void CVehicleSeatActionRotateTurret::MaintainPartRotationWorldSpace(EVehicleTurretRotationType eType)
	CVehiclePartBase* pPart   = m_rotations[eType].m_pPart;
	IVehiclePart*     pParent = pPart->GetParent();
	IActor*           pActor  = m_pSeat->GetPassengerActor();

	bool remote     = m_pSeat->GetCurrentTransition() == IVehicleSeat::eVT_RemoteUsage;
	bool worldSpace = m_rotations[eType].m_worldSpace && VehicleCVars().v_independentMountedGuns != 0;

	if (worldSpace && pParent && pActor && pActor->IsClient() && !remote)
		// we want to keep the old worldspace rotation
		// therefore we're updating the local transform from it
		// NB: there is no need to clamp here, its done later

		Matrix34 localTM = pParent->GetWorldTM().GetInverted() * Matrix34(m_rotations[eType].m_prevWorldQuat);
		localTM.OrthonormalizeFast(); // precision issue

		const Matrix34 &baseTM = pPart->GetLocalBaseTM();

		if (!Matrix34::IsEquivalent(baseTM,localTM))
			Ang3 anglesCurr(baseTM);
			Ang3 angles(localTM);

			if (eType == eVTRT_Pitch)
				angles.y = anglesCurr.y;
				angles.z = anglesCurr.z;
			else if (eType == eVTRT_Yaw)
				angles.x = anglesCurr.x;
				angles.y = anglesCurr.y;



		if (VehicleCVars().v_debugdraw == eVDB_Parts)
			float color[] = {1,1,1,1};
			Ang3  a(localTM), aBase(baseTM);
			gEnv->pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(200,200,1.4f,color,false,"localAng: %.1f (real: %.1f)", RAD2DEG(a.z), RAD2DEG(aBase.z));
void CVehicleHelper::GetVehicleTM(Matrix34& vehicleTM, bool forced) const
	vehicleTM = m_localTM;

	IVehiclePart* pParent = m_pParentPart;
	while (pParent)
		vehicleTM = pParent->GetLocalTM(true, forced) * vehicleTM;
		pParent = pParent->GetParent();
예제 #3
void CVehicleWeaponPulseC::Update(SEntityUpdateContext& ctx, int update)
	if(!m_vehicleId && GetEntity()->GetParent())
		m_vehicleId = GetEntity()->GetParent()->GetId();
		CRY_ASSERT(gEnv->pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIVehicleSystem()->GetVehicle(m_vehicleId) && "Using VehicleWeapons on non-vehicles may lead to unexpected behavior.");

	IVehicle* pVehicle = GetVehicle();
		IVehiclePart* pPart = pVehicle->GetWeaponParentPart(GetEntityId()); 
			const Matrix34& partWorldTM = pPart->GetWorldTM();
			const Vec3 partDirection = partWorldTM.GetColumn1();
			const Vec3 partPosition = partWorldTM.GetTranslation();

			//ColorB col(255, 0, 0);
			//gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom()->DrawLine(partPosition, col, partPosition + 100.0f * partDirection, col, 2.0f);

			//ok, ok, i'll optimise this later 
			Matrix34 mat = pVehicle->GetEntity()->GetWorldTM();
			Matrix33 matO(mat);

			const Vec3 diff = (m_TargetPos - partPosition).GetNormalized();

			m_destination.SetLerp(partDirection, diff, ctx.fFrameTime);

			Quat quat1;
			//quat1.SetRotationVDir(diff, 0.0f);
			quat1.SetRotationVDir(m_destination.GetNormalized(), 0.0f);
			Matrix33 mat2(quat1);
			mat2 = matO * mat2; 

			m_destination = m_destination * 10000.0f + partPosition;
			m_targetPosition = m_destination;
			m_aimPosition = m_destination;

			pPart->SetLocalTM(Matrix34(mat2, pPart->GetLocalTM(true, true).GetTranslation()));

  Base::Update(ctx, update);
bool CVehicleSeatActionRotateTurret::GetRemainingAnglesToAimGoalInDegrees(float &pitch, float &yaw)
	// no aim goal set (or it got cleared)?
	if (m_aimGoal.IsZero())
		return false; // have no aim goal

