예제 #1
* Returns a new, interpolated image from the two given images
Image4DSimple* CImageUtils::interpolateLinear(
    Image4DSimple* im1,         // first image
    Image4DSimple* im2,         // second image
    int i,                      // step  index
    int N)                      // steps number
throw (tf::RuntimeException)
    // checks
    if(!im1 || !im1->getRawData())
        throw tf::RuntimeException("in CImageUtils::interpolate_linear(): invalid 1st image data");
    if(!im2 || !im2->getRawData())
        throw tf::RuntimeException("in CImageUtils::interpolate_linear(): invalid 2nd image data");
    if(im1->getXDim() != im2->getXDim())
        throw tf::RuntimeException("in CImageUtils::interpolate_linear(): the two images differ in X dimensions");
    if(im1->getYDim() != im2->getYDim())
        throw tf::RuntimeException("in CImageUtils::interpolate_linear(): the two images differ in Y dimensions");
    if(im1->getZDim() != im2->getZDim())
        throw tf::RuntimeException("in CImageUtils::interpolate_linear(): the two images differ in Z dimensions");
    if(im1->getCDim() != im2->getCDim())
        throw tf::RuntimeException("in CImageUtils::interpolate_linear(): the two images differ in channel dimensions");
    if(im1->getTDim() > 1)
        throw tf::RuntimeException(tf::strprintf("in CImageUtils::interpolate_linear(): 1st image has TDim = %d (5D not supported)", im1->getTDim()));
    if(im2->getTDim() > 1)
        throw tf::RuntimeException(tf::strprintf("in CImageUtils::interpolate_linear(): 2nd image has TDim = %d (5D not supported)", im2->getTDim()));
    if(im1->getDatatype() != V3D_UINT8)
        throw tf::RuntimeException("in CImageUtils::interpolate_linear(): 1st image is not UINT8 (not supported)");
    if(im2->getDatatype() != V3D_UINT8)
        throw tf::RuntimeException("in CImageUtils::interpolate_linear(): 2nd image is not UINT8 (not supported)");

    // allocate new image
    Image4DSimple* imout = new Image4DSimple();
    V3DLONG data_size = imout->getXDim()*imout->getYDim()*imout->getZDim()*imout->getCDim();
    unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[data_size];

    // interpolation channel-by-channel (it would be way better in the HSV space...)
    unsigned char* data1 = im1->getRawData();
    unsigned char* data2 = im2->getRawData();
    for(V3DLONG k=0; k<data_size; k++)
        data[k] = tf::linear<unsigned char>(data1[k], data2[k], i, N);

    return imout;
예제 #2
void processImage(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent, unsigned int rotateflag)
    v3dhandle curwin = callback.currentImageWindow();
	if (!curwin)
        QMessageBox::information(0, "", "You don't have any image open in the main window.");

    Image4DSimple* image = callback.getImage(curwin);

	if (!image)
		QMessageBox::information(0, "", "The image pointer is invalid. Ensure your data is valid and try again!");

	unsigned char* data1d = image->getRawData();

	V3DLONG szx = image->getXDim(), szy = image->getYDim(), szz = image->getZDim(), szc = image->getCDim();
	// V3DLONG szchan = image->getTotalUnitNumberPerChannel(), szplane = image->getTotalUnitNumberPerPlane();
	// V3DLONG N = image->getTotalBytes();
	// V3DLONG i,j,k,c;

	if (!data1d || szx<=0 || szy<=0 || szz<=0 || szc<=0)
		throw("Your data to the plugin is invalid. Check the program.");

     ImagePixelType pixeltype = image->getDatatype();

     V3DLONG in_sz[4];
     in_sz[0]=szx; in_sz[1]=szy;  in_sz[2]=szz;  in_sz[3]=szc;

     unsigned char* outimg=0;
     rotateimage(data1d, in_sz, pixeltype, rotateflag, outimg);

     // image->setData(outimg, szy, szx, szz, szc, image->getDatatype());

     // display
     Image4DSimple * new4DImage = new Image4DSimple();
          case 1:
               new4DImage->setData((unsigned char*)outimg, szy, szx, szz, szc, image->getDatatype());
          case 2:
               new4DImage->setData((unsigned char*)outimg, szy, szx, szz, szc, image->getDatatype());
          case 3:
               new4DImage->setData((unsigned char*)outimg, szx, szy, szz, szc, image->getDatatype());

     v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
     callback.setImage(newwin, new4DImage);
     callback.setImageName(newwin, title);

예제 #3
void GVFplugin::domenu(const QString &menu_name, V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent)
    if (menu_name == tr("Gradient vector flow based Segmentation"))

        // the GVF function wants a pointer to a Vol3DSimple, which I haven't seen before.
        // this code below generates it  (take from plugin_FL_cellseg)

        // check what's up with the current window: is there a valid image pointer?
        v3dhandle curwin = callback.currentImageWindow();
        if (!curwin)
            v3d_msg("Please open an image.");

        Image4DSimple* subject = callback.getImage(curwin);
        QString m_InputFileName = callback.getImageName(curwin);

        if (!subject)
            QMessageBox::information(0, "", QObject::tr("No image is open."));
        if (subject->getDatatype()!=V3D_UINT8)
            QMessageBox::information(0, "", QObject::tr("This demo program only supports 8-bit data. Your current image data type is not supported."));

        V3DLONG sz0 = subject->getXDim();
        V3DLONG sz1 = subject->getYDim();
        V3DLONG sz2 = subject->getZDim();
        V3DLONG sz3 = subject->getCDim();

        Image4DProxy<Image4DSimple> pSub(subject);

        V3DLONG channelsz = sz0*sz1*sz2;

        float *pLabel = 0;
        unsigned char *pData = 0;

        gvfsegPara segpara;  // set these fields one at a time:

        segpara.diffusionIteration=  5;
        segpara.fusionThreshold = 10;
        segpara.minRegion = 10;
        segpara.sigma = 3;  // doesn't seem to be used in the actual function?

