예제 #1
// Cluster_Kmeans::Cluster()
int Cluster_Kmeans::Cluster() {
  // First determine which frames are being clustered.
  Iarray const& FramesToCluster = FrameDistances().FramesToCluster();

  // Determine seeds
  FindKmeansSeeds( FramesToCluster );

  if (mode_ == RANDOM)
    RN_.rn_set( kseed_ );

  int pointCount = (int)FramesToCluster.size();

  // This array will hold the indices of the points to process each iteration.
  // If sequential this is just 0 -> pointCount. If random this will be 
  // reassigned each iteration.
  Iarray PointIndices;
  PointIndices.reserve( pointCount );
  for (int processIdx = 0; processIdx != pointCount; processIdx++)
    PointIndices.push_back( processIdx );

  // Add the seed clusters
  for (Iarray::const_iterator seedIdx = SeedIndices_.begin();
                              seedIdx != SeedIndices_.end(); ++seedIdx)
    int seedFrame = FramesToCluster[ *seedIdx ];
    // A centroid is created for new clusters.
    AddCluster( ClusterDist::Cframes(1, seedFrame) );
    // NOTE: No need to calc best rep frame, only 1 frame.
    if (debug_ > 0)
      mprintf("Put frame %i in cluster %i (seed index=%i).\n", 
              seedFrame, clusters_.back().Num(), *seedIdx);
  // Assign points in 3 passes. If a point looked like it belonged to cluster A
  // at first, but then we added many other points and altered our cluster 
  // shapes, its possible that we will want to reassign it to cluster B.
  for (int iteration = 0; iteration != maxIt_; iteration++)
    if (mode_ == RANDOM)
      ShufflePoints( PointIndices );
    // Add each point to an existing cluster, and recompute centroid
    mprintf("\tRound %i: ", iteration);
    ProgressBar progress( PointIndices.size() );
    int Nchanged = 0;
    int prog = 0;
    for (Iarray::const_iterator pointIdx = PointIndices.begin();
                                pointIdx != PointIndices.end(); ++pointIdx, ++prog)
      if (debug_ < 1) progress.Update( prog );
      int oldClusterIdx = -1;
//      if ( iteration != 0 || mode_ != SEQUENTIAL) // FIXME: Should this really happen for RANDOM
//      {
        int pointFrame = FramesToCluster[ *pointIdx ];
        if (debug_ > 0)
          mprintf("DEBUG: Processing frame %i (index %i)\n", pointFrame, *pointIdx);
        bool pointWasYanked = true;
        if (iteration > 0) {
          // Yank this point out of its cluster, recompute the centroid
          for (cluster_it C1 = clusters_.begin(); C1 != clusters_.end(); ++C1)
            if (C1->HasFrame( pointFrame )) 
              // If this point is alone in its cluster its in the right place
              if (C1->Nframes() == 1) {
                pointWasYanked = false;
                continue; // FIXME: should this be a break?
              //oldBestRep = C1->BestRepFrame(); 
              oldClusterIdx = C1->Num();
              C1->RemoveFrameUpdateCentroid( Cdist_, pointFrame ); // TEST
//              C1->RemoveFrameFromCluster( pointFrame );
              //newBestRep = C1->FindBestRepFrame();
//              C1->CalculateCentroid( Cdist_ );
              if (debug_ > 0)
                mprintf("Remove Frame %i from cluster %i\n", pointFrame, C1->Num());
              //if (clusterToClusterCentroid_) {
              //  if (oldBestRep != NewBestRep)
              //    C1->AlignToBestRep( Cdist_ ); // FIXME: Only relevant for COORDS dist?
              //  C1->CalculateCentroid( Cdist_ ); // FIXME: Seems unnessecary to align prior
        } else {
          // First iteration. If this point is already in a cluster it is a seed.
          for (cluster_it C1 = clusters_.begin(); C1 != clusters_.end(); ++C1)
            if (C1->HasFrame( pointFrame )) {
              pointWasYanked = false;
              if (debug_ > 0)
                mprintf("Frame %i was already used to seed cluster %i\n", 
                        pointFrame, C1->Num());
              continue; // FIXME break?
        if (pointWasYanked) {
          // Find out what cluster this point is now closest to.
          double closestDist = -1.0;
          cluster_it closestCluster = clusters_.begin();
          for (cluster_it C1 = clusters_.begin(); C1 != clusters_.end(); ++C1)
            double dist = Cdist_->FrameCentroidDist(pointFrame, C1->Cent());
            if (closestDist < 0.0 || dist < closestDist)
              closestDist = dist;
              closestCluster = C1;
          //oldBestRep = closestCluster->BestRepFrame();
          closestCluster->AddFrameUpdateCentroid( Cdist_, pointFrame ); // TEST
//          closestCluster->AddFrameToCluster( pointFrame );
          //newBestRep = closestCluster->FindBestFrameFrame();
//          closestCluster->CalculateCentroid( Cdist_ );
          if (closestCluster->Num() != oldClusterIdx)
            if (debug_ > 0)
              mprintf("Remove Frame %i from cluster %i, but add to cluster %i (dist= %f).\n",
                      pointFrame, oldClusterIdx, closestCluster->Num(), closestDist);
          } else {
            if (debug_ > 0)
              mprintf("Frame %i staying in cluster %i\n", pointFrame, closestCluster->Num());
          if (clusterToClusterCentroid_) {
            //if (oldBestRep != NewBestRep) {
            //    C1->AlignToBestRep( Cdist_ ); // FIXME: Only relevant for COORDS dist?
            //  C1->CalculateCentroid( Cdist_ ); // FIXME: Seems unnessecary to align prior
//      }
    } // END loop over points to cluster
    if (Nchanged == 0) {
      mprintf("\tK-means round %i: No change. Skipping the rest of the iterations.\n", iteration);
    } else
      mprintf("\tK-means round %i: %i points changed cluster assignment.\n", iteration, Nchanged);
  } // END k-means iterations
  // Remove any empty clusters
  // FIXME: Will there ever be empty clusters?
  // NOTE in PTRAJ here align all frames to best rep 
  return 0;