int main(int argc, char** argv) { GetPot cl(argc,argv); //command line parsing if(,"--help","-h")) USAGE(); if(cl.size()<2) USAGE(); string suffix=cl.follow("gtf.vec.gz","--suffix"); //get list of files to be processed vector<string> infiles; if("--images")) { string" ");; while(filename!=" ") { infiles.push_back(filename);" "); } } else if ("--filelist")) { string filename="test"; igzstream ifs;"list","--filelist")); if(!ifs.good() || !ifs) { ERR << "Cannot open filelist " <<cl.follow("list","--filelist") << ". Aborting." << endl; exit(20); } while(!ifs.eof() && filename!="") { getline(ifs,filename); if(filename!="") { infiles.push_back(filename); } } ifs.close(); } else { USAGE(); exit(20); } ImageFeature img; VectorFeature vec; // processing the files for(uint i=0;i<infiles.size();++i) { string filename=infiles[i]; DBG(10) << "Processing '" << filename << "' (" << i+1<< "/" << infiles.size() << ")." << endl; img.load(filename); vec=getGlobalTextureFeature(img);"."+suffix); DBG(20) << "Finished with '" << filename << "'." << endl; } DBG(10) << "cmdline was: "; printCmdline(argc,argv); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 3) { printf("Usage: salienpoints <image file> <# of salien points>\n"); exit(1); } ImageFeature imgFeature; imgFeature.load(argv[1]); SalientPoints sp(imgFeature); vector<Point> points = sp.getSalientPoints(atoi(argv[2])); DBG(10) << points.size() << " salient points extracted, wanted " << atoi(argv[2]) << endl; for (uint i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { Point p = points[i]; DBG(10) <<"(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << ")" << endl; } ImageFeature newImage; newImage.createFromPixelset(imgFeature.xsize(), imgFeature.ysize(), sp.getPixels()); newImage.display(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { GetPot cl(argc,argv); if (,"--help","-h")) { USAGE(); } vector<string> images; if ("--images")) { string filename =" "); while (filename != " ") { images.push_back(filename); filename =" "); } } else if ("--filelist")) { string filename = "test"; igzstream ifs;"list","--filelist")); if(!ifs.good() || !ifs) { ERR << "Cannot open filelist " <<cl.follow("list","--filelist") << ". Aborting." << endl; exit(20); } while(!ifs.eof() && filename!="") { getline(ifs,filename); if(filename!="") { images.push_back(filename); } } ifs.close(); } else { USAGE(); exit(20); } bool forceGray; if (, "--gray")) { forceGray = true; } else if (, "--color")) { forceGray = false; } else { USAGE(); exit(20); } int numPatches = 200; if (, "-n", "--num")) { numPatches =; } for(uint i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) { string filename=images[i]; DBG(10) << "Processing '"<< filename << "'.(" << i << "/" << images.size()<< ")" <<endl; ImageFeature img; img.load(filename,forceGray); DifferenceOfGaussian sift(img); vector<InterestPoint> interestPoints = sift.getInterestPoints(numPatches); ImageFeature padded = img; vector<double> color(3,1.0); for (int i = 0; i < (int) interestPoints.size(); i++) { InterestPoint ip = interestPoints[i]; box(padded, ip.x, ip.y, color, ip.scale / 2); } padded.display(); break; } DBG(10) << "cmdline was: "; printCmdline(argc,argv); }