        //input parameters
        bool ok1;
        int c=1;

        if (sz3>1) //only need to ask if more than one channel
            c = QInputDialog::getInteger(parent, "Channel",
                                             "Choose channel for segmentation:",
                                             1, 1, sz3, 1, &ok1);
            c = c-1; //channels are indexed to 0 in Image4DSimple->getRawDataAtChannel
            if (!ok1)

        // read in parameters

        segpara.diffusionIteration = QInputDialog::getInteger(parent, "Diffusion Iterations",
                                         "Choose Number of Diffusion Iterations:",
                                         5, 1, 10, 1, &ok1);
        if (!ok1)

        segpara.fusionThreshold = QInputDialog::getInteger(parent, "Fusion Threshold",
                                         "Choose Fusion Threshold :",
                                         2, 1, 10, 1, &ok1);
        if (!ok1)

        segpara.minRegion= QInputDialog::getInteger(parent, "Minimum Region",
                                         "Choose Minimum Region Size (voxels):",
                                         10, 1, 1000, 1, &ok1);
        if (!ok1)

        // allocate memory for the images

        Vol3DSimple <unsigned char> * tmp_inimg = 0;
        Vol3DSimple <USHORTINT16> * tmp_outimg = 0;
            tmp_inimg = new Vol3DSimple <unsigned char> (sz0, sz1, sz2);
            tmp_outimg = new Vol3DSimple <USHORTINT16> (sz0, sz1, sz2);
        catch (...)
            v3d_msg("Unable to allocate memory for processing.");
            if (tmp_inimg) {delete tmp_inimg; tmp_inimg=0;}
            if (tmp_outimg) {delete tmp_outimg; tmp_outimg=0;}

        //copy image data into our new memory
        memcpy((void *)tmp_inimg->getData1dHandle(), (void *)subject->getRawDataAtChannel(c), sz0*sz1*sz2);

        //now do computation

        //bool b_res = gvfCellSeg(img3d, outimg3d, segpara);
        bool b_res = gvfCellSeg(tmp_inimg, tmp_outimg, segpara);

        // clear out temporary space
        if (tmp_inimg) {delete tmp_inimg; tmp_inimg=0;}

        if (!b_res)
            v3d_msg("image segmentation  using gvfCellSeg()  failed \n");
        {   // now display the results

       // parameters for the new image data
            V3DLONG new_sz0 = tmp_outimg->sz0();
            V3DLONG new_sz1 = tmp_outimg->sz1();
            V3DLONG new_sz2 = tmp_outimg->sz2();
            V3DLONG new_sz3 = 1;
            V3DLONG tunits = new_sz0*new_sz1*new_sz2*new_sz3;

            USHORTINT16 * outvol1d = new USHORTINT16 [tunits];

         //   USHORTINT16 * tmpImg_d1d = (USHORTINT16 *)(tmp_outimg->getData1dHandle());

            memcpy((void *)outvol1d, (void *)tmp_outimg->getData1dHandle(), tunits*sizeof(USHORTINT16));
            if (tmp_outimg) {delete tmp_outimg; tmp_outimg=0;} //free the space immediately for better use of memory

            Image4DSimple p4DImage;
            p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)outvol1d, sz0, sz1, sz2, 1, V3D_UINT16);

            v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
            callback.setImage(newwin, &p4DImage);
            callback.setImageName(newwin, QString("Segmented Image"));

        v3d_msg(tr("A plugin for cell segmentation using Gradient Vector Flow. "
            "Developed based on the source code developed by Tianming Liu, Fuhui Long, and Hanchuan Peng (2010-2014)"));
예제 #4
void imfilling(V3DPluginCallback &callback, QWidget *parent)
    v3dhandleList win_list = callback.getImageWindowList();
		QMessageBox::information(0, title, QObject::tr("No image is open."));
	ImFillDialog dialog(callback, parent);
	if (dialog.exec()!=QDialog::Accepted)
	int start_t = clock(); // record time point
	int i1 = dialog.i1;
	int ch = dialog.ch_rgb; 
	bool mean_thresh = dialog.mean_thresh;
	int thresh, range;
		thresh = dialog.thresh;
		range = dialog.range;
	//qDebug() << " test... " << thresh << range;
	bool use_marker = true;
	Image4DSimple* subject = callback.getImage(win_list[i1]);
	ROIList pRoiList=callback.getROI(win_list[i1]);
	QString m_InputFileName = callback.getImageName(win_list[i1]);
	if (!subject)
		QMessageBox::information(0, title, QObject::tr("No image is open."));
	if (subject->getDatatype()!=V3D_UINT8)
		QMessageBox::information(0, title, QObject::tr("This demo program only supports 8-bit data. Your current image data type is not supported."));
	//also get the landmark from the subject
	LandmarkList list_landmark_sub=callback.getLandmark(win_list[i1]);
		use_marker = false;
		QMessageBox msgBox;
		msgBox.setText("The marker has been choosen.");
		msgBox.setInformativeText("Do you want to use your first marker as a seed to tell image background?");
		msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel);
		int ret = msgBox.exec();
		switch (ret) {
			case QMessageBox::Ok:
				// Ok was clicked

			case QMessageBox::Cancel:
				// Cancel was clicked
				// should never be reached