	IVehiclePart* pPitchPart = m_rotations[eVTRT_Pitch].m_pPart;
	IVehiclePart* pYawPart   = m_rotations[eVTRT_Yaw].m_pPart;

	if (!pYawPart)
		pitch = yaw = 0.0f;
		return true;  // have an aim goal

	// aim goal is a world pos. Convert it to vehicle space:
	Vec3 aimGoalLocal = m_pVehicle->GetEntity()->GetWorldTM().GetInverted() * m_aimGoal;

	// direction from yaw part pivot to aim goal
	Vec3 yawPartToAimGoal = aimGoalLocal - pYawPart->GetLocalTM(false).GetTranslation();

	// angles from yaw part to aim goal
	Quat aimDir = Quat::CreateRotationVDir(yawPartToAimGoal.GetNormalizedSafe());
	Ang3 desiredAngles(aimDir);

	if (pPitchPart)
		Ang3 pitchAngles(pPitchPart->GetLocalTM(false));
		pitch = RAD2DEG(desiredAngles.x - pitchAngles.x);
		pitch = fmod(pitch, 360.0f);
		pitch = 0.0f;

	Ang3 yawAngles(pYawPart->GetLocalTM(false));
	yaw = RAD2DEG(desiredAngles.z - yawAngles.z);
	yaw = fmod(yaw, 360.0f);

	return true;  // have an aim goal
void CVehicleSeatActionRotateTurret::UpdateAimGoal()
	Vec3 aimGoalLocal = m_pVehicle->GetEntity()->GetWorldTM().GetInverted() * m_aimGoal;

	IVehiclePart* pPitchPart = m_rotations[eVTRT_Pitch].m_pPart;
	if (pPitchPart)
		Vec3 pitchPartToAimGoal = aimGoalLocal - pPitchPart->GetLocalTM(false).GetTranslation();

		Quat pitchAimDir = Quat::CreateRotationVDir(pitchPartToAimGoal.GetNormalizedSafe());
		Ang3 desiredPitchAngles(pitchAimDir);

		Ang3 currentPitchAngles(pPitchPart->GetLocalTM(false));
		m_rotations[eVTRT_Pitch].m_action = desiredPitchAngles.x - currentPitchAngles.x;

	IVehiclePart* pYawPart = m_rotations[eVTRT_Yaw].m_pPart;
	if (pYawPart)
		Vec3 yawPartToAimGoal = aimGoalLocal - pYawPart->GetLocalTM(false).GetTranslation();

		Quat yawAimDir = Quat::CreateRotationVDir(yawPartToAimGoal.GetNormalizedSafe());
		Ang3 desiredYawAngles(yawAimDir);

		Ang3 currentYawAngles(pYawPart->GetLocalTM(false));
		m_rotations[eVTRT_Yaw].m_action = fmod(desiredYawAngles.z - currentYawAngles.z + 3.0f * gf_PI, gf_PI2) - gf_PI;
void CVehicleMovementTank::PostInit()

	for (size_t i=0; i<m_wheelParts.size(); ++i)
		if (m_wheelParts[i]->GetIWheel()->GetCarGeomParams()->bDriving)
			m_drivingWheels[m_wheelParts[i]->GetLocalTM(false).GetTranslation().x > 0.f] = m_wheelParts[i];

	assert(m_drivingWheels[0] && m_drivingWheels[1]);

	int nParts = m_pVehicle->GetPartCount();
	for (int i=0; i<nParts; ++i)
		IVehiclePart* pPart = m_pVehicle->GetPart(i);
		if (pPart->GetType() == IVehiclePart::eVPT_Tread)
void CVehicleMovementMPVTOL::PostInit()

    for (int i = 0; i < m_pVehicle->GetPartCount(); i++)
        IVehiclePart* pPart = m_pVehicle->GetPart(i);

        if (m_pLeftWing == NULL && strcmpi(pPart->GetName(), "wing_left_pivot") == 0)
            m_pLeftWing = pPart;
            m_pVehicle->SetObjectUpdate(pPart, IVehicle::eVOU_AlwaysUpdate);
        else if(m_pRightWing == NULL && strcmpi(pPart->GetName(), "wing_right_pivot") == 0)
            m_pRightWing = pPart;
            m_pVehicle->SetObjectUpdate(pPart, IVehicle::eVOU_AlwaysUpdate);

