
    // Read data from the storage object at the specified byte offset into the
    // specified buffer, asynchronously.   When the read completes, the caller
    // will be notified via the specified completion action.
    // The buffer will be retained for the duration of the read.
    // For simple partition schemes, the default behavior is to simply pass the
    // read through to the provider media.  More complex partition schemes such
    // as RAID will need to do extra processing here.

#ifndef __LP64__
    if ( IOStorage::_expansionData )
        if ( attributes == &gIOStorageAttributesUnsupported )
            attributes = NULL;
            IOStorage::read( client, byteStart, buffer, attributes, completion );

#endif /* !__LP64__ */

    getProvider( )->read( this, byteStart, buffer, attributes, completion );

void IOPartitionScheme::write(IOService *           client,
                              UInt64                byteStart,
                              IOMemoryDescriptor *  buffer,
                              IOStorageAttributes * attributes,
                              IOStorageCompletion * completion)
    // Write data into the storage object at the specified byte offset from the
    // specified buffer, asynchronously.   When the write completes, the caller
    // will be notified via the specified completion action.
    // The buffer will be retained for the duration of the write.
    // For simple partition schemes, the default behavior is to simply pass the
    // write through to the provider media. More complex partition schemes such
    // as RAID will need to do extra processing here.

#ifndef __LP64__
    if ( IOStorage::_expansionData )
        if ( attributes == &gIOStorageAttributesUnsupported )
            attributes = NULL;
            IOStorage::write( client, byteStart, buffer, attributes, completion );

#endif /* !__LP64__ */

    getProvider( )->write( this, byteStart, buffer, attributes, completion );

IOReturn IOPartitionScheme::synchronizeCache(IOService * client)
    // Flush the cached data in the storage object, if any, synchronously.

    return getProvider()->synchronizeCache(this);

IOReturn IOPartitionScheme::unmap(IOService *       client,
                                  IOStorageExtent * extents,
                                  UInt32            extentsCount,
                                  UInt32            options)
    // Delete unused data from the storage object at the specified byte offsets,
    // synchronously.

    return getProvider( )->unmap( this, extents, extentsCount, options );

bool IOPartitionScheme::lockPhysicalExtents(IOService * client)
    // Lock the contents of the storage object against relocation temporarily,
    // for the purpose of getting physical extents.

    return getProvider( )->lockPhysicalExtents( this );

IOStorage * IOPartitionScheme::copyPhysicalExtent(IOService * client,
                                                  UInt64 *    byteStart,
                                                  UInt64 *    byteCount)
    // Convert the specified byte offset into a physical byte offset, relative
    // to a physical storage object.  This call should only be made within the
    // context of lockPhysicalExtents().

    return getProvider( )->copyPhysicalExtent( this, byteStart, byteCount );

void IOPartitionScheme::unlockPhysicalExtents(IOService * client)
    // Unlock the contents of the storage object for relocation again.  This
    // call must balance a successful call to lockPhysicalExtents().

    getProvider( )->unlockPhysicalExtents( this );

#ifdef __LP64__
bool IOPartitionScheme::attachMediaObjectToDeviceTree(IOMedia * media)
#else /* !__LP64__ */
bool IOPartitionScheme::attachMediaObjectToDeviceTree(IOMedia *    media,
                                                      IOOptionBits options)
#endif /* !__LP64__ */
    // Attach the given media object to the device tree plane.

    IORegistryEntry * parent = this;

    while ( (parent = parent->getParentEntry(gIOServicePlane)) )
        if ( parent->inPlane(gIODTPlane) )
            char         location[ 32 ];
            const char * locationOfParent = parent->getLocation(gIODTPlane);
            const char * nameOfParent     = parent->getName(gIODTPlane);

            if ( locationOfParent == 0 )  break;

            if ( OSDynamicCast(IOMedia, parent) == 0 )  break;

            parent = parent->getParentEntry(gIODTPlane);

            if ( parent == 0 )  break;

            if ( media->attachToParent(parent, gIODTPlane) == false )  break;

            strlcpy(location, locationOfParent, sizeof(location));
            if ( strchr(location, ':') )  *(strchr(location, ':') + 1) = 0;
            strlcat(location, media->getLocation(), sizeof(location) - strlen(location));
            media->setLocation(location, gIODTPlane);
            media->setName(nameOfParent, gIODTPlane);