    unsigned char* pSbject = subject->getRawData();
	long sz0 = subject->getXDim();
    long sz1 = subject->getYDim();
    long sz2 = subject->getZDim();
	long sz3 = subject->getCDim();
	long pagesz_sub = sz0*sz1*sz2;
	//finding the bounding box of ROI
	bool vxy=true,vyz=true,vzx=true; // 3 2d-views
	QRect b_xy = pRoiList.at(0).boundingRect();
	QRect b_yz = pRoiList.at(1).boundingRect();
	QRect b_zx = pRoiList.at(2).boundingRect();
	if(b_xy.left()==-1 || b_xy.top()==-1 || b_xy.right()==-1 || b_xy.bottom()==-1)
	if(b_yz.left()==-1 || b_yz.top()==-1 || b_yz.right()==-1 || b_yz.bottom()==-1)
	if(b_zx.left()==-1 || b_zx.top()==-1 || b_zx.right()==-1 || b_zx.bottom()==-1)
	long bpos_x, bpos_y, bpos_z, bpos_c, epos_x, epos_y, epos_z, epos_c;
	// 8 cases
	if(vxy && vyz && vzx) // all 3 2d-views
		bpos_x = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(b_xy.left(), b_zx.left())), sz0-1);
		bpos_y = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(b_xy.top(),  b_yz.top())), sz1-1);
		bpos_z = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(b_yz.left(), b_zx.top())), sz2-1);
		epos_x = qBound(long(0), long(qMin(b_xy.right(), b_zx.right())), sz0-1);
		epos_y = qBound(long(0), long(qMin(b_xy.bottom(), b_yz.bottom())), sz1-1);
		epos_z = qBound(long(0), long(qMin(b_yz.right(), b_zx.bottom())), sz2-1);
	else if(!vxy && vyz && vzx) // 2 of 3
		bpos_x = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(0, b_zx.left())), sz0-1);
		bpos_y = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(0,  b_yz.top())), sz1-1);
		bpos_z = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(b_yz.left(), b_zx.top())), sz2-1);
		epos_x = qBound(long(0), long(fmin(sz0-1, b_zx.right())), sz0-1);
		epos_y = qBound(long(0), long(fmin(sz1-1, b_yz.bottom())), sz1-1);
		epos_z = qBound(long(0), long(qMin(b_yz.right(), b_zx.bottom())), sz2-1);
	else if(vxy && !vyz && vzx)
		bpos_x = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(b_xy.left(), b_zx.left())), sz0-1);
		bpos_y = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(b_xy.top(),  0)), sz1-1);
		bpos_z = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(0, b_zx.top())), sz2-1);
		epos_x = qBound(long(0), long(qMin(b_xy.right(), b_zx.right())), sz0-1);
		epos_y = qBound(long(0), long(fmin(b_xy.bottom(), sz1-1)), sz1-1);
		epos_z = qBound(long(0), long(fmin(sz2-1, b_zx.bottom())), sz2-1);
	else if(vxy && vyz && !vzx)
		bpos_x = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(b_xy.left(), 0)), sz0-1);
		bpos_y = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(b_xy.top(),  b_yz.top())), sz1-1);
		bpos_z = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(b_yz.left(), 0)), sz2-1);
		epos_x = qBound(long(0), long(fmin(b_xy.right(), sz0-1)), sz0-1);
		epos_y = qBound(long(0), long(qMin(b_xy.bottom(), b_yz.bottom())), sz1-1);
		epos_z = qBound(long(0), long(fmin(b_yz.right(), sz2-1)), sz2-1);
	else if(vxy && !vyz && !vzx) // only 1 of 3
		bpos_x = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(b_xy.left(), 0)), sz0-1);
		bpos_y = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(b_xy.top(),  0)), sz1-1);
		bpos_z = 0;
		epos_x = qBound(long(0), long(fmin(b_xy.right(), sz0-1)), sz0-1);
		epos_y = qBound(long(0), long(fmin(b_xy.bottom(), sz1-1)), sz1-1);
		epos_z = sz2-1;
	else if(!vxy && vyz && !vzx)
		bpos_x = 0;
		bpos_y = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(0,  b_yz.top())), sz1-1);
		bpos_z = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(b_yz.left(), 0)), sz2-1);
		epos_x = sz0-1;
		epos_y = qBound(long(0), long(fmin(sz1-1, b_yz.bottom())), sz1-1);
		epos_z = qBound(long(0), long(fmin(b_yz.right(), sz2-1)), sz2-1);
	else if(!vxy && !vyz && vzx)
		bpos_x = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(0, b_zx.left())), sz0-1);
		bpos_y = 0;
		bpos_z = qBound(long(0), long(qMax(0, b_zx.top())), sz2-1);
		epos_x = qBound(long(0), long(fmin(sz0-1, b_zx.right())), sz0-1);
		epos_y = sz1-1;
		epos_z = qBound(long(0), long(fmin(sz2-1, b_zx.bottom())), sz2-1);
	else // 0
		bpos_x = 0;
		bpos_y = 0;
		bpos_z = 0;
		epos_x = sz0-1;
		epos_y = sz1-1;
		epos_z = sz2-1;

	//qDebug("x %d y %d z %d x %d y %d z %d ",bpos_x,bpos_y,bpos_z,epos_x,epos_y,epos_z);

	//ROI extraction
	long sx = (epos_x-bpos_x)+1;
    long sy = (epos_y-bpos_y)+1;
    long sz = (epos_z-bpos_z)+1;
	long sc = sz3; // 0,1,2
	//choose the channel stack
	long pagesz = sx*sy*sz;
	double meanv=0;
	long offset_sub = ch*pagesz_sub;
	// scans time
	int i_progress=0;
	int num_progress = 4; // haw many scanning process
	QProgressDialog progress("Filling hole...", "Abort Image Filling", 0, num_progress, parent);
	// first scan
	unsigned char *data1d = new unsigned char [pagesz];
	if (!data1d) 
		printf("Fail to allocate memory.\n");
		for(long k=bpos_z; k<=epos_z; k++)
			long offset_z = k*sz0*sz1;
			long offset_crop_z = (k-bpos_z)*sx*sy;
			for(long j=bpos_y; j<=epos_y; j++)
				long offset_y = j*sz0 + offset_z;
				long offset_crop_y = (j-bpos_y)*sx + offset_crop_z;
				for(long i=bpos_x; i<=epos_x; i++)
					data1d[(i-bpos_x) + offset_crop_y] = pSbject[offset_sub + i+offset_y];
					meanv += data1d[(i-bpos_x) + offset_crop_y];
	meanv /= pagesz;
	qDebug("mean value %lf", meanv);