void LocalFeatureExtractor::extractFromDatabase(const Database &db) { string suffix=settings_.suffix(); DBG(10) << "Settings for extraction:" << endl << settings_ << endl; PCA pca(settings_.dim()); if(settings_.loadpca) { pca.load(settings_.pcafile); } string tmppath=settings_.tmppath+"/"+getenv("USER"); mkdir(tmppath.c_str(), 0xFFFFFF); tmppath+="/extractlf"; mkdir(tmppath.c_str(), 0xFFFFFF); for(uint n=0;n<db.size();++n) { string imagefilename=db.path()+"/"+db.filename(n); string imagebasename=db.filename(n).substr(db.filename(n).find_last_of("/")+1); LocalFeatures lf; ImageFeature img; DBG(10) << "Extracting features from '" <<imagefilename << "': " << n+1 << "/" << db.size() << endl; img.load(imagefilename); lf=extractFromImage(img,lf); if(settings_.pcaonly){"/"+imagebasename+"."+suffix); } else {"."+suffix); } if(settings_.pca and not settings_.loadpca) { for(uint l=0;l<lf.data_.size();++l) { pca.putData(lf[l]); } } else if(settings_.loadpca) { pcaTransform(pca,lf);".pca."+suffix); } DBG(10) << "Extracted " << lf.numberOfFeatures_ << " features." << endl; } if(settings_.pca and not settings_.loadpca) { DBG(10) << "Estimating PCA transformation matrix." << endl; pca.dataEnd(); pca.calcPCA();"."+suffix+".pca.gz"); for(uint n=0;n<db.size();++n) { string imagefilename=db.path()+"/"+db.filename(n); string imagebasename=db.filename(n).substr(db.filename(n).find_last_of("/")+1); DBG(10) << "PCA transforming features for '" << imagefilename << "': " << n+1 << "/" << db.size() << endl; LocalFeatures lf; if(settings_.pcaonly){ lf.load(tmppath+"/"+imagebasename+"."+suffix); remove((tmppath+"/"+imagebasename+"."+suffix).c_str()); } else { lf.load(imagefilename+"."+suffix); } pcaTransform(pca,lf);".pca."+suffix); } } rmdir(tmppath.c_str()); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { GetPot cl(argc,argv); //command line parsing if(,"--help","-h")) USAGE(); if(cl.size()<2) USAGE(); string suffix=cl.follow(".ar.vec.gz","--suffix"); //get list of files to be processed vector<string> infiles; if("--image")) { string" ");; while(filename!=" ") { infiles.push_back(filename);" "); } } else if ("--filelist")) { string filename="test"; igzstream ifs;"list","--filelist")); if(!ifs.good() || !ifs) { ERR << "Cannot open filelist " <<cl.follow("list","--filelist") << ". Aborting." << endl; exit(20); } while(!ifs.eof() && filename!="") { getline(ifs,filename); if(filename!="") { infiles.push_back(filename); } } ifs.close(); } else { USAGE(); exit(20); } // processing the files ImageFeature img; VectorFeature out(2); VectorFeature min(2), max(2), avg(2); min[0]=numeric_limits<double>::max(); min[1]=numeric_limits<double>::max(); for(uint i=0;i<infiles.size();++i) { string filename=infiles[i]; DBG(10) << "Processing '" << filename << "' (" << i+1<< "/" << infiles.size() << "): "; img.load(filename); out[0]=img.xsize(); out[1]=img.ysize();"."+suffix); BLINK(10) << out[0] << " " << out[1] << endl; if(min[0]>out[0]) min[0]=out[0]; if(min[1]>out[1]) min[1]=out[1]; if(max[0]<out[0]) max[0]=out[0]; if(max[1]<out[1]) max[1]=out[1]; avg[0]+=out[0]; avg[1]+=out[1]; DBG(20) << "Finished with '" << filename << "'." << endl; } avg[0]/=infiles.size(); avg[1]/=infiles.size(); DBG(10) << "min: " << min[0] << " " << min[1] << endl; DBG(10) << "max: " << max[0] << " " << max[1] << endl; DBG(10) << "avg: " << avg[0] << " " << avg[1] << endl; DBG(10) << "cmdline was: "; printCmdline(argc,argv); }
