void mechanicalBoard1PcWaitForInstruction(void) { // Analyze data from the Console (Specific to PC) while (consoleInputStream.availableData(&consoleInputStream)) { unsigned char c = consoleInputStream.readChar(&consoleInputStream); consoleInputBuffer.outputStream.writeChar(&(consoleInputBuffer.outputStream), c); if (c == 13) { appendCRLF(&consoleOutputStream); } consoleOutputStream.writeChar(&consoleOutputStream, c); } // Analyse from the ConsoleBuffer handleStreamInstruction( &consoleInputBuffer, &consoleOutputBuffer, &consoleOutputStream, &consoleOutputStream, &filterRemoveCRLF, NULL); if (!singleModeActivated) { // Analyse data from the I2C handleStreamInstruction( &i2cSlaveInputBuffer, &i2cSlaveOutputBuffer, NULL, NULL, &filterRemoveCRLF, NULL); } }
void VFont::Read () { if (! characterTable.empty() || dviInfo.notLoadable) { return; } dviInfo.notLoadable = true; InputStream stream (dviInfo.fileName.c_str()); trace_vfont->WriteFormattedLine ("libdvi", T_("reading vf file %s"), Q_(dviInfo.fileName)); if (stream.ReadByte() != pre) { FATAL_DVI_ERROR ("VFont::Read", T_("Not a VF file."), dviInfo.fileName.c_str()); } ReadPreamble (stream); ReadFontDefsAndCharPackets (stream); ReadPostamble (stream); dviInfo.notLoadable = false; }
inline void read (InputStream& input) { //DBG("read from MinMaxColourValue"); minValue = input.readByte(); maxValue = input.readByte(); input.read ((void*)&colour, sizeof(Colour)); }
void spatial_index<Value, Filter, InputStream>::query_first_n_impl(Filter const& filter, InputStream& in, std::vector<Value>& results, std::size_t count) { if (results.size() == count) return; int offset = read_ndr_integer(in); box2d<double> node_ext; read_envelope(in, node_ext); int num_shapes = read_ndr_integer(in); if (!filter.pass(node_ext)) { in.seekg(offset + num_shapes * sizeof(Value) + 4, std::ios::cur); return; } for (int i = 0; i < num_shapes; ++i) { Value item; in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&item), sizeof(Value)); if (results.size() < count) results.push_back(std::move(item)); } int children = read_ndr_integer(in); for (int j = 0; j < children; ++j) { query_first_n_impl(filter, in, results, count); } }
boost::optional<Tree> Parser::parseFile(InputStream& is) { typedef boost::spirit::classic::position_iterator<InputStream::const_iterator, boost::spirit::classic::file_position> PosIterator; PosIterator iter(is.begin(), is.end(), is.file()); PosIterator end; rask::cst::Grammar<PosIterator> grammar(logger_); cst::Tree cst; bool r = boost::spirit::qi::phrase_parse(iter, end, grammar, boost::spirit::ascii::space, cst); if (r && iter == end && logger_.errors().empty() && cst.functions.size() > 0) { return cst; } else { if (iter == end && logger_.errors().empty()) { logger_.log(error::Message::missingMainFunction(Position(is.file()))); } return boost::none; } }
void spatial_index<Value, Filter, InputStream, BBox>::query_node(Filter const& filter, InputStream& in, std::vector<Value>& results) { int offset = read_ndr_integer(in); typename spatial_index<Value, Filter, InputStream, BBox>::bbox_type node_ext; read_envelope(in, node_ext); int num_shapes = read_ndr_integer(in); if (!filter.pass(node_ext)) { in.seekg(offset + num_shapes * sizeof(Value) + 4, std::ios::cur); return; } for (int i = 0; i < num_shapes; ++i) { Value item; in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&item), sizeof(Value)); results.push_back(std::move(item)); } int children = read_ndr_integer(in); for (int j = 0; j < children; ++j) { query_node(filter, in, results); } }