	// preprocess the landmarker
	int seed_x, seed_y, seed_z;
	unsigned char seed_val;
	int range_val=3;
		seed_x = list_landmark_sub[0].x -1; // notice 0-based and 1-based difference
		seed_y = list_landmark_sub[0].y -1;
		seed_z = list_landmark_sub[0].z -1;
		seed_val = pSbject[seed_z*sz0*sz1 + seed_y*sz0 + seed_x + offset_sub];
			seed_val = thresh;
			range_val = range;
			qDebug() << "seed value" << seed_val;
			for(long k=bpos_z; k<=epos_z; k++)
				long offset_crop_z = (k-bpos_z)*sx*sy;
				for(long j=bpos_y; j<=epos_y; j++)
					long offset_crop_y = (j-bpos_y)*sx + offset_crop_z;
					for(long i=bpos_x; i<=epos_x; i++)
						if(i==bpos_x || i==epos_x || j==bpos_y || j==epos_y || k==bpos_z || k==epos_z)
						if(data1d[(i-bpos_x) + offset_crop_y] == seed_val)
							seed_x = (i-bpos_x) ; seed_y = (j-bpos_y); seed_z = (k-bpos_z);
			seed_val = 0;
			range_val = meanv;
			qDebug() << "seed value" << seed_val;
			if(seed_val<0) seed_val = 0;
			for(long k=bpos_z; k<=epos_z; k++)
				long offset_crop_z = (k-bpos_z)*sx*sy;
				for(long j=bpos_y; j<=epos_y; j++)
					long offset_crop_y = (j-bpos_y)*sx + offset_crop_z;
					for(long i=bpos_x; i<=epos_x; i++)
						if(i==bpos_x || i==epos_x || j==bpos_y || j==epos_y || k==bpos_z || k==epos_z)
						if(data1d[(i-bpos_x) + offset_crop_y] == seed_val)
							seed_x = (i-bpos_x) ; seed_y = (j-bpos_y); seed_z = (k-bpos_z);
	qDebug("x %d y %d z %d thresh %d range %d intensity %d", seed_x, seed_y, seed_z, seed_val, range_val, data1d[seed_z*sx*sy + seed_y*sx + seed_x]);
	// de-alloc
	//if (pSbject) {delete []pSbject; pSbject=0;} // image visualized in v3d now

	// second scan
	// 3D region growing
	int end_preprocess = clock();
	printf("time eclapse %d s for preprocessing!\n", (end_preprocess-start_t)/1000000);
	enum states {Known, Alive, FarAway, Trial, BOUNDARY}; 
	long offset_y, offset_z;
	long neighborhood_6[6] = {-1, 1, -offset_y, offset_y, -offset_z, offset_z}; 
	long neighborhood_26[26] = {-1, 1, -offset_y, offset_y, -offset_z, offset_z,
								-offset_y-1, -offset_y+1, -offset_y-offset_z, -offset_y+offset_z, 
								offset_y-1, offset_y+1, offset_y-offset_z, offset_y+offset_z,
								offset_z-1, offset_z+1, -offset_z-1, -offset_z+1,
								-1-offset_y-offset_z, -1-offset_y+offset_z, -1+offset_y-offset_z, -1+offset_y+offset_z,
								1-offset_y-offset_z, 1-offset_y+offset_z, 1+offset_y-offset_z, 1+offset_y+offset_z}; 
	long neighbors = 26;
	long bound_idx = (sz-1)*sx*sy + (sy-1)*sx + sx-1; 
	//Fast Marching
	HeapMinSort heap(pagesz);
	// initial state heap
	unsigned char* state = new unsigned char[pagesz]; 
	unsigned char* phi = new unsigned char [pagesz];
	bool* inserted = new bool [pagesz];
	for(long k = 0; k < sz; k++) 
		long idxk = k*offset_z;
		for(long j = 0;  j < sy; j++) 
			long idxj = idxk + j*offset_y;
			for(long i = 0, idx = idxj; i < sx;  i++, idx++) 
				phi[idx] = 255; 
				state[idx] = BOUNDARY; 
				inserted[idx] = false;
				if(i==0 || i==sx-1 || j==0 || j==sy-1 || k==0 || k==sz-1)
				if( i==seed_x && j==seed_y && k==seed_z ) 
					heap.insert(idx, 0); 
					phi[idx] = 0; 
					state[idx] = Known; 
					inserted[idx] = true;
					state[idx] = FarAway;
//	//
//	progress.setValue(++i_progress); 
	long count=1;
	long wc=0;
	// del a point from the heap
	long idx;
	float weight; 
	while( heap.del(&idx, &weight) )
		if( state[idx] == Alive ) continue; 		
		// using region growing critera here 
		if( state[idx] != Known )
			for(int ineighbor=0; ineighbor<neighbors; ineighbor++)
				long n_idx = idx + neighborhood_26[ineighbor]; 
				if(n_idx<bound_idx && n_idx>0)
					if(phi[n_idx] == 0 && (fabs(data1d[idx] - seed_val)<=range_val))
						phi[idx] = 0;
			phi[idx] = 0;

		count--; wc++;
		//set processed one to state "Alive" 
		state[idx] = Alive; 
		//find new neighbors and added to heap
		for(int ineighbor=0; ineighbor<neighbors; ineighbor++)
			long n_idx = idx + neighborhood_26[ineighbor]; 
			if(n_idx<bound_idx && n_idx>0)
				if( (state[n_idx]==FarAway || state[n_idx]==Trial) && inserted[n_idx]==false)
					heap.insert(n_idx, phi[n_idx]+wc);  count++;
					state[n_idx] = Trial; 
					inserted[n_idx] = true;

	// de-alloc
	if (inserted) {delete []inserted; inserted=0;}
	if (state) {delete []state; state=0;}
	// third scan
	int end_rgn = clock();
	printf("time eclapse %d s for region growing!\n", (end_rgn-end_preprocess)/1000000);
	// dist transform
	long sz_data[4];
	sz_data[0]=sx; sz_data[1]=sy; sz_data[2]=sz; sz_data[3]=1;
	long *pDist = new long [pagesz];
	if (!pDist) 
		printf("Fail to allocate memory.\n");
	long *pLabel = new long [pagesz];
	if (!pLabel) 
		printf("Fail to allocate memory.\n");
	unsigned char *pData = new unsigned char [2*pagesz]; // first filled and second dist map
	if (!pData) 
		printf("Fail to allocate memory.\n");
	for(long k = 0; k < sz; k++) 
		long idxk = k*offset_z;
		for(long j = 0;  j < sy; j++) 
			long idxj = idxk + j*offset_y;
			for(long i = 0, idx = idxj; i < sx;  i++, idx++) 
				if(i==0 || i==sx-1 || j==0 || j==sy-1 || k==0 || k==sz-1 || phi[idx]==0) // background and boundary
					pData[idx] = 0;
					pData[idx + pagesz] = 0;

					pData[idx] = 1; //data1d[idx];
					pData[idx + pagesz] = 1;