int main(int argc, char**argv) { GetPot cl(argc,argv); srand((unsigned)time(0)); vector<ImageFeature> inputimages; if (!"--images")) { USAGE(); exit(20); }"--images"); string" "); while(filename!=" ") { DBG(10) << "Loading " << filename << endl; ImageFeature tmp; tmp.load(filename); inputimages.push_back(tmp);" "); } uint dimx=inputimages[0].xsize(); uint dimy=inputimages[0].ysize(); uint dimz=inputimages[0].zsize(); uint WINX=cl.follow(10,"--winx"); uint WINY=cl.follow(10,"--winy"); uint BORDERWIDTH=cl.follow(0,"--borderwidth"); double AFFDEV=cl.follow(0.1,"--affineDeviation"); uint winWidth=dimx/WINX; uint winHeight=dimy/WINY; uint POSDEV=cl.follow(20,"--positionDeviation"); uint POSDEV2=POSDEV/2; if(POSDEV > winWidth/2 || POSDEV>winHeight/2) { POSDEV=min(winWidth/2,winHeight/2); DBG(10) << "Setting posdev=" << POSDEV << endl; } ImageFeature outputimage(dimx+(WINX+1)*BORDERWIDTH, dimy+(WINY+1)*BORDERWIDTH, dimz); DBG(10) "Patching the new image" << endl; for(uint winx=0;winx<WINX;++winx) { for(uint winy=0;winy<WINY;++winy) { uint sourceImage=randomInt(inputimages.size()); BLINK(30) << " " << sourceImage << flush; int top=max(int(randomInt(POSDEV)+int(winy*winHeight)-int(POSDEV2)),0); int bottom=max(randomInt(POSDEV)+int((winy+1)*winHeight)-int(POSDEV2),0); int left=max(randomInt(POSDEV)+int(winx*winWidth)-int(POSDEV2),0); int right=max(randomInt(POSDEV)+int((winx+1)*winWidth)-int(POSDEV2),0); ImageFeature patch=getPatch(inputimages[sourceImage],left,top,right,bottom); AffineTransformation aff(1+randomDouble(AFFDEV),randomDouble(AFFDEV), randomDouble(AFFDEV), 1+randomDouble(AFFDEV),0,0); patch=affineTransformation(patch,aff); setPatch(outputimage,left+(winx+1)*BORDERWIDTH,top+(winy+1)*BORDERWIDTH,patch); } BLINK(30) << endl; }"output.png","--output")); }
int main(int argc , char **argv) { GetPot cl(argc,argv); if("-h")) {USAGE(); exit(0);} string line; if("-E")) { cout << "Estimating PCA" << endl; ifstream filelist(cl.follow("filelist","-E")); ImageFeature img; getline(filelist,line); img.load(line,true); cout << line << endl; PCA pca(img.size()); cout << img.size() << endl; pca.putData(img.layerVector(0)); while(getline(filelist,line)) { cout << line << endl; img.load(line,true); pca.putData(img.layerVector(0)); } pca.dataEnd();"covariance.pca","-c")); pca.calcPCA();"transformation.pca","-t")); filelist.close(); } else if("-T")) { PCA pca; pca.load(cl.follow("transformation.pca","-t")); int dim=cl.follow(20,"-d"); ifstream filelist(cl.follow("filelist","-T")); vector<double> tmp; ImageFeature img; while(getline(filelist,line)) { cout << line << endl; img.load(line,true); tmp=pca.transform(img.layerVector(0),img.size()); tmp.resize(dim); VectorFeature tmpvec(tmp);".pca.vec.gz"); } filelist.close(); } else if("-B")) { PCA pca; pca.load(cl.follow("transformation.pca","-t")); int x=cl.follow(16,"-x"); int y=cl.follow(16,"-y"); ifstream filelist(cl.follow("filelist","-B")); vector<double> tmp; VectorFeature