int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); ImageWindow w;; return a.exec(); }
void NewImageInterface::__SetToActiveImage_Click( Button& /*sender*/, bool /*checked*/ ) { ImageWindow w = ImageWindow::ActiveWindow(); if ( !w.IsNull() ) { ImageVariant v = w.MainView().Image(); AbstractImage* img = v.AnyImage(); if ( img != 0 ) { if ( v.IsFloatSample() ) switch ( v.BitsPerSample() ) { case 32: instance.sampleFormat = NewImageSampleFormat::F32; break; case 64: instance.sampleFormat = NewImageSampleFormat::F64; break; } else switch ( v.BitsPerSample() ) { case 8: instance.sampleFormat = NewImageSampleFormat::I8; break; case 16: instance.sampleFormat = NewImageSampleFormat::I16; break; case 32: instance.sampleFormat = NewImageSampleFormat::I32; break; } instance.colorSpace = img->IsColor() ? NewImageColorSpace::RGB : NewImageColorSpace::Gray; instance.width = img->Width(); instance.height = img->Height(); instance.numberOfChannels = img->NumberOfChannels(); UpdateControls(); } } }
bool CropInstance::ExecuteOn( View& view ) { if ( !view.IsMainView() ) return false; // should not happen! if ( p_margins == 0.0 ) { Console().WriteLn( "<end><cbr><* Identity *>" ); return true; } AutoViewLock lock( view ); ImageWindow window = view.Window(); ImageVariant image = view.Image(); Crop C( p_margins ); C.SetMode( static_cast<Crop::crop_mode>( p_mode ) ); C.SetResolution( p_resolution.x, p_resolution.y ); C.SetMetricResolution( p_metric ); C.SetFillValues( p_fillColor ); // Dimensions of target image int w0 = image.Width(); int h0 = image.Height(); // Dimensions of transformed image int width = w0, height = h0; C.GetNewSizes( width, height ); if ( width < 1 || height < 1 ) throw Error( "Crop: Invalid operation: Null target image dimensions" ); // On 32-bit systems, make sure the resulting image requires less than 4 GB. if ( sizeof( void* ) == sizeof( uint32 ) ) { uint64 sz = uint64( width )*uint64( height )*image.NumberOfChannels()*image.BytesPerSample(); if ( sz > uint64( uint32_max-256 ) ) throw Error( "Crop: Invalid operation: Target image dimensions would exceed four gigabytes" ); } DeleteAstrometryMetadataAndPreviewsAndMask( window ); Console().EnableAbort(); StandardStatus status; image.SetStatusCallback( &status ); C >> image; if ( p_forceResolution ) { Console().WriteLn( String().Format( "Setting resolution: h:%.3lf, v:%.3lf, u:px/%s", p_resolution.x, p_resolution.y, p_metric ? "cm" : "inch" ) ); window.SetResolution( p_resolution.x, p_resolution.y, p_metric ); } return true; }
void AnnotationInterface::Execute() { // can't execute if annotation is not placed in a valid view if (view == 0 || !annotationPlaced) { MessageBox mb("Can't execute. Use left mouse button to place annotation on the image first.", "Not executed", StdIcon::Information); mb.Execute(); return; } // check mask. if enabled, offer user to temporarily disable it bool disableMask = false; if ( view->Window().IsMaskEnabled() && !view->Window().Mask().IsNull() ) { MessageBox mb("The view has a mask enabled. Mask will probably interfere with the annotation rendering.<br/>" "Do you want to temporarily disable the mask?", "Mask Enabled", StdIcon::Question, StdButton::Yes, StdButton::No, StdButton::Cancel, 0, 2); MessageBox::std_button result = mb.Execute(); if (result == StdButton::Cancel) return; disableMask = result == StdButton::Yes; } // Obtain local working references to the target view and window. View v = *view; ImageWindow w = v.Window(); // Reset reference to the target view in the dynamic interface. This // prevents inconsistent behavior during execution. delete view, view = 0; ClearBitmaps(); // Since active dynamic targets cannot be modified, we have to remove our // target view from the dynamic targets set before attempting to process. v.RemoveFromDynamicTargets(); // Ensure that our target view is selected as the current view. w.BringToFront(); w.SelectView( v ); // Disable mask if required if ( disableMask ) w.EnableMask( false ); // Execute the instance on the target window. instance.LaunchOn( w ); // Re-enable mask if required if ( disableMask ) w.EnableMask( true ); // keep parameters but reset state annotationPlaced = false; leaderPlaced = false; }
void AnnotationInterface::UpdateView() { // update current invalidate rect of the view if ( view != 0 && annotationPlaced ) { annotationBmp = Bitmap::Null(); ImageWindow w = view->Window(); w.UpdateImageRect( invalidateRect ); } }
void AnnotationInterface::DynamicMouseMove( View& v, const DPoint& p, unsigned buttons, unsigned modifiers ) { // mouse move is processed only on active view if (view == 0 || v != *view) return; // get view image window ImageWindow w = view->Window(); // and image coordinates of the mouse position int imageX = RoundI(p.x); int imageY = RoundI(p.y); // set cursor to dragging cursor if mouse is inside one of the grip rectangles if (annotationPlaced && textRect.Includes(imageX, imageY)) w.SetDynamicCursor(move_all_XPM, 10, 10); else if (leaderPlaced && instance.annotationShowLeader && leaderRect.Includes(imageX, imageY)) w.SetDynamicCursor(move_all_XPM, 10, 10); else // otherwise, reset cursor w.ResetDynamicCursor(); // if we are currently dragging something if ( dragging != DraggingType::None ) { // compute delta int deltaX = imageX-lastX; int deltaY = imageY-lastY; // update text position if needed if (dragging == DraggingType::Text || dragging == DraggingType::Both) { instance.annotationPositionX += deltaX; instance.annotationPositionY += deltaY; } // update leader endpoint position if needed if (dragging == DraggingType::Leader || dragging == DraggingType::Both) { instance.annotationLeaderPositionX += deltaX; instance.annotationLeaderPositionY += deltaY; } // update annotation rectangle UpdateAnnotationRect(); // redraw dynamic view UpdateView(); // remember current point lastX = imageX; lastY = imageY; } }
void KuickShow::slotConfigApplied() { dialog->applyConfig(); initImlib(); kdata->save(); ImageWindow *viewer; QValueListIterator<ImageWindow*> it = s_viewers.begin(); while ( it != s_viewers.end() ) { viewer = *it; viewer->updateActions(); ++it; } fileWidget->reloadConfiguration(); }
static void FindPreviews( StringList& items, const ImageWindow& w, const String& previewId ) { if ( previewId.HasWildcards() ) { Array<View> P = w.Previews(); for ( size_type i = 0; i < P.Length(); ++i ) if ( String( P[i].Id() ).WildMatch( previewId ) ) AddView( items, P[i] ); } else { View p = w.PreviewById( IsoString( previewId ) ); if ( p.IsNull() ) throw ParseError( "Preview not found", previewId ); AddView( items, p ); } }
static void FindPreviews( StringList& items, const String& imageId, const String& previewId ) { if ( imageId.HasWildcards() ) { Array<ImageWindow> W = ImageWindow::AllWindows(); for ( size_type i = 0; i < W.Length(); ++i ) if ( String( W[i].MainView().Id() ).WildMatch( imageId ) ) FindPreviews( items, W[i], previewId ); } else { ImageWindow w = ImageWindow::WindowById( IsoString( imageId ) ); if ( w.IsNull() ) throw ParseError( "Image not found", imageId ); FindPreviews( items, w, previewId ); } }