bool ObjectWrapper::read( InputStream& is, osg::Object& obj ) { bool readOK = true; for ( SerializerList::iterator itr=_serializers.begin(); itr!=_serializers.end(); ++itr ) { BaseSerializer* serializer = itr->get(); if ( serializer->_firstVersion <= is.getFileVersion() && is.getFileVersion() <= serializer->_lastVersion) { if ( !serializer->read(is, obj) ) { OSG_WARN << "ObjectWrapper::read(): Error reading property " << _name << "::" << (*itr)->getName() << std::endl; readOK = false; } } else { // OSG_NOTICE<<"Ignoring serializer due to version mismatch"<<std::endl; } } for ( FinishedObjectReadCallbackList::iterator itr=_finishedObjectReadCallbacks.begin(); itr!=_finishedObjectReadCallbacks.end(); ++itr ) { (*itr)->objectRead(is, obj); } return readOK; }
int OutputStream::writeFromInputStream (InputStream& source, int numBytesToWrite) { if (numBytesToWrite < 0) numBytesToWrite = 0x7fffffff; int numWritten = 0; while (numBytesToWrite > 0 && ! source.isExhausted()) { char buffer [8192]; const int num = source.read (buffer, (int) jmin ((size_t) numBytesToWrite, sizeof (buffer))); if (num == 0) break; write (buffer, num); numBytesToWrite -= num; numWritten += num; } return numWritten; }
void motorBoardWaitForInstruction(void) { // delaymSec(MOTOR_BOARD_PC_DELAY_CONSOLE_ANALYZE_MILLISECONDS); // Analyze data from the Console (Specific to PC) while (consoleInputStream.availableData(&consoleInputStream)) { unsigned char c = consoleInputStream.readChar(&consoleInputStream); consoleInputBuffer.outputStream.writeChar(&(consoleInputBuffer.outputStream), c); if (c == 13) { appendCRLF(&consoleOutputStream); } consoleOutputStream.writeChar(&consoleOutputStream, c); } // Analyse from the ConsoleBuffer handleStreamInstruction( &consoleInputBuffer, &consoleOutputBuffer, &consoleOutputStream, &filterRemoveCRLF, NULL); if (!singleModeActivated) { // Analyse data from the I2C handleStreamInstruction( &i2cSlaveInputBuffer, &i2cSlaveOutputBuffer, NULL, &filterRemoveCRLF, NULL); } handleInstructionAndMotion(); }
void input_reader(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data, png_size_t length) { InputStream *istr = (InputStream*)png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr); int ct = istr->ReadChars(length, data); if(ct != length) png_error(png_ptr, "unexpected EOF"); }
void demo::package::__read(InputStream& __is) { __is.read_string(str1); __is.read_long(length); __is.read_short(op); }
const var var::readFromStream (InputStream& input) { const int numBytes = input.readCompressedInt(); if (numBytes > 0) { switch (input.readByte()) { case 1: return var (input.readInt()); case 2: return var (true); case 3: return var (false); case 4: return var (input.readDouble()); case 5: { MemoryOutputStream mo; mo.writeFromInputStream (input, numBytes - 1); return var (mo.toUTF8()); } default: input.skipNextBytes (numBytes - 1); break; } } return var::null; }
bool SoundFile::openRead(InputStream& stream) { // If the file is already opened, first close it if (m_file) sf_close(m_file); // Prepare the memory I/O structure SF_VIRTUAL_IO io; io.get_filelen = &Stream::getLength; io.read = &Stream::read; io.seek = &Stream::seek; io.tell = &Stream::tell; // Initialize the stream data m_stream.source = &stream; m_stream.size = stream.getSize(); // Make sure that the stream's reading position is at the beginning stream.seek(0); // Open the sound file SF_INFO fileInfo; fileInfo.format = 0; m_file = sf_open_virtual(&io, SFM_READ, &fileInfo, &m_stream); if (!m_file) { err() << "Failed to open sound file from stream (" << sf_strerror(m_file) << ")" << std::endl; return false; } // Initialize the internal state from the loaded information initialize(fileInfo); return true; }
