예제 #1
 * Example of a test. To be completed.
bool testDistanceTransformation()
  unsigned int nbok = 0;
  unsigned int nb = 0;

  trace.beginBlock ( "Testing the whole DT computation" );

  typedef SpaceND<2> TSpace;
  typedef TSpace::Point Point;
  typedef HyperRectDomain<TSpace> Domain;
  typedef HueShadeColorMap<unsigned char, 2> HueTwice;
  typedef GrayscaleColorMap<unsigned char> Gray;
  Point a ( 2, 2 );
  Point b ( 15, 15 );
  typedef ImageSelector<Domain, unsigned int>::Type Image;
  Image image ( a, b );

  for ( unsigned k = 0; k < 49; k++ )
    a[0] = ( k / 7 ) + 5;
    a[1] = ( k % 7 ) + 5;
    image.setValue ( a, 128 );

  DistanceTransformation<Image, 2> dt;
  typedef DistanceTransformation<Image, 2>::OutputImage ImageLong;

  dt.checkTypesValidity ( image );

  Board2D board;
  board.setUnit ( LibBoard::Board::UCentimeter );
  image.selfDraw<Gray> ( board, 0, 255 );
  board.saveSVG ( "image-preDT.svg" );
  //We just iterate on the Domain points and print out the point coordinates.
  std::copy ( image.begin(),
        std::ostream_iterator<unsigned int> ( std::cout, " " ) );
  ImageLong result = dt.compute ( image );
  trace.warning() << result << endl;
  //We just iterate on the Domain points and print out the point coordinates.
  ImageLong::ConstIterator it = result.begin();
  for (unsigned int y = 2; y < 16; y++)
    for (unsigned int x = 2; x < 16; x++)
      std::cout << result(it) << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

  result.selfDraw<Gray> ( board, 0, 16 );
  board.saveSVG ( "image-postDT.svg" );

  trace.info() << result << endl;


  return nbok == nb;
예제 #2
 * Example of a test. To be completed.
bool testDistanceTransformationBorder()
  unsigned int nbok = 0;
  unsigned int nb = 0;

  trace.beginBlock ( "Testing DT computation with Infinity values at the first step" );

  typedef SpaceND<2> TSpace;
  typedef TSpace::Point Point;
  typedef HyperRectDomain<TSpace> Domain;
  typedef HueShadeColorMap<DGtal::uint64_t, 2> Hue;
  typedef GrayscaleColorMap<DGtal::uint64_t> Gray;

  Point a (0, 0 );
  Point b ( 128, 128 );

  typedef ImageSelector<Domain, unsigned int>::Type Image;
  Image image ( a, b );

  for ( Image::Iterator it = image.begin(), itend = image.end();it != itend; ++it)
    image.setValue ( it, 128 );

  randomSeeds(image, 19, 0);

  DistanceTransformation<Image, 2> dt;
  typedef DistanceTransformation<Image, 2>::OutputImage ImageLong;

  dt.checkTypesValidity ( image );

  Board2D board;
  board.setUnit ( LibBoard::Board::UCentimeter );
  image.selfDraw<Hue> ( board, 0, 150 );
  board.saveSVG ( "image-preDT-border.svg" );

  ImageLong result = dt.compute ( image );

  DGtal::uint64_t maxv = 0;
  for ( ImageLong::Iterator it = result.begin(), itend = result.end();it != itend; ++it)
    if ( (*it) > maxv)
      maxv = (*it);

  ImageLong::ConstIterator it = result.begin();
  for (unsigned int y = 0; y < 33; y++)
    for (unsigned int x = 0; x < 33; x++)
      std::cout << std::setw(4) << result(it) << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

  trace.warning() << result << "MaxV = " << maxv << endl;

  result.selfDraw<Hue> ( board, 0, maxv + 1);
  board.saveSVG ( "image-postDT-border.svg" );

  trace.info() << result << endl;


  return nbok == nb;
예제 #3
 * Example of a test. To be completed.
bool testDistanceTransformationNeg()
  unsigned int nbok = 0;
  unsigned int nb = 0;

  trace.beginBlock ( "Testing the whole DT computation" );

  typedef SpaceND<2> TSpace;
  typedef TSpace::Point Point;
  typedef HyperRectDomain<TSpace> Domain;
  typedef HueShadeColorMap<unsigned char, 2> HueTwice;
  typedef GrayscaleColorMap<unsigned char> Gray;
  Point a ( -10, -10 );
  Point b ( 10, 10 );
  typedef ImageSelector<Domain, unsigned int>::Type Image;
  Image image ( a, b );

  for(int y=-10; y<=10;y++) 
    for(int x=-10; x<=10;x++)
  if ((abs(x)<7) && (abs(y)<5))
  DistanceTransformation<Image, 2> dt;
  typedef DistanceTransformation<Image, 2>::OutputImage ImageLong;

  dt.checkTypesValidity ( image );

  Board2D board;
  board.setUnit ( LibBoard::Board::UCentimeter );
  image.selfDraw<Gray> ( board, 0, 1 );
  board.saveSVG ( "image-preDT-neg.svg" );

  for(int y=-10; y<=10;y++) 
      for(int x=-10; x<=10;x++)
    std::cout<<image(Point(x,y))<<"  ";