InspectorApp::InspectorApp() : BApplication(APP_SIG) { fpActivesWin = NULL; fpInfoWin = NULL; be_locale->GetAppCatalog(&fAppCatalog); AddToTranslatorsList("/system/add-ons/Translators", SYSTEM_TRANSLATOR); AddToTranslatorsList("/boot/home/config/add-ons/Translators", USER_TRANSLATOR); // Show application window BRect rect(100, 100, 500, 400); ImageWindow *pwin = new ImageWindow(rect, IMAGEWINDOW_TITLE); pwin->Show(); }
void AnnotationInterface::DynamicPaint( const View& v, VectorGraphics& g, const DRect& r ) const { // we need valid view and annotation must be placed if ( view == 0 || v != *view || !annotationPlaced ) return; // are we painting to rect with annotation? if ( !totalRect.Intersects( r ) ) return; // get the image window ImageWindow w = view->Window(); // render annotation to bitmap if needed if ( annotationBmp.IsNull() ) { relPosX = 0; relPosY = 0; annotationBmp = AnnotationRenderer::CreateAnnotationBitmap( instance, relPosX, relPosY, true ); screenBmp = Bitmap::Null(); } // compute viewport coordinates of annotation text int posX = instance.annotationPositionX - relPosX; int posY = instance.annotationPositionY - relPosY; w.ImageToViewport( posX, posY ); // compute zoom factor int zoomFactor = w.ZoomFactor(); double z = (zoomFactor < 0) ? -1.0/zoomFactor : double( zoomFactor ); // draw bitmap, scaled according to zoom factor Rect zr( RoundI( annotationBmp.Width()*z ), RoundI( annotationBmp.Height()*z ) ); if ( screenBmp.IsNull() || zr != screenBmp.Bounds() ) if ( zoomFactor < 0 ) screenBmp = annotationBmp.Scaled( z ); else screenBmp = annotationBmp; if ( zoomFactor < 0 ) g.DrawBitmap( posX, posY, screenBmp ); else g.DrawScaledBitmap( zr.MovedTo( posX, posY ), screenBmp ); }
// prints the selected files in the filebrowser void KuickShow::slotPrint() { const KFileItemList *items = fileWidget->selectedItems(); if ( !items ) return; KFileItemListIterator it( *items ); // don't show the image, just print ImageWindow *iw = new ImageWindow( 0, id, this, "printing image" ); KFileItem *item; while ( (item = it.current()) ) { if (FileWidget::isImage( item ) && iw->loadImage( item->url() )) iw->printImage(); ++it; } iw->close( true ); }
void FilteringService::applyAlgorithm(Filtering* algo) { //StandardImageWindow* siw = dynamic_cast<StandardImageWindow*>(_ws->getCurrentImageWindow()); if (_siw != NULL) { const Image_t<double>* image; if(_siw->isStandard()) { const Image* whole_image = _siw->getDisplayImage(); const Image* im = whole_image->crop(_siw->selection()); image = Converter<Image_t<double> >::convert(*im); delete im; } else if(_siw->isDouble()) { DoubleImageWindow* diw = dynamic_cast<DoubleImageWindow*>(_siw); image = diw->getImage(); } Image_t<double>* dblResImg = (*algo)(image); ImageWindow* riw; if(_siw->isStandard()) { delete image; } if(_dblResult) { DoubleImageWindow* diw = dynamic_cast<DoubleImageWindow*>(_siw); if(diw != NULL) { riw = new DoubleImageWindow(dblResImg, _siw->getPath(), diw->isNormalized(), diw->isLogScaled()); } else { riw = new DoubleImageWindow(dblResImg, _siw->getPath()); } } else { Image_t<int>* intResImg = Converter<Image_t<int> >::convert(*dblResImg); delete dblResImg; Image* resImg = Converter<Image>::makeDisplayable(*intResImg); delete intResImg; riw = new StandardImageWindow(resImg, _siw->getPath()); } riw->setWindowTitle(_siw->windowTitle()); emit newImageWindowCreated(_ws->getNodeId(_siw), riw); } }
LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_CREATE: return 0; case WM_PAINT: { LONG_PTR ptr = GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA ); if( ptr ) { ImageWindow* iw = (ImageWindow*)ptr; iw->OnPaint(); } } return 0; case WM_SIZE: // Set the size and position of the window. return 0; case WM_DESTROY: // Clean up window-specific data objects. return 0; // // Process other messages. // default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } //return 0; }
void FilteringService::applyFiltering() { ImageWindow* siw = dynamic_cast<ImageWindow*>(_ws->getCurrentImageWindow()); if (siw != NULL) { _siw = siw; _filterChoice = new FilterChoice(_gi); _filterChoice->setDoubleResult(siw->isDouble()); // QMdiArea* area = (QMdiArea*)_gi->centralWidget(); // area->addSubWindow(_filterChoice); QDialog::DialogCode code = static_cast<QDialog::DialogCode>(_filterChoice->exec()); if(code!=QDialog::Accepted) { return; } _dblResult = _filterChoice->doubleResult(); Filtering* filtering = _filterChoice->getFiltering(); this->applyAlgorithm(filtering); } }
bool AnnotationInterface::ImportProcess( const ProcessImplementation& p ) { const AnnotationInstance* i = dynamic_cast<const AnnotationInstance*>( &p ); if ( i == 0 ) throw Error( "Not an Annotation instance." ); if ( view == 0 ) { ImageWindow w = ImageWindow::ActiveWindow(); if ( w.IsNull() ) { throw Error( "The Annotation interface requires an active image window to import a process instance." ); return false; } view = new View( w.MainView() ); view->AddToDynamicTargets(); } ClearBitmaps(); instance.Assign( *i ); annotationPlaced = false; leaderPlaced = false; if ( view->Window().CurrentView() != *view ) view->Window().SelectView( *view ); UpdateControls(); return true; }
bool RotationInstance::ExecuteOn( View& view ) { if ( !view.IsMainView() ) return false; // should never reach this point! AutoViewLock lock( view ); ImageVariant image = view.Image(); if ( image.IsComplexSample() ) return false; double degrees = Round( Deg( p_angle ), 4 ); if ( degrees == 0 ) { Console().WriteLn( "<end><cbr><* Identity *>" ); return true; } ImageWindow window = view.Window(); window.RemoveMaskReferences(); window.RemoveMask(); window.DeletePreviews(); Console().EnableAbort(); StandardStatus status; image.SetStatusCallback( &status ); if ( p_optimizeFast ) switch ( TruncI( degrees ) ) { case 90: Rotate90CCW() >> image; return true; case -90: Rotate90CW() >> image; return true; case 180: case -180: Rotate180() >> image; return true; default: break; } AutoPointer<PixelInterpolation> interpolation( NewInterpolation( p_interpolation, 1, 1, 1, 1, true, p_clampingThreshold, p_smoothness, image ) ); Rotation T( *interpolation, p_angle ); /* * On 32-bit systems, make sure the resulting image requires less than 4 GB. */ if ( sizeof( void* ) == sizeof( uint32 ) ) { int width = image.Width(), height = image.Height(); T.GetNewSizes( width, height ); uint64 sz = uint64( width )*uint64( height )*image.NumberOfChannels()*image.BytesPerSample(); if ( sz > uint64( uint32_max-256 ) ) throw Error( "Rotation: Invalid operation: Target image dimensions would exceed four gigabytes" ); } T.SetFillValues( p_fillColor ); T >> image; return true; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { LibraryInitializer li; // parse arguments CommandLineOptions opt; opt.addOption('v', "videosource", true, "Use video source"); opt.addOption('i', "images", false, "Use images"); opt.addOption('d', "face-detector", true, "face detector file"); opt.addOption('e', "eye-detector", true, "eye detector file"); opt.addOption('m', "mouth-detector", true, "mouth detector file"); opt.addOption('l', "low-resolution", false, "Use resolution of 320x240 pixels"); opt.addOption('s', "search-regions", false, "Show eye and mouth search regions"); opt.addOption( "fps", false, "Display frames per