// // FUNCTION: UpdateProperty() // // PURPOSE: Called by the Ribbon framework when a command property (PKEY) needs to be updated. // // COMMENTS: // // This function is used to initialize the contents and selection of the gallery. // // STDMETHODIMP CLayoutHandler::UpdateProperty(UINT nCmdID, __in REFPROPERTYKEY key, __in_opt const PROPVARIANT* ppropvarCurrentValue, __out PROPVARIANT* ppropvarNewValue) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(nCmdID); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (key == UI_PKEY_ItemsSource) { IUICollection* pCollection; hr = ppropvarCurrentValue->punkVal->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pCollection)); if (FAILED(hr)) { pCollection->Release(); return hr; } int labelIds[] = {IDS_LAYOUT_1, IDS_LAYOUT_2, IDS_LAYOUT_3}; // Populate the combobox with the three layout options. for (int i=0; i<_countof(labelIds); i++) { // Create a new property set for each item. CPropertySet* pItem; hr = CPropertySet::CreateInstance(&pItem); if (FAILED(hr)) { pCollection->Release(); return hr; } // Load the label from the resource file. WCHAR wszLabel[MAX_RESOURCE_LENGTH]; LoadString(GetModuleHandle(NULL), labelIds[i], wszLabel, MAX_RESOURCE_LENGTH); // Initialize the property set with no image, the label that was just loaded, and no category. pItem->InitializeItemProperties(NULL, wszLabel, UI_COLLECTION_INVALIDINDEX); pCollection->Add(pItem); } pCollection->Release(); hr = S_OK; } else if (key == UI_PKEY_Categories) { // A return value of S_FALSE or E_NOTIMPL will result in a gallery with no categories. // If you return any error other than E_NOTIMPL, the contents of the gallery will not display. hr = S_FALSE; } else if (key == UI_PKEY_SelectedItem) { // Use the first layout as the default selection. hr = UIInitPropertyFromUInt32(UI_PKEY_SelectedItem, 0, ppropvarNewValue); } return hr; }
// // FUNCTION: UpdateProperty() // // PURPOSE: Called by the Ribbon framework when a command property (PKEY) needs to be updated. // // COMMENTS: // // This function is used to populate the gallery. // // STDMETHODIMP CNewDocumentHandler::UpdateProperty(UINT nCmdID, __in REFPROPERTYKEY key, __in_opt const PROPVARIANT* ppropvarCurrentValue, __out PROPVARIANT* ppropvarNewValue) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; if (key == UI_PKEY_ItemsSource) { objectTypes.clear(); IUICollection* pCollection; hr = ppropvarCurrentValue->punkVal->QueryInterface( IID_PPV_ARGS(&pCollection)); pCollection->Clear(); Array docTypes = getAllConcreteDocumentTypes(); for(int i=0; i<docTypes.size(); i++){ Object doc = docTypes[i].getObject(); objectTypes.push_back(doc); // Create a new property set for each item. CPropertySet* pItem; hr = CPropertySet::CreateInstance(&pItem); string key = doc["label"].getString(); wstring wkey = s2ws(key); // Load the label from the resource file. WCHAR wszLabel[MAX_RESOURCE_LENGTH]; wcscpy_s(wszLabel, MAX_RESOURCE_LENGTH, wkey.c_str()); IUIImage* pImg; MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_SMALL_ADD_BITMAP); HRESULT a = CreateUIImageFromBitmapResource(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_SMALL_ADD_BITMAP), &pImg); // Initialize the property set with no image, the label that was just // loaded, and no category. pItem->InitializeItemProperties(pImg, wszLabel, UI_COLLECTION_INVALIDINDEX); pCollection->Add(pItem); } pCollection->Release(); hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
// // FUNCTION: UpdateProperty() // // PURPOSE: Called by the Ribbon framework when a command property (PKEY) needs to be updated. // // COMMENTS: // // This function is used to populate the gallery. // // STDMETHODIMP CSizeAndColorHandler::UpdateProperty(UINT nCmdID, __in REFPROPERTYKEY key, __in_opt const PROPVARIANT* ppropvarCurrentValue, __out PROPVARIANT* ppropvarNewValue) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(nCmdID); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ppropvarNewValue); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if(key == UI_PKEY_Categories) { IUICollection* pCollection; hr = ppropvarCurrentValue->punkVal->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pCollection)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } // Create a property set for the Size category. CPropertySet *pSize; hr = CPropertySet::CreateInstance(&pSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { pCollection->Release(); return hr; } // Load the label for the Size category from the resource file. WCHAR wszSizeLabel[MAX_RESOURCE_LENGTH]; LoadString(GetModuleHandle(NULL), IDS_SIZE_CATEGORY, wszSizeLabel, MAX_RESOURCE_LENGTH); // Initialize the property set with the label that was just loaded and a category id of 0. pSize->InitializeCategoryProperties(wszSizeLabel, 0); // Add the newly-created property set to the collection supplied by the framework. pCollection->Add(pSize); pSize->Release(); // Create a property set for the Color category. CPropertySet *pColor; hr = CPropertySet::CreateInstance(&pColor); if (FAILED(hr)) { pCollection->Release(); return hr; } // Load the label for the Color category from the resource file. WCHAR wszColorLabel[MAX_RESOURCE_LENGTH]; LoadString(GetModuleHandle(NULL), IDS_COLOR_CATEGORY, wszColorLabel, MAX_RESOURCE_LENGTH); // Initialize the property set with the label that was just loaded and a category id of 1. pColor->InitializeCategoryProperties(wszColorLabel, 1); // Add the newly-created property set to the collection supplied by the framework. pCollection->Add(pColor); pColor->Release(); pCollection->Release(); hr = S_OK; } else if(key == UI_PKEY_ItemsSource) { IUICollection* pCollection; hr = ppropvarCurrentValue->punkVal->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pCollection)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } int commandIds[] = {IDR_CMD_SMALL, IDR_CMD_MEDIUM, IDR_CMD_LARGE, IDR_CMD_RED, IDR_CMD_GREEN, IDR_CMD_BLUE}; int categoryIds[] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}; // Populate the gallery with the three size and three colors in two separate categories. for (int i=0; i<_countof(commandIds); i++) { // Create a new property set for each item. CPropertySet* pCommand; hr = CPropertySet::CreateInstance(&pCommand); if (FAILED(hr)) { pCollection->Release(); return hr; } // Initialize the property set with the appropriate command id and category id and type Boolean (which makes these appear as ToggleButtons). pCommand->InitializeCommandProperties(categoryIds[i], commandIds[i], UI_COMMANDTYPE_BOOLEAN); // Add the newly-created property set to the collection supplied by the framework. pCollection->Add(pCommand); pCommand->Release(); } pCollection->Release(); hr = S_OK; } return hr; }