            return true;

    return false;
예제 #6
//	----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool	PlatformInterfaceDBDMA_Mapped::init ( IOService* device, AppleOnboardAudio* provider, UInt32 inDBDMADeviceIndex )
	bool					result = FALSE;
	IOService* 				theService;
	IORegistryEntry			*macio;
	IORegistryEntry			*gpio;
	IORegistryEntry			*i2s;
	IORegistryEntry			*i2sParent;
	IOMemoryMap				*map;

	debugIOLog ( 3, "+ PlatformInterfaceDBDMA_Mapped::init ( %p, %p, %d )", device, provider, inDBDMADeviceIndex );
	FailIf ( NULL == provider, Exit );
	FailIf ( NULL == device, Exit );

	result = super::init ( device, provider, inDBDMADeviceIndex );
	if ( result ) 
		mKeyLargoService = IOService::waitForService ( IOService::serviceMatching ( "KeyLargo" ) );
		debugIOLog ( 3, "  sound's name is %s",  ( (IORegistryEntry*)device)->getName () );
		i2s =  ( ( IORegistryEntry*)device)->getParentEntry ( gIODTPlane );
		FailWithAction ( 0 == i2s, result = false, Exit );
		debugIOLog ( 3, "  parent name is '%s'", i2s->getName () );

		if ( 0 == strcmp ( "i2s-a", i2s->getName () ) )
			mI2SInterfaceNumber = kUseI2SCell0;
		else if ( 0 == strcmp ( "i2s-b", i2s->getName () ) ) 
			mI2SInterfaceNumber = kUseI2SCell1;
		else if ( 0 == strcmp ( "i2s-c", i2s->getName () ) )
			mI2SInterfaceNumber = kUseI2SCell2;
		else if ( 0 == strcmp ( "i2s-d", i2s->getName () ) )
			mI2SInterfaceNumber = kUseI2SCell3;
		else if ( 0 == strcmp ( "i2s-e", i2s->getName () ) )
			mI2SInterfaceNumber = kUseI2SCell4;
		else if ( 0 == strcmp ( "i2s-f", i2s->getName () ) )
			mI2SInterfaceNumber = kUseI2SCell5;
		else if ( 0 == strcmp ( "i2s-g", i2s->getName () ) )
			mI2SInterfaceNumber = kUseI2SCell6;
		else if ( 0 == strcmp ( "i2s-h", i2s->getName () ) )
			mI2SInterfaceNumber = kUseI2SCell7;
		debugIOLog ( 5, "  mI2SInterfaceNumber = %d", mI2SInterfaceNumber );
		i2sParent = i2s->getParentEntry ( gIODTPlane );
		FailWithAction ( 0 == i2sParent, result = false, Exit );
		debugIOLog ( 3, "  parent name of '%s' is %s", i2s->getName (), i2sParent->getName () );

		macio = i2sParent->getParentEntry ( gIODTPlane );
		FailWithAction ( 0 == macio, result = false, Exit );
		debugIOLog ( 3, "  macio name is %s", macio->getName () );
		gpio = macio->childFromPath ( kGPIODTEntry, gIODTPlane);
		FailWithAction ( !gpio, result = false, Exit);
		debugIOLog ( 3, "  gpio name is %s", gpio->getName () );

		theService = ( OSDynamicCast ( IOService, i2s ) );
		FailWithAction ( !theService, result = false, Exit );

		map = theService->mapDeviceMemoryWithIndex ( inDBDMADeviceIndex );
		FailWithAction ( 0 == map, result = false, Exit );

		// cache the config space
		mSoundConfigSpace = (UInt8 *)map->getPhysicalAddress();