    CRY_ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_pLeftWing && m_pRightWing, "CVehicleMovementMPVTOL::PostInit - Wing parts not found");
void CVehicleDamageBehaviorBlowTire::Activate(bool activate)
  if (activate == m_isActive)

  if (activate && m_pVehicle->IsDestroyed())

	if (activate)
		// NOTE: stance and physics position when getting into vehicles is set wrong
		if (!gEnv->pSystem->IsSerializingFile())

  IVehicleComponent* pComponent = m_pVehicle->GetComponent(m_component.c_str());
  if (!pComponent)

  IVehiclePart* pPart = pComponent->GetPart(0);
  if (!pPart)

  // if IVehicleWheel available, execute full damage behavior. if null, only apply effects
  IVehicleWheel* pWheel = pPart->GetIWheel();
  if (activate)
    IEntity* pEntity = m_pVehicle->GetEntity();
    IPhysicalEntity* pPhysics = pEntity->GetPhysics();
    const Matrix34& wheelTM = pPart->GetLocalTM(false);
    const SVehicleStatus& status = m_pVehicle->GetStatus();

    if (pWheel)
      const pe_cargeomparams* pParams = pWheel->GetCarGeomParams();  
      // handle destroyed wheel
      pe_params_wheel wheelParams;
      wheelParams.iWheel = pWheel->GetWheelIndex();            
      wheelParams.minFriction = wheelParams.maxFriction = 0.5f * pParams->maxFriction;      
      if (IVehicleMovement* pMovement = m_pVehicle->GetMovement())
        SVehicleMovementEventParams params;
        params.pComponent = pComponent;
        params.iValue = pWheel->GetWheelIndex();
        pMovement->OnEvent(IVehicleMovement::eVME_TireBlown, params);

      if (status.speed > 0.1f)
        // add angular impulse
        pe_action_impulse angImp;
        float amount = m_pVehicle->GetMass() * status.speed * Random(0.25f, 0.45f) * -sgn(wheelTM.GetTranslation().x);
        angImp.angImpulse = pEntity->GetWorldTM().TransformVector(Vec3(0,0,amount));    
      m_aiImmobilizedTimer = m_pVehicle->SetTimer(-1, AI_IMMOBILIZED_TIME*1000, this);  

    if (!gEnv->pSystem->IsSerializingFile())
      // add linear impulse       
      pe_action_impulse imp;
      imp.point = pPart->GetWorldTM().GetTranslation();

      float amount = m_pVehicle->GetMass() * Random(0.1f, 0.15f);

      if (pWheel)
        amount *= max(0.5f, min(10.f, status.speed));

        if (status.speed < 0.1f)
          amount = -0.5f*amount;
        amount *= 0.5f;

      imp.impulse = pEntity->GetWorldTM().TransformVector(Vec3(0,0,amount));

      // effect
      IParticleEffect* pEffect = gEnv->pParticleManager->FindEffect(TIRE_BLOW_EFFECT);
      if (pEffect)
        int slot = pEntity->LoadParticleEmitter(-1, pEffect);
        if (slot > -1)
          float rotation = pWheel ? 0.5f * gf_PI * -sgn(wheelTM.GetTranslation().x) : gf_PI;
          Matrix34 tm = Matrix34::CreateRotationZ(rotation);        
          pEntity->SetSlotLocalTM(slot, tm);

			// remove affected decals
				Vec3 pos = pPart->GetWorldTM().GetTranslation();
				AABB aabb = pPart->GetLocalBounds();
				float radius = aabb.GetRadius();
				Vec3 vRadius(radius,radius,radius);
        AABB areaBox(pos-vRadius, pos+vRadius);
        IRenderNode * pRenderNode = NULL;				
        if (IEntityRenderProxy *pRenderProxy = (IEntityRenderProxy*)pEntity->GetProxy(ENTITY_PROXY_RENDER))
					pRenderNode = pRenderProxy->GetRenderNode();