	// de-alloc
	if (phi) {delete []phi; phi=0;}
	// dist transform
	dt3d_binary(pData, pDist, pLabel, sz_data, 1);
	long maxtest=0, mintest=INF;
	for(long i=0; i<pagesz; i++)
		long tmp=pDist[i];
		if(maxtest<tmp) maxtest=tmp;
		if(mintest>tmp) mintest=tmp;
	maxtest -= mintest;
		for(long i=0; i<pagesz; i++)
			unsigned char tmp = 255*(pDist[i]-mintest)/maxtest;
			// image blending
			long tmp1 = tmp + data1d[i];
			pData[i] = (tmp1>255)?255:tmp1; // sum

			pData[i + pagesz] = tmp;
	// de-alloc
	if (data1d) {delete []data1d; data1d=0;} //
	if (pDist) {delete []pDist; pDist=0;}
	if (pLabel) {delete []pLabel; pLabel=0;}

	int end_dist = clock();
	printf("time eclapse %d s for dist computing!\n", (end_dist-end_rgn)/1000000);

	Image4DSimple p4DImage;
	p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)pData, sx, sy, sz, 2, subject->datatype);
	v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
	callback.setImage(newwin, &p4DImage);
	callback.setImageName(newwin, QString("filled_image"));

예제 #5
//void startVesselTracing ( V3DPluginCallback2 &v3d, QWidget *parent )
void startVesselTracing(V3DPluginCallback2 &v3d,int xflag,int yflag,int zflag,int xbegin, int xend,int xdis,int ybegin,int yend,int ydis,int zbegin,int zend,int zdis,QString swcfile,int slipsize,int pruning_flag,int c)
    v3dhandle curwin = v3d.currentImageWindow();
    if (!curwin)
        v3d_msg("You don't have any image open in the main window.");
    //ensure the 3d viewer window is open; if not, then open it
   // v3d.open3DWindow(curwin);

    // get land mark list

    LandmarkList seedList = v3d.getLandmark(curwin);

    Image4DSimple* oldimg = v3d.getImage(curwin);
    unsigned char* data1d = oldimg->getRawDataAtChannel(c-1);

    ImagePixelType pixeltype = oldimg->getDatatype();
    V3DLONG pagesz = oldimg->getTotalUnitNumberPerChannel();
    unsigned char *output_image=0;
    switch (pixeltype)
    case V3D_UINT8:
        try {output_image = new unsigned char [pagesz];}
        catch(...)  {v3d_msg("cannot allocate memory for output_image."); return;}

        for(V3DLONG i = 0; i<pagesz; i++)
            output_image[i] = data1d[i];

        default: v3d_msg("Invalid data type. Do nothing."); return;

    V3DLONG in_sz[4];
    in_sz[0] =  oldimg->getXDim(); in_sz[1] =  oldimg->getYDim(); in_sz[2] =  oldimg->getZDim();in_sz[3] = 1;

   // simple_saveimage_wrapper(v3d, "temp.v3draw",  (unsigned char *)output_image, in_sz, pixeltype);

    MOSTImage img;
    // set data
    img.setData( (unsigned char*)output_image, oldimg->getXDim(),oldimg->getYDim(),oldimg->getZDim(),oldimg->getCDim(),oldimg->getDatatype());

    if ( seedList.isEmpty() )
               QTime qtime_seed;
                   for(int i =xbegin;i<=xend;i+=xdis)
                  // img.auto_detect_seedx(seedList,xend);
                   for(int i =ybegin;i<=yend;i+=ydis)
                  // img.auto_detect_seedy(seedList,yend);
                   for(int i =zbegin;i<=zend;i+=zdis)

               qDebug("  cost time seed = %g sec", qtime_seed.elapsed()*0.001);
    // clear visited, only excute once
    static long init_flag = 0;
   /* if ( init_flag <= 0 )
        visited.fill( false, oldimg->getTotalUnitNumber());
        init_flag ++;
    for(init_flag = 0;init_flag<oldimg->getTotalUnitNumber();init_flag++)

    // converte the formate
    NeuronTree vt;
    QTime qtime;
     vt = img.trace_seed_list(seedList, visited,InitThreshold,res_x_all,res_y_all,res_z_all,swcfile,slipsize,pruning_flag);
     qDebug("  cost time totol= %g sec", qtime.elapsed()*0.001);

     v3d_msg(QString("Now you can drag and drop the generated swc fle [%1] into Vaa3D.").arg(swcfile),1);

//    NeuronTree vt_old = v3d.getSWC(curwin);

    // visualization
  //  v3d.setLandmark(curwin, seedList);
   // v3d.setSWC(curwin,vt);
  //  v3d.pushObjectIn3DWindow(curwin);
  //  v3d.updateImageWindow(curwin);
예제 #6
bool autotrace(const V3DPluginArgList & input, V3DPluginArgList & output,V3DPluginCallback2 &callback)
    cout<<"Welcome to MOST tracing"<<endl;
    unsigned int c=1;
    int InitThreshold = 20;
    seed_size_all = 20;
    int slipsize=20;

    if (input.size()>=2)
        vector<char*> paras = (*(vector<char*> *)(input.at(1).p));
        if(paras.size() >= 1) c = atoi(paras.at(0));
        if(paras.size() >= 2) InitThreshold = atoi(paras.at(1));
        if(paras.size() >= 3) seed_size_all = atoi(paras.at(2));
        if(paras.size() >= 4) slipsize = atoi(paras.at(3));

    char * inimg_file = ((vector<char*> *)(input.at(0).p))->at(0);

    cout<<"ch = "<<c<<endl;
    cout<<"threshold = "<<InitThreshold<<endl;
    cout<<"inimg_file = "<<inimg_file<<endl;
    cout<<"seedsize = "<<seed_size_all<<endl;
    cout<<"slipsize = "<<slipsize<<endl;

    Image4DSimple *subject = callback.loadImage(inimg_file);
    if(!subject || !subject->valid())
         v3d_msg("Fail to load the input image.",0);
         if (subject) {delete subject; subject=0;}
         return false;

    if( c < 1 || c > subject->getCDim())
         v3d_msg("Invalid channel input.",0);
         if (subject) {delete subject; subject=0;}
         return false;

