void ilceve_create_vsd(Int_t nEvents=1, Int_t minTracks=0) { // Invoke from a running ilceve. // nEvents will be domped starting from current one. // If minTracks is set at least that many ESD tracks must exist. TEveVSD::DisableTObjectStreamersForVSDStruct(); IlcEveVSDCreator vc; vc.SetDebugLevel(2); Int_t nDone = 0; while (nDone < nEvents) { if (minTracks) { IlcESDEvent* esd = IlcEveEventManager::AssertESD(); while (esd->GetNumberOfTracks() < minTracks) { IlcEveEventManager::GetMaster()->NextEvent(); esd = IlcEveEventManager::AssertESD(); } } vc.CreateVSD("IlcVSD.root"); ++nDone; IlcEveEventManager::GetMaster()->NextEvent(); } }
void on_new_event() { Double_t x[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; if (IlcEveEventManager::HasESD()) { IlcESDEvent* esd = IlcEveEventManager::AssertESD(); esd->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetXYZ(x); TTimeStamp ts(esd->GetTimeStamp()); TString win_title("Eve Main Window -- Timestamp: "); win_title += ts.AsString("s"); win_title += "; Event # in ESD file: "; win_title += esd->GetEventNumberInFile(); gEve->GetBrowser()->SetWindowName(win_title); } TEveElement* top = gEve->GetCurrentEvent(); IlcEveMultiView *mv = IlcEveMultiView::Instance(); mv->DestroyEventRPhi(); if (gCenterProjectionsAtPrimaryVertex) mv->SetCenterRPhi(x[0], x[1], x[2]); mv->ImportEventRPhi(top); mv->DestroyEventRhoZ(); if (gCenterProjectionsAtPrimaryVertex) mv->SetCenterRhoZ(x[0], x[1], x[2]); mv->ImportEventRhoZ(top); }
TEveStraightLineSet* primary_vertex_box_tpc(Bool_t use_sigma=kTRUE, Float_t fx=30, Float_t fy=30, Float_t fz=10) { IlcESDEvent *esd = IlcEveEventManager::AssertESD(); const IlcESDVertex *tpcv = esd->GetPrimaryVertexTPC(); if ( ! tpcv->GetStatus()) { Info("primary_vertex_box_tpc", "Primary vertex TPC not available."); return 0; } TEveStraightLineSet* ls = make_vertex_box(tpcv, use_sigma, fx, fy, fz); ls->ApplyVizTag("REC PVTX Box TPC"); assert_vertex_parent("Primary Vertex TPC", 5)->AddElement(ls); gEve->Redraw3D(); return ls; }
TEveStraightLineSet* primary_vertex_ellipse_spd(Bool_t use_sigma=kTRUE, Float_t fx=30, Float_t fy=30, Float_t fz=10) { IlcESDEvent *esd = IlcEveEventManager::AssertESD(); const IlcESDVertex *spdv = esd->GetPrimaryVertexSPD(); if ( ! spdv->GetStatus()) { Info("primary_vertex_ellipse_spd", "Primary vertex SPD not available."); return 0; } TEveStraightLineSet* ls = make_vertex_ellipse(spdv, use_sigma, fx, fy, fz); ls->ApplyVizTag("REC PVTX Ellipse SPD"); assert_vertex_parent("Primary Vertex SPD", 6)->AddElement(ls); gEve->Redraw3D(); return ls; }
TEveStraightLineSet* primary_vertex(Bool_t use_sigma=kTRUE, Float_t fx=1, Float_t fy=1, Float_t fz=1) { IlcESDEvent *esd = IlcEveEventManager::AssertESD(); const IlcESDVertex *pv = esd->GetPrimaryVertex(); if ( ! pv->GetStatus()) { Info("primary_vertex", "Primary vertex not available."); return 0; } TEveStraightLineSet* ls = make_vertex_cross(pv, use_sigma, fx, fy, fz); ls->ApplyVizTag("REC PVTX"); assert_vertex_parent("Primary Vertex", 7)->AddElement(ls); gEve->Redraw3D(); return ls; }
void esd_kink_fill_pointset(TEvePointSet* ps) { IlcESDEvent* esd = IlcEveEventManager::AssertESD(); for (Int_t n=0; n<esd->GetNumberOfTracks(); ++n) { IlcESDtrack* track = esd->GetTrack(n); if(track->GetKinkIndex(0)<0){ IlcESDkink *kink = esd->GetKink(TMath::Abs(track->GetKinkIndex(0))-1); const TVector3 Position(kink->GetPosition()); ps->SetNextPoint(Position.X(), Position.Y(), Position.Z()); ps->SetPointId(kink); } } }
