// CAmbientLightAwareSensorManagerEvents::RemoveSensor
// Description of function/method:
//        Helper function, clears the event sink for the sensor and then
//        releases the sensor.
// Parameters:
//        REFSENSOR_ID sensorID: Input sensor
// Return Values:
//        S_OK on success, else an error
HRESULT CAmbientLightAwareSensorManagerEvents::RemoveSensor(REFSENSOR_ID sensorID)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if (m_Sensors.Lookup(sensorID))
        ISensor* pSensor = m_Sensors[sensorID];

    return hr;
예제 #2
int fuckmain(void)
	int numberOfGestures = 0;
	int ret = 0;

	// camera interface
	ISensor* sensor = NULL;

	// Omek API interface
	IMotionSensor *pSensor = NULL;

	// we want to read the input without waiting... (for the exit key)
	int n, tem;
	tem = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0);
	fcntl (0, F_SETFL, (tem | O_NDELAY));


	char* sequencePath = NULL;

        for(int i=1; i < 2; i++)
                if(strcmp("-gest", "-help") == 0)
                        cout << "Usage: " << " [-seq sequence-path] [-gest gesture name] [-gest...\n";
			goto end;

                if(strcmp("-gest", "-gest") == 0)
				cerr << "Error: currently we support only " << TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_SUPPORTED_GESTURES << " gestures." << endl;
				ret = 1;
				goto end;


	// create the sensor
	if (sequencePath)
		// from a sequence
		pSensor = IMotionSensor::createSequenceSensor(sequencePath);
		// from a cameras
		pSensor = IMotionSensor::createCameraSensor(true);

	if(pSensor == NULL)
		cerr << "Error, failed creating sensor." << endl;
		ret = 1;
		goto end;

	// initialize the tracking algorithm
	if(pSensor->setTrackingOptions(TRACK_ALL) != OMK_SUCCESS)
		cerr << "Error, failed to set tracking options." << endl;
		ret = 1;
		goto end;

	sensor = pSensor->getSensor();

	if(sensor == NULL)
		cerr << "Error, failed to get sensor." << endl;
		ret = 1;
		goto end;

	// disable the RGB input (not supported on the BeagleBoard)
	pSensor->getSensor()->setCameraParameter("enableRGB", 0);

	// enable the selected gestures
	for(int i = 0 ; i < numberOfGestures; i++)
                if(pSensor->enableGesture("_rightScrollRight") != OMK_SUCCESS)
                        cerr << "Error, unrecognized gesture: " << "_rightScrollRight" << endl;
			ret = 1;
			goto end;

	// setting the maximal number of players
	if(pSensor->setMaxPlayers(MAX_NUM_OF_PLAYERS) != OMK_SUCCESS)
		cerr << "Error, failed to set maximal number of players." << endl;
		ret = 1;
		goto end;

	cout << "Please press ESC to stop." << endl;

		uint32_t processedFrames = 0;

		// run the main loop as long as there are frames to process
		while (sensor->isAlive() && g_run_gestures)
			// Handle the current frame only if we have successfully processed a new image
			bool bHasNewImage = false;
			if ((pSensor->processNextImage(true, bHasNewImage) == OMK_SUCCESS) && bHasNewImage)
				while (pSensor->hasMoreGestures())
					const IFiredEvent* pFiredEvent = pFiredEvent = pSensor->popNextGesture();
					std::stringstream text;
					text << endl << "Gesture (" << (pFiredEvent->getName()!=NULL?pFiredEvent->getName():"") << ") fired in frame " << processedFrames;
					cout << text.str().c_str() << endl;
                                        g_run_gestures = 0;

//			char c;
//			n = read(0, &c, 1);
//			if (n > 0)
//				if(c == 0x1B)
//					g_run_gestures = 0;

		cout << processedFrames << " frames." << endl;

	// cleanup
	if (pSensor != NULL)
		pSensor = NULL;

	fcntl(0, F_SETFL, tem);
	return ret;
// CSensorManagerEvents::Initialize
// Description of function/method:
//        Initialize the sensor data.
// Parameters:
//        none
// Return Values:
//        HRESULT S_OK on success
HRESULT CSensorManagerEvents::Initialize(int NumSensorTypes, ...)
    HRESULT hr;
	va_list vl;

	va_start( vl, NumSensorTypes );