tmpvec; while(getline(filelist,line)) { cout << line << endl; tmpvec.load(line); vector<double> tmp; tmp=pca.backTransform(; ImageFeature img(tmp,x,y); cutoff(img);".backpca.png"); } filelist.close(); } else if("-M")) { ImageFeature img; img.load(cl.follow("image.png","-M"),true); PCA pca; vector<double> backproj,vec; pca.load(cl.follow("transformation.pca","-t")); int w=cl.follow(16,"-x"); int h=cl.follow(16,"-y"); double scalefac=cl.follow(0.8333,"-s"); int dim=cl.follow(20,"-d"); ImageFeature scimg(img); ImageFeature patch; uint minX=100000, minY=100000; uint maxX=100000, maxY=100000; while(int(scimg.xsize())>=w and int(scimg.ysize())>=h) { DBG(10) << VAR(scimg.xsize()) << " x " << VAR(scimg.ysize()) << endl; ImageFeature faceprobmap(scimg.xsize(),scimg.ysize(),1); double maxDist=0.0; double minDist=numeric_limits<double>::max(); vector<double> tmpvec; for(uint x=0;x<scimg.xsize();++x) { DBG(10) << VAR(x) << endl; for(uint y=0;y<scimg.ysize();++y) { patch=getPatch(scimg,x,y,x+w,y+h); vec=patch.layerVector(0); vector<double> imgMinMean=vec; for(uint i=0;i<imgMinMean.size();++i) { imgMinMean[i]-=pca.mean()[i]; } double energyImg=getEnergy(imgMinMean); tmpvec=pca.transform(vec,dim); double energyTrans=getEnergy(tmpvec); backproj=pca.backTransform(tmpvec); double energyBack=getEnergy(backproj); double d=0; double tmp; for(uint i=0;i<backproj.size();++i) { tmp=backproj[i]-vec[i]; d+=tmp*tmp; } faceprobmap(x,y,0)=d; DBG(10) << VAR(energyImg) << " " << VAR(energyTrans) << " " << VAR(energyBack) << " " << VAR(energyImg-energyTrans) << " " << VAR(d) << endl; if(minDist>d) { minDist=d; minX=x; minY=y; } if(maxDist<d) { maxDist=d; maxX=x; maxY=y; } } } DBG(10) << VAR(scimg.xsize()) << " " << VAR(scimg.ysize()) << endl; DBG(10) << VAR(minDist) << " " << VAR(minX) << " " << VAR(minY) << endl; DBG(10) << VAR(maxDist) << " " << VAR(maxX) << " " << VAR(maxY) << endl << endl; normalize(faceprobmap); ostringstream filenamestream; filenamestream << cl.follow("image.png","-M") << ".fpm." << (scimg.xsize()) <<".png";; uint newW=int(scimg.xsize()*scalefac); uint newH=int(scimg.ysize()*scalefac); scimg=scale(scimg,newW,newH); } } else if("-F")) { #ifdef HAVE_FFT_LIBRARY ImageFeature img; img.load(cl.follow("image.png","-F"),true); PCA pca; pca.load(cl.follow("transformation.pca","-t")); int w=cl.follow(16,"-x"); int h=cl.follow(16,"-y"); double scalefac=cl.follow(0.8333,"-s"); uint dim=cl.follow(20,"-d"); DBG(10) << "Eigenfaces loaded" << endl; ImageFeature scimg=img; while(int(scimg.xsize())>w and int(scimg.ysize())>h) { ImageFeature fpm=detect(scimg,pca,dim,w,h); pair<uint,uint> p; p=argmax(fpm); DBG(10) << scimg.xsize() << "x" << scimg.ysize() << " (" <<p.first<<", "<< p.second << ") " << VAR(maximum(fpm)) ; p=argmin(fpm); BLINK(10) << " (" <<p.first<<", "<< p.second << ") " << VAR(minimum(fpm)) << endl; normalize(fpm); ostringstream filenamestream; filenamestream << cl.follow("image.png","-F") << ".fpm." << (scimg.xsize()) <<".png";; scimg=scale(scimg,int(scimg.xsize()*scalefac),int(scimg.ysize()*scalefac)); } #else DBG(10) << "compiled without FFT lib. this does not work. use -M option" << endl; #endif } else { USAGE(); exit(20); } }