void test(const char * sdir ="signal", const char * bdir ="backgr") { TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); TString name; // Signal file, tree, and branch name = sdir; name += "/IlcESDs.root"; TFile * fSig = TFile::Open(name.Data()); TTree * tSig = (TTree*)fSig->Get("esdTree"); IlcESDEvent * esdSig = new IlcESDEvent();// The signal ESD object is put here esdSig->ReadFromTree(tSig); // Run loader (signal events) name = sdir; name += "/gilc.root"; IlcRunLoader* rlSig = IlcRunLoader::Open(name.Data()); // Run loader (underlying events) name = bdir; name += "/gilc.root"; IlcRunLoader* rlUnd = IlcRunLoader::Open(name.Data(),"Underlying"); // gIlc rlSig->LoadgIlc(); rlUnd->LoadgIlc(); gIlc = rlSig->GetIlcRun(); // Now load kinematics and event header rlSig->LoadKinematics(); rlSig->LoadHeader(); rlUnd->LoadKinematics(); rlUnd->LoadHeader(); // Loop on events: check that MC and data contain the same number of events Long64_t nevSig = rlSig->GetNumberOfEvents(); Long64_t nevUnd = rlUnd->GetNumberOfEvents(); Long64_t nSigPerUnd = nevSig/nevUnd; cout << nevSig << " signal events" << endl; cout << nevUnd << " underlying events" << endl; cout << nSigPerUnd << " signal events per one underlying" << endl; for (Int_t iev=0; iev<nevSig; iev++) { cout << "Signal event " << iev << endl; Int_t ievUnd = iev/nSigPerUnd; cout << "Underlying event " << ievUnd << endl; // Get signal ESD tSig->GetEntry(iev); // Get signal kinematics rlSig->GetEvent(iev); // Get underlying kinematics rlUnd->GetEvent(ievUnd); // Particle stack IlcStack * stackSig = rlSig->Stack(); Int_t nPartSig = stackSig->GetNtrack(); IlcStack * stackUnd = rlUnd->Stack(); Int_t nPartUnd = stackUnd->GetNtrack(); Int_t nrec = esdSig->GetNumberOfTracks(); cout << nrec << " reconstructed tracks" << endl; for(Int_t irec=0; irec<nrec; irec++) { IlcESDtrack * track = esdSig->GetTrack(irec); UInt_t label = TMath::Abs(track->GetTPCLabel()); if (label>=10000000) { // Underlying event. 10000000 is the // value of fkMASKSTEP in IlcRunDigitizer // cout << " Track from the underlying event" << endl; label %=10000000; if (label>=nPartUnd) continue; TParticle * part = stackUnd->Particle(label); if(part) part->Print(); } else { cout << " Track " << label << " from the signal event" << endl; if (label>=nPartSig) { cout <<"Strange, label outside the range "<< endl; continue; } TParticle * part = stackSig->Particle(label); if(part) part->Print(); } } } fSig->Close(); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); }
Int_t IlcESDv0Analysis(const Char_t *dir=".") { TH1F *hm=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hm"); if (!hm) { hm=new TH1F("hm","Lambda+LambdaBar Effective Mass",60,1.065,1.165); hm->SetXTitle("Mass (GeV/c**2)"); } Char_t fname[100]; sprintf(fname,"%s/IlcESDs.root",dir); TFile *ef=TFile::Open(fname); if (!ef||!ef->IsOpen()) {cerr<<"Can't IlcESDs.root !\n"; return 1;} cerr<<"\n****** "<<fname<<" ******\n"; IlcESDEvent* event = new IlcESDEvent(); TTree* tree = (TTree*) ef->Get("esdTree"); if (!tree) {cerr<<"no ESD tree found\n"; return 1;}; event->ReadFromTree(tree); Int_t rc=0,n=0; //****** Tentative particle type "concentrations" Double_t c[5]={0.0, 0.0, 1, 0, 1}; IlcPID pid; pid.SetPriors(c); //******* The loop over events while (tree->GetEvent(n)) { cerr<<"Processing event number : "<<n++<<endl; Int_t nv0=event->GetNumberOfV0s(); cerr<<"Number of ESD v0s : "<<nv0<<endl; while (nv0--) { IlcESDv0 *v0=event->GetV0(nv0); if (v0->GetOnFlyStatus()) continue; Int_t protonIdx=v0->GetPindex(); Int_t pionIdx =v0->GetNindex(); v0->ChangeMassHypothesis(3122); Double_t mass=v0->GetEffMass(); if (mass>1.17) { //check also the LambdaBar hypothesis v0->ChangeMassHypothesis(-3122); mass=v0->GetEffMass(); if (mass>1.17) continue; Int_t tmp=protonIdx; protonIdx=pionIdx; pionIdx=tmp; } IlcESDtrack *protonTrk=event->GetTrack(protonIdx); IlcESDtrack *pionTrk =event->GetTrack(pionIdx); if (protonTrk->GetP()<0.5) continue; // Check if the "proton track" is a proton if ((protonTrk->GetStatus()&IlcESDtrack::kESDpid)!