        gEnv->p3DEngine->DeleteDecalsInRange(&areaBox, pRenderNode);
    if (pWheel)
      // restore wheel properties        
      IPhysicalEntity* pPhysics = m_pVehicle->GetEntity()->GetPhysics();    
      pe_params_wheel wheelParams;

      for (int i=0; i<m_pVehicle->GetWheelCount(); ++i)
        const pe_cargeomparams* pParams = m_pVehicle->GetWheelPart(i)->GetIWheel()->GetCarGeomParams();

        wheelParams.iWheel = i;
        wheelParams.bBlocked = 0;
        wheelParams.suspLenMax = pParams->lenMax;
        wheelParams.bDriving = pParams->bDriving;      
        wheelParams.minFriction = pParams->minFriction;
        wheelParams.maxFriction = pParams->maxFriction;

			if (IVehicleMovement* pMovement = m_pVehicle->GetMovement())
				SVehicleMovementEventParams params;
				params.pComponent = pComponent;
				params.iValue = pWheel->GetWheelIndex();
				// reset the particle status
				pMovement->OnEvent(IVehicleMovement::eVME_TireRestored, params);
    m_aiImmobilizedTimer = -1;

  m_isActive = activate;      
예제 #9
bool CVehiclePartAnimated::ChangeState(EVehiclePartState state, int flags)
	if ((state == eVGS_Default) && m_initialiseOnChangeState)
		// Initialise!
		// Having to do this because of the way the glass code
		// swaps a cstatobj. The way the vehicle code stores its
		// statobj in m_intactStatObjs is going to need reviewing
		if (m_pCharInstance)
			ISkeletonPose*    pSkeletonPose                     = m_pCharInstance->GetISkeletonPose();
			IDefaultSkeleton &rIDefaultSkeleton                 = m_pCharInstance->GetIDefaultSkeleton();
			ISkeletonPose*    pSkeletonPoseDestroyed            = m_pCharInstanceDestroyed ? m_pCharInstanceDestroyed->GetISkeletonPose() : NULL;
			IDefaultSkeleton* pICharacterModelSkeletonDestroyed = m_pCharInstanceDestroyed ? &m_pCharInstanceDestroyed->GetIDefaultSkeleton() : NULL;
			if (pSkeletonPose)
				const bool bDestroyedSkelExists = pSkeletonPoseDestroyed && pICharacterModelSkeletonDestroyed;
				for (uint32 i = 0; i < rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointCount(); i++)
					if (IStatObj* pStatObjIntact = pSkeletonPose->GetStatObjOnJoint(i))
						const char* jointName = rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointNameByID(i);

						if (m_intactStatObjs.find(CONST_TEMP_STRING(jointName)) == m_intactStatObjs.end())
							m_intactStatObjs.insert(TStringStatObjMap::value_type(jointName, pStatObjIntact));

						// tell the streaming engine to stream destroyed version together with non destroyed
						if (bDestroyedSkelExists && i < pICharacterModelSkeletonDestroyed->GetJointCount())
							if (IStatObj* pStatObjIntactDestroyed = pSkeletonPoseDestroyed->GetStatObjOnJoint(i))
		m_initialiseOnChangeState = false;

	bool change = CVehiclePartBase::ChangeState(state, flags);

	if (state == eVGS_Default && !change)
		// need to restore state if one of the children is in higher state
		EVehiclePartState maxState = GetMaxState();

		if (maxState > m_state)
			change = true;

	if (!change)
		return false;

	if (state == eVGS_Destroyed)
		if (m_ignoreDestroyedState)
			return false;

		if (m_pCharInstance && m_pCharInstanceDestroyed)
			ISkeletonPose*    pSkeletonPose     = m_pCharInstance->GetISkeletonPose();
			IDefaultSkeleton &rIDefaultSkeleton = m_pCharInstance->GetIDefaultSkeleton();
			if (pSkeletonPose)
				IMaterial* pDestroyedMaterial = m_pVehicle->GetDestroyedMaterial();

				for (uint32 i = 0; i < rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointCount(); i++)
					if (IStatObj* pStatObjIntact = pSkeletonPose->GetStatObjOnJoint(i))
						const char* jointName = rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointNameByID(i);
						IStatObj*   pStatObj  = GetDestroyedGeometry(jointName);