	// Step through the list.
	  for ( int x = 0; x < NumSensorTypes; x++ )        // Loop until all numbers are added
		TypeID = va_arg( vl, SENSOR_TYPE_ID );
   va_end( vl );

	hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SensorManager, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_spISensorManager));
	if (FAILED(hr))
		OutputDebugString(L"Unable to CoCreateInstance() the SensorManager.");
		return E_FAIL;

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = m_spISensorManager->SetEventSink(this);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Find all Ambient Light Sensors
            ISensorCollection* spSensors;
            hr = m_spISensorManager->GetSensorsByCategory(SENSOR_CATEGORY_ALL, &spSensors);
				OutputDebugString(L"Unable to find any sensors on the computer.");
				return E_FAIL;
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && NULL != spSensors)
                ULONG ulCount = 0;
                hr = spSensors->GetCount(&ulCount);
                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))

					// Make a SensorCollection with only the sensors we want to get permission to access.
					ISensorCollection *pSensorCollection = NULL;
					HRESULT hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SensorCollection, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pSensorCollection));
					if (FAILED(hr))
						OutputDebugString(L"Unable to CoCreateInstance() a SensorCollection.");
						return E_FAIL;
                    for(ULONG i=0; i < ulCount; i++)
                        ISensor* spSensor;
                        hr = spSensors->GetAt(i, &spSensor);
						hr = spSensor->GetType(&idType);

						std::list<SensorRequest*> ::iterator it;
						for (it=RequestedSensors.begin(); it!=RequestedSensors.end() ; ++it)
							if((*it)->m_Type == idType)
							// we have never requested this sensor;

						// Have the SensorManager prompt the end-user for permission.
						hr = m_spISensorManager->RequestPermissions(NULL, pSensorCollection, TRUE);
						if (FAILED(hr))
							OutputDebugString(L"No permission to access Requested Sensor.");

                    for(ULONG i=0; i < ulCount; i++)
                        ISensor* spSensor;
                        hr = spSensors->GetAt(i, &spSensor);
                        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
							SensorState state = SENSOR_STATE_ERROR;
							hr = spSensor->GetState(&state);
    return hr;
void Tracking::updateFrame()

    ISensor* sensor = m_pSensor->getSensor();

    // run the main loop as long as there are frames to process
    if (sensor->isAlive())
        bool bHasNewImage;

		// Processes the new input frame (if available) and executes the tracking algorithm
        if(m_pSensor->processNextImage(true, bHasNewImage) == OMK_ERROR_ASSERTION_FAILURE)
            emit shutdown();

        int width_step;

        // Copy the input depth image (if available) into the given buffer.
		// (Note - the depth data represented by signed short per pixel)
		int depthImageBufferSize = m_imageWidth*m_imageHeight*sizeof(uint16_t);
        if(m_pSensor->copyRawImage((char*)m_depthBuffer , 
									width_step, false) == OMK_SUCCESS)
            emit updateDepthImage(m_depthBuffer);
		// the label of the player (only one exists)
        int label = 0; 
		// the dimensions of the player's bounding rectangle
        int width = 0, height = 0;
		// the player blob's 3D center of mass in world space (cm)
        float center3D[3]; 
		// the player blob's 2D center of mass in local image space (pixels)
        float center2D[2]; 

        // do we have a players mask
		int playerMaskBufferSize = m_imageWidth*m_imageHeight;
		// Copy the player mask into the given buffer.
		// (Note - the mask data is represented by char per pixel (255-player present/0-background))
        if(m_pSensor->copyPlayerMask(	(char*)m_maskBuffer, 
										label, width, height, 
										center3D, center2D) == OMK_SUCCESS)
            // Copy the output raw skeleton into the given skeleton data structure.
            if(m_pSensor->getRawSkeleton(m_pSkeleton) == OMK_SUCCESS)
                if(m_pSkeleton != NULL)
					// Run over all the joints in Skeleton and get their
					// positions in image space. 