=0) { Double_t r[10]; protonTrk->GetESDpid(r); pid.SetProbabilities(r); Double_t pp=pid.GetProbability(IlcPID::kProton); if (pp < pid.GetProbability(IlcPID::kElectron)) continue; if (pp < pid.GetProbability(IlcPID::kMuon)) continue; if (pp < pid.GetProbability(IlcPID::kPion)) continue; if (pp < pid.GetProbability(IlcPID::kKaon)) continue; } //Check if the "pion track" is a pion if ((pionTrk->GetStatus()&IlcESDtrack::kESDpid)!=0) { Double_t r[10]; pionTrk->GetESDpid(r); pid.SetProbabilities(r); Double_t ppi=pid.GetProbability(IlcPID::kPion); if (ppi < pid.GetProbability(IlcPID::kElectron)) continue; if (ppi < pid.GetProbability(IlcPID::kMuon)) continue; if (ppi < pid.GetProbability(IlcPID::kKaon)) continue; if (ppi < pid.GetProbability(IlcPID::kProton)) continue; } hm->Fill(mass); } } delete event; delete tree; ef->Close(); TCanvas *c1=(TCanvas*)gROOT->FindObject("c1"); if (!c1) { c1=new TCanvas(); } if (hm->GetEntries()>100) hm->Fit("gaus","","",1.11,1.12); else hm->Draw(); c1->Update(); return rc; }
void clusters() { IlcEveEventManager::AssertGeometry(); IlcRunLoader *rl = IlcEveEventManager::AssertRunLoader(); IlcESDEvent *esd = IlcEveEventManager::AssertESD(); IlcEveEventManager::AssertESDfriend(); IlcEveEventManager::AssertMagField(); const char* detNames[] = { "ITS", "TPC", /*"TRD",*/ "TOF", "HMPID" }; const Int_t detIds[] = { 0, 1, /* 2, */ 3, 5 }; const Int_t detN = sizeof(detNames)/sizeof(char*); // Hack - IlcReconstruction does wonders with gGeoManager. TGeoManager* xxx = gGeoManager; gGeoManager = 0; IlcReconstruction* reco = new IlcReconstruction; gGeoManager = xxx; // Hack for ITS - it requires RecoParams outside event-loop! reco->SetRecoParam("ITS", IlcITSRecoParam::GetLowFluxParam()); reco->ImportRunLoader(rl); { TString alldets; for (Int_t i = 0; i < detN; ++i) { alldets += detNames[i]; alldets += " "; } reco->CreateTrackers(alldets); } TObjArray* clarr = new TObjArray(); // Load clusters, fill them into clarr. for (Int_t i = 0; i < detN; ++i) { Int_t det = detIds[i]; rl->LoadRecPoints(detNames[i]); TTree *cTree = rl->GetTreeR(detNames[i], false); if (cTree == 0) continue; IlcTracker* tracker = reco->GetTracker(det); if (tracker == 0) continue; tracker->LoadClusters(cTree); tracker->FillClusterArray(clarr); } // Loop over tracks and friends, tag used clusters. for (Int_t n = 0; n < esd->GetNumberOfTracks(); ++n) { IlcESDtrack* at = esd->GetTrack(n); Int_t idx[200]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < detN; ++i) { Int_t det = detIds[i]; IlcTracker* tracker = reco->GetTracker(det); if (tracker == 0) continue; Int_t nclusters = at->GetClusters(det, idx); Int_t p=0; for (Int_t c = 0; c < nclusters; ) { Int_t index = idx[p++]; if (index < 0) continue; c++; IlcCluster* cluster = tracker->GetCluster(index); if (cluster) cluster->IncreaseClusterUsage(); //else printf("Zero cluster pointer for detector: %s\n",detNames[i]); } } } for (Int_t i = 0; i < detN; ++i) rl->UnloadRecPoints(detNames[i]); // Fill visualization structs TEveElementList* list = new TEveElementList("Clusters"); gEve->AddElement(list); TEvePointSet* shared = new TEvePointSet("Shared Clusters"); shared->SetMainColor(2); shared->SetMarkerSize(0.4); shared->SetMarkerStyle(2); list->AddElement(shared); TEvePointSet* used = new TEvePointSet("Single-used Clusters"); used->SetMainColor(3); used->SetMarkerSize(0.4); used->SetMarkerStyle(2); list->AddElement(used); TEvePointSet* nonused = new TEvePointSet("Not-used Clusters"); nonused->SetMainColor(4); nonused->SetMarkerSize(0.4); nonused->SetMarkerStyle(2); list->AddElement(nonused); // Loop over all clusters, fill appropriate container based // on shared/used information. Int_t ncl = clarr->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < ncl; ++i) { IlcCluster *cluster = (IlcCluster*) clarr->UncheckedAt(i); TEvePointSet *dest = 0; if (cluster->IsClusterShared()) dest = shared; else if (cluster->IsClusterUsed()) dest = used; else dest = nonused; Float_t g[3]; //global coordinates cluster->GetGlobalXYZ(g); dest->SetNextPoint(g[0], g[1], g[2]); dest->SetPointId(cluster); } delete clarr; // ??? What to do with trackers ??? // I'd propose: have global reconstruction that owns them. // IlcEveEventManager::AssertIlcReconstruction(); // do we have bit-field for detectors, like // enum IlcDetectors_e { // kITS = BIT(0), // kTPC = BIT(1), // ... // kCentralTracking = kITS | kTPC | kTRD | kTOF, // ... // }; gEve->Redraw3D(); }
Int_t IlcESDanalysis() { TStopwatch timer; gStyle->SetOptStat(111110); gStyle->SetOptFit(1); Double_t V0mass=0.497672, V0width=0.020, V0window=0.05; Double_t mmin=V0mass-V0window, mmax=V0mass+V0window; TH1F *hm =new TH1F("hm","K0s",40, mmin, mmax); hm->SetXTitle("Mass (GeV/c**2)"); hm->SetLineColor(2); TH1F *hp =new TH1F("hp","Momentum of the positive daughter",40, 0, 2); hp->SetXTitle("P (GeV/c)"); hp->SetLineColor(4); //****** File with the ESD TFile *ef=TFile::Open("IlcESDs.root"); if (!ef || !ef->IsOpen()) { cerr<<"Can't IlcESDs.root !\n"; return 1; } IlcESDEvent* event = new IlcESDEvent(); TTree* tree = (TTree*) ef->Get("esdTree"); if (!tree) { cerr<<"no ESD tree found\n"; return 1; }; event->ReadFromTree(tree); Int_t n=0; //******* The loop over events while (tree->GetEvent(n)) { cout<<endl<<"Processing event number : "<<n++<<endl; Int_t ntrk=event->GetNumberOfTracks(); cout<<"Number of ESD tracks : "<<ntrk<<endl; Int_t nv0=event->GetNumberOfV0s(); cout<<"Number of ESD V0s : "<<nv0<<endl; Int_t ncas=event->GetNumberOfCascades(); cout<<"Number of ESD cascades : "<<ncas<<endl; //****** The loop over tracks Int_t nk=0; while (ntrk--) { IlcESDtrack *track=event->GetTrack(ntrk); UInt_t status=track->GetStatus(); //select only tracks with the "combined PID" if ((status&IlcESDtrack::kESDpid)==0) continue; Double_t w[10]; track->GetESDpid(w); //count only "Kaon-like" tracks if (w[3]>w[4] && w[3]>w[2] && w[3]>w[1] && w[3]>w[0]) nk++; } cout<<"Number of \"Kaon-like\" tracks : "<<nk<<endl; //****** The loop over V0s while (nv0--) { IlcESDv0 *v0=event->GetV0(nv0); v0->ChangeMassHypothesis(310); // K0s Double_t mass=v0->GetEffMass(); hm->Fill(mass); Int_t pidx=v0->GetPindex(); // now let's get an access IlcESDtrack *track=event->GetTrack(pidx); // to the positive daughter Double_t p=track->GetP(); hp->Fill(p); } //****** The loop over cascades while (ncas--) { IlcESDcascade *cas=event->GetCascade(ncas); Double_t q; //"quality" of the associated Lambda cas->ChangeMassHypothesis(q,3312); // Xi- // Here you do something with your Xis // ... // You can get the access to the daughters } } delete event; ef->Close(); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); TCanvas *c1=new TCanvas("c1","",0,0,600,1200); c1->Divide(1,2); c1->cd(1); hm->Fit("gaus","","",V0mass-V0width,V0mass+V0width); c1->cd(2); hp->Fit("expo","","",0.3,2); return 0; }