void RenderDoc::BecomeReplayHost(volatile bool32 &killReplay) { Network::Socket *sock = Network::CreateServerSocket("", RenderDoc_ReplayNetworkPort, 1); if(sock == NULL) return; Serialiser ser("", Serialiser::WRITING, false); bool newlyReady = true; while(!killReplay) { if(newlyReady) { RDCLOG("Replay host ready for requests."); newlyReady = false; } Network::Socket *client = sock->AcceptClient(false); if(client == NULL) { if(!sock->Connected()) { RDCERR("Error in accept - shutting down server"); SAFE_DELETE(sock); return; } Threading::Sleep(5); continue; } newlyReady = true; RDCLOG("Connection received."); map<RDCDriver,string> drivers = RenderDoc::Inst().GetRemoteDrivers(); uint32_t count = (uint32_t)drivers.size(); ser.Serialise("", count); for(auto it=drivers.begin(); it != drivers.end(); ++it) { RDCDriver driver = it->first; ser.Serialise("", driver); ser.Serialise("", (*it).second); } if(!SendPacket(client, ePacket_RemoteDriverList, ser)) { RDCERR("Network error sending supported driver list"); SAFE_DELETE(client); continue; } Threading::Sleep(4); // don't care about the result, just want to check that the socket hasn't been gracefully shut down client->IsRecvDataWaiting(); if(!client->Connected()) { RDCLOG("Connection closed after sending remote driver list"); SAFE_DELETE(client); continue; } string cap_file; string dummy, dummy2; FileIO::GetDefaultFiles("remotecopy", cap_file, dummy, dummy2); Serialiser *fileRecv = NULL; if(!RecvChunkedFile(client, ePacket_CopyCapture, cap_file.c_str(), fileRecv, NULL)) { FileIO::Delete(cap_file.c_str()); RDCERR("Network error receiving file"); SAFE_DELETE(fileRecv); SAFE_DELETE(client); continue; } RDCLOG("File received."); SAFE_DELETE(fileRecv); RDCDriver driverType = RDC_Unknown; string driverName = ""; RenderDoc::Inst().FillInitParams(cap_file.c_str(), driverType, driverName, NULL); if(RenderDoc::Inst().HasRemoteDriver(driverType)) { ProgressLoopData data; data.sock = client; data.killsignal = false; data.progress = 0.0f; RenderDoc::Inst().SetProgressPtr(&data.progress); Threading::ThreadHandle ticker = Threading::CreateThread(ProgressTicker, &data); IRemoteDriver *driver = NULL; auto status = RenderDoc::Inst().CreateRemoteDriver(driverType, cap_file.c_str(), &driver); if(status != eReplayCreate_Success || driver == NULL) { RDCERR("Failed to create remote driver for driver type %d name %s", driverType, driverName.c_str()); SAFE_DELETE(client); continue; } driver->ReadLogInitialisation(); RenderDoc::Inst().SetProgressPtr(NULL); data.killsignal = true; Threading::JoinThread(ticker); Threading::CloseThread(ticker); FileIO::Delete(cap_file.c_str()); SendPacket(client, ePacket_LogReady); ProxySerialiser *proxy = new ProxySerialiser(client, driver); while(client) { if(!proxy->Tick() || killReplay) { SAFE_DELETE(client); } } driver->Shutdown(); RDCLOG("Closing replay connection"); SAFE_DELETE(proxy); SAFE_DELETE(client); } else { RDCERR("File needs driver for %s which isn't supported!", driverName.c_str()); FileIO::Delete(cap_file.c_str()); } SAFE_DELETE(client); } }
void RenderDoc::BecomeRemoteServer(const char *listenhost, uint16_t port, volatile bool32 &killReplay) { Network::Socket *sock = Network::CreateServerSocket(listenhost, port, 1); if(sock == NULL) return; bool newlyReady = true; std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> > listenRanges; bool allowExecution = true; FILE *f = FileIO::fopen(FileIO::GetAppFolderFilename("remoteserver.conf").c_str(), "r"); while(f && !FileIO::feof(f)) { string line = trim(FileIO::getline(f)); if(line == "") continue; // skip comments if(line[0] == '#') continue; if(line.substr(0, sizeof("whitelist") - 1) == "whitelist") { uint32_t ip = 0, mask = 0; // CIDR notation bool found = Network::ParseIPRangeCIDR(line.c_str() + sizeof("whitelist"), ip, mask); if(found) { listenRanges.push_back(std::make_pair(ip, mask)); continue; } else { RDCLOG("Couldn't parse IP range from: %s", line.c_str() + sizeof("whitelist")); } continue; } else if(line.substr(0, sizeof("noexec") - 1) == "noexec") { allowExecution = false; continue; } RDCLOG("Malformed line '%s'. See documentation for file format.", line.c_str()); } if(f) FileIO::fclose(f); if(listenRanges.empty()) { RDCLOG("No whitelist IP ranges configured - using default private IP ranges."); RDCLOG( "Create a config file remoteserver.conf in ~/.renderdoc or %%APPDATA%%/renderdoc to narrow " "this down or accept connections from more ranges."); listenRanges.push_back(std::make_pair(Network::MakeIP(10, 0, 0, 0), 0xff000000)); listenRanges.push_back(std::make_pair(Network::MakeIP(172, 16, 0, 0), 0xfff00000)); listenRanges.push_back(std::make_pair(Network::MakeIP(192, 168, 0, 0), 0xffff0000)); } RDCLOG("Allowing connections from:"); for(size_t i = 0; i < listenRanges.size(); i++) { uint32_t ip = listenRanges[i].first; uint32_t mask = listenRanges[i].second; RDCLOG("%u.