second"); opt.addOption('r', "draw-search-rectangles", false, "Draw the search rectangles (i.e. head, eye, etc.)"); if (argc < 3) { printf(help_str, opt.helpString().c_str()); exit(1); } string fd_fn, ed_fn, md_fn, videosource; bool low_resolution, display_fps, use_videosource, use_images, search_regions, display_search_rectangles; vector<string> images; try { images = opt.parse(argc, argv); fd_fn = opt.getArgument<string>("face-detector"); ed_fn = opt.getArgument<string>("eye-detector", ""); md_fn = opt.getArgument<string>("mouth-detector", ""); videosource = opt.getArgument<string>("videosource", ""); low_resolution = opt.parameterSet("low-resolution") > 0; display_fps = opt.parameterSet("fps") > 0; use_videosource = opt.parameterSet("videosource") > 0; use_images = opt.parameterSet("images") > 0; search_regions = opt.parameterSet("search-regions") > 0; display_search_rectangles = opt.parameterSet("draw-search-rectangles") > 0; } catch (CommandLineOptionException e) { printf(help_str, opt.helpString().c_str()); exit(1); } if (!use_videosource && !use_images) { printf("Either '-v' or '-i' must be given\n"); printf(help_str, opt.helpString().c_str()); exit(1); } // Set up detectors BinaryPatternFaceDetector fd(fd_fn); fd.setScaleStep(1.2); fd.setNeighborDist(1.3); auto_ptr<BinaryPatternEyeDetector> ed; if (!ed_fn.empty()) ed.reset(new BinaryPatternEyeDetector(ed_fn)); auto_ptr<BinaryPatternMouthDetector> md; if (!md_fn.empty()) md.reset(new BinaryPatternMouthDetector(md_fn)); // Eye center detector typedef IsophoteEyeCenterDetector<double> iecd_t; // can be instantiated as float and double (choice defines the algorithmic precision [vs. run-time]) iecd_t iecd; /* default parameters */ // ... double isophote_row_sigma = 1; double isophote_col_sigma = 1; // options bool set_auto_isophote_sigma = false; // Set up GUI GuiThread thread; ImageWindow* imgwin = new ImageWindow("Detector Demo (cam)"); thread.addClient(imgwin); // parameter control okapi::WidgetWindow* win_params = new okapi::WidgetWindow("Parameter Window", 350/*widget width*/, 250/*label width*/); thread.addClient(win_params); // start the GUI thread thread.start(); // set initial values win_params->setSlider("isophote row sigma (sigma)", isophote_row_sigma, 0, 5); win_params->setSlider("isophote col sigma (sigma)", isophote_col_sigma, 0, 5); win_params->setButton("set auto sigma", set_auto_isophote_sigma); win_params->setButton("display search rectangles", display_search_rectangles); double old_ts = -1; double fps = -1; // Set up VideoSource auto_ptr<VideoSource> src; if (use_videosource) { if (videosource.empty() || videosource == "") { if (low_resolution) src.reset(createDefaultCamera(320, 240)); else //src.reset(createDefaultCamera(640, 480)); src.reset(createDefaultCamera(1024,768)); //src.reset(createDefaultCamera(1600,1200)); } else { if (videosource == "") src.reset(createVideoSourceFromString(videosource)); else src.reset(createVideoSource("/home/bschauer/devel/local/share/okapi/videoio/videosources.xml","grasshopper")); } if (!src.get()) { printf("Error opening camera device, make sure cam is connected!\n"); exit(1); } } while (imgwin->getWindowState() && (use_images || src->getNextFrame())) { if (use_images && images.empty()) { sleep_ms(20); continue; } string fn; cv::Mat img; if (use_videosource) img = src->getImage(); else { fn = images.front(); images.erase(images.begin()); img = loadImage(fn); } cv::Mat aimg = img.clone(); cv::Mat gimg; cv::cvtColor(aimg,gimg,CV_RGB2GRAY); ImageDeco deco(aimg); deco.setAntiAlias(true); /* get current parameter values */ // ... set_auto_isophote_sigma = win_params->getButton("set auto sigma"); if (!set_auto_isophote_sigma) { win_params->toggleActivated("isophote row sigma (sigma)", true); win_params->toggleActivated("isophote col sigma (sigma)", true); isophote_row_sigma = win_params->getSlider("isophote row sigma (sigma)"); isophote_col_sigma = win_params->getSlider("isophote col sigma (sigma)"); } else { win_params->toggleActivated("isophote row sigma (sigma)", false); win_params->toggleActivated("isophote col sigma (sigma)", false); } display_search_rectangles = win_params->getButton("display search rectangles"); // Detect faces OKAPI_TIMER_START("detect faces"); vector<RectDetection> faces = fd.detectFaces(img); OKAPI_TIMER_STOP("detect faces"); double fsize=0; //faces[0].box.width * faces[0].box.height; size_t i=0; for (size_t j=0; j<faces.size(); j++) { if ((faces[j].box.width * faces[j].box.height) > fsize) i = j; } //for (size_t i=0; i<faces.size(); ++i) if (faces.size() > 0) { EyeLocations eyes(cv::Point(-1, -1), cv::Point(-1, -1)); // Detect Mouth if (md.get()) { cv::Point2f mouth = fd.getMeanMouthCenter(faces[i].box); double mouth_width = fd.getMeanMouthWidth(faces[i].box); OKAPI_TIMER_START("detect mouth"); mouth = md->detectMouth(img, mouth, mouth_width); OKAPI_TIMER_STOP("detect mouth"); if (mouth.x >= 0) { deco.setColor(255, 0, 255); deco.setThickness(1); deco.drawCircle(cvRound(mouth.x), cvRound(mouth.y), 3); } } // Detect eyes if (ed.get()) { cv::Point2f le, re; le = fd.getMeanLeftEye(faces[i].box); re = fd.getMeanRightEye(faces[i].box); OKAPI_TIMER_START("detect eyes"); eyes = ed->detectEyes(img, le, re); OKAPI_TIMER_STOP("detect eyes"); /*if (search_regions) { cv::Rect left_eye_roi, right_eye_roi; int min_result_width, max_result_width; ed->getSearchRegions(img, le, re, left_eye_roi, right_eye_roi, min_result_width, max_result_width); deco.setThickness(1); deco.setColor(255, 127, 127); deco.drawRect(left_eye_roi); deco.drawRect(right_eye_roi); }*/ // Draw eye locations deco.setThickness(1); deco.setColor(0, 127, 0); if (eyes.left.x > 0) deco.drawCircle(eyes.left.x, eyes.left.y, 3); if (eyes.right.x > 0) deco.drawCircle(eyes.right.x, eyes.right.y, 3); } // Draw rotated face bounding box if (eyes.isValid()) { // Draw detected face (lightly) deco.setColor(127, 127, 127); deco.setThickness(1); deco.drawRect(faces[i].box); // Draw rotated face box cv::Point2f eye_center(eyes.right + eyes.left); eye_center *= 0.5f; double eye_dist = cv::norm(eyes.right - eyes.left); double angle = atan2(eyes.left.y - eyes.right.y, eyes.right.x - eyes.left.x); cv::Point2f offset(sin(angle), cos(angle)); offset *= 0.25f * (float)eye_dist; cv::RotatedRect rrect(eye_center + offset, cv::Size2f(eye_dist * 2.0, eye_dist * 1.75), - angle / CV_PI * 180); deco.setColor(0, 255, 0); deco.setThickness(2); deco.drawRect(rrect); // Run the eye detector if (set_auto_isophote_sigma) iecd.setAutoSigma(); else iecd.setSigma(isophote_row_sigma,isophote_col_sigma); OKAPI_TIMER_START("iecd.detectEyeCenters"); EyeCenterLocations<iecd_t::coord_t> eye_centers = iecd.detectEyeCenters(gimg,faces[i].box,eyes.left,eyes.right); OKAPI_TIMER_STOP("iecd.detectEyeCenters"); if (set_auto_isophote_sigma) { win_params->setSlider("isophote row sigma (sigma)", iecd.getRowSigma(), 0, 5); win_params->setSlider("isophote col sigma (sigma)", iecd.getColSigma(), 0, 5); } deco.setThickness(2); deco.setColor(255,0,0); deco.drawCircle(eye_centers.left.x,eye_centers.left.y,3); deco.drawCircle(eye_centers.right.x,eye_centers.right.y,3); deco.setThickness(1); deco.drawLine(eye_centers.left.x,eye_centers.left.y,eye_centers.right.x,eye_centers.right.y); // Draw