						// sets new StatObj to joint, if null, removes it.
						// object whose name includes "proxy" are not removed.
						if (pStatObj || !strstr(jointName, "proxy"))
							SetCGASlot(i, pStatObj);

							if (pStatObj && !pDestroyedMaterial)
								if (IMaterial* pMaterial = pStatObj->GetMaterial())

							if (IsDebugParts())
								CryLog("swapping StatObj on joint %u (%s) -> %s", i, jointName, pStatObj ? pStatObj->GetGeoName() : "<NULL>");

				FlagSkeleton(pSkeletonPose, rIDefaultSkeleton);

				for (TStringVehiclePartMap::iterator ite = m_jointParts.begin(); ite != m_jointParts.end(); ++ite)
					IVehiclePart* pPart = ite->second;
					pPart->ChangeState(state, flags | eVPSF_Physicalize);

				CryCharAnimationParams animParams;
				animParams.m_nFlags |= CA_LOOP_ANIMATION;
				// pSkeleton->SetRedirectToLayer0(1);
				// pSkeleton->StartAnimation("Default",0,  0,0, animParams);  // [MR: commented out on Ivos request]

				if (pDestroyedMaterial)
	else if (state == eVGS_Default)
		if (m_pCharInstance && m_pCharInstanceDestroyed)
			// reset material (in case we replaced it with the destroyed material)
			IMaterial* pMaterial = m_pVehicle->GetPaintMaterial();
			if (!pMaterial)
				// no paint, so revert to the material already set on the character
				pMaterial = m_pCharInstance->GetIMaterial();
			if (pMaterial)

			IDefaultSkeleton &rIDefaultSkeleton = m_pCharInstance->GetIDefaultSkeleton();
				for (TStringStatObjMap::iterator ite = m_intactStatObjs.begin(); ite != m_intactStatObjs.end(); ++ite)
					const string &jointName = ite->first;
					IStatObj*     pStatObj  = ite->second;

					int16 jointId = rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointIDByName(jointName.c_str());
					if (jointId > -1)
						// if compound StatObj (from deformation), use first SubObj for restoring
						if (pStatObj != NULL)
							if (!pStatObj->GetRenderMesh() && pStatObj->GetSubObjectCount() > 0)
								pStatObj = pStatObj->GetSubObject(0)->pStatObj;

							SetCGASlot(jointId, pStatObj);

							if (IsDebugParts())
								CryLog("restoring StatObj on joint %i (%s) -> %s", jointId, jointName.c_str(), pStatObj ? pStatObj->GetGeoName() : "<NULL>");

						TStringVehiclePartMap::iterator it = m_jointParts.find(jointName);
						if (it != m_jointParts.end())
							it->second->ChangeState(state, flags & ~eVPSF_Physicalize | eVPSF_Force);
				flags |= eVPSF_Physicalize;

	m_state = state;

	// physicalize after all parts have been restored
	if (flags & eVPSF_Physicalize && GetEntity()->GetPhysics())
		for (TStringVehiclePartMap::iterator it = m_jointParts.begin(); it != m_jointParts.end(); ++it)

	return true;
예제 #10
void CVehicleWeaponControlled::Update(SEntityUpdateContext& ctx, int update)
	IVehicle *pVehicle = m_vehicleId ? gEnv->pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIVehicleSystem()->GetVehicle(m_vehicleId) : NULL; 
  if (!m_vehicleId && GetEntity()->GetParent())
    IEntity *entity = GetEntity();
    if (entity)
      IEntity *parent = entity->GetParent();
      if (parent)
				m_vehicleId = parent->GetId();
        pVehicle = gEnv->pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIVehicleSystem()->GetVehicle(parent->GetId());

  if (pVehicle)
		IVehiclePart *pPart = pVehicle->GetWeaponParentPart(GetEntityId());
			if(IVehiclePart *pParentPart = pPart->GetParent())

				if(ICharacterInstance *characterInst = pVehicle->GetEntity()->GetCharacter(pParentPart->GetSlot()))
					if(ISkeletonPose* pose = characterInst->GetISkeletonPose())
						IDefaultSkeleton& rIDefaultSkeleton = characterInst->GetIDefaultSkeleton();
						int16 joint = rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointIDByName(pPart->GetName());
						const QuatT &jQuat = pose->GetAbsJointByID(joint);