void mfparamtest(){ InputStream inS; MFParam mfPar; vector<vector<double>> * surodata; vector<vector<vector<double>>> *mfParam; inS.getOrigWindowN(); surodata=inS.getSurWindowN(); cout<< "this is surrogate data"<<endl; for (auto i: *surodata){ for (auto j:i){ cout << j<< " "; } } mfParam=mfPar.getMfparam(surodata); cout<<endl<<"this is power"<<endl; vector<vector<double>> *pw=mfPar.getPower(); for (auto i: *(pw)){ for (auto j: i){ cout << j<< " "; } } cout <<endl<<"this is mf params coming out of MFParam" <<endl; for (auto i:*mfParam){ for (auto j: i){ for (auto k: j){ cout << k << " "; } } } }
std::string stream_sucker( InputStream& stream ) { #if ADOBE_PLATFORM_MAC const char platform_lf('\r'); #else const char platform_lf('\n'); // Windows seems to handle this fine #endif std::string result; if ( stream.is_open() ) { stream.unsetf(std::ios_base::skipws); std::istream_iterator<char> first(stream); std::istream_iterator<char> last; while (first != last) { if (is_line_end(first, last)) { result.append(1, platform_lf); continue; } result.append(1, *first); ++first; } } return result; }
size_t readSome_inner(InputStream& is, void *buf, size_t size, typename enable_if<is_convertible<InputStream, std::istream>::value>::type* = 0) { is.read(static_cast<char *>(buf), size); const std::streamsize readSize = is.gcount(); if (readSize < 0) throw cybozu::Exception("stream:readSome_inner:bad readSize") << size << readSize; if (readSize > 0xffffffff && size_t(-1) == 0xffffffff) throw cybozu::Exception("stream:readSome_inner:too large") << readSize; return static_cast<size_t>(readSize); }
InputStream createInputCompressedFileStream(const std::string &fileName) { InputStream inputStream; boost::shared_ptr<InputCompressedFileStreamBuffer> inputBuffer(new InputCompressedFileStreamBuffer(fileName)); inputStream.setBuffer(inputBuffer); return inputStream; }
UserDefinedChunk (InputStream& input, int64 size) { // a user defined chunk contains 16 bytes of a UUID first uuid[1] = input.readInt64BigEndian(); uuid[0] = input.readInt64BigEndian(); input.skipNextBytes (size - 16); }
static unsigned long Stream_ReadFunc(FT_Stream stream, unsigned long offset, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned long count) { InputStream *pSource; pSource = (InputStream *)stream->descriptor.pointer; pSource->Seek(offset, SEEK_SET); return pSource->Read(buffer, count); }
hdfsFile hdfsOpenFile(hdfsFS fs, const char * path, int flags, int bufferSize, short replication, tOffset blocksize) { PARAMETER_ASSERT(fs && path && strlen(path) > 0, NULL, EINVAL); PARAMETER_ASSERT(bufferSize >= 0 && replication >= 0 && blocksize >= 0, NULL, EINVAL); PARAMETER_ASSERT(!(flags & O_RDWR) && !((flags & O_EXCL) && (flags & O_CREAT)), NULL, ENOTSUP); HdfsFileInternalWrapper * file = NULL; OutputStream * os = NULL; InputStream * is = NULL; try { file = new HdfsFileInternalWrapper(); if ((flags & O_CREAT) || (flags & O_APPEND) || (flags & O_WRONLY)) { int internalFlags = 0; if (flags & O_CREAT) { internalFlags |= Hdfs::Create; } else if ((flags & O_APPEND) && (flags & O_WRONLY)) { internalFlags |= Hdfs::Create; internalFlags |= Hdfs::Append; } else if (flags & O_WRONLY) { internalFlags |= Hdfs::Create; internalFlags |= Hdfs::Overwrite; } if (flags & O_SYNC) { internalFlags |= Hdfs::SyncBlock; } file->setInput(false); os = new OutputStream; os->open(fs->getFilesystem(), path, internalFlags, 0777, false, replication, blocksize); file->setStream(os); } else { file->setInput(true); is = new InputStream; is->open(fs->getFilesystem(), path, true); file->setStream(is); } return file; } catch (const std::bad_alloc & e) { delete file; delete os; delete is; SetErrorMessage("Out of memory"); errno = ENOMEM; } catch (...) { delete file; delete os; delete is; SetLastException(Hdfs::current_exception()); handleException(Hdfs::current_exception()); } return NULL; }