		// sets the clock base address figuring out which I2S cell we're on
		if ((((UInt32)mSoundConfigSpace ^ kI2S0BaseOffset) & 0x0001FFFF) == 0) 
			//	[3060321]	ioBaseAddress is required by this object in order to enable the target
			//				I2S I/O Module for which this object is to service.  The I2S I/O Module
			//				enable occurs through the configuration registers which reside in the
			//				first block of ioBase.		rbm		2 Oct 2002
			mIOBaseAddress = (void *)((UInt32)mSoundConfigSpace - kI2S0BaseOffset);
			mIOBaseAddressMemory = IODeviceMemory::withRange ((IOPhysicalAddress)((UInt8 *)mSoundConfigSpace - kI2S0BaseOffset), 256);
			mI2SInterfaceNumber = kUseI2SCell0;
		else if ((((UInt32)mSoundConfigSpace ^ kI2S1BaseOffset) & 0x0001FFFF) == 0) 
			//	[3060321]	ioBaseAddress is required by this object in order to enable the target
			//				I2S I/O Module for which this object is to service.  The I2S I/O Module
			//				enable occurs through the configuration registers which reside in the
			//				first block of ioBase.		rbm		2 Oct 2002
			mIOBaseAddress = (void *)((UInt32)mSoundConfigSpace - kI2S1BaseOffset);
			mIOBaseAddressMemory = IODeviceMemory::withRange ((IOPhysicalAddress)((UInt8 *)mSoundConfigSpace - kI2S1BaseOffset), 256);
			mI2SInterfaceNumber = kUseI2SCell1;
			debugIOLog (3, "  AudioI2SControl::init ERROR: unable to setup ioBaseAddress and i2SInterfaceNumber");
		FailIf (NULL == mIOBaseAddressMemory, Exit);

		//	[3060321]	ioConfigurationBaseAddress is required by this object in order to enable the target
		//				I2S I/O Module for which this object is to service.  The I2S I/O Module
		//				enable occurs through the configuration registers which reside in the
		//				first block of ioBase.		rbm		2 Oct 2002
		mIOConfigurationBaseAddress = (void *)mIOBaseAddressMemory->map()->getVirtualAddress();
		FailIf ( NULL == mIOConfigurationBaseAddress, Exit );