						Matrix34 localT(jQuat);
						localT.SetTranslation(jQuat.t/* - Vec3(0.0f, 0.75f, 0.0f)*/);

						Matrix34 vehicleWorldTm = pVehicle->GetEntity()->GetWorldTM();
						Matrix34 mat = vehicleWorldTm * localT;
						Vec3 vehicleSide2 = pPart->GetParent()->GetLocalTM(true, true).GetTranslation();

						CPlayer *pl = this->GetOwnerPlayer();

						Matrix33 mat2;
						if (!m_destination.IsEquivalent(ZERO))
							Vec3 diff = GetDestination() - mat.GetTranslation(); //pPart->GetWorldTM().GetTranslation();

							Matrix33 loc(mat);

							Vec3 diffLocal = loc.TransformVector(diff);

							Matrix33 desMat;
							desMat.SetRotationVDir(diffLocal, 0.0f);

							Vec3 test = GetEntity()->GetLocalTM().GetColumn0();

							Ang3 testTM(desMat);

							float za = testTM.x - m_Angles.x;
							za = (za < 0.0f) ? -gf_PI : gf_PI;
							za *= 0.05f * ctx.fFrameTime;

							m_Angles.x += za;
							Limit(m_Angles.x, -gf_PI * 0.33f, gf_PI * 0.33f);

							if (testTM.z > m_Angles.z + 0.05f)
								m_Angles.z += gf_PI * factor1 * ctx.fFrameTime;        
							else if (testTM.z < m_Angles.z - 0.05f)
								m_Angles.z -= gf_PI * factor1 * ctx.fFrameTime;        
								m_Angles.z = testTM.z;

							Limit(m_Angles.z, -gf_PI * 0.33f, gf_PI * 0.33f);
							if (!m_FireBlocked)
								m_Angles.x = m_Angles.x - ctx.fFrameTime * factor2 * m_Angles.x;
								m_Angles.z = m_Angles.z - ctx.fFrameTime * factor2 * m_Angles.z;

						mat = mat * mat2; 


						if (pl)
							Matrix34 worldGunMat = vehicleWorldTm * localT;

							if (!pl->IsDead())

								Vec3 trans = worldGunMat.GetTranslation() - worldGunMat.GetColumn2() * 0.7f;


								float dot = mat.GetColumn1().dot(worldGunMat.GetColumn0());
								Update3PAnim(pl, 0.5f - dot * 0.5f, ctx.fFrameTime, mat);

								ICharacterInstance* pCharacter = pl->GetEntity()->GetCharacter(0);
								int boneId = pCharacter ? pCharacter->GetIDefaultSkeleton().GetJointIDByName("Spine03") : 7;

								if (IVehicleSeat* seat = pVehicle->GetSeatForPassenger(pl->GetEntityId()))
									seat->Exit(false, true);

								Matrix33 rot(worldGunMat);
								Vec3 offset(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.70f);
								Vec3 transformedOff = rot.TransformVector(offset);
								Vec3 trans = worldGunMat.GetTranslation();
								trans -= transformedOff;
								pl->GetEntity()->SetPos(worldGunMat.GetTranslation()); //worldGunMat.GetTranslation());

								if (boneId > -1)
									IPhysicalEntity *physEnt = pl->GetEntity()->GetPhysics();
									if (physEnt)
										pe_simulation_params simulationParams;

										pe_params_pos pos;
										pos.pos = GetEntity()->GetPos();

										pe_action_impulse impulse;
										impulse.ipart = boneId;
										impulse.angImpulse = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
										impulse.impulse = worldGunMat.GetColumn1() * -1.5f * simulationParams.mass;



								m_FireBlocked = true;
							} // IsDead
						} // pl
					} // pose
				} // characterInst
			} // pParentPart
		} // pPart
	} // pVehicle