%u.%u.%u / %u.%u.%u.%u", Network::GetIPOctet(ip, 0), Network::GetIPOctet(ip, 1), Network::GetIPOctet(ip, 2), Network::GetIPOctet(ip, 3), Network::GetIPOctet(mask, 0), Network::GetIPOctet(mask, 1), Network::GetIPOctet(mask, 2), Network::GetIPOctet(mask, 3)); } if(allowExecution) RDCLOG("Allowing execution commands"); else RDCLOG("Blocking execution commands"); while(!killReplay) { if(newlyReady) { RDCLOG("Replay host ready for requests."); newlyReady = false; } Network::Socket *client = sock->AcceptClient(false); if(client == NULL) { if(!sock->Connected()) { RDCERR("Error in accept - shutting down server"); SAFE_DELETE(sock); return; } Threading::Sleep(5); continue; } uint32_t ip = client->GetRemoteIP(); RDCLOG("Connection received from %u.%u.%u.%u.", Network::GetIPOctet(ip, 0), Network::GetIPOctet(ip, 1), Network::GetIPOctet(ip, 2), Network::GetIPOctet(ip, 3)); bool valid = false; for(size_t i = 0; i < listenRanges.size(); i++) { if(Network::MatchIPMask(ip, listenRanges[i].first, listenRanges[i].second)) { valid = true; break; } } if(!valid) { RDCLOG("Doesn't match any listen range, closing connection."); SAFE_DELETE(client); continue; } Serialiser ser("", Serialiser::WRITING, false); newlyReady = true; map<RDCDriver, string> drivers = RenderDoc::Inst().GetRemoteDrivers(); uint32_t count = (uint32_t)drivers.size(); ser.Serialise("", count); for(auto it = drivers.begin(); it != drivers.end(); ++it) { RDCDriver driver = it->first; ser.Serialise("", driver); ser.Serialise("", (*it).second); } if(!SendPacket(client, ePacket_RemoteDriverList, ser)) { RDCERR("Network error sending supported driver list"); SAFE_DELETE(client); continue; } Threading::Sleep(4); // don't care about the result, just want to check that the socket hasn't been gracefully shut // down client->IsRecvDataWaiting(); if(!client->Connected()) { RDCLOG("Connection closed after sending remote driver list"); SAFE_DELETE(client); continue; } string cap_file; string dummy, dummy2; FileIO::GetDefaultFiles("remotecopy", cap_file, dummy, dummy2); Serialiser *fileRecv = NULL; if(!RecvChunkedFile(client, ePacket_CopyCapture, cap_file.c_str(), fileRecv, NULL)) { FileIO::Delete(cap_file.c_str()); RDCERR("Network error receiving file"); SAFE_DELETE(fileRecv); SAFE_DELETE(client); continue; } RDCLOG("File received."); SAFE_DELETE(fileRecv); RDCDriver driverType = RDC_Unknown; string driverName = ""; RenderDoc::Inst().FillInitParams(cap_file.c_str(), driverType, driverName, NULL); if(RenderDoc::Inst().HasRemoteDriver(driverType)) { ProgressLoopData data; data.sock = client; data.killsignal = false; data.progress = 0.0f; RenderDoc::Inst().SetProgressPtr(&data.progress); Threading::ThreadHandle ticker = Threading::CreateThread(ProgressTicker, &data); IRemoteDriver *driver = NULL; auto status = RenderDoc::Inst().CreateRemoteDriver(driverType, cap_file.c_str(), &driver); if(status != eReplayCreate_Success || driver == NULL) { RDCERR("Failed to create remote driver for driver type %d name %s", driverType, driverName.c_str()); SAFE_DELETE(client); continue; } driver->ReadLogInitialisation(); RenderDoc::Inst().SetProgressPtr(NULL); data.killsignal = true; Threading::JoinThread(ticker); Threading::CloseThread(ticker); FileIO::Delete(cap_file.c_str()); SendPacket(client, ePacket_LogReady); ProxySerialiser *proxy = new ProxySerialiser(client, driver); while(client) { if(!proxy->Tick() || killReplay) { SAFE_DELETE(client); } } driver->Shutdown(); RDCLOG("Closing replay connection"); SAFE_DELETE(proxy); SAFE_DELETE(client); } else { RDCERR("File needs driver for %s which isn't supported!", driverName.c_str()); FileIO::Delete(cap_file.c_str()); } SAFE_DELETE(client); } SAFE_DELETE(sock); }