		//	There are three sections of memory mapped I/O that are directly accessed by the Apple02Audio.  These
		//	include the GPIOs, I2S DMA Channel Registers and I2S control registers.  They fall within the memory map 
		//	as follows:
		//	~                              ~
		//	|______________________________|
		//	|                              |
		//	|         I2S Control          |
		//	|______________________________|	<-	soundConfigSpace = ioBase + i2s0BaseOffset ...OR... ioBase + i2s1BaseOffset
		//	|                              |
		//	~                              ~
		//	~                              ~
		//	|______________________________|
		//	|                              |
		//	|       I2S DMA Channel        |
		//	|______________________________|	<-	i2sDMA = ioBase + i2s0_DMA ...OR... ioBase + i2s1_DMA
		//	|                              |
		//	~                              ~
		//	~                              ~
		//	|______________________________|
		//	|            FCRs              |
		//	|            GPIO              |	<-	gpio = ioBase + gpioOffsetAddress
		//	|         ExtIntGPIO           |	<-	fcr = ioBase + fcrOffsetAddress
		//	|______________________________|	<-	ioConfigurationBaseAddress
		//	|                              |
		//	~                              ~
		//	The I2S DMA Channel is mapped in by the Apple02DBDMAAudioDMAEngine.  Only the I2S control registers are 
		//	mapped in by the AudioI2SControl.  The Apple I/O Configuration Space (i.e. FCRs, GPIOs and ExtIntGPIOs)
		//	are mapped in by the subclass of Apple02Audio.  The FCRs must also be mapped in by the AudioI2SControl
		//	object as the init method must enable the I2S I/O Module for which the AudioI2SControl object is
		//	being instantiated for.
		//	The physical addresses for memory mapped I/O within the KeyLargo system I/O controller are as follows:
		//                                       ______________________________
		//                                     /|                              |
		//                                    / |                              |
		//	                                 /  |______________________________|
		//	 ______________________________ /   |                              |
		//	|                              |    |       I2S 1 ('i2s-b')        |
		//	|                              |    |______________________________|....0xnnn11000	[0x80011000]
		//	|                              |    |                              |
		//	|                              |    |       I2S 0 ('i2s-a')        |
		//	|                              |    |______________________________|....0xnnn10000	[0x80001000]
		//	|       Device Registers       |   / 
		//	|                              |  /
		//	|                              | /   ______________________________ 
		//	|                              |/  /|                              |
		//	|______________________________|__/ |                              |
		//	|                              |    |______________________________|
		//	|                              |    |                              |
		//	|                              |    |    I2S 1 Rx DMA ('i2s-b')    |
		//	|                              |    |______________________________|....0xnnn08300	[0x80008300]
		//	|    DMA Channel Registers     |    |                              |
		//	|                              |    |    I2S 1 Tx DMA ('i2s-b')    |
		//	|                              |    |______________________________|....0xnnn08200	[0x80008200]
		//	|                              |    |                              |
		//	|______________________________|    |    I2S 0 Rx DMA ('i2s-a')    |
		//	|                              |\   |______________________________|....0xnnn08100	[0x80008100]
		//	|                              | \  |                              |
		//	|      Reserved: read "0"      |  \ |    I2S 0 Tx DMA ('i2s-a')    |
		//	|                              |   \|______________________________|....0xnnn08000	[0x80008000]
		//	|______________________________|
		//	|                              |
		//	|                              |
		//	|   Apple I/O Configuration    |
		//	|                              |
		//	|______________________________|....0xnnn00000	[0x80011000]
		//	Map the I2S configuration registers
		mIOI2SBaseAddressMemory = IODeviceMemory::withRange ((IOPhysicalAddress)((UInt8 *)mSoundConfigSpace), kI2S_IO_CONFIGURATION_SIZE);
		FailIf ( NULL == mIOI2SBaseAddressMemory, Exit );
		mI2SBaseAddress = (void *)mIOI2SBaseAddressMemory->map()->getVirtualAddress();
		FailIf (NULL == mI2SBaseAddress, Exit);
		debugIOLog (3, "  mI2SInterfaceNumber         = %d", mI2SInterfaceNumber);
		debugIOLog (3, "  mIOI2SBaseAddressMemory     = %p", mIOI2SBaseAddressMemory);
		debugIOLog (3, "  mI2SBaseAddress             = %p", mI2SBaseAddress);
		debugIOLog (3, "  mIOBaseAddressMemory        = %p", mIOBaseAddressMemory);
		debugIOLog (3, "  mIOConfigurationBaseAddress = %p", mIOConfigurationBaseAddress);
	debugIOLog ( 3, "- PlatformInterfaceDBDMA_Mapped::init ( %p, %p, %d ) returns %lX", device, provider, inDBDMADeviceIndex, result );
	return result;
예제 #7
void FileNVRAM::copyEntryProperties(const char* prefix, IORegistryEntry* entry)
	IORegistryEntry* child;
	OSDictionary* properties;
	OSCollectionIterator *iter;

	if (entry)
		// Parse all IORegistery Children
		OSIterator * iterator = entry->getChildIterator(gIODTPlane);

		if (iterator)
			while((child = OSDynamicCast(IORegistryEntry, iterator->getNextObject())) != NULL)
				const char* name = child->getName();

				if (prefix)
					size_t size = strlen(prefix) + sizeof(NVRAM_SEPERATOR) + strlen(name);
					char* newPrefix = (char*)IOMalloc(size);

					snprintf(newPrefix, size, "%s%s%s", prefix, NVRAM_SEPERATOR, name);
					copyEntryProperties(newPrefix, child);

					IOFree(newPrefix, size);
					copyEntryProperties(name, child);


		// Parse entry properties and add them to our self
		properties = entry->dictionaryWithProperties();

		bool                 result = true;
		OSObject             *object;
		const OSSymbol       *key;

		iter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(properties);

		if (iter == 0)
		while (result)

			key = OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, iter->getNextObject());

			if (key == 0)
			if (key->isEqualTo("name"))
				continue; // Special property in IORegistery, ignore
			object = properties->getObject(key);

			if (object == 0)
			if (prefix)
				size_t size = strlen(prefix) + sizeof(NVRAM_SEPERATOR) + strlen(key->getCStringNoCopy());
				char* newKey = (char*)IOMalloc(size);

				snprintf(newKey, size, "%s%s%s", prefix, NVRAM_SEPERATOR, key->getCStringNoCopy());

				setProperty(OSSymbol::withCString(newKey), object);

				IOFree(newKey, size);
				setProperty(key, object);