search regions, i.e. regions of interest cv::Rect_<iecd_t::coord_t> left_roi, right_roi; iecd.getCurrentSearchRegions(left_roi, right_roi); if (display_search_rectangles) { if (iecd_t::isValidCoord(left_roi)) { deco.setThickness(1); deco.setColor(255, 127, 127); deco.drawRect(left_roi); } if (iecd_t::isValidCoord(right_roi)) { deco.setThickness(1); deco.setColor(255, 127, 127); deco.drawRect(right_roi); } } //cv::Mat left_eye_image(left_roi.height,left_roi.width,img.type()); //cv::Mat right_eye_image(left_roi.height,left_roi.width,img.type()); cv::Mat left_eye_image(img,left_roi); cv::Mat right_eye_image(img,right_roi); cv::Mat left_eye_image_resized; cv::Mat right_eye_image_resized; cv::resize(left_eye_image,left_eye_image_resized,cv::Size(), 3, 3); cv::resize(right_eye_image,right_eye_image_resized,cv::Size(), 3, 3); ImageDeco dleir(left_eye_image_resized); ImageDeco dreir(right_eye_image_resized); dleir.setThickness(2); dleir.setColor(255,0,0); dleir.drawCircle(3*(eye_centers.left.x - left_roi.x),3*(eye_centers.left.y - left_roi.y),3); dreir.setThickness(2); dreir.setColor(255,0,0); dreir.drawCircle(3*(eye_centers.right.x - right_roi.x),3*(eye_centers.right.y - right_roi.y),3); imgwin->setImage("left_eye_image", left_eye_image_resized); imgwin->setImage("right_eye_image", right_eye_image_resized); } else { // Draw detected face (strongly) deco.setColor(127, 0, 0); deco.setThickness(1); deco.drawRect(faces[i].box); // Run the eye detector if (set_auto_isophote_sigma) iecd.setAutoSigma(); else iecd.setSigma(isophote_row_sigma,isophote_col_sigma); OKAPI_TIMER_START("iecd.detectEyeCenters"); EyeCenterLocations<iecd_t::coord_t> eye_centers = iecd.detectEyeCenters(gimg,faces[i].box,iecd_t::getInvalidCoordPoint(),iecd_t::getInvalidCoordPoint()); OKAPI_TIMER_STOP("iecd.detectEyeCenters"); if (set_auto_isophote_sigma) { win_params->setSlider("isophote row sigma (sigma)", iecd.getRowSigma(), 0, 5); win_params->setSlider("isophote col sigma (sigma)", iecd.getColSigma(), 0, 5); } deco.setThickness(1); deco.setColor(127,0,0); deco.drawCircle(eye_centers.left.x,eye_centers.left.y,3); deco.drawCircle(eye_centers.right.x,eye_centers.right.y,3); deco.drawLine(eye_centers.left.x,eye_centers.left.y,eye_centers.right.x,eye_centers.right.y); } } if (display_fps) { double new_ts = src->getTimestamp(); if (old_ts < 0) old_ts = new_ts - 0.1; // Compute fps double new_fps = 1 / (new_ts - old_ts); if (fps < 0) fps = new_fps; else fps = 0.95 * fps + 0.05 * new_fps; char buf[1000]; sprintf(buf, "%4.1f fps\n", fps); old_ts = new_ts; // Write frame rate deco.setColor(255, 255, 255); deco.setThickness(1); deco.drawText(buf, 0, 15); } // Display annotated image string name; if (use_videosource) name = "Video"; else name = basename(fn); imgwin->setImage(name, aimg, low_resolution ? 2 : 1); imgwin->setImage("accumulator",iecd.getMatAcc(), low_resolution ? 2 : 1); } return 0; }
Fl_Double_Window* make_window() { Fl_Double_Window* w; { Fl_Double_Window* o = controls = new Fl_Double_Window(255, 60, "Rotation Angle"); w = o; { Fl_Value_Input* o = angle_value = new Fl_Value_Input(180, 5, 70, 25, "Angle"); o->minimum(-65000); o->maximum(65000); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_angle_value); o->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); } { Fl_Roller* o = angle_roller = new Fl_Roller(5, 35, 245, 20); o->type(1); o->minimum(65000); o->maximum(-65000); o->step(0.1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_angle_roller); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(70, 5, 55, 25, "next"); o->shortcut(0x66); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_next); } { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(5, 5, 55, 25, "prev"); o->shortcut(0x64); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_prev); } o->end(); o->resizable(o); } { ImageWindow* o = iw1 = new ImageWindow(100, 100); w = o; o->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); o->color(FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); o->selection_color(FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); o->labeltype(FL_NO_LABEL); o->labelfont(0); o->labelsize(14); o->labelcolor(FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); o->when(FL_WHEN_RELEASE); o->end(); } { ImageWindow* o = iw2 = new ImageWindow(100, 100); w = o; o->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); o->color(FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); o->selection_color(FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); o->labeltype(FL_NO_LABEL); o->labelfont(0); o->labelsize(14); o->labelcolor(FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); o->when(FL_WHEN_RELEASE); o->end(); } return w; }
bool KuickShow::showImage( const KFileItem *fi, bool newWindow, bool fullscreen, bool moveToTopLeft ) { newWindow |= !m_viewer; fullscreen |= (newWindow && kdata->fullScreen); if ( FileWidget::isImage( fi ) ) { if ( newWindow ) { m_viewer = new ImageWindow( kdata->idata, id, 0L, "image window" ); m_viewer->setFullscreen( fullscreen ); s_viewers.append( m_viewer ); connect( m_viewer, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), SLOT( viewerDeleted() )); connect( m_viewer, SIGNAL( sigFocusWindow( ImageWindow *) ), this, SLOT( slotSetActiveViewer( ImageWindow * ) )); connect( m_viewer, SIGNAL( sigImageError(const KuickFile *, const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( messageCantLoadImage(const KuickFile *, const QString &) )); connect( m_viewer, SIGNAL( requestImage( ImageWindow *, int )), this, SLOT( slotAdvanceImage( ImageWindow *, int ))); connect( m_viewer, SIGNAL( pauseSlideShowSignal() ), this, SLOT( pauseSlideShow() ) ); connect( m_viewer, SIGNAL (deleteImage (ImageWindow *)), this, SLOT (slotDeleteCurrentImage (ImageWindow *))); connect( m_viewer, SIGNAL (trashImage (ImageWindow *)), this, SLOT (slotTrashCurrentImage (ImageWindow *))); if ( s_viewers.count() == 1 && moveToTopLeft ) { // we have to move to 0x0 before showing _and_ // after showing, otherwise we get some bogus geometry() m_viewer->move( Kuick::workArea().topLeft() ); } m_viewer->installEventFilter( this ); } // for some strange reason, m_viewer sometimes changes during the // next few lines of code, so as a workaround, we use safeViewer here. // This happens when calling KuickShow with two or more remote-url // arguments on the commandline, where the first one is loaded properly // and the second isn't (e.g. because it is a pdf or something else, // Imlib can't load). ImageWindow *safeViewer = m_viewer; // file->waitForDownload( this ); // QString filename; // KIO::NetAccess::download(fi->url(), filename, this); if ( !safeViewer->showNextImage( fi->url() ) ) { m_viewer = safeViewer; safeViewer->close( true ); // couldn't load image, close window } else { // safeViewer->setFullscreen( fullscreen ); if ( newWindow ) { // safeViewer->show(); if ( !fullscreen && s_viewers.count() == 1 && moveToTopLeft ) { // the WM might have moved us after showing -> strike back! // move the first image to 0x0 workarea coord safeViewer->move( Kuick::workArea().topLeft() ); } } if ( kdata->preloadImage && fileWidget ) { KFileItem *item = 0L; // don't move cursor item = fileWidget->getItem( FileWidget::Next, true ); if ( item ) safeViewer->cacheImage( item->url() ); } m_viewer = safeViewer; return true; } // m_viewer created successfully } // isImage return false; }