  Base::Update(ctx, update);
예제 #11
bool CVehicleMovementStdBoat::Init(IVehicle* pVehicle, const CVehicleParams& table)
  if (!CVehicleMovementBase::Init(pVehicle, table))
    return false;
  MOVEMENT_VALUE("velMax", m_velMax);      
  MOVEMENT_VALUE("velMaxReverse", m_velMaxReverse);
  MOVEMENT_VALUE("acceleration", m_accel);      
  MOVEMENT_VALUE("accelerationVelMax", m_accelVelMax);      
  MOVEMENT_VALUE("accelerationMultiplier", m_accelCoeff);         
  MOVEMENT_VALUE("pushTilt", m_pushTilt);     
  MOVEMENT_VALUE("turnRateMax", m_turnRateMax);
  MOVEMENT_VALUE("turnAccel", m_turnAccel);      
  MOVEMENT_VALUE("cornerForce", m_cornerForceCoeff);      
  MOVEMENT_VALUE("cornerTilt", m_cornerTilt);    
  MOVEMENT_VALUE("turnDamping", m_turnDamping); 
  MOVEMENT_VALUE("turnAccelMultiplier", m_turnAccelCoeff);
  MOVEMENT_VALUE_OPT("rollAccel", m_rollAccel, table);
  MOVEMENT_VALUE_OPT("pedalLimitReverse", m_pedalLimitReverse, table);
  MOVEMENT_VALUE_OPT("turnVelocityMult", m_turnVelocityMult, table);
  MOVEMENT_VALUE_OPT("velLift", m_velLift, table);
  MOVEMENT_VALUE_OPT("lateralDamping", m_lateralDamping, table);
  table.getAttr("waveIdleStrength", m_waveIdleStrength);
  table.getAttr("waveSpeedMult", m_waveSpeedMult);
  if (table.haveAttr("cornerHelper"))
		if (IVehicleHelper* pHelper = m_pVehicle->GetHelper(table.getAttr("cornerHelper")))
			m_cornerOffset = pHelper->GetVehicleSpaceTranslation();

  if (table.haveAttr("pushHelper"))
		if (IVehicleHelper* pHelper = m_pVehicle->GetHelper(table.getAttr("pushHelper")))
			m_pushOffset = pHelper->GetVehicleSpaceTranslation();

  // compute inertia [assumes box]
  AABB bbox;	
  IVehiclePart* pMassPart = pVehicle->GetPart("mass");
  if (!pMassPart)
    pMassPart = pVehicle->GetPart("massBox");
  if (pMassPart)
		bbox = pMassPart->GetLocalBounds();
		GameWarning("[CVehicleMovementStdBoat]: initialization: No \"mass\" geometry found!");

  m_maxSpeed = m_velMax;
	float mass = pVehicle->GetMass();
  float width = bbox.max.x - bbox.min.x;
  float length = bbox.max.y - bbox.min.y;
  float height = bbox.max.z - bbox.min.z;
  m_Inertia.x = mass * (sqr(length)+ sqr(height)) / 12;
  m_Inertia.y = mass * (sqr(width) + sqr(height)) / 12;
  m_Inertia.z = mass * (sqr(width) + sqr(length)) / 12;
  m_massOffset = bbox.GetCenter();

  //CryLog("[StdBoat movement]: got mass offset (%f, %f, %f)", m_massOffset.x, m_massOffset.y, m_massOffset.z);

	m_pSplashPos = m_pVehicle->GetHelper("splashPos");

	if (m_pSplashPos)
		m_lastWakePos = m_pSplashPos->GetWorldSpaceTranslation();
		m_lastWakePos = m_pVehicle->GetEntity()->GetWorldTM().GetTranslation();

	const char* waveEffect = "";
	MOVEMENT_VALUE_OPT("waveEffect", &waveEffect, table);
	m_pWaveEffect = gEnv->pParticleManager->FindEffect(waveEffect, "MovementStdBoat");

  m_waveTimer = cry_random(0.0f, gf_PI);
  m_diving = false;
  m_wakeSlot = -1;   
  m_waveSoundPitch = 0.f;
  m_rpmPitchDir = 0;
  m_waveSoundAmount = 0.1f;

  // AI related
  m_prevAngle = 0.0f;
	m_factorMaxSpeed = 1.f;
	m_factorAccel = 1.f;

  return true;