예제 #8
IORegistryEntry *
IODeviceTreeAlloc( void * dtTop )
    IORegistryEntry *		parent;
    IORegistryEntry *		child;
    IORegistryIterator *	regIter;
    DTEntryIterator		iter;
    DTEntry			dtChild;
    DTEntry			mapEntry;
    OSArray *			stack;
    OSData *			prop;
    OSDictionary *		allInts;
    vm_offset_t *		dtMap;
    unsigned int		propSize;
    bool			intMap;
    bool			freeDT;

    gIODTPlane = IORegistryEntry::makePlane( kIODeviceTreePlane );

    gIODTNameKey 		= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "name" );
    gIODTUnitKey 		= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "AAPL,unit-string" );
    gIODTCompatibleKey 	= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "compatible" );
    gIODTTypeKey 		= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "device_type" );
    gIODTModelKey 		= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "model" );
    gIODTSizeCellKey 	= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "#size-cells" );
    gIODTAddressCellKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "#address-cells" );
    gIODTRangeKey 		= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "ranges" );
    gIODTPersistKey		= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "IODTPersist" );

    assert(    gIODTPlane && gIODTCompatibleKey
            && gIODTTypeKey && gIODTModelKey
            && gIODTSizeCellKey && gIODTAddressCellKey && gIODTRangeKey
            && gIODTPersistKey );

		= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("IOPrimaryInterruptController");
		= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("IONWInterrupts");

		= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("AAPL,interrupts");
		= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("AAPL,phandle");

		= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("interrupt-parent");

    gIODTPHandles	= OSArray::withCapacity( 1 );
    gIODTPHandleMap	= OSArray::withCapacity( 1 );

		= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("#interrupt-cells");

    assert(    gIODTDefaultInterruptController && gIODTNWInterruptMappingKey 
	    && gIODTAAPLInterruptsKey
	    && gIODTPHandleKey && gIODTInterruptParentKey
	    && gIODTPHandles && gIODTPHandleMap
            && gIODTInterruptCellKey

    freeDT = (kSuccess == DTLookupEntry( 0, "/chosen/memory-map", &mapEntry ))
	  && (kSuccess == DTGetProperty( mapEntry,
                "DeviceTree", (void **) &dtMap, &propSize ))
	  && ((2 * sizeof(uint32_t)) == propSize);

    parent = MakeReferenceTable( (DTEntry)dtTop, freeDT );

    stack = OSArray::withObjects( (const OSObject **) &parent, 1, 10 );
    DTCreateEntryIterator( (DTEntry)dtTop, &iter );

    do {
        parent = (IORegistryEntry *)stack->getObject( stack->getCount() - 1);
        stack->removeObject( stack->getCount() - 1);

        while( kSuccess == DTIterateEntries( iter, &dtChild) ) {

            child = MakeReferenceTable( dtChild, freeDT );
            child->attachToParent( parent, gIODTPlane);

            AddPHandle( child );

            if( kSuccess == DTEnterEntry( iter, dtChild)) {
                stack->setObject( parent);
                parent = child;
            // only registry holds retain

    } while( stack->getCount()
		&& (kSuccess == DTExitEntry( iter, &dtChild)));

    DTDisposeEntryIterator( iter);

    // parent is now root of the created tree

    // make root name first compatible entry (purely cosmetic)
    if( (prop = (OSData *) parent->getProperty( gIODTCompatibleKey))) {
        parent->setName( parent->getName(), gIODTPlane );
        parent->setName( (const char *) prop->getBytesNoCopy() );

    // attach tree to meta root
    parent->attachToParent( IORegistryEntry::getRegistryRoot(), gIODTPlane);

    if( freeDT ) {
        // free original device tree
        IODTFreeLoaderInfo( "DeviceTree",
			    (void *)dtMap[0], (int) round_page(dtMap[1]) );