    V3DLONG N = subject->getXDim();
    V3DLONG M = subject->getYDim();
    V3DLONG P = subject->getZDim();

    V3DLONG pagesz = N*M*P;
    int datatype = subject->getDatatype();
    unsigned char *data1d = subject->getRawDataAtChannel(c-1);

    unsigned char *output_image=0;
    switch (datatype)
    case V3D_UINT8:
        try {output_image = new unsigned char [pagesz];}
        catch(...)  {v3d_msg("cannot allocate memory for output_image.",0); return false;}
        for(V3DLONG i = 0; i<pagesz; i++)
            output_image[i] = data1d[i];

        default: v3d_msg("Invalid data type. Do nothing.",0); return false;

    MOSTImage img;
    img.setData( (unsigned char*)output_image, subject->getXDim(),subject->getYDim(),subject->getZDim(),subject->getCDim(),subject->getDatatype());
    QString swcfile = QString(inimg_file) + "_MOST.swc";

    LandmarkList seedList;
    QTime qtime_seed;
        for(int i =1;i<=N;i+=20)
        for(int i =1;i<=M;i+=20)
        for(int i =1;i<=P;i+=20)

    qDebug("  cost time seed = %g sec", qtime_seed.elapsed()*0.001);
    static long init_flag = 0;

    for(init_flag = 0;init_flag<subject->getTotalUnitNumberPerChannel();init_flag++)

    // converte the formate
    NeuronTree vt;
    QTime qtime;
    vt = img.trace_seed_list(seedList, visited,InitThreshold,1.0,1.0,1.0,swcfile,slipsize,0);
    qDebug("  cost time totol= %g sec", qtime.elapsed()*0.001);

    v3d_msg(QString("\nNow you can drag and drop the generated swc fle [%1] into Vaa3D.").arg(swcfile),0);
    if (subject) {delete subject; subject=0;}
    return true;

예제 #7
void set_dialog(V3DPluginCallback2 &v3d, QWidget *parent)
    int x_begin;
    int x_end;
    int x_distance;
    int y_begin;
    int y_end;
    int y_distance;
    int z_begin;
    int z_end;
    int z_distance;
    int pruning_flag;
    int c;
    QString swcfile;
    int sslip;
    x_flag = 0;
    y_flag = 0;
    z_flag = 0;
    pruning_flag = 0;

    v3dhandle curwin = v3d.currentImageWindow();
    if (!curwin)
        v3d_msg("You don't have any image open in the main window.");

    Image4DSimple* img = v3d.getImage(curwin);
    if (!img || !img->valid())

    AdaTDialog dialog;

    dialog.endx->setMaximum(img->getXDim()); dialog.endx->setMinimum(1); dialog.endx->setValue(img->getXDim());
    dialog.endy->setMaximum(img->getYDim()); dialog.endy->setMinimum(1); dialog.endy->setValue(img->getYDim());
    dialog.endz->setMaximum(img->getZDim()); dialog.endz->setMinimum(1); dialog.endz->setValue(img->getZDim());

    dialog.ds->setText(QString(img->getFileName()) + "_MOST.swc");

    dialog.channel->setMaximum(img->getCDim()); dialog.channel->setMinimum(1);dialog.channel->setValue(1);

    if (dialog.exec()!=QDialog::Accepted)
        InitThreshold = dialog.threshould_value->value();
        res_x_all = dialog.resx->value();
        res_y_all = dialog.resy->value();
        res_z_all = dialog.resz->value();
        seed_size_all = dialog.size->value();
        sslip = dialog.slipsize->value();
        swcfile = dialog.ds->text();
        c = dialog.channel->value();

        QFile file(swcfile);
        if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Text))
            v3d_msg("Cannot create the swc file to write, please try it again! ");

            x_flag =1;
            x_begin = dialog.beginx->value();
            x_end = dialog.endx->value();
            x_distance = dialog.distancex->value();
            y_flag =1;
            y_begin = dialog.beginy->value();
            y_end = dialog.endy->value();
            y_distance = dialog.distancey->value();
            z_flag =1;
            z_begin = dialog.beginz->value();
            z_end = dialog.endz->value();
            z_distance = dialog.distancez->value();
      //  v3d.open3DWindow(curwin);
            pruning_flag =1;



예제 #8
bool findedgeimg(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, const V3DPluginArgList & input, V3DPluginArgList & output)
    cout<<"Welcome to Label edge of a mask image"<<endl;
    if (output.size() != 1) return false;

    int method_code = 0;
    if (input.size()>=2)
        vector<char*> paras = (*(vector<char*> *)(input.at(1).p));
        if(paras.size() >= 1) method_code = atoi(paras.at(0));

    char * inimg_file = ((vector<char*> *)(input.at(0).p))->at(0);
    char * outimg_file = ((vector<char*> *)(output.at(0).p))->at(0);
    cout<<"method_code = "<<method_code<<endl;
    cout<<"inimg_file = "<<inimg_file<<endl;
    cout<<"outimg_file = "<<outimg_file<<endl;

    Image4DSimple *image = callback.loadImage(inimg_file);
    if (!image || !image->valid())
        cerr<<"load image "<<inimg_file<<" error!"<<endl;
        return false;

    V3DLONG szx=image->getXDim(),
    V3DLONG N = image->getTotalUnitNumber();

    //create the output buffer
    unsigned char *outputData = 0;
        outputData = new unsigned char [N];
        for (V3DLONG tmpi=0; tmpi<N; ++tmpi) outputData[tmpi] = 0; //preset to be all 0
    catch (...)
        v3d_msg("Fail to allocate memory.");
        if (outputData) {
            delete []outputData;
        return false;

    Image4DSimple outputImage;
    outputImage.setData((unsigned char*)outputData, szx, szy, szz, szc, V3D_UINT8);
    Image4DProxy<Image4DSimple> outputIProxy(&outputImage);

    //now do computation
        bool bset255 = (method_code==0) ? false : true;