  ImageLong result = dt.compute ( image );
  DGtal::int64_t maxv=0;
  for(ImageLong::Iterator it = result.begin(), itend = result.end();
      it != itend ; ++it)
    if (result(it) > maxv)
      maxv = result(it);

  for(int y=-10; y<=10;y++) 
      for(int x=-10; x<=10;x++)
    std::cout<<result(Point(x,y))<<"  ";

  trace.warning() << result << endl;

  result.selfDraw<Gray> ( board, 0, maxv );
  board.saveSVG ( "image-postDT-neg.svg" );

  trace.info() << result << endl;


  return nbok == nb;
예제 #4
bool testDTFromSet()
unsigned int nbok = 0;
  unsigned int nb = 0;

  trace.beginBlock ( "Testing the whole DT computation from a Set" );

  typedef SpaceND<2> TSpace;
  typedef TSpace::Point Point;
  typedef HyperRectDomain<TSpace> Domain;
  typedef ImageSelector<Domain, unsigned int>::Type Image;
  typedef HueShadeColorMap<DGtal::uint64_t, 2> Hue;

  DistanceTransformation<Image, 2> dt;
  typedef DistanceTransformation<Image, 2>::OutputImage ImageLong;
  DistanceTransformation<Image, 0> dt0;
  typedef DistanceTransformation<Image, 0>::OutputImage ImageLong0;
  DistanceTransformation<Image, 1> dt1;
  typedef DistanceTransformation<Image, 1>::OutputImage ImageLong1;
  Board2D board;

  AccFlower2D<Z2i::Space> flower(Z2i::Point(0,0), 30, 5,2,0);
  Z2i::Domain domain(flower.getLowerBound(), flower.getUpperBound());
  Z2i::DigitalSet aSet(domain);
  Shapes<Z2i::Domain>::shaper(aSet, flower);

  ImageLong result = dt.compute ( aSet );
  ImageLong0 result0 = dt0.compute ( aSet );
  ImageLong1 result1 = dt1.compute ( aSet );
  trace.warning() << result << endl;
  DGtal::int64_t maxv = 0;
  for ( ImageLong::Iterator it = result.begin(), itend = result.end();
  it != itend; ++it)
    if ( (*it) > maxv)
      maxv = (*it);
  trace.error() << "MaxV="<<maxv<<std::endl;
  result.selfDraw<Hue> ( board, 0, maxv+1);
  board.saveSVG ( "image-DTSet.svg" );
  maxv = 0;
  for ( ImageLong::Iterator it = result0.begin(), itend = result0.end();
  it != itend; ++it)
    if ( (*it) > maxv)
      maxv = (*it);
  trace.error() << "MaxV="<<maxv<<std::endl;
  result0.selfDraw<Hue> ( board, 0, maxv+1);
  board.saveSVG ( "image-DTSet-linfty.svg" );
  maxv = 0;
  for ( ImageLong::Iterator it = result1.begin(), itend = result1.end();
  it != itend; ++it)
    if ( (*it) > maxv)
      maxv = (*it);
  trace.error() << "MaxV="<<maxv<<std::endl;
  result1.selfDraw<Hue> ( board, 0, maxv+1);
  board.saveSVG ( "image-DTSet-l1.svg" );

  return nbok == nb;
예제 #5
 * Example of a test. To be completed.
bool testDistanceTransformation()
  unsigned int nbok = 0;
  unsigned int nb = 0;

  trace.beginBlock ( "Testing the whole DT computation" );

  typedef SpaceND<2> TSpace;
  typedef TSpace::Point Point;
  typedef HyperRectDomain<TSpace> Domain;
  typedef HueShadeColorMap<unsigned char, 2> HueTwice;
  typedef GrayscaleColorMap<unsigned char> Gray;
  Point a ( 2, 2 );
  Point b ( 15, 15 );
  typedef ImageSelector<Domain, unsigned int>::Type Image;
  Image image ( Domain(a, b ));

  for ( unsigned k = 0; k < 49; k++ )
      a[0] = ( k / 7 ) + 5;
      a[1] = ( k % 7 ) + 5;
      image.setValue ( a, 128 );
  a= Point(2,2);

  typedef SimpleThresholdForegroundPredicate<Image> Predicate;
  Predicate aPredicate(image,0);

  DistanceTransformation<TSpace, Predicate , 2> dt(Domain(a,b),aPredicate);
  typedef DistanceTransformation<TSpace, Predicate, 2>::OutputImage ImageLong;
  dt.checkTypesValidity ( );
  Board2D board;
  board.setUnit ( LibBoard::Board::UCentimeter );
  Display2DFactory::drawImage<Gray>(board, image, (unsigned int)0, (unsigned int)255);
  board.saveSVG ( "image-preDT.svg" );
  //We just iterate on the Domain points and print out the point coordinates.
  std::copy ( image.begin(),
	      std::ostream_iterator<unsigned int> ( std::cout, " " ) );
  ImageLong result = dt.compute (  );
  trace.warning() << result << endl;
  //We just iterate on the Domain points and print out the point coordinates.
  ImageLong::ConstIterator it = result.begin();
  ImageLong::ConstIterator itend = result.end();
  for (; it != itend; ++it)
      std::cout << (*it) << " ";
  std::cout << std::endl;

  Display2DFactory::drawImage<Gray>(board, result, (DGtal::int64_t)0, (DGtal::int64_t)16);
  board.saveSVG ( "image-postDT.svg" );

  trace.info() << result << endl;


  return nbok == nb;