unsigned int StandardPackage::getCrc(const std::string &fileName) { InputStream strm = createInputFileStream(fileName); if(strm.getSize() != 0) { return 0xFFFFFFFF; } return 0; }
void Disassembler::Disassemble(InputStream &cboStream, OutputStream &outputStream) { const auto pos = cboStream.GetPosition(); CboValidator validator; CboValidator::Result result = validator.Validate(cboStream); cboStream.SetPosition(pos); DisassemblerCore disassembler(result, mAllocator, cboStream, outputStream); disassembler.Disassemble(); }
box2d<double> spatial_index<Value, Filter, InputStream>::bounding_box(InputStream& in) { if (!check_header(in)) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid index file (regenerate with shapeindex)"); in.seekg(16 + 4, std::ios::beg); box2d<double> box; read_envelope(in, box); in.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); return box; }
AudioDescriptionChunk (InputStream& input) { sampleRate = input.readDoubleBigEndian(); formatID = (uint32) input.readIntBigEndian(); formatFlags = (uint32) input.readIntBigEndian(); bytesPerPacket = (uint32) input.readIntBigEndian(); framesPerPacket = (uint32) input.readIntBigEndian(); channelsPerFrame = (uint32) input.readIntBigEndian(); bitsPerChannel = (uint32) input.readIntBigEndian(); }
void serializeSection(InputStream& stream,SectionType expectedType,SerializeSection serializeSectionBody) { wavmAssert((SectionType)*stream.peek(sizeof(SectionType)) == expectedType); stream.advance(sizeof(SectionType)); Uptr numSectionBytes = 0; serializeVarUInt32(stream,numSectionBytes); MemoryInputStream sectionStream(stream.advance(numSectionBytes),numSectionBytes); serializeSectionBody(sectionStream); if(sectionStream.capacity()) { throw FatalSerializationException("section contained more data than expected"); } }
//============================================================================== static StringPairArray parseInformationChunk (InputStream& input) { StringPairArray infoStrings; const uint32 numEntries = (uint32) input.readIntBigEndian(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i) infoStrings.set (input.readString(), input.readString()); return infoStrings; }
BBox spatial_index<Value, Filter, InputStream, BBox>::bounding_box(InputStream& in) { static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<Value>::value, "Values stored in quad-tree must be standard layout type"); if (!check_spatial_index(in)) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid index file (regenerate with shapeindex)"); in.seekg(16 + 4, std::ios::beg); typename spatial_index<Value, Filter, InputStream, BBox>::bbox_type box; read_envelope(in, box); in.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); return box; }
void File::ParseName(InputStream& s, CStringW& name) { name.Empty(); for(int c = s.SkipWhiteSpace(); iswcsym(c); c = s.PeekChar()) { if(name.IsEmpty() && iswdigit(c)) s.ThrowError(_T("'name' cannot start with a number")); name += (WCHAR)s.GetChar(); } }
int main() { Stream stream; stream.Set(); cout << stream.Get() << endl; InputStream istream; cout << "> " << flush; istream.Set(); cout << istream.Get() << endl; }
void readHeader(InputStream& is, header& h) { h.first = is.inputBits(32); for (uint32 i = 0; i < 8; i++) { h.increments[i] = is.inputBits(8); } h.fileSize = is.inputBits(32); h.tempSize = is.inputBits(32); }