                        int i = 4;
                        JointID id = (JointID)i;
						// Check whether the joint is available (tracked)
						// in the current frame.
                            float pos[3];
							// Get the tracked joint position in the image space
							// (ignore the z-coordinate) to draw them on the
							// mask image (right application window) as cross marks.
                            //The x value increases when we move to left.
                            m_pSkeleton->getJointPosition(id, pos, false);
                            unsigned int x,y;
                            x = (unsigned int)pos[0];
                            y = (unsigned int)pos[1];

                            if((int)(x-pre_x) > 20)
                                //X increases, Turn left;
                                direction = 1;
                            else if((int)(x-pre_x) < -20)
                                //X decreases, Turn Right;
                                direction = 2;
                            else if((int)(y - pre_y) > 20)
                                //Y increases, Turn Down;
                                direction = 3;
                            else if((int)(y - pre_y) < -30)
                                //Y decreases, Turn Up;
                                direction = 4;
                            dir = direction;

                            pre_x = x;
                            pre_y = y;

/*                            QString str_x = QString::number(pre_x);
                            QString str_y = QString::number(pre_y);

                            QString position;
                            position = str_x + "," + str_y;

                            QString str_dir = QString::number(direction);
                                //QMessageBox::information(NULL, "Direction", str_dir, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes);

*/                            // offset from the image border to be taken when drawing markers,
                            // because of their size
                            const unsigned int imageBorderOffset = 2;
                            if(	(x >= imageBorderOffset)    &&
                                    (y >= imageBorderOffset)    &&
                                    (x < (m_imageWidth-imageBorderOffset))  &&
                                    (y < (m_imageHeight-imageBorderOffset))  )
                                // JointID_rightHip and JointID_leftHip joints are not valid
                                // in the raw skeleton.
                                if((id!=JointID_rightHip) && (id!=JointID_leftHip))
                                        // Send the joint image coordinates to the TrackingWindow.
                                        emit addPoint(x, y, id);

                }//<=if(m_pSkeleton != NULL)
            m_isTracking = true;
            emit updateMaskImage(m_maskBuffer);
                memset(m_maskBuffer, 0, m_imageWidth*m_imageHeight);
                emit updateMaskImage(m_maskBuffer);
                m_isTracking = false;
        cout << "processed " << sensor->getFramenum() << "." << endl;
        emit shutdown();
int Tracking::initialize(char* sequenceFileName, bool isUpper)
    m_isTracking = true;
    const unsigned int trackMode = (isUpper) ? TRACK_UPPERBODY : TRACK_ALL;

	// create the sensor
	if (sequenceFileName == NULL)
		// create live camera sensor
		m_pSensor = IMotionSensor::createCameraSensor();
		// create a sequence file sensor (file containing sequence of recorded depth data frames)
		m_pSensor = IMotionSensor::createSequenceSensor(sequenceFileName);

	if(m_pSensor == NULL)
		cerr << "Error creating sensor." << endl;
		return 1;

	// enable skeleton tracking
    if(m_pSensor->setTrackingOptions(trackMode) != OMK_SUCCESS)
		cerr << "Error initializing the tracking algorithm." << endl;
		return 1;

	// setting the maximal number of players (currently supported maximum 1 on BeagleBoard)
	if(m_pSensor->setMaxCandidates(MAX_NUM_OF_PLAYERS) != OMK_SUCCESS)
		cerr << " Error setting maximal number of candidates." << endl;
		return 1;

	if(m_pSensor->setMaxPlayers(MAX_NUM_OF_PLAYERS) != OMK_SUCCESS)
		cerr << "Error setting maximal number of players." << endl;
		return 1;

	// Allocate empty Skeleton, to receive output data from the
	// tracking algorithm.
	m_pSkeleton = m_pSensor->createSkeleton();

	if(m_pSkeleton == NULL)
		cerr << "NULL Skeleton !!!" << endl;
		return 1;

	// Disable the RGB input (not supported on the BeagleBoard).
    ISensor* sensor = m_pSensor->getSensor();
    //sensor->setCameraParameter("enableRGB", 0);
    m_imageWidth = sensor->getImageWidth(IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH);
    m_imageHeight = sensor->getImageHeight(IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH);

    m_maskBuffer = new unsigned char[m_imageWidth*m_imageHeight];
    m_depthBuffer = new unsigned char[m_imageWidth*m_imageHeight*sizeof(uint16_t)];

    memset(m_maskBuffer, 0, m_imageWidth*m_imageHeight);
    memset(m_depthBuffer, 0, m_imageWidth*m_imageHeight*sizeof(uint16_t));

    cout << "Tracking successfully initialized." << endl;
    return 0;