예제 #1
IComponent* ComponentBase::getOrCreateInternalComponent(
	const char* componentName, const char* interfaceName, const char* facetName )
	std::string fullTypeName( componentName );

	// get the component if it already exists
	ITypeManager* tm = getSystem()->getTypes();
	IType* type = tm->findType( fullTypeName );
	if( type )
		assert( type->getKind() == TK_COMPONENT );
		return static_cast<IComponent*>( type );

	// otherwise, create the component
	IType* itfType = getType( interfaceName );
	assert( itfType->getKind() == TK_INTERFACE );

	size_t lastDotPos = fullTypeName.rfind( '.' );
	assert( lastDotPos != std::string::npos ); // componentName must be specified with a namespace

	std::string namespaceName( fullTypeName.substr( 0, lastDotPos ) );
	std::string localTypeName( fullTypeName.substr( lastDotPos + 1 ) );

	INamespace* ns = tm->findNamespace( namespaceName );
	assert( ns ); // the namespace should have been created before

	RefPtr<ITypeBuilder> tb = ns->defineType( localTypeName, TK_COMPONENT );
	tb->definePort( facetName, static_cast<IInterface*>( itfType ), true );

	catch( std::exception& )

	type = tb->createType();
	assert( type && type->getKind() == TK_COMPONENT );

	// set the component with a basic reflector
	type->setReflector( BasicReflector::create( type ) );

	return static_cast<IComponent*>( type );
예제 #2
void Loader::onPort( const location& loc, bool isFacet, const std::string& name )
	IType* type = getLastDeclaredType();
	if( getError() )

	if( type->getKind() != TK_INTERFACE )
		pushError( loc, "an interface type was expected" );

	CATCH_ERRORS( loc, _typeBuilder->definePort( name, static_cast<IInterface*>( type ), isFacet ) );
	onElement( name );
예제 #3
void Loader::onRaises( const location& loc, const std::string& name )
	IType* type = resolveType( loc, name );
	if( getError() )

	if( !type )
		PUSH_ERROR( loc, "error loading exception type '" << name << "'" );
	else if( type->getKind() != TK_EXCEPTION )
		PUSH_ERROR( loc, "attempt to raise non-exception type '" << type->getFullName() << "'" );
		CATCH_ERRORS( loc, _methodBuilder->defineException( static_cast<IException*>( type ) ) );
예제 #4
void Loader::onAnnotation( const location& loc, const std::string& name, bool hasData )
	std::string componentName;
	componentName.reserve( name.size() + 10 );
	componentName.append( name );
	componentName.append( "Annotation" );

	IType* type = resolveType( loc, componentName );
	if( !type )
		PUSH_ERROR( loc, "error loading annotation type '" << componentName << "'" );

	if( type->getKind() != TK_COMPONENT )
		PUSH_ERROR( loc, "annotation type '" << componentName << "' is not a component" );

		RefPtr<IAnnotation> annotation;
		if( hasData )
			RefPtr<IObject> object( type->getReflector()->newInstance() );
			annotation = getAnnotationFrom( object.get() );
			annotation = getDefaultAnnotationInstance( type );

		if( _annotations.empty() )
			_annotations.push_back( AnnotationRecord() );
		_annotations.back().annotations.push_back( annotation.get() );
	catch( Exception& e )
		pushError( loc, e.getMessage() );
예제 #5
IArray* TypeManager::getArrayOf( IType* elementType )
	if( !elementType )
		CORAL_THROW( IllegalArgumentException, "null element type" );

	const std::string& elementTypeName = elementType->getName();

	std::string arrayName;
	arrayName.reserve( elementTypeName.length() + 2 );
	arrayName.append( elementTypeName );
	arrayName.append( "[]" );

	Namespace* ns = static_cast<Namespace*>( elementType->getNamespace() );

	// try to locate an existing array of this type
	IType* existingArrayType = ns->getType( arrayName );
	if( existingArrayType )
		assert( existingArrayType->getKind() == TK_ARRAY );
		return static_cast<IArray*>( existingArrayType );

	// otherwise, try to create it
	TypeKind kind = elementType->getKind();
	if( kind == TK_ARRAY )
		CORAL_THROW( IllegalArgumentException, "arrays of arrays are illegal" );

	if( !isData( kind ) )
		CORAL_THROW( IllegalArgumentException, "arrays of " << kind << "s are illegal" );

	RefPtr<ArrayType> arrayType = new ArrayType;
	arrayType->setType( TK_ARRAY, elementType->getName() + "[]", ns );
	arrayType->setElementType( elementType );

	ns->addType( arrayType.get() );

	return arrayType.get();