void AnnotationInterface::DynamicMousePress( View& v, const DPoint& p, int button, unsigned buttons, unsigned modifiers ) { // we only use left mouse button if ( button != MouseButton::Left ) return; if (view == 0) { // can not run on previews if ( !v.IsMainView() ) throw Error( "Annotation cannot run on previews. Please select a main view." ); view = new View( v ); } // only handle events in our active view if (v != *view) return; // get view image window ImageWindow w = view->Window(); // and image coordinates of the click point int imageX = RoundI(p.x); int imageY = RoundI(p.y); // if annotation is not yet placed, place it now if (!annotationPlaced) { // set annotation position instance.annotationPositionX = imageX; instance.annotationPositionY = imageY; annotationPlaced = true; // place leader if needed if (instance.annotationShowLeader) { PlaceLeaderDefault(); } // update annotation rectangle UpdateAnnotationRect( true ); // redraw dynamic view UpdateView(); // start dragging mode until user release the mouse dragging = DraggingType::Text; w.SetDynamicCursor(move_all_XPM, 10, 10); } // if the annotation is already placed else { // if mouse is pressed on annotation text rectangle // let's start dragging if (textRect.Includes(imageX, imageY)) { // with Ctrl, both text and leader are dragged simulaneously if (modifiers & KeyModifier::Control) { dragging = DraggingType::Both; } // otherwise, just text is dragged else { dragging = DraggingType::Text; } } // if mouse is pressed on annotation leader rectangle and leader is visible // let's start dragging else if (instance.annotationShowLeader && leaderRect.Includes(imageX, imageY)) { // with Ctrl, both text and leader are dragged simulaneously if (modifiers & KeyModifier::Control) { dragging = DraggingType::Both; } // otherwise, just leader endpoint is dragged else { dragging = DraggingType::Leader; } } } // if any dragging is started, remember current point if (dragging != DraggingType::None) { lastX = imageX; lastY = imageY; } }
void ProcessImplementation::LaunchOn( ImageWindow& w ) const { View mv( w.MainView() ); LaunchOn( mv ); }
Widget RenderingOptionsDialog::createDialog(Widget parent) { Arg arg[10]; ImageWindow *iw = this->imageWindow; XtSetArg(arg[0], XmNautoUnmanage, False); // Widget dialog = XmCreateFormDialog( parent, this->name, arg, 1); Widget dialog = this->CreateMainForm( parent, this->name, arg, 1); XtVaSetValues(XtParent(dialog), XmNtitle, "Rendering...", NULL); Widget modeLabel = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "modeLabel", xmLabelWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNleftOffset , 5, XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNrightOffset , 5, NULL); Widget modeSection = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "modeSection", xmRowColumnWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNtopWidget , modeLabel, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNleftOffset , 5, XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNrightOffset , 5, XmNorientation , XmHORIZONTAL, XmNspacing , 21, XmNmarginWidth , 21, XmNradioBehavior , True, NULL); this->softwareButton = new ToggleButtonInterface(modeSection, "softwareButton", iw->getSoftwareCmd(), TRUE); XtVaSetValues(this->softwareButton->getRootWidget(), XmNindicatorType , XmONE_OF_MANY, XmNshadowThickness , 0, NULL); this->hardwareButton = new ToggleButtonInterface(modeSection, "hardwareButton", iw->getHardwareCmd(), FALSE); XtVaSetValues(this->hardwareButton->getRootWidget(), XmNindicatorType , XmONE_OF_MANY, XmNshadowThickness , 0, NULL); Widget separator1 = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "separator1", xmSeparatorWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNtopWidget , modeSection, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNleftOffset , 2, XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNrightOffset , 2, NULL); Widget upLabel = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "upLabel", xmLabelWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNtopWidget , separator1, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNleftOffset , 5, XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNrightOffset , 5, NULL); Widget upApproxLabel = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "upApproxLabel", xmLabelWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNtopWidget , upLabel, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNleftOffset , 5, NULL); #if defined(aviion) XmString xmstr = XmStringCreateLtoR ("", "bold"); #endif Widget upPulldown = this->createUpPulldown(dialog); Widget buttonUpOptionMenu = this->buttonUpOptionMenu = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "buttonUpOptionMenu", xmRowColumnWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNtopWidget , upLabel, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNrightOffset , 2, XmNentryAlignment , XmALIGNMENT_CENTER, XmNrowColumnType , XmMENU_OPTION, XmNsubMenuId , upPulldown, #if defined(aviion) XmNlabelString , xmstr, #endif NULL); Widget upDensityLabel = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "upDensityLabel", xmLabelWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNtopWidget , buttonUpOptionMenu, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNleftOffset , 5, NULL); this->upEveryNumber = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "upEveryNumber", xmNumberWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNtopWidget , buttonUpOptionMenu, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNrightOffset , 5, XmNiMinimum , 1, XmNiMaximum , 1000000, XmNrecomputeSize , False, XmNdataType , INTEGER, XmNcharPlaces , 7, XmNeditable , True, NULL); XtAddCallback(this->upEveryNumber, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)RenderingOptionsDialog_NumberCB, (XtPointer)this); Widget separator2 = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "separator2", xmSeparatorWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNtopWidget , this->upEveryNumber, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNleftOffset , 2, XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNrightOffset , 2, NULL); Widget downLabel = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "downLabel", xmLabelWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNtopWidget , separator2, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNleftOffset , 5, XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNrightOffset , 5, NULL); Widget downApproxLabel = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "downApproxLabel", xmLabelWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNtopWidget , downLabel, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNleftOffset , 5, NULL); Widget downPulldown = this->createDownPulldown(dialog); Widget buttonDownOptionMenu = this->buttonDownOptionMenu = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "buttonDownOptionMenu", xmRowColumnWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNtopWidget , downLabel, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNrightOffset , 2, XmNentryAlignment , XmALIGNMENT_CENTER, XmNrowColumnType , XmMENU_OPTION, XmNsubMenuId , downPulldown, #if defined(aviion) XmNlabelString , xmstr, NULL); XmStringFree(xmstr); #else NULL); #endif Widget downDensityLabel = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "downDensityLabel", xmLabelWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNtopWidget , buttonDownOptionMenu, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNleftOffset , 5, NULL); this->downEveryNumber = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "downEveryNumber", xmNumberWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNtopWidget , buttonDownOptionMenu, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNrightOffset , 5, XmNiMinimum , 1, XmNiMaximum , 1000000, XmNrecomputeSize , False, XmNdataType , INTEGER, XmNcharPlaces , 7, XmNeditable , True, NULL); XtAddCallback(this->downEveryNumber, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)RenderingOptionsDialog_NumberCB, (XtPointer)this); Widget separator3 = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "separator3", xmSeparatorWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNtopWidget , this->downEveryNumber, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNleftOffset , 5, XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNrightOffset , 5, NULL); this->cancel = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "closeButton", xmPushButtonWidgetClass, dialog, XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNtopWidget , separator3, XmNtopOffset , 10, XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM, XmNleftOffset , 5, XmNbottomAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM, XmNbottomOffset , 5, XmNrecomputeSize , False, NULL); this->sensitizeRenderMode(! iw->isRenderModeConnected()); this->sensitizeButtonUpApprox(! iw->isButtonUpApproxConnected()); this->sensitizeButtonDownApprox(! iw->isButtonDownApproxConnected()); this->sensitizeButtonUpDensity(! iw->isButtonUpDensityConnected()); this->sensitizeButtonDownDensity(! iw->isButtonDownDensityConnected()); return dialog; }
bool interpret(string cmd, vector<string> args){ if(cmd == "help"){ if(args.size()==0){ cout << "Current commands:" << endl; for(auto it:help) cout << " -" << it.first << endl; }else if(args.size()==1){ auto it = help.find(args[0]); if(it!=help.end()) cout << it->second << endl; else cout << "Unknown command" << endl; }else{ cout << help[cmd] << endl; } }else if(cmd == "exit"){ running = false; }else if(cmd == "show"){ if(args.size()!=1){ cout << help[cmd] << endl; }else{ if(args[0]=="windows"){ cout << "Windows(Image): " << windows.size() << endl; for(auto it:windows) cout << " -" << it.first << "(" << it.second->getImageName() << ")" << endl; }else if(args[0]=="images"){ cout << "Images: " << images.size() << endl; for(auto it:images) cout << " -" << it.first << endl; }else if(args[0]=="options"){ cout << "Options: " << options.size() << endl; for(const string& opt:options) cout << " -" << opt << endl; }else if(args[0]=="imageInfo"){ if(bindedImage==""){ cout << "Not image binded" << endl; }else{ auto it = images[bindedImage]; Image* img = it->lock(); if(!img->isValid()){ cout << "Uninitialized or invalid image" << endl; }else{ cout << "Image information:" << endl << "-Width: " << img->getX() << endl << "-Height: " << img->getY() << endl; } it->unlock(); } }else{ cout << help[cmd] << endl; } } }else if(cmd == "open"){ if(args.size()!=1 || args[0].size()<4){ cout << help[cmd] << endl; }else{ if(bindedImage==""){ cout << "Not image binded" << endl; }else if((args[0].substr(args[0].size()-4,4)==".pbm" && !images[bindedImage]->call<bool>([](Image*& image, void* data)->bool{return image->loadFromPBM(*(string*)data);}, &args[0])) || (args[0].substr(args[0].size()-4,4)==".bmp" && !images[bindedImage]->call<bool>([](Image*& image, void* data)->bool{return image->loadFromBMP(*(string*)data);}, &args[0]))){ cout << "Couldn't open file..." << endl; }else{ cout << "Image loaded.\n-Width: " << images[bindedImage]->getX() << "\n-Height: " << images[bindedImage]->getY() << endl; } } }else if(cmd == "save"){ if(args.size()!=1 || args[0].size()<4){ cout << help[cmd] << endl; }else{ if(bindedImage==""){ cout << "Not image binded" << endl; }else if(!images[bindedImage]->call<bool>([](Image*& image, void* data)->bool{return image->saveToBMP(*(string*)data);}, &args[0])){ cout << "Couldn't save file..." << endl; } } }else if(cmd == "saveascii"){ if(args.size()!=1 || args[0].size()<4){ cout << help[cmd] << endl; }else{ if(bindedImage==""){ cout << "Not image binded" << endl; }else if(!images[bindedImage]->call<bool>([](Image*& image, void* data)->bool{return image->saveToAsciiArt(*(string*)data);}, &args[0])){ cout << "Couldn't save file..." << endl; } } }else if(cmd == "bind"){ if(args.size()!=2){ cout << help[cmd] << endl; }else{ if(args[0]=="window"){ if(windows.find(args[1])!=windows.end()) bindedWindow = args[1]; else cout << "Inexistent window" << endl; }else if(args[0]=="image"){ if(images.find(args[1])!=images.end()) bindedImage = args[1]; else cout << "Inexistent image" << endl; }else{ cout << help[cmd] << endl; } } }else if(cmd == "create"){ if(args.size()!=2){ cout << help[cmd] << endl; }else{ if(args[0]=="window"){ if(windows.find(args[1])==windows.end()){ windows[args[1]] = new ImageWindow(); if(options.find("bindOnCreate")!=options.end()) bindedWindow = args[1]; }else cout << "Existent window" << endl; }else if(args[0]=="image"){ if(images.find(args[1])==images.end()){ images[args[1]] = new MutexedImage(new Image(), true); if(options.find("bindOnCreate")!=options.end()) bindedImage = args[1]; }else cout << "Existent image" << endl; }else{ cout << help[cmd] << endl; } } }else if(cmd == "destroy"){ if(args.size()!=2){ cout << help[cmd] << endl; }else{ if(args[0]=="window"){ auto it = windows.find(args[1]); if(it!=windows.end()){ lock_guard<mutex> _l(globalMutex); delete it->second; windows.erase(it); bindedWindow = ""; }else cout << "Inexistent window" << endl; }else if(args[0]=="image"){ auto it = images.find(args[1]); if(it!=images.end()){ lock_guard<mutex> _l(globalMutex); it->second->setDeleteOnDestroy(true); delete it->second; images.erase(it); cout << "Windows detached:"; for(auto p : windows){ if(p.second->getImageName()==args[1]){ cout << " " << p.first; p.second->setImageName(""); } } cout << endl; bindedImage = ""; }else cout << "Inexistent image" << endl; }else{ cout << help[cmd] << endl; } } }else if(cmd == "copy"){ if(args.size()!=2){ cout << help[cmd] << endl; }else{ auto it = images.find(args[0]); auto it2 = images.find(args[1]); if(it==images.end()){ cout << "Inexistent image in first argument" << endl; }else if(it2==images.end()){ cout << "Inexistent image in second argument" << endl; }else{ Image* img = it->second->lock(); Image* img2 = it2->second->lock(); (*img2) = *img; it->second->unlock(); it2->second->unlock(); } } }else if(cmd == "attach"){ if(args.size()!=0){ cout << help[cmd] << endl; }else{ if(bindedImage==""){ cout << "Not image binded" << endl; }else if(bindedWindow==""){ cout << "Not window binded" << endl; }else{ lock_guard<mutex> _l(globalMutex); windows[bindedWindow]->setImageName(bindedImage); } } }else if(cmd == "detach"){ if(args.size()!=0){ cout << help[cmd] << endl; }else{ if(bindedWindow==""){ cout << "Not window binded" << endl; }else{ lock_guard<mutex> _l(globalMutex); ImageWindow* w = windows[bindedWindow]; if(w->getImageName()=="") cout << "Window not attached" << endl; else w->setImageName(""); } } }else if(cmd == "option"){ if(args.size()!=2){ cout << help[cmd] << endl; }else{ if(args[0] == "set"){ if(options.find(args[1]) == options.end()) options.insert(args[1]); else cout << "Option already set" << endl; }else if(args[0] == "unset"){ if(options.find(args[1]) == options.end()) options.erase(args[1]); else cout << "Inexistent option" << endl; }else{ cout << help[cmd] << endl; } } }else{ cout << "Unknown command. Type 'help' for see commands." << endl; } return false; }