        Image4DProxy<Image4DSimple> p(image);
        Image4DProxy_foreach(p, ix, iy, iz, ic)
            double v = p.value_at(ix, iy, iz, ic);
            V3DLONG cx, cy, cz;

            bool bb=false;
            for (cz = iz-1; cz<iz+2; ++cz)
                for (cy = iy-1; cy<iy+2; ++cy)
                    for (cx = ix-1; cx<ix+2; ++cx)
                        if (!p.is_inner(cx, cy, cz, ic))
                        if (v!=p.value_at(cx, cy, cz, ic))
                            *outputIProxy.at(ix, iy, iz, ic) = (bset255) ? 255 : v;
                            bb = true;
                    if (bb)	break;
                if (bb) break;

            //note that all value had been preset as 0, thus no need to set as the background color in case not an edge point
예제 #9
void bwlabelimg(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent, int method_code)
	v3dhandle curwin = callback.currentImageWindow();
	if (!curwin)
		v3d_msg("You don't have any image open in the main window.");
	if (method_code!=3 && method_code!=2)
		v3d_msg("Invalid BWLabel method code. You should never see this message. Report this bug to the developer");
	LabelImgObjectParaDialog dialog(callback, parent);
	if (!dialog.image)
	if (dialog.exec()!=QDialog::Accepted)
	V3DLONG ch = dialog.ch;
	V3DLONG th_idx = dialog.th_idx;
	double tt = dialog.thresh;
	V3DLONG volsz_thres = (dialog.b_filtersmallobjs) ? dialog.volsz : 0; //the threshold to filter out small objects

	int start_t = clock(); // record time 
	Image4DSimple* subject = callback.getImage(curwin);
	QString m_InputFileName = callback.getImageName(curwin);
	if (!subject)
		QMessageBox::information(0, title, QObject::tr("No image is open."));
	if (subject->getDatatype()!=V3D_UINT8)
		QMessageBox::information(0, title, QObject::tr("This demo program only supports 8-bit data. Your current image data type is not supported."));

	if (th_idx==0 || th_idx==1)
		double mm, vv;
		mean_and_std(subject->getRawDataAtChannel(ch), subject->getTotalUnitNumberPerChannel(), mm, vv);
		tt = (th_idx == 0) ? mm : mm+vv;
		v3d_msg(QString("in fast image object labeling: ch=%1 mean=%2 std=%2").arg(ch).arg(mm).arg(vv), 0);
	Image4DProxy<Image4DSimple> pSub(subject);
	V3DLONG sz0 = subject->getXDim();
    V3DLONG sz1 = subject->getYDim();
    V3DLONG sz2 = subject->getZDim();
	V3DLONG sz3 = subject->getCDim();
	V3DLONG channelsz = sz0*sz1*sz2;

	unsigned short int *pLabel = 0;
	unsigned char *pData = 0;
		pLabel = new unsigned short int [channelsz];
		pData = new unsigned char [channelsz]; 
	catch (...)
		v3d_msg("Fail to allocate memory in Fast Object Labeling Plugin.");
		if (pLabel) {delete []pLabel; pLabel=0;}
		if (pData) {delete []pData; pData=0;}
	unsigned char * pSubtmp = pSub.begin();
	for(V3DLONG i = 0; i < channelsz;  i++) 
		pData[i] = (pSubtmp[i]<=tt) ? 0 : 1;
	// dist transform
	V3DLONG sz_data[4]; sz_data[0]=sz0; sz_data[1]=sz1; sz_data[2]=sz2; sz_data[3]=1;
	V3DLONG nobjs=0;
	if (method_code==3)
		V3DLONG nh_code=26; //6,18,or 26
		nobjs = findConnectedComponent(pData, sz_data, 3, nh_code, pLabel);
	else if (method_code==2)
		V3DLONG nh_code=8; //4 or 8
		nobjs = findConnectedComponent(pData, sz_data, 2, nh_code, pLabel);
		v3d_msg("Invalid BWLabelN method code. You should never see this message. Report this bug to the developer");
	if (pData) {delete []pData; pData=0;}
	if (volsz_thres>0) //filter out small objects
		try {
			float * hh = new float [nobjs];
			float * mapval = new float [nobjs];
			V3DLONG j;
			for (j=0;j<nobjs;j++) {hh[j]=0; mapval[j]=j;} //of course, 0 also map to 0!
			for (j=0;j<channelsz;j++)
				//pLabel[j]--; //it seems Fuhui's data is 1-based, so subtract 1. Is this correct?
			V3DLONG k=0;
			for (j=1;j<nobjs;j++) //start from 1 as it is the background!
				if (hh[j]<volsz_thres)
					mapval[j]=0; //if less than a thres, then map to 0, which is background
					printf("Obj [%ld] = [%ld]\n", V3DLONG(j), V3DLONG(hh[j]));
					mapval[j] = k; //otherwise map to a continous label-value
			for (j=0;j<channelsz;j++)
				pLabel[j] = mapval[pLabel[j]];

			if (hh) {delete []hh; hh=0;}
			if (mapval) {delete []mapval; mapval=0;}
		catch (...) {
			v3d_msg("Unable to allocate memory to filter small objects. Thus skip it.");

	int end_t = clock();
	printf("time eclapse %d s for labeling objects!\n", (end_t-start_t)/1000000);
	Image4DSimple p4DImage;
	p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)pLabel, sz0, sz1, sz2, 1, V3D_UINT16);
	v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
	callback.setImage(newwin, &p4DImage);
	callback.setImageName(newwin, QString("Object-Labeled Image"));
예제 #10
// show different datatype data in V3D
int datatype_converting(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent)
    v3dhandleList win_list = callback.getImageWindowList();

        v3d_msg("No image is open.");
		return -1;

	DTCDialog dialog(callback,parent);
	if (dialog.exec()!=QDialog::Accepted)	return -1;


	V3DLONG isub = dialog.isub;
	V3DLONG dt = dialog.dt;

	ImagePixelType cnvrt_dt;

		cnvrt_dt = V3D_UINT8;
	else if(dt==1)
		cnvrt_dt = V3D_UINT16;
	else if(dt==2)
		cnvrt_dt = V3D_FLOAT32;

	Image4DSimple* subject = callback.getImage(win_list[isub]);

	if (!subject)
		QMessageBox::information(0, title, QObject::tr("Image does not exist."));
		return -1;

    unsigned char* subject1d = subject->getRawData();

