// combine the (xdiv-1)*(ydiv-1) integral images into a single one
void DetectionScanner::InitIntegralImages(const int stepsize)
        return; // No need to prepare integral images

    const int hd = height/xdiv*2-2;
    const int wd = width/ydiv*2-2;
    double* linearweights = cascade->nodes[0]->classifier.buf;
    for(int i=0; i<xdiv-EXT; i++)
        const int xoffset = height/xdiv*i;
        for(int j=0; j<ydiv-EXT; j++)
            const int yoffset = width/ydiv*j;
            for(int x=2; x<ct.nrow-2-xoffset; x++)
                int* ctp = ct.p[x+xoffset]+yoffset;
                double* tempp = scores.p[x];
                for(int y=2; y<ct.ncol-2-yoffset; y++)
                    tempp[y] += linearweights[ctp[y]];
            linearweights += baseflength;
    for(int i=2; i<ct.nrow-2-height; i+=stepsize)
        double* p1 = scores.p[i];
        double* p2 = scores.p[i+hd];
        for(int j=2; j<ct.ncol-2-width; j+=stepsize)
            p1[j] += (p2[j+wd] - p2[j] - p1[j+wd]);
void IntImage<T>::Sobel(IntImage<REAL>& result,const bool useSqrt,const bool normalize)
    // compute the Sobel gradient. For now, we just use the very inefficient way. Optimization can be done later
// if useSqrt = true, we compute the real Sobel gradient; otherwise, the square of it
// if normalize = true, the numbers are normalized to be in 0..255
    for(int i=0; i<nrow; i++) result.p[i][0] = result.p[i][ncol-1] = 0;
    for(int i=1; i<nrow-1; i++)
        T* p1 = p[i-1];
        T* p2 = p[i];
        T* p3 = p[i+1];
        REAL* pr = result.p[i];
        for(int j=1; j<ncol-1; j++)
            REAL gx =     p1[j-1] - p1[j+1]
                          + 2*(p2[j-1]   - p2[j+1])
                          +    p3[j-1] - p3[j+1];
            REAL gy =     p1[j-1] - p3[j-1]
                          + 2*(p1[j]   - p3[j])
                          +    p1[j+1] - p3[j+1];
            pr[j] = gx*gx+gy*gy;
    if(useSqrt || normalize ) // if we want to normalize the result image, we'd better use the true Sobel gradient
        for(int i=1; i<nrow-1; i++)
            for(int j=1; j<ncol-1; j++)
                result.p[i][j] = sqrt(result.p[i][j]);

        REAL minv = 1e20, maxv = -minv;
        for(int i=1; i<nrow-1; i++)
            for(int j=1; j<ncol-1; j++)
                    minv = result.p[i][j];
                else if(result.p[i][j]>maxv)
                    maxv = result.p[i][j];
        for(int i=0; i<nrow; i++) result.p[i][0] = result.p[i][ncol-1] = minv;
        for(int i=0; i<ncol; i++) result.p[0][i] = result.p[nrow-1][i] = minv;
        REAL s = 255.0/(maxv-minv);
        for(int i=0; i<nrow*ncol; i++) result.buf[i] = (result.buf[i]-minv)*s;
// compute the Sobel image "ct" from "original"
void ComputeCT(IntImage<double>& original,IntImage<int>& ct)
    for(int i=2; i<original.nrow-2; i++)
        double* p1 = original.p[i-1];
        double* p2 = original.p[i];
        double* p3 = original.p[i+1];
        int* ctp = ct.p[i];
        for(int j=2; j<original.ncol-2; j++)
            int index = 0;
            if(p2[j]<=p1[j-1]) index += 0x80;
            if(p2[j]<=p1[j]) index += 0x40;
            if(p2[j]<=p1[j+1]) index += 0x20;
            if(p2[j]<=p2[j-1]) index += 0x10;
            if(p2[j]<=p2[j+1]) index += 0x08;
            if(p2[j]<=p3[j-1]) index += 0x04;
            if(p2[j]<=p3[j]) index += 0x02;
            if(p2[j]<=p3[j+1]) index ++;
            ctp[j] = index;