bool KuickShow::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) { if ( m_delayedRepeatItem ) // we probably need to install an eventFilter over { return true; // kapp, to make it really safe } bool ret = false; int eventType = e->type(); QKeyEvent *k = 0L; if ( eventType == QEvent::KeyPress ) k = static_cast<QKeyEvent *>( e ); if ( k ) { if ( KStdAccel::quit().contains( KKey( k ) ) ) { saveSettings(); deleteAllViewers(); FileCache::shutdown(); ::exit(0); } else if ( KStdAccel::help().contains( KKey( k ) ) ) { appHelpActivated(); return true; } } ImageWindow *window = dynamic_cast<ImageWindow*>( o ); if ( window ) { // The XWindow used to display Imlib's image is being resized when // switching images, causing enter- and leaveevents for this // ImageWindow, leading to the cursor being unhidden. So we simply // don't pass those events to KCursor to prevent that. if ( eventType != QEvent::Leave && eventType != QEvent::Enter ) KCursor::autoHideEventFilter( o, e ); m_viewer = window; QString img; KFileItem *item = 0L; // the image to be shown KFileItem *item_next = 0L; // the image to be cached if ( k ) { // keypress ret = true; int key = k->key(); // Key_Shift shouldn't load the browser in nobrowser mode, it // is used for zooming in the imagewindow // Key_Alt shouldn't either - otherwise Alt+F4 doesn't work, the // F4 gets eaten (by NetAccess' modal dialog maybe?) if ( !fileWidget ) { if ( key != Key_Escape && key != Key_Shift && key != Key_Alt ) { KuickFile *file = m_viewer->currentFile(); // QFileInfo fi( m_viewer->filename() ); // start.setPath( fi.dirPath( true ) ); initGUI( file->url().upURL() ); // the fileBrowser will list the start-directory // asynchronously so we can't immediately continue. There // is no current-item and no next-item (actually no item // at all). So we tell the browser the initial // current-item and wait for it to tell us when it's ready. // Then we will replay this KeyEvent. delayedRepeatEvent( m_viewer, k ); // OK, once again, we have a problem with the now async and // sync KDirLister :( If the startDir is already cached by // KDirLister, we won't ever get that finished() signal // because it is emitted before we can connect(). So if // our dirlister has a rootFileItem, we assume the // directory is read already and simply call // slotReplayEvent() without the need for the finished() // signal. // see slotAdvanceImage() for similar code if ( fileWidget->dirLister()->isFinished() ) { if ( fileWidget->dirLister()->rootItem() ) { fileWidget->setCurrentItem( file->url().fileName() ); QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( slotReplayEvent())); } else // finished, but no root-item -- probably an error, kill repeat-item! { abortDelayedEvent(); } } else // not finished yet { fileWidget->setInitialItem( file->url().fileName() ); connect( fileWidget, SIGNAL( finished() ), SLOT( slotReplayEvent() )); } return true; } return KMainWindow::eventFilter( o, e ); } // we definitely have a fileWidget here! KKey kkey( k ); if ( key == Key_Home || KStdAccel::home().contains( kkey ) ) { item = fileWidget->gotoFirstImage(); item_next = fileWidget->getNext( false ); } else if ( key == Key_End || KStdAccel::end().contains( kkey ) ) { item = fileWidget->gotoLastImage(); item_next = fileWidget->getPrevious( false ); } else if ( fileWidget->actionCollection()->action("delete")->shortcut().contains( key )) { kdDebug() << "WOW, deletion happens here!" << endl; // KFileItem *cur = fileWidget->getCurrentItem( false ); (void) fileWidget->getCurrentItem( false ); item = fileWidget->getNext( false ); // don't move if ( !item ) item = fileWidget->getPrevious( false ); KFileItem it( KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, m_viewer->url() ); KFileItemList list; list.append( &it ); if ( fileWidget->del(list, window, (k->state() & ShiftButton) == 0) == 0L ) return true; // aborted deletion // ### check failure asynchronously and restore old item? fileWidget->setCurrentItem( item ); } else if ( m_toggleBrowserAction->shortcut().contains( key ) ) { toggleBrowser(); return true; // don't pass keyEvent } else ret = false; if ( FileWidget::isImage( item ) ) { // QString filename; // KIO::NetAccess::download(item->url(), filename, this); m_viewer->showNextImage( item->url() ); if ( kdata->preloadImage && item_next ) { // preload next image if ( FileWidget::isImage( item_next ) ) m_viewer->cacheImage( item_next->url() ); } ret = true; // don't pass keyEvent } } // keyPressEvent on ImageWindow // doubleclick closes image window // and shows browser when last window closed via doubleclick else if ( eventType == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick ) { QMouseEvent *ev = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>( e ); if ( ev->button() == LeftButton ) { if ( s_viewers.count() == 1 ) { if ( !fileWidget ) { // KURL start; // QFileInfo fi( window->filename() ); // start.setPath( fi.dirPath( true ) ); initGUI( window->currentFile()->url().fileName() ); } show(); raise(); } window->close( true ); ev->accept(); ret = true; } } } // isA ImageWindow if ( ret ) return true; return KMainWindow::eventFilter( o, e ); }