	V3DLONG sx = subject->getXDim();
    V3DLONG sy = subject->getYDim();
    V3DLONG sz = subject->getZDim();
	V3DLONG sc = subject->getCDim();

	V3DLONG	sz_sub = sx*sy*sz*sc;
	ImagePixelType sub_dt = subject->getDatatype();

	if(cnvrt_dt == V3D_UINT8)
		unsigned char * data1d = NULL;

			data1d = new unsigned char [sz_sub];
			printf("Error allocating memory. \n");
			return -1;

		if(sub_dt == V3D_UINT8)
            converting<unsigned char, unsigned char>((unsigned char *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);
		else if(sub_dt == V3D_UINT16)
            converting<unsigned short, unsigned char>((unsigned short *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);
		else if(sub_dt == V3D_FLOAT32)
            converting<float, unsigned char>((float *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);

		Image4DSimple p4DImage;
		p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)data1d, sx, sy, sz, sc, V3D_UINT8); //

		v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
		callback.setImage(newwin, &p4DImage);
		callback.setImageName(newwin, "Converted Image");
	else if(cnvrt_dt == V3D_UINT16)
		unsigned short * data1d = NULL;

			data1d = new unsigned short [sz_sub];
			printf("Error allocating memory. \n");
			return -1;

		if(sub_dt == V3D_UINT8)
            converting<unsigned char, unsigned short>((unsigned char *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);
		else if(sub_dt == V3D_UINT16)
            converting<unsigned short, unsigned short>((unsigned short *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);
		else if(sub_dt == V3D_FLOAT32)
            converting<float, unsigned short>((float *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);

		Image4DSimple p4DImage;
		p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)data1d, sx, sy, sz, sc, V3D_UINT16); //

		v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
		callback.setImage(newwin, &p4DImage);
		callback.setImageName(newwin, "Converted Image");
	else if(cnvrt_dt == V3D_FLOAT32)
		float * data1d = NULL;

			data1d = new float [sz_sub];
			printf("Error allocating memory. \n");
			return -1;

		if(sub_dt == V3D_UINT8)
            converting<unsigned char, float>((unsigned char *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);
		else if(sub_dt == V3D_UINT16)
            converting<unsigned short, float>((unsigned short *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);
		else if(sub_dt == V3D_FLOAT32)
            converting<float, float>((float *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);

		Image4DSimple p4DImage;
		p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)data1d, sx, sy, sz, sc, V3D_FLOAT32); //

		v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
		callback.setImage(newwin, &p4DImage);
		callback.setImageName(newwin, "Converted Image");
		printf("Currently this program only support UINT8, UINT16, and FLOAT32 data type.\n");
		return -1;

	return 0;

예제 #11
void FL_cellseg(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent)
	v3dhandle curwin = callback.currentImageWindow();
	if (!curwin)
		v3d_msg("You don't have any image open in the main window.");
	Image4DSimple* subject = callback.getImage(curwin);
	QString m_InputFileName = callback.getImageName(curwin);
	if (!subject)
		QMessageBox::information(0, title, QObject::tr("No image is open."));
	if (subject->getDatatype()!=V3D_UINT8)
		QMessageBox::information(0, title, QObject::tr("This demo program only supports 8-bit data. Your current image data type is not supported."));

	V3DLONG sz0 = subject->getXDim();
    V3DLONG sz1 = subject->getYDim();
    V3DLONG sz2 = subject->getZDim();
	V3DLONG sz3 = subject->getCDim();
	Image4DProxy<Image4DSimple> pSub(subject);
	V3DLONG channelsz = sz0*sz1*sz2;

	float *pLabel = 0;
	unsigned char *pData = 0;

	//get the segmentation parameters
	segParameter segpara;
	dialog_watershed_para *p_mydlg=0;
	if (!p_mydlg) p_mydlg = new dialog_watershed_para(&segpara, subject);
	int res = p_mydlg->exec();
	if (res!=QDialog::Accepted)
	if (p_mydlg) {delete p_mydlg; p_mydlg=0;}

	// now allocate memory and do computation
	int start_t = clock();
	Vol3DSimple <unsigned char> * tmp_inimg = 0;
	Vol3DSimple <USHORTINT16> * tmp_outimg = 0;
		tmp_inimg = new Vol3DSimple <unsigned char> (sz0, sz1, sz2);
		tmp_outimg = new Vol3DSimple <USHORTINT16> (sz0, sz1, sz2);
	catch (...)
		v3d_msg("Unable to allocate memory for processing. Do nothing.");
		if (tmp_inimg) {delete tmp_inimg; tmp_inimg=0;}
		if (tmp_outimg) {delete tmp_outimg; tmp_outimg=0;}
	//do computation
	memcpy((void *)tmp_inimg->getData1dHandle(), (void *)subject->getRawDataAtChannel(segpara.channelNo), sz0*sz1*sz2);
	bool b_res = FL_cellseg(tmp_inimg, tmp_outimg, segpara);

	if (tmp_inimg) {delete tmp_inimg; tmp_inimg=0;} //free the space immediately for better use of memory
	if (!b_res)
		v3d_msg("Fail to do the cell segmentation using FL_cellseg().\n");
		V3DLONG new_sz0 = tmp_outimg->sz0();
		V3DLONG new_sz1 = tmp_outimg->sz1();
		V3DLONG new_sz2 = tmp_outimg->sz2();
		V3DLONG new_sz3 = 1;
		V3DLONG tunits = new_sz0*new_sz1*new_sz2*new_sz3;
		USHORTINT16 * outvol1d = new USHORTINT16 [tunits];
		USHORTINT16 * tmpImg_d1d = (USHORTINT16 *)(tmp_outimg->getData1dHandle());
		memcpy((void *)outvol1d, (void *)tmp_outimg->getData1dHandle(), tunits*sizeof(USHORTINT16));
		if (tmp_outimg) {delete tmp_outimg; tmp_outimg=0;} //free the space immediately for better use of memory
		Image4DSimple p4DImage;
		p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)outvol1d, sz0, sz1, sz2, 1, V3D_UINT16);
		v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
		callback.setImage(newwin, &p4DImage);
		callback.setImageName(newwin, QString("Segmented Image"));


	int end_t = clock();
	printf("time eclapse %d s for labeling objects!\n", (end_t-start_t)/1000000);