    // adjust tree

    gIODTSharedInterrupts = OSDictionary::withCapacity(4);
    allInts = OSDictionary::withCapacity(4);
    intMap = false;
    regIter = IORegistryIterator::iterateOver( gIODTPlane,
						kIORegistryIterateRecursively );
    assert( regIter && allInts && gIODTSharedInterrupts );
    if( regIter && allInts && gIODTSharedInterrupts ) {
        while( (child = regIter->getNextObject())) {
            IODTMapInterruptsSharing( child, allInts );
            if( !intMap && child->getProperty( gIODTInterruptParentKey))
                intMap = true;


    parent->setProperty("allInts", allInts);
    parent->setProperty("sharedInts", gIODTSharedInterrupts);

    regIter = IORegistryIterator::iterateOver( gIODTPlane,
						kIORegistryIterateRecursively );
    if (regIter) {
        while( (child = regIter->getNextObject())) {
	    OSArray *
	    array = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, child->getProperty( gIOInterruptSpecifiersKey ));
	    for( UInt32 i = 0; array && (i < array->getCount()); i++)
		IOOptionBits options;
		IOReturn ret = IODTGetInterruptOptions( child, i, &options );
		if( (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) || options)
		    IOLog("%s[%ld] %ld (%x)\n", child->getName(), i, options, ret);


    if( intMap)
        // set a key in the root to indicate we found NW interrupt mapping
        parent->setProperty( gIODTNWInterruptMappingKey,
                (OSObject *) gIODTNWInterruptMappingKey );

    return( parent);
예제 #9
UInt32 FakeSMCDevice::loadKeysFromNVRAM()
    UInt32 count = 0;
    // Find driver and load keys from NVRAM
    // check for Chameleon NVRAM key first (because waiting for IODTNVRAM hangs)
    IORegistryEntry* nvram = IORegistryEntry::fromPath("/chosen/nvram", gIODTPlane);
    OSDictionary* matching = 0;
    if (!nvram) {
        // probably booting w/ Clover
        matching = serviceMatching("IODTNVRAM");
        nvram = OSDynamicCast(IODTNVRAM, waitForMatchingService(matching, 1000000000ULL * 15));
    if (1) { //REVIEW: just to reduce diffs
        if (nvram) {
            useNVRAM = true;
            if ((genericNVRAM = (0 == strncmp(nvram->getName(), "AppleNVRAM", sizeof("AppleNVRAM")))))
                HWSensorsInfoLog("fallback to generic NVRAM methods");
            OSSerialize *s = OSSerialize::withCapacity(0); // Workaround for IODTNVRAM->getPropertyTable returns IOKitPersonalities instead of NVRAM properties dictionary
            if (nvram->serializeProperties(s)) {
                if (OSDictionary *props = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, OSUnserializeXML(s->text()))) {
                    if (OSCollectionIterator *iterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(props)) {
                        size_t prefix_length = strlen(kFakeSMCKeyPropertyPrefix);
                        char name[5]; name[4] = 0;
                        char type[5]; type[4] = 0;
                        while (OSString *property = OSDynamicCast(OSString, iterator->getNextObject())) {
                            const char *buffer = static_cast<const char *>(property->getCStringNoCopy());
                            if (property->getLength() >= prefix_length + 1 + 4 + 1 + 0 && 0 == strncmp(buffer, kFakeSMCKeyPropertyPrefix, prefix_length)) {
                                if (OSData *data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, props->getObject(property))) {
                                    strncpy(name, buffer + prefix_length + 1, 4); // fakesmc-key-???? ->
                                    strncpy(type, buffer + prefix_length + 1 + 4 + 1, 4); // fakesmc-key-xxxx-???? ->
                                    if (addKeyWithValue(name, type, data->getLength(), data->getBytesNoCopy())) {
                                        HWSensorsDebugLog("key %s of type %s loaded from NVRAM", name, type);
        else {
            HWSensorsWarningLog("NVRAM is unavailable");
    return count;
예제 #10
IOReturn IOI2CMaxim1631::publishChildren(IOService *nub)
    OSIterator			*childIterator = NULL;
    IORegistryEntry		*childEntry = NULL;
    IOService			*childNub = NULL;

	childIterator = nub->getChildIterator(gIODTPlane);
	if( childIterator != NULL )
		// Iterate through children and create nubs
		while ( ( childEntry = (IORegistryEntry *)( childIterator->getNextObject() ) ) != NULL )
			// Publish child as IOService
			childNub = OSDynamicCast(IOService, OSMetaClass::allocClassWithName("IOService"));
			childNub->init(childEntry, gIODTPlane);
			DLOG("IOI2CMaxim1631::publishChildren(0x%x) published child %s\n", getI2CAddress(), childEntry->getName());

	return kIOReturnSuccess;