ArgumentList ExtractArguments( const StringList& argv, argument_item_mode mode, ArgumentOptions options ) { bool noItems = mode == ArgumentItemMode::NoItems; bool itemsAsFiles = mode == ArgumentItemMode::AsFiles; bool itemsAsViews = mode == ArgumentItemMode::AsViews; bool allowWildcards = !noItems && options.IsFlagSet( ArgumentOption::AllowWildcards ); bool noPreviews = itemsAsViews && options.IsFlagSet( ArgumentOption::NoPreviews ); bool recursiveDirSearch = itemsAsFiles && allowWildcards && options.IsFlagSet( ArgumentOption::RecursiveDirSearch ); bool recursiveSearchArgs = recursiveDirSearch && options.IsFlagSet( ArgumentOption::RecursiveSearchArgs ); // This is the recursive search mode flag, controlled by --r[+|-] bool recursiveSearch = false; // The list of existing view identifiers, in case itemsAsViews = true. SortedStringList imageIds; // The list of extracted arguments ArgumentList arguments; for ( StringList::const_iterator i = argv.Begin(); i != argv.End(); ++i ) { if ( i->StartsWith( '-' ) ) { Argument arg( i->At( 1 ) ); if ( recursiveSearchArgs && arg.Id() == s_recursiveSearchArg ) { if ( arg.IsSwitch() ) recursiveSearch = arg.SwitchState(); else if ( arg.IsLiteral() ) recursiveSearch = true; else arguments.Add( arg ); } else arguments.Add( arg ); } else { if ( noItems ) throw ParseError( "Non-parametric arguments are not allowed", *i ); StringList items; if ( itemsAsFiles ) { String fileName = *i; if ( fileName.StartsWith( '\"' ) ) fileName.Delete( 0 ); if ( fileName.EndsWith( '\"' ) ) fileName.Delete( fileName.UpperBound() ); fileName.Trim(); if ( fileName.IsEmpty() ) throw ParseError( "Empty path specification", *i ); fileName = File::FullPath( fileName ); if ( fileName.HasWildcards() ) { if ( !allowWildcards ) throw ParseError( "Wildcards not allowed", fileName ); items = SearchDirectory( fileName, recursiveSearch ); } else items.Add( fileName ); } else if ( itemsAsViews ) { String viewId = *i; if ( !allowWildcards ) if ( viewId.HasWildcards() ) throw ParseError( "Wildcards not allowed", viewId ); size_type p = viewId.Find( "->" ); if ( p != String::notFound ) { if ( noPreviews ) throw ParseError( "Preview identifiers not allowed", viewId ); String imageId = viewId.Left( p ); if ( imageId.IsEmpty() ) throw ParseError( "Missing image identifier", viewId ); String previewId = viewId.Substring( p+2 ); if ( previewId.IsEmpty() ) throw ParseError( "Missing preview identifier", viewId ); FindPreviews( items, imageId, previewId ); } else { if ( viewId.HasWildcards() ) { Array<ImageWindow> W = ImageWindow::AllWindows(); for ( size_type i = 0; i < W.Length(); ++i ) { View v = W[i].MainView(); if ( String( v.Id() ).WildMatch( viewId ) ) AddView( items, v ); } } else { ImageWindow w = ImageWindow::WindowById( IsoString( viewId ) ); if ( w.IsNull() ) throw ParseError( "Image not found", viewId ); AddView( items, w.MainView() ); } } } else items.Add( *i ); Argument arg( *i, items ); arguments.Add( arg ); } } return arguments; }
boolean NoUndoImageCommand::doIt(CommandInterface *ci) { ImageWindow *image = this->image; boolean ret = TRUE; ImageNode *in = (ImageNode*)image->node; ASSERT(image); switch (this->commandType) { case NoUndoImageCommand::SetBGColor: image->postBackgroundColorDialog(); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::DisplayGlobe: image->setDisplayGlobe(); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::ViewControl: ret = image->postViewControlDialog(); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::RenderingOptions: ret = image->postRenderingOptionsDialog(); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::Throttle: ret = image->postThrottleDialog(); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::ChangeImageName: ret = image->postChangeImageNameDialog(); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::AutoAxes: ret = image->postAutoAxesDialog(); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::OpenVPE: ret = image->postVPE(); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::Depth8: if( in && image->imageDepth8Option->getState() ) image->changeDepth(8); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::Depth12: if( in && image->imageDepth12Option->getState() ) image->changeDepth(12); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::Depth15: if( in && image->imageDepth15Option->getState() ) image->changeDepth(15); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::Depth16: if( in && image->imageDepth16Option->getState() ) image->changeDepth(16); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::Depth24: if( in && image->imageDepth24Option->getState() ) image->changeDepth(24); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::Depth32: if( in && image->imageDepth32Option->getState() ) image->changeDepth(32); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::SetCPAccess: image->postPanelAccessDialog( ((DisplayNode*)image->node)->getPanelManager()); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::SaveImage: image->saveImage(); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::SaveAsImage: ret = image->postSaveImageDialog(); break; case NoUndoImageCommand::PrintImage: ret = image->postPrintImageDialog(); break; default: ASSERT(0); } return ret; }
bool ChannelCombinationInstance::ExecuteOn( View& view ) { ImageWindow sourceWindow[ 3 ]; ImageVariant sourceImage[ 3 ]; AutoViewLock lock( view ); ImageVariant image = view.Image(); if ( image.IsComplexSample() ) throw Error( "ChannelCombination cannot be executed on complex images." ); if ( image->ColorSpace() != ColorSpace::RGB ) throw Error( "ChannelCombination requires a RGB color image." ); Console().EnableAbort(); StandardStatus status; image->SetStatusCallback( &status ); String baseId; Rect r; int w0, h0; if ( view.IsPreview() ) { ImageWindow w = view.Window(); View mainView = w.MainView(); baseId = mainView.Id(); r = w.PreviewRect( view.Id() ); mainView.GetSize( w0, h0 ); } else { baseId = view.Id(); r = image->Bounds(); w0 = r.Width(); h0 = r.Height(); } int numberOfSources = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) if ( channelEnabled[i] ) { String id = channelId[i]; if ( id.IsEmpty() ) id = baseId + '_' + ColorSpaceId::ChannelId( colorSpace, i ); sourceWindow[i] = ImageWindow::WindowById( id ); if ( sourceWindow[i].IsNull() ) throw Error( "ChannelCombination: Source image not found: " + id ); sourceImage[i] = sourceWindow[i].MainView().Image(); if ( !sourceImage[i] ) throw Error( "ChannelCombination: Invalid source image: " + id ); if ( sourceImage[i]->IsColor() ) throw Error( "ChannelCombination: Invalid source color space: " + id ); if ( sourceImage[i]->Width() != w0 || sourceImage[i]->Height() != h0 ) throw Error( "ChannelCombination: Incompatible source image dimensions: " + id ); ++numberOfSources; } if ( numberOfSources == 0 ) return false; const char* what = ""; switch ( colorSpace ) { case ColorSpaceId::RGB: what = "RGB channels"; break; case ColorSpaceId::CIEXYZ: what = "normalized CIE XYZ components"; break; case ColorSpaceId::CIELab: what = "normalized CIE L*a*b* components"; break; case ColorSpaceId::CIELch: what = "normalized CIE L*c*h* components"; break; case ColorSpaceId::HSV: what = "normalized HSV components"; break; case ColorSpaceId::HSI: what = "normalized HSI components"; break; } image->Status().Initialize( String( "Combining " ) + what, image->NumberOfPixels() ); if ( image.IsFloatSample() ) switch ( image.BitsPerSample() ) { case 32: CombineChannels( static_cast<Image&>( *image ), colorSpace, baseId, r, sourceImage[0], sourceImage[1], sourceImage[2] ); break; case 64: CombineChannels( static_cast<DImage&>( *image ), colorSpace, baseId, r, sourceImage[0], sourceImage[1], sourceImage[2] ); break; } else switch ( image.BitsPerSample() ) { case 8: CombineChannels( static_cast<UInt8Image&>( *image ), colorSpace, baseId, r, sourceImage[0], sourceImage[1], sourceImage[2] ); break; case 16: CombineChannels( static_cast<UInt16Image&>( *image ), colorSpace, baseId, r, sourceImage[0], sourceImage[1], sourceImage[2] ); break; case 32: CombineChannels( static_cast<UInt32Image&>( *image ), colorSpace, baseId, r, sourceImage[0], sourceImage[1], sourceImage[2] ); break; } return true; }